Style for a man 25 years old. How to put together a basic wardrobe: a detailed checklist for women and men

I wrote this post 1.5 years ago, but it has not ceased to be relevant, so as part of the annual cleaning of the blog, I added information, updated images and pulled it out of the archive to the surface. Get armed!

Men are different. Not in terms of size (although in this sense too), but in terms of attitude to clothes and their appearance. My dad, for example, is an absolute indifference in this regard, and, adhering to the logic of “whoever doesn’t like it, don’t look,” periodically brings my mother to a heart attack with his stylistic decisions.

But in general, my dad is accommodating, and almost completely left the theme of the wardrobe at the mercy of my mother, who buys clothes for him and decides for him what and where he puts on. And my brother, on the contrary, takes care of his wardrobe on his own 100%, which completely suits his wife, who already has enough worries with her growing son.

My husband and I have formed a rather strange tandem: he generally trusts my taste, but at the same time he chooses clothes on his own and hates experimenting. This esthete loves quality stylish things, and it is important for him to look good, but, like millions of other men, he hates shopping, quickly turning into a capricious child in the store ...

It took me a while to learn to respect his style and taste, and not treat him like a baby doll that I can dress as I please - when I was a young wife, we periodically had skirmishes on this topic. Over time, I calmed down and stopped insisting on my ideas (after all, if he thinks that cool linen shorts that I pulled out in a battle at a closed sale of one Parisian showroom from three other wives are gay style, then let him sweat in the summer in your jeans).

Such stubbornness has its advantages: I quickly figured out what things and brands he likes, and what kind of clothes he needs. So today I calmly order shirts and jumpers for him, occasionally slipping new brands in his style, and wardrobe world reigns in our family.


Regardless of what character your man has, it’s still worth it to deal with the topic of menswear, if only in order to buy good gifts. If you are helping your husband or boyfriend choose and buy things, then it’s worth having a system in your head that will help you better organize this process.

The logic of creating a basic men's wardrobe is no different from that of a women's wardrobe - I already wrote about this in the post "". Your task is to figure out what clothes your man needs based on his lifestyle, and what style he likes (that is, what clothes he chooses for each of the areas of his life). After that, you can create something like a list of items for each of the spheres, and control that these items are always in his wardrobe.

For example, my husband works as a business development director - a serious position, but he works in the IT field, which is very democratic, so he does not have a classic dress code. He rarely needs suits, so he only has 2 of them, and he changes them every 2-3 years, buying them for many years in the same place.

His main uniform is jeans with a shirt, so he has a lot of the latter. Shirts are simple: this snob only wears neutral colors and has 3-4 favorite brands that have been making shirts that fit him for years. I periodically revise shirts, throwing away those that have lost their appearance (for shirts, first of all, the cuffs “fly” and the collar loses its shape), and order new ones of the same plan.

His basic wardrobe also includes 2 pairs of jeans (Levis 501, classic), cashmere jumpers (Eric Bombard), 3-4 jackets of different "warmth", neutral T-shirts and several pairs of shoes of varying degrees of democratic. He zealously buys sportswear himself (and I periodically restrain myself so as not to be sarcastic about the fact that there are clearly more heaped sportswear in the closet than sports in his life).


The classic modern men's suit was born at the beginning of the 20th century in Great Britain, and inherited from British snobs not only its shape, but also many rules and conventions of wearing. Choosing a well-fitting jacket is another quest, but a perfectly matched suit absolutely transforms a man, that's for sure.

The jacket has a rigid structural cut, which helps to hide flaws and makes the male figure visually more lean (however, an ill-fitting jacket, on the contrary, will make a handsome model look like a short-haired klutz).

So, if your man asked you to help him choose a new suit, then you need to know the following:

  • a suit is chosen according to a jacket, it is much easier to pick up and fit trousers than a jacket, so trying on a suit always begins with choosing a jacket;
  • the first thing you need to pay attention to is the shoulder line: the seam that connects the sleeve to the shoulder should lie exactly above the place where the arm connects to the body (along the joint), neither higher nor lower;
  • buttons on the stomach should be fastened freely and lie flat, not stretched, not puffed up;
  • the shirt should not be visible under the buttons (in general, the shirt should not be visible on the stomach);
  • the lapels of the collar should lie flat on the chest (if they lag behind the shirt, then the jacket is too big on the collar);
  • the sleeves of the jacket should be up to the carpal bone - the shirt should be 1-1.5 cm longer than the sleeve of the jacket so that it and the watch can be seen when moving the hand;
  • the length of the jacket is up to the middle of the buttocks, not longer and not shorter, the back shelf should lie flat on the male priest, not lift up or puff up;
  • the collar of the jacket should lie exactly on the collar of the shirt, if it moves away, then the jacket is too big and you need to measure it one size smaller.

The jacket can be just in the collar and shoulders, but hang around the body - then you need to look for a fitted cut (slim fit), or vice versa - it’s good to sit on the figure, but bad in the shoulders, in this case you need to look at the jacket a size smaller, but with straight cut.
Here's a visual cheat sheet on the topic so you can help your friend choose the perfect fit:


An important rule of jacket etiquette is that the jacket is worn buttoned up (not with all the buttons), and it is only unbuttoned when sitting down. On a three-button jacket (classic), the bottom button is NEVER fastened. The top button can sometimes be unbuttoned sometimes, sometimes fastened, the middle button is ALWAYS buttoned (buttoned top button and unbuttoned middle one is bad manners, like a jacket buttoned with all buttons - check this moment, not all men are aware). At the same time, it is believed that a man can take off his jacket only on an airplane or in his office behind closed doors, in all other cases the jacket must be on him.

In a modern men's wardrobe, the base will not be black, but rather a dark blue suit (navy), which is worn with a white, blue or pink shirt. Such a suit is combined with brown or burgundy shoes and a belt (dark brown with a red sheen), the belt and boots must be the same color.

On the basis of a classic suit, 4 looks can be assembled.


Complete set - suit, accessories, tie. Sometimes plus a scarf and a vest (optional). In a strict version, worn with Oxford classic boots and a belt.


Minus the tie, the shirt is unbuttoned on the top 2 buttons. The shirt can be either plain or printed. Boots - for example, derby.


If you are not talking about a wool suit, then in summer you can wear navy with a white polo and brown suede loafers. Loafers are worn on a low invisible toe (check this point, men often do not bother about this - loafers are NOT worn with regular socks). Well, or a younger option - instead of loafers, you can take sneakers. The same version without the jacket.


A navy suit jacket can be worn with navy blue jeans. Suit pants can be worn with a casual shirt and sneakers. And a slightly more formal version with burgundy loafers, but without a belt, without a tie and without a jacket.


With a men's shirt, things are a little easier, and if you know the size and favorite brands of your man, then you can buy them without trying them on. The size of the shirt most often goes along the collar (neck circumference in cm under the Adam's apple). 2 fingers should fit between the neck and the collar, if the collar lags behind the neck more - the shirt is large, if the finger does not fit - it is small.

Sleeve length - 1 cm below the carpal bone, the shoulder line should also go along the joint, the buttons should not diverge (the bar should lie flat).

Another cheat sheet on the topic:


This style, which today can be called the most massive, at one time originated in elite clubs - gentlemen needed clothes (not a suit) for all the activities that they did in their clubs (tennis, golf, yachting, etc. .).

The basis of this style is made up of things that today it is customary to call the term smart casual - they are much more practical to wear than a suit, but still belong to the classics.

Cardigan, Oxford shirt, chinos - the classic gentleman's weekend set.


These are trousers made of thick cotton, in the classic version - blue, gray or mustard, although today manufacturers sew chinos in a variety of colors. Chinos were originally worn with polo shirts and loafers (a gentleman on vacation), and this look remains a classic to this day (although, of course, today they are worn with sneakers and t-shirts). The cut is straight (classic), narrowed (slim and super slim), correct chinos - without an arrow (gentleman on vacation, remember?).

Chinos are not worn with socks and classic formal boots (for some reason, I often see men with such a combination in our country), this is a casual wardrobe item, and chinos are best combined with sneakers, loafers or barefoot boat shoes (well, okay, not naked - on a low toe that is not visible). Excellent regular chinos are sewn by Paul Smith (look in the line), and democratic and good quality can be seen in the Gap collections

In summer, chinos are worn without a belt at all or with a braided belt (made of leather or linen).


The middle class adopted the habit of wearing a jumper over a polo shirt from the elite in the mid-60s, and this combination is still a classic of men's wardrobe.

In your winter wardrobe, you should have a pair of cashmere jumpers in neutral shades that are worn with a shirt and jeans to the office on Friday or during the work week, if there is no strict dress code. In summer, dense cashmere is replaced by cotton jumpers or light summer cashmere (in 2 strands) of light shades, which warms on cool summer evenings.

The classic jumper has a V-neck, over which the shirt collar unfurls, but it does not suit all men (if your man has a triangular face with a sharp strong-willed chin and a wide forehead, choose jumpers with a round neckline).

If we are talking about a formal look, and the jumper is worn over a shirt and tie, then the tie is selected in the same way as for a suit - a complementary shade (not a contrasting one - for example, a blue pullover and a red tie is a bad idea).


The polo shirt and the Oxford shirt are two pieces of men's wardrobe whose history begins on the university campuses of Oxford and Stanford. The polo shirt was made famous by the tennis players of the 60s and the university sports clubs - which is why many manufacturers produce polo shirts with imitation club patches.

A classic polo shirt will be made of specially woven cotton, the fabric will be dense, keep its shape well and absorb moisture. Such shirts are worn for a very long time, do not lose their shape, are perfectly washed - in general, what is needed for a men's wardrobe. Classic polo is sewn, of course, by Ralph Laurent, a little more democratic, but with an excellent cut - a relatively young brand SUN68. But just about every classic menswear brand has one in their summer lineup, so it's easy to find one.

Chino shorts (essentially cropped chinos), jackets with emblems, cardigans and knitted bomber jackets with club stripes, and, of course, boat shoes can be attributed to the same style.

Classics of style - chino shorts, boat shoes and a polo shirt - the uniform of New York yachting magnates.


The 60s and 70s were replaced by the 80s, which remained in the classic men's wardrobe in a rebellious way - jeans, a T-shirt, a leather jacket, heavy boots or sneakers.


Classic men's jeans - Levis 501 - got a second wind in the 80s. This model is universal, and suits most men, as it is tailored to the characteristics of male physiology. If you don't know where to start when choosing jeans, start with 501.

The classic model will be dark blue with a highlighted center, but these jeans are now made in different colors (black, light blue, indigo, etc.), so there is a choice. 501 has an average fit, that is, the belt goes along the hip joints, so if there is a tummy or your loved one’s sides are full of worries, then the belt will not dig into them, and it will be comfortable in jeans.

Jeans should fit snugly, but a finger should fit between the belt and the body; jeans that are too tight will be uncomfortable to wear. If you take the classics, then jeans should be made of 100% cotton, if you buy skinny jeans that are fashionable now, then the composition should contain elastane (5%), otherwise your man will suffer when worn (everything valuable will be squeezed in them).

Today, jeans can be worn in any combination, both with classic units and with casual - these pants have defended the unique right to be an absolutely universal item. A well-fitting couple will be worn with a classic suit jacket and a favorite hoodie that has been living in the closet since college days.


The classic men's leather jacket is a descendant of what pilots wore in the 40s: a straight cut, welt pockets, a stand-up collar. In the 80s, another model was born - a biker jacket, but it remained a symbol of rebellion without becoming a classic (although it was adapted as a basic element in women's wardrobe).

This jacket emphasizes the lines of the male figure and hides imperfections (thanks to the structural cut), so it suits most men. It is worn mainly with a thin jumper or T-shirts, if it is worn over a shirt, then the collar of the shirt is not issued (although it is preferable to wear a jacket or a classic coat with a shirt).

The same cut from the 40s, which has remained a classic of the men's wardrobe.


This democratic style originated in Silicon Valley, where even today you can’t really understand who is in front of you - a student or a dollar millionaire, they will be dressed the same. The main elements of this style will be democratic shirts and T-shirts, the latter will most likely be printed.

These t-shirts and jeans will be paired with sneakers or sneakers (converse, stan smith, vans), a relaxed style. Actually, everything is clear with this set, the main rule is not to confuse styles, and not to wear such t-shirts-jeans with classic boots. In the opposite direction, the rule also works: a classic shirt tucked into classic dark jeans and vans sports sneakers are not friends with each other.

The apologist for this style is Gap, but today there are many brands on the market that sew democratic, practical and creative things.


The proportions in the men's basic wardrobe will be slightly different from those in the women's: one trousers or jeans should have 4-5 "tops", that is, what is worn on the naked body (shirts, T-shirts, polo). Most often, a “week” is bought for a suit - a weekly supply of shirts plus 2 for insurance (you should always keep a spare shirt in your office in case of spilled tea and coffee right on the eve of an important meeting).

Everything that is worn on the naked body is washed every day - this rule is not discussed, jackets are given for cleaning once a month, jumpers are washed after 3-5 socks.

If you got a man who does not like shopping and is annoyed at the mere thought of having to go measure and choose something, then do as I do - decide what things he likes and suits, choose several brands that sew what you need , and simply order the selected units for home delivery.


Did you like this post and want to learn more about not only men's but also women's basic wardrobe, as well as how to buy and choose "your" clothes? You might be interested in my book "The Anatomy of a Parisian Wardrobe: Things, Brands, Combinations"

This book is based on the Parisian Wardrobe training I have been running for many years, which focuses on basic wardrobe in classic French style - slightly casual, slightly unisex, minimalist and very functional.

In the book, I talk about the main constants of the Parisian wardrobe, and about the basic Parisian combinations: what to wear, what to wear, how to wear. For convenience, the book is divided into 3 large blocks (“bottoms”, “tops”, “outerwear”), and in each block I talk in detail about the items that form the basis of the Parisian style.

A basic wardrobe is one of the simplest and most ingenious ideas in the fashion world. It allows you to solve the problems of "Nothing to wear" and "I don't even want to think about what to wear" in one fell swoop.

In fact, this is a set of classic (and, as a rule, not at all expensive) things that are combined both with each other and with any clothes.

5 important rules for choosing a basic wardrobe

They will allow you not to spend money on beautiful slag that will settle on the shelves or hangers of your closet for years.

1. Things should fit your lifestyle

The basic wardrobe should first of all be psychologically comfortable. So that you can almost without looking combine clothes and shoes and get a stylish and comfortable look.

If you are an athlete or a young mother, it is unlikely that your basic things will be a tight pencil skirt and stilettos. If you are a business person, it is not at all a fact that you will be comfortable even in the most fashionable torn and sneakers.

In general, do not spend money on something that does not match your attitude.

2. Things should be such that you can wear them right now

If you say to yourself: “What if I am invited to a business meeting and I need this suit? ..” - you are deceiving yourself. If you think: “What if I lose five kilos and these trousers sit on me magically?” You are fooling yourself again.

It's not that there will be no business meetings in your life or that you will never lose weight. Perhaps they will. Perhaps one day you will really be slender with.

The problem is that by then you will have changed. And it’s not at all a fact that magically shrunken trousers will bring you joy.

3. Things should be of a suitable style for you, not fashionable

For a basic wardrobe, this is especially important. Fashion passes, but classic universal things remain.

Buy what looks best on your figure: it emphasizes the necessary, and hides the unnecessary. You can always add a fashionable zest along with the help of.

4. Things must be made of quality materials

A basic wardrobe is something that will last you at least a few seasons. Therefore, pay attention to the fabric: it should be such that it can withstand the most active wear.

5. Each new thing should be combined with at least three old ones.

If you cannot imagine these combinations right away, it is better to refuse the purchase.

11 things for a basic wardrobe

You don't have to buy everything: follow the rules above and don't waste money on something you don't need or won't fit.

But still, it is desirable that at least 7-8 of the items listed below be in your closet. Only in this case will you be able to construct images from them for every day so as not to be repeated at least for a week.

Naturally, the choice of options for women is somewhat wider. If you are a man, so be it, you can refuse a dress and a pencil skirt. Go.,,

Hardly any other thing can compete with it in terms of universality. A white shirt will suit any bottom: at least to a relaxed denim, even to the strictest business one.

White has many shades: alabaster, milk, cream, pearl. No need to focus on white. Match your shirt to the color of your tooth enamel and (optionally) the whites of your eyes. Clothing should not be much whiter, otherwise visually it will make your smileand your eyes slurred.

What to buy:,,

Even a few! These get dirty quickly, so it's good if you have a fresh replacement in your closet.

As for the choice of color, the same recommendation applies here as in the case of a shirt: it should match the color of the teeth and whites.

What to buy:

  • A set of two men's Dsquared Underwear T-shirts, 6 499 rubles →,,

A classic turtleneck is an alternative to a T-shirt on a cool day. Choose natural, breathable materials and neutral colors.

It is important that she is not skin-tight. A tight-fitting model, firstly, may overemphasize the not-so-appetizing features of your shoulders and. Secondly, there will be no room for air under it, which means that on cool days, a turtleneck will not be able to warm you.

What to buy:

Choose any model in which you feel comfortable. But keep in mind: basic jeans should have the most simple cut without pronounced embellishments and accessories.

Ideal colors are classic indigo and blue, as well as any dark shades of blue.

What to buy:,,

Ideal - black or dark gray. They will allow you to create a strict look, even if you choose a relaxed top.

Pants tend to stretch at the knees and buttocks. To prevent this from happening soon, choose high-quality materials with as little elastane as possible.

What to buy:,

The pencil allows you to “draw” a feminine silhouette, emphasizing the curve of the waist and hips and stretching (due to the selection of the landing height) the figure.

Modern of this cut, unlike strict predecessors, are universal. They are often sewn from well-stretching materials. Therefore, even despite the tight fit, they do not hinder movement.

In addition, it is possible to choose from two options: tapered downwards and straight. Straight fit for those who are used to looser clothing.

Cold dark shades are ideal for a base pencil: black, graphite, navi ... They are slimming.

What to buy:,,

Little black has long become a meme and even become boring, but this does not negate its versatility. This model is suitable for the office and for a cocktail party.

Small does not mean ultra-short. The optimal length of such an outfit is approximately to the knee. A little higher or lower - choose based on the characteristics of your figure and personal preferences.

What to buy:,,

Ideal for chilly days. However, even in the most intense it is nice to wrap yourself in something soft and warm.

What to buy:,,

Another important element of the wardrobe for the cool season. Choose a relaxed fit and neutral colors.

Today we will talk not so much about how to create a basic wardrobe for a man, but about how to make it universal. How to learn how to shop in such a way that things fit together as best as possible. In other words, our task is to make a multifunctional, interchangeable set of things in the wardrobe.

Building a house starts with the foundation. You also need to build your style based on a certain base - a certain set of those items of clothing that will be easily combined with many others, and give an infinite number of different variations for all occasions.

A minimum of things - a maximum of combinations. Achieving this goal will give you the opportunity to save both time and money.

Since we are talking about money, it is appropriate to recall the expression "we are not rich enough to buy cheap things." In the depths of their hearts, everyone understands that a cheap acquisition is ultimately unprofitable. I mean not only that the race for cheapness forces every year or six months to throw out and buy a new one because clothes or shoes simply deteriorated. I'm also talking about how they just don't look good and are uncomfortable. We are accustomed to exist among the sea of ​​one-time purchases and almost resigned. However, I encourage you to love yourself and follow your natural desires for satisfaction and comfort.

Look at your wardrobe as an investment which will bring us dividends in the future. I mean self-confidence, conformity with our aesthetic ideas and the impact that we can have on others, having a good arsenal in the form of a well-chosen men's wardrobe.

When it comes to investing in clothing, I put quality first. High-quality shoes, a suit, shirts - the reward will be not only the very possession, not only convenience, but the banal benefit from the fact that you will not throw away money due to the long service life of a quality-made product.

What makes a man's basic wardrobe versatile?

A multifunctional wardrobe means as many pieces of clothing as possible that would be combined with the maximum number of other items in the closet.

What does it mean? For example, a blue shirt that goes with four out of six trousers is a versatile shirt. The red one, which can only be matched with one pair of pants, is obviously not. A gray suit that goes well with eight shirts out of ten, as you understand, has a greater efficiency than a burgundy suit that barely harmonizes with two.

Try to have at least 60 percent of your wardrobe interchangeable. A higher percentage of compatibility is, of course, even better. Look at the following math example.

We made three hundred combinations of twenty items. And this despite the fact that they did not take into account accessories: a pocket square, a scarf, a tie and others!

The advantages of a universal basic wardrobe for a man.

Less clothes in the house. Imagine that instead of today's 15 shirts, of which you only wear 4, you will have 8, but you will wear them all. Agree, this is a much more efficient use of money and free space in your closet. Less stuff, less mess, more options!

Less money spent. The key to saving money is to only buy what you will wear. There is nothing more valuable than what you will never use. I'll give you an example. What do you think you paid a higher price for: a polyester jacket for 500 rubles that you feel uncomfortable to wear, or for 5000 rubles, but high-quality and stylish and giving you confidence, when you come to work in which you will be honored compliments from girls? A rhetorical question.

Less wasted time. A sensible approach to creating a men's wardrobe will leave you plenty of time in the morning when you are preparing to leave the house. Instead of wasting precious minutes that could be used for sleep, in a few seconds you find a ready-made kit.

How to create a universal basic men's wardrobe?

First, review. By and large, all that a modern man needs is two pairs of shoes, a few shirts, two or three trousers, 5-6 ties and 1-2 suits (for a formal dress code). For a casual look, you'll need two to three pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, and athletic-style shoes. This I mean that you will not be lost if you get rid of unnecessary items in your wardrobe. By unnecessary, I mean that which is not your size and cannot be fitted to the figure with the help of a tailor; something that is hopelessly outdated and cannot be used as a vintage element.

Why do I recommend first throwing out the excess, and then start replenishing your wardrobe with more successful purchases - in that order? This is psychology: only by getting rid of the unnecessary in our lives and freeing up space, we have a real desire to bring something new, which gives a tangible result. And this applies not only to clothes.

The second step is the creation of the core of the men's wardrobe

Once you've cleared shelf space, you'll be motivated to buy a new set. What factors should be taken into account? Quality, material, style, size and price. I would not recommend the last one to be decisive. Otherwise, the situation with clutter will repeat again and again.

Classical basic wardrobe for men depends on physique, profession, resources and personal preferences.

However, there is a base that will be appropriate in the wardrobe of almost any man:

dark suit

Gray trousers made of wool (possibly without arrows)

Straight dark Levays

If you want to learn more about the components, read the corresponding article.

Color base

The third step is to expand and complement the base of your style.

Once you make your wardrobe interchangeable, you can switch from the word "must" to the word "want." And buy clothes that would make you stand out from the crowd:

Plaid suit:

With horizontal striped wool tie:

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

Fashion comes and goes, but there are things that do not lose their relevance under any circumstances. And if you decide to fill your wardrobe with the "right" ingredients, tells you what to pay special attention to.

1. Men's jumper with round or V-neck

Your winter basic wardrobe is definitely not complete without warm clothes, and therefore the very first thing you should run to the store for is a pair of jumpers. The advantage of the latter is that they are suitable for all age categories and fit well into almost any image. The main thing is to remember the important rule: Crew neck jumper is ideal for creating a relaxed and laid-back casual look, whereas a V-neck jumper is best combined with a business suit for men.

If you are lost in shades, opt for a win-win option - a jumper in a neutral range, which is formed by gradations blue, grey, brown and beige. These are the models you will need most often. When something from the above is already included in your wardrobe, you can safely buy jumpers in other, more specific and fashionable shades, with which you can qualitatively dilute a discreet look.

By the way, when choosing a jumper, always look at the composition. If it has more 10-15% synthetics - better refuse to buy. As for the features of washing, it is very important to study the label. Special care must be taken with items made of natural wool and angora: in order to preserve the original appearance of the sweater, use the most delicate wash cycles, as well as powders and balms intended for woolen products.

2. Dark men's jeans

Dark blue jeans are exactly the option that will never, under any circumstances, go out of fashion. In addition, this piece of clothing has absolute versatility: jeans go well with T-shirts, cardigans, parkas, shirts, jackets, bomber jackets and brutal leather jackets.

Saving in this case is definitely not worth it: just one pair of high-quality denim with an ideal cut will serve you for several years, perfectly complementing any of the images. Particular attention should be paid to jeans from such well-known brands as Levi's, Diesel, Acne, A.P.C. or AllSaints - these brands specialize in denim and know how to make jeans bring you real pleasure.

3. Solid color T-shirt

There are never too many T-shirts, especially if they are plain. The most popular colors are white, gray, blue and black: these options are great combined with blazers, cardigans, jackets and any jackets. Again, do not be stingy and give preference to quality things: a good T-shirt retains its shape for as long as possible without deforming after washing.

4. Light shirt

In the same way as in the previous case, white and blue shirts boast excellent versatility - it is not for nothing that they are called one of the whales of a full-fledged men's wardrobe. Including everything in your arsenal two or three light-colored shirts, you can safely create on their basis both everyday looks (for example, with jeans and a leather jacket), and quite official ones (with classic trousers and a jacket).

5. Men's classic suit

Every self-respecting man must have a good classic-cut suit in his wardrobe. And if for some reason you haven’t got one yet, be sure to correct this misunderstanding. To understand which of the costumes suits you the most, you definitely need to try on(it goes without saying that the purchase in the online store is excluded in this case).

Approach the choice scrupulously: the suit should sit on you, as if from a needle, because you have to use it at important and crucial moments. Double-breasted or single-breasted - does not play a big role, but among shades preference should be given dark- it's more versatile.

6. Plaid shirt

This stylish piece of clothing is simply indispensable if you adhere to most of your life informal, relaxed style. A checkered shirt is a great alternative to white and blue options, but do not forget that a large and contrasting check does not fit into a business look at all. If the print is small and sustained in one scale, then boldly combine such a shirt with classic suit and complement it with a tie.

7. Knitted cardigan

In addition to a jumper, a cardigan should definitely "settle" in a winter men's wardrobe - this is exactly the thing that can bring a touch of style to absolutely any look. One of the main advantages of a cardigan is that it can be used to achieve extremely relevant today's layering: feel free to combine it with shirts, T-shirts and thin sweaters, layering also jackets, parkas and coats.

“I value individuality. Style is much more interesting than fashion."

Mark Jacobs.

…and indeed it is. The stores have a wide selection of men's clothing, trendy men's clothing, but in order to stand out from the rest, you need to be stylish. You have to be stylish to get noticed. When you go to an interview, your appearance plays an important role, of course your higher education, your mental abilities are also important, but clothing is an essential addition. They are greeted by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind, I completely agree with this, and you? In addition, girls, women, pay much more attention to a stylish man than to a thirty-year-old man who does not understand what he looks like. It doesn't matter where you are going, to a party with friends, to a club, to work, just to walk around the city, you must look stylish!

I bring to your attention a few rules for choosing clothes and style that will help you transform and attract the attention of millions.

A man who wants to dress stylishly must:

Create your style. Above, it was already mentioned that being fashionable and stylish are different concepts, we can say that style is a continuation of fashion. Yes, maybe you don’t understand anything in style, but this is not a sentence, you can always start learning, I think that’s why you are reading these lines now. If you have no taste, you can turn to stylists for help, of course, the pleasure is not cheap, but remember this investment in yourself, which will certainly pay off.

Who are you by profession and where are you going? This should also be taken into account when choosing clothes, it is also important to take into account the type of your figure.

Your size? Buy clothes that will fit you in size, they should not hang on you like a "scarecrow", and at the same time, not be short, because it looks at least funny.

A couple of suits in the wardrobe. A suit suits a man of any age, I prefer a black one... and spend some money on a good expensive suit that will fit you perfectly. The best option would be to sew a suit to order.

Shoes. You must be able to match shoes with clothes. It is important! And it is also important to follow the shoes, yes, this applies to all clothes, but usually we forget about shoes.

Accessories. Belts, ties, glasses, bags and so on will complement the look well and complete it. It is important to be able to choose the right accessories and not overdo it with them.

Does the quality justify the price? No! The quality does not justify the price, the quality emphasizes it. Good, quality things cost money, you can’t save on clothes. You can calculate the cost of clothing yourself, and most likely you will come to the conclusion that high-quality, albeit expensive, clothing lasts much longer. Don't skimp on clothes!

How not to dress a man who wants to look stylish?

Go outside, look around, observe, and you will see that there are not so many stylish men. And you also wonder why no one pays attention to you, or why your woman pays attention to someone else, and she loves you, but she is pleased to see a handsome, well-dressed, stylish man, and it will be great if this man it will be you.

Jeans. Jeans are not bad clothes, but besides them, there are many other things that you can wear that will suit you. For example: dress pants or casual pants. Buy them for a change to be different. In addition, you can’t go to the theater in jeans, and also to a business evening.

Bright prints and lettering. A man in his thirties should not wear T-shirts with stupid slogans and bright prints. They are more suitable for young people in their twenties. Opt for shirts, t-shirts and polo shirts will also look good, which will emphasize your figure.

Rubbish in the trash! Clothes should not be in a terrible state, throw away all things before they turn into trash.

Fashion & Style. Remember that being fashionable and stylish are two different things.

The classic rocks! Yes Yes exactly. A good suit is an essential part of a man's wardrobe. Classic is out of fashion!

Shirts. Shirts will make you look elegant. Now there is just a huge selection of different shirts, you will surely be able to find one that you like.

And one more thing… you need to be stylish and look beautiful regardless of the weather and season, so here are a few more suggestions that will complement your wardrobe.

How to dress a man in his 30s in the spring?

Light sweater. Spring weather is unpredictable. Half an hour ago the sun was shining and it was warm, but now the sun hid behind the clouds and it became cool. In such weather, you can wear a light sweater made of cotton or wool, for example. Synthetics should be abandoned, otherwise you will sweat a lot, and this is not good, you can get sick.

Polo. Polo is stylish and youthful, besides, it will suit a thirty-year-old man well. A couple of unbuttoned buttons and you're done, just don't turn up the collar, it looks terrible.

Jean jacket. A denim jacket should be in your wardrobe. With it, you can wear a shirt or T-shirt for example.

Windbreaker. The windbreaker is well suited for walking, going out into nature. Since the weather in spring is changeable, the windbreaker can be removed if necessary, and put on again if it gets hot.

Leather Jacket. A well-chosen leather jacket will complement your wardrobe in spring weather.

How to dress a man in his 30s in winter?

In the winter season, everyone warms up, but this does not mean that you cannot look stylish in winter.

Double jacket. Jackets can be worn not only with a long coat. They can also be worn with a bomber jacket.

Scarf. Use wide scarves in your wardrobe, they will complement your look well.

Strict coat with jeans. Do not be afraid to experiment and go beyond what is permitted. “The ability to abandon stereotypes in favor of your own comfort is what forms the modern style of a man.”

Here, in general, and all. Now you know a little more about men's style, it remains only to start creating your own image that will help you stand out from the crowd.