DIY postcard for Teacher's Day: ideas and options. Do-it-yourself postcard for Teacher's Day. Master class Greeting cards for Teacher's Day with the hands of children

On Teacher's Day, for sure, every student is ready to say thousands of kind and affectionate words to his teachers. According to tradition, verbal congratulations are accompanied by a bouquet of flowers and a greeting card that you can make yourself. What are we going to do now. Teachers have chosen a difficult profession that requires a lot of understanding and patience from them. They deserve that at least once a year their students brighten up their hard everyday life. Get to work, friends!

Necessary tools and materials:

Colored cardboard;

colored paper;

Green quilling paper;

Satin ribbon;

Sequins, beads;



How to make a flower pot card for Teacher's Day

The color scheme used in the proposed postcard can be any, the main thing is to observe the contrast. Let's start with making a flower pot. So, we take a sheet of cardboard and cut out a strip of 11 * 25 cm from it. We bend it in half so that we get a square of 11 * 11 cm, and a strip of 11 * 3 cm peeks out of it. That is, the height of one side of our workpiece is larger than the other .

We bend the “free part” 11 * 3 cm in size towards ourselves, this will be the upper edge of the pot.

We draw a trapezoid on the workpiece, for which we retreat from the edges by 1.2 cm from the bottom, mark these places with dots and draw a line from them to the upper border.

We cut off the drawn triangles, we have a pot. We glue it in such a way that it opens inside, i.e. glue only its edges.

Let's start designing it. On the upper part, which we folded over ourselves, we glue colored paper, which differs in the color of the pot itself (you can use corrugated cardboard, it will look very impressive). And on the right side we attach a bow from a satin ribbon (you can have a ladybug, a butterfly, etc.). And the pot itself is decorated with sequins.

We cut out leaves of arbitrary shape from colored double-sided green paper. And from green quilling paper we make several curls. We glue all this on the “mushroom cap”.

From colored paper of different colors we cut out 3 squares 6 * 6 cm, 3 squares 5 * 5 cm and 3 squares 4 * 4 cm. We take one square, fold it in half once, fold it in half a second time and fold it a third time to make a triangle (according to the same principle, paper is folded when making snowflakes). We draw a wavy line on the triangle, the narrower it is, the sharper the leaves of the flower will turn out.

We cut off along the drawn line and unfold the square, we get one flower blank. We will fold the flower from 3 blanks, the lower one, cut out of a 6 * 6 cm square, the second - 5 * 5 cm, and the third - 4 * 4 cm. We glue them in the middle.

It remains to cut out the cores, for which we take colors other than the top, smallest part of the flower. We glue the core and a bead, sequin or several beads into it. Here we have such unusual, multi-colored flowers.

Glue them to the leaves.

On the bottom of the mushroom we write any congratulatory inscription, you can, as in the example, “Happy Teacher's Day!”, Or you can have a few warm congratulatory words.

We insert the “leg of the mushroom” into the pot and our postcard is ready!

Happy Teacher's Day everyone! To teachers of obedient students, and to students of good teachers!

Irina Nagibina

Teaching is the hardest job. It requires broad knowledge of its subject and curriculum standards, enthusiasm, caring attitude towards children and love for them. Only a disciplined person who is familiar with the methods of class management and who wants to make a difference in the lives of young people can become a teacher. It is not surprising that it is extremely difficult to find teachers with a capital letter, who devote themselves to their work without a trace. The greater is the joy of meeting wonderful teachers on your way. On October 5, give them the best postcards on Teacher's Day and sign them with wishes in verse. Hand them scrapbooking albums made from paper with your own hands. Paste cool photos and pictures with scenes from school life into the finished work. On our site you will find dozens of wonderful postcards to fellow teachers and an elementary school teacher, director and head teachers.

Postcards Happy Teacher's Day and best congratulations, which you can download here for free

The best teachers always believe in their students and know that they have the strength not only to acquire knowledge, but also to properly dispose of it in the future. They always have clear goals and plans. If you are lucky enough to meet such talented people, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. To do this, download from us free postcards and congratulations on Teacher's Day.

Where to download the best greeting cards for Teacher's Day

Wonderful teachers (and there are a great many of them in Russia!) form strong relationships with their students and sincerely care about them. On October 5, download the best Teacher's Day greeting cards from us and send your warm wishes by e-mail.

Handmade paper cards for Teacher's Day in elementary school

Wishing to congratulate the elementary school teacher on Teacher's Day, invite the child to draw funny pictures for him and make a greeting card out of paper with his own hands. Use thick paper or cardboard.

How to make a paper card with your own hands - Congratulations to the primary school teacher on Teacher's Day

Paper card for Teacher's Day - A gift for a primary school teacher with your own hands

On October 5, you can please a primary school teacher not only with flowers and sweets, but also with a hand-made paper card for Teacher's Day. When creating it, cardboard, gouache or watercolors are used. The finished gift is decorated with beads and beads, ribbons and autumn leaves, gluing the decor with Moment glue. Pay attention to the finished work of students - each of them is unique.

Postcard in Scrapbooking technique for Teacher's Day, which children will make with their own hands

Today, not everyone knows about "scrapbooking" (literally, "scrapbook"), although most of us at least once in our lives, making albums and postcards for Teacher's Day with our own hands, used a similar technique. When making these, old photographs, newspaper clippings, stickers, beads and sparkles, letters cut out of velvet paper and other decor are used.

How to Make Scrapbooking for Teacher's Day - Postcard Making Workshop

To make a scrapbooking postcard for Teacher's Day, you will need patience and the following materials:

  • Yellow, black and brown thick paper;
  • Stamps for applying letters;
  • Paint of different colors for stamps;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue:
  • Maple leaves;
  • Decor by choice.

How to make cool simple postcards with your own hands Happy Teacher's Day

A cool simple postcard for Teacher's Day can also be made by a younger student, but adults will first have to explain to him the sequence of steps to be performed. It is desirable that parents help the child in making crafts - together they will make an unusual, cool gift faster and more accurately.

Master class on making a simple postcard for Teacher's Day

A cute simple postcard for Teacher's Day, a postcard will be a great gift for October 5, and our master class will help you make it. To create it, the child will spend no more than 40 minutes, and as a result of the work, an unusual souvenir will be obtained.

To create a postcard you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Compass;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

Postcard for Teacher's Day with congratulations in verse

A beautiful, unusual card with congratulations in verse for Teacher's Day is a great gift. You can come up with rhyming lines yourself, rewrite them from books or find them on the Internet. On our site you can download the most sincere poems dedicated to teachers. Download them and print them on your postcard.

Examples of greeting cards with poems in honor of Teacher's Day

On Teacher's Day, teachers, both men and women, can be given both flowers and greeting cards with beautiful poems. Download them from this page or compose soulful rhymes yourself.

Hard work - teaching children

And give yourself completely

Open the road of knowledge to them,

Find all the right words.

And on Teacher's Day from us

Accept gratitude.

She is honest, not for show,

So let it bring joy.

Your patient, necessary work

Worthy of admiration

Let all the flowers bloom for you

Adding inspiration.

The teacher is a man from God.

There is no more valuable work in the world.

He's for knowledge, for free

Skip breakfast and lunch

He will make a plan, he will come tired,

Start teaching kids

So that the inept, stupid little ones

Did not offend life.

Once upon a time in college

He pored over the book for us.

Now, checking for errors,

I completely forgot about holidays.

So let him be rewarded according to his merits -

Luck, happiness and kindness!

For helping hundreds of different destinies

May the sun always shine on you

The academic year is not only lessons, homework, but also pleasant festive moments. If your teachers have a professional holiday soon, it's time to find out how it is done on Teacher's Day. Now it is fashionable to give handmade souvenirs. Be on trend too. Design your own. Let your gift be remembered for its uniqueness.

How to make a postcard with your own hands

Since this is a professional, autumn holiday, and school teachers, with rare exceptions, are mostly women, the subjects of the cards are appropriate: colorful autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers and attributes of professional activity (pencils, pens, checkered leaves).

A do-it-yourself postcard for Teacher's Day can be made in different ways:

  • Application technique.
  • With elements of quilling.
  • scrapbooking;
  • Silhouette cutting;
  • Anyone who owns graphic editors on a computer can make an individual design for a printed postcard.

In a word, there are many ways. Any hand-made gift will look more advantageous against the background of purchased analogues, since a piece of the soul is invested in the author's souvenir, and this is already unique.

A postcard in this technique is easy to make like this:

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for Teacher's Day

An exclusive postcard can not only have a relief decor of flowers, leaves and other objects, but also be of an unusual shape. Make a 3D memento that can be put on the table as a decoration, or combine a postcard with a functional thing - make a postcard box for a chocolate bar.

It is easy to make a product of an unusual configuration in the form of a handbag, a bell, an open book, a bouquet of flowers. A handbag, a bell or a chocolate box can be decorated with elements in three-dimensional flowers made of paper, fabric or satin ribbons.

By the way, a three-dimensional postcard can be made not only by the decor on the front side, but also by the elements located inside, which are not visible when closed, and when the product is opened, they form a three-dimensional figure.

It is easy to decorate the inside of the souvenir with paper flowers, which can be either made separately and glued inside the product, or cut out in the form of silhouettes and a base. In the second case, it is better to glue the card from two layers so that the holes in the pattern are not through, and the openwork carved details are on the contrasting background of the decorative sheet.

Design on the computer

If you have at least some experience with a photo editor on a computer, make an exclusive postcard for the teacher with his photo and images of objects related to the school subject he teaches. The card can be printed on double-sided paper, so the design of the inside, where the text will be, is also good to develop on your own. By the way, if it’s difficult for you to create a postcard from scratch, download the appropriate version of the template and refine it.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself postcard for Teacher's Day can be made in many ways. Choose your favorite idea and embody it in the form of a pleasant holiday souvenir.

School years remain in memory forever and most often cause the warmest feelings - especially for beloved teachers and mentors. Strict and condescending, demanding and fair, sincere and wise... Not everyone is given to be a teacher, because this is more a vocation than a job. Therefore, in many countries of the world, a professional holiday has been established at the state level - World Teacher's Day. Starting from October 5, 1994, Russian school and university teachers also accept the most cordial congratulations from their wards. Every year, this significant date is preceded by serious preparation - the guys rehearse song and dance numbers, thematic performances with the participation of school talents, draw wall newspapers and posters. Today we will learn how to make beautiful and funny postcards for Teacher's Day from paper or using the scrapbooking technique using simple master classes with photos. So, at a solemn event, you can present a beautiful postcard with “official” wishes in prose to a primary school teacher or subject teacher. A bright cool picture-card sent by e-mail will be an excellent congratulation on Teacher's Day to work colleagues - a woman or a man. On our site you can download the best postcards for Teacher's Day for free and congratulate people who bring eternal truths of kindness, wisdom and mercy into our lives.

Beautiful do-it-yourself postcards for Teacher's Day made of paper and cardboard - a master class with step-by-step photos for elementary school students

The beginning of October most often pleases with warm days, and the yellow and crimson leaves become even brighter under the sun's rays. Every school is in full swing preparing for one of the most important and significant holidays - Teacher's Day. Today, schoolchildren arrange real surprises for their favorite teachers in the form of beautifully decorated bouquets of sweets or fruits, as well as handmade gifts. We bring to your attention a simple step-by-step master class with a photo on making a beautiful paper and cardboard postcard for Teacher's Day - for primary and secondary school students. With the help of such a "present" you can originally congratulate your first teacher or class teacher on Teacher's Day.

Necessary materials and tools for making DIY cards for Teacher's Day:

  • a set of colored paper and cardboard
  • quilling paper
  • plain and curly scissors
  • PVA glue
  • sequins

Step-by-step instructions for the master class "Paper Postcard for Teacher's Day" - for elementary school students, with photo:

  1. We cut the sheets of cardboard along the perimeter with curly scissors.

  2. To make the leaves, we need green paper, from which we cut out several leaves. We fold each finished part in half and make transverse bends in the form of an "accordion". It turns out pretty leaves with veins.

  3. We make flowers from paper of bright colors. We cut out circles of different sizes, each of which is folded in half, and then again and again - according to the principle of New Year's snowflakes. Now, with the help of scissors, we shape the petals and unfold the finished flowers.

  4. In WordPad or another text editor, we type the word "Congratulations", print it on a sheet of colored paper and cut it out with scissors with curly blades.

  5. We collect all paper blanks, other materials and begin assembling our postcard for Teacher's Day.

  6. We glue flowers onto the prepared base sheet - first large blanks, and on top, in descending order, smaller parts. In the center we attach a sequin or a shiny bead. Glue green leaves. With the help of scissors, we make curls from strips of quilling paper and also fasten them near the flower. From the bottom and on the right side of the postcard, we glue strips of a contrasting color as an additional decor. The final touch will be a congratulatory inscription - that's it, our postcard for Teacher's Day is ready!

The best cards for congratulations on Teacher's Day (free download)

Every year on October 5, our country celebrates Teacher's Day with special solemnity - a holiday for all workers in the field of education. Since 1995, teachers with more than 15 years of experience and special labor merits have been awarded the honorary title of Honored Teacher. However, on Teachers' Day, not only "veterans" are honored, but also young professionals - yesterday's graduates of pedagogical universities. Here you will find the best postcards that you can download for free for congratulations on your professional holiday - a primary school teacher, a subject teacher, a school principal. A beautiful congratulation in verse or a few lines of prose mentioning the name and patronymic of the addressee will make the card more individual. Undoubtedly, such a surprise will touch even the most strict teacher, and warm words of wishes will give a lot of positive emotions.

A selection of the best greeting cards for Teacher's Day - for free download

Master class on creating do-it-yourself postcards for Teacher's Day using the scrapbooking technique - step by step with a photo

Teacher's Day is one of the brightest and most joyful events. Schoolchildren and their parents are in a hurry to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday, as well as express gratitude for such an important and hard work. Indeed, teachers and mentors have an important mission to educate the younger generation, future citizens of the country. From childhood to graduation, there is always a teacher next to the child - primary school, class teacher, teachers-mentors in various subjects. Each of them not only transfers knowledge, but also brings up valuable character traits in their wards - perseverance, purposefulness, kindness. In honor of Teacher's Day, we picked up a simple master class with a photo step by step on how to create do-it-yourself postcards using the scrapbooking technique. For every female teacher, you can make such a wonderful colorful postcard using different decorative elements.

We stock up on materials and tools for the scrapbooking master class greeting card for Teacher's Day:

  • thick paper - yellow, black, brown
  • white paper
  • letter stamps
  • acrylic paint for stamps
  • double sided tape
  • glue
  • decorative flowers, paper maple leaves, beads

How to make a scrapbooking card with your own hands on Teacher's Day - according to a master class with a photo:

  1. To make the base of the postcard, we take a sheet of yellow paper and fold it in half, and carefully iron the place of the fold. The size of the workpiece is 13 x 20 cm. The edges must be tinted with paint for stamps - using a foam rubber sponge. Now we cut out a “chalkboard” from a sheet of black paper - a piece in the form of a rectangle with sides of 6 x 9 cm. The frame for the “chalkboard” board will be brown, 7 x 10 cm in size. We place the “board” on the surface of the postcard and fasten it with double-sided tape .

  2. Now we will make a small book out of white paper - cut out rectangles (8 pcs.) 6 x 10 cm in size. We tint the edges of the leaves with paint, fold them together and glue them in the center. When the "book" dries, the sheets must be carefully tucked up. We fix the finished "book" with adhesive tape to the postcard.

  3. Now on the leaves of the "book" we stamp the letters of the alphabet or symbols of other school subjects.

  4. Using a stamp, we make a congratulatory inscription on a postcard.

  5. We place maple leaves and fix with glue. For decor, we select multi-colored beads, flowers, sequins.

  6. Inside the card, you can write a congratulatory poem by hand or paste it printed on a printer. In the second option, it is better to choose the paper from which the postcard is made. The edges of the sheet can be tinted in the general style of the product, and a congratulation can be glued with adhesive tape.

  7. It turned out to be a great postcard for Teacher's Day using scrapbooking technique - a nice and touching gift!

Funny postcards Happy Teacher's Day - free download for congratulations

For congratulations on Teacher's Day, you can easily pick up a cool postcard and download it for free from our collection. Each teacher will be pleased to receive such a token of attention on their professional holiday - with a spicy note of school humor.

Collection of funny postcards for Teacher's Day

Video card Happy Teacher's Day - congratulations from children

Today, every schoolchild is able to make an original video card with congratulations on Teacher's Day - to his beloved teacher from the children of the whole class. Very creative and unusual!

Greeting card on Teacher's Day to colleagues - in verse and prose

On Teacher's Day, work colleagues exchange the most sincere congratulations and wishes - career success, joy, happiness. Send your fellow teachers the brightest beautiful postcards with Teacher's Day with the words of poetry and prose.

Options for greeting cards for Teacher's Day for colleagues

How to make do-it-yourself postcards for Teacher's Day? Here you will find the best step-by-step photo tutorials for making beautiful and funny postcards for Teacher's Day out of paper - simple for elementary school students and more complex using the scrapbooking technique. Alternatively, you can download a postcard to a female or male colleague for free by sending an e-mail with congratulations in verse or prose. The original postcard on the video will be the most unusual gift for the teacher from the whole class. Happy Teacher's Day, dear mentors and teachers!

teacher of additional education MKOU DOD TsDOD of the city of Vyatskiye Polyany, Kirov region Aleshina Marina Leonidovna
Age audience:amateur cardmakers aged 10 to 100 years old

The term "cardmaking" is familiar to those who like to create greeting cards with their own hands, but for beginners in this business I will try to decipher it. Translated from English card-postcard, make-to do. If you combine these two words, you get the production of postcards.
This art originated in ancient China, when a custom arose to exchange cards, invitations for the holidays. A good idea spread in the 13th-14th century and in Europe, this art was available only to wealthy people. Everything changed at the beginning of the 19th century, when printed materials began to develop and many people could congratulate their relatives with postcards. Cardmaking appeared and became popular in our country about 10 years ago.
Cardmaking is a type of creativity that involves the production of postcards using various techniques:
Pop-up (Pop up)- union of two techniques: cutting and kirigami;

scrapbooking- from English. "scrap"-cutting and "book"-book, a technique that combines appliqué and decoration with elements from ribbons, flowers, made with decorative hole punches and more. others;

Decoupage- gluing elements cut from 3-layer paper napkins or decoupage cards to the base;

Embroidery-creating patterns on fabrics with a needle and thread;

Pergamo- embossing on tracing paper;

iris folding(Iris Folding) - laying out strips of colored paper according to the scheme;

isothread- making a pattern on cardboard according to the scheme with threads and a needle;

Mixing techniques in the manufacture of handmade postcards is encouraged. We will now deal with mixing techniques. I propose to make a greeting card for Teacher's Day using two techniques: applique and quilling!

For work, we need materials and tools:

1.two sheets of watercolor paper -20.5 x 29.5 cm
3. printout with pictures for application
4. strips of green, yellow, red paper - 0.7 mm x29 cm
5.colored pencils,
6.wax crayons,
7. felt-tip pens,
8.gel black pen,
9. quilling ruler,
10. ink pads with orange and red paint (used in scrapbooking for toning)
12.glue stick,
13. PVA glue,
14. air markers
15.decorative plastic eyes
16. simple pencil

One of the techniques that are necessary for our postcard is "appliqué". The "Applique" technique has been familiar to us since childhood. We know how to cut elements and glue them to the base, these skills will come in handy for us now!

Print out images taken from the Internet

Cut out each element with an allowance of 2 mm

Glue the pencil and glue the cut out elements to the watercolor paper - this must be done in order to make it more convenient to color the pictures.

Let's start coloring pictures. First, we work with colored pencils and wax crayons, and then add brightness with felt-tip pens (apples are not painted - they will be guidelines when gluing elements, and will not be visible on the postcard)

Cut out with a 2 mm allowance (the layer of watercolor paper should not be visible).
Elements for creating an application are prepared.
We turn to the development of the Quilling technique. Quilling is the manufacture of crafts from strips of paper. The strips are wound on a special quilling tool, a roll is created, then the roll is modified by pressure, from the sides or from above, and numerous shapes are obtained, when combined, interesting openwork patterns are obtained. A rowan brush was created using the quilling technique for our greeting card. First, consider what a rowan twig looks like in nature.

Photo from the Internet
Numerous round red or orange berries are collected in a brush, a leaf of complex shape, it consists of small oval leaves.
We proceed to the manufacture of mountain ash and prepare strips of red color in the amount of 24 pieces. To make one berry, we need to sequentially glue one whole strip and one half of the strip.

We will use the quilling tool and wind the prepared red strip, remove it from the tool and glue it with a drop of PVA glue (choose glue that is thicker - it glues the elements faster).

It is necessary to prepare 16 berries

From two green strips 0.7 x 29 cm glued in series, we will make a roll and dissolve it on a quilling ruler - the diameter of the hole on the ruler is 18 mm, then glue the end of the strip to the roll. Such an element is called a free spiral.

From a free spiral, we must get an oval.

For this:
1. squeeze the free spiral between the thumb and forefinger
2. the spiral is compressed and an oval is obtained.
To make rowan leaves, we need to make 12 green and 5 yellow ovals.

The ovals will stick to the petiole:
1. take half of the green strip
2. bend it in half, and bend the ends in opposite directions
3.glue the strip with PVA glue (the tips remain not glued)

The petiole is ready, it remains to complete the second one, since we have two complex leaves.

We assemble the leaf: glue one green oval to the petiole, it will be the central leaf, and then glue all the remaining ovals.

This is how the leaves that are needed to create the composition look like. We have 3 more green ovals left in stock. We will need them when the rowan branch is finally glued to the postcard.

The stalks for berries are made in the same way as the petioles for leaves are made, but a smaller size is taken:

1. cut off one fourth of the green strip
2. fold in half
3. cut the bent strip along, we get two thin stripes
4. bend the edges in different directions for each strip
5. glue each strip without gluing the folds

You need to make 8 strips in total.

We connect each berry with a stem. In total, 8 berries must be connected to the stem, the rest of the red rolls will be glued to the postcard later.

In order to form a bunch, it is necessary to connect the berries with the stalks using PVA glue in groups: 2-3-3.

We connect all the resulting elements into a brush.

While the elements are drying, we proceed to the formation of the postcard:

1. Divide the wide sides of watercolor paper measuring 20.5x29.5 cm in half, put dots with a simple pencil, use a ruler and the tip of scissors to draw a line connecting the dots - the resulting groove divides the sheet in half
2. bend the sheet along the intended line (this method of making a postcard does not give creases on thick and at the same time loose paper)

The base of the card is ready, let's start decorating it

Recently, more and more new devices, materials, tools for creating postcards have appeared - one of these innovations is air felt-tip pens. Why are they airy, because fireworks of colorful splashes appear when they blow with force into the transparent cap of a felt-tip pen.
Before we apply the paint, it is necessary to make a paint stopper out of cardboard measuring 12.5 x 19 cm. We also need a newspaper on which a postcard will be placed (we don’t want to stain everything around with paint).
If you do not have such air felt-tip pens, then remember the proven method of applying paint with an old toothbrush:
1.we dilute watercolor paint with water
2. dip the tip of the brush into the paint
3.stroke the brush with your thumb and spray

This technique is called the "spray" technique and is used to create fantasy paintings using stencils.

We produce a similar coating inside the postcard

We will also paint the substrate for the inscription

Glue the inscription to the substrate that has dried up after applying the paint, cut the watercolor paper at a distance of 3-4 mm from the inscription, draw dotted lines with a black gel pen.

The leaves have dried up and you can start assembling, you need to glue a green strip one-fourth of the whole strip to one of the leaves.

Let's move on to the application on the postcard:

In the upper right part of the postcard we glue the globe (we work with glue with a pencil), below we glue a stack of books with an apple (the sheet of the second apple and the beginning of the petiole of the first apple are in contact)

We glue an owl on a stack of books (we glue it on apples), on the left side of the postcard we place pencils at an angle.

We paste the inscription on the pencils.

Applique elements can be made more voluminous by gluing a volumetric double-sided adhesive tape under each element in several places, this is done if the card is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Let's start forming a rowan branch:
1. glue two sheets
2. glue a bunch of mountain ash from 8 berries to them

When the branch dries, lay it out on a postcard and try on the location. Carefully turning it over to the wrong side, apply PVA glue to the leaves, stick it on the postcard.

We glue the remaining red rolls under the hanging berries, draw stamens with a brown felt-tip pen. With a black felt-tip pen or a gel pen, make an eyeliner for all black lines on the application pictures. You can end up with this! BUT!
Let's add some brightness! Let's use an ink pad with orange and red paint and put a few strokes on the yellow and green leaves, the edges of the postcard, and after these actions the color palette will become richer: orange and brown colors will be added. Do not forget to glue the remaining three green ovals and tint them too.
Looking at the changes in the postcard, we understand that it is necessary to color all the application pictures with brighter felt-tip pens, and also, so that our owl's look is not too harsh, we will glue decorative plastic eyes.

So our greeting card, made in mixed media, is ready!
Inside the card, write good wishes and hand them in a good mood, I think not one teacher will remain indifferent to your gift, made with your own hands with diligence and love!