How many days will it take for the redness from sunburn to go away? Effective ways to eliminate facial redness after sunbathing

Chocolate skin tone looks very attractive. In the summer, everyone tries to be in the sun as much as possible, acquiring the perfect tan. However, without calculating the duration of sunbathing, you can get redness and burns together with sunburn. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to relieve redness as soon as possible.


Panthenol and any preparations containing it in their composition are a very effective remedy for relieving redness. Once on the skin, it soothes it and, thanks to its cooling effect, fights redness. This remedy also promotes cell restoration. Panthenol is available to everyone. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a spray or ointment. But for more convenient use on inflamed areas of the skin, it is better to use a spray.

Ointment "Rescuer"

This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. It will help quickly relieve inflammation from reddened areas of the skin after sunbathing. The ointment has antibacterial, soothing and regenerating effects. It will also help relieve pain. This product is approved for use by both adults and children.


Turning to folk methods, it is worth mentioning a wonderful and very useful plant - Aloe. The juice of the leaves will help relieve redness and inflammation. It is also a good pain reliever. Apply freshly squeezed aloe juice to inflamed areas of the body several times a day. Using the plant for these purposes will also prevent subsequent peeling of the skin. If you do not have the opportunity to obtain such juice yourself, then use any product containing aloe (gel, cream).

Vegetable oil

To solve the problem of skin redness after sunbathing, use vegetable oil (sunflower, camphor, burdock). One of the most effective is olive oil. It is best to use it in its pure form. Apply olive oil to inflamed areas of the body and wait until it is completely absorbed. If the redness does not go away, repeat the procedure.


Another folk remedy includes potato gruel. Such measures will help quickly relieve irritation and cool the skin. However, do not forget that starch lightens the skin, so the tan will go away faster. To prepare a remedy for redness, you need to grate raw potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice to inflamed areas.

Sour cream (kefir)

Sour cream or kefir works well for treating such problems. Using these products will quickly relieve your skin from burning. The disadvantage of this method is the unpleasant smell. Therefore, after an hour, you can wash off the sour cream from your body. Be sure to use a nourishing cream after the procedure, to which you can add a little sea buckthorn juice.


Few people have heard about the treatment of inflammation with tea. To do this, you need to cool the brewed tea (not from bags), and then moisten gauze in it and apply it to the inflamed area. This product quickly relieves heat, eliminates redness and soothes the skin.

It is important to prevent the appearance of new inflammations. To do this, you need to use various sunscreens that will protect your skin from the effects of the sun. It is also worth reducing your time in the sun. If blisters appear on the inflamed area after sunbathing, you should urgently contact a specialist in these matters.

The desire for a beautiful chocolate tan often results in sunburn. The face, the least protected part of the body from external influences, suffers the most.

When, instead of the long-awaited chocolate tan, the face becomes the color of a tomato, this, as a rule, indicates abuse of sunbathing and skin burns. Traditional and traditional medicine will help relieve pain and remove redness. To prevent such unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of exposure to direct rays in the summer.

If after being in the sun your face turns red and there is a feeling of tightness and burning, you can talk about getting a burn. In an effort to acquire a beautiful tan, special caution should be exercised by white-skinned people who are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Sunburn usually manifests itself as follows:

  • redness of the skin;
  • pain, burning;
  • chills;
  • blisters;
  • nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness.

These symptoms indicate a severe burn and possibly heat stroke. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Before the doctor arrives, you should increase the volume of fluid entering the body and wash with clean, cool water. You can soak a piece of soft cloth (towel or handkerchief) in it and periodically apply it to your face as a cooling compress. Ice should not be used for these purposes. This will increase inflammation of the damaged areas.

In severe cases, when the face is severely burned, the victim is hospitalized. Treatment is carried out in a hospital using antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal) and vitamins C, E, A.

If redness and burning are not accompanied by additional symptoms, you can cope with them at home. Pharmacies have a fairly wide range of sunburn remedies. They are available in the form of ointments, sprays, creams and gels.

One of the most popular and effective drugs is Panthenol. It has virtually no contraindications, quickly relieves redness and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue. It's better to use a spray. It is sprayed onto the burned skin, which eliminates pain when applying the product.

Aerosols (Livian, Olazol) and gels (Flotseta, Fenistil, Bazeron) will help relieve redness and reduce pain. For sunburn, doctors recommend using the following ointments:

  • Eplan;
  • Radevit;
  • Actovegin;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Sinaflan.

All of the drugs listed can be found at the pharmacy. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase them. Before use, you must read the instructions supplied with them.

Traditional recipes for sunburn

You can also remove redness that appears on the face after exposure to the sun using traditional medicine. Any fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt) are suitable for these purposes. It is advisable that they do not contain preservatives or dyes.

  1. When your face is sunburned, it is recommended to lubricate it as often as possible with the juice of potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins, and watermelons. Aloe, sea buckthorn and lavender oils have calming and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. For lotions, use a chilled decoction of nettle, mint, chamomile, string, or clover and calendula flowers.
  3. Shilajit dissolved in water is an alternative to infusions of medicinal plants.
  4. You can lubricate your burned face with egg white. It is separated from the yolk, whipped into a thick foam and applied to the affected areas. When the foam begins to dry, it is removed with cool water.
  5. Cabbage leaves are used as a compress. They are washed thoroughly, lightly crushed or beaten so that the juice comes out, and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
  6. Fresh tomato puree relieves redness and pain from sunburn. The mass is applied to the face and left for several minutes (up to half an hour).
  7. If your face is burned, regular soda will help. It is dissolved in cold water (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and the resulting solution is applied to sunburned skin.

Aloe juice is one of the most effective remedies for sunburn. Based on it, many creams, balms and ointments are made to treat damaged skin. However, the fresh plant is much more effective than similar medicinal drugs. It is possible to relieve pain and redness on the face by rubbing it with chilled aloe pulp, cleared of thorns and film.

If your exposure to the sun didn’t end quite the way you wanted, a mask made from the pulp of apricots soaked in warm water and honey will help remove the consequences. It can relieve burning and reduce skin inflammation in a matter of minutes.

Any folk remedies are tested on the skin of the wrist before applying to the face. If no itching, burning or redness occurs within an hour, the mixture can be safely used on sun-damaged areas.

Preventing sunburn

To prevent your face from getting sunburned, you need to protect it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This will not only prevent redness, but will also significantly reduce the risk of age spots, which often appear on the face precisely as a result of sunburn of varying degrees.

You should not be in direct sunlight from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is better to spend this time in the shade. You need to tan properly and gradually. The duration of sunbathing depends on skin color. Blondes and brown-haired people burn much faster than brunettes. The time of continuous exposure to the sun should not exceed 1.5-2 hours.

A wide-brimmed hat protects your face well. A hat is a must-have attribute for a summer beach holiday. Women who want to prolong the youth of their faces should remember that a beautiful tan is one of the formidable enemies of the skin. Prolonged exposure to sunlight causes photoaging.

People taking antibiotics, pregnant women, the elderly and children under 3 years of age should not sunbathe. Their exposure to air should be limited to shady areas. These categories of people can stay in the sun until 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m.

The following pathologies are contraindications to sun exposure:

  • neoplasms (malignant and benign);
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • progressive tuberculosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • bleeding.

Before going outside in the hot season, you should apply sunscreen with a suitable degree of protection to your face. For white-skinned people this figure should be as high as possible. After washing or swimming in open water, you must reapply sunscreen.

If you do get a burn, it is important to know what actions can worsen the condition.

  1. If your face is red, do not use alcohol on your face. This causes increased dehydration (dries out the skin).
  2. If blisters appear on the burned areas, they should not be opened due to the risk of infection.
  3. You should not use Vaseline or ointments based on it. They do not allow the skin to breathe.
  4. For a similar reason, animal and vegetable fats are prohibited. Their use is justified only 3-4 days after receiving a sunburn, when the acute phase has passed.
  5. Do not use soap or scrubs to cleanse your face. These products dry and injure the skin, destroying the protective layer.
  6. You should not wipe your face with ice. This procedure will bring temporary relief, but will lead to increased death of the epithelium and a long recovery period with the risk of cosmetic defects.

You should avoid sunlight until all the effects of the burn disappear. You can expose your skin to ultraviolet light only after it has completely recovered.

Bronze healthy skin is one of the most successful natural decorations that can be achieved simply by relaxing on the seashore or river. Unfortunately, the bright sun does not always give us the gift of an even and long-lasting tan. Redness on the face and open areas of the body is a common accompaniment of sunbathing, especially in late spring or early summer. To get rid of a burn, the symptom of which is redness of the skin after sunbathing, you can use both folk and special remedies, but the most effective way to deal with them is always prevention.

Preventing sunburn

The main reason why you should think ahead and prevent redness from occurring is that burnt, flaky skin will no longer be covered with an even bronze crust. After sunburn, the skin will have to be cured first, and only then sunbathing. Treatment can take up to 2 weeks, but prevention can take only 15 minutes. Therefore, you should not disdain creams and lotions for the skin both before and after tanning: at the beginning of the beach season, they are the best friends of vacationers.

Also, for those who are just planning to expose their winter-white skin to the sun, there are several rules and recommendations:

  1. Don't go to the beach at noon. The aggressive midday sun is a bad ally. This rule especially applies to hot countries, where redness after sunbathing is almost commonplace. To avoid troubles such as sunstroke or heatstroke, burns and redness, it is better to sunbathe only before 11.00 and after 16.00.
  2. Do not look for direct sunlight. At first it is better to sunbathe in the shade. This will protect you from potential burns, help your body adapt to high temperatures, and a tan obtained under a canopy or umbrella will last much longer.
  3. Tan gradually. Snow Whites with sensitive skin can get sunburned in just 30 minutes, especially if they are vacationing in Turkey or Egypt. On the first day, you should not spend more than 20 minutes tanning. Then you can increase the time you spend on the beach, because then the skin will be ready for solar treatments.

Folk remedies for redness

Sunburn is such a common problem that a whole arsenal of various home remedies and techniques is devoted to combating it.

First of all, we should mention, of course, kefir. It will soothe the skin, relieving inflammation, and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. Instead, you can also use curdled milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream or yogurt. Store-bought products will work, but not as effectively as homemade ones.

Raw potato gruel will not only relieve irritation, but also cool the skin, relieving painful sensations. In addition, it will help relieve swelling and reduce potential peeling.

A paste of fresh cucumbers will whiten your face and help it look rested, despite obvious redness. Cucumbers are good for delicate areas of the face, such as the area around the eyes and lips. These areas are most susceptible to inflammation due to their sensitivity, and thus require more careful care. Cucumber masks work well against skin pigmentation that accompanies any sunburn.

Green tea lotions will soothe and refresh the skin. They are suitable for the delicate skin of the face and chest, which is most susceptible to peeling. The lotions do not act as quickly as other traditional methods, but even with short-term use, the face takes on a healthy appearance, and its ability to resist the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation increases.

The most effective method to remove redness after sunbathing, cure irritation and reduce flaking are masks and compresses made from aloe juice. They can be used at any stage of treatment, both immediately after a burn and at the stage of getting rid of age spots. In addition, aloe helps heal cuts and abrasions on the skin, thanks to its ability to heal and soothe.

Special remedies for burns

Although folk recipes are very effective, they act slowly. Sometimes it takes as long as 2 weeks for the skin to heal. In cases where redness needs to be removed urgently, and irritation brings a lot of discomfort, you should use cosmetics or medications.

Foams and ointments containing panthenol are suitable for severely burned skin. They speed up the regeneration process and will help quickly remove pain, itching and potential flaking.

For skin that is slightly red, soothing lotions with a whitening effect will be sufficient. Softened skin recovers faster. However, after using such products, you should refrain from sunbathing for the next few days.

Antibacterial and painkillers will be useful. Fortunately, pharmacies and cosmetics stores offer a wide selection of ointments and creams that can prevent peeling of the nose, forehead and shoulders.

Even if a red tan does not seem like a problem and does not cause severe discomfort, it is important to remember that excessive sunbathing has a detrimental effect on the skin in general. Sunburn causes rapid aging of the skin, causes pigmentation and can even provoke cancer. Therefore, it is always better to be on the safe side and prevent redness from occurring.

Redness after sunbathing not only spoils the face, but also causes burning and swelling. You can save your burning skin with simple homemade products. The face is cooled with a damp compress and a mask of yogurt or cream is applied.

A bronze tan is beautiful and healthy, because the sun's rays promote the production of vitamin D in the body. But there are cases when, instead of tanning, unattractive redness and burns form on the skin. If redness on the body can be hidden under clothes, then the face always remains visible.

When exposed to sunlight, the skin produces the protective pigment melanin. If there is excess radiation, the skin does not have time to produce the required amount of pigment. Cells die, an inflammatory reaction develops: redness, soreness, burning, swelling begins.

The first thing you can do when your face is red after sunbathing is to cool your skin. The face is rinsed under cool

shower, wipe with an ice cube, apply a cool compress. After cold treatments, apply a soothing redness mask. The ingredients for the masks are also slightly cooled in the refrigerator. Keep the product on your face for at least 30-40 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Fruit masks

Grind ripe apricots, strawberries, raspberries or elderberries and apply liberally to the face. Fruits refresh, reduce inflammation, and have a slight brightening effect. For oily skin, a mask made from lemon and lime pulp is suitable. Since citrus fruits dry out the skin, be sure to apply a moisturizer after the mask.

If facial redness occurs during sunbathing in exotic countries, use local gifts of nature. Select a ripe papaya, mix the fruit pulp with liquid honey and apply it to the face. The mask removes burning and itching.

Coconut milk actively moisturizes the skin. Coconut pulp is grated, poured with hot water and left for about an hour. The liquid filtered from the shavings is applied to the skin.

Even seeds from fruits can relieve redness. A teaspoon of quince seeds is poured into a glass of hot water. After 5-10 minutes, a thick mucous infusion is formed, which is applied to sun-damaged skin three times a day.

Vegetables for red skin

White cabbage has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

  • The juicy leaves are grated and, without squeezing, applied to the face.
  • Several layers of gauze are placed on top, leaving the eyes, nose and lips free.
  • Keep the compress on for as long as possible. Cabbage will draw out heat and redness from the skin.

Using the same principle, masks are made from cucumber, pumpkin, and potatoes, and a little sour cream is added to enhance the effect.

Another option for using cabbage: add a teaspoon of lemon juice, turmeric and pea flour to the grated vegetable pulp. Keep the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. Lemon and turmeric will help remove skin redness, and substances from peas promote skin healing. In addition, you can use not only fresh cabbage, but also chilled sauerkraut.

Medicinal plants

To relieve heat and redness, wash your face with infusions of the following parts of medicinal plants:

  • succession grass;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • plantain leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • Oak bark.

Tannins from infusions soften inflamed skin, prevent the development of microbes, and heal. Pour a tablespoon of crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain through several layers of gauze and rinse your face. You can wash your face with strong brewed black or green tea.

Aloe helps relieve redness and improves local skin immunity. Apply to the affected skin 2-3 times a day and cover with gauze. You can use whole leaves of the plant, previously peeled.

Vegetable essential oils help restore the skin. They are used 2-3 days after tanning, when the main redness has already faded. A few drops of tea tree and cinnamon oils are added to the base of sea buckthorn, olive or burdock oil. Apply at night instead of nourishing cream.


To remove redness and pain after sun exposure, use the entire range of dairy products. Chilled cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir gently coat irritated skin, and whey is used to wash the face. Dairy products are used both independently and in combination with auxiliary components.

To prepare a refreshing yogurt mask, mix a tablespoon of natural yogurt with the same amount of tomato juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice and apply to the face.

Combining it with oatmeal will help relieve inflammation from delicate skin. A decoction is made from the cereal, similar to viscous jelly. Cool and mix equally with yogurt or sour cream, apply to the face.

If not your entire face is red, but only your forehead, nose or cheekbones, you can try a mixture of milk and regular toothpaste. Mix the ingredients and apply to the reddened areas for 5 minutes. The mixture cools the skin and helps remove redness.

It should be noted that home recipes are effective for relatively minor skin redness. If significant swelling, blisters with clear liquid contents, or a rise in body temperature appear on the face after sunbathing, then you should treat the skin with one of the pharmaceutical preparations and consult a doctor.

Pharmacy drugs

The pharmacy chain offers a large selection of dosage forms for sunburn. These are sprays, ointments, creams, gels, foams. It is convenient to apply the spray - no need to touch irritated skin. Gel forms moisturize and cool burning skin.

The most common pharmaceutical remedy after an unsuccessful tan is preparations based on dexpanthenol. Produced under trade names:

  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanten;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Panthenol-D.

Restores skin cells, helps relieve heat from the face. Bepanten contains an antiseptic substance that has a detrimental effect on microbes.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments are produced on the basis of protein components of the blood of calves, which activate tissue metabolism and accelerate skin restoration. Complex ointment Rescuer contains calendula, sea buckthorn and turpentine oils, beeswax. Covers the skin with a protective layer, moisturizes, removes redness, itching, and pain.

They use Psilo-balm, which is essentially an anti-allergic drug, so it effectively blocks inflammation, reduces itching, swelling, and cools a glowing face after sunbathing.

An alcohol compress is also applied. Medical alcohol is diluted in half with water, gauze is moistened in several layers and applied to the reddened areas of the face. Evaporating, alcohol vapors help relieve fever and pain.

Restoring skin after redness from the sun is a long process. During this period, you need to drink a lot of fluids, and protect your delicate facial skin with a special sun cream.

When sunbathing on the beach or even in a solarium, you want to get a beautiful tan.

But sunbathing often turns into a real disaster when, instead of tanning, a distinct and unpleasant redness appears on the body, and the skin begins to ache.

How to remove redness from tanning from the face and body?

Why does the skin turn red after sunbathing?

If you notice redness on your skin after being in the sun, it means you have a sunburn. Yes Yes exactly! And all because you tanned incorrectly.

You may have been in the sun too long, at the wrong time, or did not use sun protection.

And as a rule, the skin of the face and décolleté are the first to suffer from excessive sunbathing, since the skin in these areas is the most sensitive.

How long will it take for the redness after sunbathing to go away? Of course, red skin will not stay with you forever - it will disappear on its own within one or two weeks, but not everyone is ready to wait that long, and therefore you can try to speed up the skin restoration process.

How to prevent redness?

After receiving a burn, your skin will begin to peel and hurt, in addition, you will not get a good tan until it completely heals, but this is not a matter of one day.

In general, it is better to try to prevent burns and the appearance of beauty than to treat them later (especially since prevention will not take much of your time and effort).

What is needed for this?

  1. First, you must love and purchase tanning cream and body lotion, which you need to use before and after tanning. Such products are selected taking into account your skin type and the expected brightness of the sun.
  2. Secondly, for sunbathing there is a certain time when it is better to sunbathe and when it is extremely undesirable to do so. So in the morning hours (before noon) you will definitely not get either heatstroke or burns. If you were unable to sunbathe during the specified period, then wait until 16.00 - only after four o’clock in the afternoon the sun becomes less dangerous and hot again.
  3. Also try to avoid direct sunlight and, at least at first, sunbathe somewhere in the shade: this way your body will gradually get used to high temperatures, and the tan obtained under an umbrella or a special canopy will last longer.
  4. In addition, you need to tan gradually. For example, people with very pale and sensitive skin are most at risk of getting burned within the first 30 minutes, especially if they are sunbathing in a very hot country. Try to spend no more than twenty minutes tanning on the first day of your stay on the beach, then, day after day, increase this time, because your skin will already get used to the sun, and this procedure will not result in unpleasant consequences in the form of redness.

How to get rid of redness on the face at home?

Is your face very red after being in the sun? Well, in this case, various salon procedures will help you, but, alas, they are not cheap.

That's why it's better to use home remedies - they save you money, and they're just as effective.

  • First of all, use a product that contains aloe. As you know, this plant perfectly soothes the skin and helps relieve inflammation. Even just aloe juice will do.
  • Another well-known remedy is yogurt and kefir. It is recommended to carefully apply any of these fermented milk products to the skin of the face and wait until it dries, after which the mass should be washed off with cool running water.

How else can you remove redness after sunbathing? In addition to the natural remedies listed, why not make a homemade compress or mask? They are easy to prepare, and they do a pretty good job of eliminating redness (but, of course, not in one procedure).

So, there are several recipes for such remedies:

  1. Brew regular green tea (even tea bags will do), then cool it and then add some fresh aloe juice to it. Mix everything, soak gauze in the solution and make a compress, applying the gauze to your face. Keep this compress on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. The following recipe will help you quickly remove redness after sunbathing and whiten your skin. To prepare it you will need one fresh cucumber, which you must grate. Apply the resulting paste to your face for half an hour. For convenience, it is recommended to lie with a cucumber mask on the sofa or bed and not move, otherwise it will begin to slide off your face. After the specified time has passed, the mask should be washed off with clean cold water, without using any additional means (foam, soap, etc.).
  3. Equally effective for eliminating redness from tanning on the face is regular potatoes. Raw potatoes are cut into circles and then applied to the reddened areas. From time to time some circles are replaced by other, fresh ones. However, you are allowed to slightly modify this recipe: just grate the potatoes (also raw) on a grater and apply the resulting mass to your face. When the moisture from the mask is absorbed into the skin, you can wash the product off your face with water.
  4. Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of vodka and used it to relieve inflammation and redness from the skin. In order for the product to help, wash your face with cool water before going to bed, and then apply a small amount of vodka to your skin. The next morning the result will be almost perfect - your redness on your face will noticeably decrease.
  5. If you have oatmeal in the house, then pour 4 tablespoons into 100 milliliters of boiling water, stir, leave the paste until it cools completely and apply it to the reddened areas of the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture should be washed off with cool water.

Ointments and creams sold in regular pharmacies will also help to quickly get rid of redness after a sunburn.

Some of the most effective and popular products are those containing panthenol, because it helps cool the skin and heals it well.

If you don’t want to touch the skin, even a light touch causes you pain, then buy a spray - it’s convenient to use, you don’t have to touch the affected areas, and it’s as effective as ointments.

As for ointments, “Rescuer” will come to the rescue: although this product is not one of the cheapest, it has a very good effect on damaged skin, relieving pain, soothing the skin and accelerating the restoration of its cells.

Methods for eliminating redness on the body

Unfortunately, redness can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body - on the hands, in the décolleté, etc., therefore, you need to know methods that will help you eliminate such an unaesthetic problem in a short time.

For the most part, such methods are based on applying special lotions made from natural ingredients to damaged areas of the skin:

  1. Chop or twist the aloe very finely, adding sunflower or olive oil to it;
  2. Make cold mashed potatoes and add a small amount of sour cream to it;
  3. Grate one or more (if the affected area is quite large) raw potatoes.

You can also numb red areas after sunbathing and remove heat from them using homemade ointments.