Raising a new person as a patriot was raised. Patriotic education of the child. We instill patriotism in children for the sake of their own future. Young patriots - we teach to love the Motherland

Diana Sviridova

Educate a patriot!

One of the most pressing issues of our time is patriotic education the rising generation. Patriotism It is love for one's country and one's people. Without the history of our great country. Such quality is patriotism, it is not possible to educate.

The aim of our work: the formation in children of a conscious attitude to the Victory Day as a result of the heroic deed of the people in the Great Patriotic War. There are fewer and fewer living witnesses of those terrible days who could tell the younger generation about the events of the great battle of the Russian people for the liberation of their country, about the exploits of soldiers and ordinary citizens on the fronts and in the rear. The direct duty of adults is to help preserve the memory of the heroic facts of our history, bring up small citizens have pride in their homeland. After all, memory has no age, and citizenship and love for one's country do not arise suddenly, out of nowhere. This is how the older generation of grandparents came up with the idea to visit the library with their grandchildren. The children and teachers of group No. 12 supported this idea and agreed to visit the library, with purpose: to teach children to remember the defenders of the Motherland who defended their native land, to be proud of the courage, heroism, stamina of Soviet soldiers and officers, the fearlessness and selflessness of home front workers - women, children and, of course, the elderly. It is very important right now not to interrupt the living thread of memory of the heroic deed of our people in those years.

The librarians warmly welcomed us and prepared a program for us. They continued their speech with words.

The Great Patriotic War is an important event in the life of our Motherland. The feat of the people, how much he did for us! Rise of heroism in war. Such sincere devotion to the Motherland. How did it fit together? Everything was told to us with little bustle and great love. Children with bated breath listened and watched mini-movies about the war. Then the children were invited to take part in military competitions and play the role of a mortar, sniper, sapper and even a military doctor. In conclusion, the children visited an exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, where they were able to see military awards, letters, triangles and much more. Also, the children were able to get acquainted with the heroes of the Second World War of our city. They listened with great interest and tears welled up in their eyes, which means that a piece of what they heard and saw will remain in their hearts. We hope that our guys will become not just citizens of our Great Motherland, but true patriots!

I would like to say a huge thank you to the library staff! For organizing such a wonderful event dedicated to the Second World War.

We sincerely thank the library staff for the meeting! Teachers, children and older generation (Grandmothers and grandfathers).

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Raise from a child a real patriot of his country is not an easy task. First of all, we must also decide for ourselves what is meant by patriotism. Otherwise, in recent years, there has been an unpleasant tendency to call the voluptuous scratching of a sense of collective belonging patriotism. When any wino in a dirty vest, knocking another glass of muddy mash down his throat, yells something in a voice that is not his own, like: "For Russia!" or "We'll roll for grandfathers!" and fancies himself a patriot.

Of course, when a person by itself is insignificant, and has not achieved anything in life, then it is very pleasant for him to feel his involvement in the great deeds of his ancestors. He loudly says that "we" repulsed the Mongol-Tatar yoke, "we" defeated the Emperor of France the Great Bonaparte, "we" were the first to conquer space, and so on. He himself, of course, did not participate in anything, and could not, due to his not millennium age. But does he have the right to talk about his involvement in these really worthy deeds? Definitely not. By itself, as a person, as a citizen, such a "patriot" has no value, and cannot have. A patriot is a creative character, and not busy all his life with self-destruction alone.

And if not him, then who It has? Who has the right to identify himself with famous ancestors without fear that he will be contemptuously pointed out in his place? This is a serious question, but it is not obvious that it needs to be answered within the framework of a conversation about patriotism. After all, after all, why be proud of other people's exploits? Abraham Lincoln, one of the most remarkable and outstanding American presidents, once answered a question about his ancestors that he did not care. To a much greater extent, he is interested in who his descendants will become. Could anyone ever reproach this person for the lack of a spirit of patriotism in him, call him not a patriot? Never.

However, this at all does not mean that the history of your people and your ancestors should be treated with contempt. When Lincoln's insidious enemies, on the day of his inauguration, sarcastically asked him how the son of a shoemaker, who became president, felt, Abraham Lincoln paused and completely without malice answered something like this: "I'm glad that you reminded me of my father on such a day. This is not will allow me to be too proud of my achievements. After all, he was a real man of his craft and I am afraid I will never be as good a president as he was a wonderful shoemaker. In the history of any nation, there is enough blood and dirt. And constantly falsifying historical facts, playing historical cards, as if a cheater were playing, just for the sake of boasting to foreigners - this, quite definitely, has nothing to do with patriotism.

history of course you need to know. And teaching history is a grateful and noble cause. After all, those who do not know history are doomed to inevitably repeat it themselves, over and over again. Moreover, among our people it is rich and interesting. But you should not bashfully cover up "ugly moments", you need to honestly admit the mistakes of your ancestors - only then can you be proud of their achievements.

Patriotism it is a sincere desire to make the place where you were born better. And you need to start with yourself. If you want your child to grow up as a patriot, an example to follow for all his compatriots, you must make it clear to him that people can be taught decent behavior only by personal example. And you can teach him this, of course, also only by your own actions and your worthy behavior.

Pursuit protect their neighbors, to help their neighbor in trouble, to lend a helping hand to the needy, not to remain indifferent to someone else's grief - this is what a child needs to be taught by life examples. Equally diligently it is necessary to instill in him participation in public life. Anyone who does not understand that the processes at the national level have a direct impact on the fate of every citizen, apparently, is extremely far from understanding the state structure in general.

Can't be indifferent when your neighbor is in trouble, he needs help. When his house is on fire, everyone around grabs buckets and hoses and runs to help, rather than standing and filming everything. When visiting bandits attack your outlying neighbor, men with guns very quickly pull up from all over the village to repulse the scoundrels, and do not hide in their homes, fearfully locking the shutters. This is the tradition of Russian patriotism, understandable to every Russian person. But, even when the "fire" blazes throughout the state, when injustice is happening due to oversight, connivance or malicious intent of the people responsible for this, the state administration, the so-called "those in power", then it is unacceptable for a real patriot to stay away from civil protest. When an external enemy threatens state borders, then all men capable of holding weapons should be ready to stand up for their country, and women should provide them with a reliable rear.

Patriotism Thus, it grows into its nationwide form from relationships in a close society, from behavior in rather everyday situations, and, even earlier, from a family.

Today we have, unfortunately, patriotic education increasingly consists in pointing a finger at a portrait of Yuri Gagarin: "Here, daughter, be proud!" But not a single patriot has yet been brought up like this, except for a hysteria, an amateur with loud cries of his patriotism to beat his chest with his fist, but to hide with the agility of a garbage rat in a deep crack at the slightest serious danger.

Such approach must be avoided by all means. Only a worthy example can be brought up from a son or daughter of patriots. And this example should not be given to them by Yuri Gagarin and Alexander Nevsky, not by Princess Olga or Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, painted on the portrait under their biography. And the closest people in the whole wide world are mom and dad.

Do you love your country? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks his wife: “Do you love me?”

Do you love your country? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband suddenly asks his wife after 50 years of marriage: “Do you love me?”.

Often we do not think about how we feel about the country in which we live. They say something in the news about the importance of instilling patriotism in children, about the fact that programs for the patriotic education of the younger generation have been adopted at the federal level. They say yes they say, "and Vaska listens and eats."

Sometimes, though, you feel like a patriot when you support a Russian sports team and sing the national anthem. You will hang the St. George ribbon on the car in honor of May 9. You remember, you sigh: “Here, they say, there used to be patriots, they gave their lives for their Motherland, and now ... the wrong people went, the patriots degenerated.”

Often you stand in a huge queue at Sberbank, you fall into an open hatch on the road, an icicle falls on your head from the roof, and instead of words of love for your homeland, we say something completely different. We scold Mother Russia. Is this also a form of patriotism?

Are those patriots who justify the brutal reprisal against the Tajik janitor by their concern for the motherland: should the native land be cleansed of dirt?

Is it possible to be a patriot in some situations, but not in others?

As you can see, today there is an ambiguous situation with the manifestation of patriotism among adult Russians. Most adults do not understand the essence of patriotism, what can we say about children, what kind of education of patriotism in these conditions occurs in them.

They echo, by and large, their parents and teachers. When necessary, patriots: they told the veterans to give flowers - they gave them, to go to the parade - they went, but few people are interested in what is going on inside the children. A beautiful picture is important.

Can we talk about patriotic education, if in family conversations, in ordinary life, children now and then encounter the conversations of adults who condemn today's Russia, with its corrupt government, resource-based economy, and soulless society?

With the help of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we will try to understand the essence of patriotism and patriotic education.

What is patriotism

To understand a phenomenon, the first step is to analyze its concept. In Wikipedia we find the definition: “Patriotism (from the Greek compatriot, fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate one’s private interests to its interests.”

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the secret of patriotic education is the following: the basis of paternal feelings, principles, and a warm attitude towards the Motherland is love. Love for one's country is the other side of hatred. Where there is hate, there is no love.

Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov quite rightly remarked: "Patriotism is love for one's country, not hatred for someone else's".

Where does patriotism begin?

Patriotic education is the education of love for the Motherland. Love for the Fatherland, for the place where you were born and raised. The education of patriotism begins from childhood. A child comes into this world with properties given to him by nature - vectors that are initially at the basic level of development of their properties. Such a small animal with archetypal behavior. At the animal level, patriotism is the protection and defense of your territory, which ensures your survival.

"While we burn with freedom,

As long as hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, we will devote to the fatherland
Souls are wonderful impulses!

A. S. Pushkin

Or not filled.

Classics of patriotic education

It is traditionally believed that patriotic education is an integral part of school and family education. In addition, patriotic education of preschool children is carried out in kindergarten. At school age, historical social disciplines, the educational system of the school with the help of additional education, and various extracurricular activities are called upon to educate patriotism.

Yes, veterans are welcome. They remember significant historical dates. Concerts, exhibitions, excursions to places of military glory are held. Raising patriots.

It is believed that children's public associations and patriotic clubs play an important role in the patriotic education of the new generation.

Discord and vacillations

If we consider modern pedagogical approaches to patriotic education, then their fundamental principles are the continuity of generations, knowledge of history, tolerance.

Realizing that in practice most of the youth are consumerist, extremely cynical about the Motherland, often showing their patriotism by joining the ranks of skinheads, officials even thought about introducing separate lessons of patriotism.

Do you represent the USE in patriotism? Patriotic education is ... and options a, b, c. So far, they have limited themselves to introducing a course of secular ethics or the foundations of religion. They tried the old formula of the Minister of Education of the times of Nicholas I S. S. Uvarov - “Autocracy. Orthodoxy. Nationality" - to resurrect in modern realities. Raise patriotism in children, respect for state institutions through religion.

However, attempts to improve the quality of patriotic education remain inconclusive.

Poll results

Young people justify their anti-patriotic sentiments by saying that the words of adults are strongly dissonant with their deeds (how many children of officials serve in our army?). The most important problems in our society, instead of being solved, are either hushed up, or polished, or ridiculed, but not solved, so the education of patriotism cannot have the proper effect:

    Then what's the point of living in Russia? (“Golden youth” votes with their feet.)

    And what did the Motherland give me? (Because I am a Russian, my bank account was not replenished, as, say, in the United Arab Emirates.)

    We came in large numbers here ... Drive everyone with a filthy broom from Russia. They interfere with my life well.

So, the fact remains: despite the long post-Soviet attempts to educate the new generation as patriots of their country, we see a complete fiasco. A large number of teenagers are either nationalists, or have a very mercantile attitude towards the Motherland, or plan to emigrate. The patriotic is out of fashion.

New laws, programs for patriotic education are good, competent, but, alas, they do not work. Hostility, hatred in society only increases like a snowball.

The reasons for such a deplorable state of patriotic education in our country are revealed by Yuri Burlan at the training "System-Vector Psychology".

Be born and become a patriot

Patriotism is love for the Fatherland, for one's people, for one's history and culture. From the point of view of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, patriots are not born, but become, that is, all people are initially born with innate properties that a person has to develop up to and including puberty and realize throughout life. Along with the right development comes the education of patriotism. At the same time, the conditions of upbringing and the environment are essential for fulfilling natural desires.

A person becomes a person only in society, the greatest pleasure, as well as grief, comes from the communication of a person with another person. Accordingly, the level of development of society, the team into which the child enters, is very important for his personal development, his feeling of the fullness of life, since conditions are created (or not created) there for the disclosure of his potential.

Patriotism is a property inherent in people who possess. For them, the life values ​​are home, family, Motherland, justice, fidelity, decency, honesty, friendship, brotherhood.

And if in Soviet times favorable conditions were created in society for the successful realization of anal people (they could easily get a good education, marry a decent, “clean” woman, achieve honor and respect at work), today it is extremely difficult for them to survive.

They do not know how to adapt, dodge to please circumstances, quickly change their principles, find benefits from any situation, like those who have a skin vector. , are “golden heads” (with upper vectors) and “golden hands”, professionals in their field who tend to work in one place for a long time and polish their skills and abilities.

Now skin values ​​are in demand in society: material wealth, a career, and there is also a demand for skin qualities - flexible thinking, the ability to quickly process information, retrain, and easily adapt to changing conditions. Skin men are more valued in the marriage market.

Accordingly, anal people have few opportunities in modern Russian society for full realization, they do not feel at ease, they feel general dissatisfaction.

Getting into the world of skin values, the anal child does not get what he wants - there is no value of strong friendship, honesty in relationships, they do not praise and do not appreciate excellent studies. As a result, the bright sides of the anal vector often do not develop, especially if the upbringing of the anal child is carried out by skin parents who do not understand who is in front of them (driven, scolded for slowness and slow-wittedness), and anal teachers dissatisfied with life. In this case, the feeling of patriotism does not develop and the child becomes a nationalist. He does not love his homeland, but hates everything foreign. It doesn't look like patriotism at all.

It is much easier today for those who have not found a place under the sun to unite against America, against the Tajiks, against the neighboring republic, than in the name of love for Russia, since hatred, rejection of another culture is much easier to develop than love for one's own. In a positive state, anal people love the Motherland, are ready to selflessly defend it, serve for the good of the Fatherland.

Thus, the patriotic upbringing of children cannot exist separately from the level of development of society itself; it cannot work overnight with the help of new laws. After the collapse of the USSR, personal and collective shortages of people with an anal vector, true patriots of the country, who were its powerful rear, ensured the unification of the whole society on healthy patriotism - love for the Fatherland, accumulated for a long time.

Only when creating comfortable conditions for the development and realization in society of each person (both skin, and anal, and others) can we get rid of the collective anchors that do not allow us to educate patriots (and be them ourselves), and also look confidently into the future.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Motherland, like parents, is not chosen. You can change your place of residence and citizenship, but the spiritual roots will remain the same. And we will still worry about the fate of the country that gave us childhood, even if at a distance. Remaining in its open spaces, we will be forced to experience all its crises and ups and downs. And if we want the latter to prevail, we need to inculcate patriotism in ourselves and in the people around us.

Unwitting Enemies

Experiencing times of crisis with the country, many of its citizens become discouraged. They build pessimistic forecasts for the future of their state. Sharing such thoughts with loved ones, they unwittingly make them doubt that Russia will get out of another hole and recover from shocks. Such a mood discourages both those and others from fighting for a better share. As a result, many resign themselves to the current state of affairs and forget that their future depends only on themselves. After all, you need to fight for well-being, you can only hope for free cheese in a mousetrap.

The stories of such "predictors", passed from mouth to mouth, eventually begin to be realized. Moreover, this happens regardless of their initial proximity to reality. General disbelief hinders the birth of new positive and useful ideas, dooms any undertakings to failure.

The right approach

Instead of crying, waiting for the situation to worsen, a successful person will understand the origins of the problems that have appeared. Only by finding the root causes, you can look for an adequate and effective solution that can bring everything back to normal. In addition, it will help to avoid repeating annoying mistakes in the future.

Having assessed the situation, a successful person will understand that all the troubles of the country are associated with the spread of harmful ideas in it. Despite the impossibility of their implementation at the current moment, they seemed attractive to most. As a result, the state has reached an impasse. Thus, the main thing that needs to be fought is attempts to implement utopian theories. They must be replaced by a progressive movement towards the development of democracy and civil society.

Also, a person tuned in to well-being will contribute to the coming to power of responsible, strong people. They must be wealthy enough to have experience in managing funds and people. In addition, for wealthy people, power is less tempting: their position does not depend on the title of their position.

Wishing to improve the situation in the country, a successful person will advocate for an increase in the number of rich people. Not only do they run the country better and help raise the standard of living of those who work for them. The prosperity of the state is in their interests, because in the event of economic crises, those who have something to lose suffer first of all. Accordingly, they will make every effort to ensure that the situation in the country is stable and predictable.
A successful person will pay attention to the education of patriotism in himself also because, looking at his actions, his children will grow up. In a family where a sad and dark future is predicted for their own country, weaklings who have resigned themselves to all the misfortunes in advance will grow up. If parents are actively involved in the life of the state, they believe that only well-being and prosperity lies ahead, then the children will be conscious citizens leading the country in the right direction.

Reasons for pride

Cultivating love for the motherland, a successful person will always remember those positive features that are in his country.

An education system that has been proving its high efficiency for many years.
High scientific and technical potential.
A developed life support infrastructure that allows its citizens not to be afraid of outbreaks of diseases inherent in third world countries.
Affordable health and welfare system.
Peaceful coexistence of many nations, their positive influence on each other, the creation of an interethnic culture that has no analogues in the world.
Scientists who are welcomed with open arms in all foreign scientific circles.
Many of the greatest scientific discoveries and breakthroughs were made under the guidance of people from Russia.

Of course, a successful person is well aware that not everything in his country is safe. However, he does not believe that the situation is changing for the worse. He is aware of his responsibility for everything that happens and is ready to contribute to the strengthening of the state. It is quite obvious to him that it is impossible to change life in the country overnight. But he will be happy to work to pass on to his children a Russia that has become better and more comfortable.

Patriotism for a successful person is not an empty phrase. He treats his country with love, cares about the future of its citizens. To do this, in the present, he is actively working to resolve current problems and search for their sources. He adequately perceives the difficulties that befell Russia in the past, and tries not to repeat the mistakes made earlier. For the sake of this, he helps people come to power, offering realistic, and not utopian, scenarios for the country's movement forward. As a rule, he supports people who have certain means that allow them to be independent and fair. In order not to lose faith in the possibilities of his country and its potential, a successful person always remembers those aspects of Russia that all its inhabitants can and should be proud of.

Conversations, excursions, classes “State symbols of Russia”, “Moscow is the capital of our motherland”, “Ancient cities, glorious masters” allow me to acquaint children with the capital of our motherland - Moscow and other cities of Russia, famous Russians. Introducing children to the state symbols of the country, my native city, I bring up respect for the flag, coat of arms and anthem of our country, my native city. Didactic games: “Find your flag”, “Find out where I am”, “Find out the coat of arms of your city” help to form civic-patriotic feelings: love and respect for your country, for your native city, awareness of personal involvement in the life of the Motherland. In the classroom and in my free time, I read to children works about the heroes who defended our Motherland at different times. I am talking about the difficult but honorable duty of every citizen - to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

Organizing sports holidays and entertainment dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland (“Heroic Fun”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “These days the glory will not cease”), where children really play military, march, sing military songs, listen to the stories of war veterans and paratroopers from the garrison stationed in our city, I help children feel positive emotions and a sense of belonging to the great memorable events of the country.

Reading works about the war, looking at reproductions of the paintings “Defense of Sevastopol”, “Rest after the battle”, I tell the children how cold it was for the soldiers to lie day and night in the trenches; how they wanted to go home, to their family, but they had a sacred duty - to protect their homeland, mothers, children, and they could not do otherwise. I tell children about thousands of soldiers who died during the war years, about mass graves, about the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall, where millions of people from all over the world come to bow, I explain to children the meaning of the words “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat”, “mortal combat is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth. Heroism, courage, steadfastness, readiness for a feat for the sake of the Motherland - these characteristic features of a Russian person are understandable to children and invariably arouse in them a desire to imitate soldiers, to be like them.

Love for nature is one of the manifestations of love for the Motherland. I constantly make observations that develop interest in nature, I teach to notice changes, to establish their causes. In the classroom and in everyday life, I give children a variety of knowledge about the nature of our country, using illustrations and paintings by Russian artists about their native nature, accompanying them with reading poetry, which is the most valuable means of cultivating love for their native nature. During walks, excursions, I show the charm of the landscape, I teach to appreciate the diverse beauty, because all this brings up the ability to aesthetically understand the world around us, to carefully, poetically treat the nature of our native land. This is facilitated by speech development classes, literary and musical entertainment, visual arts classes “Russian birch holiday”, “Russian field, native”, “Golden autumn”, “How a shirt grew in a field”, “Autumn fair”, “Holy tree , help”, drawing competitions “Golden Autumn in the Forest”, “A birch stood in the field”, craft competition “Gifts of Autumn”.

I introduce children to the life and traditions of the Russian people, I try to arouse interest in the original Russian traditions: hospitality, honoring parents. I actively introduce nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs and sayings, incantations into the speech of children. Children really like getting to know the heroes of epics - heroes, this forms their idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfolk culture, its wealth and beauty, teaches them to appreciate folk wisdom. I bring up in children the need for the Russian language, folk music, fairy tales. Plunging into the world of fairy tales, each child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart; on the examples of fairy tale characters, children learn to distinguish between good and evil, which contributes to the assimilation of moral and ethical standards of behavior.

Learning Russian folk songs, ditties, chants that sound like an affectionate saying, expressing care, tenderness, faith in a prosperous future, I noticed that children's aggressiveness decreases, they awaken a sense of sympathy, a positive emotional atmosphere is created. Reading folk proverbs and sayings to children: “The native side is a cradle, the foreign side is a holey trough”, “That hero is who is behind the motherland with a mountain”, “A bold bullet is afraid, a bayonet does not take a bold one”, “Hurry up - you will make people laugh”, I explain to the children that the people sharply noticed various positions in life and ridiculed human shortcomings, but always praised positive qualities. Introducing children to Russian ritual holidays that were once part of the work and life of the Russian people, I give children the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the people, their way of life and folk wisdom: “Wide Maslenitsa”, “Christmas gatherings”, “Carols”, round dances and dances lovingly sang the grass-ant, curly birch, blooming viburnum, azure flowers.

Russian folk games are also of great interest to children, in which you can show ingenuity, curiosity, dexterity, and a sense of camaraderie. In the classes of the "Young Russians" circle, I teach children how to make Russian rag dolls, the history of which has a long history. Roll-up dolls, roll-up dolls, straw dolls, do-it-yourself dolls made of thread bring sincere joy to children.

“The beauty of the native land, which opens up thanks to a fairy tale, fantasy, creativity, is a source of love for the Motherland. Understanding and feeling the greatness, the power of the Motherland come to a person gradually and has beauty as its sources ”- these words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky perfectly reflect the task of the educator and parents - to awaken love for the native land in a growing person as early as possible, from the first steps to form the child has character traits that will help him become a person and a citizen of society, cultivate love and respect for his home, kindergarten, native street, city; a sense of pride in the achievements of one's country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers; to develop interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to the child.

Used Books:

1. Knyazeva O.L, Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. Program. Teaching aid. 2nd ed. SPb. Childhood-Press. 1998.
2. Pimenova I.K. , Rossokha I.N. Birth of Rus'. Handbook for developing education - M. ZAO Publishing house EXPO-Press. 1998.
3. Zabylin M. Russian people. Complete illustrated encyclopedia. Holidays, rituals and customs. M. Publishing House Expo. 2005
4. Shangina I.I. Russian people. Weekdays and holidays. Encyclopedia. SPb. Publishing House "ABC Classics". 2003
5. Where does the Motherland begin? (Experience in patriotic education in the preschool educational institution) / Edited by L.A. Kondrykinskaya. - M: TC Sphere, 2004.