Areola nipples too big - what to do? Large nipple halo: causes and ways to reduce

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Not all women can boast of their breasts and bare them in front of their beloved, without complex. Some want, someone wants to reduce, on the contrary, others are not satisfied with the color or size of the nipples. All these shortcomings become the cause of tightness and complexes.

The most correct solution to all problems is surgery. Unfortunately or fortunately, not everyone can afford this procedure. Most often, the high price or individual contraindications stops.

Many women stop going under the knife due to distrust of doctors, fear of infection and side effects. There are plenty of negative reviews and photos of mutilated body parts on the Internet.

Another thing is when you can overcome the problem at home. In this article, we will talk in detail about large halos.

Halos can increase due to various reasons that are always hidden in the female body:

  • Fluctuations in the hormonal background;
  • period of menstruation;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • taking strong antibiotics;
  • body aging.

The increase in halos is a natural process during a girl's puberty. There can't be huge breasts and tiny nipples. It looks unaesthetic and unnatural.

The size of the halo depends on the size of the mammary gland, the larger the breast, the larger the brown area around the nipple. Normally, it should not exceed 10 cm.

A large role in the color and shape of the halo is assigned to the genetic factor. If your mother and grandmother had large dark-colored and elliptical halos, then most likely it will be inherited.

The change in the halo in pregnant and lactating women deserves special attention.

During pregnancy, changes occur in the mammary glands that change the color of the nipple from pink to dark brown. A woman can notice this at the 5th week of pregnancy. The chest begins to swell, as a result of which the size of the areola increases, and stretch marks may also appear.

During pregnancy, the fetus produces a huge amount of melanin, which is deposited in the body of a woman. In interaction with sex hormones, changes occur in the size of the halo.

During breastfeeding, the shape and size of the halo changes due to the filling of the ducts with milk, the stretching of the skin by sucking crumbs, and blood flow. The longer the baby is breastfed, the larger the halos will become.

After stopping breastfeeding, in most cases, the halos are significantly reduced.

In rare cases, they remain enlarged.

Eagle breast reduction with the help of a surgeon is, first of all, an opportunity to get rid of psychological discomfort and an inferiority complex.

The operation itself to reduce halos is not complicated. It can take place under intravenous anesthesia or local anesthesia.

  • The essence of the operation is to separate a strip of skin of the right size around the entire circumference of the areola.
  • One incision is made at the border of the halo and skin, and the second is closer to the nipple. This ring between the cuts is removed.
  • Next, several spot stitches are applied at a great distance from each other. After the surgeon has decided on the shape, the final cosmetic suture is applied.
  • The entire operation takes less than an hour. In the future, you will have a scar around the halo.

It is important that during such an operation the milk ducts are not damaged, so you can safely breastfeed your baby.

Reducing at home

If the halos have already increased significantly or are naturally large, then only surgery will help you reduce them.

To avoid this process, just follow some rules of care during pregnancy and lactation. If you ignore them, enlarged halos can become wrinkled.

  • To prevent this, special moisturizers for your skin type, which do not allow it to dry out, will help.
  • Your diet should be filled with foods containing animal and vegetable fats, which help produce collagen.
  • Regular massage and nourishing wraps will also give the skin elasticity.

The most popular type of body wrap is the seaweed procedure.


For this you need:

  • kelp leaves 100 g
  • Water 1 l

Soak kelp leaves for half an hour in water heated to no higher than 65 degrees. If you use water at room temperature, then the soaking time is 2 hours.

After the algae are soaked, they must be applied to the chest. After that, wrap with a film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket for half an hour. In the case of a cold wrap - for an hour.

Rose petals for skin elasticity in the chest area

You will need:

  • dry rose petals 2 tbsp
  • Cream 1 tbsp.

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture and apply on the chest for 15 minutes, covering the top with a film and a towel.

walnuts for loose skin

You need:

  • Walnuts 4 pcs.
  • Honey 1 tbsp
  • Butter 1 tbsp.
  • Yolk 1 pc.

Finely chop the walnut kernels. Add honey and butter to them, as well as the yolk. Mix everything and apply on clean skin of the chest area for 20 minutes, covering with a film.

White beans and milk for elasticity and anti-wrinkle in the décolleté area

You will need:

  • Milk 1 l
  • Fine-grained white beans 1/3 st.
  • almond flakes 2 tbsp
  • Almond oil 2 tbsp
  • Wheat or soy flour 0.5 st.
  • Edible sea salt 2 tbsp

Pour bean grains together with almond flakes with boiled water, and then with milk. Once this mixture has cooled, refrigerate it for 24 hours. Then all this must be boiled until fully cooked. After cooling, add all other ingredients and beat with a mixer until the mass is completely homogeneous. Apply to chest twice a week for a month.

If you are breastfeeding a child, then most types of body wraps are contraindicated, especially hot ones.

Wait a little with these procedures, because the health and well-being of the child is much more important than beautiful breasts. Your diet should be filled with foods containing animal and vegetable fats, as well as amino acids that help activate collagen production.

  • Cereals, grains of legumes and shelled seafood contain a huge amount of copper.
  • Blue berries, kiwi and all citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.
  • There is sulfur in the yolk of a chicken egg, and there is a lot of zinc in brewer's yeast and germinated wheat germ.
  • Vegetables with red flesh or peel (radishes, beets, etc.) are filled with silicon.
  • Omega 3, 6 and 9 are found in incredible amounts in fatty fish. Iron is rich in cilantro leaves, buckwheat and pomegranate pulp.
  • In addition to these products, dates, pumpkin, red pepper, bananas, soybeans and oatmeal contribute to the production of your own collagen.

10 questions to help you make the right decision

Never be categorical in your statements. To understand yourself, answer a few simple questions. Maybe they will change your mind and help you fall in love with your beautiful and unique body.

  1. Why don't you like yourself like this?
  2. What unpleasant situations are associated with enlarged halos?
  3. Does it interfere with your intimate life?
  4. What is the reason for the complex: contrived by you or a consequence of the ridicule of a partner?
  5. With small halos, your loved one will love you more, will you become more successful and life will get better?
  6. What do you imagine chest size 3-5 with halos 2-4 cm?
  7. Are you ready for surgery?
  8. If “yes”, what is worse, large natural halos or scars all over their circumference?
  9. What do you need to be completely happy?
  10. Should the natural ratio of breast size and halo be considered a flaw now?

Each woman has her own halo size, and it is beautiful in its own way. If your man loves you for who you are, then you should not rack your brains and come up with a problem for yourself. If a loved one considers large dark halos a disadvantage, do not rush to change them, perhaps you should take a closer look at a man who gives rise to an inferiority complex in you!

Frequent "questions - answers"

    Can nipples be reduced?

    Any changes are possible only with surgical intervention. All folk remedies - wiping, applying, and so on are absolutely ineffective. If a woman has a desire to reduce the nipples, only a plastic surgeon will help with the selection of an individual operation algorithm.

    How to reduce the nipple?

    The most popular nipple reduction surgery schemes:
    - with a long nipple: the top of the bulge is removed, and the rest is sutured;
    - with a wide nipple: a part of a triangular nipple is cut out, the remaining part is subject to suturing (negatively affects the possibility of breastfeeding, since the milk channels are deformed);
    - truncation of the skin around the nipple, which contributes to its retraction (a more severe type of intervention).

    Large areola, what to do?

    A large areola around the nipple (up to 10 cm in diameter), according to doctors, is not an indicator of any diseases or pathologies. Especially if you are in the group of pregnant or lactating mothers, as well as if for some reason you have rapidly gained weight or have hormonal disorders - an increase in the areola is the norm and may decrease on its own. But if the large size of the areola is permanent and depresses you too much, it can be corrected with surgery. This is done as part of some breast-related surgeries and as a separate procedure. Excision of pigmented skin is performed, due to which up to 4.5 cm of the areola is removed.

    Will the areola shrink after breastfeeding?

    The opinions of scientists and women who have passed the stage of feeding differ on this issue. Specialized literature claims that after a period of lactation, the areola will not recover. Reviews of young mothers say the opposite - in half there was a return of the mammary gland, its shape, size of the areola and nipples to its previous state, which was before pregnancy. Everything is individual.

    What is the areola of the breast?

    The areola is the part of the skin around the nipple that is round or oval in shape, 3-5 cm in diameter, which is distinguished by a different color (from pale pink to brown) and a bumpy texture, which are called Montgomery's tubercles.

    Will the areola shrink after childbirth?

    According to the observations of experts, after childbirth, the primary size of the areolas of the mammary glands can be restored completely or partially, but this is purely individual for each woman and depends on heredity, hormonal and many other factors.

    How to enlarge nipples at home?

    There are a couple of ways that can help without the intervention of a surgeon:
    - vacuum cap-corrector: it helps to stretch the nipples with the help of nozzles that form a vacuum. For a satisfactory result, the device must be used for two months daily, for 8-9 hours. Wear day or night - depends on your desire;
    - massage: the disadvantage of this method is that it does not help everyone, and its highest efficiency is when the breast is not yet fully formed;
    - tattooing: the procedure is only visual in nature, since the necessary part is “finished” with the help of paint. Minus - the procedure is quite painful.

    How to reduce nipples for a man?

    Men do not ask this question too much, and there can be many reasons: age, hormones, diseases, medications, etc. If the growth of the nipple is not associated with pathologies, you can try to discuss with your doctor the diet, sports, drinking decoctions and drugs that stimulate the production of the male hormone. The last resort is plastic surgery. If growth occurs due to illness, you should consult a doctor for advice on how to properly treat.

    Change in nipple color, causes?

    Sometimes the nipples suddenly change their color, which can be caused by the following reasons: any fluctuations in the hormonal background, pregnancy (they darken due to an increase in the concentration of melatonin pigment, is reversible), prolonged use of hormonal contraception, age-related changes, genetic predisposition, as well as pathological formations , which need to be treated with a specialist.

    Is it possible to remove the nipples, and how does it happen?

    Removal of nipples for both a woman and a man - only through a surgical operation. Often this service is used when they want to remove the third nipple, or if they plan a large tattoo on the chest, which is prevented by this bulge, and, of course, due to pathological changes in the breast tissue, when such manipulation is simply inevitable. The operation does not last long, under local anesthesia, more troublesome - the process of rehabilitation and wound healing. It is important for a woman to remember that by deciding to take such a step, she loses the opportunity to breastfeed her child in the future.

    What determines the color of the nipples?

    Each organism is individual, having features inherent only to it. The reasons why each woman has a different nipple color also do not fall under the general classification, but there are some general patterns. Although most of the nipples have dark shades, it all depends on the woman's race, hair color, skin color, etc. That is, if a girl is blonde, she will most likely have light-colored nipples and vice versa. This rule applies only to permanent coloring. If it changes over time, it is worth looking for the cause in another.

    Why do nipples change shape?

    Pregnancy: during this period, any changes in the mammary glands are the norm due to the restructuring of the body; No


Modern surgical plastic allows a woman to change not only the shape and size of her breasts, but also to change the nipple halos, which cause great complexes and insecurity in many. As a rule, halos and nipples increase after prolonged breastfeeding, but a large nipple halo can also be congenital.

What is a halo

The halo is a pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple that differs in color and texture. Color can vary from pale pink to dark brown. This is due, as a rule, with a genetic predisposition, and often with a color type. Thus, women with pale skin and blond hair will have pale nipples and halos, and women with dark skin and rich hair color will have dark halos.

Another sign of a halo is wrinkling. A large nipple halo can be either smooth or wrinkled. This is completely independent of the size and shape of the breast. However, after breast reduction associated with breastfeeding, even a smooth nipple can become wrinkled.

Halo size norm

By average standards, the nipple halo is 3-5 cm in size. Depending on the size of the breast, this figure may vary slightly. When breastfeeding, the shape and size of the nipple and halo can increase significantly, which does not always have a positive effect on women's self-perception.

The appearance of complexes is often associated only with personal ideas about existing standards and their inconsistency with them. And against the background of the fixation of young mothers on their baby and the lack of free time and good rest, such a slight change in the usual figure can cause severe depression.

Large nipple halos, photos of which a woman can see on the forums of the same mothers, can calm her down, especially if women's breasts have returned to their previous shape after the end of breastfeeding.

The reason for the increase in halos

Even during pregnancy, the breasts and halos undergo changes. This happens due to the growth of the mammary glands, weight gain of the pregnant woman and genetic predisposition.

Why large nipple halos appear after breastfeeding is easy to explain. This is due to swelling of the breast and, as a result, stretching of the tissues. After the end of breastfeeding, the size of the nipple and halos may be restored, or may remain in a new form. This factor depends on genetics, so to suggest the development of events after breastfeeding, you can talk about it with your mother or, for example, with your sister.

How to restore the previous size of the halo

Modern plastic makes it possible to quickly and painlessly return the previous shape of the nipple. The operation will take no more than an hour, it is performed under local anesthesia, without anesthesia. Before plastic surgery, you need to discuss with the doctor the desired size of the halo and the features of the operation. A large nipple halo can help determine if your nipples are oversized.

Previously, such plastics had one significant drawback - the inability to breastfeed in the future, since the operation damaged the milk ducts in the halo, through which milk moves from the breast to the nipple.

Now they have learned how to eliminate this drawback, since during the operation only the upper layer of the skin is tightened, without affecting its deep layers, in which the ducts are located. In addition, arthroplasty provides the effect of breast lifting, giving it a tightened shape and elasticity.

Large nipple halos (photo below) can be reduced in diameter by 4 cm during the operation, which will allow a woman to feel confident and get rid of ridiculous complexes. The chest is completely restored after a couple of months. During this time, the seam becomes almost invisible, and the sensitivity of the nipple becomes the same.

How to properly care for your breasts

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are subject to rapid growth. As a result, the breast and nipples are greatly enlarged, the tissue is stretched, and striae (stretch marks) can form on it. Such skin loses firmness and elasticity, and at the end of breastfeeding, the breast looks like a deflated ball, and large halos around the nipples become wrinkled, which does not always give a woman self-confidence.

It is almost impossible to completely prevent this, but there are ways to reduce possible breast defects. To do this, you need to adhere to proper nutrition so that the skin from the inside receives a sufficient amount of fats that provide skin hydration and promote the production of collagen.

Be sure to carry out home wraps and masks, as well as regularly use specialized anti-stretch mark creams, or replace them with any moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

It is better to prevent a large nipple halo and overextension of the breast than to think about plastic later. Therefore, you should always carefully monitor your health and figure.

Hello, today we will talk about the integral "decoration" of the female breast - the nipple and areola (NAC). Which shape is close to ideal, and which one needs correction? Women are quite often dissatisfied with the bust in general and this is part of it in particular. So, the types of female nipples, their color and configuration are normal. If this topic interests you, read our article.

NAO zone: basic parameters

The nipple-areolar complex is a sensitive, important, functional part of the breast. SAH is one of the most easily accessible erogenous zones in the female body. And one of the most sensitive. In addition to getting pleasure, with the help of a nipple, every mother feeds her child.

This set is different:

  • form;
  • color;
  • areola size;
  • thick.

The complex is represented by a pigmented circle (areola), in the center of which there are protruding natural relatively dense formations (nipples). Its color is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin):

All of these are variations of the norm. often depends on the size of the bust in general. But this is not an absolute figure. Sometimes girls with neat breasts have a large nipple-areolar complex.

The main types of areolar zone

In addition to the actual shape of the nipple in women, different areas of the SAH are distinguished:

If you suddenly start to grow hairs around the areolar area, contact your gynecologist. Perhaps your hormones have gone on a rampage.

The main types of nipples

Gynecologists distinguish 5 main types of nipples:

TypeAppearance of the nipple
ConvexSlightly protruding above the surface of the areola
FlatPractically merging with the areola (not comfortable when breastfeeding)
Plump (conical), merging with areola
or glass cutters
Large, cylindrical, visually hard nipples. The SAH zone looks like a single whole, like a mound above the gland
Reverse convex (concave, retracted)Retracted inside and require correction, therefore making GW (breastfeeding) unlikely
AsymmetricalOne nipple has one shape (for example, convex), the other can be flat or concave

Additionally, sometimes large soft papillae are isolated, like chewing gum (Chewy nipples). Thickness:

  • thick (massive with a wide diameter equal to the diameter of a female little finger or an eraser on a pencil, Gumdrop type);
  • relatively thin with a small base.

By length they distinguish:

  • short;
  • long (with a large vertical projection).

The difference is clearly visible in the photo. All of these are considered normal. Intervention requires only the nipple of the reverse bulge (retracted). Because feeding with such anatomy is impossible.

A doctor’s consultation is needed if the shape of a woman’s nipple suddenly changes and becomes retracted (this may be a sign of oncology) or the hairs around the areola actively begin to break through. With active hair growth in the SAH area, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, women can adjust the shape and color of the SAK as desired by contacting. Many do just that, "ordering" the areola in the shape of a heart or reducing the length of the nipple.

Large areolas are a common cosmetic defect. The area around the nipple may increase during life or be large from birth. Sometimes women are surprised to find that the areola of the breast has become larger. In most cases, girls do not attach much importance to this. In rare cases, large nipple areolas can be a cause for concern and cause considerable psychological discomfort. So why can the size of the areola change? What does it say? Do I need to see a doctor and when is treatment required? Is it possible to shrink areolas?

There can be many reasons:

  • Heredity. In this case, the defect may not appear immediately, but after some time, after exposure to various provoking factors.
  • Pregnancy and lactation contribute to swelling of the nipples and the area around them. You need to know that in fact, neither pregnancy nor lactation can seriously affect the size. But during childbearing and breastfeeding, the breasts swell, visually it seems that it has become larger.
  • Mechanical impact, allergies, diseases. It is exactly the same here - the areola does not increase, but it seems larger than usual due to swelling and inflammation.


If large areolas are due to heredity, then this will become clear only after puberty. In childhood, the chest is weakly expressed and looks the same in almost everyone. Individual features begin to appear at the moment when puberty ends and the mammary glands acquire their final shape. Interestingly, the hormonal restructuring of the body can take up to 20 years, so it is quite possible that large areolas will appear at a fairly adult age.

Pregnancy and lactation

There are two more important reasons. During the period of expectation of the child, the breast is rebuilt, and active growth of glandular tissue begins in the tissues of the mammary glands. Of course, this also affects the appearance of the breast - the areola can become darker (hyperpigmentation is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy), larger, and the nipples also increase. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. The color may remain after childbirth, but the size usually decreases after the end of lactation. Interestingly, enlargement of the nipples and the area around the nipples is considered one of the signs of pregnancy.


The areola can become larger due to various pathologies. With mechanical irritation and allergies, everything is simple - the breast swells, the nipple seems larger. If the increase is caused by diseases of the mammary glands, then other changes can be observed on the skin and in the depths of the tissues.

Among the most common pathological causes are:

  • Violation of the posture or rules of breastfeeding.
  • Wearing tight, rough underwear. Wearing bras that change the natural shape of the breasts.
  • Scars after surgery or injury.
  • Tumors, including breast cancer.
  • Complication after abscesses or mastitis.
  • Gynecomastia in men is often combined with large areolas.

If there is redness or inflammation, you should consult a doctor. Proper therapy will reduce the areola. It is important to remember that only the attending physician can make a diagnosis. Different diseases need to be treated differently, so it is unacceptable to prescribe medications on your own. An inflammatory element on the skin can be a harmless infection, or it can be the first evidence of a growing tumor. Mammologists in the medical collection have many stories about how neglect of one's health led to sad consequences.

In most cases, a large areola is just an individual feature that does not pose any harm to health. But since it causes psychological discomfort, modern plastic surgery offers such a service as surgical reduction of the areola. The areola is located around the nipple and consists of a rather delicate epithelial tissue. Therefore, operations on and around the nipples are considered procedures of increased complexity. It is important to remember that good plastic surgeons are found only in certified clinics.

Interestingly, not only women apply for size and shape correction. This problem can also bother men - however, in them it is more often combined with congenital gynecomastia.

There are clear indications for the operation:

  • Asymmetrical arrangement of areolas, a significant change in the natural shape. It can occur both after past illnesses, and in adulthood against the background of absolute breast health.
  • Irregular contours.
  • Too thick areola tissue.
  • Stretched, oval or shapeless areolas.
  • Swelling of the nipple and around it.
  • Too big areolas.
  • Various injuries resulting in loss of natural size and shape.

At first glance, these reasons may not seem serious enough. But in fact, any visible or hidden imperfections on the body can cause serious discomfort and lead to the development of complexes. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, plastic surgeons are ready to help correct natural imperfections. The operation will raise self-esteem and get rid of psychological problems.

Correction of size and shape

Size and shape correction procedures are any surgical manipulations aimed at creating a natural shape. This includes a decrease, and an increase, and a recovery. The operation can be performed on only one breast or both.

Formation in a new place is usually carried out if there is damage after operations or injuries. Usually, such a traumatic operation is not done without the need. Sometimes the formation of an areola in a new place is offered to girls with strongly tubular breasts - and then as part of a general plastic surgery of the mammary glands.

Before the operation, the patient must attend preliminary consultations with a plastic surgeon. On them, you can find out which operation is best suited to the patient's request, clarify contraindications and mentally prepare for the intervention.

Areola correction is an extensive section of plastic surgery, which includes several fundamentally different types of operations. You can adjust the shape, size, position. The operation can be performed on the tissues of the breast and nipple, or only on the areola.

Diameter reduction

This is a fairly simple operation that can be performed both separately and when performing a mastopexy, breast augmentation or during surgery to reshape the nipple. Also combined with a breast lift. From a technical point of view, everything is simple, so the operation can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. If desired, the patient is given intravenous anesthesia. The procedure lasts no more than an hour.

The technology is like this:

  • The surgeon makes circular incisions along the border of the areola, as well as incisions near the nipples, a little further from the pigmentation border. The first incision is made along the existing areola circumference, the second - along the new one, which will be obtained after the operation.
  • The skin between the two incisions is peeled off with a special solution and then removed. In some cases, exfoliating injections are not made, but simply cut off a flap of skin without capturing the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Then the wound is sutured. This is perhaps the most difficult stage. If you apply even seams, then folds form, because the new diameter is smaller than the previous one. And because of the folds, scars can form. In order to prevent this edge of the wound, they are sutured with separate wide sutures, which are applied at a considerable distance from each other. Usually there are 4 to 8 stitches.
  • At the last stage, sutures are applied over the previous ones so as to pull together all the edges of the wound.

If the operation is performed correctly, then the areola will retain a rounded shape, the nipple will remain in place and will be convex. And high-quality stitches will fall just on the border of pigmentation, and they will not be visible. The postoperative scar is located strictly along the edge of the areola. This operation can be performed on girls who are just planning to have a baby - the surgery is performed on the upper layers of the skin, the milk ducts are not damaged.

After the operation comes a very important period - rehabilitation. The final result depends on the observance of the recommendations of the doctor. You will have to fix the scars with special plasters or strips to prevent the edges of the wound from divergence. It is important to avoid excessive tension on the skin, otherwise scars and white marks may remain.

Mastopexy is one of the most common breast lift surgeries. During a lift, the incision is made just around the areola. The purpose of mastopexy is to remove excess skin, eliminate sagging, and return the nipple above the breast crease. Simultaneously with the mastopexy, an additional incision can be made to reduce the areola.

The same can be done with implantation. Implant placement is performed differently and does not involve the areola. But when performing surgery, you can make an incision and carry out the simplest reduction option. The only drawback is that the likelihood of damage to the milk ducts increases, plus healing will last much longer. Therefore, this operation is not recommended for those who plan to breastfeed.

Diameter increase

In addition to reduction, cosmetologists offer procedures to increase the diameter. This is not an operation, but rather a cosmetic procedure. In medical language, it is called areola micropigmentation. In fact, this is something like a tattoo or permanent makeup, but on the skin around the areola.

Micropigmentation allows:

  • Eliminate defects in the shape of areolas, form natural circles.
  • Make areolas brighter, more expressive.
  • Change the color of the pigment.
  • Correct small defects after operations and injuries.
  • Create an areola at the site of the removed nipple or breast. This is especially true for those who have had to undergo breast removal due to breast cancer.

The main advantage of micropigmentation is that no incisions are required, which means that the risk of undesirable consequences and complications is much lower. The procedure requires local anesthesia. The pigment is not clogged deeply, but the skin next to the nipples is very sensitive, so you have to use local anesthetics.

Healing is similar to the healing of a tattoo. At first, sufficient moisture is required, it is important not to peel off the crusts and not scratch. Everything heals in less than a month, and after 5-6 weeks the final result becomes visible.

There are important rules for performing micropigmentation:

  • The procedure can only be performed under conditions of sufficient sterility. All instruments and materials must be disposable or sterilized at high temperatures.
  • Pigments used for tattooing must be hypoallergenic.
  • It is important to choose the right color so that it matches the color of the nipple and the surrounding skin and does not look unnatural.

Any kind of operations must be performed in specialized centers that can provide all the necessary certificates, licenses and permits. Modern plastic surgery allows you to correct almost any cosmetic defect, it is enough to consult a doctor and outline a plan for the operation.

Modern surgical plastic allows a woman to change not only the shape and size of her breasts, but also to change the nipple halos, which cause great complexes and insecurity in many. As a rule, halos and nipples increase after prolonged breastfeeding, but a large nipple halo can also be congenital.

What is a halo

The halo is a pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple that differs in color and texture. Color can vary from pale pink to dark brown. This is due, as a rule, with a genetic predisposition, and often with a color type. Thus, women with pale skin and blond hair will have pale nipples and halos, and women with dark skin and rich hair color will have dark halos.

Another sign of a halo is wrinkling. A large nipple halo can be either smooth or wrinkled. This is completely independent of the size and shape of the breast. However, after breast reduction associated with breastfeeding, even a smooth nipple can become wrinkled.

Halo size norm

By average standards, the nipple halo is 3-5 cm in size. Depending on the size of the breast, this figure may vary slightly. When breastfeeding, the shape and size of the nipple and halo can increase significantly, which does not always have a positive effect on women's self-perception.

The appearance of complexes is often associated only with personal ideas about existing standards and their inconsistency with them. And against the background of the fixation of young mothers on their baby and the lack of free time and good rest, such a slight change in the usual figure can cause severe depression.

Large nipple halos, photos of which a woman can see on the forums of the same mothers, can calm her down, especially if women's breasts have returned to their previous shape after the end of breastfeeding.

The reason for the increase in halos

Even during pregnancy, the breasts and halos undergo changes. This happens due to the growth of the mammary glands, weight gain of the pregnant woman and genetic predisposition.

Why large nipple halos appear after breastfeeding is easy to explain. This is due to swelling of the breast and, as a result, stretching of the tissues. After the end of breastfeeding, the size of the nipple and halos may be restored, or may remain in a new form. This factor depends on genetics, so to suggest the development of events after breastfeeding, you can talk about it with your mother or, for example, with your sister.

How to restore the previous size of the halo

Modern plastic makes it possible to quickly and painlessly return the previous shape of the nipple. The operation will take no more than an hour, it is performed under local anesthesia, without anesthesia. Before plastic surgery, you need to discuss with the doctor the desired size of the halo and the features of the operation. A large nipple halo can help determine if your nipples are oversized.

Previously, such plastics had one significant drawback - the inability to breastfeed in the future, since the operation damaged the milk ducts in the halo, through which milk moves from the breast to the nipple.

Now they have learned how to eliminate this drawback, since during the operation only the upper layer of the skin is tightened, without affecting its deep layers, in which the ducts are located. In addition, arthroplasty provides the effect of breast lifting, giving it a tightened shape and elasticity.

Large nipple halos (photo below) can be reduced in diameter by 4 cm during the operation, which will allow a woman to feel confident and get rid of ridiculous complexes. The chest is completely restored after a couple of months. During this time, the seam becomes almost invisible, and the sensitivity of the nipple becomes the same.

How to properly care for your breasts

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are subject to rapid growth. As a result, the breast and nipples are greatly enlarged, the tissue is stretched, and striae (stretch marks) can form on it. Such skin loses firmness and elasticity, and at the end of breastfeeding, the breast looks like a deflated ball, and large halos around the nipples become wrinkled, which does not always give a woman self-confidence.

It is almost impossible to completely prevent this, but there are ways to reduce possible breast defects. To do this, you need to adhere to proper nutrition so that the skin from the inside receives a sufficient amount of fats that provide skin hydration and promote the production of collagen.

Be sure to carry out home wraps and masks, as well as regularly use specialized anti-stretch mark creams, or replace them with any moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

It is better to prevent a large nipple halo and overextension of the breast than to think about plastic later. Therefore, you should always carefully monitor your health and figure.