Who suits opal stone - properties. Opal - properties and meaning of the gem Opal who suits the zodiac sign

Opals are one of the oldest stones in the world. In eastern countries, they were a symbol of hope and fidelity. In Europe, there was a belief that the mineral brings bad luck. Its name comes from the word upalaḥ, which is translated from Old Sanskrit as "stone".

It is one of the most beautiful stones on the planet. Jewelry with opals was a desirable jewel for the patricians of Rome and Ancient Greece, as they were very beautiful, and also served as reliable amulets that could protect their owner from all troubles and misfortunes. The story of Nonius (senator) is known, who did not want to part with a ring with a large opal and under the threat of exile. Mark Antony deprived the senator of all his property, although he never took possession of the jewel he liked.

Then the opal stone, the properties and meaning of which we will describe below, gained immense popularity among robbers, horse thieves and thieves. This was facilitated by the statement of Constantine, the emperor of the Roman Empire, whose crown was decorated with a stunning mineral, that this nugget is able to make its owner invisible in a difficult moment. Thieves, on the other hand, dreamed of being able to avoid the chase, becoming completely invisible when putting on an opal ring.

At the same time, she did not recognize opal stones. During the early Middle Ages, he became associated with misfortune and evil, this is due to the myths of Scandinavia. They said that the blacksmith god Velund created the opal from the eyes of children. There is a version that the mineral began to be called the "Eye of Evil", it was avoided by everyone except sorcerers and witches, who adopted it in order to perform their rituals.

For a long time, such decorations were treated with great apprehension, getting rid of them at any opportunity, since any misfortune was associated with their supposedly negative influence. Only after the deposits of this stone in Europe were depleted, and opal stones from Australia began to enter the market, jewelers were able to change the public's opinion about them. Today, these incredibly beautiful gems are actively used in costume jewelry and jewelry.


Opal is an amorphous variety of quartz. The color palette of the mineral includes more than 100 shades, the most common among them are bluish, white, yellowish, blue, black tones. It should be noted that various impurities affect the color, among them are oxides of aluminum, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.

Opal is a stone whose properties have been of interest to people since ancient times. Its characteristic feature is the ability to luminescence. For example, white minerals have a glow of bluish, white, greenish and reddish tones. Fiery luminesce in all sorts of colors: from brown to greenish. The most spectacular are black stones, shining with different colors of the rainbow. A similar iridescent overflow of shades is called opalescence.

The mineral belongs to silica. It is made up of water and silicon oxide. In the composition of the stone, the water content reaches 13%, sometimes - 30%. A stone with a low humidity of the environment loses its properties (transparency, gloss, etc.).


There are two groups of opals:

  • ordinary (semi-precious);
  • noble (precious).

Precious minerals have transparency, and also have opalescence, which is expressed in an interesting iridescent play of color. There are no overflows on the surface of the dim, opaque color of semi-precious opal.

The stone (its average price is $160 per carat) can be of different types: milky; gummy; pink; opal-agate, dyed in thin layers; mossy (with small mossy inclusions); cat's eye (a stone with a concentrically zonal bright green color, this is the most expensive and rarest variety); woody (stones that imitate the pattern of a tree, this variety is very popular all over the world today).

The most common types

Opal stones are of the following types:

  • hyalite is a watery-transparent, colorless stone resembling glass;
  • fire opal (second name - boulder) - a transparent type of noble opal of a rich red or fiery orange hue, almost without opalescence;
  • jirazol (sky or solar opal) - a transparent type of noble opal, which has a blue or white color, as well as opalescence in shades of blue and reddish-golden tones;
  • black opal stone, which has a dark purple, black, dark blue or burgundy hue with bright red opalescence;
  • harlequin (oriental) - a transparent gem that has a polychrome spectacular pattern with small patches in red, blue, yellow and green tones on a bright fiery background;
  • prazopal (chrysopal) is an opaque type of opal that has an apple-green hue;
  • irisopal - a colorless or light brownish opal of a monochromatic tint, which is mined in Mexico;
  • wax opal - translucent or opaque opal, which has a yellowish-brownish light color;
  • pearl opal (porcelain cacholong) - a kind of milky-white, opaque opal, the surface of which shimmers with bluish or greenish tones;
  • Peruvian opal is an opaque mineral that has a pinkish or bluish-greenish pastel color;
  • royal (royal) opal - a mineral in which the central part is colored in rich red shades or bronze, while it is bordered in a rich green tone with an unpainted outer zone.

Opal deposits

To date, Australia is considered the leader in the supply of opals to the market, which accounts for 97% of the total global production of these stones. Also, the following countries can boast of mining precious opals: Mexico, Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala, Czech Republic, Japan, Kazakhstan.

Opal (stone): properties, zodiac sign

It is worth noting that different astrologers have similar opinions about which of the signs of the zodiac can wear opal, and who should not do this. So, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus or Sagittarius can wear it absolutely fearlessly. In addition, if your sign is Cancer or Pisces, you can buy an opal amulet, and then feel its positive effect on yourself.

Black opal (stone) has the strongest energy. Properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it suits, and contraindications, we will discuss further. It is best suited to Scorpio, while enhancing his amazing energy and innate activity. This stone is also not contraindicated for air signs. But no fire sign will be able to wear opal, especially this applies to Aries. Only Sagittarius is able to afford it. At the same time, only a fiery stone can buy this sign: it will make Sagittarius much stronger. By itself, it enhances energy and increases efficiency.

People who have a weak nervous system and an unstable character, fickle, should beware of this mineral. Moreover, altruists, who are distinguished by their nobility, can buy an opal talisman without fear of anything at all.

At the same time, the eastern horoscope practically does not limit the circle of people who can buy blue opal (stone) for themselves. The sign of the zodiac to which it is recommended cannot be named exactly. It suits people who are born in the year of the White Boar and the Black Cat. The same applies to the pink mineral. Although it will not suit the fiery Tiger and the water Snake.

Opal: the meaning of the stone, magical properties

Opal is a stone of inspiration and enhances creativity and imagination. This allows you to release internal energy, as well as strengthen memory.

This mineral is a silicate that contains water. In turn, it connects with the emotions of its owner. Purifies, enhances desires, emotions and feelings (including passion and love).

Medicinal properties

Opals in modern lithotherapy are used to treat various diseases. Among them are diseases of the epiphysis, pituitary gland and nervous system.

Opal cutting

Only fire precious opals are round brilliant cut. Most of these stones are usually cut into flat and domed cabochons (the former are used for rings, the others for pendants and brooches).


Noble opal is a stone whose properties are described in detail in this article. These are spectacular and bright minerals, therefore, they are used in jewelry as the main accent. They are used to create rings, pendants, bracelets, brooches, earrings. From simple ornamental opals, you can make a necklace or beads, although there can only be one opal!

Who are these decorations for?

Opals have so many shades that clear recommendations are completely out of the question. We can say with confidence that white stones will suit everyone, since it is a neutral color. In addition, it should be noted that such jewelry is most suitable for the summer color type - as mysterious as the stone, shimmering with highlights. This, of course, is most of all about a bluish mineral. But the brighter the opal (a stone whose price is low) is brighter, the more contrast the appearance of its owner should be. A fiery mineral will suit a girl of autumn color type.

Opal is an unusual and spectacular stone, so feel free to choose it as a talisman and a wonderful decoration.

In this article:

Opal is the most magical stone of those that can be classified as semi-precious. Although some of its representatives are so beautiful and unusual that they are on a par with diamonds in terms of price. In addition, the stone, like many others, has certain properties. You need to know when you are choosing an opal talisman whether this stone is right for you. What magical properties does an opal stone have and who is it suitable for?

Opal stone

Opal has long been considered a stone with unique properties, and even today it has not lost its value. The value and properties of opal vary depending on its color. The strongest properties have three basic shades: black, white and pink.

The main difference between black opal is the play of color. Such a stone is most valued and considered the most beautiful. Each stone has an individual pattern, there are no two identical opals. The most valuable specimens are interspersed with golden flowers. The main property of the stone is magical flashes that vary from different angles.

Black Opal is ideal for people who are prone to excitability. It treats depression and stress, relieves insomnia and nightmares.

The most accessible mineral is white opal. The magical properties of the opal of this color give it the opportunity to give the owner self-confidence, harmony, tranquility. In Europe, a white opal talisman is considered the best gift for creative people. It helps develop their gift and harmonizes with their inner world. Opal can only be worn by a zodiac sign that is able to fully devote himself to him.

Otherwise, its properties may change, and fate will begin to test the owner for stamina. Such is opal, the stone of decent people. Most often, its color is not quite white, but has some shades that shimmer on the milky substrate.

The pink-colored mineral, which is sometimes called Indian, was used as an amulet and a stone for rituals in magic by the Aztecs and Incas. With its help, the priests communicated with higher powers and received answers to their questions. The main vocation of this stone is not to let people forget that the unity of man and nature is the most valuable thing in life.

Pink opal affects metabolism, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and relieves inflammation. It is believed to have the strongest magical properties of all.

This mineral is a stone of friendliness. It works to restore spiritual connection, improves relations between people. Its properties will help those who want to understand the thoughts and secrets of others. The mineral calls for love. If the relationship is fake, it can crack and fall apart. It has the properties to enhance passion, increase attractiveness for the opposite sex, free from experiences that are associated with love and affection.

Secrets of use:

  • In order to improve the health of the eyes, it is necessary to massage the area in the center of the forehead with a piece of stone. This area is sometimes called the third eye. Repeat the procedure for 15-20 minutes, once a day and as needed, when vision deteriorates due to fatigue.
  • Opal is used for the rehabilitation of patients after surgery. A stone is placed in the ward, and then the recovery is faster.
  • White Opal is popular for its ability to reduce migraines and should be held over the top of the head for 10 minutes during an attack or regularly for prevention.
  • It is believed that it cannot be given, only bought on your own, on the full moon. It is at this time that he can help his master much more effectively.

Who suits?

There are character traits that affect the choice of stone:

  • Opal suits creatively gifted people. The stone itself is unusual, like people of this mindset.
  • It is not recommended to wear this stone for those who wish others harm: opal is a stone only for people with the right intentions. Otherwise, it will not be useful. This stone gets along best with decent people.
  • They say that a stone cannot get along with fickle, windy people.
  • People who are constantly surrounded by others need white opal because it instills confidence and calmness.
  • Too irritable people fit black opal.
  • Pink opal is a healing stone. He helps all people who have any disease. And he is also a talisman for the hippie movement - people who devote themselves to nature.

Gold ring with opal

Zodiac signs

In the East, this stone is considered the guardian of love and happiness. In India, it is called the stone of faith and compassion. It has long been taken on the road with travelers to protect themselves from thunderstorms.

Such a strong stone, if used improperly, can not only not help, but even bring trouble. Therefore, before using it as an amulet, it is worth studying its properties to find out if it is right for you. The easiest way to do this is by applying the methods of relating stones to certain signs of the zodiac.

Opal is considered a natural stone for those whose zodiac sign is Libra. This is a very difficult stone, he had a bad reputation in his time.

People thought his personality was deceptive, making him a bad talisman. But now it has already been determined that it can be successfully owned by a person who has overcome all vices. The mineral will provide such a person with help in business and endow him with magical abilities. Opal is suitable for people who are looking for balance. Thus, it is considered to be ideal for Libra.

If the personality is weak, it will take over and may even lead to black magic and sorcery. The stone gives hope to melancholic people and will not harm those who live in the world of their imagination. It is best to choose for him a frame made of silver or, if you want him to fully reveal his magical properties, of gold.

Not suitable for people who do business and stand firmly on their feet. And also for those who are highly dependent on mood swings.

Most favorable for Pisces and Scorpios. With the nature of this stone, the perception of the world by Pisces as an illusion and the magnetic attraction of Scorpios are ideally combined. Black opals can lead a vicious person into a path of debauchery. White stone has a different character. He teaches the owner to be more patient, more forgiving.

Unique opal stone properties which is studied by magicians, jewelers and geologists, contribute to changes in human life. Opal is a gemstone with a rich history. It is one of the forms of amorphous silicon dioxide hydrate. It is classified as a mineraloid and is not a mineral.

The main criterion for noble opals is translucence and translucency. Opal has been known to mankind since at least 250 BC. e., after being inserted into the crown of the Roman Emperor Constantine.

He believed that this stone protects his life and imperial power. In his stories, he mentioned the miracle property of this stone, which allowed him to become invisible. Naturally, after this, opal became the talisman of all thieves.

Opal has a truly cosmic appearance and is endowed with incredible beauty bordering on mystery. The stone cannot be considered a full-fledged mineral, since it contains water. Gem molecules do not have a crystalline structure, but a condensed one.

Each found nugget consists of 5-30% pure water. Over time, the liquid evaporates from under the rock mass and the opal takes on a different appearance, this is influenced by the following factors: temperature changes, shock and pressure, the use of alkali, excessively dry air, and so on. In other words, the gem lives and ages like a person.

But the life of the mineral can be extended, for this it is necessary to wear it as often as possible and store it in a moistened cotton cloth. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to save the opal, it becomes dull, cracks appear on the surface. The aged stone is called chalcedony.

The first nuggets were found in India, on the territory of modern Slovakia and in Latin America. All discovered stones are about one million years old. In the desert regions, trees grew near water bodies.

Their branches fell on moist soil, rotted and, under the influence of volcanic rocks, opals formed from this wood. At the moment, the most popular place for mining the mineral is Australia. Also, nuggets can be found in Russia, Brazil, USA, Ethiopia, Peru, Germany and other countries.

The cost of one stone often reaches 1000 dollars. If the gem has been framed, its value increases several times. The gold frame serves not only as an adornment of the opal, but also as its protection from external influences. So the stone will last longer.

synthetic opal

You can stare at natural opal for hours - its color and pattern seem so incredible. Artificial stone does not have such a delightful palette and does not look as mysterious - its overflows look sharper without a smooth transition of color.

Also, natural stone, unlike synthetic, casts a large amount of glare in sunny color. Fake nuggets may have small cracks on the surface that let air in, the original specimens are devoid of this, their surface is smooth and solid.

If you still have questions while examining the stone, we recommend that you contact a professional expert, who, with the help of an experienced eye and, if necessary, special equipment, will be able to recognize the origin of the stone.

stone magic

Professional magicians and esotericists consider opal one of the most powerful stones. He has incredible energy power. The water enclosed inside it allows you to enhance all mystical properties several times.

Before acquiring a gem, you need to study it for some time, examine its pattern, feel the nugget to the touch. If you feel attracted to a stone, you must buy it without fail. When an opal jewelry or just a mineral is in your home, its work will begin in the following areas:

  • Eliminates evil eye;
  • Brings thoughts in order;
  • Generates hope for a good outcome in the most difficult situations;
  • Brings loyalty to your home.

Opals, according to Chinese healers of the 15th century, are a living mineral that was credited with a number of healing properties:

  1. Calms the nervous system;
  2. Reduces depressive mood;
  3. Protects from stress;
  4. Relieves insomnia;
  5. Eliminates nervous tics, restores the functioning of the muscular system;
  6. Relieves eye strain, thereby improving vision in some cases;
  7. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the digestion of food;
  8. Removes excess bile from the body, promotes the breakdown of gallstones.

In nature, you can find more than 100 different colors of this amazing stone. Each of them has its own special characteristics.

The magical properties of opal by country of origin

In addition to separating all types of opals by color, they can also be divided into main places of origin. Moreover, each place has its own characteristic mystical properties.

Australian opal stone magical properties

Australian opals make up over 90% of all specimens. Their distinctive feature is the incredible brightness and iridescent radiance. Nuggets are the pride of all the inhabitants of the country. Many guests try to purchase miraculous minerals as a memento of this unforgettable area, as well as for the purpose of using them as talismans.

All the stones found in this area have the following miraculous and mystical characteristics:

  • Provide a long and uninterrupted sleep all night;
  • Calm the nervous system;
  • They have a healing effect on inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Normalize the work of the thyroid gland.

Peruvian opal magical properties of the stone

Solid blue, turquoise or pink opals are quite common in Peru in South America. At the same time, a blue transparent gem without additional impurities and inclusions is found exclusively in this country. Its color is often compared to the color of the Caribbean - the same incredibly deep, pure and mesmerizing.

Peruvian gems have the following similar healing properties:

  • Symbolize the beginning of a new life;
  • Positively affect the work of the heart;
  • They relieve depression and various neurological diseases: epilepsy, nervous tic and others.

Ethiopian opal magical properties of the stone

For the first time, opal was found in Ethiopia only at the end of the last century. This means that it does not have an ancient history and alternative medicine has not preserved data on the features of the stones found in Ethiopian deposits. However, over this short period of time, esotericists and healers have already managed to notice some similar mystical qualities inherent in stones from this country:

  • Protects from evil spirits;
  • It is recommended to use for people who do not tolerate noisy companies. An ideal option for lovers of unity with nature and silence;
  • Helps to eliminate skin rashes.

brazilian opal stone magical properties

On the territory of Brazil, you can find opals in the northern part of the country. The most characteristic specimens are fiery and milky-white minerals. There is some water in the structure of the stone, about 5% of the total mass, which makes them more durable, but at the same time less bright and less shining. However, this fact does not prevent the gem from having fantastic magical abilities:

  • Acts as an ideal stone for creating a talisman;
  • Stabilizes eye pressure, relieves stress, improves vision;
  • Inspires hope and confidence in the actions taken;
  • It has an antispasmodic effect.

Black opal attracts with its mystery and unpredictability. It belongs to the category of valuable types of gems, since each instance encountered is unique. Its unique coloring allows you to continuously enjoy the pattern for many hours.

Multi-colored shining inclusions create the effect of mystery and cosmic uncertainty. Dark gems can be found in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, a limited area of ​​​​the United States, and also in Indonesia.

Many people are afraid of the black stone, as they consider it a harbinger of trouble and a symbol of dark forces. In fact, this is completely untrue. The mineral helps ward off evil spirits. Due to its strong energy, it protects the house and the whole family from damage and the evil eye.

In addition, the dark gem develops intuition and increases mental abilities. In some cases, the stone reveals the owner's gift of foresight, which in turn allows you to avoid meeting unnecessary people.

Also, the black stone has a large number of miraculous properties that alternative medicine has been successfully using in the treatment for a long time:

  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Eliminates depression;
  • Black nuggets have a beneficial effect only on people with good intentions. Possessors plotting dark impious deeds can turn all negative thoughts in their direction.

Gray opal stone magical properties

Creative people who have gray opal are endowed with inspiration and imagination that help create masterpieces. Artists, before starting a new big work, wear jewelry with a gem for several days. During this time, their thoughts are illuminated with new ideas that can be used when painting a picture.

The gray mineral has properties similar to its black counterparts. Among other things, it helps to cope with colds. In this case, the gem must be kept near the neck - the cold will pass quickly and without additional complications. During seasonal epidemics, wearing a healing mineral will keep the wearer healthy.

white opal stone magical properties

Opal, which has a frozen gel in its structure, has unique abilities. In particular, stones with a white surface are the personification of the birth of a new life. Jewelry made from such minerals is often worn by girls planning to conceive a baby. There are several types of light opals:

  • Reed - has a milky color;
  • Milk opal - its color also has a milky structure, but shades of blue, yellow or green colors appear;
  • White - a white mineral, some inclusions of a different palette are acceptable. These stones are the most common.

White opal has several inexplicable properties. He develops supernatural abilities in a person who did not even imagine such a possibility. The stone contributes to the speedy assimilation of new information. Therefore, for better school performance, parents often give this stone to their child's school.

Also, white nuggets have amazing qualities that positively affect human health:

  • Cure nervous disorders of varying severity;
  • Relieve tension from the eyes, as a result, improve vision;
  • If, with daily wear, the stone begins to lose its luster, it means that the owner's body requires study from the side of medicine. Perhaps it indicates the primary symptoms of unpleasant diseases.

Milk opal magical properties of the stone

Milk opal is one of the subspecies of white stones. Such natural stones should not be washed in dirty water, especially with dye applications. The surface of the mineral can absorb additional colors, which will negatively affect the appearance and its abilities. An artificial stone is devoid of such problems, but it does not have any magical value.

The milk gem is a symbol of hope - its regular wearing will ensure the fulfillment of the most illusory desires. Young people, couples in love often give each other this unusual nugget, as it symbolizes love and romance.

Blue opal has a special brilliance and unusual tints on the surface of the stone. It has a great impact on human health and helps to cure the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Diseases associated with a violation of the central nervous system, in particular, epilepsy, stuttering, neurasthenia, sclerosis;
  • Relieves muscle pain and pain in the spine;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system - reduces the risk of stroke, reduces symptoms in coronary heart disease, prevents the appearance of varicose veins;
  • Relieves depression, improves the general condition of a person;
  • Provides deep night sleep;
  • Successfully copes with urolithiasis.

In addition to healing properties, the blue color gem has an amazing effect on intra-family ties. Regular wearing of opal jewelry will preserve trust between spouses and parents with children for a long time. The stone will help restore the location to the person with whom the connection was lost a long time ago.

In serious conflict situations at work or at home, opal helps to put thoughts in order. To do this, it is recommended to hold the stone in your hands, while reflecting on the existing problem - after that, the only right solution will appear in your head.

Blue opal stone magical properties

Blue opal belongs to the group of blue gems. Like most stones of this group, Australia is the main source of blue-blue specimens. Also recently, scientists managed to prove the existence of opals on Mars.

This fact allowed us to assume the existence of life on the red planet, which, according to experts, existed there more than 3 billion years ago. At the same time, the presence of a nugget outside the earth indicates its very strong interplanetary abilities.

Blue opal has miraculous and mystical properties, similar to the entire group of blue colors. At the same time, the rich color provides a stronger connection between the stone and the person, which means that daily wearing of jewelry is not required to achieve the desired effects.

Red opal stone magical properties

One of the most beautiful varieties of opal are red specimens. They have a strong sexual energy, so men often present such jewelry as a gift to their beloved women.

Healers often use red opals in healing rituals. They restore the hormonal background, both men and women. By stimulating the production of sexual energy, the stones stimulate the birth of a new life. In addition, crimson stones drive out evil spirits and help bring enemies and enemies to clean water.

Pink gems are also called Andean opals and are native to South America, particularly Peru. They represent some of the most valuable specimens that are rarely found in the search for minerals.

The Peruvian Indians considered the pink nugget to be God's eye, and therefore personified it with natural phenomena. It was believed that the owners of the stone would have complete harmony with nature, which would reciprocate the person and bring all possible benefits to his home.

In addition, the mineral relieves inflammation on the skin, including allergic rashes. To do this, a ring or other jewelry with pink opal should be worn in such a way that the stone is in contact with the skin. The digestive system improves and metabolism stabilizes. This, in turn, has a positive effect on a person’s weight - extra pounds go away, and insufficient muscle mass is gained faster.

There are other mystical properties that this mineral possesses:

  • Eliminates fears;
  • Restores nervous disorders associated with unhappy love;
  • It helps in any undertakings, for honest and decent people, good deeds are done quickly and without problems. If the owner of the gem has bad intentions, the stone will prevent their accomplishment.

Fire opal stone magical properties

Fire opal has an unusual bright orange color. When looking at the surface of the stone, one gets the feeling that this is a broken piece of the fiery sun.

It is impossible to create an artificial gem of this color - fantastic overflows and forms of internal filling can only be formed under the influence of natural conditions for many thousands of years.

This incredible nugget has the following miraculous properties:

  • Relieves insomnia - for this, it is recommended to put a stone at the head of the bed;
  • Stabilizes the nervous system, eliminates neurological symptoms: nervous tics, obsessive movements, more complex diseases;
  • Normalizes eye pressure, relieves stress, as a result, improves vision;
  • It is an ideal talisman that will bring good luck in any endeavors;
  • Protects from damage; Read more:
  • In difficult situations that require a cold mind, provides sound thinking and suggests the right decision;
  • It is a symbol of hope - people who have lost faith in a positive outcome of the case, when wearing jewelry with fire opal, gain confidence, which entails the right actions.

Opal is one of the oldest stones. The name itself is literally translated from Old Sanskrit into Russian, as.

Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, and sparkling under the influence of sunlight, opal creates unusual mother-of-pearl reflections and unique reflections of white shades. The play of light creates new, invisible shades for the human eye.

Significance for a person and a photo of a stone

This mineral lacks a crystalline structure, compared to other stones, its hardness index is much lower. Nevertheless, we can say with confidence that external qualities do not suffer from these properties. The value of the opal, at the same time, does not become lower.

In ancient times, it was believed that opal is a panacea for heart disease, protects the owner from infections, protects against plague, calms the nervous system, helps people who are deeply depressed, saves from suicidal.

The inhabitants of that era were sure that opal helps to restore a person's former visual acuity.

In lithotherapy, a mineral such as opal is called a healer. The stone has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body, improves the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Opal improves kidney function, cleanses the stomach and intestines from harmful substances, helps to establish metabolism, solve digestive problems.

This stone is indispensable in the postoperative period, during periods of exacerbation of epidemics, with a decrease in immunity and during illness.

Opal helps with migraines, oh relieves toothache and even makes childbirth less painful. Helps with various forms of depression and sleep disorders. It has a preventive effect against infections and colds.

magical properties

The magical properties of this stone were discovered by ancient magicians. First of all, the properties of this magic stone apply to its owner.

Opal has such magical properties as:

  1. Protection of the owner from the evil eye, negative magical influences.
  2. Theft protection property of the owner of the stone.
  3. Rescue from accidents, injuries.
  4. Home protection owner from fires.
  5. attracting love into the owner's life.
  6. Maintaining an atmosphere of happiness in family.
  7. Prevention of failure h in travel.
  8. Attracting good luck at work especially in business.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Opal stone, it is advised to choose enthusiastic, versatile, slightly frivolous natures. The talisman will bring good luck, will allow you to live in harmony with yourself and with those close to those people whose thoughts are kind and pure, and whose intentions are devoid of malicious intent.

It is contraindicated for greedy and evil people to wear amulets and jewelry with a stone such as opal.

It is permissible to use it as a talisman or talisman for representatives of absolutely all signs and elements.. It is important to choose the right color of the stone, which will be correctly combined with the individual characteristics of each zodiac sign.

Opal is a mineral that embodies hope, friendship and vision. It has supernatural and healing properties, which are maximally manifested when properly combined with the sign of the Zodiac.

According to the horoscope, absolutely everyone will suit the blue version, which stores a particle of the sky.

Aries is a fiery zodiac symbol and denotes male energy, courage and passion. In ancient times, it was believed that it attracts love and brings hope to life. Opal as an amulet is perfect for strong and impulsive personalities with unstoppable energy and leadership qualities.

The fire crystal will increase the internal energy, which will help in achieving goals. Impulsive men will be freed from excessive emotionality.

Please note that this type enhances sharp character traits, so it is not recommended for Aries women.


Taurus is characterized by perseverance, diligence and love of freedom, their decisions are always weighed and considered. For them, a black opal stone is suitable.

As a talisman for Taurus, it depends on the inner world and the temper of the owner. For the owner, with positive character traits, he will be an excellent amulet and will contribute to success in all endeavors. But if the owner is with an evil disposition, then it will bring negativity.

Should not be worn by people with mental disabilities.


Charm for Gemini, positively affecting the nervous system. To concentrate and get rid of doubts, you need to wear a pendant with this option.

The stone will reveal the inner potential, immerse creative people in the work, help students focus on their studies, especially those who cannot sit in one place.


For Cancers according to the Zodiac, any kind of stone is suitable, which will:

  • enhance mental abilities;
  • increase observation;
  • improve understanding of foreign languages.

In India, meditation masters use it to develop the ability to read minds and predict the future.

a lion

The boulder or fire type is very beautiful: the yellow, orange and red colors of the gem shimmer with each other. It will serve as a talisman for people born under the sign of Leo.

  • It will attract good, and fill ordinary everyday life with bright light.
  • Soften the attitude towards others.
  • Stop worrying for no reason.

In this variety, the magical properties have the most positive effect on people who were born in the second decade of August.


An assistant for Virgo will be a milky white color option, which:

  1. It will enhance the abilities of spiritually developed people.
  2. It will positively affect the success in all matters.
  3. Eliminate the possibility of meeting with ungodly persons.
  4. Protects from adversity.

People with an unstable psyche and an explosive character are not recommended to wear or carry with them.

A milky white look for a Virgo woman can be chosen one hundred percent. He will give health and love.


According to the sign of the zodiac, Libra strives for balance all the time. Personalities born under this constellation are not self-confident, hesitate in making decisions. Their mood often changes: from apathy and unwillingness to work to an active life position. For Libra, opal, like a stone talisman, is needed to harmonize character traits.

  • in search of true friends;
  • remove bad thoughts and anxiety;
  • improves mental skills;
  • positively affect the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • will have a beneficial effect on the balance and stability of life, prompt the right decision and increase decisiveness.

You should buy it yourself, otherwise it will not bring any benefit. Good amulets will be inherited.


A strong and unpredictable constellation is Scorpio. Such people are energetic and aggressive, a good amulet for them calms and directs energy in the right direction.

Scorpio is one of those who suits opal according to the sign of the Zodiac. The strongest properties are stones of black, white and pink hue.

  • Black color will reduce excitability and irritability, help get out of a depressive state, relieve nightmares and insomnia.
  • White is for noble people. It will give self-confidence, peace and harmony. Creators will help to reveal their talent.
  • Pink. for Scorpio - a positive effect on the health of the owner, improving metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing inflammatory processes, and a beneficial effect on the activity of the reproductive system. Lonely people will find a soul mate or attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The opal talisman for Scorpions is universal, as it increases patience and reduces aggressiveness. Regular use makes the owner wise and balanced.


Sagittarians usually have poor health, and in most cases, illness is due to stress. This pebble will be able to calm Sagittarius, strengthen the immune system and improve health.

Girasol, another name for the blue version of the talisman. For Sagittarius, a woman with a sensitive nervous system will be a great find. It must be worn in a ring and be sure to be cleaned of negativity by placing it once a month in a glass of water overnight.


For Capricorn, the royal type is ideal, which is their main talisman. Determining which character traits a gem will enhance is not easy, because it depends on the owner. In most cases, it awakens creative skills.

Suitable for Capricorn women who work as structural engineers, architects or interior designers.

In men, it will help stabilize the emotional state, give optimism.


Milky white gem will add calmness and self-confidence. If you wear red colors, they will give confidence in a difficult life situation.

Blue gems help overcome timidity and indecision.

For Aquarius women, jewelry with this mineral is prohibited, as it will adversely affect the health of their mistress.


Fish need a white or transparent type of pebble:

  • He will bring happiness in love and family relationships.
  • Able to greatly increase mental abilities and physical strength.
  • Romantic natures will be protected from envious people.
  • Scientists will be able to work much more efficiently.
  • It will nourish Pisces physically and mentally.

Pisces should be careful, because the stone will only help those who know what they want from life.

Realizes the creative potential for Pisces women, will contribute to harmony with their inner world. For those who want to develop professionally, it is ideal as a talisman.


This is a gem for creative and gifted individuals, which enhances the qualities of the owner, attracts luck in business, opens the gift of foresight and the power of persuasion, but on condition that all desires are directed for good.

Which zodiac sign suits you best? The stone itself can choose its owner, so if during the purchase of jewelry, you liked a ring or a necklace with opal, do not refuse to buy. This will be an excellent amulet that will protect you from conflict situations and help you find peace of mind.