What do rich women wear? How the richest women in the world dress. How rich people dress

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about how rich people dress. After all, each of us wants to live in abundance. As you know: if you want to be someone, live as if you already are.

Nowadays, rich people rarely stand out from the crowd in appearance. The only exceptions are social events, to which it is customary for the nobility to come in new extravagant outfits. And in everyday life, the rich, like many people with an ordinary financial situation, choose something in casual style, there are even those who do not disdain stocks and second hand. However, there are some nuances in the appearance of the wealthy part of the population.

Everyday style of rich people.

Clothing selection criteria:

1. First of all, convenience

Wealthy people value comfort. Things should be pleasant to the body, as well as such that it is convenient to move and sit in them. A fairly simple rule that can easily be implemented by a person with a moderate standard of living.

2. Successful cut and color

Most often, these are things made of plain fabrics or with a discreet pattern, sewn to order or perfectly fitted to the figure. As well as certain shades that match the color type.

To decide on a color type, go to an image maker or try experimenting with shades by applying fabrics of different colors to your face.

No money for tailoring dresses? Can buy wholesale skirts and under each of them pick up three or four tops of such shades that match the color of your skin.

photo taken from visti.pro

3. Simplicity

You rarely see rich people wearing flashy clothes, replete with prints and all sorts of details. Rich people don't like huge t-shirts or super fancy stuff.

Although, despite the modesty of the robes, their cost can be very impressive. If they are wealthy and wear something from Christian Dior or Calvin Klein, only designers or excellent fashion gourmets can guess about it. It is worth learning from the rich modesty.

Are you unable to buy branded items? Then it is better to buy inexpensive plain T-shirts than obvious fakes with the name of a well-known TM on the entire back.

4. High quality

Things can be like well-known brands or designers, and not so much. But always from high-quality and natural materials, stitched with even lines. Here's what rich people wear.

5. Subtle hint

And yet, attentive people immediately recognize a wealthy person in the crowd. Someone will have an expensive watch or a scarf, or maybe a perfect hairstyle. Or a train from an expensive perfume. Or a branded bag, or a polished pair of leather shoes.

And, of course, a confident gait, a charming look and a beautiful posture are a true indicator of the wealth of not only the external, but also the inner world.

Often we evaluate people by their clothes and involuntarily form an impression of a person by looking at how he is dressed. However, if you look at the richest people on the planet, it is not always possible to say by their appearance - here they are, billionaires. Recall at least the same Steve Jobs, whom we most often saw in a black turtleneck and blue jeans.

Today we decided to take a look at how the richest women in the world dress.

Alice Walton


The only daughter of Wal-Mart founder Alice Walton is worth $46 billion. In clothes, she prefers the classics: strict suits, elegant dresses and sophisticated accessories. Interesting glasses are another feature of Alice's style.

Lauren Powell Jobs


Many people know Lauren as the wife of Steve Jobs. However, she herself does not sit idly by. Mrs. Jobs owns a huge stake in Disney and recently acquired a stake in The Atlantic. In addition, she founded several non-profit projects. Lauren is a regular guest not only of business publications, but also of gloss. Her incredible sense of style is inspiring!

Miuccia Prada


Miuccia Prada, at 69, is not only a fairly wealthy woman, but also a very bright and cheerful woman. Come to the red carpet in the image of Zeliboba? Why not! Miuccia enjoys life and proves that all ages are submissive to fashion.

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers


33% of the shares of the world famous brand L'Oreal belong to the 64-year-old Francoise. In 2017, her income was more than $40 billion, but it cannot be said that the heiress of the cosmetic empire is trying to stand out from the crowd with bright outfits. Not at all. On the contrary, Francoise prefers monochrome looks with unusual details and accessories.

Ivanka Trump


Ivanka belongs to the type of people who grew up in golden swaddling clothes. But since childhood, little Ivanka was told that she must achieve everything. Which, in fact, she did: she graduated from a business school, built a career and leads her own projects. Ivanka's style always corresponds to new trends, but without fanaticism. She dresses stylishly, expensively and without excesses.

Elena Baturina

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Elena Baturina is the richest woman in Russia, her fortune is $ 1 billion ???? she made her own money. She is the co-founder of Inteko, chairman of the supervisory board of Inteco Management, creator of an international high-end hotel chain, and owner of shares in Gazprom and Sberbank. Now Elena is acquiring real estate???? in the UK and the USA, and together with his husband, the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, manages the Weedern horse breeding concern. In her free time, the businesswoman goes in for tennis, golf, skiing⛷, collects photos, works of art and retro cars????, there are no less than fifty of them in her park. Baturina created the Noosphere charitable foundation, which deals with issues of religious tolerance, and also finances Be Open, which supports young designers around the world????. ❓What can you say about the entrepreneur? #energymania #energymaniaekb #energymaniayekaterinburg #energymonamiapeople #success story #baturina #elenabaturina #forbswomen #energymaniahistory of success #batterieskaterinburg

Posted by #energomania (@energo_mania) 26 Feb 2018 at 1:57 PST

Compared to the women from this collection, Elena Baturina's fortune is a drop in the ocean, but still she is one of the wealthiest ladies in Russia and the CIS. Elena's style is far from modern trends, but if she is so comfortable, then why not? Can afford!

Sheikha Moza


Sheikha Moza is the second of the three wives of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. She has seven children, and she manages to engage in social and political activities. Sheikh in her images manages to masterfully combine a tribute to traditions, and at the same time she has been recognized more than once as the most stylish woman on the planet. Her personal fortune is estimated at $7 billion.

History knows many examples when billionaires, having the opportunity and access to the most expensive and iconic things, refused all blessings and led a modest life: instead of luxury cars they bought and rode bicycles, instead of smart suits they wore ordinary trousers, shirts and jumpers, which they can hang in any wardrobe. There is a stereotype that women are inveterate fashionistas, and if they get the opportunity to dress with chic and brilliance, they will certainly use it. And it’s very easy to check such a prejudice - look at the wardrobes of heirs and owners of billions.

Alice Walton

This is the only daughter of the founder of the famous American chain of stores Wal-Mart. Alice was educated in finance and economics and began her career, of course, in her father's firm as an analyst and manager. Today, the fortune of 68-year-old Walton is estimated at 46 billion dollars. It is known for certain that Alice invests in works of art and even opened her own museum of American art in Arkansas. However, judging by the outfits, the billionaire does not forget about fashion. For various events, Alice likes to wear evening dresses made of shiny fabric, revealing the arms and neckline. And her indispensable accessory are huge round glasses - they go with both a strict suit and an elegant dress. As jewelry, Alice prefers noticeable beads - for example, a string of large pearls, massive pendants and chains.

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers

Françoise is 64 years old, and she owns a 33% stake in L "Oréal. The world famous cosmetics company was founded by her grandfather Eugene Schuller back in 1909. And although her income was $ 42.2 billion in 2017, it cannot be said that the heiress of a cosmetics company tends to stand out from the crowd with bright outfits.On the contrary, she often chooses discreet monochrome suits and only for events can afford jackets with unusual decor and details.By the way, she, like Alice Walton, has a favorite accessory - a scarf that she ties always and everywhere.Françoise also loves oval-shaped glasses and tries not to appear without them.

Lauren Powell Jobs

Lauren, 54, may only be known to some as the widow of Steve Jobs. However, today the woman is active in business: she was one of the largest owners of Disney shares, and last year she acquired a stake in The Atlantic. All this brought Lauren a fortune of $ 18.8 billion and the title of the richest woman in the technology industry. In addition, Lauren founded several non-profit projects, including the Emerson Collective, which promotes social justice and environmental protection in the United States. It is not surprising that Lauren is interested not only in business publications, but also invites gloss to shoot. After all, in addition to these achievements, she has another important quality - a sense of style. In her images, she does not tolerate unnecessary details, she always chooses laconic outfits. If this is a dress, then neatly emphasizing a slender figure. And if a sports uniform, then simple T-shirts and shorts.

Frida Springer

The fortune of the 76-year-old publisher of the media conglomerate of the same name is $5.6 billion. Once upon a time, Axel Springer hired Frida as a nanny for his children, and then married a girl and taught her how to run a business, which she inherited in 1985 after his death. Today Frida Springer's style can be compared with the style of the first ladies: strict, elegant and feminine. She loves plain suits of a jacket, skirt and trousers, while she is not afraid of bright colors. For evening events, the media mogul prefers to wear sheath dresses or flared models to the floor. Strictly, stylishly and nothing more - what a business woman needs.

Maren Otto

Maren Otto is the third wife of Werner Otto, who founded the postal company of the same name in Germany back in 1949. Today, she has inherited her husband's empire, netting her a total of $3.8 billion. Maren leads a secular life, and therefore likes to appear at events dressed to the nines: always in an interesting elegant dress (always to the floor), with her hair pulled back. She loves both luxurious models, embroidered with stones, and rather avant-garde ones - free cut and with an artistic pattern.

A few years ago, my friend and I were shopping in a Moscow supermarket. Among other things, this nice girl, by the way, working as an assistant to a Russian oligarch, put a package of still water in tiny bottles in a cart, at some serious price, something like the equivalent of four dollars each.

Are you going to drink such expensive water, I wondered.

No. I will be her. wash, - she explained to me, - this is such a special French water for washing.

Do you need it? I asked.

You don’t understand anything, - was the answer to me, - from this water there is such a pleasant freshness to the face ...

I turned one of the bottles in my hands - there was nothing special in the composition - all the same H 2 O, not even mineral.

Have you tried washing with plain water? I asked. - She also refreshes her face so nicely ...

In the end, everyone stayed with their own. I didn't talk her out of this waste of money on heavily advertised tap water packaged in pretty bottles. She didn't convince me that $4 water could be different from tap water. If you plan to get rich in the very near future, you need to learn to see the essence of things - the real one, and not the one that will be imposed on you.

The next time you see some rubbish for sale, such as: drinking water for cats, dogs and other pets, an electronic numerically controlled can opener, a pencil holder for glasses, for people who are used to carrying a pencil behind their ear, and hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of similar inventions, do not ask yourself: what kind of fool invented them? They are invented by smart people to make money on fools, on us.

These people work day and night to sell you something else that is unnecessary, useless, or necessary, but at an insane, speculative price. Why? Because most people, in order to feel comfortable, need to consume and consume endlessly, feel and absorb the energy spent by a Cambodian tailor sewing you branded Dolce-Gabanov panties or the energy of Norwegian shipbuilders who bring down your yacht. It's all a vanity fair and a rat race. Look around you and you will see that you are surrounded by a bunch of unnecessary things, or necessary, but not worth what you paid for them.

How much better do you think a nameless disposable razor shaves than Gillette's four, five, six blade razors. I tried both of them - there is no difference, except that when you, standing in front of a foggy mirror, you see not your flabby physiognomy and thick hairy belly, but a tanned, sexual type of anabolics pumped up from advertising. Of all the minuses: you will pay ten times more for a branded razor than for a simple, disposable one. Just keep in mind that your overpayments will not bring you a bonus in the form of some kind of long-term shave and special sex appeal. Try to determine by the faces of passers-by on the street what they shave with and you will understand that your money is flying into the pockets of all these advertisers, shareholders of muzzle-shave corporations.

And if so, why pay more? Open your eyes. Take a look around. And you will realize that you are being deceived.

Items can be of good or bad quality. Everything else is from the evil one: these branded clothes, new model lines, exclusive and luxury. For example, let's take wine. The difference between cheap and expensive wines reaches tens of thousands of dollars. But with blind testing, no expert will be able to taste how expensive wine is more expensive than cheap wine. Because there is no significant difference between them. So, some show-offs that you will regret later. I remember how Mikhail Khodorkovsky bought a bottle of French bourda in a restaurant for $150,000.

The only reward we received was envy and misunderstanding in the eyes of the waiters. In fact, for the sake of this, such things are bought when you drink not wine, but money, enjoy not the taste, but the envy of those around you and a sense of your own importance. However, Mikhail with great pleasure, probably, would have exchanged those memories today for a new pea coat and kirzachi.

Or take a car. All modern cars, except for the miscarriages of the Russian car industry, with more or less the same level of comfort and speed will take you from point A to point B. They all break down equally often, and, surprisingly, expensive cars let me down much more often than their cheaper counterparts. . I remember not being able to start my BMW because it turned out to be time for an oil change. At the same time, Japanese cars drove with me without an oil change for 5-10 years, and I changed them faster than they had ever tried even one sip of fresh oil.

Therefore, it makes no sense to buy expensive cars or decorate cheap ones with all sorts of spotlights, spoilers, discs and braids on the steering wheel. In English, these "kendyukhs" are called "poor man's penis."

So they say when you want to look rich at the time. how everyone understands that you have nothing but complexes of your poverty.

Somehow I had a chance to talk with one of the largest producers of drinking and mineral water in Russia and now no one will convince me that there is a big difference between tap water and the one you buy in stores.

He told me that it is unprofitable to really drill wells, extract and purify water, certify it, transport and store it. Everything is much easier. He passes simple tap water through filters, adds salt or vitamin tablets to taste, packs it up and sends it for sale. In winter, when demand drops, the tap is turned off and there is no storage problem. In the summer, the faucet opens again and money flows in a stream into his pocket. Unfortunately, the drinking water trade is so profitable that it is extremely difficult to get into it without serious money and (or) connections.

And what a robbery in broad daylight is going on in the cosmetic industry! Smart, treacherous men deceive poor, defenseless and stupid women.

Recently, while talking with a friend who is the head of a cosmetics company, I asked for an explanation of the difference between a day and night face cream, because I received a scolding from my wife at home for buying one cream instead of the other. He told me: “And who knows, we pour them all from one barrel. In price, probably ... Daytime is more expensive than nighttime.

And what can you say about their benefits then? I asked.

And hell knows, - he answered, - I myself use such after a beating, for lack of others. There is no harm yet, but what else does the skin need?

I could give many more examples, but if you do not understand this, then you will not understand. Here are 10 signs by which you can distinguish a poseur from a rich person, because a rich person will never be:

1. Buy expensive alcoholic drinks - after all, every vodka after the first glass is the same.

2. Use expensive razors - cheap ones are the same, but in the toilet no one is watching what you shave with anyway.

3. Wear Calvin Klein briefs and Hugo Boss socks. A rich man has more important things to do than wonder if his leggings are fashionable.

4. Travel first class on an airplane at your own expense. The choice of newspapers and coffee are not worth the overpayment, and in the event of a disaster, everyone will have one check-in line and one size of luggage.

5. Drive expensive cars. I chose for myself that an inexpensive car with a driver is dearer to me than an expensive one, where I have to sit behind the wheel myself. (Yes, and if you knock someone down, then it’s not for you to sit, and you can drink as much as your heart desires)

6. Rich people don't live in big houses overlooking the sea. The expenses for heating, security, gardeners and other servants are not worth it, and fewer eyes will spy on you and fumble around in your sexual torture devices and vibrators, reporting your perversions to the tabloids.

7. Rich people won't eat at restaurants. It is expensive, most often tasteless, and simple human disgust makes itself felt: how can you be sure that your waitress is not HIV-infected, and some Tyler Durdan did not pour turtle soup into you.

8. Rich people won't rent presidential suites in hotels. Firstly, it's dumb to sleep in those beds where hundreds of people have slept before you. Secondly, when you sleep, it is not so important for you whether the original oil painting by an unknown artist hangs on your wall or a simple reproduction.

9. Rich people won't pay for parking. It's just not fair. The earth belongs to all of us by right and equally equally. Therefore, I either find a free parking lot in the distance and walk around on foot, or leave the driver waiting in the car or driving around the area. And let me spend more on fuel than I give this money to the parking company.

10. And the last delusion from the life of rich people. They don't wear expensive watches. And cheap and expensive watches go at the same speed and the time for both is the same. Therefore, as studies have shown, when choosing functionality and prices, rich people choose Citizen.

And these ten rules, with a few exceptions, are universal for all rich people. Because rich people have the same habits and habits, such as hunters or fishermen. If the latter, the same manner of behavior allows them to successfully receive trophies, then similar manners and habits help rich people to get rich.

The “destroy cabinets” movement is gaining momentum.

“Fast Fashion” comes into fashion. This is when people deliberately “do not bother” about their style. And they put on in the morning the first thing they felt when they were awake.

This is the answer of the best representatives of the modern world to the imposed culture of “following trends”. But it's not just protest.

Today, what is “practical” and does not take “too much time” is fashionable.

The trend, oddly enough, was laid not by a fashionista at all, but by a businessman. Steve Jobs. Everyone knows that in the second half of his life he adhered to the same dress code: Levi's blue classic jeans, a black turtleneck with a high neck and white New Balance athletic shoes.

Mark Zuckerberg does the same. He does not cheat on dark blue jeans and a gray t-shirt or sweatshirt.

It was with the filing of these two that the phenomenon became mainstream. At least in the United States.

If you've ever wondered why the hell some billionaires wear the same "UG" every day when they can afford absolutely any outfit, then here are 6 compelling reasons why they do it.

  • 3. Less stress.
  • 5. This is a sign of maturity.

1. Fewer decisions - less fatigue.

This phenomenon has already been noticed and proven by psychologists. It is even written about on Wikipedia. The bottom line is that for your brain there is no difference whether you make an important decision or not. Deciding what to wear before a trip to the office, he will spend as much energy as deciding whether to ask his boss for a raise.

For people who make important decisions every day, removing even one daily question from life is already something. Refuse to answer “extra” questions - and you will have more mental space and energy for other important things and tasks.

This rule is followed, for example, by US President Barack Obama.

“You may have noticed that I only wear gray and blue suits. I'm trying to reduce the number of decisions I make. And I don't want to think about what I eat or wear. I have many other important questions to answer!”.

All the details related to his wardrobe and food are decided by his wife Michelle.

Mark Zuckerberg does the same for the same reasons. Moreover, the young billionaire still drives an old Honda Accord. He just does not want to change the car so that he does not have to waste time “adapting” to it.

Well, you get the idea: this guy doesn't buy a Ferrari just because he doesn't want to learn how to drive one!

“I feel like I won't be able to do my job if I spend energy and energy on stupid and unnecessary things in life, and not dedicate myself to creating new products and services,” he explains.

2. Less time is wasted.

We don’t even suspect how much we can do if we don’t do anything extra in life. But as soon as you start doing this, you will realize that you have discovered a new life full of freedom and opportunities!

Five years ago, I first tried the Project 333 experiment. The idea was to reduce the number of personal items to 33 in three months. A wildly simple idea turned out to be wildly useful.

I quickly discovered the main benefit of a minimalist wardrobe: you give yourself time. In the morning, it becomes easier for you to get ready for work. You do not waste time on tedious shopping. Spend less time washing and ironing.

3. Less stress.

Mathilde Kahl, an art director from New York, also wears the same outfit every day. She believes that this allows her to get rid of the “extra stress” associated with the need to think over her appearance just a few minutes after waking up.

“Is this too formal? And this is somehow vulgar? Is this dress too short? Whatever choice I made, then often I still regretted it already on the street. Now I know that a silk white shirt and black trousers are always a great choice. And you said no to another source of anxiety throughout the day,” she explains.

4. Less time is wasted.

Christopher Nolan has created some of the coolest commercial films in history. "Start", for example. Or Interstellar. And also “The Prestige”, “Remember” and the last two “Batmen”.

So, in an interview with New York Times Magazine, he said that “deciding what to wear every morning means wasting your life.” Now he does not change the narrow dark jacket, blue shirt and black trousers.

Nolan is concerned not only with the decision problem, but also with the time spent shopping and then folding and rearranging clothes in the closet.

5. This is a sign of maturity.

Alice Gregory, a writer from New York, in an interview with J. Crew magazine noted that people should treat clothes like uniforms, but the fashion industry has powdered their brains.

“Clothing is the cheapest, easiest and smartest way to feel like a celebrity. And if you continue to dress up until now, then this is rather a sign of mental immaturity. Because with age, everyone's priorities change. Only as you get older do you realize that comfort is more important than fashion trends,” she explains.

Alice herself always wears only dark sweaters and jeans.

6. Less money will be wasted.

The average American spends $1,700 a year on clothes. Ukrainians spend about 10% of their budget on it. It may not seem like much, but in most cases you spend money on clothes, although you don’t need them at all. In 1930, the average American woman had 9 outfits. Now there are 30 of them, and this figure is growing.

If you weren't so careful about your image, you would probably find a better use for this money.

We are representatives of a society that is drowning in unnecessary things. People need at least a breath of freedom in their daily consumer slavery.

Try something new: get rid of half the contents of your closet! And you will realize that you have more to grow. On the mental level.

In the end, those who preach the principles of minimalism work better, experience less stress, get distracted less, spend less money, and have more peace of mind in their lives.

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