Day of the Navy: congratulations in verse and prose to military sailors on the day of the founding of the Russian Navy. Congratulations on the day of the Navy in prose


For more than three centuries, the navy has been reliably guarding national interests. And thanks to the courage and bravery of many generations of military sailors, our country has won the glory of a great maritime power. Today, warships under the legendary St. Andrew's flag successfully carry out complex and responsible tasks. We are confident that the sailors will continue to "increase the glory of the fleet and Russia, worthily continue the rich traditions of their predecessors." So let's raise our bowls today, for those who are at sea! May they meet neither a hurricane nor a thunderstorm on their way! ©


Military sailors enjoy special honor and respect. And they themselves enthusiastically celebrate their professional holiday - the Day of the Navy, which was established after the Great Patriotic War. Submariners, naval paratroopers and other warriors, whose battlefield is the sea, will confirm that their work requires special training, a special state of mind, a special vocation. It is no coincidence that for many decades military service in the navy took three whole years, while in other branches of the military it was a whole year shorter. The importance of the Navy in our day has not only not been lost, but has increased even more. And it is especially nice to congratulate you on this holiday and wish you a calm sea! ©


Probably, we, those who walk around our native land every day, cannot imagine how difficult and hard it is not to be at home for long periods, to leave families, and every day before our eyes, to see the same picture ... the sea! Military sailors have a special steel character, because they swim, protecting us, and when danger appears, you will not hide anywhere in the sea! It remains only to proudly defend their title. Not infrequently, your ships sway from the storm, from the waves, to a height that you cannot measure. It’s very hard for you, but at the same time, you won’t meet such smiling and cheerful guys like you! We wish you happiness and luck in your difficult task! ©


Today, on the Day of the Navy, we are thrilled to congratulate you, our heroes, our pride! Our military sailors are submariners. After all, you can be under water for months, without seeing the rays of the beautiful sun, without taking a breath of fresh air. Your work is a risk every day, because the sea has swallowed many. But there is such a legend that those who respect the sea, it will never take into its maritime possessions! So God forbid you to respect the sea, and always after a long task to return from the depths of the sea, to your native land! ©


The Navy celebrates its legal holiday today! All military sailors, marine paratroopers, and other sailors are resting today. And they drink to their luck. They say that it's hard to be at sea for a long time, and it's creepy like that! But who, if not our heroes, should know how it is, when you see nothing but water for months, how it is, do not see the earth, how it is, do not hear the voice of the family, how it is, know that another storm can leave you forever under water . But with all this, they love the sea, it inspires you. And if any sailor is deprived of this, he will soon be drawn to the sea anyway. So we wish you to always return from your missions. And be happy! ©


Every year, on the last Sunday in July, the Navy celebrates its legal holiday. And on your day, I would like to wish you that the sea takes away all your spiritual sorrows, disappointments and gives you inspiration and strength for new exploits. After all, you are truly courageous, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, an attack by enemies, a storm, or something else. But at the same time, you all love your profession, and are proud of your title. And with all my heart, I join all the congratulations, and wish you great luck. May the Lord protect you! ©


The Navy is not just a title, it's not just a holiday, it's not just a day! This is a proud title, this is a great holiday and this is a magical day when all our sailors celebrate this day, being proud of the work done and their great success. So may this day bring you great inspiration, which will lift you up when your strength starts to leave you, when you are sad, may this inspiration rejoice your hearts! After all, you deserved all these words, and these congratulations to you today! Happy holiday! ©

Happy Navy Day! I know you wouldn't take a woman on a ship as a bad omen, but I'm not supposed to sail with you. So I’m waiting on the shore… Sometimes I see a seagull and I ask you to say hello to it, but, probably, the bird forgets everything… But even without greetings, I know what you think of me! Please come back home soon!

Oh! With you, I would sail to the ends of the world on a ship! I would be a good sailor, first mate, honestly, honestly! On Navy Day - accept my congratulations! You are the most wonderful of men, the most mesmerizing sailor, captivating me! With all my loving heart, I wish your dreams come true!

Sometimes, frozen on the shore, I peer into the distance ... Suddenly I see a white sail, your ship? Ah, no sails now? Anyway, it would be so romantic to see your ship sailing towards the shore! Congratulations on the Day of the Navy, my beloved, and I heartily confess that I am with you all and always romantic!

Happy Navy Day! You love the sea and me, and I only love you and I'm a little jealous of the expanses of the sea where you spend so much time! But, I cannot help but understand the importance of the service, and therefore I will let you go even on the longest flight, only parting, wishing good luck without storms and a speedy return! And if you find a pearl in the sea, or some kind of treasure ... Will you bring it to me?

I love the sea! After all, the waves brought me not a pearl, but a ship with you on board! Now I am the happiest of women who have found a family, support and a flourishing hope for happiness ... On Navy Day, I congratulate you and wish you to be the first and best among fellow sailors so that I can be proud of you without end and without edge!

Having fallen in love with you, I knew that I would have to wait sometimes, and I am still ready to be faithful, to protect our hearth ... After all, swimming, even if it seems endless to me, languishing on the shore, will definitely come to an end and we will be together again! Well, today, on Navy Day, accept my congratulations and send an air kiss in response to the one that I send you, sending these modest, but full of warm love lines!

If it were your will, you would name a ship after me, right? Happy Navy Day! Loving you is the greatest miracle of all the seas of the earth and all the land that they wash! And I believe it's mutual! May your service go as expected, may there always be something to brag to the lady of the heart, which will divide and increase your joy with praise!

On Navy Day, I send you congratulations and confidentially inform you that I will hug you tightly at the first opportunity! I wish you good luck on land and in any voyage, and I believe that my love and good wishes will save you from storms and intrigues of insidious mermaids!

I firmly believe that if you met the sweet-voiced sirens, their charms would not harm you! After all, you are every moment, in reality or in your rich imagination, with me? Happy Navy Day, my glorious conqueror of the oceans, seas and straits! May the wonders of salty waters be revealed to you, and the stars, although there are smart appliances on board, still show the right way home!

The best place for a date is the seashore! Here I meet you, here I see you off, hardly finding the strength to let go of your hand ... My man! Congratulations on Navy Day! Let the whole country be proud of you, and I will always be delighted with you! After all, only with you I can be truly happy!

Good day! Navy Day was established on June 22, 1939 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and since then it has been celebrated on the last Sunday of July, already on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days" and subsequent legislative acts. This is one of the most beloved and respected holidays in the USSR, and then in Russia. Often it is celebrated simultaneously with the Day of Neptune, which is why they are sometimes confused with each other.

May 31, 2006, by Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin, Navy Day is established as a memorable day in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Navy Day is celebrated with military parades and military sports competitions.

Congratulations on Navy Day in verse

May the sun always shine
And let the wind always be fair!
May you be warmly welcomed on the shore,
Only the eyes you love!

Let the heart soar and rejoice
Let worries sink into summer!
Let only love triumph
And let the soul be tender!

Military profession - courage,
On land, and even more so at sea,
And the glorious path of the St. Andrew's flag
Any historian will proudly confirm you.
Special honor to the sailors of the military,
The fleet has a special pride.
The navy - always and without fail
The country will not lead, we firmly believe.
On the oceans of all gained fame
Sea wolves - sons of the Motherland.
The navy, serving for the state, -
He is the shield of the vast sea country.
We congratulate you - today is your holiday
We wish you success,
Victories and joys, of course, very different,
But so that seven feet forever under the keel!

Midnight star, lighthouse
For us, you are firmly declaring
And happy birthday sailor
Congratulations to all the crew.
Let the wind be fair,
The weather in the house is fresh calm,
Forget sadness, longing and sadness,
Yes, seven feet under your keel!
And so that not for nothing your labor
The path was still marked on the earth,
Let the house be a full bowl
In it - waiting for all the women in the world
The most beautiful. Waiting - always alone -
Your beloved wife!

Cool and short wishes Happy Navy Day

On the sea, ocean expanses,
Cutting through the transparent surface,
Ships of the Russian Navy
It is not easy to follow a long journey.

But it is gratifying to meet at the pier
Long-awaited relatives and friends,
Sailors, honor and glory to you,
Come home quickly.

May fortune always be with you
And warmly received by the family,
We wish you a fair wind
Happiness, joy, peace, kindness!

We congratulate the marine fleet,
We wish you peace and good.
So that your power and strength
Served as a shield for the whole country!

Can we live in peace
Rest, raise children.
We know it won't let you down
Glorious our Russian fleet!

Day of the Foundation of the Russian Navy - beautiful congratulations

On the day of the Navy

So we want to raise our glasses.
Sailors, for your success
Drinking today is definitely not a sin.

We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blight,
So that summer would ring in the soul.
You peace and more strength,
To have a wonderful sea holiday!

Today, not landing and not infantry are walking,

Today we celebrate the day of the Navy.
All those who are connected with the sea, sailors, sailors,
Congratulations! You are not up to trifles.

Your service comes first!
And haunted by calm and storms.
Your work is supported by friendship,
And the family is patiently waiting at home.

In distant voyages around the world
May the waters be calm
And only the wind will be fair,
Health, happiness and freedom!

The navy - the stronghold of the State -

Today honors the country.
Covered himself with immortal glory.
Vivat, you children of Neptune!

On land, at sea in exercises,
For those who survived the battles,
Today our congratulations
And this is our congratulations.

Let the seagulls sing songs to you
And the waves are swaying.
Relatives are waiting for an ambulance
And impatiently count the days.

We wish you only peaceful days
Let the perky laughter sound
And no matter how difficult it is for you,
Believe in luck and success!

you dedicated your life

Sea spaces, ship,
Keeping the cold waters calm
Through the storm, storm, always forward.

We congratulate you, friends,
Happy day of the faithful brothers of the ship,
Raise the flag for the Navy
And we wish you all the best!

Official congratulations in prose Happy Russian Navy Day

On Navy Day, I want to wish you a beautiful, amazing life, like the sea. May good health always remain, may happiness be limitless, may strength fill the body and spirit every day. I wish you good luck and success, I wish you to always keep a high wave of confidence and stability in life.

Happy Navy Day! We are proud of you and wish that the ship of your destiny is always in the sea of ​​happiness. Let there be no storms in love, let the wallet never run aground, and the salty wind brings only good luck.

Congratulations on Navy Day and I want to wish the wisdom of the sea turtle, the grip of the sea shark, the charm of the starfish, the confidence of the killer whale and the versatility of the sea octopus. Good luck in any way and happiness on any route.

On the Day of the Navy, I want to congratulate you and wish you to catch a high wave of good luck in your life. Let the sea worry, and your soul will be absolutely calm, let any task and goal be possible for your fleet.

Happy holiday of courageous and real men! We wish you a fighting spirit, positive mood, good news, successful business. For a minimum of grief, more laughter, breakthroughs and positive results. Don't let money get in the way of your dream. Stay fair and responsible. Only a smooth road, sunny days, an unforgettable vacation and a true friend.

We have collected the best congratulations on the Navy Day. Russian Navy Day is a tribute of honor and glory to military sailors of all generations, their mothers and wives, their loved ones, who endured the pain of separation and longing of expectations. Navy Day is Russia's memory of maritime glory.

Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. On the Day of the Russian Navy, all those who guard the maritime borders of Russia celebrate their professional holiday, all those who associate years of life and service with ensuring the combat readiness of ships and units of the Navy, family members of military personnel, workers and employees of naval institutions and enterprises, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces.

Sailors military
Young and respectable -
We want to congratulate everyone
Happy Navy Day.

Glorious Motherland sons
Walking under the pressure of the waves
The oceans furrowed
There were storms, there were calm.

Honor of the Andreevsky flag -
Your valor and courage.
We decided to wish you
Happiness in life, peace in the world.

Today the holiday is celebrated
All the brave sailors
Those who defend Russia
On the borders of all contrary.

May the sky be only peaceful
And let the service not be a burden,
Let Neptune be kind, humble
And favors you in everything!

Life in the Navy did not seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust from the face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.

The crew became native during the service,
The navy has become your second family,
Do you know how friendship is known,
And sometimes the way home is not easy.

So let the seagulls fly over the waves
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord keep you in difficult times!

Let's pour today brothers "sewed"
So that the bitterness does not choke the throat.
Let's light candles for the guys
Which are at the bottom.

And we'll raise a toast to the living
Today we live for them!
For wives, children, for mothers,
For those who are in the sea! ... Pour us.

For those now who are in the water column,
For our native submarine fleet!
So that in any situation,
Both on land and under water

Wherever we dive in this life,
Always and on time surfaced ...!
Happy Navy Day!

Today the waves are softly singing along
Cheerful songs that are sung on ships.
So the navigators celebrate their holiday,
They don't know what fear is.

It is known that the sea gives different weather,
But the stars show the right way
Let sailors bypass storms and hardships,
After all, their loved ones are waiting for them at home.

Friends! May bad weather not touch you,
So that you bring joy to your heart,
Let only happiness fly in a flurry,
And all sorrows remain under water.

Let women be a good omen
And life is millions of nautical miles long
Let the winds and storms forget the ship
And at least seven feet under your keel!

Flags are up and music is playing
And the parade is ready to go
The whole country congratulates today
Happy Navy Sailors Day!

And they walk across the square,
Power and strength sparkle in the air!
Congratulations to the Navy today
Motherland is proud of sons!

I wish a friend - a sailor
Full of good luck and health,
To arrive in your regiment,
To live with great love,

For a devoted wife
And to give birth to children,
Let the whole country be proud!
There are very few like you!

Congratulations on Navy Day are cool

Happy Navy Day to you, sailors,
And even if you are sometimes far from the earth,
And even though it is often difficult at sea,
But let the military spirit not fade away,
May your wives always be waiting for you at home,
And with honor and glory, the days of service are floating!

Let storms and reefs not even dream of you,
May the sea always caress
May happiness and prosperity reign in you,
Trouble will not come on board.

We wish you bold, big undertakings,
Let Neptune protect you on the way
Let the stream of wishes not dry up
And everything will come true this year.

Our pride is the Navy!
May success await you in everything.
You guys are top class
Everyone looks up to you!

I wish peace at sea
The calm is always complete,
And less so that the emergency work,
Be happy friends!

On the day of the Navy
I congratulate all sailors.
All storms, tsunamis, storms
I wish you to master.

Let the wave of good luck cover you
May she carry you to wealth,
I wish you all love and success,
Moody never give up.

Hello guys, all the best
I wish you a great holiday.
Before strength, courage and faith in a dream
I respectfully take off my hat.

Let fate guide the ship
Only where joy reigns
Where do you find success?
Where cheerful laughter sounds,

The Navy is a big force
She conquered everyone in the world
Let it continue to be so
Every enemy is afraid of you!

Let the cries of seagulls drown out
Storms whistle and rumble problems.
Open your soul to freedom
For military secrets and themes.

On a salty day - the Navy -
Get off before dawn
And your enemy is the fastest
Let it blow bubbles!

You are the conquerors of the abyss
And very brave men
Let the sea please you with calmness,
Seven feet will be under the keel again,

May all the ladies adore you
Poems poets dedicate,
Neptune helps in work,
And at home, joy awaits!

Happy holiday, sailor! Don't be afraid of the storm
Stay afloat with confidence
In vain, without frowning at fate,
Enjoy everything that life gives!

I want to get out of the water dry
And a wife born from foam
Joy, like an ocean, without edge
And so that the sea was knee-deep!

Our naval fleet,
Behind you like behind a wall!
We wish you prosperity
In a life of prosperity.

May it come true everywhere
On land and on water
All cherished dreams.
Happiness, light, kindness!

Congratulations on the Navy Day in prose

Defenders of our maritime borders, congratulations on Navy Day! Let a storm of passions and a hurricane of opportunities rage in your life. We wish you confidence in the future and calm everyday life. We are proud of you. Love you.

Happy Navy Day! We wish you global achievements in life. And may there always be a reliable shoulder nearby, a strong rear awaits at home, and your health would allow you to be the defender of the Motherland and loved ones for a long time to come.

The sea is a mysterious and boundless element that not everyone obeys ... And how nice that there is someone to look after the blue expanses at our borders! Please accept my congratulations on the Navy Day! May your life as a sailor be without storms, on land or at sea!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the Navy Day! I would like to wish that you always have good health, that you never have to suffer from sea rolling, that among the waves you feel like among your best friends! Happiness in life and good luck in business!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you brave deeds, invincible success, victorious moorings, inextinguishable forces, great goals, true luck and love, happiness in life as wide and deep as the expanses of the sea. The greatness of a sea power is impossible without a fleet and its brave teams, and the sailors themselves they can do it without ocean expanses, like birds without the sky... On the Navy Day - accept my congratulations! Let your enthusiasm, thirst for a rich, extraordinary life, faith that goodness and justice in the world is the most important thing, the ability to love with all your heart and dream like a magic wand is almost in your hands... Never fade away!

Congratulations on Navy Day official

On Navy Day, I would like to wish you success and joy, unlimited happiness and a wonderful future. Let worries remain in the past, and only true joy will be heard in the future.
May the lighthouse always shine ahead and inspire new victories. Dear sailor, you certainly deserve everything to turn out as planned, so that fate gives chances for success and advancement, the fulfillment of cherished dreams.
I want to wish you success and joy, wonderful moments, a peaceful life. Let everything turn out as planned for you, but I believe that everything will certainly work out. I wish you success not only in your work, but also in your personal life.
I hope that the Lord will provide protection and protect from any interference. I know how brave a sailor can be who is ready to do anything to protect his country. Accept congratulations, because they come only from the heart and soul. I believe that only the best awaits in the future!

Today, on a hot summer day, I want to congratulate the Navy of the Russian Federation, the conquerors of the sea. Your courage and amazingly strong character is the basis that contributes to increased respect and the emergence of real admiration.
How many good goals you achieve by trying to serve the state. Thank you very much for everything you do to give Russia a chance for the future, an opportunity for active development. I want to wish good weather and sunshine in my soul.
May the Lord protect from bad weather and trials, serious problems and difficulties. I hope that only real luck will always accompany, give a lot of faith in the active transformation of life. Believe that everything will be fine at home and loved ones will be able to support in difficult situations, lend a helping hand. Feel the pride of all Russia.

On the last week in July, on Sunday, one of the many holidays dedicated to the service is celebrated throughout Russia and it is called the Day of the Russian Navy. The Navy has a heroic past and its own traditions. Service in these troops is considered a matter of pride.

On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate all former and present sailors on their professional triumph. This event is very important in their lives, so we must not forget about their holiday. Be sure to say beautiful words that warm your soul and uplift your mood.

Don't know what to say on such a solemn day? Darlaik will help you cope with this difficult task and offers heartfelt congratulations on the Navy Day in prose. Any of the proposed wishes will cause a smile and charge with positive for the whole day.

On Navy Day, I want to wish you a beautiful, amazing life, like the sea. May good health always remain, may happiness be limitless, may strength fill the body and spirit every day. I wish you good luck and success, I wish you to always keep a high wave of confidence and stability in life.

Today, on the Day of the Navy, we are thrilled to congratulate you, our heroes, our pride! Our military sailors are submariners. After all, you can be under water for months, without seeing the rays of the beautiful sun, without taking a breath of fresh air. Your work is a risk every day, because the sea has swallowed many. But there is such a legend that those who respect the sea, it will never take into its maritime possessions! So God forbid you to respect the sea, and always after a long task to return from the depths of the sea, to your native land!

Probably, we, those who walk around our native land every day, cannot imagine how difficult and hard it is not to be at home for long periods, to leave families, and every day before our eyes, to see the same picture ... the sea! Military sailors have a special steel character, because they swim, protecting us, and when danger appears, you will not hide anywhere in the sea! It remains only to proudly defend their title. Not infrequently, your ships sway from the storm, from the waves, to a height that you cannot measure. It’s very hard for you, but at the same time, you won’t meet such smiling and cheerful guys like you! We wish you happiness and luck in your difficult task!

The greatness of a maritime power is impossible without the fleet and its brave crews, and the sailors themselves, of course, cannot live without ocean spaces, like birds without the sky ... On Navy Day - accept my congratulations! Let your enthusiasm, thirst for a rich, extraordinary life, faith that goodness and justice in the world is the most important thing, the ability to love with all your heart and dream like a magic wand is almost in your hands... Never fade away!

On Navy Day, I want to wish you a decent job and regular routes, unity with the water element and inner peace. Let the work bring big money, please with success. I wish you constant prosperity and real success, confidence in broad prospects. Let every day of life pleases with something new, emphasizes the significance of ongoing events. Accept, beautiful and courageous person, real congratulations, each of which comes only from the heart and soul. I wish you happiness and good luck, luck and success, the opening of new horizons and the rise of the soul. Please believe that everything in your life will certainly turn out the way it should, because only in this case you can count on worthy accomplishments. How I want to support you with words on such a serious holiday. I hope that my congratulations on the Navy Day will warm your soul and give you a piece of true happiness.

With all my heart and with sincere respect, we congratulate you on the Day of the Navy! May the sea always be calm for you, and the guiding star burn with a bright light and show the way home. For your courage and valor, for your devotion to your country, for peace in your native land, we proudly thank you. Let the festive fireworks thunder in your honor. Happy holiday! Hooray!

Every year, on the last Sunday in July, the Navy celebrates its legal holiday. And on your day, I would like to wish you that the sea takes away all your spiritual sorrows, disappointments and gives you inspiration and strength for new exploits. After all, you are truly courageous, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, an attack by enemies, a storm, or something else. But at the same time, you all love your profession, and are proud of your title. And with all my heart, I join all the congratulations, and wish you great luck. May the Lord protect you!

Today, on the Day of the Navy, we are thrilled to congratulate you, our heroes, our pride! Our military sailors are submariners. After all, you can be under water for months, without seeing the rays of the beautiful sun, without taking a breath of fresh air. Your work is a risk every day, because the sea has swallowed up many. But there is such a legend that those who respect the sea, it will never take into its maritime possessions! So God forbid you to respect the sea, and always after a long task to return from the depths of the sea, to your native land!

For a long time, through the seas and oceans, countries discovered the world and asserted their power ... Without a fleet, since the first boat went down to the sea - nowhere! Especially in our time! Happy Navy Day! May everything always be safe in the waters where your ship sails lighter than a fish! And why be modest! Let your ship be a model for a thousand reasons for other ships!

On today's holiday, I congratulate the entire naval fleet, which the Russian Federation is rightfully proud of. Dear sailors, I want to thank you for your courage and readiness to do everything for the happiness of our country. I know and believe that you will certainly cope with the tasks set. I wish you the preservation of power and strength, energy and purposefulness. May only peace and goodness, tranquility and tranquility reign in your life. During the rest from the mighty service to the navy, I wish you home comfort and real rest, the opportunity to raise your children. I know how important good relationships with loved ones and support from them are, and therefore I wish you this without fail.

Congratulations on Navy Day and I want to wish you to be the almighty Neptune in the ocean of happiness in your life. Let the waves of inspiration and fun rage at your pier, let your flotilla be uneasy.

The Navy is not just a title, it's not just a holiday, it's not just a day! This is a proud title, this is a great holiday and this is a magical day when all our sailors celebrate this day, being proud of the work done and their great success. So may this day bring you great inspiration, which will lift you up when your strength starts to leave you, when you are sad, may this inspiration rejoice your hearts! After all, you deserved all these words, and these congratulations to you today! Happy holiday!

Today we congratulate those whose heart is forever given to the sea, those who know how to work in a team under any circumstances of the wayward sea elements, those who are proud of our great power - great Russia! Thank you guys for the fact that you, not sparing yourself, your health and life, carry the proud banner of the defenders and sons of your Fatherland. Happy Navy Day!

Happy Navy Day! I wish Neptune always favors you. So that a friendly and close-knit team makes staying in the service an easy and dear task. Be brave, courageous, strong, courageous and healthy. Let all your hopes come true, and the sea whispers a pleasant song of the waves!