The gift of clairvoyance is very diverse! What types of it are there? Is it possible to learn clairvoyance?

Would you like to read other people's thoughts? What about predicting the future? How about finding out how your friends and family truly treat you? Obviously, the vast majority will answer in the affirmative. A very small percentage of people in the world have the gift of clairvoyance. Some were given this ability from birth, and many independently developed this skill. What exactly is this gift? How to develop clairvoyance in yourself? What does it do and why is it needed? In this article we will take a detailed look at the phenomenon of clairvoyance and try to answer these and other questions. Our educational program will give you the opportunity to learn about the phenomenon in general, and will also help you competently and correctly plan your first steps towards developing your abilities.

The skill of clairvoyance is very attractive to many. First of all, enormous opportunities open up both for further personal development and for rapid career growth in business or work. You will find out whether it is possible to learn clairvoyance and what you will need for this. This material will help you understand what this ability is, how to develop it, and most importantly, it will warn you against the mistakes that are most often made along the path of development. Let us immediately make a reservation that the path to mastering clairvoyance will not be easy, and it cannot be easy. These include daily practices and training, concentration and relaxation exercises, and various meditations. The only thing that can be said is that practice will be easier for some, and a little harder for others. It all depends on your innate abilities and yours, namely yours, perseverance. After all, nothing can replace daily painstaking work in terms of efficiency in mastering something. Therefore, when you begin to develop this amazing ability, immediately prepare yourself for productive work on yourself. Perhaps this is probably the most pleasant thing - working on yourself, having the daily pleasure of watching your progress. We, in turn, will try to tell you in detail: how to develop, how to learn, what exercises to do and where to start working.

What does hypersensitivity give?

There are a lot of descriptions of the concept of clairvoyance in the literature; we will give it a laconic and succinct definition as the extrasensory ability to perceive the surrounding reality beyond the five main senses. Why devote your time to mastering a skill anyway? How to open the gift of clairvoyance? What can this skill do? Let us briefly try to reveal the potential of this wonderful phenomenon and highlight a number of main advantages that a person who has begun to develop clairvoyance abilities automatically receives (the stronger a person’s abilities, the more effectively he will be able to perform various magical rituals, for example). So, what will you master:

  • Hypersensitivity. Over time, a fabulous ability to notice what was not previously recorded by consciousness will begin to appear. The feeling of people, nature and life will reach a whole new level.
  • Vision of subtle plans. Elements of the subtle world become accessible to perception. Clairvoyance is the development of perception, so over time, elements of the subtle worlds will begin to fall into the field of sensations.
  • Vision of the aura of humans and animals. The ability to view the subtle bodies of biological beings opens. A clairvoyant can easily see illnesses, negativity, energy breakdowns and clots of negative energy in the body. Accordingly, it will be possible to diagnose a person.
  • Forecasting various events in your own life, as well as in other people. The quality of the forecast will depend on the sensitivity of perception.
  • The ability to see the surrounding space without the help of the eyes. This is a special skill, it is revealed and trained using a special technique, which we will describe below.
  • Vision of various events that can be very distant both in time and space. Various law enforcement services often resort to the services of clairvoyants.
  • Strengthening your own health. Anyone who has mastered this skill can easily manage their own health at the same time. This includes the rapid restoration of vitality, increased immunity and resistance to various stresses, both physical and mental. A person, at his own will, can significantly increase his strength and endurance in certain situations.
  • Development of intellectual abilities. This is one of the big advantages of classes to develop clairvoyance. Together with various practices, the student develops memory, attention, and concentration. This then largely affects the quality of study and work. A person becomes able to handle a huge amount of information in his head. Clairvoyance lessons significantly affect the student’s overall intelligence.

This is not a complete list of everything that the student will subsequently receive. We must understand that with the development of any one quality, other abilities also develop to a large extent. It cannot be otherwise; there is no such thing as a person with excellent attention having a bad memory, and vice versa. For many, well-developed intuition is...

Principles of training

In any training, in any training, it is important to follow certain rules. Following rules or principles allows you to make the learning process as effective and efficient as possible. After all, that's what they were created for. By neglecting these principles, the practitioner significantly slows down learning, and at the same time loses motivation for further work. Now the categorical importance of following the plan, rules and principles of any training in general becomes clear. But in this case, we will talk about the basic principles and patterns, knowing which and following which, learning clairvoyance for free will become an easy and enjoyable activity for you, bringing only joy and pleasure. So, a set of laws and principles, the observance of which will ensure the rapid development of clairvoyance:

  • The stronger and cleaner your energy channels, the faster and better the work will go.
  • In practice and training, one thing and only one thing is important - stability and regularity. It is this factor that significantly influences the successful final result. It is better to do the exercise incompletely than to postpone it entirely until tomorrow.
  • Dangers await bad people, but favor and safety await the good. It's a matter of karma, the cleaner you are, the better things will go. The discovery of clairvoyance will require good thoughts and pure thoughts from you. The less evil and hatred there is in your heart, the easier and faster you will come to the result.
  • Dive as deeply as possible. Don't allow yourself to flounder on the surface of any teaching, doctrine or knowledge. Try to study the topic completely and as thoroughly as possible. Knowledge plays a very important role in this matter. It is not enough to understand the phenomenon from one side; multidimensionality is important. Thoroughly strive to know how everything works, what goes where and how it happens. This is one of the main conditions for success.
  • Don't study just one thing. This principle suggests that one should also pay attention to related teachings and knowledge. This is an important point that will give you a guarantee that you will not leave your consciousness blinkered by any one worldview system. At the same time, always do something related, this will help you see the holistic picture of the teaching, as well as identify any errors or inaccuracies. Thus, Anna Belaya (a famous psychic) ​​combined the development of clairvoyance with various energy studies, thanks to which she achieved great success.
  • Eat right. This is the topic of a separate article, but here it should be said that you need to eat light food that does not burden your stomach. You should not overeat or eat heavy foods, especially of animal origin. You should get up from the table hungry rather than full.
  • Always remain open to new knowledge. Don't allow yourself to become a slave to any one concept or doctrine. In this world, everything is relative, and therefore it would be a big mistake to say something is one hundred percent. On the path of development, do not fall into the trap of conviction and confidence. Always weigh your iron knowledge with the strictest scales. This rule will not so much protect you from the illusion of certainty in something as it will warn you against errors of knowledge. It doesn't matter if you're interested in how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, learn how to type quickly, or prepare delicious salads - always be open to everything new.
  • Be humble. A final but very important rule. As you grow in skill, skill and knowledge, don't let your ego take over your personality. Always remember, no matter how much you learn, most of the knowledge will still remain a sacred and incomprehensible secret for you.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of rules to follow. On the path of learning, you yourself will come to the rest of the nuances and principles of training. Revealing them now means depriving you of the opportunity to independently discover more and more new knowledge and patterns.

Most important skill

What do you think is the most important skill needed for the development of intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance to proceed easily and without much difficulty? And what skill plays the most important role in the development of intuitive abilities? And in general in the development of any abilities? The answer is extremely simple and laconic - concentration. Without the ability to concentrate, you will not be able to develop or achieve anything at all in life. Attention is the most important thing in any activity. In clairvoyance, this is a critically important ability. The development of concentration comes first in almost any system of teaching. How important this part of training is, you will learn at the very beginning of classes. You will be able to develop clairvoyance to the extent that you can develop the ability to concentrate. The benefits from developing concentration are truly enormous; perhaps there is no place in the sphere of human activity where the ability to concentrate does not bring success. Even if you give up your clairvoyance studies, the ability to concentrate will remain with you for the rest of your life. Let us immediately note that the exercise that will be described below must be performed every day without exception. The best way to develop concentration is to practice what is called trataka. This is one of the best exercises for developing concentration, a very powerful, effective and centuries-tested tool. If you are wondering how to develop clairvoyance abilities, then this will be your golden exercise.

Trataka is an ancient tantric exercise that came to us from India. In short, it is the practice of focusing attention on one point. You choose an object to concentrate on. It could be a drawn black dot on a white sheet of paper, any object from the table, a thing, a feeling, an image in the head, an image of the Deity, a part of the body, a part of some space, and so on. It can be anything, but at the very beginning it is best to choose a simple household item: a pen, a cup, a book, a marker, etc. Another classic option would be to concentrate on a black dot drawn on a white sheet of paper. Many people advise starting their practices with this object. Having chosen an object for concentration, sit in a comfortable position and calm down. The first 5 minutes should be spent getting yourself into a calm, peaceful state. You should be completely relaxed, nothing should bother you. After this, begin to concentrate on the object. The object should be at eye level and at arm's length - these are optimal conditions for practice. Increased concentration will allow you to perform many rituals, including more efficiently. It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise:

  1. You should not blink while concentrating. Blinking worsens the effect of the entire exercise. Blinking is allowed if preparatory training is performed.
  2. The eyes should be relaxed. This is a very important point, because... Tension in the eyeballs will not allow you to fully concentrate. This should always be kept in mind when performing practice.

From the very beginning, it will be difficult to look at an object without blinking for more than 1 minute. Then, with constant practice, the duration of contemplation without blinking will increase and increase. Over time, the eyes will begin to get used to such a load, and practice will be easy. The main thing to understand here is that clairvoyance and exercises are identical things. Therefore, immediately get used to such loads.

The second important point of trataka is concentration on the internal image. Let's say you concentrated on a cup for a month. Now for the first 10 minutes you will need to first concentrate on the cup, and then concentrate on its after-image in your thoughts. This concentration on mental images is a very important aspect of clairvoyance. And the success of the entire endeavor will depend on success in this activity. The second exercise should be approached only after the first part has been well mastered. The main thing is to remember that all exercises for developing clairvoyance are based on your ability to concentrate for a long time. Put this exercise at the top of all the others, and success will not keep you waiting long. Do the workout every day for 20-30 minutes. Try not to strain your eyes and rest often. In addition to training the will, imagination and concentration, the practice has a healing effect on the nervous system and eye organs. Practice every day, and over time you will begin to notice fabulous results from this exercise. The unsurpassed value of this method will gradually be revealed both in the development of intuition and in everyday life.

Basic exercises that develop intuition

Training and education must begin with basic exercises and only then move on to more complex, but also more dangerous exercises for the development of perception. Any guide on how to learn clairvoyance begins with the simplest basic lessons. Before each approach, you need to relax and rest well.

A quiet and cozy place in the house is chosen for classes; it is very desirable that there are no extraneous noises. Before exercise, the stomach must be empty, and if alcohol has been consumed, then you must wait 2 days. Also, you cannot conduct classes while sick.

Photography exercise

A very effective and efficient exercise for those who are interested in how to open clairvoyance and view people’s auras. Get a photo of any friend you know, from whom you can then find out some details of his personal life. The exercise is designed for 1 week, 15-20 minutes of exercise per day. The idea is that you concentrate on the photo and mentally ask questions that interest you. After the question is asked, you need to remain in complete thoughtlessness for 2-3 minutes, paying all your attention to incoming images, words, thoughts and sounds. Then a question is asked again and the cycle repeats. The goal is to achieve the emergence of stable mental images in relation to the object. Don’t worry if you can’t achieve results for a long time, this just means that you need to pay more attention to concentration and refinement of perception.

Aura viewing exercise

To perform the exercise you will need a person as an assistant. Sit comfortably in the room, make the lighting so that it is twilight in the room. The room should not be completely dark; the silhouettes of objects and people should be clearly distinguishable. Then relax completely and look at the person with a focused gaze in any area 10-15 cm around the head. Do not strain your eyesight under any circumstances; your gaze should be clear, focused, but relaxed. Don’t try to look at anything, all sensations will come to you on their own and gradually. Just concentrate on this area and contemplate it without tension. You need to perform the exercise for 30-40 minutes daily. If you suddenly begin to feel tired, you should stop training immediately. This is a clear sign that perceptions are beginning to change. The well-known development complex “Your Yoga” recommends doing this practice 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Exercise with envelopes

Would you like to take a free clairvoyance test? There is a very simple and visual exercise to test your psychic abilities. Cut out 10 strips from multi-colored paper: 5 blue and 5 red. Place each strip in a separate envelope for a total of 10 envelopes with different colored stripes. Sit comfortably on a chair, relax, concentrate on the envelopes and, going through each envelope, try to feel what color the stripe is in the envelope. Don't guess, but try to feel. Accordingly, the more correct answers you get, the better your clairvoyance develops. Try to do this exercise regularly to track your progress. Persistently develop clairvoyance, and soon you will no longer need the test at all. A strong gift will help you perform rituals such as more effectively!

Technique of Vyacheslav Bronnikov

Clairvoyance is not a sealed secret. Our scientists have long tried to unravel the phenomenon of superperception, give it a scientific basis, and most importantly, put the method on a scientific footing. Russian scientists Vyacheslav Bronnikov and Mark Komissarov have made good progress in studying clairvoyance. Researchers have developed a methodology that allows almost anyone to master the skills of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairaudience. If you practice systematically, you can sooner or later learn clairvoyance and get good results. The school of clairvoyance created by V. Bronnikov for teaching visually impaired children is especially popular. New groups are regularly recruited to the school. Some of them study for free.

Bronnikov's method is based on the natural capabilities of a person, on his dormant potential and reserves. In his groups, blind people train themselves to have alternative vision, develop perception, and conduct exercises to develop superconcentration. The method is based on sacred exercises from Taoist yoga.

Interestingly, clairvoyance courses are not limited to the development of intuition. Thanks to daily training according to the Bronnikov system, people improve the functioning of all body systems, the state of energy bodies improves, brain function improves, and the vegetative system becomes healthier. The entire training complex consists of 3 stages that must be completed sequentially:

  1. At the first stage, students master the basics of autogenic training. They learn to relax and evoke different sensations in the body: lightness, heaviness, warmth, cold, weightlessness, etc. This is the first and most important set of exercises, because... it lays the foundation for safety when conducting more complex and dangerous clairvoyance training.
  2. The second stage is the development of inner vision. The student learns to create a white screen in his head and reproduce various thoughts, images, tactile and taste sensations on it. The main thing is that the student learns to immerse himself deeply in these states. The “closed eyes” technique is immediately practiced. Exercises for clairvoyance at this stage are more in-depth.
  3. At the third stage, “direct vision” is taught. The student's eyes are completely closed, and he learns to recognize objects in the surrounding world without the use of his eyes. That is, according to Bronnikov, impulses come directly to the brain, bypassing the organs of vision. Here students completely rethink their usual perception of the world and learn new ways of contacting reality. At this stage, success depends to a large extent on the student’s ability to restructure his attitude to reality and believe in the existence of a completely different nature of perception. What is noteworthy is that this stage is much easier for children than for adults.

This technique was successfully tested at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Natalya Bekhtereva herself. And the methodology and set of exercises were highly praised by scientists at a conference dedicated to brain development.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the success of any technique for developing human abilities will primarily depend on the perseverance, faith and desire of the student. No most effective technique can replace regular persistent work. See also the video discussion of the famous documentary “The Foresighter”:

The easiest way is to contact a qualified psychic who can easily understand whether a person has a gift. One problem is that it is quite difficult to find a qualified one who will not charge a lot of money for such a service. So you usually have to cope on your own.
But you shouldn’t go to the first psychic or sorcerer you come across in the hope of learning how to control your gift. He may use your abilities in some unpleasant way or ask for a large sum of money for training.

Signs of superpowers

Well-developed intuition may indicate that you have a gift. Intuition can be accompanied by developed energy vision. It is believed that every person has seven energy centers located along the vertical axis of the body, all of which are colored differently. If you even sometimes see these centers, you most likely have a gift.

Constant luck also testifies to the presence of a gift. Luck, in essence, is a consequence of well-developed intuition, which helps to avoid troubles, thanks to a subconscious sense of danger.

If electrical appliances behave strangely in your presence, they begin to work worse or better, most likely they are affected by your strong energy field, which often indicates the presence of a gift.

If you have repeatedly escaped from certain events, for example, by leaving the scene of an accident at the last moment, this may also speak in favor of the gift. Often a developed instinct of self-preservation can develop into the gift of prediction.

Soft, warm hands that can relieve a headache or toothache with a simple touch means that you have the gift of a healer. People around you may talk about the warmth that comes from your hands. In this case, it is worth taking up energy practices or yoga to develop the ability to heal.

You should not purchase “magic” amulets to enhance your gift in any esoteric shops. Such amulets rarely work.

Animals that react violently to your appearance with unusual friendliness or aggression may see or sense your extraordinary strength. She can attract or frighten them, but she almost never leaves them indifferent.

If at least a few signs of a gift are constantly present in your life, think about training. It is very important to learn how to use your gift so that it is not in vain. There are a huge variety of activities that can help you develop your gift. First of all, these are eastern practices.


  • How do I know if I have a gift?

Some people have supernatural and magical abilities from birth, they do not have to make any effort to manifest and realize them. But there are few such people. There are much more of those who dream of discovering a magical gift within themselves and revealing new possibilities of their body and their psyche. It is possible to develop magical powers in yourself, and this development will be especially effective if you start it in childhood. But if parents did not pay due attention to the development of the child’s characteristics, a person can show these powers in adulthood.


If you feel that you have lost many of your abilities and want to regain and develop them, your task is to complete a series of exercises and tests that will allow you to understand whether you have magical powers at all and will reveal your magical potential.

Place a magnet anywhere in the room, then turn off the light, close your eyes and try to feel the magnet's pull without touching it. If you have a gift, even a hidden and weakened one, you should feel the magnetic field after some training.

Then try the exercise - you need to guess which envelope contains the bill and which envelope remains empty. Take two absolutely identical opaque envelopes, put a banknote in one of them, and then close your eyes and shuffle. Place them in front of you and try to intuitively determine which one contains the .

Another effective method for exploring magical potential is Zener cards. Cut out five identical rectangular cards from cardboard and draw a circle, square, plus, star and wavy lines on them - one shape for each card. Take the cards from behind your back without looking and guess what is shown on them.

Pay attention not only to real events that happen, but also to events that happen in your dreams. Your dreams can tell you a lot about hidden abilities, since it is in your dreams that you are closest to your unconscious. Remember your dreams, look for connections between them, think about what you saw.

The more dreams you remember and the more real events are connected with what you dream, the more your abilities will reveal themselves. Try to predict the fates of people you see for the first time. If later it turns out that things turned out exactly as you predicted, you can congratulate yourself - you really have a gift.


  • how to find out about magical abilities

Abilities are something that every person has from birth. Determining what you are inclined to is very important if you want to find something you like and do it so that the work brings you joy. Only in this way, as psychologists assure, can you live a decent and interesting life that will bring you real satisfaction.

You will need

  • - paper and pen.


Take a piece of paper, sit in a quiet place where no one will disturb you, and try to relax. Reflect on what you do well. Write down even little things, such as your ability to throw stones into water. This will help you relax and remember other skills. Even the simplest skills can be important.

Think about which profession your chosen activities are most suitable for. Write your profession or specialty next to each item on the list. Take a closer look to see if there are any specialties that are particularly common. Already at this stage, people often manage to find several directions for deeper searches.

Take a new sheet of paper and write on it which professions you would be interested in working in. This could be anything from the director of a large company to a traveling acrobat. Next to each profession, write what exactly you like about it. It may well turn out that some things that attracted you in certain professions, which seemed unattainable due to circumstances, can be obtained in another way, by doing some things from the first list.

On the third sheet, write down what you would not want to do under any circumstances. Be honest, if you feel that leading is not for you, then do not try to ignore it, hoping to “re-educate” yourself.

Now place all three sheets of paper in front of you. The first one shows the things you love to do the most and are good at, as well as the professions that can easily become successful for you. On the second - the things that arouse your greatest interest, these are the ones in which you will achieve success, they will help you decide on a niche in your specialization. The intersection of the first two sheets will give the work list. The third sheet will help you cross out from it all those activities that will slow down your career in the future or lead to disappointment in it; it is better to delegate them to someone else in order to open up yourself in what you have the ability to do.

Most likely, you end up with several occupations or professions that are determined by your abilities. Before making your final choice, try each of them for 2-4 weeks. You can get a job as an intern, it’s useful to generally learn more about it. After such practice, doubts about what your inclinations are and what your soul is about usually disappear on their own.


Despite the fact that realizing your talents is one of the cornerstones in understanding a person’s goals, you should still understand that you will be good at exactly what you give your heart to. If your favorite thing doesn’t even work out at first, then after a certain amount of time dedicated to honing your skills and practicing, you will definitely notice the result. Many whom humanity considers geniuses noted that it was not talent that helped them break through, but hard work and love for their work. Therefore, when choosing, always focus on the feeling of joy that arises at the thought that you will attend your chosen activity.

Helpful advice

Identifying your tendencies will require not only focusing, but also applying some of the discoveries gained during soul-searching to your life. Also remember that sometimes abilities do not lie on the surface, but after some time of doing something it becomes clear that they are present.

If not all, then very many people would like to have paranormal abilities. After all, knowing in advance what will happen, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, learn to see through those around you, understanding their true intentions and feelings - any doors to the unknown open...

Many people believe that the gift of clairvoyance can only be inherited from relatives with similar abilities. In reality, this is not entirely true; paranormal abilities can be developed in oneself if desired.

The development of clairvoyance - this is what we will talk about in this article.

Clairvoyance is a person’s ability to see (hear or receive information in any other way that remains inaccessible to the perception of most others).

Clairvoyants are able to sense the vibrations of a person’s energy field, see their own aura and distinguish the so-called astral light rays. Everything that is inaccessible to an ordinary person is instantly recorded by a clairvoyant.

How can you develop clairvoyance on your own? We will answer this question further.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance

It is necessary to immediately clarify the point that all people are completely different, and for some the development of clairvoyance will be much easier than for others. Only one thing can be confidently stated: it is impossible to develop clairvoyance in yourself in an easy way. You will need to put in some effort, constantly practice, doing various exercises (developing concentration, relaxation) and be sure to meditate.

If this prospect does not frighten you, then you can move forward.

  1. To develop the gift of clairvoyance, it is important that a person has good thoughts and pure thoughts in his heart. The less negative energy comes from you, the faster the final result will be obtained.
  2. When you become a fairly good “specialist” in the field of clairvoyance - that is, your skills, abilities and knowledge have developed sufficiently, your Ego will try to take over your personality - it is important to prevent this under no circumstances. Always remember that you are only part of a huge system, and no matter how much information you have, most of it will still be inaccessible to you.
  3. In order for the final result of your practice to be successful, perform all the exercises regularly, without giving yourself any indulgences or making omissions.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities - exercises

Exercise “Seeing through the skin”

You need to prepare two squares for this practice - white and black.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body (in particular, your right palm).
  2. Then you should raise your palm about eight centimeters higher from the squares. Hold it first over one, and then move it to the other.
  3. Pay attention to your inner feelings. What will you feel - coolness, warmth, or maybe a slight pleasant tingling sensation? Be sure to remember what color these sensations belonged to.
  4. Perform regular training on one of the recognizable colors. Have someone hold one of the squares under your hand while you determine its color. When you can identify black and white colors without errors, add another red square.
  5. Use this exercise every day for at least seven days. Concentrate on each color for four to five minutes, remember your feelings.

You can further consolidate them in your memory by saying a special formula:

“I can easily determine the color with the help of my palm, remember the sensations of my hand, they are stored in my memory, compared and I get the correct answer.”

Exercise “Borderline State”

A large number of clairvoyants resort to borderline states when the body is in an intermediate phase between the sleep and wakefulness phases. You can learn to get into this state consciously.

To do this, when you lie in bed at night, you need to calm down and monitor the moment when sleep begins to come to you.

Control the state of your consciousness along with the changes occurring in it. Of course, at first this will not be easy for you, but over time, with persistence and regular practice, you will succeed.

As soon as you learn to recognize the intermediate state, ask your subconscious at night a question disturbing your soul, repeat it many times until you fall asleep.

When you are in a borderline state of consciousness, the answer to your question comes in the form of visions, words or thoughts. Don’t rush to get upset if it doesn’t work out for you the first time - in most cases, after a couple of attempts, the answer comes.

If you want to know the events of the near future, before falling asleep, mentally say to yourself the exact date (year, month, day) when it should happen. You can use this technique to clarify certain moments of the past.

If your question concerns a specific person, visualize his image as accurately as possible.

Exercise “Hypnographic images”

It is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. You sit in a position that is comfortable for you, but you cannot make any movements. The only movement that is allowed is breathing.
  2. Relax your body and calm your mind, normalize your breathing and close your eyelids. Carefully observe the images that will appear on the back of the eyelids (they are called hypnographic).
  3. Now imagine as if you are now in a cinema hall and expect that the film will start soon. “Peer” at the blank screen. Then various fuzzy lines, stains, spots will begin to appear on it - these are all images coming to you from the depths of your subconscious.

Give your attention to every form and movement that appears before your eyes. Pay attention to how they change, in what direction they move.
Over time, you will find yourself in a light trance. If you want to get out of it, make any sudden movement with your body.

  1. Continue looking into the distance, but without eye strain. You must be in the state of an ordinary contemplative. If, after twenty minutes, sleep does not come to you, then the images that appear on your internal screen will become more clear.
  2. The more often you perform the training, the more vivid and distinct the hypnographic images will become. Over time, they will become so realistic that it will be difficult for you to even distinguish them from the real ones. This will be an indicator of the success of your practice. You can safely turn to your subconscious with any questions and count on receiving reliable answers.

How to learn to see the aura

An important skill for a true clairvoyant is seeing the energy shell of people and various objects. It can also be learned with regular practice. The following exercise will help you a lot for this.

  1. You need to close your eyes and peer into the outlines appearing on your “inner screen”.
  2. Initially, the practice is carried out for ten minutes every day for ten days.

Then you can begin the second stage.

  1. Relax and close your eyelids slightly.
  2. Take a look at any small object that is in your room.
  3. Looking at it, try to “see” with your inner eye the radiation emanating from it.

If you regularly devote enough time to this practice, you can learn to see the biofield of everything that surrounds you.

And if you train on people, over time you will be able to distinguish different color variations in their aura. Thanks to this, you will learn to instantly receive information about the character of your interlocutor and his thoughts, at the first glance at him.

The main goal of all the exercises described in this material is to develop paranormal abilities in a person and expand consciousness. After completing this practice, you will establish a close connection with your Higher Self, which will help you in life, sending information on issues of interest and allowing you to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Now you know how to develop clairvoyant abilities yourself. Learn, practice, improve your skills and then very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Clairvoyance is a gift given to selected people. As experience shows, there are two varieties of this phenomenon: conscious clairvoyance and discrete.

Conscious clairvoyance is extremely rare, only dedicated masters are endowed with it. This is a superpower of human consciousness in which a person clearly sees, feels or receives information in the form of thoughts about a specific situation in time. This happens when a person consciously sends his astral phantom on a journey not only over a distance, but also at a specific time. This technique is mastered only by initiates; it is very complex - when separating an astral phantom from the body, there is a danger of not returning to its physical shell, and the person may fall into a coma or get a mental disorder. This cannot be learned; this ability is exclusively innate and is passed down from generation to generation from the master.

Discrete clairvoyance is common. This occurs when a person is accidentally exposed to some information, sometimes in the form of dreams or images, but is unable to induce this state of his own free will. In this case, your abilities can be developed using various techniques, only under the supervision of a specialist.


Due to the fact that clairvoyance is a supersensible ability, there are many dangers that a person can be exposed to when using this gift. First of all, this is the danger of changes in the psyche. As a rule, people who unconsciously plunge into an altered state of consciousness replace reality with images from the future or past, which leads to isolation, depression, psychosis and complete disidentification with the world around them.


Every person can develop a supersensible channel for making right decisions and doing right things. When a person is in a borderline and difficult situation of an important choice, he, as a rule, resorts to the help of specialists to get help. But the ability to feel is inherent in each of us; you just need to open an intuitive channel and receive information. Intuitive vision, unlike the innate gift of clairvoyance, can be discovered and developed by anyone. Well-developed intuition makes it possible to make the right decision and get a successful result in any situation, avoiding problems and troubles. Use a system that is convenient for you and your psychotype for obtaining the necessary information. For example, for those people who have developed imaginative thinking, Tarot cards and the symbolic system are well suited, and for people with an analytical mindset, the use of numerology or runic practice will be more comfortable.

One way or another, maps, runes, numerology, astrology are just tools for obtaining information. The information field is a kind of space akin to the Internet. You ask a question using the selected tool - and get the answer you need. Predictive practices can be used by anyone to achieve personal and social goals. Due to the fact that in recent years, training in opening an intuitive channel has become available*, anyone can improve this ability.

Many people who run successful businesses use these skills. Intuitive abilities can be used in any situation. When a person’s intuitive channel is open, he can clearly determine whether it is worth going to an important meeting, whether the money invested will bring income, and whether the relationship with a partner will be promising**.


To find out what techniques for opening a channel a person can use independently to develop clairvoyance abilities, I turned to Galina Bekhtereva, a clairvoyant, hereditary healer, energy therapist, and developer of unique psychotechniques for influencing human consciousness.

She talked about a safe technique that is available to everyone.

1. You need to enter an altered state of consciousness, which is distinguished by the following signs:
. uniform slow breathing;
. smooth pulse;
. lack of emotions;
. complete calm and relaxation.

2. When you have reached this state, mentally ask yourself the question that is bothering you and listen to your body's reaction. If you feel a warm, tingling or wave of energy and the sensation is pleasant, then the answer is yes. If you feel cold, goosebumps, or an unpleasant chill, the answer is no.

Remember that the mind must be turned off - only the sensations of your own body are involved. We always receive signs of Fate, we just need to pay attention to them and listen. For example, if you are going to an important meeting and something happens before you leave the house, this may be a signal that the meeting will not bring a good outcome.

Beginners can use pendulums, Tarot cards, and runic symbols to get answers. When preparing for practice, you first need to develop your volitional abilities. When your will controls your feelings, mind and emotions, the intuitive channel opens.


As Galina Bekhtereva notes, the simplest exercise that develops concentration and volitional abilities is daily disciplined work with the third eye. You need to choose a convenient time, the same every day, enter a calm and relaxed state, close your eyes, imagine a dark pulsating hot spot in the third eye area and hold your attention on it for 10-15 minutes. If you have performed the exercise correctly, you will first experience pain in this area, then a pleasant tingling sensation and warm relaxation. This exercise will teach you how to manage your intuitive energy and make the right decisions at the right time.

As experience shows, clairvoyance can bring both harm and benefit, everything depends on each person individually. If you consciously want to develop these abilities, it is better to seek help from specialists. In reality, this work requires disciplined, regular brain training that requires a lot of energy and time. So the decision is up to you whether you need to develop this ability in yourself or not.

Yulia Mechnikova, doctor, parapsychologist, master of occult sciences, finalist of the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics”

* From the editor. If you have the intention of learning how to open an intuitive channel, we ask you to be careful when choosing a seminar or specialist and remember that the skills are developed by you personally and this takes quite a long time.

** From the editor. Remember that there is a so-called prediction error coefficient; even Vanga was wrong 10% of the time.

Humanity has long suspected the existence of several worlds. But only a few manage to see them, much less communicate with those who live there. In our world they become known as “magician”, “genius”, “clairvoyant”. Of course, many of them received their gift from birth and put a lot of effort into developing it. But if you have long dreamed of acquiring superpowers and were looking for a way to develop clairvoyance, then know that your search is not in vain. After all, this ability is available to everyone.

Clairvoyance: Definition

There is a theory according to which our Universe is multilayered, with various dimensions existing in it. They overlap each other and can exist in the same area of ​​space. The closest to us is the astral dimension, which we sometimes also call the Subtle World or the world of energies. And since any matter exists on the basis of energy, this layer permeates our entire world, being its inseparable part. In this dimension, a person exists in the form of a subtle (astral) body. And this hypostasis takes place regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. And the manifestation of such a superpower as clairvoyance allows you to create strong connections between the physical and subtle bodies and open an information channel.

Those with the gift of clairvoyance are able to see not only their past, but also their future. He also knows how to get answers to many important questions and gains confidence in his actions.

After all, those who are able to clearly see the goal also know the right path to achieve it. A person can receive this information through his supersensible perception, for the development of which various exercises are used. Anyone can master this ability, and working to open the “third eye” will help strengthen it.

"Third Eye" or the ability to see the invisible

This ability is also sometimes called astral vision. It is provided for in the structure of the soul of any person and, if desired, can be developed. Thanks to it, a person is able not only to see the Subtle World and communicate with those who inhabit it, but also to receive all the necessary information about himself, other people, the Universe, and so on.

However, before you discover this ability in yourself, it is important to ask yourself: what is this for? If the matter is simple curiosity or the desire to amaze others with your abilities, then it is better not to do this.

You can perform exercises with the “third eye” only for the purpose of self-development and comprehension of the secrets of the universes to improve your karma. Moreover, the development of this ability will help self-healing, knowledge and correction of one’s own and others’ karma, etc. But all this can be achieved only if you take your capabilities seriously and responsibly. Otherwise, at best, you may face disappointment, and at worst, a psychiatric hospital.