Twisting step by step instructions. Twisting: schemes for beginners to quickly learn the technique. What you need to prepare for twisting

The word "twisting" of English origin, means "twist, rotate." This is the art of creating various figurines and decorations from special balloons. It allows any child or adult to express their imagination. Not everyone knows that in fact its history has more than four and a half thousand years. Even the ancient Aztecs blew air into the intestines of animals, and then made various figures out of them. With the invention of rubber, balls began to be made from it. But only in the last century, that thin and high-quality rubber appeared, from which modeling balls (SHM) are made now. This is a fun and interesting hobby - twisting, schemes for beginners and professionals can be easily found on the Internet. You can make figures from one ball of any number. Each direction requires its own experience, knowledge of secrets.

We select materials

So, what materials will be needed:

  • balls for modeling;

They can be of different sizes, colors, manufacturers. ShDM sizes: 160Q, 260Q, 350Q. The first number shows the diameter of the ball in inches, and the next - its length. For example, 260Q means 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, 60 inches (150 cm) long. It is most convenient to use balls of 260 size.

  • balloon pump.

What you need to know:

  1. To prevent the balloon from bursting when twisted, an uninflated “tail” is left at the tip when inflated, then, after inflating the balloon, a little air is released. Then it will become softer;
  2. They start twisting the figure from the place where the ball was tied and move towards the tail;
  3. Twist the ball in one direction, holding the first and last bubble (so that the figure does not unwind).

Models from ShDM

A dog is one of the simplest figures that can be created from a single balloon. Below is a diagram of its manufacture and step-by-step instructions with a photo.

Inflate the balloon leaving a 5 cm tip.

Make the first twist - spout.

We will make ears from the second twist, so it needs to be taken longer. Fold the bubble in half and twist several times.

Made a muzzle. Then we continue according to the scheme. The dimensions of the details can be changed: if you make a long neck, the dog will turn into a giraffe, with the help of a long nose it is easy to turn the figure into an elephant. You can make wonderful bright and airy flowers.

Inflate the balloon, leaving a tail a few centimeters long. The knot at the beginning of the ball and the tail at the end must be connected and tied together. It should be a circle.

Connect the opposite sides of the circle with each other and twist them. Get an "eight".

Connect the middle of the resulting petals with the center and twist the petals again.

Your flower is ready! The scheme is the same, but how dissimilar models can turn out!

Video on the topic of the article

You can get even more interesting ideas for creating figures from balloons from the attached selection of videos.

A twisting master class will allow any child to master a new kind of creativity for him. Simple crafts from balloons bring a lot of joy to children in the process of their creation. As a result of such fascinating work, a toy for a child, a gift for loved ones or a decoration for the holiday is obtained. And most importantly, it's handmade.

Being engaged in twisting, children become more patient, develop fine motor skills of hands, creative imagination and aesthetic taste, and also learn to achieve the final result.

Video instructions for children - step by step video and master class on twisting.

This twisting master class will help you learn how to make simple flowers, from which you can make a beautiful bouquet for decorating a festive event. It also makes it possible, without a doubt, for parents and children to spend their free time together, doing one creative thing.

What do you need to prepare for twisting?

For you need to purchase balls of different colors, the so-called CDM - balls for modeling. For making flowers, long balls number 260 * are suitable - this is a size of 2 by 60 inches, that is, 5 by 150 cm.

In the process of modeling, following the scheme or instructions, the balls are inflated with air and twisted into bubbles, locks, loops, which are combined in a certain order with each other to obtain the desired figures.

Before you inflate the balloons, they need to be kneaded and stretched a little. As a result, the latex will become softer and more elastic, and this makes it easier to work with balloons. Another important trick: before modeling, the ball is first inflated completely, and then by 10 percent, at least, the air is released. This procedure also gives more flexibility and softness to the ball.

Inflate long balloons with a manual or automatic pump. You also need to know that in twisting, the end of the ball is tied into a knot, and threads are rarely used.

How to make flowers from balloons twisting master class?

From balloons, you can simulate a variety of beautiful flowers: daisies, asters, roses, tulips. To master the twisting technique, you must first make a simple flower shape with a few petals. With due diligence, even a child can do it.

Twisting schemes for children and beginners instructions

They usually start with making the top of the flower - modeling the petals, so it's better to choose balls of bright color for them.

We put the modeling ball on the pump and inflate it to the end, let the air out a little and tie the tip into a knot. On the opposite side, you will have a 3-4 cm tail that is not inflated. We combine the tail and tip with each other and tie them.

We apply the resulting knot to the middle of the opposite side of the resulting circle, as if folding it in half, and twist this side several times. Then we combine the knot and twist and twist it several times so that we get a figure eight.

After that, we take the opposite sides of the "eight" and press them to the center. This will require some effort. Twist the ball folded 4 times in the center. As a result, we get a flower with four petals. Let's spread the petals.

Twisting - master class 3 dogs.

It remains to make and attach a stem to the top of the flower. To do this, fill the green balloon with air, deflate the air so that the tail remains uninflated about 4-5 cm, and tie the balloon. We put a small bubble between the petals and twist the stem under the petals. A green core should form above the petals.

Then, under the petals, we will form a leaf. To do this, grab a part of the stem below the petals and fold it in half so that the loop comes out, twist and release. If desired, you can form the same leaf down the stem. The remaining lower part of the green ball will act as a stem. A flower with four petals is ready.

Air flowers look more impressive in bouquets. To make a festive bouquet, you will need to make from 5 to 9 such flowers with petals of different colors. You can add several separate foil inflatable elements in the form of butterflies or heart-shaped balloons on plastic tubes to the bouquet. The whole composition will remain tied up with a beautiful wide decorative ribbon. It is always a pleasure to present such an unusual romantic gift to dear and close people. An original handmade bouquet will always be highly appreciated.

GBUSO "Social shelter for children and adolescents of the Bryansk region"

Making a dog using the twisting technique

Master Class

Performed by the educator:

Ustushenkova Ya.A.

Bryansk 2015


Explanatory note………………………………………………….. 3

Plan outline of the master class … …………………………………..…... 4

Internet resources …..…… …………………………………………… . 7

Explanatory note

Twisting is the creation of figures and sculptures from special modeling balls and other balls of various shapes. From balloons you can make anything that comes to mind - garlands, flowers, animals, favorite characters and even a cake.

Twisting is the only art where a person learns to work with air. Air enclosed in a shell of natural latex (tree sap) takes on a wide variety of forms. In Russia, people are just beginning to learn about twisting. But this fun activity develops the creative abilities of children and adults and is used at any holiday: decorate the hall, make decorations and costumes, original gifts from luxurious bouquets to funny toys, hold contests and attractions - all this can be twisting.

Twisting is a very exciting activity that can become an exciting hobby for many children and adults. Having mastered the basic tricks of twisting balloons, you will be able to make a funny balloon figurine out of a balloon: an animal, jewelry, hats, flowers and much more. Having accumulated some experience in twisting balloons. You will be able to give original gifts at family holidays - figurines from balloons.

Twisting classes are very useful for children. Modeling figures from balloons develops spatial thinking, creative imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

Plan - summary of the master class

The purpose of the master - class: presentation of experience in the manufacture of dogs in the technique of twisting.


2. Show that twisting contributes to the development of creative abilities, successfully helps the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Demonstratevarieties of work in the technique of twisting.

The main stages of the master class:

1. Introduction.

1.1. Greeting, topic message, setting goals and objectives.

2. Main body

2.1. Introductory talk about making a dog using the twisting technique

2.2. Practical work.

3. Final part.

3.1. Summarizing.

Materials for the master class:

    one ball ShDM No. 160 or No. 240

    Hand pump

    product sample.

Master class progress:

1. Introduction:

Greetings to the students present. The teacher communicates the purpose and objectives of the master class.

2. Main body:

2.1. Introductory conversation.

Twisting is both simple and difficult at the same time. Twisting is funny and fun. Twisting is the most fun hobby you can do in any comeback.

For twisting all kinds of figures, special balls are produced today - balls for modeling (SHDM). These balloons come in a variety of sizes, but it is best to use 260 size balloons, that is, 2 inches in circumference and 60 inches is the length of a fully inflated balloon.

Before starting work, the twister must carefully consider how much air needs to be pumped into the ball. After all, the more bends in the figure, the less air is needed. And in order for the ball not to unwind, each turn must be repeated three to four times. A poorly fixed figure will very quickly take its original position, and if something does work out, then it will not look very neat. And the most important rule of twisting is to twist the ball in only one direction. You need to twist the ball from the neck.

Also, twisting is very useful. Firstly, such an activity will perfectly develop the motor skills of your fingers. Secondly, you will learn to fantasize. Thirdly, any small motor work has a very beneficial effect on the human psyche. In addition, looking at a colorful toy created by your own hands, you just want to smile.

2.2. Practical part

First you need to inflate the blank so that only part of the tail remains deflated (5 cm is enough). A fully inflated balloon will simply explode afterwards, so leave some free space anyway. Please note: if it is full and the future toy has become very tight, then you need to let some air out. Pinch the place to which you want to release air. Do this carefully as the toy may come down completely. As soon as the required volume of air has been deflated, the warp should be tied. Getting to the figure: The procedure for twisting the toy begins with the head of the dog. This part takes an average of 5 cm. Visually measure about 5 cm and twist this segment. How to tie a ball, beginners will figure it out without difficulty. 3-4 turns is enough. The first ear of our toy will have the same dimensions. Twist this part in the same way. The dog's face and ear must be folded along the rest of the ball.

Then you should measure the second ear, which should be identical in size to the first. Twist them together two turns. We make a neck. It is performed as shown in the photo, and its size should be from 6 cm and not more than 8 cm.

After that, we move on to the front paws, the size of which should not exceed 7 cm. Tie the parts for several turns, fold them together and scroll the lock in two turns. Next, we move on to the body. The body of the dog should be no more than 10 cm in length. The body is twisted in the same way.

Following the example of the front paws, we make the hind legs. The dimensions of the hind legs are the same - no more than 7 cm. Twisted bubbles should be placed one on top of the other, and then twist the lock a few turns. What's left is the tail. The final stage is the design of the resulting toy. Paint the dog's muzzle with a marker, add a nose, mustache, eyes. You just learned how to make a dog out of a balloon yourself.

The teacher gives advice as the work progresses.

3. Summing up.

Demonstration of the result of the work.

So, guys, we worked with you today

You will need:


Before you start making a variety of models and figures, you need to choose high-quality and durable balls - this is one of the most important points in our business!

You will also need a two-way pump. Among the important additional tools that may also come in handy are scissors, a small tube tube and a marker.

Also, before you start working with the ball (inflate, twist, tie), you need to knead it a little.

Stretch it with your hands several times so that the latex warms up a little. As a result, pumping will be much easier.

We inflate, as usual, through the neck. There is a tail left for air to pass through when twisting. The length of the main part depends on what figure we are going to make.

doggy poodle

This is the most popular type of twisting. At one time, such a choice was called a “losharik”.

  1. After the ball is inflated, we make one twist on it - this will be the muzzle.
  2. We fix the first bubble with our fingers, on average its size is 3-4 cm.
  3. Next, we make 5 identical bubbles that will be used to make a muzzle. As a result, in the initial part we will get a certain chain of 5 bubbles. We fold them together and twist them separately, about 3 times. It turned out the face of an animal.
  4. Next, make the legs. But do not forget to leave 12-13 cm for the future neck.
  5. We twist the ball in such a way that a bubble comes out approximately in the center, in other words, a sausage.
  6. Fold it in half vertically, press down both parts and twist them together.
  7. The front legs are already there. Now there is only a place left from which we will make the hind limbs and tail.
  8. Fold the ball in half, follow the proportion and twist the back.

DIY giraffe

We repeat almost the same steps that we described in the previous version. But in this case, the head will be slightly smaller.

Here we leave about 2-3 cm for the muzzle, and we construct it not from 5, as was the case with the dog, but from 4 sausage bubbles.

We make the neck longer, respectively, and the legs. The result is a short body and tail.

Swan: master class

  1. We use most of the ball and make a ring out of it.
  2. Then we take the rest for another ring, but now a little smaller, leaving some room for the neck and head.
  3. The second ring, which is smaller, is pressed into the first.
  4. Then we create the head and neck - this will be a cross between the actions that we performed earlier, making a dog and a giraffe.

You can finish the eyes - for a more spectacular and believable look. For this, a regular marker is suitable.

Performing many actions with twisting and tying, you should not be afraid. The ball is strong and will easily withstand such a load.

Bunny from balls of sausages

Making a snake

How to make a tiger/leopard

On average, we should get 11 pimples or sausages.

And bubbles 4 and 6 will become the ears of the future animal. Next, we create the torso and legs according to the already familiar pattern. The ends of the ball must be tied with a double knot and divided in half.

3. Folded in half, the ball is twisted at the ends. It turns out three compartments. One with a loop and one on each end.

1. Inflate the balloon "sausage", leaving 15-20 cm not inflated, and tie a knot.
2. Start at the dog's head with a knot. Twist three bubbles. Twist the last two together - these will be the ears.
3. Make a 2.5 cm neck and, following it, follow the example of a head with ears, twist the front legs.
4. Make a roughly 10 cm body, followed by the hind legs.
5. Leave a small ball of air at the base of the tail and push the rest of the air to the end of the tail.

How to inflate an animal balloon?

The main principle is to inflate from top to bottom.

How to make tiger eyes step by step on a balloon?

The easiest way is to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen.

How to make a realistic bunny face from shdm?

Fill one balloon, tie the end with a knot. Determine the middle of the ball and fold in half. Twist to form a loop, and in turn, divide this loop in half and twist to form a bow. Fold the free ends of the bow together, step back to the length of your index finger and twist.

How to make an ear out of a balloon

Pinch about 4 cm, releasing a little air from it. Twist. Then pinch the bubble about 3 cm, also releasing a little air from the bubble. Twist. Connect both ends of the bubble and twist together. In this place, the bubble takes the form of an ear.

How to make a figure of balls stand?

You just need to tie some heavy object that will hold the figure.

How to make a swan neck from a balloon?

1. Twist the first soft bubble 2-3 cm long. This bubble holds the swan's neck in position.
2. Lock both ends of the first bubble in one lock twist.
3. Twist the second bubble about 30 cm long.
4. Lock both ends of the second bubble in one lock twist.
5. Twist the third bubble about 20 cm long.
6. Lock both ends of the third bubble in one lock twist.
7. Push and secure the third bubble through the loop from the second bubble (Pic 8-9). The rest of the balloon will be the fourth bubble, this is the head and neck of the swan. Bend the fourth bubble to form the shape of a swan's neck. The deflated part will be the beak. Draw the eyes with a felt-tip pen.


Twisting (translated from English. "twisting") is the creation of all kinds of figures from special long balloons and other balloons of various shapes. The figures are created by twisting balloons of various lengths in a certain sequence, with further connection of the obtained places of twists among themselves in different combinations.

Thanks to twisting, you can create almost any figure that turns into an original gift. These are flowers and bouquets in vases, characters of beloved heroes, animal figurines, colorful hats and bracelets, swords and pistols, cars and planes. Such gifts always bring smiles and joy.

Twisting actively used in aero design. The decoration of the room, even with simple balloon figures, turns an ordinary interior into a fairy tale.

Twisting is also a fun activity that develops children's creative and intellectual abilities, their imagination, constructive thinking, and fine motor skills. And, of course, it's just fun and interesting.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be done, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of the MC from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

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