Additional reiki symbols for self-tuning. Reiki symbols and their meaning Reiki symbols and their meaning tattoo

The Reiki system is a spiritual practice, a type of self-healing, rooted in Japanese medicine. From the language of this eastern country, reiki can literally be translated as the energy of the Soul. In the 20th century, the doctor and monk Mikao Usui developed a method that is characterized as “conscious hand treatment”, it is enough, according to the master, only to set up and clear the channels of “pure energy” in order to conduct it and heal the patient.

Reiki is also a specific type of meditation. The technique helps to relieve tension, relax, allowing the "universal energy" to flow freely in the body, increasing your energy tone.

In Japan, there is a cult, sacred mountain Kuramayama. Here are ancient Shinto and Buddhist temples, the walls of which are decorated with mystical symbols. In the healing practice of Reiki, Masters turn to these symbols, it is believed that with an increase in level, these special signs acquire greater power of influence. In fact, Reiki symbols can be used by anyone, it is enough to understand how they are interconnected and how they are applied.

Try not to subject the image to a dry logical analysis, just relax, let the subconscious respond to internal sensations.

There are the following symbols that activate Rei Ki energy:

  • Cho Ku Rei - the main symbol of reiki
  • Sei He Ki - the second symbol of Reiki
  • Hong Sha Ze Sho Nen - the third symbol of Reiki
  • Dai Ko Myo - the fourth symbol of Reiki

Each sign expresses the vibration of energy that a person sends. The healer draws a special hieroglyph on his palm, on the disturbing area of ​​the body, or directly on the patient's body if he is treating another. You can visualize a symbolic image, conduct meditative concentration on it. In the future, we will take a closer look at each symbol and how to use them to accept harmony in your life.

Two steps of signs-hieroglyphs

Research into interaction with Rei Ki energy continues in the modern world. Masters establish their own schools, find their own methods, teach self-healing techniques to those who wish. In most systems, the formation of a Master occurs at three main levels, and hieroglyphic signs are also divided into steps.

  • If you want to work out the full Rei Ki program, then, at the first stage, it is advised to accumulate knowledge, harmonize the work of the chakras, using energy gymnastics and meditation. The above-mentioned symbols are referred to the second level of formation, adding additional and embodiments of the plan.
  • Cho Koo Rei (Cho-Ku-Rei) - Power

    Increases the flow of energy, like a key, opens our internal ducts. Draw it or visualize it whenever you need to tone up or protect yourself from something.

    The symbol helps to focus energy on one point, relieve pain, and influence wound healing. They note the powerful cleansing that the sign has on the room and objects. By directing attention to this symbol, you increase your own strength.

    This sign can be written in 13 different ways. The most common image can be described as a snake, which raises its head up from a ball. Turning the head to the left characterizes the energy of Yin, turning to the right - Yang. A spiral twisted three times conveys the main meaning of this sign - "The place where the power of the Universe gathers."

    Sei He Ki (Sei Hei Ki) - Emotion

    This is a mental and emotional symbol, designed to unite the mind and body, it helps a person to rise to the surface and realize the root causes of his problems. The symbol works to harmonize the unconscious with the mental aspect of the body. Drawing this symbol with a brush or water leads to the harmonization of the left and right sides of the brain, silence and tranquility are established inside.

    This symbol also refers to the two components of a person - femininity and courage, yin and yang, feelings and thoughts. Turning to Sei Hei Ki you direct energy to the level of emotions. If you can't let go or "cry out" the discomfort, practice with this sign. It helps to strengthen the boundaries from the penetration of low vibration energies. This is a paired symbol that carries the message - "God and Man become one."

    Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) - Distance

    A symbol of healing at a distance. Healers use it to transmit and concentrate cosmic energy at a distance. Time and distance do not matter when using an energy symbol. Rei Ki practitioners call the Symbol of Distance the most powerful and practical. Send energy without limitation, this is your visualization process, imagine healing.

    Also, the sign can be used to create a connection with its target in order to get to the core of the problem. Its image is a combination of Japanese hieroglyphs, personifying the stages of human development. It carries a deep meaning that "God in you connects with God in me."

    Dai Ko Myo (Dai Ko Me Oh) - Master

    A special sign of the third stage of initiation of Reiki healers. Its use is allowed not only after moving to the highest level and obtaining a certificate, it is recommended to contact it when gaining an understanding of what you are doing, what you are doing.

    This sign is more often used to tune in to work, to a session, to immerse yourself in meditative practice, to create places of power. It is used to protect and initiate Rei Ki Masters. In Japan, military people turn to him for patronage.

    The followers of Mikao Usui revealed and added some more signs. This system is called Reiki Karuna or the Energy of compassion and the desire to help others. The Rei Ki and Karuna Ki symbols are complementary, you can combine them with each other to strengthen and empower.

    Zonar (Zonar)

    A sign that tunes in to the vibrations of infinity, peace and beginning. It is recommended to start a healing session with the inscription of this symbol. It helps to create clarity and purity of space, to begin the study of Karma. They start drawing it with a capital Latin letter Z, adding an infinity sign to the center.

    Halu (Halu)

    Helps eliminate self-deception and illusions, carries a charge of Divine Love, faith, goodness. You can interact with this sign and water in different ways. Draw this image on the water, mentally remembering some person with whom you are not in harmony, then drink this water, and after a while your relationship with him will normalize.

    Also, this symbol helps cleansing, charging water in a similar way, you can ward off evil thoughts from yourself, remove the evil eye, and overcome aggression.

    Harth (Hart)

    Hart is an image of the heart and is used to open the heart to the Highest streams of Light. With its help, you can restore relationships between people, turn to your emotional sphere. It has a good effect on willpower, strengthening it, setting you up for vitality.

    Rama (Rama) - mandala of fulfillment of desires

    Use this symbol to ground yourself, clear your energy shell. Draw this sign in your mind and imagine how the negative energy goes into the ground along your ground cable.

    Release from other people's energies will strengthen your connection with Heaven and Earth, and allow Rei Ki to flow freely in your body. Try to work through the blocks in your chakras to remove the uncertainties in life. This is a symbol of the embodiment of desires and increasing well-being.

    Shanti (Shanti)

    Draw this sign in the air above every liquid you drink. The strength of this image will contribute to the easy and successful completion of affairs, gives absolute peace of mind and self-confidence. It can also be used to set up water for healing from nightmares and attachment to the past.

    By letting go of the past, we bring all our energy into the present, at this moment, and begin to create and exist in inescapable joy. Send peace to your past, get rid of old grievances.

    Iava (Java)

    The Java mantra sets us up to adequately perceive the events happening to us, to learn to see their Universal meaning.

    It helps to come to oneself, to stop drowning in sucking everyday reflections and conjectures, to give up illusions. To return to us a clear awareness of reality - to the meaning of the sign. Also, his image makes it possible to treat the Earth:

    • terrain,
    • disease,
    • epidemics,
    • disasters.

    Ved-Ganga (Ved-Ganga)

    The sign represents the Hindu goddess Ganges - the embodiment of the sacred river Ganges. This is a symbol of motherhood, patronage, the brightest and purest attention, liberation and renewal.

    By portraying this image, you can remove negative energy from people, objects, even spaces.

    ShreeVishnu (Vishnu-Lakshmi) - mandala to attract wealth and money

    The meaning of the image ascends to Hindu philosophy, representing the goddess of prosperity Lakshmi and her husband Vishnu. A sign of education, creativity, art, inspiration. Helps to protect against rudeness and ignorance.

    Attracts wealth and money into the life of the one who turns to him.

    Om (Ohm)

    This is a sacred sound and a spiritual sign of the Universe, a symbol that came from Sanskrit. It represents the Cosmos as a whole. This sound cleans, stabilizes and protects the aura. Brings light into space, opens the seventh chakra. Imagine and mentally reproduce this symbol in golden color, this will help you feel the integrity of the whole world, better feel the right choice and live happily.

    Pentagrams in practical application

    How to work with so many powerful ones? Let's consider several options:

    • The simplest thing you can do is to draw the desired sign mentally in your imagination, coloring it in your favorite color or the color of the business you are currently doing. Turn to him and create an intention in your head.
    • You can paint the sign with watercolors for calming and concentration, adding color to it according to your mood.
    • It is good to draw symbols on running flowing water, on sand, on, invoking the energy of Rei Ki.
    • You can sing, whisper, say out loud the names of symbols - all this will have power.
    • Water, representing the energy of abundance, and the food you cook are great for charging. You can draw with your hand in the air, mentally draw a sign over objects, even draw on food. The enhanced sending of your energy as you eat and drink will come back to you.
    • You can apply symbols with essential oil on your body, draw on banknotes, wallets, bank cards, candles, make from metal and wear like.

    By invoking Reiki, you can set yourself up in a positive way to safely resolve the situation, for example, when you are driving in a traffic jam, energize your food.

    All living beings are susceptible to energy flows: your pets and plants. Pets absorb the negative emotions of people and clear them from the house. When a crisis situation arises in a family, the animal takes on most of the negative energy, which can have a bad effect on it and cause illness. Some symbols, for example, such as Sei-Hei-Ki, will protect your pet, relieve him of emotional pain.

  • Reiki is a very practical tool. Such a symbol as Cho-Ku-Rei will support your electrical appliances and batteries. It can enhance the effect of medicines, charge crystals, fill any space with its power.
  • If you have lost an item and cannot find it, draw the Sei-Hei-Ki symbol in front of you and ask a question. Then leave the search, and the answer will come by itself.
  • Each Reiki symbol concentrates the energy of the cosmos that surrounds each of us, it is available to everyone without exception. Turning to her with good intention, allows you to strengthen your own energy, will help.

    When referring to Reiki symbols, a lot depends on your intuition and openness. Try less intelligently and more sensually to work with them. Respond to your mood, to your inner state and remember that Reiki signs are just a tool to attract Light Energy. Strive for development, study yourself and the energy laws of the Universe, let the ancient sacred symbols help you along the way!

    This is the name of the spiritual system of self-healing practiced in Japanese medicine. It was started by Mikao Ussuri, a healer and monk who lived in the 20th century. He created a system of treatment with hands, which normalizes energy flows in a person's life. To use it, you need to know the Reiki symbols and their meaning. , as well as specialized knowledge. Well, here are a few words on how to use this system to heal and cleanse energy channels.

    Reiki energywhat it is

    These are special symbols that release the meridian of the disease and contribute to the release of the positive energy of a person.

    Reiki is also called a certain type of meditation, so only an enlightened person with pure thoughts and special training can carry out all the inscriptions of signs. During the massage, a person begins to influence the sore spots in a certain way (draw Reiki) and remove negative energy through them. Also, the image of Reiki can be worn as amulets and talismans. They are made of gold or other valuable materials and are worn at certain points.

    There are Reiki systems that suggest a certain degree of spiritual enlightenment. They have 4 main levels, which are called Reiki levels. Each step implies a certain level of knowledge that a person comprehends through self-improvement. Therefore, only those who have reached a certain degree of internal growth, spiritual strength, have the right to use Reiki to release magical energy. Special Japanese practices allow you to understand these degrees and work with them. In the meantime, a little about the Reiki symbols.


    There are 4 of them in total and each of them symbolizes a degree of Reiki.

    Among them are distinguished:

    1 step - cho ku rei;

    2nd step and symbol - this heh Ki;

    3rd step - khon sa za sho nen;

    4 - give ko myo.

    These symbols are depicted in the palm of the patient, and are also used on sore spots in order to release the negative energy of a person.

    At the first stage, it is important to acquire special knowledge and improve yourself, your own energy field. Therefore, the symbol of the first stage is not used in practice.

    Cho ku rei

    It is called strength. It means victory over negative circumstances and pain, symbolizes the liberation of the energy of the person himself and all his energy centers. It is actively used in healing to remove the negative energy of a person, pain.

    The next character is sei hye ki means emotions.

    The disease wins on the emotional level, since any disease begins with a wrong life on the emotional level. It is for this reason that the inscription of this sign contributes to the activation of mental energy in order to understand the cause of the disease, as well as to relax emotionally, cure oneself of troubles and try to find strength in oneself to resist the disease.

    The third character is hon sha ze sho nen- translates as "distance".

    It means a healing effect when the healer is not near the sick person. This is the most powerful symbol, which means that for the healer there is neither time nor place. That is, you can influence a sick person at any distance.

    The fourth of the main characters - let me know means master.

    Its use is possible only if a person has moved to Reiki level 4 and has all the skills of a healer. In Japan, it is issued only with a certificate. It is impossible to use this symbol up to this stage, otherwise the patient can be seriously harmed.

    These are the main Reiki symbols and their meanings that are used in the Japanese healing technique.

    monk's followers

    Later, the followers of the monk who created the Reiki system added other signs to the symbols described above. They are called Reiki Karuna.

    They no longer require special knowledge, and these Reiki can be added to the main symbols of healing. They can also be used by ordinary people. The most significant characters among them are:

    - Infinity sign.

    - removes illusions and self-deception.

    SYMBOL- This is a sign that has a conditional secret meaning.

    With spiritual energy work of any direction, it makes it possible to perform it most effectively. Allows you to fulfill your plans in a shorter time with minimal energy costs.

    The symbol itself enhances the flow of the necessary energy, concentrates it and anchors it on a problem situation or organ. Specifically at the place where healing is required, whether it be a small wound or a global problem.

    You can work with any energy Flame, with Reiki energy, with any methods and techniques, but by connecting symbols to them, you SPECIFY, OPTIMIZE and STRENGTHEN THE WORK.

    The symbol activates its energies, concentrates them, increases power and anchors on a given object (so that dispersion does not occur). But, what is especially valuable - it gives you the opportunity to save your personal time. And now it runs inexorably.

    To do this, you need to set the required time for the symbol to work independently so that it continues its action after your direct healing and ordination.

    To work, you must activate the symbol. It must either be drawn /really or mentally/, or visualized with a picture, and then voiced three times its mantra. The name of a symbol and its activation mantra are usually the same.

    To work with additional characters, you need the following:
    1. Draw the selected additional character on paper.
    3. Draw a symbol in the air, take it in your hands and put it under your arms on both sides. Say: "I ask the energy of (such and such) symbol to integrate with me and fill me with its vibrations." Sit in this position for 10-15 minutes. You can integrate 10-20 times. The more you integrate with the symbol, the better it will work in your hands.


    This symbol can be used whenever you use a sign of prosperity.

    It can be used for yourself, for others, for rooms.
    Helps to achieve good well-being. (For those who trade, have a business.) Welfare is external and internal (maybe there is little money, but a person’s soul is calm). And when there is no peace in the soul, then they lose external well-being, because they do not appreciate what they have. If business is not going well, then the person has poor grounding, there are problems in the Hara Chakra. The sign activates the Hara Chakra, restores the excretion system, frees from bad, waste energy, from old ideas that have not materialized. He frees from old blocks and gives real plans that will lead to good prosperity. Releases from the feeling of greed at the level of consciousness and subconsciousness, since there may be a block at the level of the Hara chakra. The sign can be used for a trading place, office. you can draw on the whole body of a person, on the kidneys, on the Hara chakra. Harmonizes the workplace, shop, office for successful trading. It helps to profitably buy what you need or sell. Works well at a distance. Activates the feeling of pleasure from the purchase.

    MIL KU ZU / Mil Qu Zoo

    A deficit is a state of affairs when you spend more than you earn, or when the result does not match the amount of effort you have expended.
    The scarcity symbol can be used by farmers who are not getting the expected yield from their plot of land (together with the abundance symbol).
    The sign can be used for houses, offices, factories, for people.
    This symbol is used to remedy a lack of funds. It balances our income and expenses. Mil-Kyu-Zo helps to earn the amount of money we need. It is very good to draw this sign on the goods sold and bought; they can charge a dollar bill. Eliminates pride in the case when a person wants to prove that he is richer than others. This symbol can also be used to achieve abundance. It can be used when working in the garden, in the country to receive a certain income, for housing, office (draw on the walls in the house). Mil-Kyu-Zo relieves pain in the spine associated with a constant lack of money. It also relieves depression caused by lack of money.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.


    This symbol is used for prosperity. It can be applied to oneself, to another person, to space. Works with contact and remote treatment.
    The symbol may not bring money directly, but it brings new opportunities, connections, or will help you realize your abilities or reasons for failure.
    This is the symbol of the Indian school of Reiki. It is used both for oneself and for other people. It enhances the results of such techniques as the Reiki Wish Box, Reiki Programming, and Reiki Calendar. Gives prosperity, wealth, success in the fulfillment of material desires. Can be used to harmonize rooms (or furnishings). It can be a house, a factory, an office, etc. Ki-Zhen-Chi can be used at home, at work, during treatment (both contact and at a distance); it works effectively in every position, on any part of the body. It activates the work with images in such techniques as "Ice Block" and others. It is very well used for non-repayment of debts. It brings you the consciousness of how to make money and creates the necessary conditions for this. This sign gives consciousness to understand what blockades hinder your progress, and helps to eliminate them.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.


    Strength increase

    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally


    Great balance (not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, used additionally
    Adjustment for additional characters
    Place the symbol in front of you, at a convenient distance for you.
    Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
    At the same time, try to breathe with your stomach for min.5.
    Next, keep looking at the symbol and say:
    “Higher Self, I ask You to tune in to the energy of the symbol (the name of the symbol you are looking at).
    Feel the flow of energy that enters the area between the eyebrows and fills your entire body.
    Sit for 1-2 minutes. After that, you are set to a character.
    you can work with it

    HART - non-traditional Reiki symbol

    This is a Tibetan symbol, which also has a close connection with the image of the Egyptian pyramids. It is a symbol for Reiki practitioners who love to heal from a distance and meditate. It represents love, harmony, beauty and balance. Expresses inner beauty at the Soul level, opens the heart, balances the inner state. It helps to harmonize, heal love, "heart" situations, as it is able to connect hearts like a bridge. This is a powerful symbol for healing the heart and conveying your love from the heart, improving relationships with another person (especially in a conflict situation.
    This symbol, which is in the form of a pyramid with a cross in the center, symbolizes love, truth, beauty, harmony and balance. It is used in the treatment of emotional problems and in all situations concerning problems with the heart - the center of love received and given. It is also used in cases of unhealthy relationships or problems between family members, parents and children, between siblings, in married couples and close friends, and in the treatment of any problems that may arise.
    This symbol can be used to strengthen the will and joy of life, it is good for seriously ill patients or those who are on the verge of death, those who have lost the will to live, for weak, sickly children whose lives are in danger, and for those who suffer from lack of appetite or whose actions indicate that their natural will to live is defective (people whose lifestyle leads to a slow death is destructive and dangerous). It can be used to rekindle love and aspire to a normal career and profession, to cure drug addiction, and for meditation.
    People who have used it in the process of meditation say that it causes extremely powerful and exciting experiences. It is a powerful symbol to and from the heart from which love and healing comes.
    If you draw the Hart symbol, and then, filling it with Reiki energy with the help of Cho Ku Rei, close your eyes, you can see a three-dimensional pyramid in front of you, formed by the rotation of a two-dimensional symbol around an imaginary axis.
    Visualizing oneself entering the inside of the pyramid during meditation can be a very valuable experience.
    The combination of the cross and the pyramid is especially important in this symbol. The pyramid seems to be strung on a cross formed by lines 1 and 2. Two most powerful archetypal symbols, successfully combined in various visualization practices, give a very tangible effect.
    The Hart symbol pairs well with the Hong Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol for increased remote exposure.
    In practice, it is sometimes used to normalize family relations and as a defense.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.

    MARA / RAMA - non-traditional Reiki symbol

    This REIKI symbol connects and connects us to the cobalt-colored Earth energy, which, in fact, is the real energy of Mother Earth. Initially, this sign looked different and was called RAMA. In the revived version of Reiki, the MARA symbol opens the chakra located in the soles of the feet, and opens access to the healing cobalt blue energy of Mother Earth and the blue green energy of the sea. If a person has “little” Earth according to karma (in the horoscope), this sign grounds well, helps to get housing, work, a good family, money.

    Rama connects us to the energy of the Earth and cleanses the lower six chakras. Rama is used to get rid of negative energy, create certainty in life and revive the original charge of Ki energy in a person. What is, must be restored and multiplied through a stable connection between Heaven and Earth, between Spirit and Matter, between internal and external - these are the main motives for meditations and visualizations with this symbol. The origin of the Rama symbol is unclear, but Kathleen Milner says it is a Reiki symbol that brings us down to earth, connects us to the earth. She uses a slightly modified image and names it Mara. But he admits that "initially he had a slightly different form and was called Rama."
    The four turns of the spiral (two top and two bottom) represent the 4 directions and 4 elements. The central coil is associated with the heart, which is most accurately projected onto the anahata chakra, and it, in turn, is the center of the entire energy system. Any imbalance in the work of anahata seriously affects health, both physical and psychological. Therefore, the Rama symbol is recommended for working with the heart chakra. If even without previous meditation to depict a symbol on the chest, in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus, one can feel a heartfelt relief. Two letters V, connected together in the center, represent the feminine and masculine principles, directed towards the essence of man. Only the one in whom they are balanced, as in this symbol, feels the fullness of being.
    Among other things, this symbol will be very useful to people in need, as well as to those who do not have the Earth in astrological charts.
    It can serve as a reliable grounding agent. If you initiate the legs with the symbol of Rama, for example, simply by drawing it before each meditation on the soles of the feet, then you can find a more stable connection with the energy sources of the Earth, and this, in turn, will help balance the energy flows.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.

    ZONAR - non-traditional Reiki symbol

    This is a Reiki symbol that is associated with emotional aspects. Our cells can store trauma, the shock of our individual circumstances, and the shock of the mass consciousness from present and past life events. Everything we do for others, we do it all for ourselves. This is a holographic universe. The same wonderful energy is constantly flowing through each of us. Each part contains the consciousness of the whole. Zonar works very effectively with karma, especially in cases where a person died in a past life as a result of trauma and other situations.

    This symbol means infinity or eternity. Line 1 personifies the beginning of time, line 3 - the end, they are connected by line 2, which intersects with the infinity of the whole process, its unimaginability within the framework of a moment of a person's earthly life.
    Zonar seems to say: from the beginning of time to the end, your spirit exists, it is indestructible, indestructible, it is infinite, like the Universe itself. The Zonar is designed to work with the deep layers of memory, both of this life and the past. Zonar helps us "let go", "release" karma, create clarity, purity and open our hearts to compassion. Consciousness expands when Zonar discovers the dimensions of the Universe. In the Karuna system, Ki Zonar connects a person with loving, compassionate energy.
    Draw the Zonar as follows: first draw the letter Z, then three times the infinity symbol, while repeating the name of the symbol. Used to work with a past life and the karmic aspects of the present one. Human cells store the memory of shock and trauma, emotional wounds, not only experienced as a result of personal experience, but also contained in the collective consciousness. And that even if a person does not believe in reincarnation and did not belong to the 11 million people burned as witches by the Inquisition, we are all connected with this and share this trauma within the collective consciousness sealed in archetypes. The same can be said about other horrifying moments in the history of mankind, such as two world wars, the Holocaust, natural and man-made disasters or individual crimes.
    This symbol is used to heal karma. It is very effective in treating various emotional problems. It is used to heal traumas of the subconscious mind, to treat problems originating in karma or past lives, and to treat children and adults who were physically, mentally or sexually abused as children.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol

    JAVA is a non-traditional Reiki symbol.

    Balances five elements, four elements with a person. Allows a person to defeat his illusions, complexes, make the right decision. Allows you to protect yourself from negative forces and their influence in the form of bad habits. At work, he creates a pleasant, calm, trusting atmosphere around. Heals the kidneys. In a circle, Wu - Xing restores the energy of four organs (you need to start so that the diseased organ is the last - fourth). The symbol balances the four elements of the elements with the 5th element - man (zodiac cycle). Meditation with this sign allows a person to penetrate through their own illusions and complexes for the correct decision-making, it is also used when working to open the spiritual consciousness. Helps to manage oneself, strengthens willpower to fight bad habits. Activates his life goal.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.

    DUMO is an unconventional Reiki symbol.

    It is the symbol of the Kundalini fire. Allows the fire energy of Kundalini to be harmoniously distributed throughout the body, throughout the organs, chakras, bodies, at the level of the Soul, consciousness, subconsciousness. Eliminates blocks, mucus that prevent the Kundalini energy from being distributed harmoniously. Burns the energy of diseased cells, activates the growth of new cells. Increases energy, relieves chills, internal cold. Helps with all diseases from freezing. Well heals Yang organs: liver, heart, gallbladder, small intestine. It is very effective to work with him in a circle of Wu - Xing: the sign balances all five elements, activates their energy. It brings the Soul out of depression, unites the connection between the Soul and the body. Gives purple breath to heal others, also fills all organs with a golden color.

    The first symbol of tradition. Reiki can be used to enhance this symbol.

    Fire Dragon

    Placed on the entire spine. Stabilizes pressure.


    For the treatment of tumors.

    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)


    Love, put it on yourself and the one who is not pleasant to you at the moment.
    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)


    Destruction of blocks, aggression.

    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)


    Getting energy from food and everything that surrounds us.

    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)

    Zen Zyan


    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)

    San Son

    It is used to cleanse any objects and people.
    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)



    is not a symbol of the traditional Reiki school, it is used additionally (see the setting rule above)


    This is a Tibetan symbol, used to treat karmic diseases and relationships with people. It is very good for untying karmic knots with relatives and relatives. Translated from Tibetan, it means "Resolving the karma of relationships."
    Mantra "yoshi te".
    The symbol works very well with tourmaline and has a tourmaline pink-purple coloration.
    He works very actively to establish thought forms. It is considered a sign of favorable forecasts, proposals.
    While working with the symbol, it is very good to draw it on the back of the patient with aromatic oil at the point of input of information into the subconscious (and the area of ​​the thoracic region - Anahata chakras) opposite the sternum.
    At the same time, you need to rake him with your hands, mentally saying: “I don’t owe you anything, we love each other, we help each other in everything and understand everything.”
    To remove problems at a distance or resolve them with the dead, you must first launch the ZEN KAI JO sign, and then the YOYOSHI TE sign.
    At the same time, one must ask the Lords of karma for help in untying karmic knots.
    They do the same when resolving a negative situation in the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. To perform such a ritual, you need to imagine or draw a phantom of the person you are working with, or use a toy, name him, be sure to clean with Reiki.


    Threading practices.

    Threading is an ancient Tibetan monastic technique. Practice it on the waning moon. At the same time, natural silk or woolen threads are used, which conduct energy flows very well. Purpose of practice:
    1. Untying karmic knots.
    2. Treatment of diseases.
    3. Planning for favorable conditions.
    The one who wants to solve the problem should bring the threads, since he intuitively chooses the gamma necessary for this at the moment. To carry out the work, 7 threads of the same length are required,
    about 70 cm.
    The question to be resolved (karmic or personal) can be asked mentally or written down on paper.
    A person working with this practice must not only enter the Reiki flow, but also use the strongest personal energy, merging with the Absolute.

    METHOD 1. Untying knots:

    If you accidentally know or intuitively guess an upcoming event that does not suit you, or you do not like your relationship with someone (the more specific the situation, the more specifically you need to focus the power of Reiki on unleashing it), you need to do the following:
    1. Look at the image of the YOYOSHI TE sign, remember it and
    place in front of you in the air. After that, take 7 colored threads of the same length from natural raw materials.
    2. Tie a very strong one-time knot, imagining how it seems to block the path of this situation, tighten it even tighter (as long as you have enough strength) with the thought that you do not want this problem to develop, send the YOYOSHI TE sign to the Universe and ask the Masters karma to permanently remove her from your life.
    3. Reading a prayer, completely untie the tight knot.
    4. After that, dispose of the threads in a convenient way.
    The same can be done if you want to get rid of a tumor or any disease, imagining that by tying a knot you stop the course of the disease. This method can remove cysts, fibromyomas, warts.

    Method 2. Tying knots

    It is used to fulfill desires or certain life programs.
    1. Look at the image of the YOYOSHI TE sign, remember it and place it in front of you in the air. Focus, get in the flow.
    2. Conceive a desire (or several desires) and tie as many knots on the threads as many desires are conceived.
    3. Wind the strands with knots into a ring, put it in an envelope with the image of the YOYOSHI TE sign and carry it with you until the plan is fulfilled. After the fulfillment of desires, destroy the ball - bury it, drown it.

    Root Meditation

    Meditation on the roots allows you to get rid of some diseases: Petrov's cross, elecampane, serpentine relieve night fears and enuresis; angelica - from mental disorders; calamus treats the stomach, ginger - cough.
    1. Put the necessary root on the YOYOSHI TE sign and, together with the sign, attach it to the forehead at the location of the third eye. Several times, without undue effort, press it to the forehead.
    2. Imagine a fiery tourmaline ball with a sign in front of you. Feel the appearance of warmth and light (perhaps one or the other).
    3. Call for help all the saints, the Lords of karma.
    4. In turn, start cleaning all the chakras, organs, nodules, vessels, feeling the movement of the sign through the body, like a light breeze. It is similar to how a small vacuum cleaner sucks out of you all the toxins, dust particles, spots on the aura, mucus, coughs, purulent inflammations.
    5. Feeling that at the moment you have done enough work and well cleansed the body of unnecessary ballast, take out the ball with the sign and slag and send it deep into the earth - into magma, where it all dematerializes.
    You can collect the spine on paper or in a rag and bury it deeper into the ground in a place where there are no people. You can clean yourself and your patients.

    The symbol of JIN SO GEN (JIN SO GEN) translated into Russian means "Harmonizer of vision."

    The mantra is "gin so gen". The color of the sign is light green, gold.

    Eyes are a mirror of the soul and in karmic aspects the eyes are of great importance.

    The symbol is corrected by the Absolute and interacts with the work of the Absolute, levels out internal and external negatives, foreign interference, establishes correct vision, vision, both external and internal, i.e. intuitive.
    Since the eyes are of great importance in the technique of working with Reiki and in karmic aspects, this symbol gives them health, carries special energy for the treatment of eye diseases, and is used for astigmatism.
    The sign can be flying, drawn, virtual, and can also work at a distance.
    The sign is drawn with an open palm in the air above you.



    1. Take the JIN SO GEN sign in your hands and enter a meditative state.
    2. Ask the Lords of Karma to improve your eyesight.
    3. Put the sign aside, mentally draw it in the air in front of you and at the same time try to make 10 turns with your head in one direction, then in the other. If at the same time it crackles in the spine, it means that the Lords of Karma are working with you.
    The symbol can be used during exercise, morning exercises, at work, on vacation.

    Eye Meditation

    1. Draw a JIN SO GEN sign above you, imagine how it rotates.
    2. Enter the sign. Scoop up radiant white energy from space with the palm of your hand.
    3. Rinse the eyes inside and out with it (myopia, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma are treated).
    4. Wash your eyes well with energy, get out of the state of meditation, thank the Lords of karma for their help.
    With the help of this sign, malachite treats cataracts and glaucoma. The serpentine with its help removes the evil eye. Carnelian, mica and crystal prevent and treat retinal detachment.
    With congenital astigmatism, the sign should be drawn in front of the eyes,
    create a green energy ball in the palms and inhale it with your eyes, placing your palms on your closed eyes.

    Symbol Heal ‘Ls “HEALING OF THE SPINE”:

    The Hill's symbol restores the distorted structure of the bone tissue, stretches the spine, restores the elasticity of the intervertebral discs (spine.)
    Stretches the structure of the legs and arms.

    How to work with a symbol

    • The symbol of Hill's is placed on the spine, and the balls are stretched along the spine.
    • With increased pressure and fatigue, the symbol is placed from the head - the middle is at ground level - and the lower part enters the ground. According to the symbol, by breathing we lower the pain and energy of excess pressure into the ground. Additionally, you can grow roots from the feet into the ground.
    • When working on healing trees, the symbol of Hill's is used, which is located from the top of the tree to the bottom of the roots.
    • When traveling in any electric transport, it works as a protection against the effects of electric fields for the etheric and physical bodies. For this purpose, place the symbol around you, that is, your figure is inside the symbol.


    CHAREI is a symbol of Archangel Zadkiel, it has a violet flame in its work: it is used for purification, transmutation of negative energy into light, for liberation from old programs and lingering attachments, bad habits, for improving relationships, etc.

    How to work with a symbol

    1. Call upon the VIOLET FLAME and express your intention (goal, direction of work). For example: it is necessary to clean a wound or organ, space, etc.

    2. We put the CHAREY symbol on the problematic place, pronounce it three times and set a program for it (cleaner, extractor, negative transmuter, sorbent, clarifier, disinfector, washer .... etc.)

    3. We intensify the flow of the violet flame and see or imagine how CHAREI concentrates this flame in itself, remaining superimposed on the diseased organ.

    Now you can go about your business. And the energy of the symbol will continue to work for as long as you set.

    The use of the CHAREY symbol and other Arkhangelsk symbols is extremely diverse. Here you can freely express your creativity.

    You can give a character an image that is specific to its work, for example:

    Lapti Charey - it is convenient to put them on your feet (they can warm, draw out negative energy through the chakras of the legs, etc.);

    Thus, the symbol receives a semantic and figurative load. This makes it light and easy to work with.

    Douche Charey - washes all bodies: physical and energetic from fatigue, from stress, from depression, from viruses, etc.

    Pool Charey - nourishes all bodies with a violet flame, bathing in it cleanses, transforms, erases negative programs, negative memory, etc.

    Cloak of Charei - Sheath of Charei around the aura is the best defense, and not aggressive, because it does not reflect the blow, but transmutes negative energy into Light and Love, or in the case of a strong and hard energy attack - into neutral energy.

    Extractor Charei - is installed on the windows of the room, if it is necessary to remove negative energy, splashed out negative emotions, etc.

    It is also possible to use the CHAREY symbol for cleansing channels, meridians, chakras, organs, auras…etc. etc.


    We use symbols to form a strong connection with universal energy. Symbols allow us to accept and use many different energies, each with a specific effect.

    “About a year after I received these symbols, I connected with their source and discovered that the Auminath flow comes from a huge, wide and loving source, which is “located” very far from our reality and everyday existence.
    Simply put, this stream is bringing a little more love into our part of the galaxy. This flow brings the energy of enlightenment and harmony.

    How to work with the Auminat symbol:

    There is no use of specific Reiki energy here, although it works well with it.

    Place the symbol above your head to the heart chakra. The action of the symbol extends from the space above the head, to the heart, along the concentric circles of the symbol.

    To me it looks dyed, sprayed and greenish with a dark blue reflex.

    The symbol is best used after energy work with the body, when one's own vibrations are high enough, and the energy field is mobile and ready to receive this gift.

    This symbol aligns mental activity with the heart center. He uses mental energy, directs it and brings it out through the heart center to the outside world.

    It focuses on integrating the path of the mind and the path of love of the heart. He moves thoughts and dreams into the "present time" so that they manifest and come true here and now.

    I most often use this symbol in these two cases, use your intuition for additional possibilities.

    It can also be used to understand all the probabilities of the development of the situation.

    This symbol is very strong and powerful, good for those who give speeches or communicate, and for those who want to convey their ideas to other people.

    You need to draw a symbol with both hands at the same time!

    \Jeff Johnson\


    This symbol was shown to Barbara Cohn when she asked for help from the Angelic Healing System to treat her cancer. For this reason, its name is "anti-cancer" or "anti-tumor" symbol. There was also information about this symbol that it can be useful in many other diseases and diseases. (Especially with chronically impaired immune systems.)

    To use this symbol: join and open your palms and ask him to receive. Once you feel it in your hands (and it rotates in the direction of the arrow), you should place it inside the chakra and let it do its job. It can be located in any of the chakras, but it is more useful to use the symbol in the area that is most affected by cancer/disease.

    Another way to do this is to join the fingers and thumbs together in a triangular shape, and ask the symbol to fit into the triangle. At the same time, the symbol "drip" into the chakra.

    This symbol works well with any Reiki systems and other energy symbols, using it as part of an energy ball.


    The Angel Wings symbol can be used to realize inner potential and as an aid in achieving any goal! Among other things, this symbol is a powerful protection against any negative energy from the outside, especially if it is used in conjunction with.

    To work with the Angel Wings symbol, it must be activated

    For this:

    1. Draw it on paper.
    2. Calmly contemplate it for 3-5 minutes.
    3. Draw a symbol in the air, take it in your hands and put it under your arms on both sides. Say: "I ask the energy of the Angel Wings symbol to integrate with me and fill me with its vibrations." Sit in this position for 10-15 minutes. You can integrate 10-20 times. The more you integrate with the symbol, the better it will work in your hands!

    This symbol is good, combined with meditation "

    Reiki is a type of alternative medicine in which therapy is carried out by touching certain areas of the human body with the palms of the hands. The word "reiki" itself translates as "energy of the soul."

    In the 20th century, the monk Mikao Usui, who was also a doctor, invented a technique based on manual treatment. He believed that it was enough to tune in to the patient's channels and clear them. After that, the patient will be healed. In addition, Reiki is a form of meditation. This technique allows the body to relax, and the mind to be freed from all extraneous thoughts.

    Soul energy symbols, i.e. reiki are Japanese characters that have powerful energy. If such a flow is given the right direction, then you can get rid of any ailment, attract wealth and improve health.

    In addition, there are reiki symbols for wish fulfillment. The main thing is to know how to draw these signs correctly.

    There are about three hundred such signs, but only 22 of them are used in practice. There are basic reiki symbols, additional and unused signs. Mikao Usui used only 4 characters. These symbols of Reiki energy are drawn on the palm of the healer.

    In addition, they are applied to the problem areas of a person in order to cleanse them of the accumulated negative energy. Each of these hieroglyphs symbolizes a degree of Reiki:

    First step - cho ku rei

    The Reiki symbol cho ku rei stands for strength. It increases the energy flow, and also focuses it in the problem area and enhances the healing effect. The main meanings of this sign are: "God is here" and "Direct energy to this point."

    Cho ku rei is a symbol of reiki, the use of which is relevant for cleansing the energy space from accumulated negativity and filling it with positive energy. In addition, this sign can free food and drinks from energy dirt.

    They are charged with natural stones used as a talisman, medicines to enhance their effectiveness and water, which is given to the patient to relieve the disease.

    Cho ku rei is used after the rite of the second stage to accelerate the healing of soft tissues and relieve pain. This sign can be used in complex therapy together with the symbols of sei heki and hon sha ze shonen between them or after them.

    The use of cho ku rei is relevant not only for humans. Thanks to him, the growth of the plant will increase, and it will also be protected from diseases. You can place this sign next to household appliances and batteries. This will increase their operational period.

    Despite the fact that this is a symbol of the first step, it is sometimes used as the last. The fact is that it activates the action of all other signs.

    This sign must be mentally drawn on the entire body of the patient before and after the therapy session. At the beginning of the session, the symbol opens the energy flows of the reiki, and at the end it fixes them.

    This symbol strengthens confidence in one's own abilities and in one's goals. In addition, you can use this reiki sign as protection against any negative impact. To do this, you need to mentally draw a symbol to the full height of a person with a setting for protection.

    In addition, you can get a tattoo. It will have the same meaning as the symbol. Only the master should perform the tattoo so that it exactly matches the sign. The main thing is that all the spirals of the symbol are clearly drawn on the tattoo.

    The second step is this he ki

    Sei heki is a symbol that means harmony and love. It promotes healing and also removes all blocks. In addition, this sign cleans space and various objects from negative pollution.

    It provides therapy on a mental and emotional level and helps to find harmony with oneself and with the outside world.

    Sei heki has the main meanings - "the key to the absolute" or "man and god merge together."

    This sign helps to overcome mental and emotional blocks that have arisen due to physical problems. In addition, it improves mood, relieves stress and relieves depression. Sei heki helps to cope with bad habits.

    The Level 2 Reiki symbol helps to get rid of bad memories that prevent a person from continuing a full existence. In addition, it creates a powerful energy barrier that protects a person from any negative impact, as well as from the emergence of negative emotions and thoughts.

    In other words, he protects not only from others, but also from himself. The hieroglyph bestows harmony and tranquility.

    Stage 2 is the sign that you can mentally draw on a person, or you can make a tattoo.

    The second step can be used to free space from the accumulated negative energy. Its application in this case is especially after various quarrels and conflicts.

    The third step is hon sha ze sho nen

    Hon sha ze sho nen is a Reiki symbol that represents unity or light. If the previous two steps require the direct presence of the patient for therapy, then everything is different here. The third sign helps to convey positive energy, being at a distance.

    In addition, he carries out therapy on a mental and emotional level. The sign can also be used for self-healing and establishing a connection with the chosen target.

    The third Reiki symbol consists of several words, like all the others, but in this case, their meaning must be deciphered separately:

    • Khon - land, origin, source.
    • Sha - to reach the root of the problem.
    • Ze is the center of the universe, which gives life.
    • Sho is out of time.
    • Nen is the spiritual heart.

    We can say that the 3rd character is used to treat a patient who is very far away. The flow of energy can be transmitted thanks to him even for hundreds of kilometers. Moreover, treatment can be carried out even in the past or future. For this sign there is no concept of time. He heals here and now, and it does not matter when the pathology has arisen or may arise.

    In addition, the sign of the third step helps to transfer the energy flow in several directions at the same time. Most often, a photograph of the patient is used for treatment with this symbol.

    Fourth step - give ko myo

    This is the symbol of the master. It signifies love, light and strength. We can say that it is a perfect source of energy.

    Such a symbol combines the universal life energy with the personal energy of a person.

    The sign is needed to initiate all the previous steps. It is believed that dai komyo helps to understand the nature of the Buddha and discover the divine principle in oneself.

    Additional Reiki Symbols

    In addition to the main ones, as already mentioned, there are additional Reiki symbols. They can be used to achieve specific goals. Here are some of them:

    Signs of Karuna

    Mikao Usui had many followers who developed the reiki symbols karuna, or "the energy of compassion and the desire to help one's neighbor." These signs do not oppose each other, on the contrary, they complement each other, enhancing efficiency.

    Here are some of these characters:

    There are several ways to use reiki or karuna signs. The simplest is to mentally draw them on yourself, another person or object. At the same time, you need to think about what is expected of them. You can draw these symbols with your favorite colors.

    In addition, you can write or draw signs on a piece of paper. To do this, you can use simple or colored pens, pencils and paints. In addition, symbols can and even need to be drawn on the elements, i.e. in the air, on water, sand, etc. Even a simple pronunciation of the name of the signs will already have power and activate the energy flows. Symbols can be drawn on consumed drinks or food.

    It is allowed to tattoo these images. The main thing is that they are made by a knowledgeable master. Only in this way will the tattoo have strength and correct, and not distorted meaning.

    Banknotes can be drawn on a purse, wallet or banknotes themselves. It doesn’t matter how these hieroglyphs will be depicted, the main thing is to do everything right and believe in their power.

    The answer is very simple - she practices the teachings of Reiki. And the presence of the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol on her hand indicates that she was initiated to the 2nd degree of Reiki. The second step opens up wide expanses of energy sources for it.

    Myself reiki symbol Cho-Ku-Rei focuses all the energy of Reiki at one point, in this case, the point is Tina Gigievna herself. Therefore, for writing symbols during a Reiki session, it is very effective and efficient to use the Cho-Ku-Rei Reiki symbol.

    Directly about symbols

    The symbols are sometimes called Reiki Signs, although it seems to me that it is completely in vain.

    Mikao Usui used Reiki only 4 characters. 3 of them were intended to transfer Reiki to oneself or other people, and the fourth was used to initiate or attune a person to a state of natural wholeness (Reiju).

    These 3 symbols describe the state of Reiki as energy, harmony and unity and are some standards of this state.

    Reiki Symbols and How to Use Them in Reiki Healing The Master gives students in their second level class.

    Until recently, these symbols were secret. When I studied the 2nd level of Reiki, we wrote each Reiki symbol at the seminar, quiveringly drawing out all the dashes.

    However, you can't hide an awl in a bag, and there were Reiki masters who took it upon themselves to open the signs of Reiki to the world. Now their writing can be seen in books, on the pages of websites on the Internet, in the form of a tattoo on the hand of a popular TV presenter.

    So symbols are no longer secret but still remained sacred. Although, out of old habit, I do not write or name the names of Reiki symbols in the presence of the uninitiated in the 2nd degree.

    Everything sacred is the opposite of everyday, mundane. So the symbols in the Reiki system are brought up with a special attitude as to the divine, heavenly, irrational and mystical.

    Reiki symbols have a form that corresponds to a certain standard of the spiritual, they are associated with the higher, divine world.
    When attuned to symbols during initiation, a person is given reference state of its natural integrity, its true sound and this state is anchored on the palms of the hands.

    Therefore, anyone initiated into Reiki, by placing his hands on his body or on the body of another person, can enter this state of integrity and harmony at will. The more often he does this, the sooner he will have return the habit of being at rest. And as you know, this state heals thoughts, emotions and body.