How to clean fur at home? Is it possible to wash fur? How to clean fur at home: practical tips

Fur has many advantages over other materials used to make winter clothing. It retains heat perfectly, has the properties of thermoregulation and wear resistance, and never goes out of fashion. At the same time, this material is expensive and difficult to maintain. Therefore, the best option for caring for fur products is professional dry cleaning. If it is not possible to resort to the services of professionals, you can put the fur in order at home. We will tell you how to properly clean fur yourself without damaging the product.

There are special fur care products on the market. For example, dirt-resistant and antistatic emulsions Nourelpo, Netbrilо, aerosol for cleaning small stains of fur MagicClean, anti-moth preparations Mitex, Anti-mol for fur, shine for fur Pelbril, stain removers SommieresPowder, Reinforser. The drugs are highly effective. But it is not recommended to use them in non-professional conditions, since there is a high probability of damage and damage to an expensive product. You can use special substances only on small areas of contamination, after first testing them on the inner surface of the product and carefully reading the instructions for use of the product. Fur needs cleaning if:
  • lumps and nodules appeared;
  • with directed air, the fibers are difficult to scatter;
  • volume and shine are lost;
  • fur color has changed.
Faux fur is wiped with a soft sponge dipped in soapy water. Instead of soap, you can use shampoo for furry animals, after whipping up foam from it. Do not wet the place where the hairs stick to the product - the hairs may simply come off. Then wipe with a dry towel and dry naturally at room temperature. Comb gently with a blunt-tipped comb. Short-haired fur is cleaned and combed against the “growth” of the villi, and fur with long hairs – in the direction. This rule also applies to natural types of fur. Natural fur requires careful cleaning. Under no circumstances should it be washed! There are the following methods for cleaning natural fur:
  1. Mechanical cleaning is designed to remove knots and give the fur its original fluffy, shiny appearance. Use a special metal brush to clean the fur. Hang the product on a hanger for easy cleaning. Carefully, slowly, comb the fur. Leave the product to air out.
  2. To remove dust and dirt, place the fur on a damp cloth and knock out the product. This way all the dust will remain on the wet material. Don't forget to dry the fur by hanging it in the air.
  3. Birch sawdust, semolina, rye bran, hot sand and potato starch effectively and gently clean natural fur. The method of carrying out the fur cleaning procedure is the same. Spread in an even layer over the entire surface of the fur. Then, using movements as if you were washing clothes, clean the product. Shake and comb with a special brush.
  4. A solution of a tablespoon of vinegar diluted in a glass of water will return the shine to the fur. Wet a cotton cloth and wipe the fur. Remove any remaining solution with a clean, dry cloth.
Grease stains from fur are removed using gasoline or ammonia. To do this, you need to prepare and mix the following composition: half a liter of water, a teaspoon of ammonia and 3 tsp. salt. Wet the sponge with the mixture and wipe the dirty stain. Then clean with a damp sponge and dry the product. Another recipe: you need to mix refined gasoline and potato starch until a mushy mixture forms. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area and wait until the gasoline evaporates. Then remove any remaining starch with a brush and shake the product. White fur tends to turn yellow over time. To return the product to its former snow-whiteness, use the following:
  1. Spray a 1:1 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water onto the fur from a spray bottle. Leave until dry, then comb the fur.
  2. Wet the brush in a 3:1 solution of warm water, baking soda and alcohol and comb the product.
  3. Treat the fur with a bluing solution diluted in water using a sponge. Be sure to dry naturally, away from direct sunlight and heat.

Despite the difficulties in caring for fur, fur coats and fur coats do not lose their relevance from year to year. Proper, careful care will help preserve the fur product for a long period and remain in trend.

Winter is over, and it's time to put away warm fur clothes for storage. But before that, for better preservation, the fur must be cleaned. The best option would be to go to a dry cleaner, however, this service is not available to everyone. So all that remains for our women is to clean their fur clothes the “old fashioned way”: at home, using improvised means.

The content of the article:

Cleaning natural fur at home

When cleaning fur, you need to act carefully and try not to get the insides wet, otherwise the skin may become rough, warp and burst. Before applying any composition to a fur coat, it is better to test it in an inconspicuous place, for example, in the armpits or on the lapel of the hem. So, how to clean fur using available products?

To make the fur look like new...

If you need to slightly refresh the appearance of a fur coat or hat, then you can use the “rustic” method - heat wheat or rye bran in a frying pan and distribute it evenly over the fur coat? lightly rubbing into the fur. Then leave the fur with bran like that for a while. Then the bran will need to be shaken off and the fur cleaned with a brush.

You can clean the fur with hot sand. The fur coat is laid out on a flat surface, some sand is poured in and lightly rubbed in with your hand. Contaminated sand is shaken off and the procedure is repeated several times until the sand is clean.

Another popular product for cleaning fur at home is shampoo (it is better to take shampoo for cats, its composition is more suitable for fur). You need to dilute the shampoo in water, whip up the foam and apply it to the fur with a sponge or brush, rub the foam into the pile and wait a couple of minutes, then carefully rinse off the shampoo, being careful not to wet the skin.

To clean the fur, you can take small birch sawdust, after soaking it in gasoline or turpentine. Scatter the sawdust over the fur and brush it off.

For cleaning fur at home, a mixture of equal parts table vinegar, water and alcohol is suitable (you can take 2 parts vodka and vinegar). Apply the solution to the fur with a brush or foam sponge and immediately wipe off with a clean cloth.

To remove stains from fur...

To clean individual stains from fur, you can make a paste of starch and gasoline and apply it to the greasy stain, and after it has completely dried, brush off the rest with a brush. Long piles should always be brushed with the grain, and short piles should always be brushed against the grain.

In addition, stains from fur can be removed using liquid for washing wool or silk items. Take 1 tbsp. composition for 1 glass of warm water. After treatment, wipe the fur with a clean damp cloth.

An effective means of cleaning fur from greasy stains is potato starch, chalk or talc (baby powder). All this is poured onto the fur, lightly rubbed in and brushed off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

Can be dissolved in 0.5 l. water 3 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. ammonia. Treat stains with this solution, then wipe them thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth.

To remove stains, you can mix alcohol and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio, treat the stains and wipe the fur with a clean, damp cloth.

To make the fur shine...

How to clean fur if it has become dull and lost its former shine? You can treat it with a weak solution of citric or acetic acid, lemon juice or glycerin and wipe it thoroughly with a clean cloth.

There is another way to clean fur at home to restore its shine. You need to dissolve 100 grams in 1 liter of boiling water. animal or fish oil, 10 gr. laundry soap, 12 drops of ammonia. After this, cool the solution to 35 degrees and apply to the fur.

You can simply knock out a dusty fur coat by first wrapping it in a damp sheet.

How to clean white fur?

For white or light fur, you can use all of the above methods. However, starch helps especially well.

If white or light fur turns yellow over time, it can be bleached using hydrogen peroxide. You need to dilute 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water, apply to the fur and leave the fur coat in the sun for a day.

Cleaning faux fur at home

To clean individual stains on faux fur, you can apply a slurry of washing powder, a mixture of dishwashing liquid and starch. After the paste has dried, you can simply brush off the remaining product with a brush or rinse off with a damp cloth.

Oily stains on faux fur can be cleaned with gasoline. Use a swab soaked in gasoline to wipe the contaminated areas.

You can use a carpet and upholstery cleaner and follow the instructions for the product. Only the product will need to not just be brushed off, but washed off with a damp cloth.

Vinegar and acetone are contraindicated for cleaning faux fur at home.

Is it possible to wash fur?

Natural fur should never be washed! It will lose its appearance, fade, and the base will become brittle. In addition, shrinkage of the fur product will inevitably occur.

With faux fur everything is much simpler. Faux fur is a knitted fabric with a pile, so items made from such fur can be washed in a washing machine at low temperatures on a delicate cycle. But only if the knitted base is synthetic; for a cotton base, washing is unacceptable. After spinning, the product must be dried on a flat surface, unfolded. When the fur becomes slightly damp, the pile needs to be combed, otherwise after drying it will turn into icicles.

Still, we would not recommend abusing the washing of fur, even artificial fur.

To protect it from insects, put orange peels and lavender in a bag with a fur product, and ventilate it in the fresh air several times during the summer. Timely cleaning of fur at home and proper storage will allow the fur product to be used for the stated number of seasons.

Larisa Abramova for the website Women's Questions

If a fur hat, fur coat or vest has become stained and shiny over time, you need to clean it + this can be done at home. In addition, it is recommended to clean fur products at the end of the season before storing them. The cleaning method will depend on whether the item is made from natural or faux fur. Natural fur coats are made from mink, chinchilla, fox, arctic fox, etc. They are not cheap, so special care should be taken when cleaning. Cleaning faux fur is somewhat easier. But when choosing cleaning products, you will have to take into account the color of the product.

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    Methods for cleaning natural fur

    Products made from natural fur are more expensive and require special care. In order not to spoil your favorite fur coat, you must use only proven cleaning products.

    When choosing a cleaning composition, you must take into account what kind of fur the product is made of. A fur coat or vest can be made from mink, arctic fox, rabbit, chinchilla, etc.

    Arctic fox

    Arctic fox fur is a fairly common material for making fur coats, hats and other wardrobe items. It can be cleaned with hair shampoo. To do this you need:

    • pour shampoo into a container and dilute it with a small amount of water;
    • moisten a lint-free cloth in the resulting mixture;
    • wipe the entire surface of the product or treat it with a spray bottle, pouring the prepared solution into it;
    • After cleaning, wipe the fur in the direction of the pile with a clean, dry cloth or paper napkins.

    It is advisable to take shampoo designed for cleansing the hair of pets (cats or dogs). It acts more delicately than usual. Instead of shampoo, you can use a liquid detergent designed for wool or silk.

    In addition, you can restore the original shine and cleanliness of an arctic fox fur coat by using ammonia. You will need:

    • mix 500 ml of warm water and 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
    • wet a dish sponge with the resulting solution and wring it out;
    • process the fur, moving along the pile;
    • then you can additionally walk over the product with your hands, evenly distributing the cleaning composition;
    • after 5 minutes, take a clean, damp sponge or cloth and wipe off the remaining solution from the pile;
    • After this, the surface should be wiped with paper towels or napkins.

    You cannot wet the fur too much, otherwise it will lose its presentable appearance. Therefore, the sponge must be wrung out well.

    The length of the fur fibers of the Arctic fox is considered quite long. Therefore, after drying, you need to carefully comb the pile with your hands or a fine-toothed comb.

    The listed cleaning methods are also suitable for products made from fox (silver fox) fur.


    Products made from mink fur are no less in demand. To clean such a fur coat or hat, you can use this method:

    • mix 9% vinegar, alcohol and water in equal parts;
    • distribute the composition evenly over the pile using a sponge or soft brush for cleaning clothes;
    • then wipe the fur dry.

    If after using these products a specific odor remains on the product, you can hang it in fresh air.

    Sometimes an unpleasant shine appears on a mink coat. You can remove it this way:

    • to 500 ml of water add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of table salt;
    • Apply the mixture to shiny areas by moistening a cotton pad;
    • after 5–10 minutes, wipe the area with a clean sponge slightly moistened with water;
    • then remove any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

    After this, the product should be hung on hangers in a well-ventilated area and wait until it dries completely. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, the pile will become brittle, dull and lose its properties. In addition, you cannot speed up the drying process by using batteries, electric dryers and other sources of hot air.

    Rabbit or muton

    Rabbit fur is less difficult to care for. Therefore, you can use all of the above methods to clean it.

    In addition, you can clean a rabbit or muton fur coat using bran.

    Procedure steps:

    • walk over the surface of the product with a slightly damp sponge;
    • pour the bran into a container;
    • warm them up a little in the microwave and pour them onto contaminated areas;
    • rub the lint with your hands;
    • When the bran has cooled and dried, you should carefully brush it off with a brush.

    If your rabbit fur coat or vest is covered in dust, you can knock it out with a regular carpet beater.

    Algorithm of actions:

    • take an unnecessary but clean sheet;
    • moisten it with water and squeeze;
    • wrap the product in a sheet;
    • knock out the dust with a beater.

    As a result, dust and dirt will remain on the damp fabric, and the fur will become clean and shiny again. This method is also used to clean mouton fur coats from dust.

    You cannot knock the product too hard, otherwise you can damage it, but the force of the blows must be sufficient so that all the dust transfers to the sheet.

    The fur of a goat, nutria, wolf and raccoon is similar to rabbit fur. Therefore, you can clean them in the same way.

    Chinchilla, otter

    You can clean the natural fur of a chinchilla, otter or muskrat with sand. After all, these animals clean their skin in this way in their usual environment.


    • take clean river sand, which can be purchased at a hardware store or from construction companies;
    • pour it into a container and heat it in the microwave;
    • pour hot sand onto problem areas, laying the fur product on a flat surface;
    • lightly rub it into the pile;
    • After cooling, the sand must be shaken off.

    If the dirt is not removed immediately, the procedure can be repeated several more times.

    How to clean faux fur?

    Not everyone, due to personal beliefs or limited funds, can afford to wear products made from natural fur. The way out of this situation is to buy a faux fur coat. Products made from this material are now very difficult to distinguish from natural ones, but at the same time they are much cheaper.

    In order for such things to last a long time and always remain in good condition, you need to properly care for them. To do this, it is worth promptly cleaning the faux fur from dirt and emerging stains.

    Machine washable

    A small faux fur coat can be washed in the washing machine. But you must follow these rules:

    • remove all contents from pockets and fasten them;
    • if the product has decorative elements (buttons, rivets, etc.), then it is advisable to turn it inside out;
    • spin should be turned off;
    • You must select a delicate program suitable for washing wool or silk.

    Such fur coats are dried in the same way as products made from natural fur.

    Washing powder

    If individual spots appear on artificial fur, you can remove them in this way:

    • dissolve a small amount of washing powder in warm water;
    • treat contaminated areas with the prepared solution using a cotton pad;
    • After cleansing, wash off the soap film with a damp sponge.

    Powder with bleaching properties can only be used if the fur is light. This use will leave stains on dark or colored pile.


    Regular dishwashing detergent and starch will help clean faux fur from greasy stains.


    • mix dishwashing liquid with starch to the consistency of liquid sour cream;
    • apply the resulting mixture to the stain;
    • wait for the composition to dry and clean it with an old toothbrush or a clothes brush;
    • wipe the lint with a damp cloth.

    Dishwashing detergent effectively fights grease, and starch quickly absorbs it.


    Old stains can be removed using glycerin and alcohol.

    Cleaning steps:

    • mix 500 ml of water and medical alcohol in a container;
    • add 2 teaspoons of glycerin there;
    • mix the composition thoroughly and moisten a cotton pad with it;
    • rub contaminated areas;
    • then rinse the fur with a damp cloth and wipe with a dry cloth.

    If after this the smell of alcohol remains on the product, you can wipe the cleaned area with a soap solution.

    Refined gasoline

    If fur of unnatural origin begins to become shiny over time, you can use purified gasoline, which is poured into lighters. Under no circumstances should you use the regular one. Otherwise, an indelible greasy stain will remain on the fabric.

    Mode of application:

    • apply a little purified gasoline to a rag or cotton pad;
    • treat problem areas;
    • Rinse off the substance immediately by wiping the fur with a clean, damp cloth.

    If after this there is a gasoline stain or an unpleasant odor left on the product, you need to prepare a special solution. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to a glass of warm water or squeeze the juice of half a fresh lemon.

    Using the same method, you can get rid of gloss on your pockets or collar.


    Sawdust can also help clean faux fur. To remove even old contaminants, they are mixed with purified gasoline. You will need:

    • pour sawdust into a container and pour a little purified gasoline into it;
    • leave for several hours so that they are thoroughly soaked;
    • rub the villi with the resulting mixture;
    • After 5–10 minutes, shake off the sawdust with a brush and thoroughly wipe the fur with a clean, damp cloth.

    Afterwards, the product is left in the fresh air so that the smell of gasoline disappears.

    Cleaning light fur

    Fur of light shades requires more careful care. You will have to clean it more often, since all the dirt on such material is more noticeable.

    In addition, over time, the once snow-white fur turns yellow. Therefore, you will need to use substances with bleaching properties.

    Soda and alcohol

    You can bleach yellowed fur at home using this method:

    • mix 600 g of medical alcohol and 200 g of baking soda;
    • moisten the sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the villi;
    • After cleaning, rinse off the composition with a clean damp cloth.

    Under no circumstances should this method be used to remove stains from dark or colored fur. Otherwise, the pile will fade and streaks will remain on it.

    If the fur is only present on a small area of ​​the jacket or sheepskin coat, care should be taken to ensure that the peroxide does not get onto the main part of the garment. The sheepskin coat itself is cleaned from dirt with a special brush for suede and nubuck.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Perhaps the most well-known means for self-bleaching various fabrics and materials is hydrogen peroxide. To restore the whiteness of natural or faux fur using this substance, you must:

    • combine peroxide with water in equal proportions;
    • pour the prepared composition into a spray bottle;
    • treat the fur by spraying the solution;
    • wait for the product to dry and carefully comb the pile with a fine-toothed comb.

    If the fur is covered with an old yellow coating, you can enhance this recipe by adding a little ammonia to the mixture. To get rid of the smell after cleaning, you will need to hang the product on hangers and leave it in the fresh air.


    A gentle way to clean white fur is to use semolina.


    • heat the semolina in the microwave or in a frying pan without oil;
    • pour it onto the product and rub it, making movements as if washing by hand;
    • when the yellowness disappears, you need to clean off the remaining grain with a brush;
    • At the end, the fur coat should be shaken thoroughly.

    It is important not to use excessive force when cleaning, otherwise you may damage the fibers.

    Instead of semolina, you can use other bulk substances: flour or starch.

    You can restore the appearance of your favorite fur coat using improvised means. In order not to spoil the item, you must act carefully and test cleaning compounds on an inconspicuous area before use.

Fur coats, sleeveless vests and other fur products have a long service life, so after several seasons they will inevitably require cleaning. If fur clothing has become dusty, has absorbed unpleasant odors after several months in the closet, or has stains and dirt on it, several home cleaning methods will help you return the product to a neat appearance.

Rules for cleaning natural fur

If you need to clean a fur coat or even a carpet, you can use the services of professionals and have the product dry cleaned. As a rule, this is a way out of situations where there are complex contaminants. If you want to refresh your fur item, you can do it at home yourself.

Important! Before cleaning fur at home, try any of the compositions on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to clean mink fur and other natural products at home

Type of fur/purpose of cleaning Methods, recipes
Clean any dust from any natural fur. Wet the sheet and place the product on it, fur side down. Lightly knock it out.
Restore shine to dull fur. Moisten a soft rag with vinegar and wipe the fur surface.
Remove yellowness. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water and treat the yellow areas with the solution.
Clean off greasy stains. Dilute 3 tbsp in 500 ml of water. l. salt and 1 tsp. ammonia. Wipe stains.
Wash away sweat stains. Moisten a soft cloth with gasoline and wipe the dirty area. Sprinkle starch onto the stain and leave for a couple of hours. Then shake out the starch and comb the pile.
Clean rabbit, otter, beaver, and mole fur at home. Scatter dry, clean, hot sand over a fluffy surface and lightly rub with your hands. Shake and add sand until your palms are clean after brushing.

How to Clean White or Dark Faux Fur

There are 3 effective ways to clean faux fur pile.

1. Mix potato starch and gasoline in equal proportions. Check the effect of the solution on an area hidden from view - if the fur does not discolor, wipe the stains and contaminated areas.

2. Dilute 1 tablespoon of boiling water in 1 liter. l. washing powder. Cool, then soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the fur. Finish cleaning with a sponge soaked in clean, warm water.

3. For white fur: prepare a solution of washing powder and warm water, pour it into a spray bottle. Sprinkle the fur with starch and moisten it with a solution from a spray bottle. Rub with your hands and leave to dry, then carefully remove any remaining starch with a brush, dry and comb the pile.

Attention! Do not clean faux fur with acetone or vinegar. Any fur cannot be dried with a hairdryer or on a radiator - it must dry naturally, preferably in the open air.

In what cases is it better to take fur to the dry cleaner?

If you are afraid of ruining an expensive fur coat or don’t want to spend several hours cleaning a greasy carpet, specialists will come to your aid. Specialized cleaning is recommended in the following cases:

    The fur is stained with coloring products: coffee, ketchup, wine.

    The fur product is damp.

    Fur items are heavily contaminated with street dirt, paint, and household stains.

Important! Fur cannot be washed at home - this will damage it irrevocably.

For high-quality cleaning, the fur coat should be dry cleaned. But you can handle minor stains yourself. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right method.

When to clean

There are signs that indicate that a fur coat needs cleaning:

  • severely split ends of hairs;
  • the hairs are tangled into knots;
  • particles of debris are visible between the hairs;
  • the color of the fur coat has become uneven;
  • dust contamination is visible.

Rules of care

Even if you store a fur coat in a special case during the warm season, it can still become dusty. Never use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from your fur coat. Better to gently beat or shake it.

Brush the fur 2-3 times a month using a metal pet hair brush. The hairs on your fur coat will become fluffy and shiny.

  • If the fur becomes wrinkled, rub it with a wet sponge until it becomes wet. Then comb in the direction of hair growth. Dry the fur coat on hangers, and when the fur is dry, lightly beat it out.
  • Old fur can be cleaned using potato peelings. To do this, rinse the remaining potatoes, grind in a meat grinder 2-3 times until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add ammonia (1 tsp) to the pulp and mix. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area of ​​the fur coat and brush it with a brush. After this, wipe with a damp sponge.
  • To restore the softness of rough fur, wipe it with the following solution: add Vaseline (1 tbsp) and egg yolk to warm water (0.5 l). Apply the resulting liquid to the skin of the fur. Knead the product in your hands, pull in different directions. You can also use glycerin diluted with water for these purposes.
  • If the inside of the fur has become rough, moisten it with a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water), knead it, and slightly stretch the fur coat in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times. The break between procedures is 2-3 hours. Dry the fur coat unfolded. Then lubricate it with emulsion (add 15-20 drops of ammonia and 100 g of castor oil to 1 liter of warm water) and knead again. Next, fold the fur coat skin to skin and leave it like this for 3-4 hours. Hang and dry.

Caring for different types of fur

Arctic fox. Mix table salt (3 tsp), ammonia (1 tsp) and water (0.5 l). Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas with it in the direction of lint growth.

Mink. Mink fur loses its shine over time. To return it, use the following recipe: add soap (10 g), ammonia (12 drops) and fish or pork fat to boiling water (1 liter). Cool the solution to 35 °C. Apply it to the fur using a brush.

Rabbit. First, comb out the fur. Then soak a cotton swab in 5% hydrogen peroxide or 6% acetic acid and wipe the pile in the direction of growth. Go over the pile with a damp sponge.

Astrakhan. If the gray astrakhan fur has turned yellow, wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon of peroxide and 5 drops of ammonia per 200 ml of water).

Otter, mole, beaver. Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with hot dry sand, and wipe with your palm. Shake dirty sand onto the floor. Repeat the procedure until the fur is clean.

Cleaning dark fur

To clean dark fur, purchase bran and heat it to a temperature of 60-70 °C. Gently rub the bran into the fur until it absorbs all the dirt. Then grind the nuts in a coffee grinder or blender, tie the powder in cheesecloth. Using the resulting swab, wipe the pile along the growth line. Walnut oil will add shine to the fur.

Cleaning light fur

Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with semolina, potato flour or starch. Gently rub the powder over the product, remember it. Then shake out the fur coat and comb it. If the grain or starch that spills out of the fur turns gray, repeat the procedure.

To clean heavily soiled chicken or sheepskin, sprinkle the fur with starch. Dilute the washing powder in water until you obtain a homogeneous solution, and spray the product with a spray bottle. Smear the resulting mixture over the fur with your hands. Once the wet starch has dried, go over the fur coat with a pet brush. Then shake out the product thoroughly and comb again.