What to make tanning at home. How to use self tanner at home. Benefits of home remedies

Self-tanner or want to try? Today we will try to choose the most effective based purely on the reviews of the girls.

In today's post about beauty, self-tanning is such a popular tool in the beauty industry that comes under our close attention. Someone likes to use it, someone does not, preferring a solarium or a natural tan in the sun. Some say that it is harmful, others that it smells unpleasant, although doctors prefer this particular type of tan. Today we will try to make out which home self-tanner is the most effective today: it is easy to apply, lasts a long time, does not flow and does not “smell”.

Home tanning

How to apply self-tanner

Unchanged rules for applying self-tanning at home:

- Before applying, be sure to take a shower.

- Gently exfoliate dead skin cells with a special body scrub.

- Dry your skin well.

- It is better to apply self-tanning in special gloves (mittens). Although you can do without them.

- Many people advise to apply less self-tanner on the knees, elbows and ankles, as they tan faster and more intensively. Another option: you can initially apply a moisturizer on them.

- Be sure to wait until completely absorbed.

Self-tanning at home

And now let's look at self-tanning and its types.

Do you want the bronze of the summer sun to be on your skin in a matter of minutes? This is where bronzer comes in handy. But keep in mind that such a tan disappears as quickly as it appears. Of course, self-tanning is another matter. But this is for the patient. Before the desired shade appears, it can take from several hours to several days.

Beauticians prefer lotions and creams, while sprays often leave stains. Almost all tanning products contain alcohol, which dries out the skin. Therefore, make sure that the ingredients that moisturize your skin are present in the composition of your chosen product.

Best self tanning reviews

And now we present you the names of the best self-tanners, in the opinion of buyers and beauty bloggers, too. We selected and sorted all information and reviews manually. This is not an advertisement! Girls note a lot of pluses in these self-tanning products, but this does not mean at all that there are no minuses at all. Again, it all depends on your individual characteristics.

1) Lumene Natural Bronze. The resulting tone is very natural, without a strong smell. Great for a one-time use, for example, you need to tan for one evening. Cons: Not intense enough, won't give a bronzed chocolate tan.

2) Kolastyna. Very beautiful natural tan effect. Nice smell and price. Cons: small tube.

3) Nivea self-tanning lotion Sun touch "Touch of summer". Beautiful color, pleasant smell, very moisturizing. Cons: a little sticky, takes a long time to dry.

4) Nivea tanning lotion "Kiss of the Sun". Smells great, easy to apply. Very nice natural tan. Cons: poorly washed off, someone does not like the smell.

5) L "OREAL Sublime bronze. Natural natural shade, instant effect. Cons: comes off in spots, price.

6) Floresan self-tanning milk. Quickly absorbed, natural tan, beautiful long-lasting shade, reasonable price. Cons: smell.

7) Cosmetics XXI. Instantly absorbed, uniform shade without streaks and streaks. Price. Cons: slightly yellow, gloves are indispensable.

8) Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess. Natural color, easy application, pleasant smell. Cons: uneconomical, quickly washed off.

9) Eveline Self-tanning cream. Super price, beautiful even tan, moisturizes. Cons: washed off unevenly.

10) Belita Self-tanning gel "Solaris" with sea buckthorn oil. Easy application, natural tan shade, price. Cons: smell, sometimes stains.

We've listed 10 inexpensive ways to tan your skin without going to the tanning bed. In the opinion of the majority, and this is about 70% of women who have tested these products, with the correct application of one of the selected ones, you can easily get the best self-tanning at home. Well, if you do not agree with this opinion or you have your own "best self-tanner", please leave comments below.

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How to replace self tanning

If there is no sun outside, but you want to get a spectacular tan without a tanning bed and expensive self-tanning, you can use a folk recipe that will eliminate winter skin pallor. There are many ways to give the skin a golden hue or make it chocolate.

The most common remedy is a strong tea brew, which must be really very strong. For 100 grams of boiling water, take two teaspoons of tea. Depending on the intensity of the tan and the natural color of the skin, the proportions can be changed. After boiling the tea leaves for two or three minutes, strain the resulting tea, cool it and wipe your face with it twice a day. This composition not only gives the skin a shade of natural tan, but well tones, tightens, tightens pores. Small wrinkles can be removed by ice from tea broth. "Tea baths" will have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin of the body.

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In some cases, tea can be replaced with strong natural coffee. A mask of pre-ground coffee beans gives a very good effect, add a little water to them until a slurry is obtained and apply the resulting mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes. To get a moisturizing mask, water can be replaced with vegetable oil.

No less effective remedy for sunburn than tea is the infusion of string and chamomile. The recipe for preparing it is very simple, take it equally, about four tablespoons of string and chamomile, pour boiling water over it, cover it tightly and let it stand for at least two hours. Any one of these herbs may be used. Strained broth regularly wipe the face and body. you can use a decoction for bathing. As you know, these herbs have good antiseptic properties, so this is a good remedy for inflammation and acne.

There is another recipe home tanning using rhubarb root. Its juice is good to wipe the skin of the face. Do not abuse the proposed remedy, the mask must be washed off after 10-20 minutes and should not be used for dry skin. In this case, you can add a little moisturizing or nourishing cream to the juice. Apply the mask on your face twice a day. A decoction of rhubarb can give you a real chocolate tan. The proportions of the remedy are as follows: for a glass of water - a glass of dried rhubarb roots. The mixture is boiled for about 15-20 minutes on fire, filtered and cooled. The resulting decoction is rubbed on the skin twice a day.

Perhaps the strongest self-tanning effect is onion skins. Everyone knows its coloring properties on the example of Easter eggs. Onion decoction gives the skin a pleasant golden hue.

Before use, thoroughly rinse the onion skins. Fill with cold water and boil for a short time. The proportions of husk and water are selected empirically. In addition to the golden hue, the decoction perfectly cares for your skin, nourishing it with vitamins.

Walnut is another effective remedy home tanning. For a decoction, not the nuts themselves, but the leaves are suitable. Their strong decoction is usually added to the bath, which should be taken for 30 minutes. The effect will be noticeable after two baths. The tool has a very lasting effect. The tan will last on your skin for a week.

According to experts, eating oranges, apricots, pumpkins, tomatoes or carrots gives the skin a pleasant shade.

Of course, folk remedies do not act as quickly as the usual tanning. If you decide to use them, be patient, in the end you will not only get the desired skin tone, but also protect yourself from ultraviolet rays. In addition, folk remedies have virtually no side effects, on the contrary, they carefully take care of your skin.

Self-tanning is an artificial and the safest method of tanning without burns and skin injury. Obtaining a dark shade occurs due to staining of the upper layer of the epidermis. This is achieved by applying a special self-tanning product to the skin, which can be in the form of a spray, lotion, mousse and wipes. The degree of exposure and the time during which the tan will stay on the skin also differ depending on the purpose of the product. Bronzates have an instant effect, covering the skin with a beautiful tan in a few seconds, which will decorate the body for no more than a few hours. Autobronzates are designed for lasting color. Their action lasts for several days, after which the tan can be renewed by re-applying the product. This can be done in the salon or use self-tanner at home. The procedure takes enough time, but does not require additional devices, therefore, it is available for performing at home. The only problem that you may encounter when using self-tanner at home is uneven color and blemishes on the skin. But this can be avoided by choosing a quality tool and following some rules.

How to properly apply self tanner

The main condition for obtaining an even beautiful color is the impeccable cleanliness of the skin before applying the product. This is achieved not only by taking a shower, but also by exfoliating the skin to get rid of dead particles in the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis. This task is handled by a body scrub (or face) and a massage glove. The peeling procedure must be carried out carefully, having thoroughly worked out all parts of the body. After cleansing, the skin must be well dried and only then self-tanning can be applied. At home, this is best done in the bedroom, because the air in the bathroom is quite humid, which can harm the perfect tan. You need to start applying funds from your feet, in a thin layer with long even strokes. Hair must be shaved, but in advance, not on the day of the procedure. In places with thin (wrists, décolleté) or, conversely, rough skin (elbows and knees), the tan will be more intense, so for these areas you will need less cream. After the end of the procedure, you need to wait about an hour without touching the skin, during which time the self-tanner will be absorbed, and you can put on clothes. But it is worth considering that light-colored fabric may be slightly stained, since complete absorption will occur only after 3-4 hours. Showering, moisturizing and exercising can only be done 12 hours after self-tanning.

Facial Self Tanner

Facial skin requires careful treatment, so you need to select bronzing products with a more gentle effect. When applying, do not touch the eyelids and the area under the eyes. And to make self-tanning look as natural as possible, you need to carefully apply a thin layer of the product along the hairline. Since self-tanning at home is carried out independently, the hands may be stained more intensely than other areas, therefore, at the end of the procedure, they must be thoroughly washed, paying special attention to the palms and the skin between the fingers.

Using self tanner at home, pros and cons, main types, examples of skin toning products, helpful tips for applying the right way to get the perfect tan.

Self-tanning properties for body toning

The composition of any self-tanning includes substances that can give the body beautiful shades. It can be used at any time of the year. Like any cosmetic product, self-tanning has both advantages and disadvantages. Let us describe in more detail what advantages this method has:
  • Many experts argue that the use of atotan is safer than sunbathing, which can cause burns or complications due to harmful radiation.
  • Useful additives nourish and moisturize the skin, do not contribute to premature aging.
  • After treatment, the top layer of the skin is evened out and becomes radiant.
  • Saving time and money on a natural tan or going to the solarium.
  • Possibility of use at home due to the simple method of application.
  • Application even during pregnancy is possible.
Among the negative aspects of self-tanning, the following can be distinguished:
  1. The effect persists for a fairly short time (from 2 days to 2 weeks). Most often this is due to the type of skin, its pre-treatment before the procedure, the type of product, the frequency of showering, the use of additional hygiene products, the composition of the water (regular or sea).
  2. It is quite difficult to treat all areas of the skin on your own, so you should resort to outside help.
  3. Due to the fact that the skin on the whole body is oily, the effect disappears unevenly.
  4. In some cases, to achieve the best result, you have to carefully select the remedy.
  5. Some types of self-tanning products have a specific smell.
  6. The product is not completely absorbed, so it may leave traces on clothes and bed linen.
  7. To maintain the tanning effect permanently, it is necessary to apply the product every 2-4 days.

Contraindications to the use of self-tanning for the body

The substances included in self-tanning products can affect the skin and the body as a whole in different ways, so it also has some contraindications for use.

Consider what prohibitions exist for artificial tanning:

  • Predisposition to allergic reactions. To avoid unwanted effects, perform a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the drug to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for several hours. If there are no red spots or other reaction as a result, feel free to use the remedy.
  • Avoid application if you have a rash or acne.
  • During an exacerbation of herpes, it is also undesirable to use it, so as not to transfer the infection to other areas.
  • It is not recommended to often apply the drug to dry skin, so as not to dry it even more.

Types of tanning for the body

Numerous companies specializing in the production of this type of cosmetics produce self-tanning products of different color intensities and in various forms, including milk, cream, lotion, oil, wipes, spray, gel, pills. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Self tanning gel

Has the easiest way to apply. Used while taking a shower. The result, the duration of skin staining depends on how often it is applied. It differs in that it lays down very evenly. At the same time, it does not leave marks on towels and clothes at all. Does not require thorough rinsing. The disadvantage is the low color intensity.

A few examples of gel to create tanned skin:

  1. Sublim Bronze by Loreal. After application, a bronze tint instantly appears, the gel is quickly absorbed and dries. Thanks to the immediate effect, you can always see which areas have already been treated. Doesn't stain clothes. The cost is 1200 rubles.
  2. Terracotta Sunless Gel Autobronzant Teint? by Guerlain. It has a dual action - toning and moisturizing. Doesn't clog pores. The full intensity of the shade is achieved one hour after application. In areas with dry skin, the intensity of the color is higher, so to avoid spots, you need to moisturize the skin. The duration of staining is up to 4 days. One bottle can be purchased for 2500 rubles.
  3. Sun Touch by Nivea. Getting on the skin, the gel interacts with the cells of the epidermis, which leads to the appearance of a shade. Can clog pores, especially on the face. Absorbs longer than sprays. It is inexpensive - about 200 rubles.
  4. Silky Bronze Self Tanning by Sensai. Absorbs quickly enough so leaves no residue. Doesn't clog pores. The price category is above average - from 2200 rubles. But the cost is justified by the economy.

Self-tanning milk

Most of the representative products of this variety do not leave stains on clothes, have a light texture. Among the most frequently purchased products are the following:
  • Self-tanning milk "Express" from Floresan. Can be used for face and body. Its cost is low (starts from 100 rubles for 125 ml), it has a pleasant smell, the bulk is quickly absorbed, and practically leaves no traces.
  • Self-tanning milk "Even Tan" from Garnier. The composition contains many natural nutrients, such as apricot extract. Doesn't dry out the skin. Does not contain parabens. At the beginning of the course, it is applied every day to achieve the desired effect, then the application is limited to 2 procedures per week to maintain color. The cost for a bottle of 150 ml is 516 rubles.
  • Self-tanning milk "Sublim Bronze" from Loreal. After application, an instant effect appears, however, at the first shower, it is washed off almost completely. 150 ml of the product costs 640 rubles. The method of application is similar to the milk from Garnier.

Cream with self-tanning effect

Self-tanning cream in the form of a longer lasting effect. However, its impact should be much longer, which leads to additional costs of effort and time. After applying the cream, you can not dress for about 30 minutes, so that all the components have time to be absorbed into the skin.

Cream preparations:

  1. . Contains acacia micro-pearls, which are able to narrow pores, smooth out wrinkles. This tool is quite oily, so it should be applied in a thin layer, it does not contain SPF, it has a pungent smell. Not suitable for oily skin. The cost is quite high - about 2000 rubles.
  2. Babor Self Tan Concentrate. It contains almond oil and, in addition to the tanning effect, has a lifting effect, as well as alcohol, so it is better not to use for dry skin. The cost of a bottle is from 1500 rubles.

Self tanning lotion

Self-tanning lotions have a very delicate flowing texture. Using them, you can easily control the thickness of the applied layer.

Here are a few common products for fake tanning in lotion form:

  • Lancaster Self Tanning Gradual Hydrating Bronze Lotion 6 SPF. An excellent option for beginners, the full tint effect is achieved gradually with daily application. The price is approximately 1500 rubles.
  • . Self-tanner with reflective particles. Deeply penetrates and cares for the skin. After application, a shimmery shade appears. The average price is 440 rubles.
  • Gradual Tanning Lotion Face Body by La Prairie. Perfectly moisturizes the skin. When used to color sensitive skin, allergic reactions are possible. The cost is 3000 rubles.
  • Kiss of the Sun by Nivea. Contains grapeseed oil. The color of the tan appears gradually. Helps moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. Can be used daily to maintain color effect. The cost is low and is approximately 325 rubles.

Body toning oil

Cosmetic oils for self-tanning are a source of nutrients, they thoroughly moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins. One of the disadvantages of this type of decorative product is the creation of a greasy sheen on the skin and a film that can cause discomfort. Self-tanning oil is best used for dry skin to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The most frequently mentioned products on the web are:

  1. Huile Somptueuse Eclat Naturel Dior Bronze by Dior. Gives you the opportunity to get a uniform natural tan. Does not leave a greasy film, makes the skin soft. 100 ml of the product costs 2700 rubles.
  2. . It is a solid cream that melts upon application. It has an interesting cocoa scent that stays on the skin for a while. The effect appears after 5-6 hours. With repeated application, the intensity of the color increases. Can be used to maintain the color of a natural sun tan. In the official store of the company, 100 ml of oil can be bought for 122 rubles.

Self-tanning wipes

Self-tanning wipes have a fabric base impregnated with coloring agents. This form of product release is more suitable for use on the face and neck. Napkins are easy to carry always with you in order to refresh your tan at the right time, because. the effect is immediate. Their use is not recommended for owners of fair skin.

Consider the popular means:

  • Sublime Bronze Eazy Tanner by Loreal. In addition to coloring components, wipes are impregnated with deodorizing, exfoliating and moisturizing substances so that the tan is as even as possible and looks natural. The cost of a package including 2 napkins is 220 rubles.
  • . Dihydroxyacetone, which is part of the composition, interacts with the cells of the epidermis, stimulates the formation of a golden hue. Well moisturize the skin, and vitamin E helps slow down aging. Produced in packages with a different number of napkins (1, 4 and 8 pieces). A sampler (1 packed napkin) costs 200 rubles.

Self tanning spray

Self-tanning spray is easy to apply from any position. Processing takes a small amount of time. Drying occurs in 10-15 minutes. When spraying, safety precautions must be observed so as not to inhale aerosol vapors.

Common Products:

  1. Aerotan SexSymbol by SexyHair. It does not contain dehydroxyacetone, therefore it does not interact with epidermal cells. The effect after spraying appears instantly. The product does not cause allergic reactions. The cost is from 1125 rubles.
  2. Sublim Bronze Automatic by Loreal. After spraying, there is no need to distribute the drug. Creates an even tone. Leaves no traces. The cost of this spray is from 650 rubles.
  3. Aerosol Sun Touch from Nivea. Features comfortable application. Gives an even, natural finish. But after prolonged use, the skin dries out, which leads to small spots in the places of the bends of the arms and legs, and the uniformity disappears. Over time, the color loses its naturalness.

Features of using self-tanning

Self-tanning serves as an assistant for many people in various situations. For some, it is enough to use it only on the face and hands, provided that the rest of the body is covered with clothing, others need to treat the entire body, and others aim not only to color the skin, but also to receive additional care. Consider several options for the use of bronzing cosmetics.

Facial self tanning application

The main rule is that self-tanning products intended only for the body should not be applied to the face. This is due to the fact that the type of skin on the body and face is significantly different. Therefore, in some cases, the result may be unpredictable. As a self-tanner for the face, it is better to use special products that have a delicate texture, gentle composition and mild effect.

The sequence of actions for processing the face:

  • For face treatment, it is better to choose the time of day when it is possible to stay at home for about 5 hours in order to wait for the results and, if possible, correct them.
  • The skin on the face must be cleaned of any cosmetics. You can use a moisturizing toner.
  • To better distribute the drug over the entire surface, apply it to slightly damp skin.
  • Immediately lubricate with self-tanner those areas where the pores are smaller. Then, with light movements, treat the nasal area, the center of the forehead. Do not treat the skin around the eyes.
  • At the end, soften the borders where the hair begins. To do this, use a moisturizer with which you can distribute the dye in these areas.
Particular attention when buying a tinting agent for the face should be paid to the intensity of the color. Let's describe a few well-established selection rules depending on the color of hair and skin:
  1. Marked "light" - fair skin. A darker tone is not worth buying to avoid an unnatural color. The remaining bronzes will be difficult to wash off even with a strong desire.
  2. Marked "medium" - light brown, brown hair, peach skin. Although other shades will look uncritical.
  3. Marked "dark" - dark hair, swarthy skin. Other self-tanning options can add a yellow tint, making the look worse.

Applying a moisturizing self-tanner

Self-tanners with a moisturizing effect are more focused on dry skin, which can be harmed by conventional tinting products in the form of peeling. Additional hydration, nutrition, care can improve coloration, extend the duration of the drugs and at the same time ensure the normal functioning of the skin.

Natural extracts, oils and other useful additives help to increase the protective functions of the epidermis, its resistance to external influences.

It is not recommended to use moisturizing self-tanners on oily areas of the skin, because. they can enhance the shine. So, if the skin on the face is oily or combination, then it is better to choose a specific bronzate that is most suitable for a particular type.

Moisturizing self-tanners are easier to spread over the body to achieve an even shade. Reduces the risk of divorce.

How to use body self tanner

There are home tanning products that cannot be used on the face, but only on the body. Read the instructions carefully.

For a sheer tan, treat areas that get the most sun. To make the tan look more natural, do not unnecessarily darken the neck, the curves of the arms and legs. Armpits are generally not recommended to be painted.

The tool must be distributed in the smallest layer and as quickly as possible, because. each individual product has different penetrating power and color intensity.

How to apply self-tanner with sun protection

The vast majority of artificial tanning products do not contain components that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. However, for some people, the self-tanning + SPF tandem is a priority among decorative cosmetics. After all, having painted the skin artificially, we do not refuse to walk in the open sun, which can cause irritation or burns on the body.

An excellent representative of such bronzates is Clarins Milk with SPF 6 filter (from 1650 rubles). To a greater extent, this drug is suitable for light sensitive skin. This milk gives a swarthy color, moisturizes the epidermis and creates a barrier on the skin from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Based on reviews on the Internet, we can conclude that Clarins Milk SPF 6 is quickly absorbed (from 5 to 10 minutes), after this time it does not leave marks on clothes, the coloring effect appears after 2-4 hours and lasts up to 5 days, the shade looks natural, yellowness is absent.

The application rules for self-tanning with SPF do not differ from the main recommendations for the use of such products. The only difference is that protection from the sun's rays is more needed only during the hot months of the year. Therefore, in the winter, you can buy ordinary bronzes.

How to use self tanning bronzer

In summer, self-tanning can be used as a product to maintain sun-acquired color or to correct color on the entire body.

On public beaches, it's hard to get a uniform shade due to swimwear, the skin under which remains much lighter when light stripes peek out from under summer clothes.

On nudist beaches, too, everything is not rosy. The fact is that not the entire surface of the body tans evenly in the sun due to the change of postures on the beach, the position of the sun in the sky during the day. Shoulders and face are more quickly painted in a dark color. And the places of the bends of the arms and legs and areas with denser skin, on the contrary, acquire a summer shade more slowly.

In this case, bronzers come to the rescue to correct the imperfection of a natural tan. This variant of self-tanning application is the most economical one. there is no need to treat the whole body, just apply the product to light areas.

Rules for applying self-tanning on the body

To achieve the best possible result, follow these rules:
  • Test the new tinting preparation for the shade of the color and its intensity.
  • Be sure to cleanse your skin immediately before or the day before with a commercial scrub or homemade exfoliator. Perfectly smoothes the epidermis and relieves it of coarsened or dry particles, a mixture of baking soda and salt in equal proportions, diluted with cleansing milk or liquid soap.
  • It is recommended to remove unwanted hair on the legs, in the bikini area.
  • Apply to clean, damp skin to avoid clogging pores. Slightly steamed skin absorbs ingredients better, but dark spots may form in the pores. On skin moisturized with a cream, there is a better chance of spreading self-tanner in a thinner layer, because. in this case it dries a little slower.
  • Use the product in small portions. Rub it in quickly in a circular motion.
  • Treat tighter areas immediately, then more sensitive areas.
  • Do not try to paint the skin in too dark tones. The best option is 1-2 tones darker than the natural color.
  • If the staining process is not carried out in the summer, and the treatment of the whole body is not planned, because. it is under the clothes, then for greater naturalness it is worth processing the hands as well. In this case, the drug does not need to be applied to the inner surface of the palms, nails. After a few minutes, you can lightly moisten your palms with clean water and use it to distribute the product again.
  • Do not apply long-drying products at bedtime, so as not to lubricate during the night, staining the bedding.
  • In the case of dry skin, it is recommended to apply moisturizing creams 15-20 minutes before the procedure.
  • To protect your palms from staining, wear gloves or distribute the product with a special mitt.
  • If the application was done with bare hands, wash them thoroughly immediately after completion. Nails can be brushed.
  • Application must be carried out sequentially - from bottom to top or vice versa.
  • Do not let the product drip.
  • Do not take a shower immediately after the procedure, some products may be washed off immediately.
  • Apply moisturizers after the preparation has completely dried (the dates are indicated on the package).
  • You can repeat the procedure no less than half an hour after the manifestation of the effect. The processing frequency is indicated on the product packaging.

Each tool for giving a bronze or chocolate shade has its own specific recommendations. Detailed application instructions are available on the product packaging.

How to apply self-tanner - look at the video:

Among the many products for self-tanning, it is quite difficult to decide on the choice of the most suitable product. You should take into account the recommendations for use described above, information about the properties of a particular type. However, the best option is the selection of self-tanning by experience.

Most fashionistas always strive for a bronze or chocolate shade on the skin - it's beautiful, stylish and sexy. However, direct sunlight is far from useful for everyone, and there is not enough time for a natural tan in the modern rhythm of life. The best and safest way out in this case is to choose a self-tanner.

Self-tanning at home. Advantages:

1. Instant result. Self-tanning is the fastest way to achieve the desired shade of tan without skin burns and harm to health.

2. Beautiful complexion. With the help of self-tanning, you can even out the skin tone on the face, mask the circles under the eyes. Self-tanning can be successfully used instead of foundation, as it visually hides small skin defects. To cover dark circles, apply the self-tanner evenly all over your face except under the eyes. Since the skin tone on the face will become darker, the circles will become almost invisible.

3. Hide extra pounds and cellulite: The darker the skin tone, the slimmer your body looks. Therefore, with the help of self-tanning, you will somehow lose a few kilograms in a couple of hours. And one more pleasant moment: self-tanning products help to mask cellulite, the orange peel on the skin becomes invisible.

How to apply self-tanner

When using self-tanning for the body, whether it be a cream or spray, certain rules must be followed. This will help you get a smooth, even result and avoid funny situations in which your skin will be covered with spots or multi-colored stripes. Pay attention to the following points:

1. Before applying self-tanning, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub and moisturized. This is necessary in order to remove excess dead cells from the surface of the skin, then the tan will turn out to be even, natural.

2. If you have dry skin, it must be prepared for self-tanning a few days before the start of the procedures. Dry skin needs to be well moisturized and flaky particles removed for an even tan. Remember that body scrubs dry out the skin, so use a soft washcloth and gentle products to cleanse. Apply moisturizer or oil several times a day to moisturize. Pay special attention to areas of skin on the elbows and knees. Self-tanning products show up more intensely in these areas, and the tan will generally be unnatural.

3. If you have bought a new, untested brand of self-tanner, we recommend that you first test it on a small area of ​​​​skin. Some self-tanners may show up as carrot, orange, or other unnatural hues on your skin. If you immediately spread the product all over the body, and you don’t like the resulting shade, it will be very difficult to wash off, and you will have to walk with it for several days.

4. Before applying self-tanner, check if there are drops of water left after a shower or traces of any cream on the body. If your skin is not perfectly clean, the tan will appear unevenly, with spots and streaks.

5. Try to apply self-tanner quickly and evenly over the entire body. Remember that tanning is especially strong on the elbows, knees, décolleté and the back of the wrist. Therefore, you should not rub these places too hard and apply a large amount of cream.

6. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after applying self-tanner. Self-tanner develops very quickly, especially between the fingers, on the palms and cuticles, so to prevent your nails from turning black, you should brush them.

7. Remember that the full manifestation and absorption of any tanning occurs within 4 hours. For an even tan, do not wear clothing for 1 hour after applying the cream. Light-colored clothing may stain within 2 hours after the procedure. In addition, you probably will not guess to take a shower after self-tanning and inadvertently wash off all the beauty. Wait at least a few hours.

How to apply self tanner on face

Self-tanning cream intended for the body is not recommended for use on the face. Self-tanner for the face is a specially designed product that has a more gentle composition and a gentle effect.

1. Cleanse your face with a moisturizing toner. Apply self-tanner to your face, avoiding the eye area. As a result, your face will appear fresher and younger, camouflaged.

2. Often when using self-tanning on the face, a “mask effect” is obtained. To avoid this, after applying self-tanner, spread a thin layer of moisturizer along the hairline. As a result, the transition line of shades will soften, the tan will look natural.

How to choose the right self tanner

To get a natural self-tanner, you need to choose a product that suits your skin type.

Sunbathing in the sun is generally not recommended for women with fair thin skin. Tanning is taken very poorly, the skin mostly turns red and burns. Therefore, the best way to give your skin a beautiful shade is to use a self-tanner. The tool must be selected marked light or "for fair skin." Dark shades of the cream will look unnatural on you, and then it will be difficult to wash off self-tanner quickly. Self-tanning agent can be chosen not only in the form of a cream. Tint lotions, balms, milk are perfectly applied to fair skin.

If you have blonde or brown hair and peach skin, most self-tanners will work for you. Use products marked "medium".

Swarthy dark-haired girls should choose the shade of tanning with special care. Most self-tanners on the market will give your skin a yellow, unnatural tint. Therefore, choose self-tanners with the inscription dark or "for dark skin." It is very convenient to use self-tanning products in the form of napkins.

What is the best atozagar to use?

Self-tanning cream gives a more durable tanning result compared to other means, however, it requires more time for the tanning procedure, as it takes longer to absorb and develop than others. Gently apply the cream in an even layer all over the body, and let it soak in for 30 minutes without wearing clothes. To obtain a stable desired result, it is necessary to repeat the procedure daily.

Self-tanning milk and self-tanning lotion are first applied to a cotton swab, and then evenly distributed throughout the body.

Self tanning spray designed for those who save their time. Spraying self-tanning on all areas of the skin is convenient and fast, drying time is no more than 10 minutes.

Mousse. Its structure is much lighter than a cream, so it is quickly absorbed into the skin while moisturizing it. Mousse is convenient to use after a shower instead of a moisturizer.

Self-tanning wipes very convenient to carry in your purse. They are more suitable for correcting the shade of a tan on the face, neck and décolleté. Napkins are an instant self-tanner. Self-tanning in the form of wipes is not recommended for fair-skinned girls, since it will be difficult to immediately correct an instant unwanted result.

The title of "best self-tanner" was earned among consumers by the following brands that produce self-tanning products: Nivea Sun Touch, Loreal, Lancome, Oriflame, Yves Rocher, Dior, Dove.

How long does a self-tanner last

How long your self tan will last depends on several factors.

1. Product quality. The higher the quality of self-tanning, the longer it will stay on your skin.

2. Individual features of the skin. On thin light skin, the action of self-tanning ends faster than on swarthy.

3. As a rule, self-tanner begins to slowly wash off after 2-6 days after application. To maintain the desired skin tone at all times, repeat the procedure every 2-3 days. Then you can admire your bronze tan at any time of the year.

Is self-tanning harmful?

Some girls think about the question: is it harmful to use self-tanning? Self-tanner is a synthetic cosmetic product that colors the top layer of the skin. Unlike the sun, self-tanning does not have a harmful effect on the skin, so self-tanning can be used during pregnancy, as well as for people with a large number of moles.

On the other hand, do not forget that self-tanning is a synthetic product, so it can cause problems for people prone to allergic reactions. Before you apply a new cream to your skin, be sure to test it on your wrist. If after 12 hours the allergy does not appear, then you can safely use the product.

Do not get carried away with the frequent use of self-tanning, periodically let the skin rest, as a result, the harm of self-tanning will be minimized.