Ways to meet girls. Chic ways to meet girls with examples

The methods of meeting girls, invented by world seducers, have always been highly effective. However, for many guys, dating girls seems like a very difficult task. Maybe they don't have the knowledge? Or maybe they start to get confused when to choose the right one?

For 5 years of my practice, I came to the conclusion that too many methods become the cause of failure. Having several options for starting an acquaintance in his head, the guy cannot choose any of them. As they say, give a person several options - he will not choose one.

Therefore, I decided to talk about the most effective of them so that you save your time, instead of wasting precious seconds on extra thinking just before the approach. I can confidently say that they are very different from most of the other methods described in glossy magazines. Maybe that's why they work.

Methods for dating girls

Method #1: building social proof

Social proof is a term from a pickup truck, meaning social demand. Some translate it as "social status", but this is somewhat inaccurate.

Many foreign masters of seduction put the theory of peacockism at the head. Its essence lies in the guy demonstrating his brightness and relevance among others. If others:

  • will actively communicate with him
  • to ask questions
  • laugh at jokes
  • seek his attention

then the interest of the female half is provided.

The reason for this becomes natural mechanism, which includes sexual arousal in girls at the moment when she sees the leader. And the leader, in the understanding of women, is the man who can provide her offspring with protection and all the necessary resources for a comfortable life.

This mechanism of choosing a male by females sometimes causes conflicting feelings. It works even when a woman is already paired with a rich man, but still wants to join a poor man, showing that he is a leader. Although it is logical to assume that a rich man will definitely be able to provide his family with all the necessary resources.

So, guys, you need to learn seduction, learn dating methods and engage in self-development. Otherwise, even money cannot be considered a guarantee of saving you from treason beloved woman.

Therefore, if you are active, you can definitely attract the attention of a female. After that, the acquaintance passes very quickly and easily: it will be enough just to come up and ask for a number. Try it!

Method number 2: cause jealousy

The method is very similar to the previous one, but I still decided to put it separately.

Method number 3: give a flower when meeting

A good first impression can be made with a simple... rose.

When you walk down the street holding a rose in your hand, then all the people around you begin to pay close attention to you.

Guys think: “Cool, he has a date!”. And the women: “I wish I were like that!”.

It may seem strange to you, but each of the beautiful creatures passing by longs for this flower to be handed to her. This is a great method that always works (100% chance).

In general, I am against giving flowers. AND I sincerely believe that this kills all sexual attraction. However, when it comes to dating, you can afford to do it.

I have talked about this method before. But now I have come to the conclusion that giving a rose bought with her is much more effective than buying in advance and "looking for a victim."

Apparently, a little later, the girls begin to understand one simple thing (which is difficult to notice at first): if the guy bought it in advance, then he was specifically looking for a “victim”.

Free street dating method

Method #4: Contextual Approach

When you approach a stranger on the street, she automatically develops tension and turns on a protective mechanism aimed at "disqualifying the player."

There is one good way to quietly start chatting with girls so that they do not even suspect that this is an acquaintance. This method allows you to bypass their protection.

Its essence is to start communication, not trying to openly get to know the girl, but asking an interesting question or statement. At such moments, the stranger does not understand at all what exactly you want. On the one hand, when she saw you, she may have already tuned in to “rebate”. On the other hand, there are no reasons to “reject” you. And after an unusual socially appropriate question, she has an interest in continuing to communicate.

Socially Appropriate Context- those phrases (or questions) that describe the environment, behavioral features, its appearance, possible thoughts.

Of course, we cannot do without examples:

  • “You have such a dance step that it seems as if you have been at the club all night”.
  • “You have great taste. Do you want me to introduce you?"(if she looks at an ugly guy).
  • "Great figure, right?"(she looks at another girl).


  • Acquaintance with a girl on the street can be easily started from a socially appropriate context. it allows you to bypass their protection.
  • The first three methods require an investment of either moral strength or money, but they are more effective than the fourth.
  • The application of these methods needs naturalness. The main thing is to imagine that you have always behaved this way, and this is normal for you.

There I described the most powerful techniques for working with fear, and also gave a new understanding of the dating process. I advise you to do All exercises!

Sergey Kulikov.

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience. The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, right?

Now I am ready to reveal to you those secrets that were previously available only to my clients. I will tell you, what should you do BEFORE dating how exactly you have to behave so that she wants to leave the number and so on. If you want to receive my personal dating secrets, then enter your e-mail in the form below. I will send you these materials directly to your mailbox!

Some more information on the topic:

4 secret ways to meet a girl on the street The best words and first phrases for dating a girl Get rid of the fear of dating on your own

The ability to meet girls is a skill that often requires a role model to master. By observing the seducer, you can understand exactly how he works and put it into practice.

Therefore, I decided to show you the ways of dating with examples.

Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  • directive approaches,
  • approaches with a friend
  • and contextual.

Now I will tell you about each of them, and also show the video I recorded. However, I advise you to carefully read the text material, so as not to miss important information.

Directive approach

Acquaintance with the help of direct is the approach in which you do not hide your intentions. You act quickly, confidently, assertively (but without fanaticism).

Often it is this way of dating that works best with those girls for whom, above all, the presence of confidence and moral strength in a guy.

You have probably already tried to get acquainted in this way. And you probably didn't manage to do it every time. First, it does not work with all girls. Some girls are very active in resisting the direct approach (but the situational approach works well with them).

And secondly, in order for the directive way of getting to know a girl to work, you need to “keep in shape” such components as:

  1. Appearance. You don't have to look expensive to meet girls normally. Enough normal, clean clothes.
  1. internal state. This is the most important point, which just determines the presence of your success. Or its absence, if one of its components is lame. So, what are the components of the internal state:
  • Confidence in yourself and your actions
  • Self-esteem
  • Correct Attitudes and Beliefs

That is why if:

  • from the very morning they managed to step on your foot, push, call a bad word (and you didn’t say anything in response)
  • you had few girls, and you consider yourself "somehow not like that"
  • to trembling in the knees afraid to get acquainted,

then do not expect good results in a directive way of getting to know a girl.

  1. your speech. Those. What And How you say. This, of course, largely depends on the internal state. But still, this item needs separate control.

Now take a look at the video as I implement a directive approach.

With a friend

Such acquaintances have both pluses and minuses. pros are that you can get help, for example, when a girl is walking with her not-so-beautiful friend. In this case, your partner can distract an ugly girlfriend, take her to a cafe while you seduce "your own".

Minuses- in the fact that in about half of the cases you will have to provide such assistance. In addition, there is a danger that you will get used to regular acquaintances with a partner, and you will no longer be able to do it alone.

If you decide to meet girls not alone, but with a friend, then try to do this:

"Cool party!"

"What's a DJ? Cool plays!

“Is there always such queues here?”

  • Time context

“Hi) why did you come to the club so early? I see there are still not enough people ... ".

"Hello! Why are you walking around the park so late?

"Hey! I haven't seen you before! Did you come at the end of the party? Everyone has already left for the auto-party! ”

"Don't get wet in the rain." (It is raining outside, you are holding an umbrella in your hands, but the girl does not have it).

"Hey, are you cold?"

"Ay, why did you do that?" (she accidentally stepped on your foot or pushed, by the way, most likely not by chance)

“Listen, what kind of guy just approached you? I think he's a maniac!"

"Why did you send him away? He's cool! ".

  • “Will I find a girl as cute as you there?;)”.
  • “Don’t you know, there are cute girls like you there?;)”.
  • "Thanks for the advice. Look, it would be stupid if you left like this, even though we could get to know you. My name is Yegor ... ".
  • “Actually, I don’t need to go there) I just didn’t know how else to get to know you) My name is Egor ...”.

Now watch the video on the situational approach. By the way, you can notice a lot of additional features in it, which you can apply both in the directive approach and in the approach with a friend. (read the explanation right in the video itself).

Now try in practice all 3 ways to meet a girl. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting!

Do you really want to learn how to meet girls on the street and in transport? Then read the instruction "100 correct ways to meet a girl"...

If you want to get acquainted with a girl in transport, make her inadvertently push you, and then you can ask:
- Girl, well, what should I call you after that?

Or here is another option for transport:
- Girl, could you hit me?
- YES!!!
- And I you YES! (Option: - NO, then: And I you - YES!!!)

Girl, let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night now, but you refuse? You might win money

Young woman! Are there Germans in the city?.. And Russians?
Let's go to my place, draw the curtains, undress, lie down in bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what we get out of it.

Girl, excuse me, can you tell me the time? How much time do we need to get to know each other and brighten up the waiting time for the next vehicle? By the way, my name is...

In the words of a friend:
-Young woman! Marry me, otherwise .... I'll change my mind.
Personally, when I go out into the street in the evening, I just attach myself to a couple of girls from behind (don't think anything bad), follow them for a while, and then go around _left_ and say: "Girls, take me with you!"

Or in the store: “Girl, you probably know. I bought pasta, but I don’t really know what to do with them,” (if there is an explanation, proceed further: “Can I always consult with you?

For example, having come close enough to the object of your choice, you can stand for a minute or two with the look of a person thinking about something of his own, and then stun the unfortunate innocent question: "Is it okay that I am silent?"

The following sentence has it all: depth, mystery, and a request for forgiveness:
-Girls, have you stopped meeting in the evenings? While the girls are calculating what to say, No or Yes, to send you off - and this is not easy, denials count longer - you continue with a sly look (shaking your finger): Oh, I see in my eyes that they have not stopped!

You are just walking down the street, suddenly you see an interesting girl, you instantly approach her: "You know, after a long search, I still found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time."

And it’s better to approach with a look looking for something on the ground and a sad voice: “Girls, have you seen a Motorola tube here ???”. After shaking your head negatively, you add even more sadly: "That's bad luck, yesterday the keys to the car, today Motorola ..."

We got on the tram, played peepers:
- Girl, I'm sorry, he's going to ....

- Yes, it's coming.

- Oh shit, let's get out before the doors close!

Girl, your phone, please hurry, 10 seconds left!

Girl, can you tell me, I have a difficult question in a crossword puzzle - a six-letter word, usually pronounced by a girl when a young man tries to get to know her?
- Back off.
- Exactly, it fits! What is your name?))
- Back off, I say!

I like to joke with girls lately. So the corresponding phrase was found, which I present to you now. We approach, catch up, overtake the girl and say: "Girl, your most beautiful place is dirty!" And here the main reaction of the girl is not to miss. What does she think is the most beautiful?

There is a girl, so beautiful of herself. A pick-up artist (this is you and me) passed by once, a second time, and on the third one he comes up and says:

Girl, do you know what love at first sight is, or me again
pass the? I personally tried it, with a girl standing at a bus stop, the result is this: She was confused, then blinked and held out her hand saying her name. Exodus: had to buy her ice cream.

Here I read the list of templates by Vyacheslav Ostankov and came up with such a subject. Sometimes you need to rent a maiden for one night and this template is just for that. You buy a pack of condoms, I think it’s better to have a few fastened into a kind of accordion (it will look more spectacular) and approach HER with the most serious and lamer face possible. Unfold your button accordion and say: -

Girl, do you know how to use it? She (go options):
1. Of course.
2. No (drives)
3. Guy, why are you overheated (frostbitten, collapsed from an oak tree, stoned ...)?

You, if the answer is 1:
And let's you teach me and we use them for their intended purpose.
If the answer is 2:
And let me teach you ... la la la.
If answer 3: I think we should back off (or you have options)
Let's go further.
- Girl, I liked you so much, do you want me to show you a trick?
- Which?
- You go to my house, we drink champagne, I fuck you and you disappear.

You can always say that this is a joke. Works only with a certain circle of girls.

"What do you think an interesting young man should say to a pretty girl, when meeting on the street, so as not to be refused?"

Works very often. Pickup by car. A friend told how she was picked up:
Situation: two girls on the sidewalk, two men in Merc. "Girls, you are so tall and beautiful, and we are so small and fat. Come and eat ice cream with us." And a very kind face.

Girl, my fly is undone, help me zip it up plz!
- Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied. (of course, you can also use a handbag in the face, but more often it turns out the second)

Heard on TV:
- Girl, what fairy tale are you from?

You drive up on roller skates to the store, at the entrance to which there is a large staircase, which is difficult to climb / descend on roller skates. You are waiting for a beautiful girl (or a group of girls). When they come closer, you roll up to them and say: “Girls, please buy me mineral water, otherwise you can kill yourself on these steps” and put money into her hands. when she (they) go out, it is no longer difficult to continue acquaintance. Tried three times at the entrance to the store, located in the basement. Efficiency - 100%.

Template break: - Girl, do you have any threads? 90% of girls will ask: "Why do you?" Answer - To strike up our friendship right here!
We hope that you can find a way appropriate to the current situation. As a last resort, try this one: take, if possible, a printout, but you can write by hand, all of the above methods, approach the object of adoration and offer to choose the one you like the most, well, then, I think it’s understandable ... If you have your own way to make acquaintances, we will be glad if you share it. Good luck!

Ad in the paper:
The men who ran after me at 11 o'clock on December 1
evenings from the park to the subway. Don't worry that you don't
caught up. I still had critical days.

  • You take a printout of all available templates, approach the object of adoration and offer to choose the one you like the most.
  • In the store, you put a bottle of wine in a cart for a girl and say: “I have a cake, you have wine!”
  • In the supermarket, take a bottle of wine from the shelf, put it in the girl's basket and say, "Drink this and call when you're ready."
  • You get up with a friend at the entrance to some university and let students through only student ones, especially carefully finding fault with beauties.
  • To a girl with a child: "I see you like to fuck."
  • You take out a handkerchief from your pocket and ask: "Didn't you drop the handkerchief?"
  • If a girl is wearing sunglasses with mirrored lenses, then you can ask them to use them as mirrors (comb your hair, for example).
  • If a girl is reading a book, then give her a beautiful bookmark with a picture of a pleasant animal or flower with the words: “I noticed that your book does not have a bookmark, so I decided to give it to you. It seems to me that this bookmark suits your book very well.” If she has a bookmark, you just need to offer a more beautiful option.
  • If you are afraid of being sent when trying to get acquainted, then approach twenty girls with the goal of being sent and try very hard! What are you afraid of - that you will be sent or that you will not be able to be sent? If girls ask, say so: “My friend said that it is very difficult to be sent by a girl. I made a bet with him for 20 rubles, so you can help me earn money for beer. But I ask you - the message must be of high quality, I will record it on the recorder.
  • Look her straight in the eyes. When she can’t stand your gaze and blinks, exclaim: “Girl, you winked at me! How flirty you are!”
  • Behind the toe of the boot, the heel of the girl in front. She may swear at you, but the main thing is that the conversation has begun, and it is in your power to turn it in the right direction.
  • An umbrella is the best occasion to get acquainted, unless, of course, it is large (so as not to invade "personal space"). Silently take under your wing the ruffled, weeping girl, and just as silently walk beside you. It turns out as in the old joke - "it's better to be silent for an hour than to persuade for three hours." After a while, the puzzled companion begins to try to get acquainted, ask questions and push the phone. Or you can do the opposite - ask a girl to save you from an unearthly waterfall or dive under her umbrella without asking.
  • Play the stutterer: "Where is the street D-d-d-d-d-d ..?" Pity will always wake up in a girl, she will begin to guess the street - and try to help. “Actually, I want to meet you.”
  • You playfully lick your fingers, and then lightly wipe them on her blouse, saying: “Why are we sitting in the wet now? Let's go get dressed!"
  • You go to some club and offer your services in distributing flyers - as a rule, you are only welcome, and besides, they usually give free admission for two people. After that, you come up to a stranger on the street and ask if she goes to discos. And then you tell her that you liked her so much that you would like to go there with her yourself, besides for free. In addition, the distribution of flyers is a really great excuse to approach the coolest girls with the words: “Girls, be sure to come, you will serve as a living decoration for our disco, perhaps even more spectacular than our new super-cool color and music setup ...” You can go for a trick, and , promising free entry, take their phones under the pretext that you still need to clarify about this free entry. You can leave them your phone - in this case, it is very likely that at least one will call you. For free cheese, she will even go into a mousetrap.
  • Being in a large company of not too frostbitten girls (most often your classmates), you take a sheet of A4 paper and make a list of all of whom you will subject to the procedure described below. Then you approach the first client from your list (let it be, for example, Alisa Antonova) and sweepingly, seriously, put her right buttock in your palm. Then you raise your eyes to the sky, pretending to count something in your mind, and say the phrase: “Yes, yes, definitely 7 points,” and write down this indicator of elasticity of the ass in front of the name of the pleased girl. And you move on to the next object of study. As a result, you will be the proud owner of the list of ass elasticity, quench your thirst for tactile sensations, and at the same time finally prove yourself as the last cretin and bastard. Crowds of aunts will still run after you with a request to check their elasticity again - everyone wants to be in the first place. You can apply this method to other parts of the body.
  • Being next to the girl, inflate a balloon, write or draw with a marker what you want, and solemnly hand it over.
  • Help - clearly use the girl's random (or organized) awkwardness due to lack of information about something (show a certain place, explain how to do something); cleverly use a random (or even foreseen or created) need for a girl for some service (help in setting up a car, offer an extra ticket, give a ride somewhere).
  • Shake off her shoulder, sleeve, back (but not the back) and say: “Girl, I shook you off, otherwise you look so bad. Here. That's better. I am Alexander".
  • Give the girl a piece of paper with the words "Read, please, otherwise I can't see well." On the piece of paper is the text “I really liked you, and I suggest that we get to know you. My name is…"
  • [Using ready-made dating methods is, of course, better than not dating at all. But still in this way you will not get high results. It is important to be able to "read" the situation: the mood of the girl, her employment, her mood, her image, her image, the environment - many factors are taken into account when choosing a dating method in this particular situation. You will learn how to do it at lightning speed in real conditions at the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy under the covert control of special equipment.]
  • You run up to her, all so unfamiliar, and in a breathless voice you beg to do something: urgently solve a quadratic equation; take a note to the next entrance; hold the kitten by its hind legs because it choked on a hot dog.
  • Pick up the girl and carry her into the bus or trolleybus, then put her on the floor, turn half a turn towards her and act as if nothing happened. If you decided on this, and you succeeded, then a successful pickup is guaranteed. She will think only of you all the way, and only good things.
  • Come close to her, instantly open the lapel of your jacket, introduce yourself (through your teeth) as an FSB officer, say that you need to watch that man, but so that he does not notice the surveillance, you must pretend that you and your girlfriend are walking around the store. Then act according to the situation! Suddenly hug her, kiss her and quietly in her ear: it’s necessary so that he doesn’t suspect! Women in the soul of an actress, they will play along with pleasure!
  • Coming close to the object you have chosen, you can stand for a minute or two with the look of a person thinking about something of his own, and then dumbfound the unfortunate innocent question: “Is it okay that I am silent?” This phrase encapsulates everything: depth, mystery and a request for forgiveness.
  • You swim up to a girl sitting on the shore, on a rowboat rented: “Do you want to ride on my yacht?”
  • Pick it up on the go with the words: “Caution!!! Don't step on the ladybug!"
  • Congratulate the girl on the holiday! Every day there is some kind of holiday (see the tear-off calendar), and if not the New Year or March 8, then, for example, the Day of the gynecologist or the sewer.
  • Send a kiss, and then say: “It seems that I missed, I need to try closer ...”
  • You appear in front of a sitting girl, you say: "I'll come right now." And you disappear, after which you reappear, but already as an old acquaintance of hers.
  • Squinting your eyes, turn to the pillar standing next to the stranger: “Girl, do you believe in love at first sight of a person whose eyesight is minus 20?”
  • Let the girl help you - depict a fall in the street, a dislocated leg, sudden weakness and other health-related symptoms; imitate awkwardness by dropping something from your hands at a convenient moment; "forget" your thing next to the object; Ask for simple information (street, shop, time). And in general, seek help only from girls.
  • Measured and calmly say to the girl: “I beg your pardon. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I wanted to tell you... that you are amazingly attractive... and I really want to get to know you... and meet again. My name is Alexander". And you extend your hand for a handshake, after which you hold her hand in yours, continuing the conversation, looking her straight in the eyes.
  • At the university or school you ask the girl for a pen. While she is rummaging through her purse, you open a notebook and wonder if such a cute creature is studying in this building. She will answer, and you, continuing to leaf through your notebook, talk about your place of work / study. One may ask if some Vaska Pupkin is studying with her? If she says no, then you express regret about this and introduce yourself on the principle of "by the way, ...". You write down her name in a notebook and ask for a phone number.

December 28, 2014

There are many ways to meet a girl. Each of them suits certain guys for certain girls. Therefore, we will try to choose the best and most successful option for guys. To do this, you also need to lower that in any case you must be a calm and self-confident person. Girls almost always love solid and brave men. So let's look at a few ways:

  1. Method: Ask a girl - "Hello! Can you tell me how to get to Pushkin Street? This method is one of the popular ways of dating. After all, you do not lose anything by asking this, and you have the opportunity that you and your companion will start a conversation. Or at the very least, you will make the girl feel good by thinking that she helped you find the street.
  2. Method: Ask a stranger - "What time is it?" - of course, quite often used method. First, the girl is helping you. And secondly, after meeting you, you have the right to thank the girl by inviting her, let's say, for a cup of coffee.
  3. Method: Acquaintance with the help of a true friend. Imagine the situation: you are walking with a more assertive friend who approaches the girls and introduces you. In the process of communication, you also begin to participate in acquaintance. The method is good because you have an ally near you, and he will be able to make amends for any mistake you make. Well, of course, if you make mistakes more seriously, then a friend will not help you.
  4. Method: An awkward accident. Let's say you're walking and accidentally touch a girl's leg with your foot. It is advisable to do this very naturally and easily, so as not to harm her health. After that, you begin to apologize, and also ask that she would be allowed to make amends for you. Let's say you invite a cappuccino or other drink to a cafe nearby.
  5. Method: Mistake. Imagine a situation: when you made a mistake and confused a person with another. We use this method only on purpose. We approach the girl and start talking to her as if with an old classmate. When talking, the girl will experience some confusion and a state of shock. But this is exactly what you should use. Namely, you need to lure her into your conversation, where at the end of the conversation with uncertainty say that you must have made a mistake. And you need to continue the conversation. And tell her that you were interested in talking to her. Because you want to continue your meetings.

My sonnet to you: In life, everything depends on the situation. But it never hurts to have a couple of templates. Indeed, in life, people are very nervous, and the right option may not come to mind. And so you will already be in full combat readiness with a new acquaintance. I hope my ways of dating will help you meet an attractive girl.