What can you do with a small child. What needs to be done with a child so that childhood memories are happy? Interesting ideas for entertaining a bored baby

Plan. Joint discussion of the future is important for the baby and the development of his talents. The child’s plans for the future life and profession will constantly change, and the more you discuss with him why he wants to become an astronaut / actor / king / hairdresser / musician / doctor, etc., the better he will eventually understand what he wants to. But you can discuss not only global plans for the future, but also plans for the coming weekend. The child will learn to plan his time, in some situations this will save him from unjustified expectations or disappointments, teach him to wait and consciously prepare for important events.

Things to do: choosing a future school or university, future profession, discussing plans for the upcoming weekend or vacation, you can get together on a trip or vacation, and, for example, make a list of things to take with you.

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - Firstly, the child himself does not know how to make plans, and your task is to teach him to plan his time. Secondly, by planning, you teach the child to live in an order that children love very much. Thirdly, there is an obligation to fulfill the plan, and the task of an adult is to track whether certain actions have been completed or not.

Violate prohibitions. At some point, the child’s world is divided into “possible” and “impossible”, and sooner or later he will want to try the latter anyway, despite the ban. Therefore, it is better to show by your own example that some prohibitions can sometimes be violated, while others can never be violated. For example, you can sometimes eat a box of chocolates or drink harmful soda in a cafe. It is best to do this together - after all, a joint violation of prohibitions will make both of you accomplices, which will increase the level of trust.

Things to do: go to bed very late, recover at night for a walk outside to look at the stars, catch snowflakes with your tongue, start dinner with dessert, rush around the apartment, jump on bed, climb a tree, run barefoot in the rain.

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - The joint experience of living in violation of prohibitions helps to avoid a situation where the child does it alone, but keeps silent about it, which is always associated with guilt and anxiety. When you break the prohibitions together, you have the opportunity to discuss it, to stipulate why you didn’t do it the way you always did, why you violated this or that rule. I would advise you to indicate why you are bullying right now, and say that exceptions are possible only sometimes and due to some reason.

Dream. Joint fantasies about both the near future and the distant not only bring together, but also fill the child with aspirations and allow him to see the causal relationship of many things. Through dreams about the future of the whole family, and the future of the child himself, you will be able to explain to him why it is important right now to take care of your health, study well and obey adults. In addition, according to experts, children whose dreams and fantasies were not limited at an early age are more talented, realized and prone to self-expression.

Things to do: discuss why you need to study and go to school, dream about the future, when he will buy something that the child really wants, talk about how your child could become president, what films he will star in, when he becomes a famous actor, what books he will write , if he becomes a writer, what kind of house he will build, what countries he will visit, and so on...

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - When you dream together, the child actively develops imagination and fantasy, which stimulates creative activity. Dreaming together, parents can find out what the child wants, discuss with him the consequences of the fulfillment of certain cherished desires, and understand what exactly motivates him. Sometimes, with the help of fantasies, you can talk to the child about some difficult moments, fears and experiences, because in dreams the child gives out exactly what he cannot tell directly.

Discuss problems. The more you talk with your child, the more he will trust you, which is especially important at the time of the first fears, problems or difficulties. Try to perceive everything calmly, even faults and violations of the regime.

Things to do: discuss all the difficulties, difficulties, resentments and cases of misunderstanding - a quarrel with a peer in the yard, the reason for tears or failure, time spent in kindergarten or in a circle, weekends spent with relatives or time when you were not around.

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - When painful experiences accumulate inside one lump, they seem to crush and it is very difficult to separate the important from the unimportant, especially for a child. By discussing problems with him, the causes of conflicts, and so on, the parent can teach him to separate words and feelings from the source person, that is, to understand the difference between the person himself and his act. After all, a grandmother swears not because she is a bad person or does not love her grandchildren, but for some other reason. Discussing and pronouncing the problems, we decompose them into parts, and the child builds a complex picture of the world, he understands the situation better.

Explore the world. For a small child, the whole world is new, he only recognizes it and learns to interact with it. Therefore, it is so important to do many things together when you, as an adult, tell and explain some incomprehensible phenomena, for example, get acquainted with new animals for a baby at the zoo, or study trees and berries while walking in the forest, learn to fish or distinguish dangerous mushrooms from edible. You can develop together and go to the museum, and then, already at home, once again look at reproductions of paintings and read about artists - so the child will learn to delve deeper into the essence of things, and will copy your desire to learn as much as possible new.

In addition, the “first time” effect and your presence are very important at this very moment of discovering something new.

Things to do: feed the birds, go to the zoo or dolphinarium, go fishing or walk in the forest, go to museums and theaters, go to the park to feed the squirrels, sit by the fire and fry bread, cook dinner or bake a birthday cake.

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - Doing something together is important for everyone - couples in love, spouses, parents and children, because it is at these moments that relationships are built. The more such moments - the better the relationship, the stronger the feelings and the stronger the connection. The main thing is that joint activities are not boring, activities should be varied.

Play. Joint play is a very important pastime already in the first stages of a child's life. When a child is small - in the process of playing it is rather learning, the development of motor skills and curiosity. Later - a joint game not only brings together, but also allows you to tell the child about the distribution of time, about the difference between "study" and "play".

Things to do: your favorite type of games will do, from constructors to desktop developmental activities. It is very important to play role-playing games with the child, to be fairy-tale heroes, ghosts, animals or residents of another world, to drink tea with all the toys or build a house out of furniture and rugs and pretend to live in it.

Psychologist's comment

Anna Khnykina: - The symbolic reality of the game helps to play and live through different situations, but it is highly desirable that the parent follow the thought and fantasy of the child, and not vice versa - lead him along. Through the game, the child on an unconscious level will share with you exactly what he really cares about. Taking part in the game, whether it's a battle of superheroes or putting all the toys to bed, parents can bring something in and "lose" all the scenarios for the development of situations with the child.

Fool- sometimes it's better to do something not very correct and ordinary together. The lesson should be as fun and relaxed as possible, and - not typical of you as an adult.

Things to do: mess around in the autumn foliage, spank in puddles, leave body prints in the snow, slide down an ice slide, or, while taking a bath, make a dandelion out of soapy hair and be sure to photograph the child in this form.

Making various crafts for children with your own hands together with your child is an exciting activity that greatly contributes not only to the development of the child, but also to strengthening your relationship with him. Any child will be very happy if he has the opportunity to do something beautiful with his parents. Therefore, even in the busiest schedule, try to set aside a piece of time to devote it to activities with children. The sections of our article will provide useful recommendations on how to make DIY crafts from various materials, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

DIY paper crafts for children

The most commonly used material for applied art is, of course, paper. Moreover, it is worth paying attention not only to the usual color sets, but also to other types of it: corrugated, velvet, designer. You can create do-it-yourself crafts for children from paper, flat (applications), as well as voluminous, using various techniques. For example, having learned how to fold a flower using the origami technique, form a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

The easiest DIY crafts for beginners

For those who are just starting to teach their child the arts and crafts, we advise you to start with the simplest solutions, making easy crafts for children with your own hands. Perhaps you will like examples of caterpillars made of paper rings, an application of colorful fish, or funny mice on a piece of cheese.

DIY cardboard crafts for children

Cardboard is an easily accessible material that is well cut, bent, painted, it is often used in children's creative works. In addition to a set of cardboard purchased at the store, cardboard boxes, disposable tableware, cereal packaging, egg "honeycombs", and toilet paper sleeves are used. In our photo catalog you will see what kind of cardboard crafts do-it-yourself craftsmen make for children. For example, a stand for pencils, funny animals, boxes.

Craft "house" do it yourself

Cardboard houses are made at will of any size - it all depends on their purpose. Perhaps it will be a large structure with a child's height, a "dwelling" for dolls or a do-it-yourself craft "house" made as a New Year's decoration, gift wrapping. In any case, the manufacturing technology is the same, the differences will be in size and design. We have prepared some sketches on which you can make blanks. If you are making small structures, PVA glue and adhesive tape are enough to hold the parts together. When building a large house, it is better to use a heat gun for reliability. Do-it-yourself New Year's craft "house" is complemented by decor that imitates snow on the roof (cotton wool, foam balls), and gift wrapping must have at least one opening sash, for example, a door, a roof slope.

How to make DIY crafts from fabric

Wonderful do-it-yourself toys are sewn using fabric. Moreover, not only a solid cut, but various shreds, household napkins and even socks. Look at the photo, isn't it, a cute bunny came out of a sock? An older child will do it on his own, and the baby will have to help. Make the necessary cuts and seams, and instruct the child to fill the figure tightly, as well as draw a muzzle.

You can also sew crafts for children with your own hands, which will become not only a decoration, a toy, but also a useful little thing, for example, a large soft ottoman duck, the photo of which is in our catalog, a star pillow.

Children's DIY crafts from felt

Felt is a wonderful comfortable fabric that has a bright palette of colors. It allows you to sew a variety of DIY crafts for children, and then decorate the children's room with them. Household napkins will help replace the fabric (usually they are sold in a set of four colors). Such crafts-toys are sewn with their own hands without the help of a sewing machine, manually.

Children's crafts for the New Year do it yourself

On the eve of the New Year holidays, children's matinees, rooms are decorated everywhere, lush Christmas trees are dressed up. It is quite possible to make a lot of interesting symbolic additions on your own without spending money on purchases. These can be the most original balls for the Christmas tree, garlands, and other decorations that are quite within the power of a child to make.

DIY snowman craft

The snowman is a kind of symbol of winter and, of course, his presence for the New Year's interior will come in handy. The photos of our selection show options for how to make such crafts with your own hands in stages, using foam balls, socks, pompons. A larger figure, decorated with thread, balloons, glue, will suit the kindergarten matinee. Inflate five balloons of different sizes (two of the same size for the handles). Wrap each of them with a thread dipped in glue (PVA is quite suitable). When the blanks are completely dry, the balls need to burst, get it from the inside. Finished balls are fastened together. The do-it-yourself snowman craft is almost ready. It remains to draw eyes (beads, buttons), a mouth from a thread, a nose-carrot (sew from fabric). Traditionally, the head is complemented with a bucket, the neck is decorated with a scarf.

Santa Claus DIY craft

In the New Year's interior, Santa Claus is indispensable. The easiest way is to draw it from thick paper (cardboard). Use a ready-made template, or make a conical shape from a sheet, which you then “dress” using multi-colored paper, shaping your face, beard, and pens. Do-it-yourself similar children's crafts for the New Year are made using fabric (here you will find examples of patterns), plastic bottles, and other improvised means.

DIY crafts for kindergarten

Various creative works for young children of kindergarten age should be distinguished by simpler techniques and materials. The child is just starting to learn how to make something beautiful on his own, so you need to choose the most simple, but interesting options.

DIY crafts for kindergarten children: applications

The most common way to teach children how to create pictures is through appliqué. Such DIY crafts for kindergarten (photos are presented below) can be designed not only using colored paper, they also take thick fabric, artificial leather, velvet paper, improvised materials (cotton pads, cereals, etc.), natural raw materials (leaves, seeds) . Children of older groups can start voluminous work, for example, make an application in an “aquarium” box with hanging representatives of the water world.

DIY crafts in the garden from natural material

Often, especially in autumn, exhibitions of works are held that demonstrate do-it-yourself crafts for kindergarten from natural components. Chestnuts, acorns, cones, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, colorful autumn foliage - all this provides great ground for the development of children's imagination. To make various figures, the compositions additionally use plasticine, which fastens the parts or forms the base. Pictures of DIY crafts using natural raw materials are presented by our photo selection. Feel free to try using them by making a chestnut caterpillar, a hedgehog, and other patterns.

DIY crafts for school

Schoolwork varies in complexity. If do-it-yourself crafts in elementary school have simple forms, then high school students who have enough skills are able to arrange more complex compositions, for example, a bouquet of roses from maple leaves, a cardboard town or a paper basket with asters.

Do-it-yourself crafts for school, the photos of which are posted below, involve the use of a large selection of raw materials, including all sorts of improvised means (plastic utensils, DVDs, matches, buttons).

Do-it-yourself crafts for schoolchildren with trimming technique

Facing is a rather entertaining creative process that is suitable for children of different ages. It allows you to create "fluffy" pictures that will decorate the room, as well as an original gift to relatives. Crafts in elementary school with their own hands have simplified options until the child acquires certain skills. For example, in this way you can only draw the outlines of the picture.

To make a magnificent appliqué, you will need corrugated paper, scissors, glue, a match or a toothpick with a blunt end, a sketch drawing on cardboard. Before making a craft with your own hands, we cut the paper into small squares (0.5 cm), which we sort by color. Lubricate the sketch with glue. We put the match in the center of the square, turn it (so that the corrugation is fixed on it), then glue the end to the sketch. Thus, we draw up the entire drawing, applying the necessary colors of the corrugated squares.

Learning how to create beauty yourself is the best way to develop the creative abilities of a child. Children's crafts with their own hands greatly develop the imagination, giving the joy of an interesting joint pastime with adults.

DIY crafts for children: a selection of 50 ideas with step-by-step examples updated: May 2, 2018 by: Kyiv Irina

Children are a good shake-up for the parental mind, imagination and creativity! Agree - we, parents, need to be constantly on the alert, our brain must constantly work in order to once again distract from a prohibited item or come up with a way to put a fleeing child in a jacket. Still very often we have to figure out what to do with the child. Yes, it is very important to leave the child alone with him, so that he learns to invent games himself, so that he himself learns the world. But there are times when we really need him. This list of fun activities for kids will help you, inspire, add joy and diversify your daily life.

Interesting ideas for entertaining a bored baby:

  1. Build a castle or halabuda from home furniture, blankets, pillows, etc.
  2. Make a postcard or write a letter to your grandmother, godmother, cousin, etc.
  3. Make paper dolls and clothes for them.
  4. Take a magnet and play metal detectors. Search the entire house for metal.
  5. Play with roulette. Measure everything in the house with it.
  6. Arrange a disco by turning on mischievous music.
  7. Clean the bathroom, wash the mirror with a sponge and soap, wash the sink with the same sponge.
  8. Paint. There are many ideas for unusual drawing. You can peek here:.
  9. Make a cardboard house or work on a cardboard box to build something interesting out of it. Find ideas here:.
  10. Learn a verse, tongue twister or counting rhyme.
  11. Look at the clouds and look for different images in them.
  12. Do origami. For starters, make an airplane and a boat. Look for more complex ideas here:.
  13. Decorate. It's also a good way to relieve stress.
  14. Hide the “treasure” for dad and draw a map of the apartment where he will look for this treasure in the evening.
  15. Make a home puppet theater.
  16. Tidy up the room. To the music, playing, sort toys, wash the floor.
  17. Think of a fairy tale.
  18. Make a collage by cutting out pictures from old newspapers and magazines.
  19. Cook dinner with mom.
  20. Make sure to mark important dates on your calendar.
  21. Freeze juice or fruit pieces.
  22. Play a board game.
  23. Decorate an old T-shirt with buttons, felt-tip pens for fabric, beads.
  24. Read.
  25. Plant the seeds in a pot and start caring for them.
  26. Make a bird feeder.
  27. Blow bubbles.
  28. Play shop, restaurant, create a zoo of toys.

In summer, most children relax at home, in the village, in the country or in some resort town. So that they have something to do, you can come up with various crafts that will not only interesting to make, but which will also remind you of summer in the future. In addition, you can make crafts that children can play and have fun with. Here are some very interesting crafts for the summer for children:

Crafts for the summer. Paper fruit.

You will need:

paper plates

Acrylic paint or gouache (red, orange, green, lemon, yellow, white)

Colored cardboard (yellow, orange, green, pink, white)

Markers (brown, yellow, orange)


Glue stick.

1. Take paper plates and start coloring them - one red, the other orange, and so on. Choose any colors that go with the fruit you have chosen.

It may be necessary to apply a second coat - to do this, leave the plates to dry and then add a second coat.

If you want to color a paper plate like a kiwi, then you will need a mixture of green and white.

2. Place a paper plate on a sheet of colored cardboard and draw around it to get a circle. Follow the instructions below for each fruit:


Cut out a circle from white paper, the diameter of which is 1 - 1.5 cm smaller than the diameter of the paper plate.

Use a glue stick to glue the white circle to the red plate.

Cut the plate in half and draw the seeds with a black or brown felt-tip pen.


Cut out a circle from orange cardboard, slightly smaller than the diameter of the plate.

Fold the circle in half, then in half again, and then in half a third time.

Unfold once and cut out the center sections of each triangle with scissors (see image).

Unfold your blank completely and glue it to the orange plate.

You can draw the seeds with an orange felt-tip pen.


Repeat all steps for the orange, using yellow paper and a felt tip pen.


Cut out a circle from green paper, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the paper plate.

Fold the circle in half and cut out an oval in the center of the fold.

Lay out the paper, draw the seeds with a brown felt-tip pen.

Glue the blank to a light green plate.


Cut out a circle from pink paper, making it slightly smaller than the paper plate.

Glue the circle to the green plate.

Cut the plate in half.

Draw the seeds with a brown felt-tip pen.

And here's what else you can do with paper plates:

DIY summer crafts. Sun.

You will need:

Multiple branches


Fabrics in yellow, red and orange shades


Thread and needle (optional).

1. Collect 8 branches, about 1 meter long (less possible).

2. Lay all branches on a flat surface so that they form a star.

3. Connect the branches together using twine. First connect 2 branches in the shape of a cross, and then add two more branches in the shape of the letter X.

Here is one way to connect sticks with a rope:

4. Use scissors to cut the fabric into strips of any width. In this example, the width of the strips is 5-6 cm. You can tie the strips together to get one long strip.

5. Start "knitting" your sun by wrapping the connected branches with a cloth. First, tie one end of the fabric to the center of your twig star, and start winding the strip in a spiral.

When you have tied the sun, just tie the end of the fabric strip to any branch.

Crafts for kindergarten for the summer. Aquarium.

You will need:

Cardboard box

colored cardboard


Pencil (to draw fish)

Scissors (to cut the fish)

Fishing line or strong thread (to attach one end to the button and the other to the fish)

Utility knife or sharp-tipped scissors (for making cuts on the box)

Scotch tape (to fix fragile places on the box)

Double-sided tape (to attach the craft to the wall).

summer craft for kids

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls


Tube (cocktail)

Popsicle sticks and tape to hold the sticks together.

DIY crafts for children 10 years and older. Stained glass.

You will need:

paper plates


Self-adhesive film or wide adhesive tape


1. Cut out a circle from a paper plate.

2. Cut off a circle slightly larger than a plate from the self-adhesive film.

3. Turn the plate over and carefully stick the film to it so that it does not touch anything but the plate itself.

Instead of oilcloth, you can use wide adhesive tape - cut off several strips from it, and carefully and evenly glue them to the plate so that the strips almost do not touch each other.

4. Turn the plate over and start attaching various leaves, flowers and other plants to the adhesive tape or oilcloth.

Summer. DIY crafts. Multicolored wind toy.

You will need:

A set of sticks for children's needlework (in this example, there are 200 of them)

Fishing line or other strong thread

thick needle

Awl, screwdriver or drill with a thin drill

Large beads (in this example, 5 pieces).

1. Make a small hole in the center of each stick so that a needle and thread can be pulled through it.

2. Pass a needle and thread through a large bead and make sure that the bead is in the middle of the whole thread.

3. Connect the ends of the thread and pull the twin thread through the holes in the sticks. You can stretch first through 10 sticks of one color, then 10 sticks of another color, and so on.

4. When you have threaded through all the sticks, it's time to add 4 more beads (you can use as many beads as you like).

5. Tie the ends of the thread into a knot and make a loop so that the craft can be hung.

6. Adjust the sticks so that they resemble a spiral staircase.

Enjoy your craft when a light breeze blows and it begins to spin and the colors shimmer.

Children's crafts on the theme "Summer". Toy jellyfish.

You will need:

Plastic bag

Plastic bottle


Blue food coloring.

Below the instructions for creating a jellyfish you will find a video also with a detailed explanation.

1. Lay the bag on a table and cut off the bottom (bottom) or, if the bag has a handle, the top to make a square.

2. Cut the bag into two equal parts.

3. Take one part so that a small ball is formed in its middle. Wrap this ball with thread at the base.

4. Cut the lower part (everything under the "ball") into a fringe to create forceps for your jellyfish.

5. Fill the bottle with water and color it with blue food coloring.

6. Pour some water into the "head" of the jellyfish and put the craft in the bottle. Close the lid.

Video instruction:

DIY crafts for children 5 years and older. Fish and flower.

You will need:

Plastic caps

colored cardboard


PVA glue

Glitter (optional).

1. Cut out a triangle from yellow cardboard and prepare a sheet of blue cardboard.

2. Glue a round bottle cap to a blue sheet of cardboard - the body of a fish, and next to it a triangle - a tail.

3. If desired, you can glue a toy eye or use a felt-tip pen to draw it, or a piece of plasticine.

4. You can also decorate the fish with glitter - it's better to use glitter glue right away.

5. The composition on blue cardboard can be supplemented with a few more fish and green paper algae. For algae, you can cut strips of green paper, crumple them lengthwise, and glue them on.

6. Bubbles can be made using a regular cocktail tube and white paint.

In the same way, you can make the application "Flower":

Craft on the theme of summer. Multicolored butterflies.

You will need:

Cardboard sleeve (from toilet paper or paper towels)

Colored or wrapping paper


simple pencil

Cardboard (plain or color)

colored tape

Toy eyes (optional)

1. Take the sleeve and wrap it with colored paper. Cut off the excess and glue the sleeve with bright paper. You've got the body of a butterfly.

2. You can glue the toy eyes. If they are not there, you can use a felt-tip pen to draw them, or plasticine.

3. Cut 2 pieces of ribbon, knot one end of the ribbon on each piece. Glue both pieces to the inside of the sleeve with the knots facing out to form the butterfly's antennae.

4. Draw butterfly wings on a sheet of colored cardboard, cut them out.

5. You can decorate the wings with flowers from colored paper or colored cardboard.

6. Glue the wings to the body and you're done!

DIY crafts for the summer. Dinosaurs in ice blocks.

You will need:

- small dinosaurs and other toys

Plastic container

Food coloring


1. Fill a plastic container one-third full of water, add blue food coloring and stir. Put one type of toys, such as sea animals, and put in the freezer.

2. When the water is frozen, take out the container, fill another third with water, add green food coloring, stir and put other animals into the water, for example, farm animals, put the container in the freezer.

3. When the water of the second layer is frozen, take out the container and fill the last third of it with water, add blue dye, stir and put the third kind of animal - dinosaurs into the water, and put it back in the freezer.

4. When the third layer is frozen, you can take out an ice block and give it to the children so that they use toy tools to look for hidden animals.

The idea to make a bouquet of paper flowers is very good. For paper crafts, we need to purchase colored paper, cardboard, felt-tip pens, a stationery knife, ribbon, scissors and PVA glue.

paper bouquet

First you need to make three blanks for each flower, two of which should be the same color, they should have six petals.

Place one blank in front of you, on top of which stick a circle.

On the mug, pre-make holes for the eyes and mouth in the form of a smiley face.

After gluing the mug with the flower, you need to paint the eyes with a black felt-tip pen, and then bend the petals inward.

The next step is to cut out the stem, which we later attach to the flower, and on the other side of the flower, you need to attach the same blank.

Also for a bouquet, you can make leaves that can be made from green paper.

First you need to draw an oval and cut it out, and then make notches using scissors.

In order for the individual pieces of paper craft to become a single whole, tie the flowers with a ribbon or some other fabric to decorate the bouquet.

Such a bouquet will never wither and will be a great decoration for your home.

Simple crafts from plastic bottles

The simplest crafts for children include crafts from bottles.

For example, you can make a piggy bank from a bottle, which requires only a marker, a clerical knife, dice (4 pieces), a small bottle, glue and colored paper.

The first step is to cut a straight line, the width of which can be 5 centimeters, and the length of this line should be enough to girth the bottle.

With a marker we draw eyes, and on the bottle cap we draw nostrils. Using a clerical knife, cut a hole for coins.

As legs for the pig, you need to attach the dice with glue.


This craft develops the imagination of the child, and is also useful in everyday life.

Ball of thread

The craft can be used as a lampshade for a lamp or simply hung as a decoration.

A ball of thread is made very simply, for its manufacture you will need colored threads, a ball, and transparent glue.

First we need to inflate the balloon and tie its tip so that the air does not escape.

Then the inflated balloon must be wrapped with threads, after which glue should be applied to the surface of the balloon and wait until it dries.


Now you need to separate the ball from the threads, for this, just pierce it with a needle and the whole craft is ready.

Gnome from plasticine and cones

As a simple DIY craft, you can make a gnome. For crafts, you will need a pine cone directly, light-colored plasticine, pieces of fabric, glue and a brush.

First of all, the child must roll a ball from a piece of plasticine, after which, using a brush, you need to make indentations for the nose, eyes and mouth on the ball.

At the next stage of our craft, it is necessary to attach the resulting head to the top of the cone.

Then the child should cut a triangle out of the fabric and glue it on the sides, the result should be a cone. The cone will play the role of a hat for our character.


At the end, you need to make fabric mittens, and then attach them to the cone using plasticine and our cone gnome is ready.

paper bookmark

As a simple craft for kindergarten, a paper bookmark is perfect. To make this simple craft, kids will need a pencil, ruler, colored paper, scissors and glue.

To begin, the children must draw a square measuring 20 by 20 centimeters.

Then divide the resulting square into 4 identical parts with a pencil and a ruler, as a result there will be 4 squares measuring 5 by 5 centimeters.

The second step is to divide the upper right and lower left square in such a way as to get triangles, that is, you need to draw a line diagonally from the upper corner to the lower corner.

We do not need triangles with an outer side and can be crossed out.

Then it is necessary to cut out a figure from paper without taking into account the crossed out triangles.

The top triangle needs to be trimmed. If everything is done correctly, then the paper will be in the shape of a diamond, to which two triangles are glued.

The next step is to fold all the triangles in half, and then alternately put them on the tip of the rhombus. You should get a pocket that will fit on the tip of the page of the book.

To make an original bookmark, children can be advised to cut out some application from colored paper.

Photos of simple crafts