What does an unknown gift sender mean in VK. How to find out who sent an anonymous gift on VKontakte

In this social network, it is possible to please another user and give him a memorable gift in the form of a colorful image that will be displayed on his page. Each user owns this function, but if earlier there was a convenient opportunity to view the list of sent gifts using a special tab, then at the moment this option is no longer there. So how to find out who gave gifts to VKontakte?

You can send free or paid gifts to your friends. They differ in value, but the general principle of working with these gifts is the same. Information about to whom and what gifts you gave is stored in the database of the social network, but if you forgot what gift you sent to the user and do not want to send him a second one of the same type, how to view this information so as not to make a mistake?

How to see sent gifts VK?

Answering the question, how to view sent gifts on VK? It should be noted that in order to increase security in the social network, the functionality in terms of this was heavily limited for users. At the moment there are not many ways. The key ones include the following:

  • Refer to the correspondence with the user. If you have not deleted it, then the sent gifts will be displayed directly in the correspondence, and you can always see the entire list of gifts that were sent to a specific user. To do this, it will be enough just to go to the necessary correspondence and, using the search, find messages that indicate information about the gifts sent.
  • View the list of gifts on the user page. But in this case, you will be able to successfully find what you need only when you yourself remember what you approximately sent to this user. And only if you did not set a special setting that hides the sender's name from everyone except the user who will receive the gift.
  • Check with the user what you sent him. Perhaps he did not delete your correspondence, or he can easily see the list of gifts on his page. However, it is important to understand that this method deprives you of the opportunity to surprise the user.

Now you have an idea about how this social network stores information about sent gifts. In order to improve the security of users, there are not so many of them. Therefore, if you want to be able to view the list of sent gifts by accuracy, do not rush to delete the correspondence with the user.

Hello, friends! Each user has a lot of personal information displayed on his personal Vkontakte page. And if you do not want guests or page subscribers to see, for example, your age, friends list, other people's posts on the feed, and much more, then all this is done on the settings page.

The General tab opens. We need a "Page Settings" section. In it, check the box next to the item "Hide gift block". You can return to your profile, as all changes made will be saved automatically.

The peculiarity of this method is that the gift block will disappear from the main page. In addition to the fact that none of the strangers or friends will see it, you will also not be able to watch them.

If you want it to be displayed for you, then you can use the second method. On the settings page, go to the "Privacy" tab. Then, in the "Who sees the list of my gifts" field, open the drop-down list and select the appropriate option. All settings are saved automatically.

So that no one can see the gifts except you, select "Only me". It is possible to leave access to them to friends - "Only friends", or to certain users who will need to be specified - "Some friends".

Now this block is visible only to those to whom you have allowed it.

From the application on the phone

If you are used to using Vkontakte from your phone through an installed mobile application, then you can easily hide the block with gifts in it.

Go to your profile, click on the three bars at the bottom right and click on the button in the form of a gear - this is "Settings".

Scroll down a little and find an item with the same name as I indicated above: "Who sees the list ...".

This feature will be useful for those who have a lot of subscribers and friends who try their best to attract attention by sending messages, sending gifts and the like. By hiding the Vkontakte Gifts block, you will immediately begin to pay less attention to at least them. Well, or you just don't want someone to know who is sending you presents.

Tatyana Piteryakova

Every girl dreams of a secret admirer, thanks to whom her life becomes interesting. For example, an anonymous valentine comes to me, and it becomes curious who sent it. In my thoughts, I immediately draw a tall young man with a Greek profile, who has not yet met me, or, at worst, Vaska from the next entrance, which I have liked for a long time. Such a secret is pleasant, but still I want to reveal it and find out who made the gift.

How to find out who sent a valentine

It is important the place where the gift was received. More and more valentines are presented in social networks. It is almost impossible to calculate the donor here, but it makes sense to do the following:

  1. Go to Status.
  2. Write "Thank you for the gift."
  3. Open "comments".
  4. Wait.

Next, see who will send comments. If the donor wants to talk about his feelings, then he will definitely do it, perhaps he will not directly talk about them, but somehow he will still hint. There are secret admirers who are embarrassed to confess their sympathy. Such a donor will be silent like a fish. But in this case, the question arises of how much you need such an indecisive young man.

Think for yourself, if you succeed in a relationship, then in them you will have to be a leader and make many decisions on your own. Of course, this opinion is not 100%, but in most cases it corresponds to reality. A determined young man will not be able to endure for long and will eventually reveal himself.

How else to figure out who the valentine is from

Another option is more interesting . Set status but different content“I am very pleased to receive a valentine from you. Let's meet today at 4 pm at our favorite cafe." Of course, the time may be different, and the content too, but the essence should not change.

If a young man is interested in this relationship, then he will definitely come. You will meet him at the appointed time. If no one responds to the invitation, then there may be several options:

  1. The young man is too modest.
  2. It's just your friend who doesn't want a relationship.
  3. Someone played a joke on you.

Therefore, if you did not wait for the donor, then do not be particularly upset, because real relationships are waiting for you ahead.

How can you find out who gave you a secret valentine off social media

A gift cannot and should not be limited to the social network. You study at school, university or go to work every day. For example, you received a valentine in one of these places. Of course, it is signed by hand. In this case, the donor can be calculated by handwriting. Compare pen color or see who their young people have a marker with which the postcard is signed. Select a few candidates to consider as donors. In this case, everything is simple.

If a postcard was thrown into your box or under the door, then things are more complicated here. There is only one way to know the truth - ask neighbors, which at the estimated time could pass by. Maybe there was a cleaning lady at the entrance, but it is unlikely that a person would throw a valentine into a box in the presence of strangers.

In this case camcorder helps out if it is in your porch. Ask the operator to show who entered and exited it. You may be able to see a familiar face. It is more difficult if the donor himself lives in your entrance. Then you need to view the video from the camera located above the mailboxes (if there is a camera there, of course).

There is another option - write a response to a congratulation and put it in the place where you took the valentine from. And do not forget to enter information about the meeting place and time at which it will take place. You can also specify the time at which you will wait for the donor's call, in this case, write your phone number. It may well be that the young man does not know him.

If no one comes to the meeting or there is no call to the specified number, then do not bother and get distracted by more interesting things

Eg, think about how to spend the next holidays, the first of which will be Defender of the Fatherland Day, prepare gifts for dad or brother. It is possible that there is nothing serious in this Valentine, but your real destiny will not go anywhere and will definitely be announced sooner or later.

Any girl is pleased when she is presented with a gift, and even a secret one. Of course, she immediately wants to find a donor. Such an “investigation” will captivate and give a good mood. Nevertheless, one should not take the gift seriously, so as not to be disappointed - you never know who made it. And you can figure out a person thanks to a personal meeting or his call, of course, if he himself wants it.

Valentines January 30, 2018

We've already touched on it before. But today we’ll talk a little more specifically and try to answer one question as accurately and completely as possible: “How to find out an unknown sender of a gift on VKontakte?”. Ready? Begin!

Anonymous sender: how to decrypt it?

Ok, let's not drag it out by confusing you with all sorts of jokes, as other social media advisor sites do. Let's say right away, without hiding: "You will not be able to find out who sent you an anonymous gift?". This is an extremely rare case when it is difficult for VKontakte to bypass something hidden. Even hidden friends can be recognized through special services. But, alas, neither the guests of your page, nor the name of the one who presented the surprise picture anonymously, you will not know for 100%.

Do you think it's bad? Maybe. But only if you are the recipient and are literally eager to unravel the mystery of the anonymous person. What if you were sending a gift, wanting to keep your name private? It is unlikely that they would be happy to be exposed ...

As for third-party services that still promise to find out who is behind the secret admirers and donors, then be prepared for deception. Especially if this is a paid resource - you will simply be “rolled” for money. And it is better not to trust free services. Most likely, they will just get access to your personal information (contacts, friends list, wall, etc.). And behind this, all sorts of scenarios can already be hidden, starting with banal access to posting publications on your wall and ending with hacker actions. Therefore, it is not worth the risk: the consequences of your curiosity can cost you dearly.

But if the person who gave the gift did not hide his name from you when sending the gift, then it is very, very easy to recognize him. Now let's quickly tell, maybe it will be interesting and useful to someone:

  1. go to your VK page;
  2. click on "Gifts" located under the profile picture;
  3. we find our gift picture of interest and look at the name of the sender.

This scheme is well-known, and we definitely didn’t open America to you, but as a reminder, it still won’t be superfluous.

So in search of services and tricky ways to recognize anonymous senders, you should not expect a positive result. Only the anonymous person knows the names of the anonymous person. Well, the VK system, of course, but in matters of maintaining confidentiality, it is set up seriously. Therefore, no miracle: the unknown sender will remain so until he decides to reveal his identity.

If you are reading these lines, then most likely you have already received a gift from an unknown sender on the VKontakte social network and want to know who sent it to you. Obviously, the present is not an easy one. Would you waste time on trifles trying to determine the sender. Often such gifts are in the form of a love message with the signature "I love you", "Be mine", etc. In this article, you will learn about the possibilities of revealing your identity.

Convenient service in VKontakte - free gifts

Gifts in the social network VKontakte is a service that allows you to give a gift in the form of different images to another user, which are placed on his wall. To use the service you do not need to do anything or activate it. When one of your friends or an anonymous sender gives you such a gift, you will be able to see it on your wall. Gifts in VK are displayed on the left in a special block and continue to be there for some time. To make such a present, the sender must have validated votes (the currency of the social network).

You can present such pictures only to those Vkontakte members who are on your friends list. If you want to send a gift to a stranger in VK, you must first add him as a friend.

Such presents are an excellent means for congratulations on various events in the life of a person of any age. Gift pictures can have different shapes and contain different symbolic elements. For a girl's birthday - it can be teddy bears with flowers, for a new year for friends - a green Christmas tree and multi-colored, sparkling balls. The validity of gifts is not limited. It will be in the block for one month, after which it will go to the "archive", where it will be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

Once you send a gift, you cannot return it or cancel it. This can only be done by asking the person to whom you sent it. Because after sending a gift, only the owner can manage it. The sender of a gift, in particular such as a castle, jewelry, is provided with an additional rating.

Is it possible to find out the unknown sender of a gift in VK?

If some unknown user sent you a gift on Vkontakte, then you will not be able to find out his identity in any way. If a person, when sending a gift, set the “Send anonymously” item, it will be impossible to identify incognito in VK. You can only guess who could do it.

But simple guesses can sometimes determine something:

  • When you received a gift, and you see that "The sender is unknown", then first of all pay attention to your friends who are currently online. It is most likely that this is one of them. Think who could do it;
  • For VK, there are unofficial applications that allow you to see who visited your page. Thanks to him, you can more likely find out who came in and gave you this gift;
  • Determine for yourself the accounts of friends who could send you a gift, study their page.

Those who received anonymous gifts on the social network VKontakte and tried to find out this unknown sender often wrote to technical support in the hope that they would make an exception for them and be able to provide them with anonymous data. But in this case, there is a paragraph in the special section of the FAQ on hidden gifts, where they clearly and clearly make it clear to everyone that this is impossible.

How to secretly send a gift to a friend

To send a gift, even if not anonymous, you will need to purchase votes.

To replenish them you need:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Open the "Payments and transfers" tab.
  3. Then select "Top up balance".

Sometimes they are available for free as part of "Special Offers", where they can be found in the "Top up balance" section. Votes can only be purchased on the official website.

It is no longer possible to send a gift to VK anonymously today. The administration of VKontakte canceled this opportunity. Now every gift that your friends give you has the sender's signature and is always available. The same secret gifts that were sent earlier will remain anonymous.

On February 14, 2018, the administration of the social network made it possible to secretly send only one gift to everyone. This action was made in honor of the holiday. The support says that the gift anonymity feature may be enabled again in the future.

In addition, when sending presents to your friends, you can check the box "Show text and gift only to the recipient" under the block with a message to the recipient. In this case, none of the strangers will be able to find out the sender of the gift, that is, your name.

The recipient of the gift can adjust the privacy settings in order to hide the block with all received gifts from other users. In any case, the block with gifts will not go anywhere. With certain settings, outsiders will not be able to identify the sender, as well as other details that are visible only to its owner. It will simply not be possible to find out unknown senders, even old gifts on VKontakte.