Wedding in the Greek style - divine dresses! Wedding in the Greek style - a journey to the land of the ancient gods

Greece is an amazing country that you can fall in love with at first sight. Is it any wonder that more and more newlyweds dream of celebrating their wedding in greek style?

photo: Outdoor ceremony for a wedding in the Greek style

The most daring suitors dress up as a gladiator or Roman patrician, while others simply prefer loose trousers, a shirt or tunic and a laurel wreath. Girls have the opportunity to feel like a real goddess in a light, weightless dress, with beautiful flowers or a wreath in their hair, elegant antique jewelry on their arms and neck.

photo: Accessories for the outfits of the bride and groom for a wedding in the Greek style

photo: A variety of wedding dresses in the Greek style

Witnesses dressed like muses, witnesses in chitons will add color to the wedding. However, you can get by with separate accessories like wreaths or bouquets.

photo: Bridesmaid dresses at a wedding in the Greek style

Celebrate your wedding the way you want. Even the ransom of the bride can be made thematic, based on myths and legends. You can think of a scenario a la the Olympic Games, when a man is simply obliged to become the winner of tricky competitions, and the bride will present him with a wreath of green laurel as a reward. Even a comic duel between the bride and groom can be arranged, there would be a desire.

photo: Costume contests at a wedding in the Greek style

You can beat the ransom in the style of "The Seven Labors of Hercules", the Lernean Hydra asking questions, the Nemean lion, which you will need to get around without hooking a single thread (pull a web with bells on the door), the Augean stables, where you can only follow "stones" or chaotically laid out tracks, showing remarkable dexterity, and so on. The witnesses who will carry out the ransom can be dressed up as nymphs or winged cupids - it will be fun.

photo: Costumed ransom of the bride in the Greek style

Bride kidnapping can also be the highlight of the evening, and the same myths and legends will help you with this. Why not announce that the cruel Hades dragged the bride to his underworld? And the groom will have to make the same journey as Orpheus for Eurydice. If you think over themed contests and at least minimal costumes, the kidnapping will also become a fun and colorful show.

photo: Walk at a wedding in the Greek style

The host or toastmaster can also be dressed up in a tunic, himation, wicker sandals and entrust him with the role of the almighty Zeus.

photo: Host as Zeus at a Greek-style wedding

We also choose the venue for the ceremony wisely, it should be stylized and be sure to remind of the ancient Greek era. Decorative colonnades, busts, sculptures, amphoras - everything will do.

photo: Styling even a wedding cortege for Greece

Table styling is also very important: decorate it with olive and laurel branches, experiment with color combinations. Even napkins with images of heroes a la ancient Greece or a beautiful tablecloth with an ornament will perfectly fit into the atmosphere, and this is what we need!

photo: Examples of table decoration for a wedding in the Greek style

photo: Wedding cake decorated with olive branches - in the theme of a Greek wedding

But what about contests? - ignition of the eternal flame, disputes with cupids, chariot races, theatrical scenes. Greek wedding - a huge scope for imagination!

Include in the entertainment program and incendiary Greek dances! In particular, the Sirtaki dance, which, although it appeared not so long ago, is already known all over the world! They can also replace the traditional dance of the bride and groom.

photo: Sirtaki can replace any dance at a Greek-style wedding

A themed photo session is a must! When will you get the chance to show off in the outfits of the ancient gods?

photo: Wedding photo shoot in the Greek style - a boundless flight of fancy

In Greece, there is an interesting tradition: on the soles of the shoes, the bride must write the names of her bridesmaids who have not yet married. After the end of the wedding day, look at the sole: whose names have been erased, those girls will soon become brides.

photo: Greek tradition instead of throwing a bouquet

Before the bride leaves the house, flowers and ribbons were woven into her hair, and the groom, who arrives for his betrothed before the ceremony, put on the wreath.

photo: Bride's hairstyle and wreaths are important components of the Greek style

"Money dance" is also a Greek wedding tradition. Banknotes are attached to the clothes of the newlyweds: it is believed that then they will be accompanied by success and financial prosperity.

photo: The dance of money is not only a Greek wedding ritual

The round Greek preventa bread, which is broken by the newlyweds, symbolizing that they will divide everything in half, is necessarily baked for the wedding. The bread is then shared among the guests.

photo: Preventa (similar to a loaf) can replace a cake

To whom they put rose petals on the bed, and to whom they put children. It is believed that if children first frolic on the marital bed or a baby lies down, then prosperity and healthy babies await the young.

It is also interesting that instead of a bouquet, the bride can throw pomegranates to unmarried friends. This fruit symbolizes wealth and fertility, and the girl who caught it will soon get married.

photo: Greek-style wedding is the sun, mood and music

If you have always dreamed of an unusual wedding, are not indifferent to antiquity and legends, you are attracted by the mysterious sea distances, then a Greek-style celebration was created just for you.

A wedding in the Greek style is, first of all, a reflection of heroism, the motives of Ancient Greece. Many couples like this theme for the solemn ceremony of their marriage, and all because love needs a place for exploits and heroism. In order to arrange a wedding in such a style of heroism and love, you need to make some effort and even ingenuity. The scenario may be associated with a certain Greek mythical plot or simply the theme of the pantheon of gods.

Registration of invitations and places

Invitations, of course, are best issued in the traditional form for Ancient Greece - in the form of scrolls tied with a ribbon, you can also add a map of Greece, which immediately became clear on the theme of the wedding.

Water represents happiness, wealth and fertility in Greek traditions, so you can have a holiday by the river or by the pond. Of course, this applies to the summer warm period of the year. And in the cooler season, a banquet can be arranged in a restaurant where there are columns - after all, it is this architectural model that evokes Greek motifs.

One of the necessary attributes of a Greek wedding is an arch of natural flowers. This thing of amazing beauty symbolizes a happy marriage - the newlyweds must pass under it.

The decoration of the hall will be mainly marked by fresh flowers, water and draperies. Fresh flowers can be placed everywhere, and the brighter and more varied they are, the better the final look of the hall will look. Be sure to take care of any fountains, waterfalls and pools - even small ones. All this will be very harmoniously combined with flowers and draperies. If there is a feeling that there is not enough water, then you can put decorative large transparent or pastel-colored bowls of water and place floating candles there - this technique will give a feeling of harmony of opposites: water and fire.

Next, you can move on to draperies. Tablecloths can be chosen in white or pastel shades with Greek traditional ornaments, the same should be repeated on napkins. In addition to flowers, the table can be decorated with willow branches (which will play the role of olive and laurel). The Greek wedding will be marked by natural shades in the decor: brown, orange and gold, as well as blue, which will always remind you that the Greeks are seafarers.

Selection of dresses and suits

The bride will gladly put on a Greek dress, and will feel like a real goddess all day long. The material for the dress is usually chosen light enough, it can be white or any light pastel tone. The type of dress can be chosen based on the goddesses of ancient Greek myths, the length and style can vary greatly depending on the model chosen. However, they have similar features: the back and arms are usually left bare. The dress is decorated with gold patterns and embroidery.

Of course, traditional wedding dresses are very different from Greek ones - there is not that pomp of the skirt and a clear waistline. Greek-style dresses are loose and flowing, the waist is only slightly marked with a lace-belt.

As accessories completing the image can be: hair wreaths and headbands as in the photo; large gold jewelry (you can choose a natural ornament: the shape of leaves and flowers); large bright stones of natural colors will look great in the Greek style and in combination with gold.

As for shoes, sandals and shoes with weaves of leather straps will, of course, be mandatory here, they can be gilded.

Of course, men can also dress in togas and sandals, but sometimes they don’t like such dressing up, so the groom can be dressed in a classic style with mythological elements. A classic suit in light colors and a small element, such as a laurel wreath on the head or a necklace of fresh flowers.

As for the guests, usually women are happy to change into mythical beauties, but men agree to a maximum of a wreath of laurel (can be made from willow).

Magic hairstyles

Hairstyles in the Greek style are simply charming, they complement the image created by the dress. The classic Aphrodite-style hairstyle is long curly hair. Straight hair can be curled if desired. After winding, you do not need to comb your hair, you can only walk with your fingers to separate the curls a little. With the help of a beautiful large hairpin, you can fasten the hair gathered from two sides at the back. Long hair can also be gathered into lush, slightly messy braids.

Hair of medium length needs to be given volume and collected at the back like a bun. You can also make an asymmetrical hairstyle by combing your hair to one side and secure with a gold rim or thin ribbons. Short hair can be decorated with a large golden ornament and headband.

Greece has long attracted romantic natures with the smells of a clean sea, where the water is so clear that you can always see the bottom, bright, warm summer sun, leaving an even tan, and light cuisine. Many couples have a desire to go there to have a luxurious wedding. A Greek-style wedding is a budget alternative for dreamers who are drawn to the treasures of Ancient Greece, such an event will remain in the hearts of those present for a long time.

How to organize a wedding in the Greek style

Greece is located at a considerable distance from Russia, its culture is formed by a long rich history, but despite the great difference in cultures, many wedding customs have something in common with Russians. In order for a Greek-style wedding to be successful, you need to competently approach the organization, study the features of the event, and think over a unique scenario for the upcoming celebration. To organize a wedding you need:

  • Celebrate in summer. Summertime is the best time to celebrate a Greek style wedding, allowing guests and future spouses to wear light outfits to fully immerse themselves in the holiday atmosphere of Greece. The warm spring months are also suitable, if they do not promise heavy rains, the first months of autumn before the onset of cold weather. If you are going to celebrate your wedding in winter, think about choosing the right restaurant or hotel.
  • Choose a venue. To create an atmosphere, future spouses should choose a place near the water, it is better if it is the sea coast. Another option is a holiday by the river or the organization of a large-scale banquet on the territory of the ship. If there is no suitable place in your city, find a square near the fountain or look for a restaurant with Greek cuisine, decorated with a colonnade, marble statues.
  • Invite guests. Invitation cards for event guests should communicate the theme and style of the wedding in one look. A good solution would be invitation-scrolls tied with an elegant ribbon. To make the scrolls look like ancient Greek ones, you can specially “age” the invitation paper. Postcards should be sent to guests in advance if the future spouses are planning a themed wedding with a dress code.

  • Set a dress code. You should not ask all guests to dress in Greek dresses and men's tunics - this will only divert attention from the main characters of the holiday. It is better for invited girls to wear dresses in pastel shades to the floor or above the knees, for men - light suits. It is worth avoiding the green color and its shades, which the Greeks consider mourning.
  • Plan your wedding menu. A Greek-style wedding features a simple menu choice. Greek cuisine is varied, rich in vegetables, fruits, seafood and meat dishes. Traditionally, fragrant bread with spices (rosemary, basil, saffron, mint) is baked for a wedding - this treat is akin to a Russian wedding loaf. Greek salad is a must on the table.

As for appetizers, the newlyweds can arrange for guests bowls with delicious olives, feta cheese, seafood - small dishes with these ingredients are called “meze”, they are usually served with alcohol. A good decoration of the table is dolma, which is an analogue of the cabbage rolls familiar to us, where grape leaves are used instead of cabbage leaves. The second main dish can be souvlaki - pork skewers on wooden skewers, served with lemon and bread.

When choosing alcohol, give preference to light semi-sweet wines, citrus liqueurs. Of the strong drinks in Greece, ouzo is served, which is similar to absinthe.

  • Order an unusual wedding cortege. To fully support the theme of the celebration in the Greek style, future spouses can order an unusual transport - a Greek chariot. If the betrothed do not find such a motorcade, an ordinary white carriage decorated with white flowers will do. For the winter version, a white car decorated with ribbons with Greek ornaments would be an ideal solution.
  • Arrange a themed photo session. In order for the photos and videos of the holiday to please the participants for a long time with unusual props, bright details, colorful costumes, you need to find a photographer in advance who will help organize thematic photography.

Decoration of the hall in the Greek style photo

A Greek-style wedding does not require fancy decoration of the hall for celebration. Pay attention to colors. If the event is celebrated indoors, remind guests of the theme of the wedding with soft blue, white and blue tones - the colors of the pure Ionian Sea. Golden Greek ornaments, pastel lemon-yellow palette will evoke associations with warm sand, gentle southern sun. White colors will look beautiful in combination with any soft shades.

A Greek wedding does not need contrasting accents; natural details will become the main decoration. For example, choosing a room with a colonnade, future spouses can order an artificial vine - this element of decor will fit perfectly into the interior. A suitable decoration will be lush branches of olive, laurel. On the territory of the banquet hall, white flowers that are present in the bride's bouquet will look good.

Beautiful graceful amphoras, trays and bowls with fruit, goblets for wine, earthenware with snacks will be suitable details for creating a Greek style at a wedding. It is good if the hall is decorated with imitations of Greek sculptures and statues. Magnificent decor details for a wedding are light, flowing fabrics, trembling even from a light gust of breeze.

If the wedding is to be celebrated on the coast, the plant motifs, in addition to the beautiful views, will be enough decoration in themselves. For a wedding on the beach, it is better to use only one color for decoration - white.

Greek style wedding script

A traditional Greek wedding takes place on a large scale and lasts for three whole days - from Saturday to Monday. During the first celebration, the heroes of the occasion gather with the family for dinner to celebrate the joyful event. The second day is devoted to the official marriage ceremony and wedding ceremony. The third day is an incendiary party with dances, songs, which will be the final stage of the wedding. The main part of the event falls on the second day of the celebration.

Traditions and features of the Greek wedding:

  • Ransom. It is customary for the Greeks, as in Russia, to carry out a ransom. Decorate a performance prepared by girlfriends in the style of the myths of ancient Greece. For example, let the main heroine of the holiday be the daughter of Zeus, whom he does not want to marry without preliminary tests for the groom.
  • Outside registration. To fully experience the festive atmosphere, future spouses should organize an outdoor ceremony. Beautiful nature, picturesque landscape and fresh air are a great option for a Greek-style wedding.
  • Noisy ride. As the young people drive to and from the ceremony, the motorcade of cars creates a loud symphony of horns.

  • Coronation. During the wedding, the newlyweds are crowned with a traditional Greek headdress, and after the wedding, it is customary to remove the crown. However, it is not uncommon for newly-made spouses to keep this decoration for themselves, and they are honored all the next day, like a king and queen.
  • Wedding. Before the wedding, an interesting ceremony is held: the heroes of the occasion must go to the church territory on foot, along the way they will meet people who want a happy family life. The more people met on the way of future spouses, the stronger the marriage will be.
  • Broken dish. According to tradition, newlyweds must break a plate at a banquet in order for the marriage to be successful.
  • Musical accompaniment. An ideal option for a Greek-style event would be to invite a musical group performing instrumental music. Preference should be given to teams in which harpists, flutists, and guitarists participate. Another tradition of celebration is connected with them: when performing, they throw money at musicians so that young people live comfortably.

  • Leading. Ancient Greek gods, for example, Athena and Helios, can act as toastmasters. Professional organizers will be able to think of a fun Greek scenario with competitions for men (Hercules) and for women (Aphrodite).
  • Dancing. The newly-made husband and wife will be the first to dance at the wedding. During the dance, a beautiful Greek rite is performed - guests gather around the newlyweds and dance.
  • Gifts for guests. Be sure to prepare bonbonnieres for guests - not a single participant in the celebration should leave empty-handed. As a small present, sweets, nuts, dried fruits are suitable.

The image of the bride and groom

The bride and groom are the embodiment of lightness, elegance, romanticism. Light outfits and light natural fabrics make the image of such a couple unforgettable. To perfectly match each other, future spouses can order wreaths of wild herbs to be worn throughout the wedding.

Bride's dress

The traditional color for a Greek bride's dress is white. Girls can also look at models of sand, beige, pale pink shades, but they must be pastel. There is nothing to think about a suitable style: the Greek style of dresses looks gentle, elegant and suits any type of figure. Flowing fabrics will hide the shortcomings of full girls, and the unique Empire silhouette will add a few centimeters of height to short brides.

Other components of the image of the bride

The bride's dress is only part of the image. It will become holistic with the right choice of veil, hairstyle, makeup, bouquet and shoes. Here are some recommendations:

  • Greek brides choose a veil of lemon, pale blue or light pink hue - it is believed that the colored decoration will protect the betrothed from evil spirits.
  • It will be easy for the future wife to pick up a Greek hairstyle. Loose curls with fresh flowers in the hair, high frilly hairstyles, stylish weaving with accessories made of pearl threads - all this will suit the image.
  • Makeup is best done in a nude style or emphasize the eyes by drawing neat black arrows.
  • For a bouquet, the bride can use any white flowers or other delicate shades.
  • The ideal shoes are elegant, lightweight sandals with a low ride.

groom suit

To make the image of the Greek groom light, reminiscent of warm days, give preference to natural fabrics that do not wrinkle. The future spouse will look good in a neat suit in beige, gray, cream or any other pastel shade. To fully match the image, the Greek groom can wear a tunic.

Videos celebration

A wedding in the original Greek style is an event that will leave an unforgettable impression on all those present. An unusual ransom, a beautiful ceremony, a magnificent banquet with a unique Greek cuisine, themed games, contests and a fabulous photo shoot - all this awaits the participants of a Greek wedding celebration. Make sure of this by watching the video below.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of any person. Preparation for this celebration is fraught with a lot of pleasant troubles, one of which is the design of the banquet hall. Properly decorated room for a wedding in the Greek style sets the atmosphere of the holiday, pleases the eye and makes this day memorable.

Basic Rules


Many romantic natures and adventurers are attracted by distant countries and. And a wedding in beautiful Greece is the ultimate desire. For those who do not stop dreaming, but cannot yet turn all their ideas into reality, there is a great budget alternative - a wedding decorated in the Greek style.

It is better to plan such a wedding for the warm season, since Greece is not at all associated with the cold. Summer, the beginning of autumn or the end of spring will suit perfectly, and the light outfits of guests and newlyweds will organically fit into the surroundings.

In winter, it will be difficult to choose an outfit, because it will not be easy to find a Greek-style fur coat.

wedding planner

If the wedding will take place in the Greek style, do not forget to tell the musicians to select national melodies for the dance part of the celebration. This will emphasize the style of the wedding.

Elena Sokolova

mother of the bride

A wedding in the Greek style should be manifested even in small things. Therefore, it is better to use linen beige tablecloths instead of traditional white ones. Clay amphoras will perfectly replace crystal carafes.

Anastasia Kislenko

In addition, good weather will play into your hands also because you can choose the venue for the celebration in the open air, and even near a pond. The proximity of water will create a feeling of freshness and lightness. Ideally, sit on the beach or organize a banquet on a boat. If this is not possible, then a restaurant with a fountain, columns and a flowering garden is also suitable.

We decorate the room

The Greeks have never been supporters of excessive pretentiousness. The main principle they follow is beauty combined with simplicity.

Make white the base color, and dilute it with the golden hue of the gentle southern sun and all the play of the blue Ionian Sea. Muted shades of green, reminiscent of the rich Greek nature, will also fit perfectly here.

Decoration of the hall for a wedding in the Greek style does not require bright accents and extravagant details. The best decoration of the wedding hall will be elements of nature. Order a vine arch, wrap ivy around the seating plan, place noble laurel and olive in vases. Add neat white flowers and enjoy a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Table decor

The Greek menu is rich in vegetables, fruits, meat and poultry. For a wedding, fragrant bread is traditionally baked with the addition of rosemary, basil and other spices. You can’t do without such a popular dish as a Greek salad with cheese, tomatoes and olives.

For appetizers, choose olives, feta cheese and seafood. Serve them with light wines and citrus liqueurs.

Try also souvlaki - pork skewers with lemon and bread, served on wooden skewers.

Serve treats on earthenware, decorate the table with amphorae, trays and bowls of fruit. Pour the wine into goblets, cover the table with a light flowing chiffon tablecloth.

We carry out a photo zone

An excellent theme for creating a photo zone is an imitation of Mount Olympus, where, according to legend, the ancient Greek gods lived.

The background can be ordered both from professionals and made by hand. Give preference to light colors, install a balustrade and a few columns.

With the help of a chair covered with luxurious fabric or specially decorated, imitate a throne, fill the rest of the space with columns, amphorae, fruit vases and gilded dishes.

Interesting! Consider Your Options This may be the best solution for your wedding.

There are dozens of techniques that allow you to create artificial clouds even in the wedding hall. Take a transparent container, fasten it to the ceiling with a fishing line. Fix the flashlight inside it with double-sided tape. Using a glue gun, collect a cloud of synthetic fluff or cotton wool on the resulting frame. For an even more spectacular decoration, hide an electric garland inside. Creating such a scenery takes 10 minutes, and it looks magical.

The beauty of the interior lies in the little things - properly selected tablecloths, stylish dishes, and harmonious accessories. And the best part about such details is that you can make them yourself.

  1. Cardboard or styrofoam are ideal tools for creating decorations, because with the help of ordinary scissors they can be given almost any shape. Use these materials to create columns and picturesque balustrades.
  2. For flowers, buy ordinary orange pots and draw black and white Greek patterns on them. In execution, they are quite simple, but the object decorated with them really resembles an archaeologist's find. more information about decorating the hall with flowers.
  3. Try to play with the theme of the four elements. There will be enough air in the room, and pay attention to the earth by placing clay vases. For fire and water, you can think of something more interesting: use bio-fireplaces, fountains or aquariums. To decorate the table, use upside-down glasses, inside which place flowers or shells, and place candles on top.
  4. Show originality in serving cutlery. Wrap the fork and knife in a cloth napkin, tie with a gold ribbon and garnish with an olive sprig. The theme of the celebration should be traced even in the smallest details.
  5. Ordinary chairs will play in a completely different way if you cover them with a white or transparent fabric.
  6. Secure the canvas with blue or gold satin ribbons, tying them into bows on the backs of the chairs.
  7. You can add originality to glasses of newlyweds and bottles of champagne by painting them with special paints on glass. Another option is to wrap them with a wide braid and decorate with decorative twigs or flowers.
  8. Decoration of the hall for a wedding in the Greek style can be arranged in the form of scenery from. For example, with their help, you can decorate an arch at the entrance to the hall, as well as hide a boring ceiling behind them.
  9. Be sure to find a good photographer. - in our article.

A Greek-style wedding is not only elegant dresses and amazing cuisine, but also impressive decorations. Choose a beautiful place, use your creativity, listen to our advice. Preparations for the wedding will fly by unnoticed, and the result will justify all the trouble.

Reason for celebration
student party, birthday, corporate party

roses, violets, orchids, lilies, daisies

columns, branches of laurel and ivy, bas-reliefs, busts of gods, natural flowers, pedestals and Greek balustrades, vases, lamps, amphorae, fabrics, letters of the Greek alphabet, pillows, garlands, candles
blue, white, purple, gold

Each of us tried to arrange a party in the Greek style at least once in a lifetime. In schools, universities, student fraternities, there are even special rites of initiation into the ranks of the higher hierarchy, through the passage of "tests in the Greek style." Why is this topic so popular? Perhaps because of the colorfulness of the people as such, perhaps because of the popularity of culture in the world, or maybe simply because it is not difficult to organize such a holiday. Unusual Greece in your palm here and now as a gift from me, Dikmi!


Your invitation cards should "breathe" with the Greek theme, should be soaked through with it. Pick up something on sale with columns of Greek ancient temples, ivy leaves and wild grapes, or - draw an olive tree in a bottle using a computer program. Thanks to such symbolic content, your guests will also have a blissful anticipation of the great Greek holiday in their souls!

If you want to surprise and show off your imagination, and there is still plenty of time before the holiday, you can make invitation cards with your own hands. I can offer some exclusive ideas!

Idea 1. Ancient scroll

If you plan to make the main emphasis on the deeds of the persons of the divine Olympus at the party and recreate the first Olympic Games again, the idea of ​​​​inviting guests to your holiday through an old manuscript is the best fit for you!

The ancient Greek suvoy and the invitation text, written in artsy type with real ink and handwritten - a great idea for an invitation that will immediately set the tone for the whole party!

What you will need:

A sheet of xerox white paper;

1 liter of natural grape juice;

Lighter (matches), tape.

How to do:

1. Dip a sheet of white paper for a few minutes in grape juice, dry thoroughly.

2. Using a lighter, "age" the edges of the sheet.

3. Apply the text of the invitation, roll the "scroll" into a tube and secure with a ribbon.

The ribbon for such an invitation can be taken either blue (under the favorite color of Greek beauties and statesmen) or gold (since the ancient Greeks greatly appreciated and respected this noble metal).

A more modern version of the invitation card, executed in the form of a suvoy - "Divine Apple".

For such a scroll, you do not have to give the white sheet a yellowish, aged tint with grape juice. You just need to write the text, roll the “message” into a tube and attach a “label” with the imprint of half a red apple to it. The “imprint” can be either drawn with ordinary clerical gouache (or honey watercolor), or really made with a half of an apple (having previously applied a resistant paint for batik to the fruit). When the drawing dries out a little, tie the “label” to your suva with a red, festive ribbon (after all, red is the favorite color of the goddess Aphrodite).

Idea 2. Chariots of medieval Hellas

Such a postcard will become a real decoration of the holiday if you want to emphasize the unique culture, music, dances, theater, manners of the developed Byzantine state. Find a similar black and white cute picture (with the image of famous chariots) on the Internet, print it in the quantity you need (according to the number of guests invited to the holiday). And, we can say that half of the postcard is ready!

What else is needed:

1 sheet of black and white cardboard;

A sheet of blue colored paper;

0.5 m blue satin ribbon (1 cm wide) and two rhinestones;

Scissors, glue, stapler.

How to assemble a postcard:

1. Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half, lengthwise (book).

2. Glue a rectangle of black cardboard (0.5 cm smaller) from the base to the front side of the workpiece.

3. Glue a black and white picture in the Greek style with a chariot to the black rectangle.

4. Cut the blue ribbon in half. Using a stapler, secure the two halves of ribbon at the top and bottom of the front of the card, tucking the edges under the black cardstock and securing with glue. Tie the loose ends of the ribbon into a bow (to make the bow stiffer, do not make the loops too long).

5. Decorate the card with a label with the recipient's name and rhinestones.

6. Inside, enclose the text of the invitation, printed on a sheet of blue colored paper.

Idea 3. Dressing room of a Greek actress

Another option for a sophisticated holiday in the style of the "cradle of culture" of the European world.

For such a postcard you will need:

Envelope made of brown thick oiled paper;

Lace and burgundy wide ribbon;

A sheet of white cardboard;

Ink prints.

How to do:

1. First you need to make the most beautiful part of the card - the envelope. Take an ink print with a floral print (there are plenty of such sets in the children's departments, find the one that suits you personally), and decorate a brown envelope with ink flowers.

2. Then - dip the white lace into the fabric dye, take it out after a few seconds (in no case do not hold it for a long time, since we only need partial dyeing). Let dry.

3. Glue the lace to the right side of the envelope.

4. On white cardboard, write (or print) the text of the invitation (it is better if the text is presented in the form of a verse) and put the sheet in an envelope.

5. Tie the finished invitation with a burgundy wide ribbon and send it to the addressee!

A parchment envelope can be replaced with a simple, paper one with ready-made flowers that “play” in the tone of lace (if you suddenly have no time to mess with ink, but you really want to make such a postcard).

Idea 4. Olive oil

Greek olive oil is highly valued in the world. Why, it makes up almost a third of the country's exports! Why don't you also, when inviting guests to your original holiday, give them a bottle of precious oil as a gift? Buy small bottles, decorate them with beads (under pearls), and replace the label with an invitation text. It will be great and very original!

If you are going to invite a lot of guests to the celebration and are afraid that the party budget will not withstand such expenses for invitations (after all, good olive oil is not cheap), you can make postcards in the shape of a bottle of oil out of cardboard.

Decorate the invitation with rhinestones and a white ribbon, and place the text on the back of the "bottle".

And one more tip: even if you seem to have a lot of time, don't detain your attention for too long on preparing invitation cards. Hurry up, send the most suitable option for you and proceed to the second part of preparing for the party - the decor!


Decor in the Greek style - a huge space for imagination! Columns, branches of laurel and ivy, bas-reliefs, busts of gods - all this will be an excellent backdrop for your home Greek theater! And, by the way, it is not necessary to buy heavy and voluminous decorations! They can easily be made from fabric and papier-mâché!

It is important to decorate the entrance to the festive hall beautifully. Pedestals and Greek balustrades of different sizes can be rented (if possible), or - cut out of long strips of white paper and painted "under the columns" (which is much more economical).

And a good effect of real transfer in time will help to create objects of ancient Greek ceramics. Vases, lamps, amphoras with characteristic patterns should be placed on all free surfaces of the hall so that they more often catch the eye of guests.

If the columns and vases do not impress you, you can decorate the hall under the ancient Greek divine Olympus. To do this, decorate the ceiling and walls with a white light fabric and create blue lighting. This decor looks very stylish and expensive!

Among other things, the ceiling can be decorated with white "clouds" of cotton wool and garland light bulbs. Thanks to this decoration, your guests will have a feeling of belonging to the celestials from the first minute.

If you don’t really like the “crystal whiteness”, you can add some contrasting tones to the decor of the festive hall. For example, throw gold, purple and burgundy fabrics on cabinets, chairs and sofas.

A couple of interesting voluminous “theatrical” pictures that can decorate the walls of the hall will add piquancy to the Greek holiday.

And also - do not spare greenery and fresh flowers for decoration. Bouquets of roses, daisies, lilies, violets (white, gold, blue and purple) in vintage vases will look great! Well, among other things - live garlands of ivy branches, olives, and wild grapes should certainly decorate your home!

And one more interesting highlight - the letters of the Greek alphabet. Print out big letters from the internet, paint them in gold paint, and spread them around the house. Let your guests think that these are the mysterious symbols of the ancient Greek world!

If the main line of the party is modern Greece, you can decorate the room with the help of blue and white flags of the "olive state" or - garlands of ribbons of the same color.

And yet - you can arrange small sofa cushions throughout the house to match the overall decor and with a bizarre ornament typical of Greek culture.

You can also create a special altar on which you will make sacrifices to the mythical Olympian gods, turn a garden wheelbarrow into the chariot of the formidable Zeus and hang laurel wreaths for the winners of various battles. The main thing is to find a source of inspiration and a few more pairs of free hands, the owners of which will share with you both inspiration and the work of decorating the festive hall!


Decorations for the festive table also need to be chosen to match the era on which you want to focus the attention of guests during the holiday.


If the main line of the entertainment part of the party is ancient Greece in all its glory, a linen tablecloth with “olive” embroidery will do.

If, on the contrary, your guests turn out to be participants in the events of the modern Greek state, a white and blue tablecloth with geometric patterns should be laid on the table.


To serve treats to guests at a Greek-style holiday, you can use both plain plates (gold, blue, white), as well as more expensive dishes with decorative antique paintings.

The center of the table can be decorated with laurel wreaths, antique lamps and elegant jugs to match the main dishes.


Candles will provide a cozy and romantic atmosphere at the table, will arrange all the guests of your holiday to each other. In addition, for the inhabitants of Ancient Greece, a candle has always been the main source of light in the house, a symbol of protecting the home from evil forces.

You can use both floating candles and thick paraffin candles in antique candelabra.

And you can approach the lighting of the table creatively, using pots with decorative flowers and berries instead of candlesticks.

The main thing in preparing for the Greek holiday is not to lose the main line of the era, the plot and not to “go too far” with the decor. And also, when choosing statues and pictures for a party, do not confuse the representatives of the Greek spiritual pantheon with the deities of other ancient states, so as not to look ridiculous in the eyes of your guests! It is about the gods of Olympus and the possibility of reincarnation in them that we will discuss in our next article on a Greek-style party!