Topiary and weaving from newspaper tubes is my favorite hobby! Trees from newspaper tubes with your own hands How to make a topiary from a newspaper

Ceramic floristry Master class on creating Sakura from polymer clay

The fire burns, the wind blows, the sakura blossoms...
Good, YOU, time of day, our dear readers, craftswomen, needlewomen!
The topic of today's our meeting is bonsai sakura. Today we will talk a lot. Get comfortable.
And let's start our conversation with the poems of the Japanese poet Hatori Haso.

Plum ume on the window -
First spring hanami!
Fragile tree in a bowl,
The branches are covered with flowers...
Trill uguisu glorifies
Plum blossom time!
Remember! Love is like bonsai
You have to grow patiently.
Translation by D. Rumat.
Some introductory information:
Bonsa?y (jap. ?? lit. "grown in a tray") - the art of growing an exact copy of a real tree in miniature. The word "bonsai" comes from the Chinese "pen cai". Art arose in 231 BC. e. in China.
Sakura means clouds in Japan. The transience, extreme beauty and imminent death of flowers are often compared to human life. Because of this, sakura flowers are deeply symbolic in Japanese culture, and their image is often used in Japanese art.
Once having created a bonsai, some masters will say to themselves:
"All! I will never, ever do this again…”
Others will certainly return to it again, improving their skills. Creating new, even more complex forms of the trunk and crown, delving into the philosophy of bonsai art.
And if you are ready, let's get started. To create Sakura, we need the following tools.

At the first stage, determine the shape of the trunk of the future plant.
Traditional Bonsai styles can be found on Wikipedia.
Idea first!
Are you already sure that the trunk of your tree will be straight with symmetrical branches, bent as if from a gust of wind, or have a coscad shape?! So start with this!
Draw a sketch. Look for pictures on the global network, think over the shape, choose the right size bonsai. This is important! Because if you get a small tree, it will be lost in a large container and the composition will lose its proportions.
For beginners, we recommend starting simply with a branch of sakura, which also looks very elegant in a small container and requires much less effort.
So, stem.
We take wire No. 22 and begin to increase its thickness. We used paper towels for this.

To remove excess friability, we tighten everything with floral teip tape.
You may need to make several layers, but it is not at all necessary to make the barrel as powerful as ours.

Separately, we will prepare the branches. They should be the same length as the main stem.
The lower part of the wire must be left open, because. these pieces will serve to fix the finished composition in the bonsai.

Collect all the branches in the tree. Give the structure the desired shape and cover everything with clay.
After pasting the branches with bark, it will be extremely difficult to change their direction,
so we do it all right!

In our work, we used the bark of wild grapes.

Remove the top layer.

For gluing, we used several types of glue. Second, for instant fixation and latex.
We want to warn you that this is a very painstaking work that requires patience and accuracy.
But this way of creating a barrel is interesting because you can make it absolutely any shape by putting your energy, rhythm and mood into the product.

Help yourself with tools. With a slightly damp cloth, remove excess glue from the barrel.

When the base is formed, think about how many flowers and buds we need.
We must dress every branch.

We will prepare the required number of stems by rolling the wire No. 28 with polymer clay.

We glue the pestle to the stem.

From a tiny ball we roll out a thin antennae, sharp on both sides.
Pion-online polymer clay is ideal for this process. Pion-online clay can be easily rolled into a thread thinner than 1mm.

Let's fold the mustache in half.

Glue to the pestle.

With acrylic paint we will create anthers on the stamens.

And let's move on to the petals.
A strawberry flower cutter will help us in creating even petals of the same shape.
P.S. For everyone who is unable to roll out petals of the same size from a drop of clay, we suggest using our hint. See photo.

For a long time!?...
-Try it yourself!...

We collect the petals on the glue.
Attention! Be careful when working with instant glue. Try not to inhale its fumes. Although the manufacturers assure us that it is practically safe, it is necessary to work with it very carefully. If you accidentally glued your fingers, do not tear them with force, try using a solvent. Take care of your golden pens, your health and do not allow children to work with this glue!

And since it so happened that we collect our flower as a constructor. We will also make a sepal by a petal. There are 5 parts for a flower.

And one more detail - a thickening at the base of the flower. Here it is better to use latex glue.

We tint the middle of the flower and buds with a delicate pink color.

Tint the base of the flowers and buds with oil paint.

We will collect in a bundle according to your desire, connecting flowers and buds.

Glue where you need the bark.

If it seems to you that there are few flowers on the branch and it seems to be “naked”, add a branch in the traditional way. See photo.

We fix the tree in the bonsai. For the solution, we took river sand and repair putty.
It was an experiment!
As strange as it sounds, we are also learning. Who cares ...?)) The weight of our product turned out to be about 5 kg.
To lighten the weight, add fine expanded clay to the mixture.

Glue the plant material onto the glue, imitating grass.

Some fake moss.

OK it's all over Now!
We wrote for a long time, but we didn’t say everything. :)
They sculpted even longer ... And for good reason!
We hope that we have inspired you to new exploits! :)

Creative, YOU, success!
Love and prosperity!
Your Pion-online and its craftswomen.

Master class topic:

« Topiary. Weaving a coaster from newspaper tubes.

Master class goals:

Introduce the art of "Topiary"

Teach how to twist tubes correctly;

To introduce the technique of weaving from tubules "in a spiral"

To cultivate hard work, accuracy, perseverance, aesthetic taste, the desire to make a gift with your own hands.

Materials: newspaper and magazine sheets, colorful napkins, corrugated paper, bobbin threads, beads.

Tools: knitting needles with a diameter of 2.5 mm, scissors, hot glue with a gun, PVA glue, paint spray with a spray gun, a wide brush for glue, a jar for glue.

Lesson progress:

What is a topiary? You ask.

Topiary or as it is also called "The Tree of Happiness" is a decorative artificial tree that can be used to decorate the interior. Depending on its size and design, it can be placed on a bookshelf or on the floor; both in the kitchen and in the living room.

Topiary is a very original composition that always attracts attention. Its main part is round and in the process of decorating the ball you can express your ideas using various materials and color palettes.

Today I want to invite you to make it with me for the upcoming holiday of March 8th. Look at several options for the execution of topiary.

Slide show

Organization of the workplace, distribution of materials and tools.

For the manufacture of tubes you will need:

  1. magazine strips - width 6 cm
  2. needle - diameter 2.5 mm
  3. glue stick

Making newspaper tubes:

  1. We cut the magazine along the wide side into 4 parts, we get stripes.
  2. We take a knitting needle and begin to twist a strip on it. We twist from an angle of inclination of 45 degrees and from ourselves we wind onto a knitting needle.
  3. Approaching the opposite corner, apply glue and twist.
  4. Carefully remove the knitting needle - the tube is ready.

Practical work:

Ball preparation:

  1. We form a lump from the newspaper, wrap it diagonally like in a diaper, and so on until the desired size.
  2. Wrap with thread.
  3. We glue the ball using the pop-moche technique

Job display:

Stand weaving:

  1. We lay 4 tubes vertically, on them in the middle 4 more horizontally.
  2. We take an additional tube, bend it in half and twisting it each time we braid 4 tubes 2 circles, 2 tubes 3 circles, 1 tube up to a diameter of 12 cm.
  3. We fill the ends of the working tubes in weaving.

Practical work:

  1. Turn the bottom over if the edges are bent up.
  2. We lay the extra tubes in the center: 2 are bent, 1 is left. There are 6 tubes left.
  3. We pass an additional tube, next to one of the 6 workers.
  4. We build up the working tubes by inserting a wide edge into a narrow one and vice versa.
  5. We begin to weave upward in a spiral, laying one tube on top of another in 2 rows, carefully laying the knots.
  6. We narrow the weave to the center, laying the tubes 1 cm from the knot.
  7. In the narrowed weave we place cardboard of the desired diameter twisted into a tube, for the stability of the structure. We continue weaving on a cardboard tube.
  8. Having reached the top, we begin to expand, laying the tubes in parallel, we twist the first second from the bottom up. We will place a paper ball in it.
  9. We fill the last working tube into weaving, and leave the rest sticking out.

Practical work:

  1. We cover the finished weaving with thick PVA glue, well smearing the knots.
  2. Leave until completely dry.
  3. Cut off the ends of the tubes.
  4. We apply paint from a bologna.

Making flowers from napkins and corrugated paper:

  1. We fold the napkin in three layers along its long side.
  2. We form the edge: we folded the corner twice inward and turn the bottom edge back; wrap once and turn the bottom edge back like a candy wrapper.
  3. We turn the workpiece inward in a spiral.
  4. We wrap the ends with thread.

We decorate the ball with flowers, beads, twigs.

We put jewelry on hot glue.

Topiary is ready!

I hope you liked my lesson, and you will definitely try to repeat it at home.

Topiary is a small ornamental tree with a rounded crown. This way of decorating garden vegetation came to our culture from Ancient Egypt, it was there that they first began to give trees an unusual shape. Over the centuries, the craft has developed into a decorative art, the fruits of which are increasingly found in modern interiors. At the same time, you can literally make a tree of happiness with your own hands in one free evening.

Topiary with corrugated paper flowers

Topiaries with cute crepe paper buds are often used to decorate wedding or birthday parties. Many brides even prefer to use artificial analogues of flowers for a bouquet, because such details will definitely not deteriorate at the most crucial moment, moreover, they are not at all inferior to natural peonies or roses.

So, for making crafts with roses, stock up on the following materials: corrugated paper of the selected shade - for the inflorescence; scissors; glue; pencil; green tape for the trunk; strong thread (can be replaced with a small wire); ruler; Styrofoam; a stick for the trunk (for example, a Japanese chopstick, a pencil, a branch); newsprint or other thick paper; pot for indoor plants.

To get a standard size topiary, prepare 30-40 flowers. Cut strips with parameters 3-4 cm wide and 35-45 cm long for each rosette. Bend the tape lengthwise by a third, and then wrap the top section at an acute angle and repeat the turns three times - this is how you form the middle of the rose. Keep turning until you have twisted the entire strip. Fix the tip with glue, and fasten the lower part of the flower with wire.

The base sphere can be purchased ready-made or formed from newsprint. Wrap the ball of newspaper tightly with thick thread. Please note that the paper blank must be larger than the size you want to get, as the thread will significantly reduce it. Glue the flowers securely to the sphere.

Take your chosen barrel stick and wrap it in twine or green tape. You can use corrugated paper by cutting long strips out of it, applying glue to the inside and wrapping it around the base. Put the ball on the barrel or fix it with glue.

As a primer, use foam or alabaster. In the latter case, fill it in, leaving 2-4 cm from the edge, and insert the barrel. In this case, the stick must be held until the solution becomes dry. Decorate the finished ground base with fabric, tinsel or beads - as you like. Ready!

Topiary from coffee beans

Coffee topiary is a wonderful gift that will decorate any corner of the house. It is eco-friendly, beautiful and, besides, it also has an incomparable delicious aroma. It is not difficult to make it - follow the basic instructions. Additionally, you will need coffee beans in a volume of 150-300 g, brown acrylic paint for coating and, if desired, decor. All other materials and tools are standard, as for any other topiary.

You can perform a classic version without intricate shapes and decorations, the result will be elegant and concise. But if the heart craves creativity, we offer some original ideas:

- The craft can take the form of a flowering tree and become an excellent present for a girl, mother or teacher;

- Try to decorate the tree with dried fruits and place it in the dining area;

- Use summer motifs and decorate the work with small birds and butterflies;

- Create a New Year's composition - a cute coffee tree. The base can be made independently from thick paper or purchased ready-made;

A man will surely appreciate a gift in the form of a money tree. It is enough to glue coins to the ball, and around them - lightning, decorate the remaining space with coffee beans;

- If you are thinking about a present for Valentine's Day or a wedding anniversary, make a heart-shaped topiary;

- A cup hanging over a saucer looks very impressive, from which grains “spill”. It is not difficult to make it - instead of a stick, use wire, mounting foam or hot glue.

Topiary from cones

Another idea of ​​​​the eco-decor that is popular today is the cone topiary. It will harmoniously complement the autumn or winter composition, and it is quite simple to perform it.

In addition to the standard set of materials, prepare cones, pins, dried moss. Rinse the cones thoroughly and dry for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 350 degrees. Prepare the trunk by painting it or rewinding it with twine. Fill the pot with mounting mix or chopped floral foam, fix the stem in it.

The sphere can be covered with brown paint. Use pins or hot glue to attach the cones to the ball. They must be fixed close to each other. Large parts need to be glued first, the rest - as they decrease in size. Attach the ball to the barrel.

Cover improvised soil with moss or other material that you like. Complete the composition with additional decorations if desired.

By the time of the New Year holidays, you can also form an improvised conical Christmas tree.

Flower topiary in quilling technique

A topiary made using this technique turns out to be very cheerful and pretty. It will complement the interior of the nursery or serve as an interesting decor in the dining room or kitchen. Try to do it yourself, it's not difficult at all.

So, you will need: thick, bright colored paper in various shades; a quilling tool (if you don’t have one, use a toothpick or a needle stuck in a wine cork); spherical base; scissors; a flower pot; stick for the trunk; glue (PVA and thermal gun); moss or other filler to cover the "soil"; chopped foam; decorative ribbons (optional)

Cut colored paper into wide (one color) and narrow (different shade) strips. Cut wide parts along the edges, forming a fringe. Glue narrow elements to the edge of each such strip. Lubricate a thin strip with glue and twist it into a tight spiral with the selected tool. Do the same with the wide strip. Remove the craft from the tool.

Repeat the algorithm for the rest of the stripes in other colors. Unfold the fringe - you will get lovely flowers.

Take a ball and fix the flowers on it with a thermal gun so that there are no voids left. Lubricate the pot with hot glue and put the foam in it. Cut a hole in the foam for the barrel, grease it with glue and put the barrel in it.

Make a hole in the crown and put it on a stick-barrel, previously lubricated with glue. Decorate the foam soil with prepared moss or other decorative element. If desired, you can paint the pot in a bright color, and also tie the trunk with a beautiful ribbon.

Shell Topiary

Topiary made of shells will perfectly complement the interior in a marine style. To make it, prepare the following materials: a foam ball for the base; various shells; wire; pot for stand; cardboard; twine or thread; scissors and hot glue gun.

To make a topiary crown, prepare: a foam ball, shells and white sisal. Using a glue gun, glue the entire surface of the sphere and wrap it with sisal. Prepare the shells and then attach them with glue to the sisal, leaving small gaps. Thus, you should cover the entire surface of the ball.

For the trunk you will need wire, thread or twine, scissors and a glue gun. Give the wire the desired shape and wrap it tightly with thread or twine. You can make multiple trunks using different colors of yarn and different twists.

To make a topiary pot, prepare a clay pot, styrofoam, cardboard or paper, ready-made trunks, scissors and a heat gun. To secure the trunks, place the foam in the pot. Then secure it with hot glue. Glue the finished crown to the trunk and stick it into the foam placed in the pot. Glue thoroughly with a heat gun. For strength, fill the empty space in the pot with crumpled paper, glue and cover with a circle of cardboard. Later, you can close it with sisal or small shells.

Fasten two shells together and place a "pearl" in them. Thus, you will get a wonderful decoration for the pot. Next, decorate the base of the pot as you wish. Using a satin ribbon, you can make bright accents and strew the crown with the same “pearls”.

Autumn is so magnificent in colors, the last green leaves are hiding in yellow and red... Who would not want to keep this beauty at least for a while. This beauty will be preserved by a topiary made of natural material. The beauty of autumn leaves, preserved in our craft, will delight in winter.

Materials and tools

How to make a do-it-yourself topiary "Colors of Autumn" from natural material? Step by step instructions for adults and children.

You need to start by preparing the leaves. We chose the method with an iron, ironed a smaller part of the leaves through paper on both sides and covered with hairspray. The rest of the leaves were folded into a log under the press so that they would not curl.

Now let's move on to the vase. We need prepared, stained paper tubes, 30 pieces. We glue 6 tubes evenly on a cardboard circle with a diameter of 10 cm, then add another one to start work. Glue "Titan" or hot glue.

Spiral weaving is very simple, we bend the first tube counterclockwise, lay it on the next level of the cardboard circle, then we also lay the tube on which we folded it onto the next one. So we go in a circle, laying the tubes on top of each other.

When the tubes run out, we fix the end of the work with a clothespin so that it does not bloom, we build it up in the usual way, inserting the thin end into the wide one, dropping glue.

The height of the vase is optional, at about 17cm. When we weave more than 10 cm in height, we begin to narrow towards the neck, for this we lay the tubes 0.5 cm deep into the vase.

We weave 2 rows for expansion, also pushing each tube outward by 0.5 cm.

We have enough height, we can finish. In the last row we put it under the next tube, glue it and cut it off.

This is how the vase turned out.

In order for the vase to become durable, we prime it with PVA glue and water in half, let it dry and cover it with a non-glossy acrylic varnish, we don’t want shine.

Now let's start decorating the topiary. From a newspaper or magazine we make a ball, winding and gluing. We finish with white paper.

We paste over the ball with beautiful leaves.

Let's start with chestnuts. We wrap them in maple leaves, for this we glue in the middle and bending parts of the leaves outward, we glue them one by one from the outside. It looks like a nut.

Zatkm we glue our "nuts" on the leaves treated with iron and varnish.

We glue in a circle, as we like.

Any creative housewife is familiar with the decor element - topiary. They decorate the room in the house, give as a present. You can easily make it with your own hands from purchased or improvised materials.

Variety is great:

  • wedding;
  • candy;
  • fruit;
  • floral;
  • cash.

Materials are unlimited, it all depends on your imagination. It is allowed to use artificial and natural parts.

Important! The tree of happiness can be a reflection of your soul and preferences. You can use any idea to make it, which will make it an exclusive decoration.

The main component of the craft is a spherical base. A mandatory requirement for a beautiful crown is clear boundaries of the ball. There are plenty of improvised and purchased materials, from which to make the basis for crafts. We will tell you what to use to make a beautiful design.

Instructions on how to make a topiary ball

What can be done and where to get the materials for making the basis for the future tree of happiness with your own hands?

The following items are suitable for your craft:

  • old newspapers. Use an impressive amount. Crumple up several newspapers until you get a tight ball of the desired diameter. To fix the shape, take a cloth, foil, cling film and wrap the sphere around them, fasten it with threads or twine from above. If you do not keep newspapers at home, then the question arises: what to replace? The basis can be made from paper or notebook drafts;

  • assembly foam. This is a solid foundation. Take a plastic bag and squeeze the required amount of foam into it. Leave until completely dry. Then, get rid of the package, take a clerical knife and give a piece a spherical shape;

Advice! Not only a spherical figure is cut out of mounting foam, but also other shapes in the form of a heart, shoes, oval. Everything depends on the idea.

  • foam ball. Suitable as an alternative to mounting foam. If at home there is a piece of foam left after buying the equipment, cut out the necessary shape from it;

  • papier mache. You will need a balloon, paper and PVA. Use balloons of any shape, the main thing is to inflate to the desired size. Pour PVA glue into any container. Tear off a few pieces of paper and, dipping them in glue, stick them on the ball. To make the base strong, the thickness of the paper layer should be approximately 1 cm. Leave the structure to dry. After that, pierce the ball and pull it out of the base;

  • sisal ball. Choose any base, after that, pre-purchased sisal of the desired color, apply to the ball and wrap with threads of the same color. It is important to achieve a uniform distribution of the sisal layer over the entire surface of the sphere;

Advice! The base of sisal balls may not be decorated, but used as a separate composition for interior decoration.

  • moss. It is sold in any store for decor. Use the selected material for the base and use PVA glue to glue natural moss over the entire surface;
  • hanging rattan. This is a purchased material that must be wrapped with sisal or raffia for decoration.

Among other bases, you can use a children's rubber ball, foam rubber. There are a lot of different round-shaped things in stores. Pick what you like and create. For more information on how to make the basis for crafts, see the fascinating master class:

What else can be a round base:

Necessary materials for the manufacture of topiary

If you are a creative hostess and prefer to decorate your house with handmade fakes, you will need to think about what you need to make.

Among the main components you will need:

  • stand. Its diameter should not exceed the size of the crown. It is allowed to use an ordinary flower pot, a plastic cup, a planter, a cup. Decorate the stand at your discretion in the theme of the craft;

  • crown base. There are many options: preparing the base from newspapers, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, paper, sisal. A ball or any other shape is formed from them;

  • trunk. A stick from a tree, plastic tubes, wire will do. The barrel is inserted with one end into the base, the other into the stand. For decoration, use paints, threads, ribbons;

  • plaster, alabaster Buy them at any hardware store. Make the solution according to the instructions on the package. Put pieces of polyurethane foam or polystyrene in the pot first and fill with a solution. Install the stem with the base and hold until it hardens. So it will hold steady;

  • goods for the decor of the pot and the base. Here is the free flight of your imagination: beads, stones, shells, pasta, money, sweets, fruits, natural or artificial flowers, berries, coffee beans.

And the main element that you cannot do without is glue, thanks to which you will fix the selected decorations on the crown. In more detail about the necessary materials, you will be told in the video:

Topiary magnet: an interesting decoration for your home

Comfort in the home is created by pleasant little things made by hand. Decorate your refrigerator or give a present - a topiary in the form of a magnet. Such an element will not be left without attention, and will delight its owners all year round.

Magnet, master class

The main element of the magnet is the blank. It is allowed to use thick cardboard or a sheet of thin chipboard. First, on plain paper, prepare a template for the future topiary. Draw the contours of the crown, trunk and pot, and cut out the blank from the selected material according to the pattern. Don't forget to buy a magnet of the right size to attach the mini topiary to the fridge.

What to make a magnet

For a detailed and interesting master class on how to make crafts, see the video:

Variety topiary magnet