How to change the shape type of an inverted triangle. Triangle body type: your suitable clothing style. How to dress girls with an inverted triangle body shape

If your body type is an “inverted triangle”, then you probably want to look more feminine. And this is quite possible to achieve if you choose the right diet and exercise.

Characteristic features of the figure

The main features of the inverted triangle body type are narrow hips and pelvis and broad shoulders. That is, the upper part is noticeably larger than the lower part, which makes the body look like a V or an inverted triangle. Because of this, it looks athletic and taut, like professional athletes, but not feminine enough.

It is worth noting that women with the type of figure under consideration are often not inclined to be overweight and have no problems with being overweight if they lead a fairly active lifestyle. When the mass begins to increase, the fat deposits are localized in the upper body, namely in the chest, arms and shoulders. Further, the waist enters the process, and the type of figure can change and turn into the so-called "apple". Legs always remain slender, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.

Celebrities with this body type

Do not think that you are the only one with this problem. In fact, many women have a similar type of figure, and among them there are famous and successful ones, and this once again proves that if you believe in yourself and present yourself favorably, then everyone will think that you are magnificent. For example, Cameron Diaz, Madonna, Elena Isinbayeva, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sienna Miller, Shogurney Weaver, Demi Moore and many others have a wide upper body.

What are the tasks before you?

Your main task is to make the figure more feminine. This can be achieved, first of all, by increasing the lower part of the body. But it should not be carried out by increasing the amount of fats consumed, because in any case they will not be deposited where necessary, namely at the top. Therefore, the only true way is in a specially selected physical activity.

As for the upper body, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce it, because it is wide not so much because of fat deposits, but because of the peculiarities of the constitution. And even the volume of muscle tissue in this area can be quite normal.

It's just the way your skeleton is arranged, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if you do not increase the load on this part, it will not increase, that is, the problem areas will become almost invisible (subject to the development of other areas).

Proper weight loss

How to lose weight if the figure is of the "inverted triangle" type? Features of losing weight are due to the fact that almost all owners of this type have a good metabolism, that is, their body quickly processes incoming fats, and if their intake is controlled, then the weight will not increase. In addition, all girls and women are quite athletic and athletic, so they have very prominent muscles.

But this is what can turn against them if you do not follow some rules. If you act deliberately and comprehensively, then the shortcomings will become invisible, and the advantages will favorably emphasize your appearance.

How to eat?

The first thing to start the path to an ideal figure is proper nutrition. And it should be based on the following principles:

  1. Fats can be included in the diet, but only healthy and in moderation. They are found in fatty varieties of sea fish, as well as in vegetable oils. But use the latter fresh, it is not recommended to fry on them.
  2. The amount of protein should be sufficient, but not excessive. Your diet may include fermented milk products (for example, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese), low-fat varieties of fish and poultry (turkey, chicken).
  3. You just need carbohydrates, which are easiest to get from cereal products. So your menu should certainly include various cereals, and you can and even need to add fruits or berries to them. Also prepare side dishes from cereals, for example, rice (brown is better), buckwheat, bulgur, and so on.
  4. Focus on vegetables. Firstly, they are low in calories, and secondly, they contain a certain amount of carbohydrates.
  5. Fruits and berries are also very useful for you, because they are a source of carbohydrates, and also contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  6. Drink about 1.5-2 liters of water, but no more. With a decrease in the amount, the metabolism may slow down, and exceeding the norm threatens the appearance of edema.
  7. Control the use of salt, because its excess will inevitably lead to fluid retention, and in your case it will be localized in the upper body: on the hands, face.
  8. Spicy spices are also undesirable for you, so replace them with aromatic seasonings, but add them to dishes in moderation.
  9. Exclude from the menu smoked meats, spicy, salty, pickled, carbonated drinks, high-calorie confectionery and bakery products (marshmallows, bran bread, marshmallows are allowed), as well as convenience foods and fast food.

How to play sports?

Physical activity is also useful and necessary, but properly selected.

The following exercises will help to make the lower body more voluminous:

  • , because they allow you to work out the buttocks and hips, increasing muscle mass in these areas.
  • Cycling suits you. At home or in the gym, you can exercise on an exercise bike. Elliptical will also come in handy.
  • If you want to work out with a trainer, then sign up for step aerobics. These are dynamic workouts that will make the legs and buttocks more prominent. The upper body is minimally involved, but, for example, the press is also actively worked out.
  • Do forward lunges. Starting position: standing straight, legs together, and hands on the waist. Next, take a wide step forward with your right foot, bend your left at the knee, touch the floor with it and lower yourself as low as possible. Repeat for the second leg and do the exercise about 30 times.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill will help you. But it is better to train to achieve results daily and for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, trying to maintain an active pace.
  • To acquire a beautiful waist, you can twist the hoop and: lift or tilt the body.

Some useful tips for girls with an inverted triangle body type:

  1. Remember that a woman who is confident in herself simply cannot have flaws. And if they are, then others know nothing about them. So if you feel like a goddess, then others will perceive you as well. Therefore, carry your become with pride.
  2. Don't slouch or roll your shoulders! At first glance, it may seem that such a technique will help narrow the upper part, but this opinion is erroneous. You will look extremely ridiculous, stiff and completely unattractive. It is better, on the contrary, to straighten your shoulders and move your chest forward.
  3. To look sexier and more feminine, review your wardrobe and start dressing right. Focus on the lower body and try to increase its volume. Wear puffy skirts and tapered trousers in bright colors. But try to transform the upper part so that it becomes more miniature. It is not recommended to open both shoulders and wear bustier models (although asymmetrical items with one sleeve are quite acceptable), it is better to choose blouses with rounded deep cuts, T-shirts with shoulder straps close to the shoulders, and pullovers with a slightly lowered shoulder line. And wear vertical prints on the top and horizontal prints on the bottom.

Remember: with any figure you can look stunning if you are confident!

Why does the same dress look different on you and your friend, even if the weight and height are the same? It turns out that you just have different types of female figures. The specific type of figure will depend on the characteristics of the development / structure of various tissues of the body (muscle, fat, bone), which is largely determined by genetics, although it can be adjusted through exercise and diet.

All women are beautiful and individual. Each body has its pros and cons. Therefore, in order to train more efficiently, choose the right outfits and look more attractive, you need to know your body type. How to define it? Today we will find out.

The figure is the original physique that was given by your parents (“inheritance”, so to speak), because it is more determined by genetics than lifestyle. Exercise and proper nutrition can only maintain a figure, while metabolism, fat distribution and muscle structure are extremely difficult to change without aggressive measures.

There are no ideal body types, but you can get closer to the ideal using various methods - sports and, again, proper nutrition. Although the right choice of clothes also plays an important role.

On a note! Ideas about the ideal female figure are constantly changing. So, in prehistoric times, very large women were considered attractive. In ancient times, the standard of beauty was a slender and graceful woman with long legs and small breasts.

Medieval beauty is, first of all, a mother. And therefore, the ideal figure of that time provided for the presence of a rounded belly, not very pronounced waist and hips - in a word, nothing feminine. This went on for a long time, but in the twentieth century, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal figure changed dramatically. Women with a flat stomach and long slender legs began to be considered beautiful. Then, in fact, the stereotype “90/60/90” appeared. But in reality, it is not so much individual parameters that are important, but their proportion.

For this reason, they began to classify the typical features of female figures. This classification is based precisely on the proportional ratio of shoulders, waist and hips. To be honest, it is not the only one (read more about other classifications below), but we will still start with the classics. According to tradition, female figures are compared either with vegetables / fruits, or with geometric figures, or with the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Why is 90/60/90 the standard for the perfect figure?

How to determine your body type?

According to the features mentioned above, there are 5 main types of female figures:

  • "apple";
  • "hourglass";
  • "triangle";
  • "rectangle";
  • inverted triangle.

If you want to know which type you belong to, you must prepare a centimeter tape and take only 3 measurements.

  1. Hips. Determine the volume of the hips at their widest part, making sure that the centimeter tape is parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist. Determine its volume by the narrowest part (slightly above the navel), while the stomach can neither protrude nor retract.
  3. Breast. Determine the volume over a regular non-push-up bra, focusing on the most protruding point. Keep the tape parallel to the floor.

After that, you can start evaluating your results.

  1. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist is 20-30 cm smaller, then you have an hourglass figure.
  2. If your legs are slender, and your stomach, waist and chest stand out the most, then you have an "apple" ("circle").
  3. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist does not really stand out against their background, then you are a real “rectangle”.
  4. If your shoulders look wider than your hips, and your chest is larger than your lower body, then you are the owner of a T-shaped figure (i.e., an “inverted triangle”).
  5. Finally, if the waist is visible, and the volume of the chest is less than the volume of the hips, then you are a “pear” (“triangle”).

Now let's get acquainted with the features of each of the types of female figures in more detail.

No. 1. "Hourglass" (other names: "guitar", "X figure", "eight")

The classic type of figure, the notorious "90/60/90" - this is just about him. Such women are distinguished by an equal volume of shoulders and hips, a clearly defined waist. In a word, the parameters are proportional. Excess fat, if it appears, is distributed over the hips and chest, although there are disadvantages here. So, "guitars" with extra weight can suffer from "ears" (this is also called "full hourglass"). However, in this case, the woman does not lose her thin waist.

On a note! The X-shaped figure was considered the ideal during Antiquity. And if you belong to the group of "eights", then we hasten to please: the main thing in your case is not to violate the harmonious proportions of the hips, waist and chest.

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to maintain the harmony of the bottom and top, emphasizing the curves. The X-shaped figure is good because almost any clothing is suitable for it., but in order to emphasize the curves of the body as profitably as possible, we recommend giving preference to:

  • fitted silhouettes;
  • belt at the waist as an additional accessory;
  • coats, blouses and raincoats with belts and A home;
  • high-waisted trousers/jeans;
  • dresses and sweaters with a round or V-neck;
  • pencil skirt.

Clothes that are not suitable for this type of figure:

  • low-rise trousers/jeans;
  • baggy outfits that hide the silhouette;
  • blouses / dresses with low / high waist;
  • straight-cut outerwear.

Proper training

To maintain a figure, strength training should be interspersed with cardio training. You can resort to any kind of cardiovascular activity (two half-hour sessions per week are enough).

On a note! The most famous representatives of the G8 include Monica Bellucci, Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Loren, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian.

No. 2. "Rectangle" (other names: "square", "banana", "slender column", H-shaped figure)

In "rectangles", as noted earlier, the hips and chest are equal in volume, and the waist is either not expressed at all, or it is expressed, but weakly (for example, 70 cm with a chest volume of 94 cm). Obviously, this is a more athletic and athletic physique (compared to the same “eight”), in addition, it is possible to visually increase the insufficient waist bend. Emphasizing the features of the figure in this case is to maintain the harmony of the hips and shoulders, the visual narrowing of the waist. This can be achieved by creating additional volume elsewhere.

When a woman with such a figure gains weight, her silhouette becomes rectangular or O-shaped. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, forming a kind of "lifeline".

Wardrobe selection

Attention is focused on beautiful legs and waist, balance is maintained between the lower and upper parts of the body. Best for "rectangles" fit:

  • capris or classic straight trousers;
  • coat with a belt, fitted outerwear;
  • tops with thin straps;
  • jeans or tight-fitting trousers with a low / medium fit;
  • outerwear (including jackets) with a straight shoulder line;
  • A-line skirt;
  • dresses with zap A hom or without straps.

At the same time, owners of an H-shaped figure are advised to refuse:

  • oversized or baggy clothes;
  • pencil skirts;
  • outfits that open the stomach too much;
  • leggings;
  • dresses and outerwear of straight styles;
  • turtleneck;
  • tops, T-shirts with a neckline or sleeveless.

Proper training

To correct such a figure, cardio activity should be minimized, using mainly a stepper. The waist can be created with the help of exercises for the press and the use of a hula hoop. It is important that the workouts are intense, but short. Each muscle group should receive its load weekly.

On a note! Famous "rectangles" are: Mila Jovovich, Anna Kournikova, Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Keira Knightley.

No. 3. "Pear" (other names: "triangle", "spoon", "trapezoid", A-shaped figure)

It is rightfully considered the most feminine. It is characterized by rounded lush hips, slightly exceeding the shoulders in volume. In this case, the abdomen is usually flat, and the waist is quite thin.

Often pear women cannot boast of large breasts- they often have it flat, but a plastic surgeon, as you know, easily solves such problems. We also note that with such a figure, torturing yourself with diets does not make sense. The A-shaped figure is preserved both with excess and with model weight. Therefore, it is better to draw attention to beautiful hands, collarbones or neck, for which you just need to use the right clothes.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the hips by focusing on the upper body. For this you can use:

  • A-line coat, fitted outerwear;
  • jeans/trousers that flare down;
  • any fitted outfits with false shoulders (jackets, blazers, etc.);
  • dark trousers/jeans with a straight cut;
  • tops, blouses and T-shirts (sleeveless, off the shoulder or wide neckline);
  • a pencil skirt or an A-line skirt.
  • long straight coats, baggy outfits;
  • skirts / trousers with numerous weighting elements (lace, pleats, ruffles);
  • turtlenecks, blouses and tops with a neckline;
  • puffy skirts (including flared ones), trousers with decorative elements on the belt/pockets;
  • massive and bright belts on the hips;
  • tight-fitting trousers (especially light-colored ones).

Proper training

To adjust the lower part, you can perform squats (the pace should be moderate), lunges and leg extensions on the simulator. Moreover, to achieve better results, squats can be combined into long series (10-15 repetitions each).

On a note! Among celebrities, the owners of such a figure are: Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé.

No. 4. "Inverted Triangle" (other names: T-shaped figure, "carrot", Y-shaped figure)

Women with this type of figure have narrow hips and broad shoulders. Legs are often leaner and longer than others. Various stylistic techniques allow you to visually increase the hips, reduce the shoulders and emphasize the waist. The best option for this is a straight cut, maximum details on the hips and a minimum in the chest area.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the top and bottom, while the waist should also not be forgotten. The most suitable clothing for this:

  • trapeze coat;
  • A-line skirts with large pockets or pleats;
  • blouses, tops and dresses with square or U-shaped necklines;
  • large thigh straps;
  • low-rise jeans/trousers;
  • tops/dresses with a frill below the waist.

However, it is advisable to avoid:

  • long skirts and pencil skirts;
  • straight long coats;
  • straight dark trousers;
  • baggy outerwear;
  • blouses and tops with a wide boat neckline;
  • jackets and blouses with voluminous sleeves;
  • voluminous bright jumpers / sweaters;
  • off-the-shoulder outfits.

Note! Famous owners of the T-shaped figure are: Angelina Jolie, Katherine McPhee, Demi Moore.

No. 5. "Apple" (other names: O-figure, "oval", "circle", "rhombus")

When compared with other types of female figures, this one is the most disproportionate, but it was precisely such women that were sung on the canvases of Rubens. The most prominent part of the body of the "apples" is the middle, i.e., the stomach and waist. The thighs and legs are relatively thin, as is the sirloin. In the case of weight gain, fat accumulates in this prominent part. Type of female figure "apple"

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to “stretch” the figure, emphasize the legs, neckline, and define the waist. To do this, it is preferable to use:

  • plain outfits with vertical tucks;
  • A-line coat, A-shaped outerwear;
  • outfits with large elements below the hips;
  • V-neck tops/blouses;
  • dresses with A-line silhouettes;
  • jeans/trousers with large pockets and flares.

At the same time, they are definitely not suitable for "apples":

  • tight skirts and pencils;
  • baggy clothes;
  • skinny jeans/trousers or low-rise;
  • short tops, turtlenecks;
  • outfits with ruffles, bright prints or decorative details on the stomach/shoulders.

Body type "apple": make up a basic wardrobe

Proper training

Weight loss requires regular cardio activity - for example, on a stepper or a treadmill. The waist can be shaped with a hoop and exercises for the abdominal muscles.

On a note! The most famous "apples": Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Jones.

Video - Types of female figures

Metabolic typing of female forms

As already noted, the above classification is not the only one. Below is another one - by metabolic types. Let's get acquainted with it in more detail.

Table. Metabolic types of figures.

Name, photoShort description
The dominant gland in such women is the pituitary gland. Metabolism in this case is slow and sluggish, fat accumulates well, fluid is also retained well. Such ladies tend to be overweight since childhood. The type echoes the previously described "apple".
The dominant gland is the thyroid. The weight of such women is usually normal, often they even have a thin physique. This type has something in common with the "rectangle". Women look "boyish", have narrow shoulders, small breasts and sharp limbs.
The most feminine type. The activity of female hormones and ovaries is dominant. It is somewhat reminiscent of an "hourglass" and a "pear". Adipose tissue is distributed mainly on the buttocks and thighs.
The figure of such women is very similar to that of men - the shoulders are wide, the hips are narrow. Similar to the "inverted triangle". The predominant gland is the adrenal glands, which produce androgens.

How to determine the type of figure on the wrist?

This is really possible - according to the wrist, the body type is determined in medicine (especially in obstetrics). The size of the wrist indicates the thickness of the woman's bones in this part of the body. In this regard, the type of figure can be:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

The circumference of the wrist is an indicator also known as the Solovyov index. In the first case, it is less than 15, in the second - over 17, and in the third - from 15 to 17, respectively.

About new types of female figures

Few people know, but recently the female figure has changed so much that scientists had to supplement the usual classification with several new “vegetables”. This is, first of all, "nutmeg gourd". Something similar to an hourglass, but with a wider waist (over 25 cm - about 20-25 cm).

There is another figure "eggplant"- in fact, the same "pear", only the waist is not so pronounced. And finally "broccoli"- a type of figure resembling a "carrot", but with a more voluminous chest. By the way, thanks to plastic surgery, any “carrot” can quickly turn into “broccoli”.

Video - Choosing a dress depending on the type of figure

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that any female figure changes over time, far from being for the better. This is common knowledge. But Japanese scientists have found that age-related changes occur in a certain sequence. It looks like this.

Shoulders noticeably wider than hips

Shoulders are usually muscular

Inverted triangle body type usually looks athletic and athletic

This body type usually has very good, slender legs.

Hips look straight

The waist is slightly or not accentuated at all

In general, if you can clearly see that your shoulders form the central part of your body, making your waist and hips narrow, then you definitely have an Inverted Triangle body shape.

Clothes on such a figure usually seem to hang from the shoulders. That's why many Inverted Triangle models often wear clothes with wide straps - they fit better on them.

Celebrities with Inverted Triangle Body Type

Angelina Jolie (Mixed Inverted Triangle + Rectangle)

Rene Zellweger

Naomi Campbell

Teri Hatcher

Gisele Bundchen

Lily Donaldson

Cindy Crawford

Evangeline Lilly

Let's take a closer look at the styling and dressing tips for the Inverted Triangle body type.

How to dress if your body type is an inverted triangle

The main problem of such a figure is too muscular, broad shoulders and lack of curves. Therefore, clothes should be selected carefully and taking into account these features in order to divert attention from the shoulders, accentuate the waist, and make the hips visually wider.

To visually reduce wide shoulders, you need to add volume and width in the hips and upper legs. But! if you like your athletic shoulders, no one bothers to show them in all their glory.

Let's take a closer look at strategies to help your Inverted Triangle body type look your best.

Create volume on the hips

Wear anything that adds volume to your hips and upper legs, such as frills, frills, pleats, tiers, and flares and pleats (jeans, skirts). If you add some zest to the hips, they will look fuller, and the shoulders - narrower.

Inverted Triangle Body Type Examples

All kinds of textures and prints, from horizontal stripes to lace. Just avoid vertical details that will only make the hips look narrower.

Light and bright colors for skirts and trousers will again visually balance your body type.

Lush, voluminous skirts (sun skirt, tiered skirt, pleated and flared skirt).

Fitted jackets, tops, sweaters that will narrow the waist and make the hips fuller.

Jeans and trousers: light flare, regular flare, wide.

Softening the line of the shoulders

If broad shoulders bother you a lot, the following tips will help you narrow them down visually.

Soft, draped, heavy fabric softens the line of the shoulders.

Knitted sweaters with fine knit. Sweaters with a thick, coarse knit will make the shoulders look wider.

Tops with soft sleeves: raglan, one-piece sleeve, slit sleeve, one-shoulder sleeve.

Wide straps.

Tops, collarless shirts.

Do not choose accented shoulders in clothing and avoid shoulder pads.

Another good way to flatten your shoulders is to wear your cardigan unbuttoned. Try wearing a t-shirt with a lace neckline under a cardigan - this will draw attention away from the shoulders.

If you like broad shoulders

If you are proud of your athletic figure and want to make it your trademark, focus on your shoulders. But do not overdo it, otherwise you will look like a bodybuilder. And the shoulders can always be softened with volume on the hips.

Example: Gisele Bundchen. She accentuates her beautiful, broad shoulders with a square neckline. But at the same time, she focuses on the waist with a fitted top, and she chose a pleated skirt. In addition, a silver clutch, which she holds at the level of her hips, distracts from her shoulders.

Best Clothes for Inverted Triangle Body Type

Inverted Triangle Pants and Jeans

Almost all styles of jeans and trousers are suitable for the Inverted Triangle figure. Narrow hips give you plenty of leg room to choose from. Try to choose textured fabrics, as well as light colors and prints.

Examples of trousers and jeans for an inverted triangle figure

Cargo pants

faded jeans

Flares, pleats and wide leg pants/jeans

Jodhpurs and harem pants

Cuff jeans (cuff)

If you're wearing jeans, skinny pants, or piping, don't forget to cover up your wide shoulders with a plain top in primary colors, for example.

Or you can add a pair of brightly colored shoes or anything else that draws the eye to the bottom. A wide hip-length tunic is also good. And if you choose between skinny and pipe, the second option is definitely better - it balances the Inverted Triangle figure.

Inverted Triangle Skirts

The most suitable skirts for the Inverted Triangle are any that flare from the hips and make them visually fuller.

Examples of skirts for an inverted triangle figure

A-line skirt

Skirt sun

Tulip skirt

Voluminous maxi skirts

Skirts with drapery, flounces, balloons. The more details the better. But be careful if you're short, too much volume will hurt.

A simple pencil skirt for an Inverted Triangle figure can create curves at the hips and waist, but won't work if you don't have curves at all (flat butt, no waist, and even slightly defined hips). In this case, the pencil skirt should be replete with details, textures, prints.

Also, with a pencil skirt, you can wear an A-style top, that is, expanding downwards - this also creates additional volume on the hips.

What other details of skirts are suitable for creating volume on the hips:

Horizontal stripes and prints

Damage on denim skirts

soft folds

Women with an inverted triangle figure are just lucky! Few people are allowed such a rich selection of skirts.

Tops, shirts, dresses, sweaters and jackets for the Inverted Triangle body type

With the help of fitted clothes, the illusion of a narrow waist and prominent hips is created. Look for anything that is fitted and flares from the waist or hips.

Fluffy, flared hem (A-cut, cut sun, etc.)

Fitted dresses and tops

Belted coats, raincoats, sweaters

In addition, the fit can be created on a slightly loose top with a belt. Wrap cardigans and sweaters work well. It is also very important to choose tops, sweaters, shirts and jackets below the waist. This helps to harmonize the figure by visually reducing the shoulders and drawing attention to the hips. But you can always wear a crop top to the waist, if you combine it with flared jeans or wide trousers.

Tops for Inverted Triangle Body Shape

Inverted Triangle Dresses

Shoes with bright colors and unusual details draw attention to the feet and visually add weight to the lower body. These shoes look good with sun skirts and A-cut skirts.

Inverted Triangle Shoe Examples

Sexy stilettos in bright colors: red, bright blue, etc.

Sandals with bundled stones or pearls

Buckles and other fashion details

Especially well bright shoes will be combined with skinny jeans (balances the Inverted Triangle).

Low U- and V-necks seem to divide the chest vertically and thus narrow the shoulders. Try to choose relatively simple and solid color tops to avoid too much emphasis on the shoulders. You can choose wide necks, but then you should add a long chain or a simple long scarf.

Thin straps will make the shoulders more pronounced, so choose wide straps or one-shoulder clothing. If, on the contrary, you want to show everyone your shoulders, then choose thin straps in several layers.

What to wear for an inverted triangle shape. Combinations, bows, style

The inverted triangle body type is characterized by broad shoulders and narrow hips. In this case, the waist, as a rule, is not very pronounced (the difference between the waist and hips is small), although options are possible.
Often the owners of this type of figure wear a "top" of a larger size than a "bottom". There may be an L in the chest, while an S in the hips, and this is not surprising.
The inverted triangle is a very taut figure, typical of athletes, and many models and celebrities are the owners of wide shoulders and narrow hips (and slender legs to boot). However, in order to look more feminine (broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis, especially in the absence of a pronounced waist, are still more valued in a male figure than in a female one), it is important to be able to balance the upper body with the lower one and create smooth curves where they No.

We'll take a look at a few well-known inverted triangle women and try to figure out how the outfits they've chosen work.

Demmy Moor
Forever young Demi is a bright representative of the type of figure in question.
Well, what else can be a soldier Jane?

It is worth paying tribute to Demi - basically she gives a figure in a winning light, unsuccessful outfits were much more difficult to find successful ones.
For example, a deep neckline (V-shaped or round) + volume in the hips divert attention from the shoulders and perfectly balance the figure:

Open shoulders, plus volume in the hips - and the figure is balanced, and the shoulders are beautiful:

By the way, Demi's long hair plays an important role here, they mask the width of the shoulders and create verticals in the upper body.
But what happens when there is not enough volume in the lower body, and the emphasis shifts to the chest / shoulders:

(1) Collar creates unnecessary emphasis on the upper body, there is not enough volume in the hips, plus a waistband that is too wide shows a lack of a waist.
(2) Horizontal at chest level + ring accent draws the eye to the shoulders, no volume below (although draperies are implied, but the fabric is too sluggish and does not hold its shape), again a wide belt.
(3) The plunging neckline creates a horizontal line, but what's worse here is that the top is too form-fitting and shows almost no drop between the hips and the waist.

More ways to expand the shoulders (horizontal, extended shoulder line, puffed sleeves):

Anna Kournikova
Anna has very athletic shoulders and slender legs from her tennis past.

What's going on with the clothes?
Two Off Shoulder Dresses:
- on the left, excessive fit and lack of volume in the hips in all its glory demonstrate the absence of bends in the waist (and yes, thin straps make the shoulders visually wider);
- on the right, the upper and lower parts of the body are balanced by a voluminous skirt.

More dresses:

On the left, a grenadier shoulder span: narrow dress straps, excessive fitting at the waist and hips.
On the right, everything is very feminine: the diagonal "one shoulder" stretches the upper body, the drapery at the level of the hips balances the figure.

And here are two options with the same deep neckline (which usually diverts attention from the width of the shoulders):

Only here on the left is a sleeveless T-shirt with narrow straps and tight-fitting trousers, as a result, there is no volume at the level of the hips as a class, and all this together makes the shoulders huge.
And on the right we see: a vertical fastening, long sleeves and, finally, shorts that create a horizontal line in the lower part of the body. The figure is balanced.

The "active" top of the striped blouse against the vertical created by the black jacket:

And the point here is not the horizontal strip, which supposedly makes you fat (about visual illusions associated with a slimming horizontal flat, we wrote ) .
The bottom line is that if you pay attention to any object, it seems larger. In the case of prints, this means that the printed item usually seems more solid. And here it is exacerbated by tight black leggings.

But on the right is a deep narrow V-neckline, a vertical jacket, a long white blouse that draws attention to the central part of the figure, and shorts - you will never guess what hips really are.

And Anna is also good at a distraction code-named "I'm with Enrique" :)
Broad shoulders? No waist? Haven't heard, don't know!

Angelina Jolie

Two outfits in the same color scheme:

Only on the left, narrow hips are not balanced in any way with bare broad shoulders, but on the right, it’s the other way around: at the top, instead of horizontal, a wavy line + diagonal, at the bottom, drapery at the level of the hips, giving volume. And although, most likely, there was a corset in the waist area, the figure acquired feminine curves, and the shoulders do not at all seem to be the widest part of it.

Two dresses:

Several options for the "correct" skirts and dresses:

And here in the hips I want to add a little volume:

Left: The combination of a loose white boat neck blouse and skinny black pants makes the shoulders look even wider, the legs look even thinner, and the difference between the width of the shoulders and hips is more noticeable.
Right: A V-neckline, a vertical zipper, a loose fit at the waist, and slender legs in eye-catching jeans perfectly balance the figure.

To summarize, there are several recommendations for inverted triangle shapes:
- Elements that draw the eye to the central part of the figure and face;
- Vertical and diagonal lines;
- Long beads and scarves;
- No unnecessary volumes or details on the shoulders (epaulettes, puffed sleeves, etc.);
- Soft shoulder line;
- Dropped shoulders;
- Set-in sleeves, raglan sleeves;
- Deep V-shaped or round necklines (avoid collars, square necklines);
- Features that draw the eye to the hips to balance the shoulders.

In this case, of course, it is important to remember the general proportionality, scale and other individual features.
Dear Inverted Triangles, good luck in your search for your styles and stylish things! :)

Your atelier of stylish ideas.

For example, clothes for an “apple” figure are completely irrelevant for women with a rectangular physique, because “apples” need to hide the tummy, and “rectangles” need to veil the fuzzy contours of the waist. Also, the wardrobe for the "inverted triangle" is completely different than the clothes for the "hourglass" type. The first should visually narrow the shoulders, and the second, on the contrary, emphasize their rounded beauty. Below you will learn about the correct selection of clothes according to the figure and see photos of successful sets.

Clothing made in urban style occupies the largest part of our wardrobe: capris, tunics, dresses, sundresses, jackets, stockings, and all the most fashionable novelties.

Fabrics of all the most possible colors and textures, chiffon, linen, cotton fabrics, woolen, rayon, synthetic and all semi-natural fabrics - a huge arsenal for the modern fashionista.

A wardrobe according to the type of figure can be within the same style (safari, rustic, denim, military, casual, etc.) or boldly experiment by combining styles into one compositional image.

The selection of clothes according to the type of figure with elements of a romantic style and the characteristic features of a sporty one also easily and naturally fit into urban clothes.

How to choose the right wardrobe according to the type of figure, taking into account the style, color of the fabric and its pattern, the length of the product, its silhouette and decorative elements, in order to give a woman a great opportunity to feel attractive, fashionable and in harmony with herself?

Women's figure type "triangle" and selection of clothes: dresses and jackets

Clothes for the type of female figure "triangle", and in particular, dresses and sundresses, it is best to choose from flying, flowing, light, draped fabrics that will not create excess volume.

Clothing for a “triangle” figure can be a fitted silhouette, knee-length or detachable at the waist, flared, floor-length. In order to divert attention from the hips, you need to focus on the chest and shoulder girdle in the form of an interesting neckline, original collar, all kinds of trim, valves, pockets on the bodice of your product.

Before choosing a wardrobe for this type of figure, remember that a wide strap or sleeve that creates volume in the shoulder area will balance the lower and upper parts of the body.

Clothing for a triangle body type, such as an urban style jacket, should be semi-tight, and its length should not end at the widest point of your body. Cropped jackets look great, the length of which ends just below the waist line.

Interesting collars, bright accessories, catchy details, patch pockets, epaulettes, stalemates, sleeves with cuffs made of finishing fabric - these are all the fashionable elements that a woman - a "pear" can afford.

Clothing for women with a "triangle" figure, made in any of the styles (military, safari, nautical, denim, etc.) from plain or colored linen, cotton or soft wool - these are trendy things in a modern wardrobe.

What clothes are suitable for a "triangle" figure: blouses and pullovers

Blouses and pullovers in a woman's wardrobe - "pears" should preferably be light tones or bright in contrast to the dark bottom.

Look at the photo, how to choose a wardrobe according to the type of “triangle” figure: soft knitwear, light chiffons, silks and satin will emphasize the femininity of such a figure:

Blouses with short or long sleeves, emphasizing a thin waist; ruffles, frills, frills, molds, bows around the neck of a blouse or tunic; sleeves-lanterns, wings or sleeves with a raised collar; detachable basques, waist straps - all this accentuates the beauty of your figure.

What other clothes are suitable for a “triangle” figure with narrowed shoulders and a massive bottom? Soft knitted pullover with a deep V-neck in a light pastel shade or bright, striped, with a geometric pattern and all sorts of decorative trims - the perfect solution for an urban ensemble.

Clothing style for the type of "triangle" figure with a photo: trousers and skirts

The colors of such clothes for a “triangle” figure, like trousers and jeans, must be chosen calm, dark. Black, gray, brown, dark blue are perfect.

Straight from the hip or classic cut, jeans and trousers should fit snugly along the hips, not be overloaded with pockets and other decorative details. Keeping in mind the types of women's figures, when choosing clothes for "pears", you should also avoid styles where the trouser leg is very narrowed to the bottom, as this will visually increase the hips.

Your trousers and jeans should be extremely simple in execution and have a good fit that does not give additional volume to the figure.

The fabric for a skirt for a pear-shaped woman should choose soft, flowing, well-draped, dark, soft colors, plain-colored or with an inexpressive pattern. Bright prints, coupons, large flowers and ornaments are best left for shoulder items.

Pay attention to the photo: the best clothes for a “triangle” figure are trapezoidal skirts, with wedges, year, skirts tailored along the oblique, and all those models that expand to the bottom, from the knee to the floor.

How to choose clothes according to the type of figure "inverted triangle" and photos of dresses

And what clothes are suitable for an inverted triangle figure, with its somewhat masculine outlines? Women of this physique can afford to wear clothes of all modern styles. One has only to choose styles that do not emphasize the waist, not too tight figure. In the wardrobe for the “inverted triangle” figure, fabrics for urban-style outfits can be chosen from light, flowing, thin, and stiff, well-kept shape.

Deep V-shaped necklines, deep oval necklines, or other interesting cutouts will help to visually narrow the shoulders. The main thing is that they open the neck and chest.

Do not wear dresses with very short sleeves and sundresses with thin straps. With your type of figure, it is better to cover the fullest part - the arms - with a slightly elongated sleeve or a wide falling wing.

The silhouette of your dresses and sundresses can be straight, semi-adjacent along the entire length, or with a semi-adjacent top and flared bottom.

As you can see in the photo, clothes according to the figure of this type look great if it has a low waist and straight embossed seams on the bodice - this is great slimming:

Dresses and sundresses of such colors will help to balance the proportions of the figure, where a dark color falls on top of the product, and light on the bottom. Fabrics with a dark background and a number of vertically located buttons or a snake will also look good, which will visually stretch the figure in length.

How to choose clothes according to the type of figure: blouses and tunics for the "inverted triangle"

To choose clothes according to the type of “inverted triangle” figure, blouses, tunics and pullovers should be bought in dark shades, but depending on the color type of your appearance.

For blouses, plain or with a medium-sized pattern, light blouse fabrics, colored chiffon, and shirt fabrics are well suited. A knitted knitted pullover or thin golf should not have a large volume and thickness, but you should not be too tight on the figure. The length of such products should reach the line of the hips and not fit this area.

Look at the photo: clothes for this type of figure can be semi-adjacent, denoting the contours of the body, or slightly trapezoidal:

A great solution for an inverted triangle woman would be light blouses and tunics made of natural cotton or silk, with a set-in sleeve or raglan sleeve, with a button closure along the entire length of the product and various discreet decorative elements arranged vertically. An example of this is a light blouse made in a rustic style and decorated with a barely noticeable hemstitch, tucks, light lace along the placket.

Soft, flowing tunics with whole-cut sleeves, trapezoidal silhouette and slightly elongated will also look good. Under such things, your silhouette is well read, they do not add extra pounds, do not create volume.

Pants and skirts for the inverted triangle body type

A woman with an inverted triangle body type can wear trousers of any cut from a light, well-kept fabric, a classic style, or with sports elements. Light-colored jeans will look good, as well as cropped trousers with an ankle length, slightly higher or capri.

The style of clothing for this type of figure should have a tight fit around the hips and waist, a comfortable high fit, as well as patch pockets, interesting cutting details, valves, pats, cuffs, catchy accessories. Your body type is distinguished by beautiful slender legs and small hips, so you can safely decorate your trousers. You should not just narrow the leg to the bottom too much, so as not to break the proportions and not emphasize the difference between a voluminous top and a narrow bottom.

With a skirt, you need to add volume to the hips and lower part of your figure. Choose trapezoidal skirts, sun and semi-sun skirts, pleated or salt pleated skirts.

To balance the figure of the "inverted triangle" will help light fabrics, fabrics in oblique stripes, cages, with a wide variety of patterns and prints.

Decorate skirts in the style of safari, military or just straight with all kinds of sports elements with pockets, flaps, detachable yokes. Models in a romantic or rustic style of clothing for this type of figure can be decorated with lace, ruffles, ribbons, embroidery.

Wardrobe for the type of figure "inverted triangle": jackets

With the help of a jacket, you can model the perfect figure. His silhouette should be semi-adjacent or adjacent, but with a certain freedom at the waist. The length of the jacket can be short - up to the hip line or slightly higher, or long with a loose cut like a "cardigan".

Jackets made in a sporty, nautical or classic style from plain fabric in dark muted tones: blue, green, burgundy, gray, etc. will look great on the “inverted triangle” body type. Silk decorative stitching in tone or contrast will help to make the image more expressive colors along the embossed lines, collar, lapels, bottom of the product. Any style of clothing for the "inverted triangle" figure can also be decorated with a finishing fabric on the cuffs of the sleeves in 3/4, collar, frame pockets.

Avoid large decorative details on your jacket. It is better if its highlight is a beautiful fashionable fabric, as well as high quality workmanship.

What clothes are suitable for a rectangle figure: dresses and sundresses

Now let's look at what clothes are suitable for a "rectangle" figure - that is, women with an almost perfect physique. Ladies with this type of figure should wear straight styles of clothing that follow the lines of the figure. Fabrics should be chosen rigid, well-kept shape, as well as light, flowing. For modern urban style clothing, your figure fits perfectly. The main thing is to decide on some nuances, and the status of the "First Fashionista" is guaranteed to you!

The silhouette of your dresses and sundresses can be straight, semi-adjacent without an emphasis on the waist, as well as with a loose top and an A-line skirt.

A wardrobe for a “rectangle” figure can consist of light raincoat fabrics, linen, thick cotton, woolen or semi-woolen fabrics - that is, all those materials that keep their shape perfectly. They are perfect for dresses made in the style of a safari, military, sports or shirt cut. All the details inherent in each of these styles are clearly visible on rigid, shape-holding fabrics, and finishing stitches perfectly consolidate this effect.

Light, flowing, flowing fabrics are well suited for styles of dresses and sundresses in a rustic style, casual style and other fashion trends.

The color scheme of clothes for a “rectangle” figure can be very diverse: plain, with a geometric print, vertical and horizontal stripes, checkered, rhombus, floral print or with a coupon.

Dresses and sundresses with wide straps, with sleeves of various lengths and cuts, American armholes, V-neck, boat, stand-up, rounded neck will suit you. The length of such products can reach the knee, be slightly higher or lower, or the maximum - to the floor.

As you can see in the photo, clothes for a “rectangle” figure can be decorated with pockets, interesting decorative details, waves, ruffles, assemblies:

Emphasize beautiful breasts, shoulders, slender hips, but do not accentuate the waist, do not wear belts. In any style you choose, the waist must be lowered lower or completely ignored. If there is a desire to purchase a fashionable belt or sew a belt in the selected model, then wear it below the waist, on the hips.

Women with a rectangular body type need to use a well-chosen style to create a slim silhouette with the right proportions, to emphasize the dignity of the details of clothing.

You can wear casual clothes of any fashionable style and choose styles of outfits from various fabrics of all colors, with ornaments, prints, coupons.

In the process of how to choose clothes according to your figure, just make sure that your problematic waist is not emphasized by excessive fitting, and the belt, drawstring or cuffs are located at hip level.

Wardrobe for the type of figure "rectangle": blouses, pullovers and jackets

A wardrobe for a rectangle body type must include blouses, pullovers and jackets. The most suitable fabrics for blouses are shirts, hard or soft, flowing. For tunics, you should choose flying, flowing silks, chiffons and thin knitwear.

Your pullover should not be too voluminous, and knit knee-highs and blouses should not be too tight.

For this type of figure, blouses and tunics with deep V-necks, round, boat-shaped, with a shirt collar, stand-up, hip-length or below a straight or semi-adjacent silhouette without an emphasis on the waist are suitable. Wide grunge blouses, shirt-cut blouses, blouses with polo closures, sport-style shirts, military, safari, as well as light romantic tunics with a belt or drawstring below the waistline will look good on you.

Pay attention to the photo on how to choose clothes according to your figure: elongated jackets and hip-length models will help to stretch the “rectangle”:

The jacket should fit perfectly on the figure, have a semi-adjacent or adjacent silhouette without accents on the waist.

Jackets in marine, sports, safari style will help balance the proportions of the figure with a good cut, decorative details located in the “right” place. Choose models with long sleeves or 3/4 length with detachable or turn-down cuffs, shoulder straps, stalemates; with various cuts of a mouth - racks, lapels. Use decorative stitches along embossed lines, pockets, collar.

According to the color scheme, clothes for the “rectangle” figure type can be any pastel shades or juicy, bright, fashionable.

Clothes for the type of figure "rectangle" with a photo: trousers and skirts

Choose straight-cut trousers and jeans with hip flares or classic cuts. If you have beautiful legs, then you can try on Bermuda shorts or capris.

Before choosing clothes according to the “rectangle” type of figure, pay attention to the fabric: it should be dense, hard or soft, flowing, light, dark tones, bright fashionable shades - all that you like and suitable for your wardrobe.

Decorate trousers with pockets, pats, eye-catching accessories, interesting decorative elements.

No matter how fashionable low-rise jeans and trousers are, for you this is a “taboo”. The belt on such products should remain in its “correct” anatomical place.

Pay attention to the photo on how to choose clothes according to the type of “rectangle” figure: straight knee-length skirts with fashionable sports elements, pleated skirts in a warehouse, and light flying half-sun or ankle-length skirts in the form of a trapezoid are perfect for you.

The colors of the fabric can also be the most diverse - plain, plaid, oblique stripes, floral prints, polka dots, etc.

A straight skirt should have a snug fit around the hips, while A-line skirts should have a flare that starts from the hip.

Clothing styles for the "apple" figure: dresses and sundresses

Women with a rounded apple-shaped figure need to carefully choose their style of dress. Your main task is to visually elongate the silhouette using vertical lines, close-fitting and semi-fitting clothing, as well as using vertical separation of colors in your urban ensemble.

The fabric of clothes for the type of figure "apple" should be chosen dense, heavy, flowing. Lightweight and flowy fabrics create extra bulk and should be avoided.

According to the color scheme, your dress or sundress can be a dark solid color or with a discreet rare pattern, a print stretching along the length, a corner.

Sheath dresses with sleeves made of beautiful dense fabric will suit you. Embossed lines, a beautifully shaped deep neckline and an adjacent silhouette will make the figure slimmer. You can decorate the bottom of the dress or sundress in a brighter color or use a coupon fabric.

High-waisted dresses and sundresses, cut along the oblique, with a soft flowing silhouette and without unnecessary flaring to the bottom will look good.

Clothes for the type of figure "apple" with a photo: blouses, tunics and jackets

Do not wear blouses that are baggy or too tight. Shape is important to you, so opt for soft fabrics, knits, and good cuts.

An apple-shaped wardrobe should definitely include knitted and knitted items - this is ideal for urban-style outfits.

Not too tight with a deep V-neck, hip-length or just below - these things look great on your figure, hiding all its flaws.

When choosing a blouse style in an urban style, pay attention to the length. It should be below the waistline so as not to draw attention to the stomach. The shape of the neckline can be any - with a high collar, a small stand, a boat, etc. The sleeve on the blouse must be mandatory, and its length must cover the fullest part of the arm. Small folds along the collar will lift your shoulders, interesting details on the chest and shoulder girdle will emphasize the beauty of your bust.

Try to take a chance and accentuate your waist with a narrow strap over a short shirt-style blouse.

As you can see in the photo, the ideal clothes for an apple figure are soft, flowing tunics made of translucent fabrics in an urban style with an asymmetrical cut:

A plain jacket, contrasting in color with a blouse and trousers, will stretch the entire ensemble vertically. Such a jacket is worn without fastening, and it is a universal figure corrector. Bright and contrasting, it vertically divides your figure, lengthens it and makes it slimmer.

Such jackets are sewn from a dense, shape-holding fabric, shortened, just below the waist, with a deep neckline or in the Chanel style. The jacket should sit tight on the shoulders, have a shoulder pad, be long-sleeved, 3/4 or 7/8, and remain loose along the bottom line and waist.

Embossed lines, detachable coquettes, small patch pockets, shoulder straps, pats on the sleeve will add style to your look.

How to choose the right wardrobe for the type of "apple" figure: trousers and skirts

Successfully sit on you and jeans or a classic, slightly tapered cut to the bottom. Avoid pants and jeans that are too tight along the entire length of the leg. They should fit snugly only around the waist and hips.

Choose a dense fabric, jeans in dark shades, but trousers for summer can be sewn in white, pastel, light.

When choosing the right apple shape, keep in mind that patch pockets at the buttocks and front pockets at stomach level will balance your figure by smoothing out a bulging tummy and add missing volume at the hips.

If you have slender beautiful ankles, then you can afford to wear capris paired with high heels.

Choose straight-cut knee-length or mid-calf skirts in light-coloured denim with sporty touches. Decorated straight embossed lines, interesting pockets and undercut yokes will give your silhouette a slim and smart look.

Clothing for the hourglass figure type: dresses and sundresses

Finally, it remains to figure out how to choose the right clothes for the hourglass figure. In order to look their best, such women should focus on the curves of the figure. Try to emphasize all your advantages with fabrics, silhouettes and styles.

Light, flowing, elastic, soft, flowing fabrics in dark shades with a floral pattern, polka dot, animal print will emphasize your natural beauty.

Models of dresses and sundresses should have a clear shape, not hang in a bag. Fitted silhouettes or flowing flared from the waist and tight at the chest and waist will suit you.

Wide straps, small sleeves, round necks, criss-cross, collars without sharp corners - all those details that best suit a woman of this type.

Dresses and sundresses in a romantic and rustic style with ruffles, lace, flounces, diagonal draperies, wide A-line skirts, sun, semi-sun, salt emphasize the femininity of the figure.

In clothes for an hourglass figure, you can emphasize a thin waist with a fashionable belt or decorative undercut details.

How to choose the right clothes for the hourglass figure: blouses, jackets

Indispensable clothes for the hourglass figure type are blouses and jackets. For blouses, both shirt fabric and soft light silk are suitable. Their length should reach the line of the hips, and the silhouette should indicate the waist.

Blouses with a soft stand-bow, open neckline; with sleeves of the most varied cut and length, completely without it or with a small wing; pastel shades or fashionable bright, combined of two fabric colors, dark and restrained colors - this is a huge arsenal in choosing a blouse style for a beautiful woman with an hourglass figure.

Be sure to sew a light knit tunic draped under the bust, or a light chiffon with a row of elastic bands at the waist.

Jackets for women with an hourglass figure should have a tight fit and end at the hips. For an urban style jacket, choose a plain and finely patterned fabric that is soft but holds its shape.

Choose feminine models with rounded collars, flaps, patch pockets, long or short set-in sleeves or raglan.

And the rough and sharp details inherent in the safari style or sports style do not suit you at all.

Soft jersey in bright colors is a great solution for a pullover. It can be the simplest style, hip-length or interesting textured knitting. Short knit blouses with buttons look good on you.

Wardrobe for an hourglass figure with a photo: trousers and skirts

Women with an hourglass figure should opt for dark, classic, tight-fitting jeans with trendy eye-catching embellishments and a mid-rise waistline.

The cut of the trousers should follow the silhouette of your smooth hips, and wide models should be avoided. Slightly cropped trousers, as well as capris, will also look good.

A bright belt, pockets and other additional details in the hip area will draw attention to your appetizing forms.

Look at the photo of the wardrobe for the hourglass figure. The fabric for trousers should be dense, but not hard and sticking out; according to the color scheme, it can be either monophonic or in a small, barely noticeable strip or pattern.

Pencil skirts made of dense plain fabric of a wide variety of shades can carry elements of a sporty style, a safari style.

Soft, flowing flared skirts in a romantic style made of light flying fabrics with medium-sized floral patterns, polka dots, a diagonal stripe will emphasize your ideal silhouette even more.

You can afford to wear short denim skirts if your legs are slim enough.