What to do if the child poops badly. We are in social networks

In order for the baby to grow up healthy, you need to carefully monitor his behavior and complaints, since he himself is not yet able to help himself.

If the child is healthy

Constipation occurs due to malnutrition of the baby.

At an early age, it is easy to understand when something hurts a baby. When a little man is healthy and feels good, he behaves calmly, does not act up, eats normally.

In this case, a normally functioning intestine plays a very important role, because in infancy, meals are taken every hour or two, so most of the time the children's digestive tract is busy "running" the next portion of food received.

A feature of the intestines of a small child is that it has not yet fully formed to perform the same functions as in an adult. The body, receiving milk or infant formula for nutrition, only takes useful substances from food and, without digesting the rest, brings it out.

Therefore, the fact that a small child often poops is considered quite normal. The number of acts of defecation can reach eight times per day. A great influence on the frequency of stool, as well as on its consistency, is affected by the nutrition of the baby and the degree of his physical activity.

For the first time in life, a baby should poop after birth for two days. The mass that comes out of his intestines consists of mucus, water, bile, epithelium and amniotic fluid that entered his intestines during formation in the womb. The first feces are sticky and viscous and almost black in color.

Until recently, it was believed that meconium is sterile, that is, it does not carry any microorganisms. But a more detailed study by Spanish scientists revealed that the first feces in a child’s life contain small amounts of intestinal bacteria and lactobacilli, which confirms the theory of the development of the fetal immune system even in the process of its formation in the mother’s womb.

If the child has not performed an act of defecation during the first two days of his life, he needs to consult a pediatrician who will find out the reasons for this and prescribe treatment procedures, if necessary.

After being freed from meconium, the baby's stool returns to normal - it acquires a mushy consistency and a yellowish tint. In the first weeks of life, it may still contain particles of meconium.

As mentioned above, the frequency of bowel movements in young children is very high. When breastfeeding, a baby can poop up to 8 times a day - almost after each feeding. Subsequently, the frequency of stool decreases, the baby goes to the toilet once or twice a day, or even once every two days.

If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, he poops less often up to 4-5 times a day.

Causes of frequent stools

Constipation in a child causes discomfort in the abdomen.

With the introduction of the first complementary foods, the baby's stool may change. When receiving an unfamiliar type of food, the body tries to adapt to its processing and digestion, therefore, in this case, it is normal for a child to often poop. This is a consequence of the type of nutrition and restructuring of the body.

You should pay attention to how the baby behaves after eating. If the nature of his behavior becomes restless, he begins to act up, draw his legs to his stomach, rub his stomach, which means that discomfort has appeared in the intestines.

In this case, you will have to wait a little with the introduced type of complementary foods and try something else. Also, a serious indicator of intolerance (albeit temporary) of a particular type of "adult" products is the appearance of rashes on children's skin.

For a baby, food is practically those foods that a nursing mother consumes, only he receives them in a slightly different form. Therefore, it is natural that when a mother eats a large amount of laxative food, her baby's stool will become more frequent.

When breastfeeding, you need to carefully monitor your diet so that the baby gets enough vitamins and minerals, and at the same time there is no strong load on his still not fully formed intestines.

In addition to nutrition, many factors affect the frequency of a child's stool. The reason that the child often poops may be one of the following events:

  • taking certain medications, including laxatives;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • celiac disease (deficiency of enzymes that break down the gliadin protein found in cereals);
  • malabsorption syndrome (insufficient absorption of nutrients);
  • food poisoning, etc.

Most often, children under the age of one year are susceptible to E. coli infection. Normally, these bacteria are in the body of both a child and an adult. But some of its species, getting into the intestines from the external environment with water, air, food, can cause severe disorders of the digestive system.

Rotavirus infection, which affects both adults and children, is activated during the cold period - autumn and winter months. Initial symptoms are similar to those of SARS, but also include nausea, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea, an upset bowel. Celiac disease is a hereditary disease. Its symptoms appear when the baby begins to take cereals with food in the form of porridge, bread, cookies.

This causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, as a result, the child quickly loses weight.

Is treatment necessary for frequent stools?

A fecal analysis will help determine the cause of the stool disorder.

If a child often poops, he does not always need treatment. It all depends on the causes of frequent stools.

If it was caused by a change in complementary foods or eating laxative foods by a nursing mother, you should wait a bit and then the stool will recover on its own.

If, with an increase in stool, the child begins to experience discomfort, signs such as vomiting, fever, skin rashes, swelling appear, you should immediately consult a pediatrician. In addition, a change in the appearance of feces should also alert parents:

  • greenish tint and other color changes;
  • foreign impurities (white lumps, elements of mucus, blood);
  • change in consistency.

But even when contacting a treating specialist, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on external signs. To determine the nature of the disorder and the type of disease, the child must pass a series of tests:

  1. general blood and urine tests;
  2. stool analysis;
  3. sometimes a biochemical blood test and other specific laboratory tests may be required.

Also, to clarify the diagnosis, a coprogram may be required - a study and assessment of the physical and chemical composition of the stool content, its properties, existing pathological inclusions.

Depending on the results of the analysis, the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of the disease and draws up a method for its treatment.

Serious violations in the activity of the child's body require the hospitalization of the child and the constant monitoring of the treating qualified specialist. If outpatient treatment is available, the doctor prescribes medications and determines the date of re-admission to determine the effectiveness of treatment and the need to continue it.

In the case of minor intestinal disorders, a specialist may advise changing the diet and composition of the diet. It is sometimes difficult for parents to determine the cause of a particular health disorder in their child, especially in the early stages of his life.

But with time comes experience. With frequent stools in a baby, it should be remembered that among its causes can be both normal (change of diet) and pathological (poisoning, infections of various kinds, etc.).

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby, observe a normal sleep, activity, and nutrition regimen. If there is a suspicion of a disease, you need to contact a pediatrician. And then there is every chance to raise a healthy child.

How to deal with diarrhea in a baby will tell the video:

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If we are talking about a baby, then this is normal and even good, the food is dairy, otherwise it’s impossible, there will be bloating and colic. The main thing here is not to have very liquid diarrhea, since this is already a problem with digestion.

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Baby poops a lot

I attribute this to the fact that you can poop - this activity is too focused for a big-bottomed boy. well, i.e. instead of a darn to sit, "think" and give out a daily portion, he gives it out several times

if och. if you are nervous about this - consult a pediatrician or gastroenterologist

The food has not changed, only recently they have been taking a lot of medicines, they have been treating bronchitis, SARS, otitis media, acute respiratory infections.

We were observed by an immunologist with CMV, they prescribed a program for us to increase appetite, while we were drinking - there was an improvement, they stopped - everything was the same. True, there was no such chair before.

I also noticed that when a child is in kindergarten, he poops once a day.

But at home, when we get sick, going to the potty begins.

We were observed by an immunologist with CMV, they prescribed a program for us to increase appetite, while we were drinking - there was an improvement, they stopped - everything was the same. True, there was no such chair before ..

We have celiac disease. Only in our city doctors make such a diagnosis when the child is already ill. Try putting him on a strict gluten-free diet. In our case, after six months of the diet, everything was fine.

Can you recommend a good pediatric gastroenterologist?

4 year old poops frequently


Mine had this for quite some time. But it never crossed my mind that it wasn't normal. The stool is normal, nothing bothers the child, why treat something

Ideally, a person should poop as many times as meals. If the stool is normal, then I don't see a problem.

Girls, from birth, we poop quite often, almost after every feeding. Now we are 2.5 months old, and we poop 4-6 times a day. The color of pokakov is normal, without any side problems. We are on GW and I often.

Hello! My son is now 1.5. In the neonatal period suffered necrotic enterocolitis. Breastfeeding still. At the age of 4-6 months there were problems with the stool. I went to poop every 3-4 days and then with outside help.

Hello, I'm desperate. My baby is already three months old, and she has not pooped on her own since 1.5 months. It all started with the fact that I gave bobotik, and before that I always gave baby kalm.

My daughter is a month and a half old, fully breastfeeding. She poops thinner, every 2 days -3 days. And today is day 4. The tummy is soft, it farts a little, every time I rejoice, I think it poops but no ((special concern too.

Girls, share, someone had this: we are 4.5 months old, the child almost stopped pooping: every 2-3 days. I put an enema, colored water comes out and a little bit of poop. The poop is green, but we're taking an iron supplement. The surgeon came, felt the stomach, said there was no constipation, there was not enough milk (we are completely on breastfeeding). The child is happy, cheerful, has recently begun to crawl, eats milk as usual. The last 2 weeks have not improved at all. Is it time to feed? What is constipation? Before that, there were no problems with the stool, they pooped themselves 5 times a day!

We are fully breastfeeding, complementary foods have not yet been introduced. We are 6 months and 2 days old. On January 1, the child had a temperature of 37.9, immediately knocked down, on the 2nd a doctor was called, coughing in the throat and snot. Now only snot remained, a lot.

The question is this. We are 2.5 months old, we eat Nutrilon 1, for the first month we pooped once a day, now 1 time in 2 days. On the advice of a pediatrician, once a day she gave Nutrilon fermented milk, to no avail, only.

the girls have been pooping often for a week now! up to 5 times a day! but the stool is normal, not diarrhea, only often. what could it be? and why? does anyone know? we are 10 months old!

We are 5.5 months old. While we were completely on breastfeeding, the child pooped a couple of times a week, but the pediatrician said that it is normal for breastfeeding if nothing bothers him. And nothing bothers him, he farts normally.

Girls, tell me how it was or is. When Glebushka fell ill, he began to vilify me, if he sits only on his chest, he poops only with water. Well, if I feed and rice water and give an egg and.

The child poops often and a lot

The child is 4 and a half years old, over the past 2 weeks he began to poop often, the stool is mushy, not always homogeneous, the first time in a day he poops a lot, then less and less every time (up to 4-5 times a day). Complains of slight abdominal pain before stool. Pain goes away after emptying. The child is active, asks for food. Meals - like the whole family (everything in a row, both fried and fatty, dad even allowed to eat bacon while mom is at work)), but home-cooked, we don’t feed fast food, and all sorts of croutons, chips, sweets - TABOO)

Doctor's consultation on the topic "The child poops often and a lot"

Hello! It is likely that the softening of the stool in a child is associated with the nature of the diet. In children under 12 years of age, enzyme systems are immature, so children may react differently to food that the whole family eats. The child needs to limit the intake of fried, fatty.

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    Reasons why babies often poop

    When a child often poops - this is one of the most common problems of violation of children's stool. This can indicate various problems, including intestinal upset.

    But usually young and inexperienced parents can hardly determine what the matter is, so first you need to find out if this or that stool in the baby is a deviation from the norm?

    How many times should a healthy baby go to the toilet per day? The fact is that a small child is not a reduced copy of an adult at all, his body lives according to its own schedule, it also develops specifically, and what is a deviation for an adult is the norm for a baby.

    How often should a newborn poop?

    The frequency of stool in children at different ages is different, and first of all it depends on how they eat. If this is a newborn child whom the mother is breastfeeding, then it is normal for him to walk in a big way 7-8 times a day, that is, the act of defecation should be carried out some time after feeding. Of course, at first glance, this number may seem very large, but it is not. For a baby, this is considered absolutely normal, it is not normal if the child goes to the toilet less than 7-8 times.

    As for the first days of a baby's life, his stool at this time will be very dark in color, almost black. This is also considered normal, because over time, and usually the child takes about 3 days for this, the child's stool will gradually brighten, it will have to acquire a yellowish tint and become uniform in consistency.

    The frequency of stools depends on how the mother eats. If a mother eats too many foods that produce a clear laxative effect, this will also affect the baby's stool. It won't be surprising for an infant to go to the toilet a few extra times if the mother has eaten a large enough amount of plums, apricots, peaches, or beets. In order for the baby's stools not to be too frequent, the mother should, if possible, refrain from foods that have a laxative effect. If for some reason an infant is bottle-fed, then it is normal for him to go to the toilet somewhat less often than for breast-feeding children. If an artificial baby goes to the toilet 3-4 times a day, then this is already good. We must not allow the act of defecation to be less frequent.

    In children who are breastfed, the stool should be slightly watery, but uniform in consistency. The color should be something like yellow. If the child eats artificial mixtures, then his stool will be a little thicker and a little darker in color. As it grows, the frequency of walking should decrease, infants should go to the toilet about 5 times a day, and formula-fed babies once. This will continue for at least 3 months and up to 7 months. When the baby is 2 years old, the stool should return to normal completely.

    You need to be wary when a child poops more than 10 times a day, this is already really a deviation from the norm. Also, the baby changes stool, its color, texture, smell. Most likely, this indicates that an insufficient amount of enzymes is produced in the child's body, and this problem should be addressed by a doctor.

    In some cases, but they are quite rare, it happens that a child who is breastfed only poops once every few days. This happens because the individual reaction of his body to mother's milk is expressed in this way. Usually, after the parents decide to introduce some kind of complementary foods to him, the baby begins to go to the toilet often and in large quantities, and this cannot but cause concern for the parents: they begin to suspect that the child’s body does not adequately respond to complementary foods, that they introduced him early, which the child is sick. Doctors usually reassure parents that this is a normal reaction of the child's body to a change in food, and that when he gets used to complementary foods, the stool will return to normal. Parents know their child better, know his inclinations and habits, so it will not be difficult for them to determine how the child feels.

    If the child, with the exception of frequent stools, feels normal, then this should not cause concern, but if the child clearly feels unwell, and this is accompanied by frequent and abnormally loose stools, then complementary foods should be stopped and consulted about it with a doctor who explain how to properly introduce complementary foods, what they should be, in what quantities, and when to transfer a child to it and refuse breastfeeding completely.

    Colic in babies

    A child, especially a small one, often farts, and this is the norm, this should not be prevented. Very many babies, almost all, suffer from intestinal colic, especially in the evenings. And that's okay too. Of course, this gives parents a lot of inconvenience: the child screams and cries, they try to calm him down with the whole family, but little helps. Every mom has her own story about how they deal with colic. The only thing is that they cannot be taken for causeless anxiety. Colic usually starts in the evening. Therefore, it would be advisable to monitor the behavior of the baby throughout the day. If during the day the baby behaves uneasily, cries, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor. But if the child "complains" of colic only in the evening, then it just needs to be experienced. This will go away by itself when the intestines of the little one get stronger.

    In some cases, parents may notice that the baby's stool has become too thin, watery, has changed its usual color to brownish or green, and the smell of the stool has changed a lot. Unfortunately, by the color of the stool alone, it is almost impossible to judge whether the baby has any intestinal disorders. This may be due to purely physiological reasons.

    The baby grows very quickly, his body is rebuilt in every possible way and changes its work, so his stool can also change. In this situation, it would be most reasonable to simply follow closely his behavior: whether he is behaving somehow suspiciously. Usually, if something hurts a child, then he cries for no reason, behaves uneasily, that is, with his whole appearance he tries to show adults that he feels bad. But if he behaves as usual, actively and cheerfully, then there is no reason for concern.

    Why does the baby often poop?

    Experts identify several types of violations, why the child often poops.

    The baby has diarrhea, and it is caused by the fact that he is not fed properly. This reason is quite well-known and common, especially inexperienced and young parents, whose child is the first, meet with it. They may unknowingly give him products that have a pronounced laxative effect. Sometimes parents themselves are taken to treat this disease, once it gives results, in some cases it remains ineffective. But if this happens too often, this is a signal to parents to think that the child’s nutrition is not being carried out correctly, and if they cannot normalize the baby’s nutrition schedule themselves, then you need to ask for help either from the local doctor or the nurse on duty, who in the first months of life, the child will come home and learn about his condition.

    The child does not tolerate lactose well or does not tolerate it at all. A sign that such a violation is taking place is a watery stool in which foamy inclusions can be seen.

    The baby does not have enough enzymes to ensure that the food he ate is digested sufficiently and fully.

    Treatment of frequent stools in children

    Even an experienced doctor cannot determine the nature of the disease the first time, he can only make assumptions. In order for the result of the medical examination to be accurate, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests and pass all the necessary tests, only then the doctor can already say with some accuracy what the child is sick with.

    Therefore, if the child began to go to the toilet often, and this seemed abnormal to the parents, then the child should be shown to the doctor.

    Perhaps the doctor will say that there is nothing to worry about. Or maybe it turns out that the child has a serious intestinal infection, and he needs to be treated immediately. In any case, the child must be taken to the doctor, even for his own personal peace of mind, because the parent is responsible for the life and health of the child.

    If the doctor detects lactose intolerance in a child, he will advise you to take special enzymes, and also tell you what diet you will have to follow in order to bring the child's condition back to normal.

    The fact that the baby lacks one or another enzyme for normal life is considered absolutely normal, since the intestines are at the stage of development and formation and purely physiologically cannot function at full strength, just as the intestines of an adult do.

    If the parents obey the doctor's advice and conduct a course of treatment with a drug that is designed to normalize the intestinal microflora, then it should recover, and the child's stool should acquire a normal appearance, color and frequency.

    4 year old poops frequently

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    How many times a day does a child poop?

    And by the way, she also runs to the toilet every hour (although she doesn’t drink so much liquid.

    Is this the norm or not?

    Mother-in-law says I feed him a lot.

    Here is our meal plan, is it really a lot?

    9.00 Porridge + tea with cookies

    10.30-11 curd Agusha

    14.30-15.00 Soup + compote

    17.00- Goat milk (which he screams for)

    19.30-20.00 dinner (usually a steam cutlet with a side dish)

    By the way, could you give a link on which table to see the volume of dishes?

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  • What to do if the child poops too often? Is it normal or bad? Please tell me!!!


    too often this is how much a day you think, pediatricians explained to us that up to 6 times a day for up to a year is the norm


    We are already a year old, and we poop at least 4 times a day.


    My Irishka (now she is a year and three years old) only had a few months when the stool was reduced to 2 times a day, and before that (up to a year) they pooped after each feeding. It seemed that we were pushing the previous one with a new portion of food. But the pediatrician, as and Galina, only reassured.


    Why did you decide that your baby poops too often? All children have different ventricles and he can poop as much as he wants. The main thing is to pay attention to the smell, color, the presence of mucus (blood).


    We poop about 8-10 times a day, after each feeding and plus between feedings, in general, I didn’t have time to wash and put on a diaper after 5 minutes again, the smell is not very tasty, to put it mildly, and in different ways sometimes it seems like some kind of mucus but without blood!


    Natasha, 8-10 times is a lot:-O!!! You need to do tests. Perhaps you have dysbacteriosis. We drank Linex and Smecta - it helped (the course of treatment was 10 days), we had such a reaction to the teeth. In any case, check with your pediatrician. Heal and don't get sick (F) :-D.


    should I immediately make a reservation rebenko breastfed or artificial? Have you started feeding or not?

    if on breast milk, then after each feeding the child can poop and this is normal !!!

    when complementary foods are introduced, as a rule, they poop less often, but 3 times is also normal.

    artificial people usually have a problem with constipation ...


    very tasteless to say the least :-D

    Have you seen poop with a delicious smell?? :-)

    when the baby is milky, poop resembles homemade cottage cheese Svali, in smell, composition and texture, only yellowish and sour. But in artificial animals, and after the start of complementary foods, as in adults.


    I advise you to take a scatological analysis at the clinic. If the stool is frothy and liquid, feces are for carbohydrates. And only after that the doctor will decide whether you should spend money on an analysis for dysbacteriosis.


    natasha, this is a lot, we also pooped so often. Turned out to be dysbacteriosis. get tested for dysbacteriosis


    We also had it like that for about a year, they passed the tests - it turned out to be staphylococcus aureus ... I think the tests should be passed in any case, and the capprogram is all bullshit. How many times they handed it over - and she showed that everything is fine, but they handed it over for dysbacteriosis and it turned out that it is


    I think at first an analysis is given for scatology, and then the doctor will say whether it is necessary to take it for dysbacteriosis. I don’t pull, it’s better to be calm after passing the tests than not knowing anything and thinking how to be. now I calmly go and immediately hand over and, if necessary, I fly and live in peace .... (C)

    Often poops. They begin to worry about the frequent stool of the child, especially if it is the first and long-awaited. Let's figure out together why the baby experiences frequent urge to go to the toilet and what it threatens.

    The frequency of going to the toilet in the first 6 months of life is associated primarily with the nutrition of the mother, if the child is breastfed, or from an adapted formula, if he is artificial. When breastfeeding, the baby can poop 7 or 8 times a day and this fact is considered the norm. You should also not worry if he does this less often, but does not experience discomfort (does not puff, does not push).

    Mothers who plan to feed their child for a long time should watch what they eat, because some foods have a laxative effect (apricots, plums) and, getting through the milk to the baby, weaken the immature gastrointestinal tract, which is why the child often poops.

    If a child eats mixtures, then his stool is usually thicker and darker than that of those who eat mother's milk and he can poop 1-3 times a day, which is considered normal. The main thing is that the discharge is homogeneous and does not have an unpleasant odor.

    Separately, it is worth talking about the stool of the baby in the first days of life. After birth, you may observe that black stool comes out, which is called meconium. Pediatricians do not see anything wrong with this, after a while the discharge will brighten and become of a homogeneous consistency.

    What happens to the stool after the introduction of complementary foods

    After about six months, babies begin to slowly introduce adult food. By 7 months, most babies are already familiar with some vegetables and fruits. If your child often walks on the big one, start introducing the child to cereals that are a little stronger. Starting with the introduction of complementary foods, children go “large” less often, about 5 times those who are breastfed and 2-3 times artificial ones, with the help of complementary foods, you can adjust the frequency of going to the toilet (fruits help to cope with constipation, and cereals - with frequent calls).

    The child often poops: how to react and what to do?

    Above it was said about the norms in which the baby should fit. You need to start sounding the alarm if the child poops more than 10 times a day. Changes in color, consistency are also a cause for concern. In this case, you can suspect the baby has an insufficient amount of enzymes.

    Sometimes, with violations of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, they speak of lactose deficiency (lactose enzyme deficiency), in which it is very difficult for the baby to digest breast milk and the stool is upset - it becomes very frequent and liquid, or, conversely, constipation can torment. Therefore, if your child poops too often, get tested for lactose deficiency to rule out an enzyme deficiency.

    In addition to this, pediatricians name a few more reasons why a child may defecate too often:

    • Diarrhea, or stool disorders, is associated with malnutrition of the baby. It may be that you gave your child a lot of fruits that weaken the bowels. This condition can be corrected at home by giving the child remedies for diarrhea. If diarrhea persists, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Remember that diarrhea for a baby can be very dangerous, so drink it with water as often as possible, adding a drug like rehydron to the water, which prevents salts from being washed out of the body.
    • Intestinal infection. If, in addition to diarrhea, the child also has a temperature, you should immediately show it to the doctor. If left untreated, an inflammatory process may develop due to the entry of bacteria into the fissures of the rectum.
    • Dysbacteriosis. A fairly common phenomenon that characterizes a sharp decrease in “good” bacteria. With dysbacteriosis, there is an unpleasant odor, loose stools, undigested pieces of food. You need to consult a doctor and competent treatment.

    Treating frequent stools in babies

    “By eye” even the most experienced doctor will not be able to determine whether frequent or loose stools. To do this, you will have to pass some tests. After receiving the results, the doctor will determine whether the child needs treatment.

    If the test results did not show anything terrible, then you should calm down and stop counting the number of urges to the toilet. Another thing is if an intestinal infection is detected. In this case, the doctor prescribes a treatment that can be taken at home.

    If lactose deficiency is detected, the doctor will prescribe special enzymes and advise a diet to improve the situation. The lack of this or that enzyme in a baby under 1 year old is considered normal, since his digestive system is not perfect and will work in full force over time.

    How should a child poop after 1 year

    After a year, the child usually has regular stools, but here parents should also monitor the color, consistency and smell. At the age of 3, we can already say that the child's gastrointestinal tract is mature and works in full force, but still differs from an adult. Therefore, at the slightest change in the stool, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. Monitor the health of your child and then you can avoid many problems later.

    The body of a child, especially in infancy, is very different from an adult. All its organs and systems are only developing, and the processes of vital activity are completely different. In order for the baby to grow up healthy, you need to carefully monitor his behavior and complaints, since he himself is not yet able to help himself.

    Constipation occurs due to malnutrition of the baby.

    At an early age, it is easy to understand when something hurts a baby. When a little man is healthy and feels good, he behaves calmly, does not act up, eats normally.

    In this case, a normally functioning intestine plays a very important role, because in infancy they are carried out every hour or two, so most of the time the children's digestive tract is busy "running" the next portion of food received.

    A feature of the intestines of a small child is that it has not yet fully formed to perform the same functions as in an adult. The body, receiving or infant formula for nutrition, only takes useful substances from food and, without digesting the rest, brings it out.

    Therefore, the fact that a small child often poops is considered quite normal. The number of acts of defecation can reach eight times per day. A great influence on the frequency of stool, as well as on its consistency, is affected by the nutrition of the baby and the degree of his physical activity.

    For the first time in life, a baby should poop after birth for two days. The mass that comes out of his intestines consists of mucus, water, bile, epithelium and amniotic fluid that got into him during formation in the womb. The first feces are sticky and viscous and almost black in color.

    Until recently, it was believed that meconium is sterile, that is, it does not carry any microorganisms. But a more detailed study by Spanish scientists revealed that the first feces in a child’s life contain small amounts of intestinal bacteria and lactobacilli, which confirms the theory of the development of the fetal immune system even in the process of its formation in the mother’s womb.

    If the child has not performed an act of defecation during the first two days of his life, he needs to consult a pediatrician who will find out the reasons for this and prescribe treatment procedures, if necessary.

    After being freed from meconium, the baby's stool returns to normal - it acquires a mushy consistency and a yellowish tint. In the first weeks of life, it may still contain particles of meconium.

    As mentioned above, the frequency of bowel movements in young children is very high. When breastfeeding, a baby can poop up to 8 times a day - almost after each feeding. Subsequently, the frequency of stool decreases, the baby goes to the toilet once or twice a day, or even once every two days.

    In this case, you will have to wait a little with the introduced type of complementary foods and try something else. Also, a serious indicator of intolerance (albeit temporary) of a particular type of "adult" products is the appearance of rashes on children's skin.

    For a baby, food is practically those foods that a nursing mother consumes, only he receives them in a slightly different form. Therefore, it is natural that when a mother eats a large amount of laxative food, her baby's stool will become more frequent.

    When breastfeeding, you need to carefully monitor your diet so that the baby receives enough minerals and at the same time there is no strong load on his still not fully formed intestines.

    In addition to nutrition, many factors affect the frequency of a child's stool. The reason that the child often poops may be one of the following events:

    • taking certain medications, including;
    • increased intestinal motility;
    • bacterial and viral infections;
    • celiac disease (deficiency of enzymes that break down the gliadin protein found in cereals);
    • malabsorption syndrome (insufficient absorption of nutrients);
    • and etc.

    Most often, children under the age of one year are susceptible to E. coli infection. Normally, these bacteria are in the body of both a child and an adult. But some of its species, getting into the intestines from the external environment with water, air, food, can cause severe disorders of the digestive system.

    Rotavirus infection, which affects both adults and children, is activated during the cold period - autumn and winter months. Initial symptoms are similar to those of SARS, but also include nausea, fever, and diarrhea, an upset bowel. Celiac disease is a hereditary disease. Its symptoms appear when the baby begins to take cereals with food in the form of porridge, bread, cookies.

    This causes diarrhea, vomiting, as a result, the child quickly loses weight.

    Is treatment necessary for frequent stools?

    A fecal analysis will help determine the cause of the stool disorder.

    If a child often poops, he does not always need treatment. It all depends on the causes of frequent stools.

    If it was caused by a change in complementary foods or eating laxative foods by a nursing mother, you should wait a bit and then the stool will recover on its own.

    If, with an increase in stool, the child begins to experience discomfort, signs such as vomiting, skin rashes, swelling appear, you should immediately consult a pediatrician. In addition, a change in the appearance of feces should also alert parents:

    • greenish tint and other color changes;
    • foreign impurities (white lumps, elements of mucus, blood);
    • change in consistency.

    But even when contacting a treating specialist, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on external signs. To determine the nature of the disorder and the type of disease, the child must pass a series of tests:

    1. general blood and urine tests;
    2. sometimes a biochemical blood test and other specific laboratory tests may be required.

    Also, to clarify the diagnosis, a coprogram may be required - a study and assessment of the physical and chemical composition of the stool content, its properties, existing pathological inclusions.
    Depending on the results of the analysis, the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence of the disease and draws up a method for its treatment.

    Serious violations in the activity of the child's body require the hospitalization of the child and the constant monitoring of the treating qualified specialist. If outpatient treatment is available, the doctor prescribes medications and determines the date of re-admission to determine the effectiveness of treatment and the need to continue it.

    In the case of minor intestinal disorders, a specialist may advise changing the composition of the diet. It is sometimes difficult for parents to determine the cause of a particular health disorder in their child, especially in the early stages of his life.

    But with time comes experience. With frequent stools in a baby, it should be remembered that among its causes can be both normal (change of diet) and pathological (poisoning, infections of various kinds, etc.).

    Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby, observe a normal sleep, activity, and nutrition regimen. If there is a suspicion of a disease, you need to contact a pediatrician. And then there is every chance to raise a healthy child.

    How to deal with diarrhea in a baby will tell the video:

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    • Green poop in a baby: causes, ways ...

    Young parents who have their first child in the family are often worried about why the baby often poops. Is it normal? Are there any norms for infants, one-year-olds and two-year-olds? Of course they are. But keep in mind that the human body is individual. In some babies, breast milk and complementary foods are absorbed quickly. Emptying occurs daily several times. And other babies can poop every other day, but if they do not show concern, then this is also considered the norm.

    Why does the child often poop?

    Is it good or bad when a child has frequent bowel movements? It depends on many reasons and factors: children's intestines, nutrition, daily routine. There are certain norms for children's stools for different ages, but one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the child's body.

    In the first months of life, babies are fed only with mother's milk, and it is excreted from the body quickly by the intestines, immediately after each feeding. With age, baiting and the gradual use of solid foods begin. Accordingly, the work of the intestines and stomach is added and the stool becomes no longer as frequent as in infants.

    How often do newborns poop: the first week

    The first two days after birth, babies defecate meconium. This stool is dark green, sometimes almost black. A newborn must poop in the first two days after his birth. During the first week of life, the baby defecates after each feeding.

    This scares young parents, and they are interested in why the child poops often. You should not worry about this, such a frequency of bowel movements is considered the norm. If the baby poops more often, then he can be given baby teas that normalize the stool.

    How should a baby poop a week after birth?

    A week after the baby is born, the frequency of bowel movements usually does not change. If it is emptied six to eight times a day, then this is considered the norm. And does not mean that the child often poops too much. Again, a lot depends on feeding. With artificial or mixed nutrition, babies empty three to four times a day.

    The frequency of emptying the baby up to a year

    If the child is a month old, does he often poop or not, how to determine? The amount of feces in a baby is approximately 15 grams. Gradually, it will increase to 50 g. Gradually, the frequency of bowel movements of the baby decreases. He can poop less often, but in greater numbers. At the same time, you need to watch his tummy so that it is not swollen and soft. Otherwise, you should contact your pediatrician.

    In the first months of breastfeeding, the baby poops up to 7 times a day. Immediately after feeding. On artificial nutrition - a little less often. If, during breastfeeding, the baby poops 10-12 times, this is already frequent emptying. Perhaps there are foods in the mother's diet that have a laxative effect. Therefore, first of all, you need to reconsider your diet.

    With age, the frequency of bowel movements decreases to 5 times a day. After six months - up to 3 times. If the child is bottle-fed, then the frequency of emptying his intestines is only 1-2 times a day. The stool of a newborn baby is liquid or mushy. But it doesn't have to be hard. There should be no blood, lumps, mucus in the stool.

    When breastfeeding with the addition of complementary foods, many parents begin to worry that their child often poops. But if the baby feels good and does not show anxiety, does not cry, there are no negative reactions to additional food to mother's milk, then this is considered the norm.

    How often should a one year old poop?

    A baby who is one year old eats not only mother's milk. After 6 months complementary foods begin, and after a year the diet becomes more varied. Juices, meat purees, etc. are included in meals daily. This can greatly affect the frequency of children's bowel movements.

    When a child often poops a year, most likely this is the result of introducing new foods into the diet. If the baby defecates 4-5 times a day, then this is considered the norm. If less often or more often - this is already a violation of bowel emptying. In this case, you must first change the diet, remove from it foods that may have a laxative effect. If this does not help, contact your pediatrician.

    Causes of frequent emptying in a child

    If a child (2 years old) often poops, why? The reasons for frequent bowel movements in a child of this age can be different. Of these, there are three main ones:

    • or its insufficiency. At the same time, the stool is watery, sometimes with foam and a sour smell.
    • Enzyme deficiency. The digestive system produces a lot of them. Each of them is responsible for individual batteries. If some enzymes are missing, then normal digestion is disturbed.
    • Diarrhea. It can start due to intestinal infections or eating disorders. In any case, you need to limit the child from products that have a laxative effect (plums, beets, apricots, etc.).


    If the child often poops, then it may be an upset stomach. According to statistics, children get diarrhea about 3 times a year. Parents often try to treat the baby on their own. In this case, diarrhea may pass, but remain untreated. The symptoms just fade.

    The child's stool becomes normal, the frequency of bowel movements is established as before. But the disease that caused diarrhea still remains in the child's body. Therefore, if there is a violation of the consistency and frequency of the stool, it is still necessary to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe a course of therapy.

    Diarrhea is dangerous because dehydration of the body quickly sets in, metabolism is disturbed. And because of the withdrawal of electrolytes, the activity of the internal organs of the baby may change. For example, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which has not yet had time to fully form, is disrupted, or the nervous system of the child is damaged.