The daily routine in kindergarten in the nursery. What is the daily routine in kindergarten

Daily routine refers to specific activities at certain times of the day. Its main goal is to balance the time of active and passive activity, eating and sleeping. The stay of children in kindergarten is subject to a certain routine (mode) of the day. We will talk about how time is distributed in the kindergarten, what advantages a child has who follows the regimen or daily routine, in the article.

The daily routine in different preschool institutions may differ. However, there are general rules that unite them all - the mandatory inclusion of food intake, activities, games, walks and sleep. They are held at specific hours, and a certain amount of time is allotted for them. The approximate daily routine of the kindergarten consists of the following activities:

  • an hour is allotted for the reception of the kids, after which morning exercises and breakfast are carried out;
  • then classes are held (complex or thematic);
  • if the weather allows - a walk, outdoor games;
  • dinner;
  • preparation for daytime sleep;
  • a quiet hour followed by an afternoon snack;
  • games, entertainment, activities, fees for a walk;
  • often parents take their children home right off the street.
So that the child does not experience stressful conditions in the initial period of visiting a preschool institution, parents should familiarize themselves with the daily routine in it in advance and try to prepare their crumbs for it in advance.

Here is what a child gets by following a certain daily routine:

  • timely meals, mandatory walks in the fresh air, sufficient time for sleep - all this makes the baby healthy, cheerful and joyful;
  • strengthening immunity (the body itself, at the subconscious level, prepares for a particular occupation at a certain time, so the appetite becomes good and sleep is deep);
  • children whose life is subject to the established regime have the opportunity to avoid surprises and fuss, they become more self-confident and calmer;
  • regime develops self-discipline.


In ordinary preschool institutions, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea) are provided. In many private kindergartens, these meals are supplemented with a second breakfast (which often includes fruit or juice) and dinner (for children who stay overnight).

In kindergarten, a menu layout for kids is compiled for a week so that parents can see in advance what they will feed their children on a given day. It must include:

  • meat and fish,
  • cereals and dairy products,
  • vegetables and fruits,
  • bakery products.
  • The medical worker of the kindergarten takes part in compiling the menu.


The full-fledged upbringing and development of children in kindergarten provides not only for a regimen and a balanced diet, but also for various types of classes, the schedule of which includes:

  • fine Art And Sculpting,
  • physical education and music,
  • development of speech and mathematics.

The lion's share of them is carried out in a group under the guidance of an educator (musical - with the participation of a music worker). The time allotted in kindergarten for a specific type of activity should not exceed 30 minutes in the senior group, and 10-15 in the nursery. Classes in a preschool institution can be held in three main forms:

  • a game;
  • direct educational activity (the so-called GCD);
  • practical and substantive work.

The main goal of any type of occupation is the formation of independence and curiosity of the baby, his ability to work in a team.


In any type of kindergarten, an obligatory component of the daily routine is daytime sleep, which we used to call “quiet time”. Its duration is two to three hours. Even those children whose parents allow them to refuse it at home quickly get used to the idea that in kindergarten at a certain time they have to go to bed and even if not sleep, then at least lie quietly.

Long-term studies confirm that at least up to six years the child's body needs a two-hour daily rest for normal development. By the age of seven or eight, he himself is gradually rebuilt to only night (monophasic) sleep.

Unfortunately, some parents violate the established kindergarten routine on weekends. And many children who do not attend a preschool institution are completely deprived of daytime rest. This is often the result.

In this article, parents will be able to find the optimal daily routine for preschool children, taking into account their age characteristics. You should pay attention to nutrition, sleep, physical activity, mental activity, walks so that the baby is comfortable in kindergarten.






An important condition for the development of the baby is the organization of a routine that corresponds to his age. The mode is the distribution of various activities of the crumbs evenly throughout the day.

The optimal mode is an important condition for maintaining the health of the baby, the basis of his life. Its features will differ as the crumbs mature. It is important to make sure that the daily routine provided for in kindergarten coincides with the home one, since the foundation of physical and mental health is laid at preschool age.
A child needs a daily routine to organize his life and switch from one type of activity to another.
The daily routine consists of the following activities:

The period of rest and sleep;
food intake;
Lessons and training.

Carrying out these activities systematically at the same time has a positive effect on the health of babies. Therefore, pediatricians strongly advise adults to do everything possible to comply with the regimen for their children. It is important to observe the daily routine for both children who attend a preschool institution and home crumbs.
The correct organization of the mode plays a huge role in the prevention of diseases.

It is important to teach children to follow the rules of the daily routine from an early age. Then they easily form habits of organization, discipline, order, proper rest. Strive to stick to the daily routine.
Babies up to 5-6 years old adapt extremely quickly to the established routine and react normally to it. The younger the baby, the more comfortable he is in the conditions of the correct mode. Toddlers who live according to a strict schedule grow more balanced, self-confident, because any surprise does not lead them to stressful conditions.

In the mode, it is mandatory to perform two main "NOT":

1. Do not shorten your baby's sleep;
2. Do not conduct training and development activities after 19 hours.

Good performance;
No fatigue;
Increasing the body's resistance.

The daily routine may not be strictly followed. The following factors influence its compliance:

The health status of the baby. If your baby is sick, then it is recommended to increase sleep and rest;
Weather conditions: if the weather is good, increase the time of walking.

All preschoolers need 5 meals a day:

1. Breakfast;
2. Second breakfast;
3. Lunch;
4. Snack;
5. Dinner.

Portion size should be appropriate for the age of the baby. Various seasonal fruits, pastries and confectionery, dairy or sour-milk products are ideal for lunch and afternoon tea.

Never make long intervals between meals! Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in preschoolers often lead to:

1. Disorderly eating;
2. Long intervals between meals;
3. Overeating;
4. Too frequent eating.

The daily duration of a child’s sleep depends entirely on his age:

Up to 5 years, the duration of sleep should be 12-12.5 hours a day;
Toddlers from 5 to 7 years old should sleep 11.5-12 hours a day.

Night sleep should be at least ten hours.

It is important to follow these rules for preparing for a night's sleep:

Do not play noisy games;
Limit TV viewing;
Do not let your child play computer games.

All of the above activities greatly excite the child's nervous system and significantly worsen his sleep.
Good for the health of the crumbs daytime sleep, the duration of which should be 1-2 hours. It often happens that by the age of seven, and sometimes even earlier, many babies refuse to sleep during the daytime. Parents should do everything possible that the child just rested from activity at lunchtime:
I read;
Just dreamed;
Lie down on the bed;
Played passive games.

Insufficient amount of rest negatively affects the health of the crumbs, his mood and ability to learn and develop.

Being outdoors is one of the main activities of the baby. Physical activity is important for both health and mood.

You need to walk with children every day and in any weather, except for rain or frost. Kids do not freeze on the street due to sufficient activity. Being outside is a great way to harden. The effect of air on the child's body:

Improve and accelerate metabolic processes;
Stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
Breathing normalizes;
Increases the body's resistance to infections.

Physical training;
Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Favorable time for learning:

9-12 hours;
16-18 hours.

With kids 3-4 years old, it is enough to conduct two classes a day lasting 15-20 minutes. With 5-6-year-old children, 2-3 lessons per day for half an hour are recommended.

If the baby attends kindergarten, then 2-3 sports or dance lessons are enough for him.
Excessive workload of the crumbs with classes will negatively affect his health. As a rule, this manifests itself a little later in such forms:

Decreased immunity;
Sleep disturbance.

It is important not to forget that the baby should have some time left to play on his own.


1. Strive to observe the time and duration of sleep;

3. Make sure that the baby gets up in the morning at the same time;

4. Make sure that the child eats 4-5 times a day;

5. The first breakfast should be no later than one hour after getting up, and the last one - 1.5 hours before going to bed;

6. Intervals between feedings - about 3-4 hours;

7. The kid should spend a lot of time on the street: in summer more than 6 hours, in autumn and winter at least 4 hours;

8. Avoid frequent mode changes;

9. Consider the age characteristics, abilities and capabilities of the crumbs;

10. The child should start the day with exercises;

11. In the daily routine, allocate time for water procedures;

12. Set aside enough time for eating so that the child can chew it thoroughly;

13. Set aside enough time for developmental activities.

Parents should pay increased attention to the implementation of the daily routine of their child. Then he will form positive character traits - organization, independence, discipline, self-confidence!

The regime in kindergarten is the same for all children. Therefore, if at home you are accustomed to sleeping until dinner, not putting your child to sleep and eating whenever you want, then before entering a preschool institution, you need to bring the home daily routine as close as possible to the regime in kindergarten. This will help the child in the adaptation period.

Usually three-year-olds are easily tolerated. At this age, they are already ready to communicate with their peers and other adults and gain new knowledge. Being brought up at home, the child does not receive the necessary social interaction. In addition, in kindergarten, classes with a child are carried out according to a special program corresponding to his age characteristics.

In a peer group, it is much easier for a child to learn to communicate or gain self-care skills by looking at other children. And in order for your child to endure the adaptation period even easier, you need to accustom him to the regimen in 2-3 months. At home, it is very difficult to follow a strict daily routine. And in kindergarten, it is built optimally for a small person and contributes to his physiological and psychological development.

The mode in different kindergartens may differ, but its principle is the same everywhere.

Approximate daily routine in kindergarten

A constant in the daily routine is eating and sleeping. The walk depends on weather conditions and time of year. If the weather is bad, games or classes are held at this time. In some kindergartens there is also a second breakfast.

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Requirements for the daily routine in kindergarten according to SanPiN

Four meals a day for children are organized in the group room. The interval between meals is no more than 4 hours. For more information about the diet, diet and menu, see.

A walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day and after midnight, which is a total of 3-4 hours. At temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds over 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced.

Daytime sleep for children from 3 to 7 years is 2 - 2.5 hours. During sonchas, the presence of a teacher in the bedroom is mandatory. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to conduct mobile and emotional games and activities.

Independent activity of children 3-7 years old should take at least 3-4 hours a day. This includes preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene.

All rooms must be ventilated daily. Through ventilation is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours in the absence of children 30 minutes before they arrive from a walk or class. In the presence of children, airing is permissible only in the warm season without a draft. When airing, the air temperature should not fall by more than 2-4°C.

Bed linen is changed at least once a week.

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Organization of classes

It is imperative for the harmonious development of the child that SanPiN includes developmental activities, which subsequently serve and.

Classes in kindergarten are conducted in the main areas:

  • musical;
  • physical training;
  • classes for the development of fine motor skills;
  • classes for the development of speech;
  • introduction to basic mathematical knowledge.

Classes that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and alternate with physical education and music classes to avoid overworking the child.

The continuous duration of the educational lesson of a preschooler does not exceed:

  • 10 minutes for children 3-4 years old (younger group);
  • 15 minutes for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group);
  • 20 minutes for children 5-6 years old (senior group);
  • 30 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old (preparatory group).

No more than 3 classes are held per day. Breaks between classes are at least 10 minutes.

Physical development classes

Physical development classes are held at least 3 times a week. Their duration is from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age group. In summer, such classes are recommended to be held outdoors.

In addition to physical development classes, other forms of physical activity are also used: morning exercises, physical exercises, outdoor games, in some kindergartens - classes on simulators, swimming, etc.

Morning reception of children

Reception of children should be carried out by educators and (or) medical workers. Identified sick children or children with suspected illness will not be accepted. If a child falls ill during the day, he is isolated from healthy children (placed in a medical room) until the arrival of the parents or their hospitalization, informing the parents.

In the kindergarten, absolutely all the activities of children and teachers are subject to a certain routine. And this has a positive impact on the development of each child.

Such a frequency allows you to ensure optimal physical activity, good rest, the necessary balance of sleep and wakefulness, which contributes to the normal growth of the crumbs. What does the daily routine consist of in an ordinary state kindergarten? Based on the established norms of SanPiN and the age of the pupils, each preschool institution establishes its own daily routine.

It is a carefully designed alternation of various regime moments - eating, playing activities, rest, developmental activities. Such a systematic approach helps kids not only to acquire new skills and knowledge, but also to have a proper rest.

Kindergarten daily routine - an approximate scheme

In most kindergartens, a 12-hour working regime has been approved - from seven in the morning to seven in the evening.

This length of the day allows moms and dads to free up time for work, and preschoolers to get full development and preparation for school.


  1. Reception of children. The school day in the kindergarten begins with the reception of pupils. This period is extremely important for creating the emotional mood of the whole group. The teacher meets parents and children, finds out in what mood each child came, which allows you to build the right communication with preschoolers.
  2. Charger. A warm-up to musical accompaniment is a good start for further physical activity of preschool children. It increases the body's stamina and resistance to infections. And regular physical activity contributes to the optimal development of the musculoskeletal system. Children grow strong and hardy.
  3. Breakfast. Breakfast time is also strictly regulated. It usually includes casseroles, milk cereals, tea or cocoa, and a butter sandwich. If the kids just wait for the teacher and nanny to take care of them, then the older children help set the table.
  4. Teachers conduct classes in a playful way, so that preschool children learn the material better and acquire the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge in the game. There are lessons for preschoolers in the morning and in the afternoon, they last from 10 to 25 minutes. Their duration depends on the age of the kids.

In the garden day mode, the following areas of study are found:

  • speech development;
  • physical training;
  • music and choreography (depending on the institution);
  • creative activity (drawing, modeling and appliqué);
  • mathematics, etc.


  1. Walk. A mandatory element of the daily routine is a walk. Being outdoors hardens the body, improves health and stimulates cognitive and motor activity. Walks must be carried out in any weather. The exception is adverse weather conditions (hard frost, heavy rain, etc.). In light rain, children walk on verandas protected from wind and rain, playing calm games.
  2. Dinner. After a long walk, lasting up to an hour and a half, the children have lunch. Lunch is the main meal in the preschool. To restore the energy spent during the day, the child must eat the first, second, third courses and salad. For the first, they give various soups - borscht, cabbage soup, pickle. For the second, cooks prepare a side dish (buckwheat porridge, pasta) and meat dishes (goulash, meatballs, etc.). The third dish is jelly, compotes or fresh juice. By the way, kindergarten recipes can also be used in the home menu. This will help the child to quickly adapt to the conditions of kindergarten.
  3. Sonchas. To fully relax and prepare for evening classes, children need a break. In the daytime schedule of the kindergarten, a certain time is allocated for this - early hours. It can last from 1.5 to three hours, depending on the child's age. Experienced teachers before rest organize quiet games, read books. All this calms the kids and sets them up for a strong, long sleep.


  1. afternoon tea. The child woke up, stretched and is ready for new challenges. And so that he does not feel hungry before the arrival of his parents, an afternoon snack is planned in the kindergarten. Most often, a snack includes buns, pies, yogurt or fermented baked milk.
  2. Educational activity. In the evening, teachers work with kindergarteners according to a light program - role-playing games, construction, reading books, etc. are held. Time is also allocated for independent play activities. Children are happy to collect puzzles, play with cars and dolls.
  3. Dinner and walk. Usually the last meal in preschool institutions is held at 17.00. Then, if the weather and season permit, the preschool children go for a walk, where their parents pick them up.

Daily routine in the kindergarten for younger children

The daily routine for younger preschoolers has its own characteristics and includes the following components:

  • basic self-care skills (dressing, undressing, washing);
  • regime moments (eating, sleeping, walking, developing activities);
  • free games.

At such a young age, more time is devoted to teaching children cultural and hygienic skills than to other activities.

Teachers teach kindergarteners to eat, dress and undress, wash themselves, and put away toys on their own.

By the way, overprotective children master these skills much later than their more independent peers.

Daily routine in senior groups

With age, the duration and level of complexity of classes increases. The older the preschoolers, the more emphasis is placed on mental and creative development.

This happens by reducing the time for daytime sleep and walks. How else is the educational activity of older preschoolers different?

  1. Developing classes requiring mental stress, educators plan in the first half of the school day, most often in the middle of the week. The rest of the exercises are carried out in the evening. In order to avoid overwork, cognitive work is replaced by music and physical education.
  2. And yet the main activity of preschoolers of any age is, of course, a game. Children play role-playing, didactic, theatrical games that contribute to the development of communication skills.
  3. A targeted preparation for school. However, the main goal of the kindergarten is not to teach reading and writing, but to create a basis for mastering these skills. This is facilitated by the expansion of vocabulary, the improvement of fine motor skills, and the development of speech.

When developing a daily routine in a preschool institution, teachers take into account the time of year. For example, in the summer, the number of classes decreases, respectively, the duration of games and the stay of children in the fresh air increases.

So, the daily routine is of great importance for the balanced development of preschoolers.

The alternation of regime moments, their constancy, as well as the coordination of the actions of the kindergarten and parents will certainly help moms and dads to raise their baby healthy, disciplined and independent.

The activities of all employees and pupils of the kindergarten are subject to a certain daily routine. Its observance helps the human body (both an adult and a child) to avoid fatigue, maintain activity and efficiency, good mood during the entire time of wakefulness.

What determines the daily routine

Each kindergarten sets a daily routine for children in accordance with its own work schedule, while focusing on SanPiN norms and the age of preschoolers. But in general, the approximate daily routine in different kindergartens has only some differences.

The time of reception and games of children, the schedule of classes, the time and number of meals, walks and daytime sleep are integral parts of the daily routine, which are observed in almost all kindergartens.


Reception of pupils is carried out from the time of the beginning of the kindergarten until 8 o'clock in the morning. At this time, children usually play on their own in a group, and in the warm season - on the street.

From 8 to 8.20-8.30, children under the guidance of a teacher or physical instructor do morning exercises, then prepare for the first meal and eat.

After breakfast, the guys have the opportunity to do quiet games, drawing, designing.


From 9 o'clock directly organized activities begin - classes in which kids learn about the world around them, get acquainted with the basics of mathematics, and develop speech.

In addition to classes in a group, for the organization of which the teacher is responsible, he also works with the guys. In addition, children visit the pool twice a week (if available). In speech therapy groups (senior and preparatory), speech classes are additionally organized by a speech therapist teacher.

Depending on age, the duration and number of classes varies:

  • For younger preschoolers, the teacher conducts one lesson in the first half of the day and one after sleep.
  • In the middle group, the guys study until about 10 hours (no more than two lessons a day).
  • The number of classes at senior preschool age can increase to three per day, and the duration of the lesson itself increases accordingly.

Between organized activities, breaks are necessarily provided, during which children can relax and move around.

Walk, lunch and nap

At about 10 o'clock, preschool children are offered a second breakfast. It can be juice or fruit.

After the end of classes, the students go for a walk. Toddlers of nursery groups go outside earlier, but, accordingly, they return back and have lunch earlier than others, since the wakeful hours of 2-3-year-old children are reduced due to the capabilities of a small organism, and the duration of daytime sleep increases.

The time for a walk and the onset of lunch depends on the age of the children: the older the children, the more time they are awake, thereby accustoming themselves to the upcoming school day regimen in the near future. So, a walk in the middle group usually ends around 11.30-11.50, and the children of the preparatory group play outside until about 12.15-12.30.

After lunch, preschoolers have a daily nap. The youngest go to bed no later than 12.30, and for the preparatory students, the “sleep hour” starts at about 13.00-13.15.

Activities in the afternoon

Everyone wakes up in kindergarten at the same time - 15.00. Children calmly wake up, wash, dress and have an afternoon snack (about 15.20-15.30).

Then the second lesson begins for the kids, and the middle and older preschoolers play on their own, attend circles (if they are in kindergarten), read, watch cartoons.

After dinner, the timing of which depends on the opening hours of the kindergarten (usually after 4 pm), the children go for a walk, where their parents gradually pick them up. During the cold season, the duration of the walk is shortened, so the guys meet moms and dads indoors.

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