The squirrel and the arrow are the famous Soviet dogs, who got the glory of all animal cosmonauts. Squirrel and arrow in space

August 19 marks the 50th anniversary of the day when the Vostok spacecraft with the dogs Belka and Strelka on board set off on a daily flight with a return to Earth.

Before man's flights into space, numerous experiments were carried out with animals on spacecraft-satellites of the Earth. At the end of 1948, on the initiative of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, work began on determining the reactions of a highly organized living being to the impact of rocket flight conditions. After long discussions, it was decided that the “biological object” of the research would be a dog.

Physiologists have long used dogs for experiments, they knew how they behave, understood the structural features of the body. In addition, dogs are not capricious, they are easy to train.

The first detachment of dogs - candidates for flights into space - consisted of the most common yard dogs. Doctors believed that from the first day they were forced to fight for survival, moreover, they were unpretentious and very quickly get used to the staff, which was tantamount to training.
Direct training of dogs for flight was carried out at the Institute of Aviation Medicine. For experiments, small dogs weighing 6-7 kg (the rocket cabin was designed for low weight), aged from two to six years, with good health, high resistance to diseases and resistance to adverse environmental influences, were selected. At the same time, they had to be contact and patient. Later, “girls” (it was easier for them to sew sewage clothes) of a light color (to be better seen on a television picture) began to select “girls” in the “space squad”. Remembering that dogs would have to "show off" on the pages of newspapers, they selected "objects" prettier, slimmer and with "intellectual" muzzles.

The ejection container and the descent vehicle had their own parachute systems, which reduced the landing speed to 6-8 and 10 m/s, respectively. Heat-resistant portholes and quick-opening hermetic hatches were located in the walls of the descent vehicle, the container was ejected through a fired hatch on command from barometric sensors at an altitude of 7-8 km.

On August 20, 1960, the descent vehicle with the animals on board landed safely in the assigned area. For the first time in the world, living beings, having been in space, returned to Earth.

The space flight of the dogs Strelka and Belka, which lasted more than 25 hours, during which the satellite made 17 complete orbits around the Earth, made it possible to obtain unique scientific data on the influence of space flight factors on the physiological, genetic and cytological systems of living organisms.

The dogs that returned from orbit became the object of increased attention and a day later they took part in a press conference held in the TASS building. A few days later, television showed footage of the flight of Belka and Strelka. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And if Strelka was wary of everything, then Squirrel joyfully “raged” and even barked.

Dogs have become common darlings. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, orphanages. The dogs didn't fly anymore. They stayed at the research institute. Both of them lived to very advanced years. The arrow left behind numerous offspring. And one of her puppies - Fluff - was presented to the wife of US President Jacqueline Kennedy.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Since ancient times, dogs have faithfully served man, helping him to hunt, guard land, look after children and infirm old people. Starting in 1957, dogs had another function - they began to participate in space flights, which preceded human flight.

The first astronauts

If we observe historical accuracy, then the first living creatures to fly into space were fruit flies in 1935. The first cosmonaut dogs that began to participate in the test program were males and often ran away on dates right in their spacesuits, attracting the attention of all onlookers. Many then began to guess what was happening, but they dared to say little, so various fables went around among the people.

When selecting dogs that were supposed to participate in the space program, requirements were formulated for the dog's body weight (not more than 7 kg), height (not more than 35 cm), the degree of calmness and balance of character, and endurance. Therefore, the so-called "pocket" breeds were not suitable because of their effeminacy, legibility in food preferences. As a result, the choice of scientists fell on stray dogs from kennels, which possessed the above characteristics. However, endurance and unpretentiousness were not the only qualities for applicants.

Since the astronauts will have to pose for cameras during and after the flight, we tried to select dogs with smarter eyes and faces so that they look beautiful in the frame and lens. So, instead of Strelka, another dog could fly, but it was rejected because of paws with a slight curvature.

After the first flights with the participation of the first astronauts took place, mongrels became extremely popular among dog lovers. Gagarin, for example, was chosen by Khrushchev himself, simply pointing his finger at him "Let him fly."

Cosmonaut Laika

The very first dog, who flew into space, was Laika, who spent 4 orbits in orbit, then she died due to overheating. The satellite, on board of which the first "cosmonaut" made a flight, described 2370 orbits around the Earth and burned up in the atmosphere after 5 months.

Dogs cosmonauts Belka and Strelka

In total, up to the moment when one of the most famous dogs of the world, Belka and Strelka, boarded, 18 dogs died in flights. Belka and Strelka, having spent a day in orbit, returned home safe and sound, becoming extremely popular characters.

They were taken to various events, where all those present tried to get closer to them, pet them, play with them, feed them on occasion. The persons accompanying the celebrities did not object, but they warned that the fans should be careful with their wards - the dogs could bite their fingers.

Dogs, being trained for flights, sat in centrifuges, vibration stands, closed enclaves. Before the flight, they underwent surgery, inserting sensors to take readings of heart rate, blood pressure and other vital parameters.

When the TV report about the flight of Belka and Strelka was first shown, it was clear that dogs react differently to flying in zero gravity. So, Strelka behaved cautiously, looking around. The squirrel, unlike its friend, spun around merrily and barked at times. Then the scientists regretted that they did not install a microphone in the camera - then a full-fledged report would have turned out.

At the time of takeoff, the scientists heard a booming bark on the microphones, which they perceived as a good signal. If they bark, then they will return. Laika howled at the start, and there were reasons to believe that such behavior of the dog was a sign of acute stress. As it was later established, the dog died from stress and overheating.

By the way, Soviet scientists did not reveal the truth about the true cause of Laika's death for a long time. It was said that she did not perish, but was put to sleep upon her return. For such a message, the whole world began to organize actions in support of animal rights, and one of the Western public figures suggested sending Khrushchev into space instead of Laika.

Belka and Strelka spent 15 hours and 44 minutes in flight and landed a little further from the point intended for this. The error was some 10 km.

Upon the return of the heroines home, research by scientists began to touch upon such a topic as genetics - did the flight affect reproductive abilities and future offspring. As it turned out, this did not happen - Strelka twice pleased with her offspring, each of which was on a special account. Everyone on both sides of the Atlantic dreamed of becoming the owners of such puppies ...

Once General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev personally begged for a puppy Pushka as a gift for Jacqueline Kennedy. By the way, in order to please Khrushchev, in addition to cosmonaut dogs and rodents, they also put corn seeds in the satellite to check the effect of flight on productivity.

Belka and Strelka- Soviet cosmonaut dogs - the first animals to make an orbital space flight on the Sputnik-5 spacecraft and return to Earth unharmed. The launch took place on August 19, 1960, the flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which the ship made 17 complete orbits around the Earth.
The main purpose of the experiment to launch the second spacecraft-satellite, called "Sputnik-5" (the fifth spacecraft of the "Sputnik" series), was to study the influence of space flight factors on the organism of animals and other biological objects (overload, prolonged weightlessness, transition from overloads to weightlessness and vice versa), the study of the effect of cosmic radiation on animal and plant organisms, on the state of their vital activity and heredity, the development of systems that ensure human vital activity, flight safety and a safe return to Earth. Also, several biomedical experiments and scientific studies of outer space were carried out.

Belka and Strelka were doubles for the dogs Chaika and Chanterelle, who died in the crash of the same ship during an unsuccessful launch on July 28, 1960. At the 19th second of flight, the side block of the first stage collapsed at the launch vehicle, as a result of which it fell and exploded.


The space heroes, Belka and Strelka, were stand-ins for two other dogs that were being trained for flight. Chanterelle and Chaika died in a rocket at the start three weeks earlier.

The flight of the dogs Belka and Strelka paved the way for the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, into space. They are the first living beings who flew into space, spent almost a day there and returned to Earth alive and unharmed. The lot of Belka and Strelka fell to the test of the spacecraft, on which the first man then flew into space.

The experiment set itself the main goal - to investigate the effects of cosmic radiation on living organisms. Also during the flight, the effectiveness of various life support systems was investigated. Different systems of nutrition, water supply, sewage and waste recovery were tested.

Before sending a spacecraft with a person into orbit, it was necessary to test it on animals. A catapult was tested and many hours spent in weightlessness, and the main issue was resolved: to send a person into space on a spaceship and return him unharmed is real.

The ship was equipped with biomedical equipment that records the changes that occur in the bodies of dogs at various moments of life in space throughout the flight. For the flight into space, Belka and Strelka were dressed in red and green suits specially made for this purpose.

Before sending Belka and Strelka into space, they underwent special training. At the same time, scientists had to solve several serious problems. In the cabin of the spacecraft, it was necessary to achieve an acceptable temperature - the dogs endured the heat with difficulty. Overloads and stresses for astronaut dogs also had to be endured. In addition, Belka and Strelka had to be accustomed to a tight enclosed space, to a feeding system and a dog toilet. Together with the dogs, two white rats and several mice flew into space. The Vostok spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 15:44. The next day, the descent vehicle with the animals on board ejected safely in the assigned area.

The mongrels Belka and Strelka, who returned from orbit, became the object of increased attention: they were shown on television, and just a day after landing, they already took part in a press conference. Space heroes felt great. The arrow left behind numerous offspring. One of her puppies was presented to the wife of the American President Kennedy - Jacqueline.

Life after the flight

The further life of Belka and Strelka was spent in the aviary of the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. At the same time, they were taken to the show in kindergartens, schools and orphanages. A few months later, Strelka brought offspring. All six puppies were healthy. One of them, a girl named Pushinka, was presented by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev to the wife of US President John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline, and their daughter Caroline. Belka and Strelka lived to a ripe old age and died a natural death. At present, stuffed animals of these dogs are in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow and are still the objects of close attention of visitors, especially children.

In works of art and popular culture

The dogs Belka and Strelka were famous all the time after the flight into space. Films were made about them, commemorative postage stamps with their images were made. The names of these dogs have become associated with the cosmos and the great achievements of man. It was not without sarcasm and irony: in the days of the Soviet system there was a political anecdote: “By launching a satellite with dogs, it was scientifically proven that any bitch can be raised to an unattainable height.”

A lot of films, mostly documentaries, were made on the subject of the flight into space of Belka, Strelka and other astronaut dogs.

  • In 2004, Object Media LLC shot a short animated film "Star Tale", which is a fairy tale-parody of science fiction films about space, where the dogs Belka and Strelka are among the main characters of the story. The action of the cartoon takes place on a distant planet, a bit like the planet Earth. For the sound design of the short film, the song of the group Megapolis "Belka and Strelka" was used.
  • Animation studio "Toonbox" in 2008 released an animated series called "The Real Adventures of Belka and Strelka". Directed by Vladimir Ponomarev. According to the plot, the dogs Belka and Strelka sent into space are kidnapped by aliens from the Intergalactic Confederation of Higher Beings, mistaking them for highly developed representatives of the Earth.
  • The script was written by the participants of the Comedy Club show, and therefore the characters are presented in a different form in the series. Firstly, Belka and Strelka are male dogs, secondly, the white dog is represented by Strelka, the light dog with brown spots is Belka. Dog Belka is interested in sex, food and alcohol, and Strelka is neat, intelligent and does not drink Sobagon. The film is replete with obscenities, so it is designed for the age category of 14 years. Quote from the cartoon: “Santa Claus does not exist. But vodka exists. Therefore, it is better ”(Dog Belka).
  • On March 18, 2010, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the flight of Belka and Strelka, the National Film Center (formerly Tsentrnauchfilm) studio released the first Russian full-length computer-animated film Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs”, the first in the history of domestic animation in 3D format (directors Svyatoslav Ushakov and Inna Evlannikova). The cartoon is designed for a children's audience and has some inconsistencies with historical data. There are no age restrictions. The film Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs took part in various film festivals and exhibitions in many countries of the world and received generally positive reviews. He took leading prizes in the Animation category.


An astronaut is an unusually interesting, amazing and fascinating profession, but at the same time very difficult. Who among us does not dream of seeing the mysterious outer space with our own eyes? But it turns out that not only people can fly into space. Belka and Strelka are the first dogs to travel into space. Below you will find the flight history of these astronaut dogs.

Belka and Strelka are astronaut dogs who were the first to travel in space. On August 19, 1960, they flew into space on the Sputnik-5 spacecraft. The duration of this flight was more than 25 hours. During this time, the ship circled the Earth 17 times and covered a distance of 700 thousand kilometers. Belka and Strelka are the first animals to fly into space and return safely to Earth.

The main purpose of the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was to study the influence of space flight factors on the body. Thanks to this test, it was possible to learn about the reaction of a living organism to overloads, prolonged weightlessness and cosmic radiation. In addition, information was received on the operation of life-support systems and flight safety. This flight made it possible to carry out very useful scientific research into outer space.

The preparation of dogs for space flight began in 1957. 12 dogs were selected. The selection of candidates was carried out according to a special methodology - only females were accepted, weighing no more than 6 kg, up to 35 cm high and aged from 2 to 6 years. One of the conditions for selection was the appearance of animals. They were supposed to be light in color so that they could be seen better and look attractive in case they were presented to the media.

Preparation for the flight included staying in special cabins of small volume, where the dogs were in conditions of increased noise and prolonged isolation. Gradually, the dogs got used to getting food from automatic feeders, wearing clothes and sensors. The most difficult thing was to accustom the animals to be in a small enclosed space. Although the flight was supposed to last only a day, the dogs were trained to stay in space for up to 8 days.

According to the training results, two outbred females showed the best fitness. The squirrel is a white female, the leader of the team, the most active and sociable. Strelka is a slightly more timid but friendly female, light in color with brown spots. Both dogs at the time of the flight into space were about 2.5 years old.

The last stage in the preparation for the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was the creation of conditions as close as possible to a real flight. To do this, the dogs were placed in a pressurized cabin and put on special clothes with sensors and devices. The tests on the shaker and centrifuge of the dogs Belka and Strelka were successful. The animals were monitored around the clock, and all changes that occurred to them were recorded in a special journal.

The dogs and other biological objects were in a container, which was one of the options being developed for future human flights. It had a cabin with everything necessary for life support, as well as cameras, radio transmitters, microphones and other devices. In addition, containers for other biological objects were fixed inside the cabin. In addition to dogs, various seeds, plants, insects, some types of microbes, fungal cultures, laboratory mice and rats were on board the ship.

On August 19, 1960, at 11:44 a.m., a spacecraft was successfully launched from pad No. 1 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The cabin with the dogs was placed in the spacecraft a few hours before launch. During the climb, the animals were recorded rapid breathing and pulse, but they calmed down after entering orbit. Careful monitoring of the condition and behavior of Belka and Strelka was carried out throughout the entire flight. In space, Belka and Strelka felt fine. On August 20, 1960, at 13:32, the command was given to land the ship.

The flight program was successfully completed in full. The flight experiment of Belka and Strelka into space has become an invaluable contribution to the study and exploration of outer space. The conducted studies helped to draw the necessary conclusions for future human flights. Scientists were able to obtain very important scientific data on the impact of space flight on living organisms.

The dogs Belka and Strelka led their further life at the State Research and Testing Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. Their effigies are in the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics. Both dogs lived long lives, and Strelka even gave birth to 6 healthy puppies.

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Nothing excites consciousness so much as the thought of infinity and freedom. Probably, it is precisely such sensations that can be felt while in space, looking at the Earth from a height. However, the first traveler who went into orbit was not a man at all, but his best friend - a dog.

opening of the space age

Today, even schoolchildren know who Belka and Strelka are. Flying in animals became a sensation and the beginning of incredible discoveries. However, it all started with a simple dream. Man's desire to understand his nature, to look at life through the eyes of the gods - all this constantly pushes scientists to new discoveries and steadily develops technologies.

When, a year later, in 1958, the Americans nevertheless managed to put Explorer 1 into orbit, people could not forgive the deception and began to call the satellite a comic nickname "orange".

For the first time, having received a satellite signal from space, mankind realized that its expanses can be conquered, studied, understood. This was a new step in the history of people.

Who gets to choose

The first with living beings began with dogs: this was the famous flight of Belka and Strelka into space. The summary of this story is familiar to everyone almost from childhood. However, the competitive moment was present to some extent here, which is often forgotten to be mentioned.

Which of the animals is more suitable for such a responsible journey? Naturally, the first thing they paid attention to was primates. They are like people like no other. But the monkeys turned out to be more sensitive, perhaps due to a more developed self-awareness. They sensed something was wrong and offered extreme resistance.

The Americans were able to achieve the desired only with the help of injections of sleeping pills. Soviet scientists considered this practice unacceptable and were afraid of incorrect results. And the choice fell on dogs.

It was then that the history of the training of four-legged animals began, among which were Belka and Strelka. The flight into space of dogs was carefully planned. They went through a series of tests and tests.

living being outside the earth

Unfortunately, the first dog who knew weightlessness could not return to his native land. But he opened the way for others, made possible the safe flight of dogs into space: Belki and Strelka.

It's hard to believe, but then few scientists believed that it was possible to survive in the absence of gravity. There was an opinion that in weightlessness a living organism dies. That is why the first rocket sent with a dog named Laika was a one-way transport.

No one bothered to develop means that would help return to Earth. Yes, and this flight itself was supposed to answer the question "are such inventions needed?".

But as time has shown, the dog survived and survived the flight well. It was one of the most important steps. Now is the time to send a team that could return and become living proof of the possibility of being in space.

Sacrifices for science

Laika was not the only dog ​​to die during the long process of space exploration. But only she was sent to death on purpose. Others fell victim to failed rocket launch experiments. Technical development in this area was just beginning, and it was simply impossible to take into account all the details. Four-legged friends died in catastrophes associated with the breakdown of rockets.

But each such tragedy showed weaknesses, outlined mistakes. Subsequently, all this saved a person's life. Scientists corrected their mistakes in time, refined the installations, and one day they nevertheless achieved a positive result. Now the first flight of the dogs Belka and Strelka into space was just around the corner.

And it became possible thanks to Mishka, Chizhik, Ryzhik, Bulba, Fox, Palma, Pushka and Button, whose names rarely appear in stories about the conquest of space.

I would like to note that scientists treated dogs very kindly and with love. Each death of a pet was hard to experience. During their lifetime, they were carefully cared for and created the best conditions.

Careful preparation

The natural question of every person who studies the first flight into space is: "How were Belka and Strelka chosen?" Where did all the test subjects come from?

The answer is simple enough. All four-legged friends were previously stray street dogs. Survival in harsh conditions in a certain way tempered their character, made them more resilient.

In addition, stringent specifications for physical standards have been put forward. First, the mongrels had to be small in size. Because the capsule could not contain large specimens. Individuals with a height of no more than 35 cm were selected, each weighing approximately six kilograms.

An interesting fact is that all twelve applicants who were trained were exclusively females. Why? The answer is rather prosaic. Designing a toilet for them is much easier than for males.

Secondly, all dogs were light-coated, so that they would stand out better on black and white monitors. But they did not forget about aesthetic external data. After all, each applicant could become a celebrity, whose photos will be seen by the whole world.

What's in your name

Digging a little into the depths of history, you can find out that the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was actually made by Marquis and Albina. But these are not different dogs, but the same ones.

The fact is that the person who oversaw the project considered the names of Albin and Marquis unsuitable for Soviet heroes. Too strong a foreign connotation they carried in themselves. That is why the dogs were given other names, more Soviet, understandable to every ordinary person.

Having gone through all the stages of training, training, they were ready - Belka and Strelka. Flying into space changed not only their future, but ours as well.

Time spent in space

Finally, all preparations were completed. However, the first pair of dogs, selected as the best team, tragically died during the launch, the stage failed and the rocket crashed.

That is why Belka and Strelka flew into space. The date of this event is August 19, 1960.

Special sensors were connected to the body of the animals, which recorded all the vital processes and reactions of the body to being in weightlessness. Information came to Earth, and scientists quickly processed all the data.

Thanks to this journey, science received a lot of new information about which it had previously known nothing. The results of the physical, biochemical and even genetic condition were obtained.

Now it became clear that being in space can be experienced. So, the flight of man is not far off.

How did Belka and Strelka survive the flight into space? Basically, it's pretty solid. Only on the fourth orbit did the behavior of one of them change. The squirrel began to get nervous, bark, and try to break free from the mounts. But after returning, her condition returned to normal.

Amazing coincidence

The first flight into space was not without curiosities. Belka and Strelka pretty much surprised the observers. The fact is that at the same time, a US satellite was operating in orbit. Its trajectory ran above the rocket with the dogs. But on one of the turns they were quite close to each other. The dogs seemed to sense the presence of a competitor and burst into loud barking, which stopped as soon as the rocket moved away from the satellite.

The most famous dogs

1960 - the year of the flight of Belka and Strelka into space. This event changed the lives of many people and, of course, the fate of the dogs themselves.

Returning to Earth, they became famous all over the world. Their photographs were published by all the most famous publications.

The next day they took part in a press conference attended by journalists from all over the world. After all, this event concerned every person, everyone wanted to get the maximum information.

After the hype subsided, the life of the dogs returned to normal. They were provided with everything necessary for a full existence. Dogs were taken to kindergartens, shelters, schools and introduced to children. These animals were adored by the whole world. Soviet children looked at them with a smile and pride.

The dogs lived to a ripe old age, and Strelka even pleased everyone with young offspring. She has had six puppies. Khrushchev gave one of them to President Kennedy's daughter.

Who knows what thoughts Pushinka evoked in the head of America. Perhaps this became a constant reminder of the lost leadership positions in area A; perhaps, on the contrary, it served as an additional incentive.

The space age is declared open

So you found out what the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was like. The summary of the story is unlikely to be able to convey all the feelings that lived in the hearts of scientists, rulers and ordinary people.

But this event will be imprinted in history for centuries as the first step that made it possible to open outer space for man. And all thanks to our smaller brothers.

Before Yuri Gagarin's flight, four more trips were made by dogs. He himself gave the name of one of them - Asterisk. She returned from a flight at the end of March 1961. And already the first person went on an unforgettable journey.

Surprisingly, the dog has been considered a friend and helper of man since ancient times. And at such a responsible and important moment of development, she was there.