Intimate hygiene gel to eliminate odor. The best products for intimate hygiene. Why does the intimate area smell bad?

With the onset of menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen in the female body gradually decreases, which entails certain consequences. A frequent accompaniment of menopause is dry mucous membranes and pain in the vagina. The causes of such ailments are stress, taking antibiotics, bad habits, lack of sex, etc. Vaginal dryness weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. To improve the condition, it is necessary to choose the right moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause.

What should be included in the product

When purchasing moisturizers designed to care for sensitive areas, women need to pay special attention to what is included in the product. She must:

  • contain lactic acid, which allows maintaining an optimal balance of microflora;
  • have D-panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, medicinal herbal extracts;
  • be pH neutral;
  • do not contain aromatic substances or fragrances;
  • include high fat content;
  • have an antibacterial substance and vitamin E.

Intimate soap for hygiene must be liquid so that the polymers in it do not cause irritation and are easier to wash off with water. Cream for moisturizing the intimate area should not contain dyes. As a rule, the product has a delicate, subtle aroma due to the presence of natural ingredients (sage or chamomile extract). For sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, you should choose a product with aloe vera.

What medications are best for dryness in the intimate area?

The modern market of care products includes a large number of items, each of which has its own indications and features of use. In addition, their price will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Here are some of the most popular and sought-after moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause:



Price in rubles

Vagilak gel

Relieves pain during sexual intercourse. Helps relieve vaginal dryness.

Bliss Gel

Has a powerful moisturizing effect. Promotes the production of natural lubrication.


It is used only after a medical examination. Contains estradiol, which eliminates dryness.


The cream for dryness in the intimate area is gentle and takes excellent care of the vaginal mucosa.

Gynofit gel

Quickly relieves burning sensation. Normalizes microflora.


With menopause, doctors recommend not to stop having sex. Regular sex life will help keep the walls of the vagina in good shape. Even a few days of abstinence from intimacy can contribute to the development of dryness and cracks in the vagina, which makes it painful for a woman to have sex. You can combat the problem with a lubricant (artificial lubricant) that has a low pH level. The most popular lubricants on the market are the following:


Any woman with the onset of menopause should start using intimate hygiene products, as well as constantly apply appropriate creams. It is better to choose products on the advice of a gynecologist. There are special hormonal preparations that perfectly moisturize the mucous membrane and stimulate the natural process of mucus production. You can choose a neutral intimate cream that helps eliminate unpleasant signs. List of the most popular tools:


Suppositories are a good remedy for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the vagina. Suppositories differ from lubricants in that they are able to restore the production and secretion of vaginal mucus for a long period. The products effectively remove irritation and promote renewal of the mucous membrane, while reducing signs of vulvar atrophy (burning, itching, discomfort and tension during sexual intercourse). The most popular drugs are:

How to apply moisturizing creams for the intimate area

During menopause, it is important to monitor vaginal hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day. The instructions for using special preparations to eliminate dryness in the intimate area recommend using them every day. Funds can be applied after visiting the bath, pool, sauna. The method of use and dosage of moisturizing preparations is prescribed only by a doctor. Intimate cream application scheme:

  • before using the product, it is necessary to carry out a procedure using gel or liquid soap with a neutral pH;
  • to do this, moisten the genitals with water, then drop soap, gel, mousse or foam onto the palm of your hand and lather;
  • then we transfer everything to the vagina, carefully massage, rinse;
  • hands should be thoroughly cleaned;
  • then we take the cream, squeeze it into the palm of your hand;
  • distribute evenly over the vaginal mucosa;
  • For the treatment to be effective, you need to use a tip to inject a small amount of cream into the vagina.

Everyone knows that a woman's health depends on many factors. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is one of the conditions that a woman must comply with to maintain health.

For many women, pregnancy is a problem. Unfortunately, the negative impact of the environment on women’s health often leads to infertility, as well as the proliferation of various diseases that have a significant impact on conceiving a baby.

It is worth noting that the intimate organs of any woman have a rather delicate structure and are also very vulnerable. The uterine cavity is rightfully considered sterile, and any woman knows what its role is during conception.

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took, whether traditional medicine was effective, what helped and what didn’t.

In the event of infection and microbes entering the uterine cavity, the process of diseases involuntarily begins to develop, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to observe hygiene rules to prevent the formation of various types of diseases.

Hygiene rules

There are several rules of intimate hygiene that a woman should be aware of:

What is PH balance?

PH balance is an indicator of the ratio of acid and alkali.

The proportion is significantly influenced by charged ions, which can be both positive and negative.

The role of ions is to form an acidic environment and an alkaline one. Acid-base balance is the balance of acid and alkali.

Why do I need an intimate hygiene gel?

Doctors insist that any woman needs to wash herself regularly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, respectively, without using any cosmetics, much less soap.

Cosmetic products are allowed for use, but you can wash yourself with various gels and other products no more than twice a week. At other times, it is better to give the choice to clean running water.

We must remember that microorganisms easily penetrate into the mucous membrane of the vagina itself, as well as the adjacent labia. Such components are important for the vaginal environment. They influence the level of acid-base balance, the preservation of which is extremely necessary for a woman’s health.

Moreover, microorganisms help block the proliferation of opportunistic microflora, from which women suffer in the future. In other words, microorganisms are, so to speak, gates that prevent infection from entering and spreading into the vagina.

By washing ourselves with soap every day, we harm ourselves and remove the necessary protective shell. The risk of infection increases many times and the woman does not notice in the future how the diseases begin their active development directly in the vagina.

Due to the removal of bacteria that play an important role in a woman’s health, diseases are formed that are not so easy to get rid of. The most common diseases are vaginal dysbacteriosis and. Diseases are accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area.

Gel for intimate hygiene and will be an excellent solution to ensure the necessary hygiene of intimate places. It is impossible not to pay attention to the composition of the gels available for sale today.

The basis of the composition are the components:

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We opted for one drug - which helped to cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to ... As soon as I started taking it, it became much easier, you even feel that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have sexual relations with my husband again, otherwise everything was without much desire. "

What is better soap or gel?

Of course, soap is able to cleanse the vagina of all secretions that accumulate in this area, and also helps to eliminate odor.

Assessing the benefits of gel and soap, it is still worth making a choice in favor of a gel designed specifically for intimate hygiene. Why? Soap is best left for washing underwear and for other purposes.

After all, the use of such a remedy contributes not only to the formation of dryness of the skin in intimate places, but also to the destruction of the acid-base balance necessary to protect the vagina from germs and infection. It is better to give the choice to the gel for intimate hygiene.

Washing with gels for intimate hygiene is recommended twice a week, no more. The reason for the development of many diseases in a woman's body is the neglect of the use of laundry soap, which destroys the necessary environment to protect against infections and bacteria.

What's good about the gel?

Gel for intimate hygiene has a number of advantages:

The use of the gel twice a week will be quite enough for a healthy state of a woman and the ability to maintain a favorable environment in the vagina in order to protect against unfavorable microbes and bacteria.

Features of the composition

What are the compositional features of the gel?

  1. Firstly, the gel does not contribute to the drying of the skin in an intimate place. This is one of the biggest pluses.
  2. Secondly, the gel does not wash out the acid-base environment that protects the vagina from infection and microbes.
  3. Thirdly, the gel contains herbs, relieving a woman from itching, if any.

How to choose an intimate hygiene gel?

How to choose the same intimate hygiene gel that is suitable for a woman and does not cause irritation after use?

Types of gel for intimate hygiene

Conventionally, gels for intimate hygiene are divided into moisturizing and cleansing. What is the difference and which one is best to choose?


Moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene are necessary when a woman has dry skin around the vagina.

So, as a rule, it happens with frequent washing with soap. Soap is known to dry out the skin.

This type of gel is chosen by women who need to moisturize the skin. Of course, the formula and composition of such a product will be aimed at obtaining hydration.


The disadvantage of most drugs are side effects. Often, drugs cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

In the process of application, you can already notice in the near future that the mucosa has disappeared.

This is exactly what a woman with such a problem needs to achieve. This type of gels contain in their composition, primarily lactic acid. It is necessary to pay utmost attention to this when choosing a tool. The composition must necessarily contain lactic acid, if the goal is to purchase an intimate hygiene gel to moisturize the mucosa.


Cleansing gels for intimate hygiene are designed to remove from the vagina, as well as the secretions produced daily by any woman.

Of course, the purpose of such a product, as well as other gels intended for intimate hygiene, is to maintain the acid-base balance during cleansing.

Cleansing the intimate area from secretions, it is possible to get rid of the acid-base environment, which is necessary for the health of a woman.

When choosing a hygiene product, it is important to choose something that truly cleanses the intimate area, without getting rid of beneficial microbes that perform a protective function against the development of various diseases.

There are as many cleansing gels as there are moisturizing ones. In most cases, there are gels that simultaneously promote cleansing and moisturizing.

My personal story

Premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge are over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It’s scary when women don’t know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores the immune system, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

How to understand that the gel is not suitable for you?

Often, of course, there are disappointments after using gels for intimate hygiene.

Contraindications for use

Like any similar cosmetic product, gels intended for intimate hygiene have a number of contraindications, which it is better to inquire about in advance.

Cases in which the use of the gel is contraindicated:

The best gels for intimate hygiene

In the cosmetics market, women have already identified their favorites and know exactly which gels are allowed to be used without causing any harm to health:

  • Gel for intimate hygiene Intimate Natural from Nivea. This gel is designed specifically for the care of the area of ​​​​intimate places in women. The product contains chamomile, which has a calming function, as well as Bisabolol, whose role is to slow down the development of bacteria. The absence of alcohol in the composition is one of the biggest advantages. The purpose of the gel is to maintain the acid-base balance, as well as moisturize the skin of the intimate area. Gel cost from 230 rub.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina. Lactic acid and milk whey are the basis of the composition of the gel for intimate hygiene Lactacid. The main task of the remedy, like many other similar ones, is to restore the acid-base balance. The gel helps to restore the internal microflora, and this is precisely the problem of many girls. Price for these products from 240 to 300 rub.
  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This product is classified as a cosmetic product with a delicate texture. The tool contributes not only to the delicate cleansing of the vagina, but also to moisturizing, restoring the skin in case of irritation and itching. The cost of the product, of course, is significantly different from other similar cosmetic products, but the value for money really justifies itself. Gel price from 2350 rub. for 200 ml.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree Sensitive. Such a gel belongs to the category of gentle gels, the composition of which is not similar to many other cosmetic products. We are talking about the fact that the product contains sandalwood oil. Agree that not every gel for intimate hygiene can find such a component in the composition of the product. According to the pricing policy, such a tool is quite democratic and, moreover, economical in consumption. This is important for women - quality and savings. The product is suitable for particularly sensitive skin. By choosing it, you don’t have to worry that the gel won’t fit or will cause discomfort after its use. Price from 149 rub.
  • Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim". The product is used for the preventive purposes of thrush and various diseases of this kind. Of course, the function of the product is not only to use it as a cosmetic product, but also to prevent diseases that are common today. This gel is prescribed according to the instructions for HPV disease. The advantage is that such products not only perform the function of cleansing and moisturizing, but also prevent diseases. The price of the product is 790 rub.
  • Emulsion for intimate hygiene Cleanic Intimate. An easy-to-use product with a dispenser containing chamomile helps cleanse, moisturize and normalize the acid-base balance. The price is affordable from 70 rub.

Uterine fibroids - SURGERY DOESN'T MEAN!

Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not cure the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids appear again. Fibroids will go away on their own without any surgery if you drink on an empty stomach ordinary herbal mixture...

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, it is best to choose gels intended for intimate hygiene rather than soap, which dries out the skin and displaces the acid-base environment. Before using any cosmetic product, it is necessary to study the composition in order to avoid an allergic reaction to the components.

To maintain a healthy state of the body as a whole and maintain the required PH level in a woman’s body, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality intimate hygiene products, as well as follow other rules. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of washing during critical days.

Maintaining cleanliness and freshness in the intimate area is the key to the health of the fair sex. However, considering what a delicate and delicate area we are talking about, choosing the right intimate hygiene product comes to the fore.

Why is this so important, and which genital care product would be most suitable? We will answer all these questions in this article.

The benefits of intimate care products

When it comes to caring for the genitals, some women sincerely do not understand why special cosmetics are needed when regular toilet soap is always at hand? However, experts advise against using soap when treating the genitals, and here’s why:

  • ordinary soap consists of alkali, and therefore dries out the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • the presence of perfumes in soap often leads to irritation;
  • This detergent changes the pH of the environment, which can threaten the growth of pathogenic microflora. And this condition threatens the development of thrush.

For these reasons, gynecologists advise using toilet soap no more than 2 times a week. On other days, it is better to simply wash with warm water.

However, practice shows that such minimum requirements do not save the fair sex from damage to the mucous membranes and the appearance of a repulsive odor. To safely cleanse the epidermis and maintain a pleasant aroma of the skin, there should always be a special intimate hygiene product in the bathroom. But what exactly it will be, the woman herself must decide.

Forms of hygiene products

The products in question are available in several forms, each of which has its own characteristics of effects on the skin, and has its own pros and cons in terms of ease of use.

At the same time, each manufacturer tries to ensure that the acid-base balance of its cosmetics matches the acidity of the vaginal mucosa as much as possible. This is a very important factor that allows you to maintain the natural state of the microflora of the genital organs and prevent infection. Let's consider the forms of issued funds.

Intimate soap

Externally, this product is no different from toilet soap, however, due to the presence of natural extracts that eliminate inflammation, this product has a gentler effect on the epidermis than ordinary soap. Moreover, intimate soap does not contain aggressive substances, which means it does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane. You need to use it several times a week, but it is not recommended to use such cosmetics every day.

Intimate gel

This product is presented in liquid form, resembling liquid soap in appearance. It contains a number of plant components, and, of course, the much-needed lactic acid. Using this tool is extremely simple. To do this, just combine a piece of gel with water and treat the genitals for 10–15 seconds, then rinse with warm running water.

Intimate foam or mousse

Such cosmetics are best suited for women whose skin is highly sensitive and prone to irritation. Having a soft or incredibly delicate consistency, intimate foam delicately cleanses the vaginal mucosa without causing dryness or irritation, and without disturbing the microflora of the intimate area. Before use, shake the foam, squeeze a piece of the product onto your hand and apply it to the genitals. It is advisable to rinse off the product with warm running water.

Wet wipes

In fact, wet wipes should be considered one of the greatest inventions of the last century. These hygiene products are in the handbag of every self-respecting woman, and all because with their help you can treat intimate areas literally anywhere, be it in nature or at work.

The wipes themselves are moistened with a special antiseptic solution that contains lactic acid. They can easily treat any intimate area without causing it to dry out or irritate. On the contrary, the napkin will help eliminate unpleasant odors, destroy microbes on the mucous membrane and perfectly moisturize the skin. In addition, napkins take up minimal space and fit compactly even in a miniature handbag.

Intimate cream

If necessary, relieve irritation and help the mucous membrane heal quickly when cracks and abrasions appear, use a special cream for intimate areas. In addition, this product is recommended to be applied before visiting a pool or open water. And if necessary, such a cream will become a replacement for lubricants.

Intimate deodorant

With the help of this perfume, the fair sex copes with the unpleasant odor in intimate places. An intimate deodorant is especially good in case of thrush, which is accompanied by a repulsive odor. While a woman puts her vaginal microflora in order, she can treat her skin and underwear with this deodorant before each shift.

Folk remedies

Let's not forget about alternative medicine, which have been used since time immemorial to wash delicate areas. First of all, chamomile decoction comes to mind, which is still widely used today in situations where it is necessary to quickly and efficiently eliminate the inflammatory process and irritation of the mucous membrane.

To prepare such a decoction, 1 tbsp. dry chamomile is poured into 200 ml of water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the product is allowed to cool, filtered and used for its intended purpose. By the way, not only chamomile is suitable for fighting infections and soothing the mucous membranes, but also other medicinal plants, including calendula and aloe vera, sage, and some others.

How to choose an intimate care product

Manufacturers offer a choice of hundreds of different intimate products from various manufacturing companies at a variety of prices. Choosing the most suitable product is not so easy.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • in case of dry mucous membranes (on the eve of menstruation or in case of cycle disruption), preference should be given to neutral agents;
  • in case of excessive moisture in the genitals (during menstruation, during ovulation), give preference to products that maintain an acidic environment in the vagina;
  • in case of thrush, pay attention to cosmetics containing antiseptics that will fight the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

You should purchase intimate cosmetics exclusively from a pharmacy or specialty store. This will reduce the likelihood of buying a counterfeit product.

What should be the composition of the product?

When choosing one or another intimate cosmetics, pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain the following components:

  • Lactic acid - contains beneficial bacteria, which maintains the vaginal microflora and prevents the development of thrush.
  • Calendula - eliminates inflammation and processes on the skin and relieves redness.
  • Sage is a powerful natural antiseptic that destroys pathogenic microbes on the surface of the mucous membrane.
  • Chamomile is a remedy that copes well with itching, burning on the vaginal mucosa, and also has a wound-healing effect.
  • Aloe vera is a herbal remedy that perfectly soothes the skin and quickly relieves inflammation.
  • Vitamin D - maintains a normal level of moisture, and also copes with inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Panthenol is a wound healing component that restores damaged skin and mucous membranes, moisturizing them well.

The composition of such a tool should be written in an understandable language, without the use of encoding. The product should contain the maximum amount of natural ingredients and a minimum of synthetic substances. This is eloquently said by the shelf life of cosmetics, which should not exceed 12 months.

Intimate soap should be white or a dull shade. Indirectly, this will indicate the presence of synthetic additives. As for a good intimate gel, its acid-base balance should be less than 5.0, and the gel itself should not foam much.

The best intimate care products

Lactacyd Femina Gel

According to the manufacturers, this incredibly popular tool can be used every day. The gel is practically free from alkalis, which means it does not cause the skin to dry out and does not provoke its irritation. However, experts in the field of cosmetology do not recommend using it for more than 3-4 r / week.

Soap "Green Pharmacy"

This soap is created for delicate care of the genital mucosa. It contains plant extracts that actively act against pathogenic bacteria and easily eliminate inflammation and irritation. In addition, the soap contains vitamin B5, which perfectly heals and moisturizes the skin. It is only important to remember that it is not recommended to take it more than 2 times a week.

Gel TianDe

This is an extremely soft and delicate product with a slight antibacterial effect, which inhibits the development of pathogenic flora without causing irritation. In addition, the soap contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B12, chamomile and sage extracts. However, in this case, experts do not recommend frequent use of the product, as it negatively affects the beneficial microflora.

Gel SebaMed

This is a pharmaceutical hygiene product with a low pH of 3.8. According to the manufacturers, this tool is ideal for young girls whose acid-base balance is slightly underestimated. The composition of the product contains panthenol, betaine, as well as virgin nut extract. These remedies cope well with inflammation and restore the microflora of the vagina.

The drug Chlorhexidine

This remedy belongs to medicines, but is also actively used in the care of the genitals. The fact is that Chlorhexidine is an inexpensive agent with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The drug quickly eliminates the pathogenic odds on the vaginal mucosa and removes an unpleasant odor without causing itching and irritation. In addition, a bottle of Chlorhexidine can always be kept with you, in a lady's purse. To use the remedy, it is enough to apply part of the medicinal liquid on a napkin and wipe the intimate areas with it.

Deodorants for intimate areas

The most popular deodorants that are used to treat the genitals are Avon, Oriflame, Yves-Rocher and Lycia. True, according to most gynecologists, deodorants are completely unsuitable for daily use. Of course, they mask the unpleasant odor well, but if this problem haunts a woman all the time, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. That is why intimate deodorants should be used if necessary, and no more than 2-3 r / week.

Intimate creams

Doctors also have ambivalent views on intimate hygiene creams. In fact, the cream should be used to eliminate dryness after using soap, as well as to get rid of irritation after wearing uncomfortable underwear. However, in this case, the question arises: is it not possible to initially choose a suitable soap for care that does not cause dryness, or wear suitable underwear that will not rub the skin?

Nevertheless, numerous surveys show that the intimate care cream from Belita-Vitex, as well as the Feminelle Soothing Intimare Cream from Oriflame, are quite popular among the fair sex.

Harm of intimate hygiene products

In recent years, intimate cosmetics have become incredibly popular, especially among the fair sex. True, for the most part, this is the merit of good advertising.

Of course, it cannot be denied that the products in question are safer than ordinary toilet soap, and, moreover, are better adapted to the delicate skin of a woman’s intimate areas. However, regular use of such products, which the manufacturers talk about, can threaten a woman with a lot of trouble.

First of all, excessive activity in caring for the intimate area is sometimes more harmful than completely ignoring such care. The fact is that a woman’s genitals are a full-fledged ecosystem, with its own living microflora, consisting of beneficial and opportunistic microbes. Optimal acidity inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora and prevents infection, but if you use such products too often, or choose the wrong care product, you can easily disrupt this ecosystem. The result of such exposure will be the development of thrush and the likelihood of an inflammatory process. For this reason, doctors recommend using intimate gels and mousses no more than 2-3 times per week.

In addition, intimate cosmetics are often used to remove or mask unpleasant odors from intimate areas. However, it is important to understand here that creams and deodorants are not medications! They will not help get rid of thrush. This is just cosmetics that hide the symptoms, which means it only delays the start of treatment.

By the way, more than 70% of women have encountered vaginal candidiasis, or, more simply, thrush, at least once in their lives. 40% of women suffer from a recurrent course of this disease, which means they encounter it regularly. Experts tend to associate this with excessive care of the genitals, and therefore with the use of products that wash out the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Thus, properly selected intimate care products will allow you to carry out high-quality antiseptic treatment of intimate areas and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, they should not be used too often. It is better to find a "golden mean" by regularly washing yourself with warm running water and using cosmetics for intimate areas when you really need it. In this case, it will bring you maximum benefit!

Intimate hygiene products for women are used to care for the genital area. The choice of products depends on the condition of the vagina, age and individual preferences. Regular use of intimate products helps maintain an optimal level of acidity, which cannot be achieved with the use of conventional cosmetic products.

Features of intimate hygiene products

Intimate cosmetics should contain such an amount of pH that does not differ from the acidity level of the vagina (the average pH value is 5.0.. 7.0). Such a ratio helps maintain normal vaginal microflora and prevents the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

The use of conventional means for the care of the intimate area is not able to provide such protection to the genitals. Substances that are part of simple cosmetics, on the contrary, violate the acid-base balance of the vagina. The main requirement for all intimate hygiene products is the content of physiological acid (preferably lactic). In addition, this type of cosmetics should contain biologically active substances that have a preventive and antimicrobial effect.

Important! When buying products for the care of the intimate area, you need to pay attention to their composition. You should refuse to purchase cosmetics if it contains dyes, fragrances, soaps and other alkaline compounds.

Types of intimate hygiene products

Care products for the intimate area are available in various forms, which, when used, are easily combined with each other:

  • Gel. The composition of the emulsion includes lactic acid and beneficial substances that can maintain the health of the intimate area.
  • Soap. The product must contain acid and natural plant components that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Mousse or foam. Intimate hygiene items are designed to care for very sensitive skin. Their use promotes gentle cleansing, maintaining normal vaginal microflora and relieving dryness.
  • Wet wipes. They help clean the intimate area in those moments when it is not possible to take a shower. The wipes are soaked in a liquid that contains components that do not cause irritation.
  • Intimate cream. Prevents irritation and soothes the skin. Most often used as protection when swimming in open water or pools.
  • Deodorant. The perfume helps get rid of the unpleasant odor from the vagina caused by the presence of diseases in the genital area.

Important! The choice of products depends on the woman’s age and the condition of the intimate area. If you have sexually transmitted diseases, you should consult a specialist before using any of the products.

Rules for choosing products for the intimate area

All intimate area care products must first of all be natural and of high quality. You must purchase products only in pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores. When choosing items to care for a special area, follow the following rules:

  • Cosmetics should contain substances that maintain optimal levels (lactic acid).
  • If the vagina is dry, to care for its area, you should choose neutral products (their pH should be 5.5).
  • Women suffering from dysbacteriosis should buy products that contain substances that have an antiseptic effect (for example, sage extract, tea tree oil, bisabol - a substance extracted from chamomile extract). Their use will also help curb the growth of pathogenic microflora.

A high-quality intimate product contains a minimum amount of preservatives and flavors. The product release form must clearly indicate:

  • the composition of the components;
  • Date of issue;
  • best before date;
  • manufacturer country;
  • the company that released the product;
  • product code.

Important! If the product has an expiration date that is too long (more than a year), then you should refuse to purchase such a product, as this indicates the presence of preservatives in the product.

Harm of intimate hygiene products

Despite the fact that the use of intimate hygiene products to care for a special area is considered high-quality and safe, their too frequent use can lead to:

  • Intensive cleansing of the intimate area can upset the balance in the vaginal microflora, and this, in turn, leads to dysbacteriosis, changes in acidity and the growth of harmful microorganisms.
  • Washing your intimate area too often can cause an unpleasant odor. It appears as a result of dysbiosis.

Therefore, using intimate hygiene products daily is not recommended. You should resort to them no more than 1-2 times a week.

Basic rules of intimate hygiene

Proper care of the intimate area:

  • wash the intimate area only with plain water, which does not contain alkaline compounds (fragrances, dyes, etc.);
  • use special soap for intimate areas, which does not contain irritating components for the vaginal microflora;
  • carry out water procedures twice a day: morning and evening;
  • after toilet and sexual intercourse, clean with water or wet wipes without fragrances;
  • During menstruation, change sanitary pads every 3-4 hours, tampons - after 2 hours;
  • The direction of the stream when washing the vagina should be from front to back to avoid infections from the anus;
  • Washing the area around the anus is done with regular toilet soap, since intimate products for this area do not provide the necessary disinfection.

Important! The development of the embryo in the uterus directly depends on the cleanliness of the intimate area. Regular care of the genitals will help avoid the occurrence and reproduction of pathogenic viruses that can lead to sexually transmitted infections.

Review of popular cosmetic products

Company nameManufacturer countryProduct FeaturesPopular means
Lactacyd FeminaFranceThe product contains lactic acid, which helps maintain the acidic environment of the vagina. The gel does not contain soap, due to which there is virtually no irritation after its use.Intimate gel, mousse, intimate hygiene wipes
Green pharmacySloveniaThe product contains tea tree extract and provitamin B5. These substances have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effectsIntimate soap
TianDeChinaThe products contain extracts of aloe vera, chamomile, sage, lemon balm, as well as vitamins A, D, C, E, B12. Proper use of products helps prevent dry skin and mucous membranes, as well as eliminate unpleasant odorintimate gel
CarefreeItalyThe products do not contain alcohol, soap or chemicals. They contain aloe extract, which helps soften and moisturizeGel, intimate wipes
Intimate by NiveaGermanyCosmetics for the intimate area of ​​this series contain lactic acid and chamomile extract, so regular use of the products helps moisturize the skin and does not have an irritating effect on it.Gel, intimate wipes

However, many do not see the need for such an arsenal of tools that appeared relatively recently.

So, are such funds necessary? What are the opinions of gynecologists?

Gynecologists have different views on such a delicate issue, but most doctors are inclined to believe that the use of special products for intimate hygiene is necessary, since ordinary soaps and shower gels disrupt the pH balance of the mucous membrane, can dry it out and reduce the number of beneficial bacteria.

The normal microflora of the female intimate area consists of 90% lactobacilli that secrete lactic acid; this acidic environment protects against most pathogenic bacteria. That is why, in addition to plant and herbal extracts, natural lactic acid is also added to feminine hygiene products. As we know, lactic acid is not found in soap or shower gel.

In pregnant women, the acidity of the microflora naturally increases (to protect against bacteria), but at the same time, an overly acidic environment is excellent for the development of fungi. In order not to upset this precarious balance that our body strives for, the use of products with lactic acid should be stopped for a while.

However, the most important criterion when choosing an intimate hygiene product is the composition. When buying even a specialized product from the mass market segment, we risk getting a huge range of aggressive surfactants in its composition. This will not affect the microflora of the mucosa in the best way.

We have prepared a selection of products whose composition is definitely safe for the most sensitive areas of the female body. They do not contain critical ingredients and aggressive surfactants.

Hydrophilic oil upon contact with water turns into a delicate emulsion, it has a pleasant aroma and is very economical to use. Perfectly cleanses, does not leave a feeling of tightness, dryness and itching.

The composition includes a wide variety of oils: olive oil, almond oil, tamanu oil, which has bactericidal properties, as well as tea tree and lavender oils. The hydrophilic oil contains echinacea extract, which is a natural immunostimulating component.

This gentle gel has a pleasant unobtrusive smell. It has a neutral pH of 5-5.5, gently cleanses and soothes the skin thanks to chamomile essential oil. Calendula prevents irritation and inflammation of delicate areas of the body, and aloe vera will help avoid redness and discomfort.

The milk, which does not require rinsing, gently cleanses the skin and takes care of pH, maintaining its natural level. The product eliminates unpleasant odors, itching and discomfort thanks to its natural composition, which includes hydrolate and rose essential oil, lactic acid, a probiotic complex, and plant lanolin with neem wax to protect against micro-cracks. In addition, the milk contains sage extract, which has an antibacterial effect.

The main feature of this delicate foam is a patented lactocomplex, which is whey with proteins, vitamins and acids designed to balance the pH level of female intimate microflora.

Thanks to chamomile and calendula extracts, the foam has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The gel has a very pleasant subtle aroma and is economically consumed due to its thick consistency. Comfortable to use: it foams quite well and is easily washed off, while doing an excellent job of gentle cleansing. Leaves behind a feeling of freshness and comfort. Takes care of restoring and maintaining pH balance. The composition contains white tea extract and white lotus milk, which perfectly fights irritation and cares for the skin. Cotton oil, which is also contained in this gel, provides the density of the hydrolipid barrier, softens the skin and has a soothing effect. In addition, cottonseed oil has anti-inflammatory and protective properties.

This milk cream is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. A very soft and delicate product with a pleasant aroma. Does not require complete rinsing. gently cleanses without leaving a feeling of tightness. Geranium oil and lactic acid in the composition help maintain pH balance, and grape seed oil is responsible for moisturizing the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect along with chamomile extract. The composition also includes neem wax, which guarantees protection against micro-cracks and sage extract, which is famous for its antimicrobial properties.

Organic people gel has a very delicate, subtle aroma, gently cleanses the skin, leaves a feeling of freshness throughout the day and does not cause dryness. It is economical to use, has a pleasant consistency, moderately thick and foams quite easily. Thanks to the chamomile extract that is present in the composition, the gel will relieve irritation in sensitive areas of the body, and white tea extract will take care of your skin.

The balance of female microflora is a very important thing. A special acidic environment protects us from various diseases and infections, so you need to approach the choice of intimate hygiene products wisely.

Most mass market products, unfortunately, are not suitable for these purposes due to their alkaline composition; in addition, such products may contain aggressive surfactants, even if they are specialized products for intimate hygiene.

Listen to your body, the choice of the appropriate product is always very individual, but never forget to pay attention to the composition!

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