Restoration of damaged hair: what will be more effective - shampoos, masks or salon care? How to take care of dry hair to restore it

Which of us, when watching the next beauty contest on TV, does not watch with envy how the miraculous beauties put on shiny tiaras on their heads. However, we admit to ourselves, more often our attention is attracted not by a diamond diadem, but by wonderful hair with shiny curls at the ends. Have these beauties ever experienced problems with damaged hair?

Most women are familiar with fragile, brittle, combed, tangled hair that has been damaged due to internal and external factors.

damaged hair

Damaged hair indicates damage to the hair cuticles, which causes fraying, coarsening, splitting or breaking of the hair. To the touch, damaged hair is usually unpleasant, rough, dry and brittle.

The most common causes of hair damage are:

  • Dyeing, frequent lightening, perming or straightening hair
  • Frequent shampooing
  • Thoroughly wiping hair with force
  • Frequent use of hair styling products and blow-drying
  • Using hair products that are not suitable for your hair type
  • Prolonged exposure to direct rays of the scorching sun
  • Dirty drinking water with a lot of harmful chemicals

Internal Factors Causing Weakening and Damage to Hair

  • Wrong diet
  • Psychological or physical stress
  • Insomnia
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, anemia

Damaged hair care

Restoring the vitality of damaged hair is not an easy task that requires a lot of effort and patience from a woman. But in the end it will all work out. There are a huge number of hair care and restoration products, the effect of which is almost miraculous. True, sometimes funds alone may not be enough, and sometimes it will be impossible to eliminate the harm done to the hair. In such cases, you just have to sit and wait until new hair grows in order to take care of them properly.

Some recipes for damaged hair care

No need to be hair daily! This is extremely harmful to the scalp, which ultimately leads to the loss of oils that your hair needs so much. Use a protein shampoo to wash your hair, which is more tolerant of the oils in your scalp without washing them out too much. Washing your hair daily is only necessary if you are professionally involved in sports or lead an overly active lifestyle. As long as your hair retains its normal well-groomed appearance, it is best not to touch it. For normal hair, the frequency of washing is once every two to three days..

Don't rub your hair hard after a shower, don't rub it with excessive force - it hurts it! The best option is not to dry your hair at all after a shower. For a simple head wrap in a towel, your hair will say “thank you!”. Strong friction makes hair brittle.

Wait until the head is completely dry and only then take up the comb. Wet hair is in a relaxed state, and it is combing at this time that is the most common cause of hair loss and breakage. You need to comb only dry hair with smooth and gentle movements. Use a comb with sparsely set teeth.

Your hair should be well hydrated. A gentle gentle shampoo and hair conditioner will help with this. Color-treated hair will benefit from a protein-rich conditioner and an extra-mild shampoo. Using a hair conditioner on color-treated hair, you give it silkiness and shine, because the conditioner helps to improve the effect of dyes on the hair. Moisturizing and protein components of the conditioner will save your hair in the sultry heat and protect from the wind (your hair shaft will be wrapped in a protective film). The value of a conditioner when caring for weakened, dry and damaged hair is simply enormous, but after its action it still needs to be thoroughly washed off, as its residue can make your hair dull and difficult to maintain.

If you use a hair dryer, then in the weakest modes. You should also avoid heat-hot scissors, curling irons, etc.

If you are going to stay in the sun for a long time, then be sure to use a protective spray or conditioner, as ultraviolet rays not only have a harmful effect on the scalp, but also dry out your hair.

Few people know about the benefits of head massage. Even a two-three-minute scalp massage improves blood circulation in the scalp and helps to strengthen and heal your hair.

If you bleach your hair too often, you can strip it of all of its natural oils.

A few drops of silicone serum will help smooth your hair's cuticles and add shine to your hair.

If you want to braid your hair, then make the strands larger, it harms the hair less.

You need to wash your head only with warm water, since hot water dissolves and washes oils more from the scalp.

The ideal shampoo is one that does not contain much acid or alkali. Most shampoos don't meet these requirements, so don't over-shampoo your hair.

One of the most effective methods in hair care is finding the right hair care products for you. The result can be achieved, of course, only in the course of long experiments and observations, but believe me, it's worth it! To use this or that remedy is a question that also depends on the time of year. Remember that the media you use for care in winter and summer should be different from each other.

Trim your hair often to help prevent split ends. When cutting, it is also important to use good scissors.

There should be nothing superfluous in the hair. If you are relaxing at sea, then you can put on a hat and be sure to carefully monitor that there is no sand or salt left in them.

Asian women use various oils as conditioners for their hair. Today, physicians place particular emphasis on the nutritional properties of jojoba oil. In Russia, beauty salons in Yekaterinburg, for example, actively began to use burdock oil for hair. As a special VIP service, it is offered to undergo a monthly course of treatment and restoration of your hair with the help of burdock oil under the supervision of professionals.

Before applying the conditioner, you can lightly steam your head to open the pores of the scalp as much as possible and help the conditioner to penetrate as deeply as possible.

In nutrition, it is important to eat foods high in protein.

Care for damaged hair at home

Use a high protein shampoo with a high pH. This shampoo will restore the damaged layer of the hair cuticle.

Before each shampooing, you can apply burdock or sea buckthorn oil to your hair for 5-10 minutes. The effect will become noticeable somewhere after 1-1.5 months of applying such procedures. Hair will become more elastic, heavy, smooth.

When carrying out procedures involving oils and onions (see recipe number 3), you will noticeably accelerate the growth of your hair.

Recipe number 1 "elixir" for the health of your hair:

  • beat two eggs
  • tbsp lime juice + tbsp olive oil - add to eggs
  • mix and apply on hair for 20-30 minutes
  • then apply shampoo and rinse thoroughly

As a result, we get an excellent air conditioner at home.

Recipe number 2 (extremely simple)

  • rinse your hair with a solution of lemon squeezed into a glass of water
  • the solution remains on the hair for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water

Recipe No. 3 (with a side effect in the form of a smell)

  • mix 1 onion with a tablespoon of honey
  • apply to hair for 2 hours, then wash your hair with shampoo
  • if the hair after this procedure is not rinsed in a mustard solution, then the hair may have an unpleasant odor from 2 to 7 days

The effect is noticeable after the 3rd time - the hair becomes soft, shiny and strong.

If you provide your hair with the right care, then your hair will remain shiny, elastic, soft, beautiful and healthy for a very, very long time.

Take a deep breath. Think positive and stay confident. Keep in mind that the hair restoration process may take some time, but you are off to a good start and when you are done, the result will be excellent!

Rinse your hair well. Wash your hair every other day. Always use a little more hair conditioner than shampoo. Apply the shampoo as you normally would, but remember that you only need a little bit and don't pour the shampoo on the top of your head as this can damage your hair. Then apply conditioner if you have straight or wavy hair, focus on the ends and towards the center. If you have curly hair, the conditioner should be distributed along the entire length. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips. The last thing you need to worry about is the top of your head.

Leave the conditioner on for 5-15 minutes. You can leave the water on, just don't direct it at your hair at this time. In the meantime, you can shave, listen to the radio, or wash the rest of your body. After the estimated time is up, apply the conditioner to every inch of your hair. Then rinse thoroughly.

Bend over so your hair hangs down and wrap it in a towel, gently squeezing and twisting your hair to remove excess water. Rough squeezing will only damage them. After your hair dries, apply anti-tangle products. (They're usually used for curly or curly hair.) If you don't have them, just apply some conditioner to your hair. If you have oily hair, just skip this step, or use a small amount the size of a dime.

Comb your hair with a comb or brush with soft bristles. If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, use mousse or styling gel on damp hair. Be careful to untangle hairballs instead of pulling them out. If you shower in the morning, put your hair back in a ponytail or braid. When you get ready for bed, gather your hair in such a way that it won't get messy while you sleep. Braids, nightcaps, and/or high ponytails will help keep your hair out.

Let your hair dry naturally.

Repeat these steps every time you shower and you will see dramatic changes in your damaged hair.

Regularly carry out protein and deep treatment hair masks. Protein will help restore the hair's natural keratin, while other therapeutic masks will help retain moisture, especially if you have coarse or curly hair. You can create your own mask by mixing aloe vera, hair conditioner, honey, banana, egg, mayonnaise, etc. Mix them thoroughly, put the part that you are not going to use in the refrigerator to prevent the products from spoiling. Apply to damp hair and leave overnight, if you are in a hurry, then 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Avoid using chemicals and high temperatures on your hair. Most likely, this is how your hair was damaged. Don't overuse color, chemical straighteners, or hair straighteners. Think natural hair dyes, henna for red hair, indigo for black hair, lemon juice or other citrus fruits for natural lightening.

    • When you go to the pool, soak your hair with conditioner in advance and rinse it well after that. A pool cap will also help protect your hair.
  • Hi all! I had to lighten my hair 4 times. I know well what empty, dry, brittle hair is.

    Fall 2015
    Such hair "does not lie", does not comb, electrifies, turns yellow, is very confused. Rigid. Thinned. The ends are crisp. I want to cut it off and quickly forget it like a ridiculous nightmare.


    So, if the hair is bleached, devoid of pigment, the first thing to do is fill it up again. Coloring is the basis for the care of bleached hair.

    What color to paint: blond, natural or darker - everyone decides for himself. Faux blonde is a very whimsical shade and maintaining it is not easy and costly. Coloring in dark colors has pitfalls. Accumulating in the hair, dark pigment can quickly lead to a black color, from which you can only get out with another lightening. Therefore, many choose a natural shade that is as similar as possible to their own, in order to completely abandon color-resistant staining in the future.

    The paint leaves bleached hair very quickly. For example, I washed off in two weeks (I washed my hair 5-6 times). And dyeing your hair too often is too bad. That's why I recommend pre-pigmentation. On bleached hair, paint without oxide is first applied one tone lighter than the desired shade. And without washing it off from roots to ends, a dye of the desired shade with oxide is applied. Waiting time according to the instructions. The percentage of oxide - according to the condition of the hair. The point is that in this way the dye will be washed off from bleached hair in the same way as from healthy ones. Checked.

    The first 2-3-4… staining can be 3%. The dye must be fixed in the hair. You will understand when it happens. It will stop washing off to yellow, discolored. After that, you can go to toning. This is the same staining, but with unstable paints and on the lowest oxide. 1.5% for example. Toning can be either colored (for blond and darker than your own), or colorless (for natural hair).

    If the dyeing procedure is carried out at home, then in addition to the dye, special shampoo and conditioner are needed to stop the oxidative process in the hair. Ordinary shampoos for every day are not effective here. If dye reagents are not washed out of the hair in time, they will continue to spoil them. Over time, this leads to “My hair is splitting! What to do?" and the like.

    I have never used three professional dyes: Estel , Kaaral , Londa by 3% and 1.5%. I don't want to do it again and I don't recommend it to anyone. All three are the same in durability. Washed out of my hair in three weeks. Ammonia. For paint with ammonia, this is too fast. Londa I really liked the first time, gives a great shine. All these paints greatly dry the damaged part of the hair, especially the tips. I'm not ready to pay for the shine and density of split ends. In the meantime, in search of a suitable dye, I maintain the length with good care.

    Basic care

    In the care of damaged, empty hair, the emphasis is on everything: moisturizing, nourishing, restoring, protecting. It is difficult to find one tool that will give everything at once. Difficult, but possible. Fluid Librederm , For example. On the other hand, it can be easier to make a stepwise care. With each “step” (everything lower to the tips), using the product is harder, stronger.

    One example of multi-layered care

    Shampoo Angel Summer Hair Relax(300 ml / 400 rubles) - light and moisturizing, restores hair after the sun
    Growth Angel Conditioner(300 ml / 780 rubles) - excellent hydration and UV protection
    Fluid Librederm(150 ml / 430 rubles) - moisturizing, nourishing and protecting against external influences, including hot blow-drying
    Milk Iron Finish L "oral(150 ml / 1150 rubles) - thermal protection and smoothness (short-term cosmetic effect)
    Wella oil(30 ml / 530 rubles) - protection, shine, cosmetic effect

    This is a set of cosmetics for frequent use. It doesn't overload my hair. Everything is balanced. And when there is pigment in the hair, everything is fine. But when the paint is washed out, this is no longer enough. Then I connect intensive care.

    Shampoo Palmy(300 ml / 1085 rubles) - soft and nutritious.
    Kaaral Hydra mask(500 ml / 700 rubles) - nutrition and hydration.
    Spray Angel Summer Hair Relax(250 ml / 400 rubles) - moisturizing and UV protection.
    Thermal protection L "oreal
    Wella oil

    This is a more intensive care that saturates the hair, accumulates. It is needed less frequently. For my fourth wash. First, we saturate the hair with intensive care, and then we support it with the main one. Like coloring and toning.


    I gave up strong regenerating shampoos with instant cosmetic effect (Visible Repair, Megapolis). They poorly moisturize, quickly accumulate in the hair and make it very heavy. Those same mistakes. Good only for rare use on incredibly devastated hair. And I do not want to apply such a film-forming composition to the scalp. That's where I don't want to hoard polymers and silicones.
    Shampoo is the first step. Ideally just for cleansing. But the reality is that cleansing becomes a test for damaged hair. They need at least hydration. Therefore, I prefer shampoos with a light composition - as few film-forming components as possible, as many good moisturizers as possible.

    I do not always wash the length. I look at the situation. I spent a day in the city, which means I sprayed dry hair more often, or there was a styling with varnish, then, of course, I wash the length as meticulously as the head itself. If the roots are oily, and the length is light, then I do not lather it.


    The second step - we go down lower, retreating 5-10 cm from the scalp. We do not apply length masks to the skin. I try to avoid masks. Yes, they give an excellent cosmetic effect and it turns your head, but at the same time there is very little moisture and dry hair in the long term. These are masks for rare use, when you need to look "at 100". Numero, Megapolis.
    I choose masks for intensive moisturizing or nourishing. The effect on my hair is no worse than from regenerating ones. Even better. Now I have three masks: Kaaral, and . They all moisturize well, give elasticity and shine. They have a long lasting effect Kaaral also cumulative.

    Leave-in cosmetics
    The third step is indelible products. They are harder to pick up. On the one hand, strong compositions are needed for recovery, on the other hand, it makes the hair heavier. And washing damaged hair every day is just a pity. The ends will quickly become unusable. Still need UV protection.
    I have not yet found the perfect spray for myself, so now I use two. One intensive with hydration, protection and nutrition. The other is very light but well moisturizing and with a UV filter. This Librederm And Angel . About Angel can be read. ABOUT Librederm .

    Thermal protection plays an important role in my care. I use now Iron Finish L "oreal . Here it just gives a cosmetic effect. She wrote in detail about her thermal protection complex in.

    In short:
    Rinse-off moisturizing and nourishing products. Indelible - restoration and protection.

    Extra Care

    Or SOS care. Or SPA. The fourth step, which is very important for damaged hair, is better not to save.

    These are ampoules - persistent intensive care. Recovery elixirs, complexes. Also lamination, Botox, prosthetics, happiness for hair. There are many names, the goal is the same - the appearance and properties of healthy hair, even if they are killed.

    I tried ampoules and lamination. Of course, all this has a very cool effect on the hair, but does not replace any of the steps above. All this makes sense and maximum effect on pigment-rich hair.
    With ampoules, the situation is the same as with masks. There is for moisturizing, there is for recovery, there is 50/50.

    An example of a moisturizing ampoule Kaaral Purify Restructure(12 ml / 160 rubles)
    Recovery - Dikson Risrtrutturante(10 ml / 160 rubles)
    For hydration and nutrition 50/50 - Selective with proteins(20 ml / 369 rubles), Active Complex Megapolis(30 ml / 520 rubles), Elixir Kaaral Maraes(1 pair / 399 rubles)

    You can use a 50/50 ampoule, or you can alternate between each other or apply moisturizing and regenerating in turn.
    I did this:
    I washed my hair, patted it with a towel, applied the Megapolis Active Complex and left it for 10 minutes under a shower cap.
    Without rinsing off Megapolis, I applied an ampoule of Dikson Ristrutturante to my hair and left it for 10 minutes under a shower cap. Washed off with warm water.
    I received hydration, nutrition, cosmetic effect.

    Among the large number of ampoules, I choose 50/50 for moisturizing and nourishing. I noticed that if you use only restorative products that give a mirror shine and smoothness, the hair becomes dry.

    Lamination has an effect similar to ampoules. I like it less because of the way it is used. I applied the ampoule like a mask and that's it. And with hot, cold phases ... warming them up ... Long, dreary.
    I use ampoules every 10 days. Lamination no more than once a month.

    Let's define the right comb here. This is what helps maintain the length and ends.
    I love Tangle Teezer Salon Elit (970 rubles). Magic combing without complaints.

    And here is the cleansing of the hair with a deep cleaning shampoo (SHGO). Although the care is not a mixed, but a puff cocktail and does not overload, it still “obsoletes” over time and this also spoils the hair. Not scary. SHGO will fix everything quickly)
    Hair needs SHGO if the hair has become heavy, sticks together into icicles, has become dull, the tips are hard. Deep cleansing will restore their shine and lightness.
    I believe in shampoos Angel and SHGO is no exception (90 gr / 290 rubles).


    The last step in my skincare routine is blow-drying. “Give up the hair dryer and ironing and your hair will thank you” - familiar? My hair didn't say thank you. I'm for styling.

    Left: Blow-dry empty hair
    Right: empty hair dried itself

    I looked at the hair dryer and protective cosmetics for a very long time. Hair dryer overview BaByliss can be seen. See above for thermal protection.

    Growth and haircut

    A separate item is the stimulation of hair growth and renewal of the tips.
    The ends and strands near the face are the most vulnerable areas of the hair. They spoil faster. And the ends of damaged hair deteriorate even faster, even more. In fact, they are already corrupted. Properly selected care can extend their life, but nothing lasts forever. Therefore, the goal of girls with damaged hair is to grow healthy hair faster than the ends deteriorate.

    I have said more than once that the key to rapid growth is:
    - full nutrition (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, short-cooked products, seafood, cereals, etc.);
    - active healthy lifestyle (sports, fitness, movement in general);
    - stimulants, homemade or industrial production.
    Remember to cleanse your scalp with peeling. This will increase the effectiveness of stimulating masks / sprays / ampoules.

    When to cut the ends? This is everyone's personal choice. I like the idea of ​​margarita

    At one time, I once did not scoff at my hair. They have survived perms and bleaching, cuts and toning. Unfortunately, such drastic measures left my hair as lifeless as straw, and I had to work hard to restore its shine and softness.

    Where to begin

    First of all, I gave up full hair coloring and switched to highlighting. Anyone who has ever used lightening paints knows that it is not easy to stop in this matter. It's almost impossible to stop coloring your hair. The roots grow back too fast and have to be touched up to keep from looking like a scarecrow.

    At the first stage, the strands were tinted to match my natural hair color. The result is the effect of highlighted hair. Then I did this procedure a couple more times until the roots were long enough and the hairdresser cut off all my bleached strands, hooray! My natural hair turned out to be so soft and silky that I decided to highlight only a year later.

    How to care for damaged hair

    During this time, while my own hair was growing, I did my best to take care of them and follow the advice of professional hairdressers. Here are the main ones:

    1. Do not wash your hair daily, otherwise it will dry out your hair. Warm water should be used for washing. Shampoo must be squeezed into the palm of your hand at a minimum, and then mixed with a small amount of water to create lather.

    2. To avoid hair breakage, do not try to rub it too much with a towel. Also, do not try to brush wet hair vigorously. A hair dryer should only be used as a last resort.

    3. Choose a shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type, and also try to ensure that the selected product contains moisturizing and protein components. The conditioner should be thoroughly rinsed after application.

    4. The sun can dry out damaged hair even more, so in the summer it is worth protecting your head from the sun's rays. In addition, on vacation, remember that sea water must be washed off the hair with running water. Today they produce special protective sprays for hair from the harmful rays of the sun.

    5. Before going to bed, massage the scalp for about three minutes, this will improve blood circulation and strengthen the hair roots.

    6. The ends of the hair should be trimmed regularly, then they will not be intensely split. You should not do this at home, because. it is important to use professional and sharp scissors.

    7. Vitamin A is good for hair growth, so lean on carrots, but be aware that it should be mixed with sour cream or vegetable oil.

    Remember that it is better to prevent hair damage than to treat it later.

    How do you take care of damaged hair?

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    It has long been known that any perm has a negative effect on the hair and requires their subsequent restoration. How do you need to take care of your hair in order to restore their health and strength as soon as possible after curling? First of all, you should get yourself a wooden comb with rare teeth. You will use it for daily combing of curly curls. Another important purchase is a special shampoo after curling. If the hair is very weakened, it would be better to take a shampoo for damaged hair with a regenerating complex. In addition, after each wash, it will be very useful to rinse your hair with an infusion of herbs - chamomile, thyme, hops, nettle, oak and willow bark, as well as an infusion of rye bread (200-300 grams of black bread per liter of boiling water). If you strain the infusion well, you can even leave it on your hair without rinsing your head with clean water.

    In order to restore severely damaged hair, you need to use moisturizing and nourishing masks and balms, which include collagen, panthenol and keratins. They can be purchased at a cosmetics store or even better at a pharmacy. In addition, after washing, it is advisable to apply a leave-in oil or a light hair cream to the hair. This will prevent them from drying out. If you have the time and desire, it will be very useful before each wash, about 1-2 hours before, to apply burdock or nettle oil to your hair. It is simply left on the head and then washed off with a mild shampoo.

    Masks for damaged dry hair

    The mask is the easiest way to nourish weakened hair. At the same time, if you make masks for damaged dry hair every other day or even every day, such care will turn out to be quite intense and will help you very quickly restore health to your damaged hair. In order for the curls to receive the most comprehensive nutrition, we recommend that you alternate restoring vitamin masks with moisturizing oil masks. You can find vitamins and various hair oils in the nearest pharmacy. You can also make homemade masks for dry hair using useful ingredients such as mummy, egg, and much more.

    Nourishing masks for dry hair

    We have prepared for you the best recipes for hair masks that you can apply 1-2 times a week, in courses of 1-2 months. These nourishing masks for dry hair will make your curls beautiful and strong.

    Nourishing mask with honey and castor oil

    To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of honey, oil and freshly squeezed aloe juice. The mixture must be stirred until the honey is completely dissolved, and then rubbed into the scalp with smooth movements. Castor oil can be replaced with burdock. And to achieve a better effect, you can also add lemon juice or onion gruel to the mask. The mixture is left on the hair for half an hour, wrapping the head with a towel.

    Mask with egg yolk and garlic

    To prepare this mask, we need the yolk of one egg, a few cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of arnica tincture, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, as well as any vegetable oil. We do not use protein, so that when rinsing with warm water, it does not curl up on the hair. We mix the yolk with butter and honey, and then add all the remaining ingredients. Keep the mask on your hair for about 40 minutes. And one more useful tip: in order to get rid of the smell of garlic or onions, you need to rinse your hair with peppermint infusion.

    Nourishing mask based on mummy

    Shilajit has a very rich composition. Thanks to this, any mask with mummy turns out to be very useful. We suggest that you supplement the healing properties of the mummy with other nutritional components. For example, you can add a little soothing Sulsen paste to the mask, as well as a few drops of vitamins A and E. It is recommended to keep this mask on your head for at least an hour.

    Yeast mask for weakened hair

    For its manufacture, we will use not yeast, but ready-made rye bread. It must be cut into small pieces, approximately 250-300 grams. In sliced ​​bread, add 1 tablespoon of calendula and nettle. Then pour this mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 hours. It is better to prepare the mask in the morning in order to apply it to the hair in the evening. The mask should stay on the head for about an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.

    White henna mask

    White henna is often used to strengthen hair, it will also help to restore damaged curls. Just mix equal parts henna, honey, cognac, olive or linseed oil and one yolk. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Next, apply the mask on the hair and wash off after 30 minutes.

    Mask based on glycerin

    To prepare it, we need 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one full egg. The resulting mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair. And in order for the curls not to lose their shine due to protein, you need to wash off the mask with cool water and shampoo.

    Mask with sugar and mustard

    As you know, mustard has a warming effect, so it is quite possible that such a mask will bake a little. But on the other hand, it nourishes the hair roots very well. To prepare it, you need to mix mustard powder, sugar, olive or castor oil, warm water and one yolk in equal proportions. Water is usually added at the very end in order to adjust the consistency of the resulting mixture with it. This mask, unlike the previous one, is applied to the hair roots. Depending on the degree of heating of the scalp, the mask can be kept for 30 to 60 minutes. The longer the better. But if it burns a lot, it is better to wash off the mask so as not to spoil the skin.

    Mask with ginger

    To prepare it, you need to grind the ginger root in a blender or on a grater and mix it with sesame oil. The effect of ginger is very similar to that of mustard. Therefore, at first you need to keep the mask on your head just a little bit. If the scalp does not bake much, you can leave the mask longer.

    If your hair needs nutrition, be sure to use the masks you like. And very soon the former shine and health will return to your curls.