What not to do when pregnant at a funeral. Can pregnant women go to funerals? Against: the cemetery has bad energy

When a young woman is waiting for the appearance of a long-awaited baby, and even for the first time, she is very worried. And it's natural. But for some reason, many people suddenly suddenly begin to believe in a black cat, a “bad” Friday, and that an umbrella cannot be opened indoors.

Spectrum of opinions

Of course, their lives change significantly. Already the food is required somewhat different, and the regime of the day. It is also desirable to have fewer nerves and no colds. One thing is not clear. Many girls, who did not believe in any signs before, have now become very superstitious. In fact, here, for example, is the question that began to worry some expectant mothers: “Can pregnant women be present at the funeral?”

And for some reason, other issues are less of a concern for women "in an interesting position." And they know exactly what to answer. For example, isn't it forbidden to paint your nails, wear high-heeled shoes, fly on an airplane? Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a funeral - here different opinions immediately arise. From what?

It's just that various prejudices suddenly invade people's minds. And even if a woman didn’t believe in an empty bucket or a coin that must be picked up on the street, now the change in the hormonal background and the maternal instinct awakening in her force her to think about many things that others say. Especially the elderly. So do not scold a worried woman, but try to understand.


It has long been noticed that pregnant women are somehow in a special way, very wary or something, regarding beliefs that are associated with dead people and their souls. Other representatives of the older generation immediately give a negative answer to the question: “Can pregnant women go to the cemetery and funerals?” No - and that's it! And why - they themselves can not really explain. Like, that's how they've always done it. And, in general, the cemetery is not the place where a pregnant woman should spend her time.

The birth of a person is always a mystery, unknown. And this fact was surrounded by all sorts of fictions, conjectures that arose hundreds of centuries ago. However, even today they have tremendous power over a person.

Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. Many people are one hundred percent convinced that pregnant women should not set foot in any cemetery. They also prove that in no case should you come to the grave of even your very beloved person. Otherwise, "contact" with the dead cannot be avoided.

This will be confirmed by magicians. The whole cemetery, according to them, is filled with very thin "matter". It is called - the souls of the dead. And they always need their incarnation. Moreover, a pregnant woman herself is not able to protect her unborn child. Her vital energy during these months is greatly weakened. For it immediately “supplies” two organisms - its own and the fetus.

Who is right?

However, there are many women and men of all ages who do not believe in "this nonsense" about whether pregnant women can go to funerals. They say without a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to come - thereby paying tribute to respect and memory. This will bring peace to the expectant mother, and not discouragement. But the extra worries that did not come, remorse of conscience will only harm the baby.

Priests also say that such a condition is not a “contraindication” when deciding in a dispute whether pregnant women can go to a funeral. There, they assure, there is no harmful and bad energy at all. It so happened that in ancient times people began to think that in the womb of the mother the baby was deprived of his guardian angel. And thus, he is not protected from the "black" forces.

But all these are just folk omens. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to a funeral - the woman herself decides. And prejudices against this are generated by the ignorance of the population, insufficient enlightenment in the spiritual sphere. And also a great pressure on the psyche of prejudices that entered our consciousness through previous generations.

It's better to stay at home

However, there are many cases when, in fact, not only relatives, but also doctors, the same ministers of the church, simply insist that this or that expectant mother should by no means go to say goodbye to the deceased. And in these situations, the debate about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery and to the commemoration disappears by itself.

For example, when a pregnant woman, especially in the last months, knows that she may feel bad at the cemetery, that she cannot bear this mourning procedure either morally or physically, then, of course, it is better for her not to go anywhere. And then it is enough to say goodbye to the person mentally. On another day, go to church and light a candle. Order a service for the repose of his soul.

After all, it's a serious matter. And no one should condemn a woman in demolition. It is known that a nervous breakdown, especially a very strong one, may well provoke complications. And this sometimes leads to the loss of a child. So a woman in a position, if she herself is also afraid to go to this funeral, should not take risks.

You should definitely come!

In general, this procedure is not easy and rather exhausting. And not just for pregnant women. But the commemoration takes place in a slightly different setting. Now no one "forbids" the expectant mother to come here. On the contrary, not to appear is not good, indecent. After all, it is necessary to pay tribute to the deceased, to honor his memory. And of course, which is important and extremely necessary, to support the relatives of the deceased in such a difficult misfortune.

True, it is worth remembering that a woman is still in a position. And a large concentration of people is fraught with the fact that you can "pick up" some kind of sore, which is transmitted through the air. Therefore, a pregnant woman should, before leaving the apartment, use a simple tool to protect the unborn baby from trouble. How? Yes, take your nose and smear it with oxolinic ointment. This is a proven barrier to any viruses. As experts say, for a future mother, sores (such as SARS) are more dangerous than just some kind of not very big psychological inconvenience.

Exceptional case

However, there are seemingly similar problem situations in life, but there is no standard solution to get out of them. And often at the same time, the dilemma of whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to a funeral loses its sharpness. What to do if, for example, a very close friend or dearest relative has died? If at the same time the woman herself realizes that she cannot but be there and not see this man on his last journey, then the best thing for her is not to listen to anyone. And act as her heart dictates. And conscience. Here, neither the state of health, nor the weather, nor the distance of the trip plays a role.

Superstitions tend to be the same thing that makes some people believe in all sorts of monsters and ghosts. This is due to the fact that we are not able to explain some phenomena. And therefore we “shift” all the responsibility for this to otherworldly forces.

Scientific research proves that prejudice quite often "works" only because someone strongly believes in them. The sign instantly has a chance to be fulfilled. According to the principle: a person is afraid of something - and attracts it to himself. And if not, then nothing happens to him. Scientists have long proven that our thoughts materialize.

How a woman solves a problem for herself is her own business. And each - individually. Based on your well-being, faith in omens. And agree with your heart.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not go to cemeteries in general and to funerals in particular. The reasons for this ban are various.

In general, there are two reasons why pregnant women shouldn't go to funerals:

  • emotional experiences and psychological discomfort;
  • superstitions and omens.

Stress after attending a funeral

It is quite understandable that the expectant mother wants to go to the funeral in order to say goodbye to a loved one and see him off on his last journey. If such a desire is really present, and you are sure that you can cope with your emotions, then attending a funeral will not make you feel worse. It is only recommended not to be present at the burial itself, since the emotional state of the people around you is extremely unstable at this moment. Come to the house when the deceased is still there, and then take part in the memorial dinner.

However, hormonal restructuring of the body in pregnant women still affects the perception of the world and reality. Expectant mothers are more vulnerable and emotional, any little thing can upset them. So do not overestimate your strength and go to the funeral just for the sake of decency.

If your mental state worsens, depression may develop after attending a funeral. And just a stressful situation, which any funeral is considered to be, will not benefit the baby. Strong feelings and excitement can affect the health of the baby or even lead to termination of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that strong emotions lead to uterine tone, which is highly undesirable.

Folk omens

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, a whole flurry of all kinds of prohibitions falls upon her, which cannot always be explained from a rational point of view. However, our ancestors were sure that the unborn child should be protected in every possible way.

As for the bans on attending funerals, according to signs, this is considered harmful due to the poor energy of the cemetery and the dead. In the old days, it was believed that a baby in the womb does not yet “walk under God”, and, therefore, does not have his protection. Therefore, you need to refrain from visiting potentially dangerous places.

It is also believed that unborn children are very much influenced by dark forces, so any contact with the dead is undesirable. There is another superstition: dead people and children, while still living in the womb, are as if in the same dimension, at the same energy level. Therefore, it is believed that a connection may form between them, and in the worst cases, the deceased may want to take the child with him.

If you follow all the signs and superstitions regarding pregnant women, then you can simply lose your common sense. Significant interpretation will not exist, so it is hardly worth paying much attention to them.

What do the priests say?

The clergy see no obstacles to attending funerals and cemeteries by pregnant women, but they do not consider it obligatory either. You have a very good reason not to attend a funeral. However, the priests say that there is no "negative energy" in the cemetery. It is also a misconception that one cannot attend a funeral, since the unborn child does not have his own guardian angel.

If you think that you can’t stand this event, then it’s better to just go to the temple and light a candle, order a prayer service for the repose, and read prayers. If you want to support the relatives of the deceased, go to the wake, to the church, but the funeral process itself, clogging the coffin lid and lowering it into the ground, the funeral procession is, nevertheless, not a sight for pregnant women.

Pregnancy and funeral are two components of life that cause a huge amount of emotions in every person. Despite the fact that these states are diametrically opposed, there are a number of similar things in them. For example, there are many signs, rumors and superstitions about each event. Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? Will there be trouble with the baby? Should we avoid the dead? Can a pregnant woman go to a funeral? These questions are asked by every girl in a position, because caring for the unborn baby always comes first.

Signs: is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery?

Visiting graveyards, being in an “interesting position”, was not recommended by ancestors, grandmothers and even parents. The reasons why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery mainly relate to superstition and mysticism, for example:

  • The unborn baby, which is still in the mother's stomach, does not have its own Guardian Angel, and therefore it is vulnerable to all sorts of evil forces.
  • The souls of dead people who are on the graveyard can take the soul of the child with them, provoking his death.
  • Restless souls in the necropolis can cause great harm to the fetus and even move into it.
  • If a girl carrying a child only looks at the deceased or his future resting place, then the baby will be born pale, weak and sickly.
  • On the churchyard there is a high risk of meeting unkind people, healers and witches who can jinx and harm the fetus.

Of course, all mysticism has come down to us from ancient, poorly educated times, when all the disorders were explained by magic and witchcraft. Therefore, in the twenty-first century, the old explanations why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery should not be taken seriously. Science and the church have long dispelled most of the myths that have accumulated over the centuries.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to go to a funeral: the view of doctors and psychologists

Psychologists and doctors have long found rational explanations for ancient signs. All of them are explained by the peculiarities of the psychological and physical condition of a woman carrying a baby. However, even official medicine recommends refusing to visit the necropolis and the funeral of the deceased. The main reasons why a pregnant woman cannot go to a funeral:

  • A grieving and negative atmosphere negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which is already unstable during this period. The sight of crying people and the dead, especially if it is a loved one, can make the girl depressed, which will immediately negatively affect the condition of the fetus. It has long been established that there is a very strong connection between the mother and the developing baby, through which all feelings and experiences are transmitted.
  • A large crowd of people is always accompanied by noise that can cause serious headaches, migraines.
  • Significantly increases the risk of catching any viral infection, which is a threat to the health of not only the mother, but also the developing fetus.
  • From the smell of incense and a large number of flowers, allergies, headaches, and nasal congestion can occur.

Thus, both psychologists and therapists recommend refraining from attending mourning events. However, if a woman feels an urgent need to visit a necropolis or funeral service, has a stable psychological state, then there are no contraindications to this.

Can pregnant women attend funerals: religious opinion

The Orthodox Church believes that visiting the graves and remembering the dead is the duty of every person, including expectant mothers. The clergy are sure that strong faith in God and prayer can protect the baby from all kinds of evil forces. The Mother's Guardian Angel in this blessed special period is responsible for both lives, and protects the developing fetus from restless souls.

Pregnant women can go to the cemetery on parental day, as well as on Easter and other memorial parental days. The Church claims that God sends blessings to those people who do not forget to honor their deceased ancestors. However, if unrest, physical activity and visiting crowded places are contraindicated for a woman, then a trip to the churchyard should be abandoned. The Church not only does not condemn, but also welcomes such decisions, because the health of the baby is the most important thing, and the dead can be remembered in the temple by ordering prayers and lighting candles.

As for Muslims, their Holy Scriptures also do not forbid expectant mothers to visit necropolises. But women are allowed to visit only the graves of loved ones or the prophets and their followers. At this time, her husband must accompany her without leaving her alone for a minute.

It is worth emphasizing once again that a pregnant woman should make a decision to visit the necropolis in accordance with her health, doctor's recommendations and internal state. If she has an acute desire to visit the graves of loved ones or to see them off on their last journey, neither official medicine nor religion interferes with this.

Despite all modern explanations, most people are sure that pregnant women should not go to funerals. Why this superstition has not yet sunk into oblivion is explained quite simply: it is natural for a person to shift phenomena that they cannot understand to unknown forces. But even superstitious people can safely visit necropolises, because there are a number of tips with which you can protect yourself during your stay in the churchyard:

  • It is better to be on the graves in the daytime or in the morning. You should not go there in the evening, during sunset and after it.
  • A few hours before departure, it is recommended to visit the temple, pray, ask for blessings from the clergyman. During prayer, you should ask your Guardian Angel and the Saints to protect the unborn child from the influence of evil forces and undead souls.
  • You can make a small amulet yourself, for example, a bracelet made of red thread, which must be worn before being sent to the churchyard. If you sincerely and strongly believe in his protection, then nothing bad will happen.
  • You should not put on a large number of jewelry, as they are most often used in black magic. It is better to remove all jewelry and jewelry, leaving only the pectoral cross.
  • At the funeral, it is better not to talk to strangers and unfamiliar people, which will help to avoid the evil eye.
  • It is better not to come close to the deceased person, and in no case take his things!
  • At the necropolis, carefully monitor the behavior of animals and birds. And if their abnormal condition or behavior is noticed, it is better to immediately go home. There is a belief that animals are able to protect expectant mothers from any negativity.

Girls who are expecting a baby are not forbidden to visit necropolises and funerals, but only if they feel great and are not prone to depression and depressed states. If the expectant mother is very afraid of the whole funeral theme, then it is better to protect yourself from visiting such places before giving birth.

The birth of a new life transforms a woman. The more seriously she takes her mission as a parent if she also has to deal with the death of a loved one. Popular superstitions intimidate the future woman in labor with all sorts of misfortunes, so that she would in no case be present at the burial. There is also an opposite opinion, requiring the last honors to be paid to a dear person.

Consider both points of view on the difficult question: "Can pregnant women attend the funeral?".

Arguments "FOR" and "AGAINST" the presence of pregnant women at the funeral

Signs and common sense dictate that a woman in demolition stay at home. What can “disobedience” turn into and why should a pregnant woman refrain from visiting a cemetery?

CON: Seeing the dead is dangerous

Seeing a dead man in a coffin promises a pregnant woman complications during childbirth. This reason is not unfounded. Women's impressionability, coupled with strong feelings of death and fears caused by prejudice, can damage health.

FOR: Tribute to the deceased

Relatives from different parts of the Earth come to see off a loved one on a long journey. It is customary for Catholics to postpone the funeral ceremony until all family members have arrived. If the pregnant woman had special feelings for the deceased, it would be wrong to dissuade her from visiting the cemetery. After all, then she will reproach herself all her life for not honoring the memory of a dear person on such an important day.

AGAINST: Bad energy in the cemetery

Visiting cemeteries is not recommended for pregnant women because of their "dead" energy. In fact, it is not the dead that should be feared, but the living. Being in the crowd and hustle, the general oppressive atmosphere and even sidelong glances at the woman present can provoke her to faint.

PRO: Visiting a necropolis is just a visit to dead ancestors

Relatives, even the dead, do not harbor evil on their relatives. If a woman has a short term, you should simply wear more spacious clothes in the cemetery so as not to attract prying eyes. It is better if one of the escorts is nearby - he will be a kind of shield from "evil eyes".

CON: At a funeral, the soul of the deceased can "cling" to the unborn child

The priests call such superstitions pagan superstitions. Is it possible that a loved one, even a deceased one, will allow harm to be done? Remember how many people name their children after their grandparents, thereby wishing their child only good.

FOR: Sincere feelings for the deceased

You should listen to your own feelings. If a pregnant woman feels unwell on the day of the funeral, then it is better to postpone the visit to the cemetery to another day. She will be able to honor the memory of the deceased on a different date - at a wake on the 9th or 40th day, on Radunitsa or on another parental day. If you feel good, then the presence at the funeral is unlikely to provoke complications.

CON: Pregnant women should not enter the Temple

Old people say that when performing the funeral, a pregnant woman should not be near the coffin. In fact, to pay tribute to the deceased is a charitable deed. But the smell of incense and stale air can really make a pregnant woman dizzy. During the service, it is better for a young lady to be at the entrance to the Church in order to leave the premises in time as soon as she feels unwell.

FOR: Don't miss the funeral of a loved one

This argument is rather controversial. Even if one of the household members has died, a pregnant woman should first of all pay attention to her own desires and well-being. It is better to either refuse to visit the burial of a friend or colleague, or attend at the very beginning of the ceremony, before clogging the coffin lid. The death of a young boy or girl in the parents of the deceased may unconsciously cause hostility towards the pregnant woman. It is better not to provoke the household of the deceased to negative emotions.

AGAINST: Religious affiliation

Muslims do not accept the presence of women at burial. All funeral actions are performed by men, even if the deceased is a representative of the weaker sex. It is better for a pregnant Muslim woman to stay at home and grieve there for the untimely departed.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. This belief is passed down from generation to generation, while the explanation why the future mother should not do this has been lost for centuries.

Today we will try to figure out whether a pregnant woman should go to the graves of her loved ones and what various experts say about this - from psychologists to priests.

Signs, superstitions and mysticism

We list the main arguments that explain the ban:

  1. There is an opinion that an unborn child does not have a Guardian Angel, which will appear to him after baptism. Therefore, the soul of the baby in the female belly is protected only by the Guardian Angel of the mother, and therefore the child may be exposed to evil spirits.
  2. Since a cemetery is a place where many restless souls roam, they can harm the soul of a child who has not yet found his own body on earth, and possibly get this body for himself (we are talking about transmigration of souls).
  3. A pregnant woman categorically should not contact the dead. Even if the expectant mother just looks at the dead, her baby may be born weak and sickly.
  4. The souls of deceased people who have not yet left the earth and have not gone to hell or heaven can take with them the fragile soul of an unborn child.
  5. In the cemetery you can meet unkind people who may wish harm to the pregnant woman or even reluctantly jinx her. In addition, evil healers and sorcerers often visit the cemetery, whose activities also do not bring anything good for the child in the womb.

If you believe all these statements, then sending during pregnancy to a funeral or a cemetery is really not worth it. Expectant mothers often lose consciousness even without the tragic situation of the cemetery, especially in the early stages of bearing a baby.

The point of view of psychologists

Psychologists do not give a definite answer whether a pregnant woman should be present at the cemetery or not. As for the signs and superstitions described above, psychological science gives them a completely logical explanation: with the help of such irrational beliefs, our ancestors tried to protect pregnant women from the effects of negative emotions and experiences.

If you understand that you will cry and worry a lot in the cemetery, then you really should not go there. Instead of visiting the grave of the deceased, you can pray for him at home or in church.

In addition, a cemetery and a funeral are a place of concentration of a large number of people from whom a young woman in position can become infected with a viral or bacterial disease. Based on this, pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery, even if they have their own desire.

Church opinion

Orthodox priests not only allow pregnant women to visit the cemetery on the memorial (parental) day, but even recommend doing so. This position is dictated by the fact that each of us has obligations to the deceased relatives and friends, and therefore must regularly visit them at the burial site and take care of the grave.

Faith in God should help a woman cope with prejudice, and sincere prayer and the opportunity to symbolically talk with loved ones contribute to inner purification and peace.

But if graves, crosses and thoughts about the afterlife scare you even at home, then in this case the priests recommend staying at home or praying in church.

Can a pregnant woman attend a funeral?

When loved ones die, all the living consider it their duty to honor the deceased at least with their presence at his departure on his last journey. But it is undesirable for a pregnant woman to attend a funeral, and on this issue the opinions of both priests and psychologists, and old beliefs, converge.

Do not be afraid that someone will judge you if you do not come to the funeral of a very close or even dear person. Pregnancy is a natural and medically justified reason not to be present at the performance of such a ritual.

If you yourself feel the need to personally say goodbye to the dead, then try at least not to be present at the funeral service and burial in the cemetery.

Visit the deceased before the coffin is taken out of the house, and then return only for the wake, where you can share the grief with other people. During the funeral, think more about the child and his well-being.

What can protect a pregnant woman during a visit to a cemetery?

If the cemetery and thoughts of death cause you negative emotions, it may be really better for you to refrain from visiting the graves of loved ones (as well as their funerals).

If you understand that only a visit to the cemetery will bring you relief, where you can talk with the mourners, then follow your desire.

To protect yourself and your baby, follow these tips:

  1. To visit the graves, choose the morning or lunch time. In no case do not go to them at a time when the sun begins to decline.
  2. Try to talk to the priest before visiting the cemetery or just pray in the church. Ask the saints to protect you and your child from evil spirits and restless souls wandering around the cemetery.

  1. Make a symbolic amulet for yourself (a bracelet made of red thread or a pendant), and be sure to put it on yourself before going to the cemetery.
  2. Take the minimum amount of personal items with you, especially jewelry (leave only the pectoral cross). Personal belongings of pregnant women are often used in black magic.
  3. Before leaving the house, pray and cross yourself.
  4. During the funeral, try not to talk to people or meet their eyes to avoid the evil eye.
  5. Do not come close and do not touch the deceased, as well as their belongings.
  6. When you go to the cemetery, watch the behavior of animals and birds. If you see a cat, dog, or crow acting abnormally, it's best to return home. There is a belief that the souls of kind people live in animals, which can protect us from troubles.
  7. Don't stay in the cemetery for long. Enough 10 minutes.

Often, all superstitions are based on irrational beliefs that people hold only because of internal fear (or that arise to explain fear). Therefore, when thinking about going to a cemetery, first of all try to listen to your inner voice and intuition.

If you are afraid - better stay at home, if you still want to visit one of your loved ones at his grave - leave all superstitions at home and allow yourself to do this.

Video: a priest's opinion about visiting a cemetery during pregnancy