Bruges lace for beginners. Bruges lace: patterns for beginners and a master class with step-by-step photos Crocheting Bruges lace patterns with a description

To obtain figured lace from a simple straight braid, the braid is connected in the knitting process with side arches in the necessary places.

The first rule needed for making rounded braids is making beveled rows!

Technique for making beveled rows.

To complete the semicircle, 7 beveled rows are knitted. Dial in the first row 6 v.p., turn knitting and knit 2 double crochets, luster, single crochet, dial ch 6, turn knitting (fig. 1). In the next row, knit a single crochet, a half crochet and 2 double crochets, dial 6 ch, turn knitting.

rice. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3

Alternate these two rows. Thus, it turns out that short columns (columns without a crochet) of all rows are located on the same inner side and lead to a rounding of the braid! In total, it is necessary to knit 6 rows, and in the 6th row, knit 3 air loops for the arch (Fig. 2), insert the hook under the previous three arches (Fig. 3), pick up the working thread and stretch it through all the loops on the hook, knit more Ch 2 (fig. 4), and knit another (7th) beveled row (fig. 5).

rice. 4 fig. 5


1. Using a connecting column or single crochet.

Opposite arches can be connected as follows. When knitting the opposite arch, 3 air loops are performed, the hook is inserted under the desired arch (Fig. 6), the working thread is captured and pulled through all the loops on the hook, dial 3 ch. and continue knitting the braid (Fig. 7). Either pull the working thread through the arch, pick up the working thread again, pull it through both loops on the hook and knit 3 ch.

Rice. 6 fig. 7

2. With the help of columns of different heights.

If it is necessary that the connected arches be located at a certain distance from each other, columns of different heights are made at the junctions of the arches. On fig. 8 shows the execution of a double crochet. Ch 3, yarn over, insert the hook under the arch and knit a double crochet (grab the working thread and pull through 2 loops on the hook. Grab the working thread again and pull through the remaining 2 loops on the hook). Dial 3 v.p. and continue knitting braid.

On fig. 9 shows the execution of columns of different heights to connect opposite arches. Accordingly, starting from the inner rounding of the braid, the arches are connected using a single crochet, double crochet, 2 crochet, 3 crochet, 4 crochet. This leads to a change in the distance between opposite sides of the braid. In the schemes, the numbers between the arches indicate the number of crochets in the connecting column.

rice. 8 fig. 9

3. With the help of cruciform columns on the leg.

Consider this method using the example of knitting "Double Snake". First, one snake is knitted. Then the second, and the second is connected to the first during knitting.

Cross connection technique:

1) We dial 3 ch. (Fig. 11), we make 4 yarn overs, insert the hook under the lower left arch (Fig. 12), grab the working thread and pull it through the arch, grab the working thread again and pull it through 2 loops on the hook, grab the working thread again and we stretch it through 2 loops on the hook (Fig. 13).

rice. 11 fig. 12 fig. 13

2) We make 2 yarn overs and insert the hook under the upper left arch (Fig. 14), grab the working thread and pull it through the arch, * grab the working thread and pull it through 2 loops on the hook *. Repeat from * to * 2 more times.

Rice. 14 fig. 15 fig. 16

3) We make 2 yarn overs and insert the hook under the upper right arch (Fig. 15), grab the working thread and pull it through the arch, * grab the working thread and pull it through 2 loops on the hook *. Repeat from * to * until 1 loop remains on the hook. Dial 3 v.p. (fig. 16) and continue knitting the braid.

In this way, you can get a variety of types of snakes.

Bruges lace. Overview + Schematics

Author's text . Knitted braid in Bruges lace is laid out according to the pattern, connecting in the process of knitting. The beginning and end of the braid, forming a closed loop, can be sewn with a needle or crocheted with a “lace connection”.

In this technique, you can use different types of braid. The main feature of almost all types of braid is that the lifting loops form a loop on the side, with the help of which the braid is connected in patterns.

When knitting some connections, such a loop is skipped, and ordinary lifting loops are knitted instead.
Lace is knitted according to the scheme, which indicates the sequence of knitting and how to connect its individual motifs and fragments.
The braid is knitted in rows in two directions. Its width may vary.
The connection of the braid occurs in the process of knitting for friends formed by air loops. The connection is made with an air loop, a single crochet, a double crochet, depending on the pattern.
By connecting two braids in the process of knitting with the same columns, we get their parallel arrangement.

If you change the height of the columns, then the stripes will diverge at a slight angle. The bend of the braid can be obtained by knitting columns of different heights and connecting the friends to each other from the inside of the bend.

For beginners to learn to crochet, it will be useful master class of knitting napkins using the Bruges lace technique. You will learn how to knit beautiful flower-shaped doilies and how to make large and small curls from knitted braid, which are the main embellishment in Bruges lace.

The napkin is knitted continuously, a large curl is made from the braid for the first petal, then a small one in the opposite direction, so seven petals of the napkin flower are knitted sequentially, the last petal is connected to the first in the process of knitting in a circle and the ends of the braid are sewn together.

To start knitting the braid, cast on a chain of 10 stitches and knit 4 double crochets, starting from the 7th loop from the hook. On the side you get a loop of 6 air loops, resembling an eyelet.

For the second row, dial 6 air.p. and knit 4 sts s / n over the previous ones. A second ear is formed from 6 air.p. on the other side of the string. Continue knitting braid like the second row.

Tie 34 rows of braid so that there are 17 ears on one side of the braid; when knitting the 18th eyelet, we connect the beginning and end of the braid into a large curl.

To do this, when knitting the 18th ear on the inside of the braid, make 3 air stitches, insert the hook into the second eyelet from the end of the braid, knit a connecting column, 3 air stitches, then 4 sts s / n along the braid row.

After a row, repeat the connection, once again connecting the eye on the inside and the first eye from the beginning of the braid. You will get a large curl, connected along two ears at first with a void inside.

To make a small tight curl, to turn the braid in the opposite direction, knit 4 more rows of braid and when making the next eyelet from the inside of the curl, make 3 air loops, insert the hook into the last 3 braid ears and knit through them the connection, 3 air.p. and knit the next row of braid 4 sts s / n.

For the next large curl, knit another 34 rows of braid, connecting four loops with the first petal on the side.

Next, make a small tight curl, turning the braid in the opposite direction, like the previous one.

Tie 7 large and 7 small curls, they form the base of the napkin - a flower. Sew the beginning and end of the braid.

To fill large curls and the center of the napkin, you can choose threads of a different color.

Attach the thread to the first loop, make 8 air loops, knit alternately from each free loop a column with 3 yarns and 1 air loop, then make a connecting column into the first column with 3 yarns, 8 air loops, connect in the last free loop of the braid, secure and cut the thread.

Bruges lace is a knitting technique that can be used to create a wide range of elegant patterns using long ribbons that look like swirls and arabesques. Very often, the Bruges lace technique is confused with the Irish technique. This technique is quite simple to perform, but the exact knitting sequence must also be observed. A very important point is the connection of the tapes. Straight ribbons are probably the easiest to join, and rounded pieces require more care to make the most beautiful roundings. In our article you will find all the necessary information! Below you can see a photo of what Bruges lace looks like in its classic form, diagrams for beginners are also attached.

A modern way of knitting Bruges lace for beginners with patterns

In this article, the photo shows diagrams that show how some braid options can be made:

The execution is quite simple. You can try to connect different options and after that choose any to your taste. Having connected a long ribbon, it must be placed on a clothing pattern and fastened with pins, after which you can decide for yourself how much braid to tie or not.

We create our first napkin with a detailed description of the work

To make a small napkin, you need to knit about seven strips, the length of which will be about fifteen centimeters. Already from the second strip, the connection for the loops begins. This is easy to do if you know the technique of crocheting columns and loops. The strips of the napkin should be parallel to each other, there should be no folds. The width of the stripes should be about five double crochets and lifting loops. Lifting arches are knitted with seven air loops. The connection of the strips is made by knitting three air loops, then tie the connecting column into an arch, and tie three more air loops. Next, a row of double crochets is knitted. The finished product can be ironed through a wet cloth. This master class on Bruges lace is ideal for the very beginners. The photo shows the finished napkin:

We select models of women's clothing from fashion magazines

In this article, you can see certain models of women's clothing, made in the technique of Brugge lace crochet, taken from Japanese magazines:

We make an elegant dress for a secular evening with our own hands

This article will describe how you can crochet an elegant dress using the Bruges lace technique. Finished dress size 44 - 46.

For knitting, you will need 100% red cotton yarn - four hundred and fifty grams and black - fifty grams. You also need ribbon yarn made of 100% viscose in the amount of one hundred and fifty grams of black. To work, take the hook numbered one and three, as well as the knitting needles of the fourth number. All execution schemes will be shown in the diagrams below.

The whole product will consist of several parts: this is the upper part, consisting of the front and back; medium, corset; and two lower parts.

In order to knit a corset, it is necessary to dial sixty-six loops of ribbon yarn on the knitting needles. Knit a flat fabric five centimeters, after which both sides are slightly fitted. Fitting is performed in this way: in every fourth row, you need to close one loop three times, and knit ten rows exactly, then add one loop three times in each fourth row. Continue knitting in a flat piece. Having reached a height of thirty-three centimeters, the loops all need to be closed, but not very tight. The top of the finished part must be tied in a circle with one row of single crochets.

The upper part of the product is made with red yarn. It is necessary to connect two parts, as shown in diagram 2. The front is knitted in a single part, and the back with a cut, which is marked in the diagram with sections A and B.

The lower part of the product is also made with red threads. First, the motifs of Bruges lace are knitted, which will be shown in diagram 3. The width should be necessary, at the end close the motifs. The whole fabric is knitted according to scheme 4, while in the spaces you need to insert the completed circles that are knitted with black yarn. The pattern for making circles is shown in Diagram 5.

In order to assemble the product, you must first complete all the side seams. The top and corset are sewn together. The details of the back and front at the seams of the shoulders must be laced up with chains of air loops. The length of the loops must be made necessary and made from red yarn. According to scheme 6, you need to connect together the two lower parts of the back and front. With black yarn, a braid of the desired length is made, performed according to scheme 1. After that, it is attached to the upper edge of the lower part of the finished product. Next, the lower part and the corset are connected, the connection is made with chains of air loops. The yarn is taken in black.

Schemes for the implementation of this dress:

Video on the topic of the article

The article offers the opportunity to watch this technique on video. Also, these video tutorials will help beginner needlewomen to master all the necessary skills:

This article is for those who love unusual and original crochet. Bruges lace, the schemes of which are given here, is a modern version of ancient needlework.

A few words about lace

At first, knitting was the craft of men, gradually it moved into the category of women's needlework. Like any needlework, lace knitting is very calming for the nervous system. Openwork interior items always add coziness to the apartment. Even a small napkin on a coffee table can set the mood for the entire interior. Just don't overdo it. A lace dress or accessories are great for creating feminine looks. To achieve the desired effect and comply with modern style, openwork must be used, guided by artistic taste and a sense of proportion.

Distinctive features of Bruges openwork

What is Bruges lace? The diagrams clearly show that this is a braid lined with a beautiful, smooth, rounded pattern. It is also called a vilyushka. Belgian lace is almost three hundred years old. For three centuries, interest in him faded, then flared up again. There are different ways to create a canvas using the Bruges lace technique. which you see in front of you on the screen is just one of the options for weaving openwork.

Bruges lace from factory braid

In sewing accessories stores, you can find braid with an oblique arrangement of weft threads and with loops evenly spaced along the edges. It is great for creating modern pieces reminiscent of old Bruges lace. Models and schemes invented by experienced craftsmen are also suitable for working with ready-made, factory braid. The diagonal arrangement of the main thread makes the braid elastic, so thickening is practically not noticeable on the folds of the pattern. You can not put such lace under the press to give it a larger plane.

Creating a Pattern

From this braid, and it is very rarely on sale, lace is created as follows. With a one-color pencil in a simplified form, a sketch of a flower, butterfly, etc. is made, the corners are rounded, most of the lines are closed, and now you have exclusive Bruges lace in front of you. The scheme is enlarged to natural size. Then it is placed on a soft elastic surface into which pins can be stuck. A braid is laid and pinned on the line of the drawing. Those places where the loops are in contact with each other are sewn together. This is done with very thin threads and a needle. The color of the threads must match the color of the braid. It turns out a very beautiful canvas. In this way, elegant collars and napkins are made, that is, small items.

The old way of knitting

Bruges lace: napkins, the schemes of which are presented in this article, items of clothing, are reminiscent of the products of Vologda and Flemish craftswomen who worked on bobbins. They did not knit the braid separately in order to later lay out a pattern from it. The strips weaved, connected and branched, bypassing the pins, right on the substrate, in accordance with the wide and thin lines of the pattern applied to it. Currently, a technique is popular in which a long ribbon with loops on the sides is crocheted and connected into a pattern right in the knitting process.

The modern way to crochet

The photographs clearly show Bruges lace. The diagrams show several options for braid. All of them are very easy to perform. Try to knit different ones and choose which one you like best. You are free to do with it as with a factory one: tie a long ribbon, place it beautifully on a drawing diagram or on a clothing pattern if you plan to turn the braid into a dress, blouse or skirt, and fasten it with a thread with a needle with a thread or crochet hook. Even easier - pin the braid on a mannequin with a felt or knitted coating. You will immediately see how much more braid should be tied.

Fitting a lace product on a figure

The tape can be laid out taking into account the curves of the body, and then, without creating darts and embossed seams, you will achieve a perfect fit on the figure. Some difficulty is caused by the manufacture of the sleeve. Here is the advice. On the mannequin, lay the vilyushka, taking into account the armhole, as in the pattern of a dress with a set-in sleeve. Lay out the braid intended for the sleeve on a paper dress, pin it in the form of a pattern, sew it by loops, fill the gaps with a mesh of air loops or small lace floral motifs. Before connecting to the main part, press down the sleeve with a heavy press so that the folds of the braid become flatter. It is not yet possible to wash and steam the product, because you will connect the sleeve with the shelf and back with the same threads using chains of crocheted air loops.

When all the details of the dress are ready and connected, it can be subjected to wet heat treatment without fear of uneven shrinkage. At home, this is usually washing, starching (if the item is made of cotton) and ironing.

Simple and stylish dress

If you change the pattern, making the armholes square, then the sleeves can be knitted rectangular without rounding at the okats. With such a shoulder girdle, the dress can not be narrowed at the waist. This style is considered classic and universal for owners of slender thin figures. Try to link it. Technically, this is not difficult, it just requires perseverance. If you take a chance and get down to business, then you will get a stylish and elegant dress. Bruges lace, the patterns of which are in this article, are the best suited for such a thing. If it is very translucent, then you can experiment with the choice of the lower sheath dress. It is selected in tone or contrast.

At one time it was fashionable to wear lined guipure. This is an interesting option, but there are few situations where it is appropriate, since the corporal fabric of the lining creates the illusion of a naked body. Choose the thread color that best matches your color type and go for it!

Lace haute couture collections

In the collections of many famous designers there are models made of lace. This is the white collection of Valentino, and the masterpieces of Jean-Paul Gaultier, and others. Couturiers constantly turn to historical costumes and national handicrafts. If you look at each model carefully, it becomes obvious that modern fashion is very inclined to combine lace from different eras and different peoples in one dress.

The combination of different types of lace

Bruges lace, crocheted from braid, often requires additions in the form of elements of Irish, Venetian, sirloin or other lace. Bruges lace gives the products severity and conciseness. Napkins or tablecloths, decorated around the perimeter with stripes of Bruges knitting, take on a finished look. An inexperienced knitter will be right if she starts learning to crochet from the braid that makes up Bruges lace. For beginners, circuits are not very difficult, because they consist of simple elements.

The first napkin of a beginner needlewoman

For a small, but very cute and elegant napkin, you need to knit 5-7 strips 10-15 cm long, their number may vary depending on the thickness of the threads and the density of knitting. Starting from the second strip, connections should be made by loops. This operation is known to everyone who knows how to knit columns and loops. The strips of this napkin lie parallel to each other, without folds. The width of the stripes is 4-5 double crochets, plus lifting loops. Decorative rise arches consist of 7 air loops. The connection is made like this. You need to knit three air loops, then make into an arch, perform three air loops and then knit a regular row of double crochets. Iron the finished napkin through a wet cloth.

More complex types of work

Having coped with this work, you can take on the more complex Bruges lace for beginners. The knitting patterns of the curving forks clearly demonstrate that at the folds, three adjacent arches of the same strip are fastened with a connecting post. If the fold is a smoother wave, then two adjacent arches are connected.

How else can you use Bruges lace? Schemes of various types of braid make you want to use them for finishing dresses made of linen or cotton fabric, such as matting. You can create an amazingly beautiful set in or boho.

Bruges lace, laconic in design, the patterns of all bands of the braid confirm this, it is very suitable for knitting fashionable shopping bags. They can be made from both natural and synthetic yarn. Threads are better to take thicker and stronger, and the hook - 3-4mm.

If you decide to do knitting, then first determine the place where you will needlework. It should be well lit. Light is one of the main conditions for enjoying work and maintaining good vision.

When choosing yarn, give preference to mercerized yarn. The thinner the threads and the smaller the hook number, the more beautiful the lace. Knit with loose loops, do not tighten them. After washing, the thing will sit down and become more dense. If knitted too tight, the product will turn out to be rough and thick to the touch.

If you knit with colored threads, in order to avoid trouble when washing, check if they are shedding before starting work. Try not to combine threads of different composition and quality in one product. This mix is ​​good only for people with perfect taste. Cotton lace looks best when starched.