Congratulations on March 8 to girls, girls, women. Congratulate the girl on International Women's Day

My sun! Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish you to always be cheerful and happy, charming and sweet! May all your wishes and dreams come true this holiday! Since March 8 you!

____________(Name)! I congratulate you on the holiday of spring! I wish you a lot of happiness, good health, good luck and eternal beauty! May this day be happy, may your hopes and dreams come true! Since March 8 you!

___________(Name)! Congratulations on March 8! On this joyful day, I wish you all the best, spring mood, happiness, joy! So that every day you wake up with a smile! Love and be loved!

_______________(Name)! Congratulations on March 8! May today be a sunny and beautiful day, and your path will be strewn with rose petals! I wish you a lot of happiness along the way! So that happiness smiles at you, and in life, so that many good things happen!

__________(Name)! May this day be sunny and beautiful! May your path be covered with roses, and the road be calm and bright. So that you are happy every starry evening! Congratulations on March 8!

Every time I give you a gift, I love your reaction to it. I love to watch your eyes light up with interest, how you become like a child, unwrapping the package. I am ready to announce March 8 every day and celebrate it with you, because you are the most feminine, tender and beautiful girl in the world.
Congratulations on March 8!

Dear __________ (name)! With all my heart I congratulate you on the holiday, I give you your favorite flowers and wish to see, hear and feel you every day and every moment! I can't live without it because I love you!

Not all ice floes have melted yet,
The soul is not yet fully awake.
Spring through the city invisible,
It barely touches the streets.
Drops ring sometimes at noon,
And the cat is basking on the bench,
I want to dress more in fashion,
Don't walk around in your padded jacket.
So many beauties today
On the street, in offices and at the desk,
And everyone needs to be congratulated today
Happy March 8th!

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For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

The very first and most beautiful spring day is March 8th. On this day, every girl is waiting for congratulations. Including your girlfriend is no exception. Our wish portal recommends that you write a congratulation to the girl on March 8 as a message. It expresses your tender attitude towards her, your sincere sincere wishes, your trembling hopes for the duration of your relationship. We offer you to present congratulations on March 8 to the girl along with a bouquet of flowers. Before such a gallant attitude, neither she is a girl. Most likely, your relationship will become stronger, more stable and stable.

Happy spring day and happy love day,
Happy March 8,
Let it wait for you, girl
A million gifts.

The sun will give warmth
The earth is the first snowdrop,
caresses the breeze
A gentle kiss.

March the prankster does not pout -
Cheers from the heart
Be more beautiful than the whole street
Beauty and silence.

All wishes will come true
Everything will come, bring
Let the problems be forgotten -
There will be a new sunrise!

Brooches and ogs shine,
Drive away all adversity
And keep good luck near
Fill it with gold!

The time of frost has already passed,
Now the whole world will remind paradise
And you, girl, are like a rose,
Beautiful, bloom sweetly

There will be no return to the cold,
At least until winter.
And congratulations on March 8
We are together with you today!

Let the spring drops
Will cheer you up.
Tenderness gives every day
Joy, peace.

Let spring sing in my soul
Eyes sparkle.
Happy March my dear
Congratulations on spring day!

Sweet, kind, gentle,
What a beautiful bud you are always
languid, sensitive, passionate,
You bloom all year round without difficulty.

I congratulate you with verses
Let them be like a spring sprout
They pierce the soul with words
Let joy flow like juice.

Congratulations on March 8,
These lines are only for you
I wish you happiness, success
So that a ray of the sun leads to fate.

I congratulate you today
With this bright holiday of spring,
And you, dear, I wish
May your best dreams come true!

I am forever grateful to fate
That brought our paths together
I love you and wish:
Happiness, peace! Love and shine!

Let the first March blush
Lightly touches your cheeks.
Let it bloom under the window
Snowdrops big meadow!

I wish you on Women's Day
Love, kindness, charm.
And with pleasure, of course,
Go on dates with me!

Kind, smiling, sweet,
On weekdays and at any celebration,
Be always happy and loved
Happy spring holiday, Happy Women's Day!

Happy spring, honey! With love!
Let your dreams come true.
Poems fall to the head,
Your unparalleled beauty!

Let your smile bloom
Card balance is growing!
May you be unlucky in misfortune
May you be lucky in love!

On the day of March 8, dear,
I sincerely wish
To be as beautiful
You always stayed!

To wonderful youth
Saved forever
So that with a charming smile
Awarded sometimes...

March 8, Women's Day
I want to wish a lot
And many wishes!
I want to say about the main thing:

Your youth, beauty
Many admire!
So let it never
They don't fade!

Be happy always!
Beautiful on women's day
You bloom like never before
Vivid, bright, passionate!

Beautiful on Women's Day
I want to wish,
Just bold and clear
You walk through life

So that your youth
Everything bloomed like a bud
To be more beautiful and more beautiful
Were you every day!

Joy, success, warmth,
Pure, real beauty!
Prince or hero under the window,
And love, and happiness the whole house!

I congratulate you on the holiday
And I wish you good health
Bloom and be like the morning
And like the wind, always be free!

Bloom like a lily of the valley in spring
Like the sun you shine brightly
I want to wish you
Lots of gifts today

A gift from fate - good luck,
A gift from me - flowers,
A gift from spring in addition,
What is called love.

It's better not to have you in the world
You are like petals
I rush to you like the wind
As if I became the wind myself!

I bring you bouquets
I'm bringing gifts
I send "kisses" and "hello"
Emoticon in the form of hundreds of roses!

The March sun is shining
Everyone in this white world.
But for my girl
The sun shines brighter.

Since March 8 you, dear.
Congratulations to me and the sun.
And we want to outshine everyone.
We wish to be more beautiful than all!

You are young, slim, beautiful,
Smart, confident!
You are just a miracle, just a miracle!
May you always be lucky.

March 8 is a wonderful day
Let only joy bring
Let it become crowded with happiness
And the heart sings of love!

My spring swallow
My favorite girl
I want to wish March 8
In life, only warmth.

Let with a playful mood
And luck without end
Life goes on, throwing under your feet
You stars and flowers.

You are smart and so beautiful!
Good, amazing to others.
Congratulations on March 8
And with all my heart I wish

For you to bloom like a rose
Hot summer and cold
To be warmed by love
To bathe in joy!

March 8 on women's holiday
I want to wish my beloved girl:
May your childish laughter be preserved,
And beauty does not fade,

So that life is brighter and sweeter,
To meet with warmth every day,
And to please loved ones more often,
So that the world responds with love!

May your beauty always
Everywhere stays with you
To never be sad
Let love meet you

On March 8, Women's Day,
On the most beautiful day in the world,
Let the lilac bloom in the soul
And the heart thinks about summer!

You are a gentle bud, you are a magical flower -
You are a girl, as if from a fairy tale!
Your smile, your gentle voice -
Like spring colors.

Let women's day be the embodiment of love
And it will become feminine tenderness!
May your best plans come true
Let beauty not fade!

Then start with a congratulatory message. It should be sweet, pleasant, and also be as sincere as possible. We understand that not everyone has the gift of eloquence and many need help in writing a congratulatory message, especially if congratulate the girl on March 8 or any other holiday. It is for this reason that we have collected on our website a huge number of options for such congratulations.

After reviewing the options presented by us, you can choose the one that, in your opinion, your chosen one will like, and you will also be able to choose special combinations of words and phrases that, to one degree or another, will characterize the uniqueness of your relationship. At the same time, do not rush and choose the very first congratulatory message that seemed appropriate to you. It is better to spend a little more time, familiarize yourself with the entire range of congratulatory words available, and only after that make your final choice. Believe me, your chosen one will definitely appreciate your efforts, and you will be charged with positive from the fact that you made her a bit happier.

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Good luck and wealth
Don't give up on the dream

March 8! How I want
spend this day with you
So that both of our loneliness
Suddenly became a common fate
And tears will remain drops
On the softly melting snow
And the holiday will drag on all night -
I can make this night last!
And let the moon favor us with happiness,
And the sun wakes up in the morning...
And this is just a small fraction.
What I give you!

Hello! And congratulations right now!
I wish you on Women's Day
Good luck, happiness and kindness,
So that you are healthy

More often smiled and bloomed
You are long and long years.
And may all dreams come true
After all, you deserve it!

Darling! You are the light of my eyes!
I love you with all my heart, I do not hide ...
I have no rest during the day, I do not sleep at night,
I only dream about you, my angel!
Happy Women's Day, I congratulate you
I want you to know about strong feelings!
I send you a bouquet of roses lovingly,
I'm powerless before your beauty!

You are my only one
Desirable and beloved!
You are like the moon in the night
Bright and beautiful!
May this day of spring
Happiness will bring you
Be pretty you
Today and all year round!

What do you wish, my friend?
On International Women's Day?
Always pleasant leisure
To celebrate not laziness.

handsome and rich men
And only one husband
And more, in general, is not necessary
For the happiness of a woman, nothing!

Tulips and snowdrops
I give you one.
I'm drunk with tender lips
Like young wine.
Bright in any outfit -
Even a dress, even an apron.
I write with a bright marker:
Dear, on the eighth of March!

Special day - women's day!
For you, my love
I'm ready, throwing away laziness,
Strong in deeds!
For cleaning, for lunch,
For any request!
Just to please you
I'll get the stars!

A wonderful holiday is called Women's Day,
I want to congratulate you, my love,
I can't give you the sun
And prove how much I love you.

Maybe you deserve better
But know - I will not yield to anyone
You. You can be calm with me
Sincerely, I love you with all my heart!

Hello my love, hello!
Today is the day of flowers, sweets,
The day when you are too lazy to work
In two words, Women's Day!

Don't let sadness come to you
But only joy. Well, let
Your life will be happy.
Happy eighth, my love!

My clear light!
You are sweet to me - no doubt;
Cheerful and talkative
And you are amazingly smart!
accepting congratulations,
Be in a great mood.
Stay young, energetic, fighting,
Be healthy for hundreds of years
And live without knowing the troubles!!!

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All the things that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
Looking for words that are so rich
But feelings are not subject to speech,
And I accepted it as an inevitability
That I can't put into words
Endless tenderness.

Spring works wonders in nature -
She lit the love in your eyes.
Spring wind peeped into the heart
And open to kindness?
You are like spring, bright and good.
All perfection - body and soul!
You gave me the radiance of the day and light in the night.
Let me give you my love!

I will give you flowers today
And you can not write poetry,
Let's not quite succeed.
I know for sure: if you are near,
Life doesn't end!

It is very difficult to find happiness in life,
And not everyone can love.
I am in captivity of love strong passion
Turned out to be destined!
Black eyes darling
You blew me away.
And congratulating you today
I would only wish you happiness!

Since March 8, dear,
I congratulate you.
How much are you, dear,
You mean in life for me!
I will give you the stars
And spring dawn.
I'm talking to you seriously
I love you very much!

Congratulations, my love, happy holidays!
You are beautiful like sunshine!
My sweet girl, hare,
Know that there is no more precious than you in the world!
I will shower you with kisses
I will hug you very gently, loving.
Let the soul play with all the strings!
Since March 8, dear, you!

Spring again! Edge to edge
Sparkles in the light of the sun Earth.
The only, dear, dear,
You mean a lot to me!
Beloved, congratulations on March 8
I hasten you since early morning.
Let the spirit of passion in love
Gives us tenderness for many years!