How to determine if you need a person. How to understand if a man needs a woman: advice from psychologists. How does he treat you

How to understand if a man needs you? From the point of view of psychology, there are several ways to help determine the attitude of your second half towards you.


How to understand if a man needs you at a distance and near? Try to take a closer look at it. After all, he can still treat you the same way, and because of your desire for more, you can simply demand too much.

The first sign, and perhaps the most important one, by which you can determine your significance in the life of the chosen one, is how important your opinion is to him.

Take a closer look at how he treats you in everyday life. This way of checking a man's attitude is good both at the initial stage of your relationship and after several years of living together. These can be ordinary signs of attention. Not every man will open doors for you, give you a hand when you get out of the transport, or help you carry bags of groceries to your house.

Compliments are also an important factor that determines his attitude. Not only the words he says are important, but also how he does it.


How often does your man give you gifts, and does he do it at all? If you are dear to your loved one, he will never spare money for you. But he doesn't have to buy you something new every week. Pay attention to whether he pays for you in a restaurant. When you go grocery shopping, which one of you pays the cost?

It's just that many women stubbornly do not want to notice this, believing that a man is a priori obliged to pay for them, because he is a representative of the stronger sex. Nothing like that: in many developed countries, for example, it is believed that if a man pays for you in a cafe where you dined together, then in this way he simply shows disrespect. Therefore, dear girls, try to pay attention to such trifles, and not only to the gift and its price.


Tenderness and affection on his part for no reason are a sure indicator that he cannot live even a moment without you.

A loving man always tries, in spite of everything, to be alone with his beloved more often. He cares about her every look, every touch and kind word. But this indicator can be deceptive, because over time everything becomes boring, and the spouse already believes that the wife will not go anywhere. And why then waste your precious time on it? This, by the way, may be the first wake-up call for the wife's concern.

Beloved is ready for anything for you

No matter how trite it may sound, but it is worth paying attention to such quality. A loving man will never regret anything for his chosen one. This applies to money, and attention, and care. But it is worth considering the peculiarity of the temperament of the chosen one. Since we are all different, and care can be manifested in completely different ways.

It would not be superfluous to pay attention to the character traits of a man according to the signs of the zodiac, since their representatives behave in completely different ways.


So, how to understand that an Aries man needs you? He is always decisive both in everyday life and in love. He always considers himself a conqueror. Therefore, if he liked you, then he will be the initiator of the meetings. And he will try his best to please in order to win. But it is worth remembering that the representatives of this sign are very proud and do not offer anything twice. This does not mean that you should immediately agree to all his proposals, but you should not go too far either.

Taurus Man

Representatives of this sign are sure that a woman must be conquered through humor. If such a man likes you, he will try in every possible way to make you laugh. And if suddenly one day in a playful way he throws a pillow at you, you should not be offended by him. Just know that he is trying so hard to show his attention. He will also try to constantly touch you, will seek meetings for the most ridiculous reasons.

Gemini Man

This guy is the most persistent suitor. He will constantly try to meet with you. The phone will be torn from his calls until you turn it off. In your baskets, you will find bundles of messages from him. When meeting, he will constantly chat, trying to interest you. But his persistence gradually turns into obsession, which is very annoying.

Cancer and Leo

How to understand that a Cancer man needs you? Such guys gradually enter the life of their chosen one. Often they try to play the role of a mentor who is constantly trying to suggest something. These men gradually win the trust of their chosen one.

And how to understand if a Leo man needs you? His courtship will be difficult not to notice. Leo men are gallant, they always try to give the best gifts, invite the object of their adoration to the best restaurants. The Leo man will try to please not only you, but also your parents. He will always be interested in what his lady likes.

Virgo and Libra

A Virgo man usually falls in love once and for all. If he likes you, he can spend hours at your door just to see you. He will try to find out from your friends how you feel about him, and how serious it is. He will make different surprises. If he gives you a compliment, then it will definitely be one that will be remembered for a lifetime.

How to understand if a Libra man needs you? This guy loves himself very much and will not miss the opportunity to show off his achievements. He will try to find a reason to ask for help, and will immediately try to demonstrate his superiority over you. If he likes you, then he can begin to sing odes to his beloved. The only way out in this situation is to take matters into your own hands. Otherwise, the matter will not move further than conversations.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

A Scorpio man is always confident in himself. And if he decides that you are his destiny, then he will not miss his chance. He may not kiss you on the first date, since you are his destiny, and, accordingly, cannot belong to anyone else. So why waste time if you still need to start a family and have children?

The Sagittarius man is exactly the one who will pursue you to the last. If you refuse him, it will not stop him. He will try to win the favor of your friends or parents in order for them to help him in winning your attention. When Sagittarius falls in love, he behaves awkwardly, he can start talking nonsense or doing extraordinary things. Try not to change over him, but just support him. He will certainly try to recapture you from others.

Capricorn and Aquarius

How to understand that a Capricorn man needs you? The guy is often scared of his feelings. Initially, he will try to make friends with you in order to get closer. Will try to get to know you better. He will not take any action in an attempt to win you over until he realizes what he has to lose.

How to understand that an Aquarius man needs you? He is always sure of what he does, and he cannot be your friend for a long time. He will immediately let you know that he is interested in you and should be with him. But do not rush to rejoice. Representatives of this sign can disappear from your life just as abruptly as they appeared in it.

Pisces Man

This is perhaps the most romantic sign. If he likes you, then your life can turn into a fairy tale, in which you will be serenaded under the balcony, dedicate poems and constantly conquer.

If you just met and you left him your phone number. If the guy immediately called back, then this is, in principle, a positive sign: he can be quite passionate about you. Though maybe he sees you as a one night stand. But the fact that he called back is already a positive factor. It would be worse if your phone didn't recognize his number on the display.

If he called, try not to get too emotional and start making plans for your future together. It is worth keeping calm and turning on the brain. How to understand that his call means that he does not need you for a serious relationship?

If he called late, that is, he promised at the same time, but calls much later. Your conversation is not particularly glued: he is not in the mood to answer questions about himself, and he is not particularly interested in you either. The only thing he's interested in is meeting you.

In this situation, it is worth considering whether you need this date. You can be sure that the young man will disappear after the first sex. If you are mentally ready for this, then you can very well spend one night with him.

But, if you are still looking for a serious relationship and dream of true love, you should not waste your strength and emotions on this young man.

A more difficult situation is when a man makes it clear that a girl is not needed, despite the fact that they have been in a relationship for a long time.

The beginning of your relationship could inspire the author of novels to create a new masterpiece. Your man was caring, he surrounded you with attention and love. But, unfortunately, your happiness somehow quickly ended.

Your man makes it clear that he no longer needs you. How exactly does he do it - how do men make it clear that a girl is not needed?

You will feel changes in his behavior and attitude towards you. He was no longer pleased to meet with you and every time, he finds a lot of things to do, just not to meet with you.

It is now important for him to stay at work or go to a bar with friends. He often forgets to call you, and explains this by the presence of high employment.

You stopped spending time together, although before you had a huge amount of joint activities that brought pleasure to both of you.

Quarrels have become more frequent. At what, because of the little things. He constantly finds fault with you: he is not satisfied with the way you dress, the way you cook, or the way you communicate with him.

You feel the lack of attention. You lack love and care from him.

If you sit down and analyze the whole situation and his behavior, you will understand that your man makes it clear that he does not need you anymore. Maybe he met another girl or just fell out of love with you. The saddest thing in this story is that a man does not have the courage to admit this to you and talk frankly.

What to do in such a situation? Get a grip on yourself and stop crying or arguing with him. Believe that such methods have never helped anyone solve problems. If a man himself does not dare to go out to talk, do it yourself. You must be determined in your decision - to dot all the i's.

When talking, do not blame him and cry, you will only anger him. Ask him questions and wait for him to answer them for you. Try to come to a common decision together.

In any case, no matter how much it hurts you, understand that you will not be very nice. Let him go and just wish him well.

The relationship between two people is the work and desire of these people to be together. But sometimes, it seems that the partner has cooled off and would be happy to interrupt communication. Most often, the weak half experiences such a feeling, since the girls are more emotional and suspicious. Then the question begins to torment them: how to understand that a man does not need you? After all, few people want to be a burden.

Take your time, maybe he needs you

If doubts have crept into your head, do not succumb to them and momentary emotions, do not smack the fever. It often happens that you think it is. Perhaps somewhere in your subconscious you are afraid of being unnecessary and are looking for something that is not really there, thereby provoking problems:

  1. Unfounded suspicions tense the situation.
  2. The irritability that has appeared on your part repels your partner.
  3. Uncertainty spoils the mood, and you spoil it for those who are nearby.

So just take your time. Yes, you notice that tension has appeared between you: you see each other less often or he is not as affectionate, attentive as he was before. But no one is stopping you from talking. Tell me what's bothering you. You will see, most likely, your doubts are in vain.

Casual conversation is the best way to solve any problems and anticipate them.

How to understand that you are tired of a guy?

It happens that it’s not possible to ask like this in person, observe: something in his behavior will dispel your guesses or, on the contrary, confirm:

  • Insincerity. Compliments pour in, as before, and even more often, but it all looks like a performance.
  • He comes and calls, but only when necessary.
  • He reacts rudely if you denied him intimacy today because you feel unwell.
  • Can't give clear answers to your questions. A caring partner will feel your concern and take steps to ease the anxiety - explain everything. If he doesn't care, of course, it's easier to brush it off with a simple phrase.

The main thing is to control yourself and do not make scenes, interrogations with passion. There are always crises in relationships. The couple either survives them or breaks up. Give it time to put everything in its place.

In this video, psychologist Maria Rozova will talk about ten signs that a guy needs you, give some advice:

How to understand what bothered her husband?

Husband and wife, who are constantly nearby, sometimes get a little tired of each other. This does not mean: "It's all over, I'm no longer interested in him." This is a signal that you need to take a break and change the situation a little.

Yes, some couples live together soul to soul all their lives. But not everyone can do that. Therefore, know how to feel this moment in time and in order not to take it to the extreme, behave correctly.

Here are some signs:

  1. The husband became irritable. Literally everything angers him, and with other people he is friendly, sociable.
  2. Stopped taking care of the kids. Their smile no longer touches him, and he always gives a negative answer to offers to go for a walk, play football.
  3. He doesn't introduce himself to his friends. Prefers to visit the company alone.
  4. He stopped taking care of himself: he shaves only before work, does not try to look neat next to you.
  5. Can cancel your plans at the last minute, or leave you in the middle of the street and run away at the call of a neighbor to help move the sofa.

Such behavior will not leave you indifferent and will arouse suspicion. This is probably the very moment that comes in the life of any couple. Now it all depends on you, because it is unusual for husbands to be imbued with such things. They have so many problems: work, car, dacha.

We are changing the state of affairs

Take the initiative in your own hands and do not despair. Start quietly rebuilding your life:

  • If lately you have often asked him where he went and when he will come. Stop doing it: "Bye, have a nice day!" Over time, he himself will be surprised why you call less often, are not interested in him. When this fact alarms him, explain everything as it is;
  • What if you, on the contrary, are too unkind to him, and he decided that you were not interested. And it's not uncommon for people not to hear each other. He thinks that you have lost interest in him, and you are the opposite. Because of such simple things, many couples have already broken up. Take note of this;
  • Make him jealous a little. But here you have to be very careful, many guys leave in such a situation. It's not that you don't care about him. And the fact is that if it’s better for you, then he wants only happiness.

It is easy to advise, but it is more difficult to translate into reality. But now everything is in your hands: from how wise the actions will be, the future of the family depends.

How to understand that a man needs you?

And in addition to everything, I would like to say that it is better to pay attention not to how he runs away from you, but to how he shows how dear you are to him. We need to look at the situation from all angles.

  1. He maintains a great relationship with your parents. This is very important, since usually young people are small hunters for family gatherings with their mothers, and even more so with potential or accomplished mothers-in-law;
  2. He respects your opinion. He listens and listens to him. Yes, perhaps somewhere inattentive, but he tries. It is always visible;
  3. A man who respects and appreciates his woman will never allow himself to humiliate or insult her. Whatever it was.

Don't try to see the flaws. This won't make it any easier. Try to see a hint that all is well.

The stronger sex differs from girls in its psychology. Very often they do not give their words and actions the meaning that women understand.

Here are some tips to help you figure out what's going on:

  • Do not demand an immediate explanation for what you have said or done. This will cause a storm of emotions.
  • If in doubt, don't blame him for it. Your statements will be annoying.
  • Be less offended and, moreover, do not say: “No, no, everything is fine!” Something is bothering you, tell me personally. Such inconsistencies accumulate and then result in trouble. The guys are straightforward and expect this from you.
  • It is also unusual for them to rejoice so violently at some events or your new dresses. They are a more silent and reserved people by nature. They don't have that set of emotions that girls have.

In general, try to look for dirty tricks less. Talk about your worries. With guys, everything is strict, as in mathematics, if you don’t invent and wind it up yourself.

So, to summarize: you should not torment yourself with thoughts, how to understand that a man does not need you? Better not to think about it again. Trust him, he will come and tell you directly when such a problem arises, and will not beat around the bush.

Video: if your loved one does not need you ...

In this video, a professional psychologist, an expert in family relations Sergey Klyuchnikov will tell you by what signs you can accurately determine whether a man needs you:

Love is an extremely subjective feeling and concept, however, everyone who has fallen into its network can confidently say that there is nothing more beautiful and desirable in the world. However, how not to be mistaken in your feelings and recognize the first "symptoms" of love fever? It is no secret that infatuation, falling in love, passion and love have similar features. And it is extremely difficult to see the difference, because the difference lies deep within us. How do you know if you love someone or not? Let's answer a few important questions and understand what lies behind the irresistible craving for the chosen one.

First of all, it is necessary to think about why this question arose in the first place. Where did this idea come from? Everything is quite simple. At the beginning of a relationship, when a candy-bouquet romance “blooms and smells”, a girl or a guy does not doubt his own feelings at all - we are firmly convinced that we love this person!

However, after a few months (or weeks), rose-colored glasses fall off, and the lover begins to wonder how his chosen one corresponds to the ideal. Are emotions real? Maybe it's just affection? In this case, feelings fade into the background, and the prudent mind is in the center. He seeks to cool the ardor of our emotions, taking care, among other things, of a heart that can break. The voice of reason is a good phenomenon, indicating a healthy human psyche.

The concept of "love" is unique and individual, because everyone loves in their own way. However, common features are inherent in all people without exception: love is something good, warm, expensive, associated with a feeling of comfort when your chosen one is nearby.

Signs of love

Making sure that you really love a person is not always easy and simple. What to do? Take off your rose-colored glasses and try to look at your own relationship from the outside with maximum honesty. You don't need to listen to your friends and "well-wishers"! So, the symptoms of true love:

  1. Unselfishness. True love is a selfless feeling. If a man or woman is looking for profit, all the time waiting for the chosen one to do something for him or, moreover, to help financially, there is no need to talk about love. It's not emotion, it's enjoyment.
  2. Sexual attraction. Can true love do without sex? It's hard to say, because everyone knows the so-called platonic love, which does not involve physical contact. However, many psychologists are sure that love is always combined with sexual attraction, which is completely natural. Simultaneously with the desire to possess, a person in love wants to see and hear the chosen one, to be around just like that, not because of the satisfaction of "animal" instincts.
  3. Unconditional acceptance. To love is to accept a partner with all his advantages and disadvantages. A man in love does not seek to remake the chosen one under his own patterns. Do you want to redo something in a heart friend? Most likely, this is not love.
  4. Confidence. The ability to trust a loved one is an important indicator of true love. If you are used to sharing your problems and joys with your partner, do not be afraid that you will not be understood or ridiculed, this is SHE. Incomplete trust is one of the signs that you still do not love this person.
  5. Constancy. True love differs from falling in love in that it is not influenced by any external circumstances. For example, if relatives and friends oppose the chosen one, a loving person will defend his opinion and feeling. In addition, real emotions do not change plus to minus, even if the partner turned out to be far from perfect.
  6. sacrifice. Love implies the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the one whom the heart considers the best person in the world. Sacrifice does not imply a desire to receive something in return, the most important thing is moral satisfaction from the happiness of a loved one.

Several ways to understand if you love

Of course, we would need a kind of indicator that would allow us to determine whether this is love or not. However, wise scientists have not yet invented such a device, which is why we will “identify” interest, affection, sex, sympathy and love according to certain signs and parameters.

Method number 1. Test

Can't make sense of your own experiences and feelings? Answer a few simple questions:

  1. Do you think about him (her) before falling asleep, want to wish him pleasant dreams?
  2. Are you trying to make him happy?
  3. Do you feel good, calm next to your chosen one?
  4. When you think about him, smile, blush and worry?
  5. Are you counting the hours until you meet him?
  6. Do you think he is the best man (woman)
  7. You know about all his shortcomings, but you continue to accept him as he is?
  8. Does the long breakup bother you?

If you answered all the questions with a confident “yes”, congratulations, your feelings are sincere. When there is uncertainty in the answers, it is worth thinking. Remember that the test should be taken in your normal state, avoiding special joys and quarrels.

Method number 2. Pros and cons

A common psychological method is to divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write down the positive and negative qualities of your chosen one. So you can get your real attitude towards him and a vision of his personality.

Analyze the pros and cons. What is your loved one made of? Of the advantages or disadvantages? The predominance of positive qualities is another joyful evidence of your love and good attitude towards your partner.

Method number 3. Meditation

Sit more comfortably in an easy chair, on a carpet that is pleasant to the body - you will have to spend half an hour on it. In addition, there should be no distractions, extraneous thoughts. Entering into a "trance" is easier to do by focusing on your own breathing.

Having calmed down and abandoned extraneous thoughts, imagine this person. Happened? What do you feel? Do you want to approach, kiss, hug or run away? Decide on all your feelings (negative and positive) that arise when the image of a loved one appears.

Method number 4. "He is no more"

Quite a brutal but effective technique. Try to imagine that your chosen one is no longer with you (no need to get hung up on this idea). Or perhaps you never met at all. What are you thinking about? Are such performances comfortable? Or perhaps they only bring you pain and discomfort? We understand the significance of any thing or person when we no longer possess them. The result of reflection will be an understanding of what feelings you have for your chosen one.

Love or affection?

Another common question: how do you understand if you love a person or is it just affection? First of all, you need to understand that pure relationships and emotions are almost never found. Love, jealousy, sexual attraction, desire, attachment - we all experience it at the same time, but only in different proportions.

As we said above, selfless care is considered an important sign of true love. Attachment is considered a kind of psychological dependence on a chosen one or partner.

The main feature of attachment is not selflessness and happiness, but dependence and sometimes suffering that a dependent person experiences. If attachment is accompanied by special feelings that deprive a person of freedom, we can talk about psychological obsession.

So, sorting out your true emotions and experiences is sometimes quite difficult. But if you are firmly convinced of the correctness of your own choice, you should not doubt your chosen one. Love is the most beautiful feeling to be enjoyed, especially if it is mutual. Love and be loved!

Sometimes a relationship develops between a man and a woman that seems to be there, but it seems that there are almost none. They are sluggish, uninitiative, completely unincendiary. Or, on the contrary, incendiary, but inconsistent meetings from time to time, no heart-to-heart talk, only passion.

At first, women may be satisfied with both options. They patiently wait for something to change for the better - the relationship will become more open, stable, strong.

But time passes and nothing changes. And thoughts involuntarily creep in about whether such a relationship has a future, whether it is worth continuing it, or is it better to interrupt it now, so as not to regret the wasted years later.

This is where the question arises of how to understand if a man needs you, or is he indifferent to you, just using you and not going to build any serious relationship?

A man and a woman are two boxes that hold the keys to each other.
Karen Blixen

How to understand that a man does not need a girl

  • The first and most revealing sign is his behavior.. How often do you meet, call each other, go to the cinema, restaurants together, just walk or watch movies together?

    If all of the above happens at least weekly, then there is most likely no reason to sound the alarm. In addition, much depends on the employment of a man and his work schedule. Today it is not uncommon to have a 12-hour work day and a 60-hour work week.

  • The second sign is his attitude towards you. Even if a person is very busy at work, but loves you and misses you, he will take a minute to write a message, send a nice MMS or order a bouquet of flowers for you.

    His desire to spend his free time (or most of it) with you is also a good sign. If, however, a man treats all proposals to meet with coolness, demands that the girl does not call him first, behaves aloofly or even rudely at a meeting - these are alarming symptoms.

  • The third sign is constant betrayal. Let there be no officially registered relationship between you yet. This does not mean at all that you should forgive him for going “to the left”.

    You should not hope that the guy will go crazy and at some point decide that he only needs you. By his behavior, he already shows his attitude towards you.

Classic signs

There are other signs that make it clear that a man does not need you:
  1. He rarely calls, does not answer texts., often turns off the phone or generally puts your number on the ignore list.
  2. You don't go anywhere together. You do not have common friends with whom you can sit in a friendly company. You do not go to visit his or your relatives. You don't even go shopping together.
  3. He doesn't care what happens to you. You are connected only by sex during rare meetings, and a man never asks questions about how you are doing at school or at work, how your day went, and in general he tries to talk less with you.
  4. The man is not jealous of you. Even if you openly provoke him to jealousy, talk on the phone with another guy in front of him, accept gifts and courtship from other men, and he knows about it, but absolutely does not react to it.

Finally, you can rely on your own intuition and feelings. Do you feel desired, loved, needed by this man? Most likely, the way it is. How to know if a man needs you? Suggest that he break off the relationship or be the first to stop answering calls, reject offers to meet. It is quite possible that your romance will calm down safely on this.

If you are dear to a man, then he will finally wake up and begin to take actions that will help you feel desired, loved and needed.

The image that a man creates when he thinks of an ideal woman is similar to the image that a woman creates when she thinks of an ideal man.
Marlene Dietrich

How to understand that a married man needs you

In relationships with married men, things are still more complicated. The signs of coldness given above may be elements of conspiracy. The man does not want to destroy yet. And if you agree with this approach (you decided together that it’s worth waiting a bit - because of the children, the wife’s sick heart, solving material issues, etc.), then you can’t focus on the standard signs of cooling in a relationship.

But there are other symptoms as well. Let's talk about them below.

So, you can determine if a man who already has a wife needs you by the following signs:

If a woman is tired of a man's advances and wants to get rid of them, it is best for her to marry her pursuer:
in this way, she is likely to get rid of the gallantry that bothered her.
Martti Larni


The main thing to remember in such a relationship is that your youth and beauty are not eternal. You need a family of your own, with children and stability, not a sneaky relationship.

If a man also understands all this, and you can roughly imagine when your romance from a secret becomes clear, then the relationship has a future.

If a man is already satisfied with everything, and apart from sex and empty promises you get nothing from him, then it is worth ending such a romance once and for all.