What you need to know before buying a mink coat. How to choose a mink coat

Any girl dreams of a fur coat and, of course, it is from mink that she is able to attract the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of girls. Any girl expects this kind of attention when purchasing a mink coat. But unfortunately, not every fur coat can make the right impression on others and bring you a sea of ​​emotions. To make your purchase worthwhile, we will tell you the secrets of professionals in choosing fur coats.

An indicator of the quality of a fur coat is its fur. First of all, you should pay your attention to him. The fur should under no circumstances be dull or faded. The peculiarity of mink is its healthy shimmering shine.

The pile should be elastic. This can be checked by placing your hand on the product and pressing the lint. If you remove your hand and shake the product, the fur should return to its previous shape. Also, he should not shed. This will also not be difficult to check. Tug the skin in several places. There should be no lint left in your hand.
The color of the fur should be uniform, without spots or streaks. If you choose a painted mink, then the paint should not remain on your hands or other materials.
The reverse side of the skin should be light in color, soft to the touch, without cracks. Under no circumstances should there be any green or yellow tints or stains.

  1. Russian. Its distinctive feature is the high underfur and high guard hair. Because of this feature, a fur coat made from such a mink will be very warm, but it will look very fluffy and voluminous. In terms of cost, products made from Russian mink are much cheaper than those made from Scandinavian or North American mink.
  2. North American. This type of mink is remembered for its velvety skin. Its underfur and guard hair are equally short, due to which North American mink coats are very light and have a very expensive appearance. Skins are purchased at elite auctions, due to which the price is quite high.
  3. Scandinavian mink is the most common type of fur for the production of fur products. It is distinguished by thick, padded underfur and medium-length guard hair. Due to their color, fur coats made from such mink look expensive. The underfur of the Scandinavian mink is lighter, and the guard hair is dark; this color shimmers beautifully in the sunlight. Products made from Scandinavian mink are warm enough, even for winter in northern Russia. Because due to the nature of the skin, it retains heat very well.

What to consider when choosing

Choosing a mink coat is not an easy task. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the height and characteristics of the figure. For example, tall, slender girls have room to roam when choosing a fur coat because it will decorate such girls in any style and length of the product.

For girls with curvy figures, it is worth choosing darker shades of mink with a contrasting voluminous collar; if height allows, it is advisable to choose elongated fur coats that flare downwards. Such fur coats will visually hide a couple of extra pounds. In addition, fur coats with a herringbone pattern will look great on girls with large figures; it will also elongate the silhouette and give the figure even greater grace.

Having decided on the choice of fur coat, you should not rush into buying it; there are too many scammers on the fur market who want to make money from you. When purchasing a quality fur coat, it is better to study it carefully so as not to discover unpleasant surprises over time.

It is worth noting that if you decide to take a dyed mink, you need to take a white napkin and run it along the fur along and against the pile. If pigment remains on the napkin, it is better not to take such a fur coat. After the first contact with moisture, the paint will begin to peel off unevenly and leave streaks.

How to choose and not be deceived

Often they try to deceive buyers and instead of mink they try to sell cheaper fur, for example, rabbit or marmot. Remember, rabbit fur. Unlike mink, it is soft, while marmot's hair is more prickly and has different lengths.

Another common method of deception is brand counterfeiting. Expensive fur products must have a mark on the skins or a stamp indicating that the skins were purchased at auction. If there are none, you have the right to request certificates of conformity from store employees. If they refuse to provide them to you, it means that the products in this store are of poor quality and will definitely not last you long.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence of a chip. Such a chip, or as it is also called KiZ, is a guarantee of the quality of the fur product. Using the barcode of the chip, the buyer can track the stages of fur production, from the purchase of skins to the receipt of goods in the store.

This method appeared relatively recently and helps to prevent buyers from purchasing a low-quality product.

It is also very important where you buy your fur coat. It is safest to buy such things in time-tested places, not at markets, fairs and fur exhibitions, but in fur salons and stores that have been operating for several years and definitely will not disappear anywhere. This way you will have 100% confidence that you will not be deceived with the product warranty, which, by the way, must be at least 2 years.

What do we know about fur coats? Yes, very little. We know that a mink coat is cool, but a sable coat couldn’t be cooler. Perhaps that's all. Meanwhile, on today’s market for fur products there are so many mink coats alone that if you don’t learn to understand them, it’s easy to get into trouble like the heroine of a famous joke:

- But they sold me a fur coat made of cat skins instead of mink...
- So how is it?
- It’s okay, I’m wearing it. It’s good, it’s warm, but in the spring I really want to go to the attic...

Cropped fur coats from 1956 from Christian Dior and warm luxury from 2019 from Marconi.

Times change, but the love for fur remains

So, what are they like - mink coats, luxurious and desirable.

1. Real and fake

Experts joke that the best way to make sure that you were sold a product made from the skin of a mink, and not another animal, is to do a DNA analysis. The second way - the real one - is to evaluate the shape of the skin. In mink, unlike other furs, it resembles a highly elongated trapezoid. For those who love mathematics, we specify: 10-15 cm in width and 45-65 in length. For the humanists, we add: on the label of a fur coat, mink is designated exclusively by the words vison(e) (French, Italian) or mink (English). And nothing else.

Some sellers of fur products claim that there is a third way to check fur for authenticity: just as a real Orenburg scarf must fit into a wedding ring, so a real mink coat must fit into a woman’s bracelet.

2. Of boys and girls

Boy or girl - this question worries not only a pregnant woman, but also the buyer of a new fur coat, because fur products made from males and females are very different from each other. Males, as befits the stronger sex, are more persistent, warm, and fluffy. Females are delicate and graceful, with less dense fur. Short products are sewn from “men’s” heavy skins, and long and flared ones from light “women’s” skins.

Size matters

There is a widespread belief that women's skins are better than men's, because a fur coat made from a female is 20-25% more expensive than a product made from a male. In fact, the quality of the skin depends more on the dressing and class of fur than on the gender of the animal. High-quality male skins look no worse than lower-class female skins. And the difference in price, as a rule, is due to the fact that females are smaller in size and a larger quantity is required for a fur coat.

3. Durable and not very durable

“Which fur coat lasts the longest?” - this question ranks first in the ranking of the most useless questions about furs and first place in the ranking of the most frequently asked. After all, the service life of a fur coat depends primarily on how you take care of it and how much you wear it. Secondly, it depends on the type of fur. A high-quality mink, for example, lasts at least eight winters, does not dry out for a long time, and is not afraid of wet snow and dirt.

Another question is that it is very difficult to evaluate the quality of a mink coat on your own. Here you either go to a trusted store that has recommendations from satisfied customers, or take a furrier course.

4. Solid and “dissolved”

Once a skin, two skins - there will be a fur coat. This sewing method is called one-piece. It is used to produce fur coats from rare and expensive furs, which are simply blasphemous to cut into pieces.

Only the entire section of mink fur is used for a full coat - No. 3, plus a little is captured№2, 4, 6.

For the most expensive fur coats, only section No. 3 is placed.

No. 3 - has the thickest and most uniform hair growth and durable skin tissue

The method of one-piece tailoring has been known to furriers for a long time: such were the long-skirted fur coats of Russian noblewomen and the stoles of European aristocrats of the 18th century. But fashion is changing, and today beauties around the world are presented with unusual styles and shortened models, which sometimes simply cannot be made from uncut skins. Therefore, modern designers have mastered and are making full use of a new sewing technology - unraveling, the essence of which is to cut the skin diagonally into narrow strips and then sew with a vertical offset. The result is narrow but long skins, from which those delightful “flowing” fur coats are sewn, the owners of which are the envy of all passing ladies. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the unraveling conceals the joints of the skins, creating the impression of a single material, a “flying” silhouette.

Cut-up fur coats are cheaper than whole fur coats, because they are made using the entire skin, and not just rectangular pieces of the best fur (as with whole-cut fur coats). In addition, to sew garments for dismantling, they often use clippings from defective skins (there is a hole, the fur has been wiped off), which does not significantly affect the quality of the fur coat, but significantly affects the price. She falls.

By the way, even on an expensive one-piece fur coat there will be areas sewn into pieces. They are needed to create interesting reliefs, to properly fit the fur product on the shoulders, armpits, and in the chest area. If such inserts occupy only 5-10% of the total area of ​​the fur coat, this is a good thing, you should take it.

5. To cut or to pluck - that is the question

The difference between sheared and plucked mink is the same as between kebab and steak. Both meats are delicious. But it's prepared differently.

When shearing, the longest hairs of the fur - the awn - are shortened; when pinching, they are completely removed. With expensive and not yet used in Russia, laser “haircutting” involves burning the fur to the desired length with a laser beam, and with “polishing,” the fur hairs are shaved off to a height of 0.5-1 mm, resulting in fur that feels similar to suede. Not very warm, but unusual.

With the help of laser cutting, the fur is not only shortened, but also acquires an unusual pattern.

Many ladies are afraid that the first thing that falls into the hands of a fur coat “hairdresser” is low-quality fur. And it is true. Expensive good fur is not plucked or cut, because the silky guard hair is its main value.

Plucked and trimmed furs are not recommended for daily wear - the hairless underfur is quickly wiped off, depriving the product of a presentable appearance. Usually, so-called evening fur coats are made from shortened fur, designed to be thrown over a long dress while jogging from the car to the entrance to a restaurant or club. Such fur products are the same as a Ferrari car: prestigious, impressive, stylish, but you can’t go fishing or shopping normally - instead of a spacious trunk, there’s a motor.

6. Minks are different: black, white and... speckled

Depending on where they live, all 50 million minks existing on the planet today are divided into four types: American, Scandinavian, Russian and European. The grandmother of these animals is the American mink; its family includes the most expensive types of mink - Blackglama and Blacknafa. Velvety, purebred black with a barely noticeable brown tint, coats made from these furs leave no one indifferent. Even Naomi Campbell, who recently declared that she would rather walk naked than wear a natural mink coat, did not deny herself the pleasure of trying on Blackglama.

Why didn’t I like fur before? Because I didn’t have a Blackglama fur coat!

But the largest family is Scandinavian. Breeders love experimenting with these furs. Thanks to their efforts, blue mink - which looks spectacular on platinum blondes - and white mink appeared. The latter is a rare and expensive guest in Russian salons. You need to hunt for it at fur exhibitions and auctions. Charge your credit card to full - and go! By the way, only there you can find mink coats of exclusive color mutations: gray with white specks (“stardust”) or dark yellow with chocolate stains (“marble”).

Another fantasy of breeders: jaguar-colored mink. Russian furriers jokingly call it “burenka”

Our native Russian mink is usually brown. Or rather, for amateurs it is brown, and for connoisseurs of good fur - nut, dark pastel, wild and a dozen other shades. The rarer the color, the more expensive the skin.

The coarsest fur is European, with a dense underfur and high moisture resistance. It is widespread in the south of Siberia. It is worn by strong Siberian women with calm, solemn faces that can stop a galloping horse and look cooler than queens.

Well, if the mink of the desired color does not yet exist in nature, paint will come to the rescue!

7. From the waist to the floor

A trip to the subway during rush hour is murder for a long fur coat. It is only suitable for going out: to the theater, to a social party, a leisurely walk... Royal flowing fur coats “to the floor” are intended for wealthy and accomplished ladies. Or for older women. For young girls, designers offer knee-length models and short sheepskin coats - “autoladies”. They are practical and go well with affordable jeans and fashionable long scarves.

8. And finally

We all know that a good thing is an expensive thing. And a mink coat for 50 thousand rubles, sold through a newspaper ad, is not worth the candle. The low price of such a product indicates the low quality of its fur. And where does the silky fur come from from a mink, for which one and a half rubles a day is allocated for food? You can't feed a hamster with that kind of money.

Mink is a small but voracious animal

Where did such a modest “living wage” come from? Let’s count together: a fur coat costs 50 thousand rubles. Of these, 10 thousand is the store’s markup, and the same amount is tailoring. In total, the net cost of the skins is 30 thousand rubles. A woman’s fur coat requires at least 30 skins, which means the price of one skin is one thousand rubles. Half of this cost goes towards caring for the animal and subsequent dressing. This leaves only 500 rubles for food. In year. This is how long a mink lives from birth to skin. So it turns out that the beast is entitled to only one and a half rubles a day! What kind of balanced nutrition is there for the thickness of the undercoat and vitamins for the shine of the fur? If only she didn’t stretch out her paws.

And it’s good if the low cost of a fur coat is associated only with the terrible quality of its skins, because stolen, used and hazardous products are also sold at bargain prices. Do we need it?

In general, if your budget for purchasing new winter clothes is limited, it is better to buy a beautiful sheepskin coat than to buy a suspiciously cheap mink. Moreover, experts in social etiquette say: wearing a mink coat that costs less than your six-month or even quarterly salary is bad manners. It's like wearing a fake watch or bag.

In anticipation of the coming winter season, let's talk about how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake. Fur is an expensive pleasure, and paying a lot of money for a fake or illiquid item is doubly offensive. But don't worry! Experts from the Furs of Russia portal will guide you along the most winding path to meeting your favorite and desired mink coat.

How to identify mink fur

Mink belongs to the highest category of valuable furs along with sable, lynx, chinchilla and is characterized by increased wear resistance. A mink coat is worn for at least 6-8 winters, and can last 10-14 seasons.

It is for its beauty and durability that mink is so loved. But its quality varies, as does its price. The quality is mainly affected by the age of the fur, part of the skin and the type of mink: European, Scandinavian, American, etc. Fur coats are sewn from different parts. From the back they are more expensive, from the forehead and belly they are cheaper.

Self-assessment of fur quality

Let's try to determine the quality ourselves. The method is suitable for both individual skins and the entire product.

1. We evaluate it by touch.

Good quality fur feels smooth and soft to the touch. Moderately pliable, the fibers should return to their previous position when you run your hand over it. It should sting a little. Less wear-resistant fur, the same rabbit, softer and not itchy. Also look at the undercoat to see if it is thick enough.

Important: Good fur does not need painting. They cut and dye to disguise defects.

2. We look at the undercoat.

Mink comes in winter and summer. They differ in pile and undercoat. The winter coat has a thicker undercoat, is warmer, and costs less. Summer mink has a smoother, even and shiny appearance, there is less undercoat, and it costs more.

3. Check the flesh.

The mezdra is the lower part of the skin. She talks about age. Choose only products and skins with light, elastic core. Dark, brown - indicates the old age of the fur.

4. We evaluate visually.

Look at the coat or skin as a whole. The fur should be uniform and even. The fur on the back is denser and smoother. Lobes, bellies and other parts are less durable and beautiful. But they are significantly cheaper.

Important: The product made from the backs has absolutely no visible joints or undercoat. It gives the impression of cast skin. The coat of parts looks as if it is sewn from small semicircles, it looks wavy.

How not to buy a rabbit instead of a mink?

The rabbit is more suitable as a cheap analogue of the chinchilla, especially the Rex breed. But they also pass it off as a mink, usually as a sheared one. A rabbit is a good animal. It grows quickly and is soft to the touch. Its price is one of the lowest on the fur market. It is not at all shameful for a young girl to have a vest or purse made of rabbit. It’s worse if, under the guise of an expensive and high-quality mink, they offer a rabbit fur coat. Lack of experience leads to the purchase of such “mink coats”. But this can be avoided. You must use keen eyes and a skeptical attitude.

You can tell a rabbit from a mink by eye. Rabbit fur is soft and fluffy. Looks like cotton balls. Has virtually no undercoat. To bring the rabbit closer to the shorter hair of the mink, it is plucked. Spread the pile, look inside it to see if there is undercoat.

Look at the color. The rabbit is one color, and the mink has small white hairs. The fur coat itself does not “play” in the sun and has no shine.

Next test - to the touch. Rabbit is much softer than mink. Feel more fur coats, after 10 you will understand where the fur is soft and where it is harder.

Important: A sheared mink feels prickly with trimmed guard hairs to the touch, but the rabbit still remains soft.

The difference between a good mink coat

A good mink coat looks expensive and rich. The quality is visible in everything: cut, tailoring, details and the level of the fur itself. The fur coat must be sewn from solid plates, from the backs. This is the most wear-resistant and beautiful option.

Sometimes a fur coat is sewn unraveled. For this technology, the skins are cut into a herringbone pattern and stitched back together. On the one hand, the fur coat has a flying silhouette, but, on the other hand, the product itself is less durable. If sewing is of poor quality, furrows may appear after the first season. When choosing such a model, pay special attention to the quality of the seams.

A good fur coat is well made. No protruding threads, no loose seams. The seams should not be visible at all. Expensive lining. After all, a fur coat is bought to last for many years, and the lining should also not wear out ahead of time.

Pay attention to the style. Super fashionable tailoring can look outdated after 1-2 seasons. If you do not plan to change your fur coat often, give preference to the classics.

Important: According to statistics, the most popular fur coat model is knee-length and with a hood. It's warm and you don't have to buy a hat.

A good fur coat is unlikely to be made in a handicraft industry. The master must understand furs, be able to select skins by color and quality for one product, and know all the intricacies of technology. Knowledge and skills are acquired over years and no one will exchange them for sewing low-quality products. Large showrooms work directly with well-known factories, offering customers the best models.

Before buying, don’t be lazy to check the mink coat

Now we have come to the exciting moment: I like the fur coat, the price is right, all that remains is to go through our checklist.

1. Shake your fur coat, rattles or not, or squeeze the edge, listen to the rustling. The sounds will tell you whether the fur was overdried or the dressing technology was not followed.

2. Blow on the pile and touch the entire surface with your hands. You should not be able to find any creases by touch; you need a soft fur coat.

Important: Creases on the core lead to holes and rapid wear.

3. Run your palm over the fur or gently tug the hairs. There should be nothing left in the hands, and the fur should quickly return to its previous position.

Important: Do not believe the assurances that the fur is shedding because the fur coat has been folded for a long time or has not been worn. The fur is coming out due to violations of the production technology or the mink was harvested during molting.

4. Look at the appearance how uniform the color is throughout the entire product, smooth color transitions.

5. Run a white napkin over the fur coat or a handkerchief. They must remain clean. This way you can check whether the fur is dyed or not.

6. Look at the flesh, raising the hem of the lining if it is not sewn, or spreading the fur from the outside. Take a fur coat only with light flesh, which indicates a lack of dye and young fur.

Important: there is an opinion among buyers that the lining of a fur coat should not be sewn on, otherwise it is a fake. We hasten to dispel this myth. The manufacturer decides whether or not to sew on the lining, and many famous designers and factories sew it on, which in no way detracts from the merits of designer products.

7. Smell. There should be no chemical odors. Another “bell” of dyed fur. Also, you should not feel dried animal fat, this is an indicator of a violation of the technological process.

Important: sometimes the interior remains light even when painted. This happens when using dyeing technology with bleaching or lightening. Then trust your sense of smell.

8. Look at the armpits. They will betray a seller who is trying to sell a used fur coat.

Important: Wrinkled armpits indicate a worn product.

9. Look at the seams, they must be strong and durable; also the quality of the lining fabric, and how it was sewn.

Important: the perfect lining is hand-sewn through bias tape.

10. Study the label. It must contain the serial number and country of origin of the fur, the address of the manufacturer and other contacts.

Important: The auction fur will still have a separate label.

And finally, no matter how trivial it may sound, buy fur coats in trusted places. Well-known trading houses and brands do not sacrifice their reputation for the sake of dubious profits from trading in low-quality fur; in the long run it will be more expensive.

What woman doesn’t dream of a mink coat, shiny and light? A fur coat is a thing that will please any girl and will increase her visual attractiveness in the eyes of others. Women at any time of the year want to stand out from the crowd by paying attention to their appearance. A fur coat is one of those delights that ladies admire and attract the attention of men. Choosing a quality product and being satisfied with the purchase of mink is not always easy. It is only important to be careful and observant when examining a fur product. It is very easy to get a low-quality Chinese fake at the market or in small unsightly shops. Sellers can talk their teeth and sell low-quality goods at the price of the original item. Choosing an authentic mink coat and wearing it for at least several seasons is an ideal option for a woman. To find out how to determine the quality of a mink coat, you need to read information about the counterfeiting of mink fur and the production of genuine fur coats.

The difference between a genuine mink coat and a fake one

You must check the quality of the fur product immediately in the store. Armed with a wealth of knowledge to check a fur coat, you can easily choose a high-quality and original model.

When purchasing, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

  • You can check a real mink coat by pinching off a piece of lint. If this is successful, it means that the technology for preparing the material was broken or the mink moulted at the time of death.
  • A mink outfit can be checked using a piece of white cloth by running it quickly over the fur several times. Dying the fabric the same color as the dyed fur coat will indicate that the fur coat was produced unfairly.
  • The authenticity of a fur coat can be distinguished by neat seams inside the lining and the absence of tears.
  • A good fur coat can be distinguished from a fake by how it feels after touching it: mink fur is harsh, but rabbit fur, for example, is softer.
  • The fur should be dense and shiny.
  • The flesh should not crunch when folded; this is a clear sign of difference from a fake.

The characteristics of a fur outfit are determined by its longevity in the future, preservation of appearance and energy-saving properties. The purchase is made for at least several years, and is worn for up to ten years or more. The quality of fur depends on its preliminary storage; this is, first of all, maintaining temperature storage conditions.

A Chinese counterfeit of such a fur coat cannot be compared with the original one, it will not shine as much and the pile may be soft, more like a rabbit's. A real fur coat can only be determined by people who are knowledgeable about this issue, who can carefully examine the product in practice and draw the appropriate conclusions. It is important to buy a warm product, since this is mainly why it is bought, to keep you warm in very cold weather, and not just for aesthetic beauty. Of course, a mink coat will look great and will not leave a woman unnoticed and will serve as decoration. The brand of a thing does not indicate its quality; the buyer will have to check everything with his own hands.

If there is a defect inside the fur coat, it can be seen when examining the product from the inside. There should be no tears in the expensive linen of fur; the flesh will be of the same thickness and color. The pieces of fur should be approximately the same size and sewn well. This is an option for determining the quality of a mink coat. If the product has a lining, it should ideally be made of good fabric - for example, silk. Salons offer a large number of fur outfits of different colors and lengths to choose from. A natural mink coat can be verified for authenticity within the first six months. If stored incorrectly, the fur will quickly turn yellow and begin to come out.

Only those who have already been burned in this matter once know how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake and not overpay for foreign consumer goods. The ideal option would be to provide a warranty period for the product. In this case, the consumer is supported by articles of law that protect him from low-quality products. If the purchased product turns out to be a fake, you can return it to the store with tags and a receipt.

And how to determine the quality of a mink coat in a store, so as not to cause dissatisfaction with sellers and not provoke a conflict, professionals in sewing such products will tell you.

A quality fur coat can be determined by examining pieces of animal skin. This is what stores do if their manufacturers have nothing to hide from potential buyers. This service is not provided at the market or in small stores, but in a more expensive chain of fur products, the service is usually at the highest level. And, nevertheless, expensive stores can also fail you in choosing original mink fur, so the task of choosing a quality product is not an easy one.

A mink coat is considered a sign of beauty and grace, an indicator of high status
women. Modern manufacturers offer many models of complex cuts,
made from sheared and dyed fur, with various components and
decorative decorations. Today, mink coats are not only elegant and beautiful, but also not
so expensive in cost. The main thing is to choose the right model and not buy a fake,
the quality of which is low. But how to check the quality of a mink coat? Not all
have the necessary experience in choosing such things. It is important to be able to determine
quality independently, so as not to make a mistake with the color and end up being disappointed in

5 indicators of a good mink coat

1. Shine of the pile - a good model has shimmer in the light, the shine is always
2. Natural brightness.
3. The wool is completely uniform in color.
4. Natural smell of leather and fur.
5. When you pull out the fibers, a maximum of a few pieces remain in your hand, and when
There may be no need to repeat the procedure at all.
The consumer should know that the process of making fur outerwear is very
labor-intensive, so it’s not difficult to understand how to distinguish a high-quality mink coat from
poor quality. If the skin is poorly processed, then the wearing process will be accompanied by
unpleasant odor of fat residues that were not removed during processing.

Which product to buy

During the purchasing process, it is better to carefully inspect the product. Many defects
low-quality models will be visible to the naked eye. How to determine quality
mink coat and you can find out which product to buy after checking it yourself
for quality. Several important aspects will tell you about this.

Mink coat outside

The outside of the fur coat is covered with fur pile. Inside, under the lining, there is a mesdra, which
should be elastic and light. External signs can also help check the suitability of a mink coat. Bad material is distinguished by:

  • The presence of burnt spots and a generally uneven shade. Even if the product
    has a certain shine, then such defects indicate old age
    material where the gloss is obtained artificially. Natural color for similar
    models is uncharacteristic. A bad mink coat can be recognized by the presence of dents and
    abrasions. They happen not only on old material, but also on new one.
    Scuffs can form during the life of the animals, and in most cases
    they are not deleted.
  • Dry, hard skin. A low-quality model feels like thick paper
    and in the process of bending it makes a characteristic sound. Over time the skins
    fall apart or break. High-quality flesh is soft by default.
  • There are rust spots on the hairs. They cannot be deleted because they
    formed in the process of improper keeping of animals.
  • The hairs of the fur fall out in clumps, but not along the entire perimeter, but on certain
    areas. You can check a mink coat by tugging the hairs.

How to find out fur characteristics

Regardless of the variety of skins and types of mink, universal
indicators that determine value. The quality of a mink coat can be recognized by them.
First of all, it is the softness, shine, height and density of the pile. Checking the selected model
can be done directly in the store. Ways to check mink fur for quality,
are simple and do not cause any harm to the product.

  • It is necessary to run your palm along the surface, against the pile. Fur high
    quality will be able to return to its original position. There will be no formation of any
    or dents or refractions of the cover. And there will be no fluff or lint left on your hand.
  • During visual inspection, the joints of the skins are not visible. This directly affects
    overall quality of the fur coat. In addition, the joints must be characterized by high
    accuracy. This can be checked by stretching them in both directions. Places
    bayonets can be seen on the shoulder and collar areas. They are made
    thick threads.
  • The undercoat has a high and soft surface, with great density.
    villi. After holding your hand, you get the impression of softness, but not
  • The top hair is the same length. The presence of protruding villi,
    indicates that the fur has been trimmed. Such a fur coat cannot be classified as high quality.

How to correctly assess the quality of the flesh of a mink coat

Another way to check a mink coat for quality is by looking at its flesh. Necessary
move the hairs apart on the surface of the selected model and look at the shade of the flesh. IN
On a good product it is always light. And brown color indicates preliminary
color of the villi.

A darkened shade of the skin indicates improper storage. it's the same
an easy way to determine the quality of a mink coat when purchasing. The consumer needs
inspect the back surface of the skin. To do this you will need to look under the gasket.
Additionally, the lining of a good fur coat is made of good quality material.
It symmetrically follows the cut of the product, does not embarrass the wearer while wearing it, and
doesn't clump anywhere. The bottom is completely free, so access to the back surface
carried out without problems.

Mink fakes

The question of how to check the quality of the fur of a mink coat is simple and is discussed above.
In addition to poor-quality processing of skins, counterfeits of leather are quite common today.
mink We are talking about selling cheap fur, which is used in the manufacturing process, for
more expensive. The cost of the model is an order of magnitude lower.

One of the most popular types of counterfeiting is the use of rabbit, marmot,
shorn beaver, honorik and other animals. How to determine the quality of a mink coat in
in this case, and what kind of fur was used? The rabbit is always soft and fluffy to the touch.
Marmot and beaver are tough and have spiky hair. Honorik has a less dense pile.
In order not to purchase a fur coat from another material, you need to make a purchase exclusively in
fur salon and require a certificate for the product.

Types of mink

Mink fur is expensive and in demand due to many characteristics. mink
bred in several countries, but most models are based on North American
variety. Hair and undercoat of equal length - this is the main feature in
the question of how to distinguish a good mink coat from a product made of bad fur, which never
will not have the same length of fibers.

Mink raised in the wild

Under the influence of climate, animal nutrition and breeding area, the type of fur varies from
mink raised in the wild. This is a rare type of fur. Characterized by long
pile and dark gray-brown tint. The cost of the product is high, because for
To obtain such a fur coat you need many skins of the same type. Popular types:

  • The Russian mink is bred in Russia, characterized by long hair, thick
    undercoat. This is the most “shaggy” type, providing excellent protection in cold weather.
  • Scandinavian mink is more common. The fur has medium evenness and
    thick underfur.
  • Finnish mink is common in northern European countries and, in fact, is considered a variety of Scandinavian mink.
  • North American mink. An animal from the USA or Canada has soft fur, since the hair and undercoat are the same size.

Farmed mink

Animals raised on farms in China are called Chinese mink. Many
American and European countries also have mink farms. Result
sequential selection work and artificially created hybrids - breeding
about a hundred shades of natural color, which provides the consumer with a wide choice in
during the acquisition. Therefore, check the quality of the mink coat when purchasing, based on
shades, not so easy.

What you need to know about the manufacturer

How to determine a high-quality mink coat based on the brand and country of origin?
Quite simple. The highest quality fur coats by country are considered to be products from the USA,
Greece, Canada, Italy, Russia and Germany. The country of origin plays a big role in
the question of how to choose the right fur coat, since not only the style,
design and quality of the material, but also the wear resistance of the product.

North American countries

How to check a North American mink coat? Mech by default has
low pile, no shine. Such models are called velvet. Characteristic
A special feature for the Russian consumer is that fur coats are perfect for our winters.

Scandinavian countries

80% of all models are produced in Scandinavian countries. How to identify a mink coat
of such a type? The buyer needs to carefully inspect it from all sides. Scandinavian
the type is distinguished by its chic shine, therefore it has the unofficial name “black”
diamond". Scandinavian manufacturers are represented on our market.


Russian fur remains the warmest for a long period. All models with
long spine and underfur, so they have a tousled appearance.
Domestic fur coats are cheaper than foreign products. The range of shades is wide.

Italy and Greece

There is no mink farming here. But this does not stop local producers
create full-fledged masterpieces in terms of style and design. Not acceptable for such models
The question is about quality - it is always at its best. Italian and Greek products are famous throughout
world and annually dictate fashion for the winter season. The main thing is to purchase the product only in
specialized store.


China is capable of producing high-quality models, but there is high demand from local
consumers does not allow them to be exported to other countries. They go abroad
low-quality budget options. A good product can only be purchased
on the territory of the country.