How to dye your hair roots with henna. How to dye your hair bright red with henna. Different colors when dyeing with henna

But not all of them are harmless to hair. Since ancient times, natural dyes have been used for this purpose, among which henna occupied the main place in popularity then and now. It does not give a beautiful shade and has a lot of healing properties. The main thing is to know how to dye your hair with henna correctly, what colors are possible and what the result depends on.

Many girls dye their hair using natural remedies, such as henna.

The healing properties of henna

Dyeing your hair with henna at home or with the help of a specialist will benefit the health and appearance of your curls. This natural dye has a lot of healing properties:

  1. The color from this coloring is always bright and rich and does not fade after washing your hair.
  2. Thanks to the unique composition of natural dye, your hair will become strong. Vitamins and minerals nourish curls and scalp and prevent hair loss. Polysaccharides and organic acids improve metabolic processes. tannins strengthen hair and improve growth. Resinous substances restore the structure of each hair and improve blood supply to the hair follicles. Fragility disappears completely. Therefore, regardless of the type and length of curls, dyeing your hair with henna is useful.
  3. With correct and not too frequent use, additional volume will appear from the very roots.
  4. The amount of damaged and lost hair will be significantly reduced. The effect of coloring will be noticeable to the naked eye even when combing.
  5. Dandruff and other scalp problems will disappear.
  6. used as a dye and as a mask with a restorative and nourishing effect. After using it, your hair will grow faster.

Disadvantages of henna dyeing

The negative aspects of henna staining appear only with prolonged and frequent use. Among its disadvantages are the following:

  1. . Dyeing your hair with henna makes your curls heavier due to the way it penetrates into the hair structure. Also, naturally very curly strands may become less frizz-free.
  2. Hair dyed with henna should not be exposed to chemical dyes in the coming weeks, as this can give unpredictable results. Either there will be no effect at all, or the color will not be the one stated.
  3. Natural dye is difficult to apply to hair. The powder may be distributed unevenly, causing uncolored strands to appear.
  4. When used frequently, henna dries out hair.
  5. It is not always possible to predict the color that will result after using a natural dye. A variety of shades are possible from bright red to dark chestnut. The result depends entirely on the characteristics of your hair and the chosen recipe.

However, compared to chemical dyes, Indian henna for hair wins due to its healing properties and long-lasting rich color, which even when washed off looks natural and beautiful. Therefore, it is important to know the benefits and harms of henna for hair, and to apply this knowledge in practice. After all, if used incorrectly and too often, you risk getting the opposite effect. Due to overdrying, hair from henna may fall out and split ends.

How to properly brew henna at home?

Preparing the coloring mixture is very simple. Take the required amount of powder, pour it into a glass container, pour boiling water so that you get a creamy slurry. Then cover the vessel with a lid and let stand for 20-30 minutes.

If you use recipes with additional components, then after brewing, add them to the container with the dye. But remember that it is best to add honey, eggs, cream and other dairy products after the paint has cooled.

Subtleties of henna staining

  1. Always consider your natural hair color when choosing a recipe. So, for example, red henna on dark hair gives only a tint, but on light and gray hair the effect will be bright. To obtain the desired shade, use additional ingredients, including chamomile, coffee, lemon juice and others.
  2. Frequent dyeing with henna leads to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure no more often than once every 2 months. You can alternate different types of henna, then the effect of their use will be better.
  3. Do not mix henna with any chemicals. In this case, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of your hair and ruin the appearance of your hairstyle.
  4. If you are worried that something will go wrong during the coloring process, then be sure to seek help from a hairdresser for the first time. He will help you choose a recipe for coloring and properly distribute the mixture throughout your hair. Subsequently, you can repeat this experience at home yourself.
  5. Before applying to your hair, be sure to lubricate the skin along the edges of your hair growth so that it does not turn red.

Colorless henna and healing masks

Colorless and colored henna for hair are applied in the same way. This should be done like this:

  1. Brew the powder with boiling water and cover it with a lid. The mass should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  2. It can be applied to dry and damp hair. In the first case, it is easier to see the unpainted areas, and in the second, the color will be more saturated.
  3. Comb your hair and divide it into 4 equal parts, three of which secure with clips.
  4. Divide each part into strands and paint them one by one, starting from the roots.
  5. Then, when the roots are dyed, massage your head and comb the strands again.
  6. Apply the remaining dye to the roots and roll your hair into a bun.
  7. Put a shower cap on top or cover your curls with cling film. Wrap a towel on top to create a greenhouse effect.
  8. Wash and dry your hair after 20-50 minutes.

Possible shades of henna dyeing

There are different shades of henna for hair. It all depends on the original color of the curls and the structural features of the hairs. The thinner they are, the brighter the result. The hair does not lie the same as on blonde hair. If dark curls are dyed, you can end up with a reddish-red or reddish-brown tint. If your hair is black, the result of dyeing will only be visible during the day in sunny weather.

Light and gray curls will be a rich red color after the first few dyes, but with subsequent procedures they will become reddish-brown. Henna also works on brown hair. To obtain a chocolate shade, mix coloring powder with coffee or basma. For a reddish color, add beetroot decoction or strong hibiscus tea to the diluted paint.

Effective recipes


There are a lot of good recipes for henna dyeing. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Henna and basma. Depending on the desired color, you need to mix these two ingredients in certain proportions. If the ratio is 2:1, then light curls will have a reddish-brownish tint. And if the dyes are in a 1:2 ratio, the color will turn out dark chestnut, almost black.
  • Coloring with coffee. Add a tablespoon of coffee to a container with a bag of henna. Mix everything and pour boiling water over it, stirring the mixture constantly. The mass should be mushy. This recipe will help you achieve a dark brown shade on light brown hair, and brown with red on light and gray hair.
  • Coloring with sour cream or cream. The coloring powder is brewed as usual. After cooling, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of sour cream or heavy cream. This recipe is suitable for damaged and weakened hair. And the shade will turn out to be light red if the original color was light.
  • Recipe for coloring with essential oils. Brew the henna packet thicker than usual. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, add 1-2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil, such as olive or castor oil, and a couple of drops of essential oil to the mixture. Citrus and coniferous species are suitable. This coloring will make your hair color bright and rich red, filling it with vitality.
  • Coloring with lemon. Add the juice of half a medium-sized lemon to a bag of brewed henna. This recipe will help color and lighten your curls. After this coloring, your hair will shimmer in the sun and flow over your shoulders.
  • Coloring with chamomile. There are two options for preparing this recipe. You can first brew the chamomile, cool and strain the mixture. Then heat it up again and brew henna with it as in the usual recipe. Or you can mix a spoonful of the flowers of this plant with dry powder of natural dye and immediately brew the whole mixture. But in the second case, it will be more difficult to apply the paint and then wash it off. Chamomile will help in red color.

Remember that for short curls one sachet of dye is enough, but strands up to the shoulders and below must be dyed using two or three sachets.

Do everything right and don't harm your hair

How to remove henna from your head

Due to its mushy texture, henna is very difficult to wash off, especially if the hair being dyed is long. When washing for the first time and for another 2-3 days after the procedure, do not use shampoo, conditioner or conditioner.

You can wash off the paint with regular warm water. In this case, you need to make gentle massaging movements at the roots to remove all solid particles until they completely disappear. Add a little vinegar to the final rinse (1 spoon per liter of water) to deepen the color.

Henna is beneficial for hair when used correctly. There are many possible options for coloring with this dye. If you decide to improve your curls and you like all shades of red and chestnut, then choose one of the recipes and try it. Just remember that it is almost impossible to wash off the paint.

Taking care of appearance is inherent in a woman from a young age. We choose haircuts and styles, look for the perfect makeup and change hair color for reasons that cannot be comprehended by male logic. There are women who have bleached their locks and are frozen in an image “a la the seventies.” But this is rather an exception that proves the rule: a woman’s diversity is inexhaustible.

One of the surest ways to instantly transform yourself is to dye your hair. Hop! – and the gentle blonde transforms into a pretty witch with blue-black hair. And then, as if by a wave of a magic wand, instead of the black-haired witch, a red-haired beast appears.

Frequent changes of image have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. Chemical dyes, despite the fact that dye manufacturers claim that the products are harmless, undermine the hairs from the inside, dry out and weaken them.

How to avoid this hair weakening

It is better to use natural hair dyes. These include henna and basma.

Eastern women knew about the coloring properties of the indigofera plant, from which basma is obtained, at the dawn of civilization. With the help of dyes extracted from the leaves of the plant, hair can be dyed a chic green color - by negligence, of course.

But when mixed with Iranian henna, a dye extracted from the leaves of the cinchona bush, depending on the proportions, you can get hair shades from golden chestnut to deep black. Henna, unlike basma, can be used as a mono dye.

Vegetable dyes are suitable for all hair types. There are several rules when dyeing hair with henna and basma, which should not be violated if you do not want to get an unexpected result.

How to dye your hair with henna

Before applying henna, your hair should be washed and dried. Lubricate the skin along the hairline generously with rich cream. Baby cream or Vaseline will do. This way you will protect your face and neck from the effects of henna - you are unlikely to like a bright orange or dark yellow stripe as a “hoop” on your forehead and temples. It is better to work with henna while wearing gloves to protect your hands from staining.

Put a shower cap on your head and make a turban on top from an old towel. Blondes need 10 minutes to get a golden hue, brown-haired women need about an hour, and brunettes will have to sit with a towel on their heads for about 2 hours. At the end of the henna, rinse with plain water at a comfortable temperature, but not hot.

  • If you infuse henna for 8 hours in heated lemon juice near a central heating radiator, for example, and then dye your hair with the mixture, the curls will turn out to be a rich copper color;
  • If you pour fresh beet juice into the henna solution, gorgeous purple highlights will appear on brunette hair;
  • If henna is diluted with infusion, blonde hair will acquire a noble golden hue;
  • If you dilute henna with a strong infusion of hibiscus, then the hair color after dyeing will be “black cherry”;
  • If you add 15 grams to henna with any of the additional ingredients listed above. ground cloves, the color will be deep and even.

How to dye your hair with basma

Basma cannot be used as a mono dye if you have not set out to dye your hair green.

To get shades from light chestnut to blue-black, you need to mix basma with henna in certain proportions.

Unlike henna, basma is applied to damp hair. For short hair, no more than 30 grams are needed. mixtures of henna and basma, for long hair - 4 times more. In accordance with the color of the curls you planned to get after dyeing, the proportions are determined. To obtain a pure chestnut shade, henna and basma should be taken in equal quantities. You can get a black color if you use 2 times less henna than basma for coloring. And if there is 2 times more henna than basma, then the hair will take on the shade of old bronze.

Having determined the amount of henna and basma to obtain the desired shade on your hair, dilute the dyes in a non-metallic bowl with almost boiling water or hot and strong natural coffee. Grind until the lumps disappear so that you get something like medium thickness. Apply the composition to hair that is dried after washing, as in the previous case. Precautionary measures - gloves, thick cream along the hairline - are still the same.

Have you wanted to become a redhead and have been sitting on the Internet for days looking for reviews about different colors? Is it necessary to look for a chemical dye when there is a natural one?! This article will focus on henna.

Henna is a powder from the leaves of a plant called Lawsonia (Lawsonia inermis L). This bush grows in warm countries such as India, Iran, Egypt, and Africa. The lower leaves of the bush are used to prepare hair dye, and the upper leaves, which give the brightest, most saturated color, are used for body painting, known as mehndi.

The miraculous properties of the leaves of this plant were known to mankind back in the 16th century. BC ! Traditionally, henna was (and still is) used as a natural disinfectant. By the way, lavsonia perfectly fights dandruff and can be used to give the skin a golden tan.

I have been dyeing my hair and eyebrows with this miraculous product for 2 years, and from personal experience I can warn you about some of the peculiarities of this dyeing.

Redness is extinguished:

  • chamomile (strong decoction);
  • nettle (decoction);
  • basma (darkens hair, good for those who want a chestnut shade);
  • turmeric (yellow spice, I personally don’t like it because of the smell and rich yellowness, but you can safely experiment with it);
  • lemon juice (be careful! A large amount of juice and a long exposure will dry out your hair!);
  • ginger (ginger powder as a seasoning or fresh ginger juice. Fresh ginger will burn your scalp!)


  • Basma;
  • strong tea;
  • cocoa;
  • (infusion);
  • coffee (and reduces redness a little).

How to dye your hair with henna? Personal experience

Now let's talk about the most interesting thing - about the palette of shades that you can get by using this natural product to color your hair.

First, I’ll tell you about my own coloring experience. I have light brown hair that fades to blonde in the sun. I have at least 2 coloring recipes with completely different results.

Light red color: the main thing is not to overdo it

  • For a light shade of red, I brew henna with chamomile infusion in a small tea cup (my hair is short now).
  • I make a not very thick paste to make it easier and faster to apply the dye to my hair. I quickly apply the mixture (to wet, recently washed hair), starting from the back of my head, then my temples and the rest.
  • I leave it on for literally 5 minutes and wash it off with water without shampoo.
  • The result is a reddish tint, which washes off with each shampoo to almost my natural color. That is, no drastic color changes occur, and at any time I can return to my original shade.

Exposure longer than 1 hour: redness and darkening

Before this, when my hair was much longer, I dyed it using a different recipe.

  • Henna brewed in hot water (not boiling water, you should let the just boiled water cool a little), stirred until it becomes thick sour cream.
  • 1-2 yolks
  • 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (burdock, jojoba, coconut, almond, peach, olive, grape seed, castor, burdock - feel free to experiment). Personally I can recommend coconut for softness and shine of hair and jojoba against the section. If you have problems such as or - choose burdock.
  • The mixture is mixed and applied to the hair (gloves on hands!) with a coloring brush.
  • We wrap ourselves in a shower cap and a towel on top and wait 1-2 hours.
  • The resulting hair is a deep red color with obvious redness, which darkens with each new coloring. If you take Indian chestnut henna from LADY HENNA, you will get a dark chestnut shade with a red tint on your hair, since the lawsonia powder is already mixed with basma. If you don't want to be dark, use only pure henna.
  • Hair coloring with henna It is completely safe for your health, but if you have allergies, it is better to do a test first: apply the mixture to your hand (elbow) and observe the reaction for 24 hours. If you haven’t started itching and haven’t noticed any side effects, feel free to start experimenting!
  • If after such coloring you suddenly decide to lighten your hair and become blonde, nothing good will happen to you. At best you will turn orange, at worst you will turn swamp green. Experiments by many women have proven that after

    What you should know before you go to the store:

    1. There is no TINT henna. Everything you see on the shelves with the names “burgundy”, “red cherry”, etc. – these are products that disguise themselves as products of natural origin and in fact such cosmetics contain a cheap dye that is primarily harmful to your health and hair.
    2. WHITE henna does not exist in nature! Henna cannot lighten her hair under any circumstances! It can make a dull color look rich and vibrant, but it won’t turn you from a brunette to a blonde! If you see white, bleaching henna in the store, know that it is a cheap bleach that will kill your hair overnight. This miracle-judo has nothing in common with lavsonia.
    3. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life. An expired product loses its coloring properties, and you will not be happy with the result.
    4. I recommend purchasing it Indian henna, as it colors hair faster and brighter. I came to this conclusion after much experimentation with different companies. I started with Iranian in white bags from the company Fitokosmetik, then switched to green boxes from Art Color, and then discovered Indian Lady Henna in two versions: regular and chestnut. I'm happy with both options. Hair is dyed many times faster, and the color is much brighter.

    In the next article I will tell you in more detail about all the possibilities of this miraculous natural dye, and will also share recipes that allow you to achieve any color from light red to dark chestnut and even brunette.

Now almost every woman either completely changes her color with paint, or simply changes the shade. Nowadays the market shines with paints made on a chemical basis.

But previously the most common remedy was henna. This substance is of natural origin.

It is obtained from lavsonia leaves, which are pre-dried. The plant grows in the tropics.

If you look at the photo, which shows the result of dyeing with henna or basma, you won’t even think that these particular substances were used for dyeing. It is very important to mix correctly to get the shade you want. If you overdo it with one of the components, the color will eventually turn dark green. What needs to be done, how to mix the ingredients to achieve the desired result? Painting at home is quite easy.

How is it useful?

Native American women tried henna and basma coloring on themselves. It was these girls who gave the impetus to the fact that now there are different shades for painting.

Positive traits:

  1. Due to its plant origin, henna is not capable of harm.
  2. The price in stores is quite low. At home, painting will be even cheaper.
  3. You don't need any special skills in painting with henna.
  4. Henna gives a beautiful rich shade.
  5. Curls take on a healthy appearance.

Even in the photo you can see that the curls have a beautiful bright shade after dyeing with henna and basma.

Negative points of coloring:

  1. The components penetrate so deeply into the hair that subsequent coloring with dyes can lead to uneven coloring.
  2. The powder is very difficult to wash off with water. It takes a lot of effort to wash it. Sometimes it happens that the strands are dyed unevenly due to difficulties in washing off.
  3. It colors gray and bleached hair very strongly.
  4. Before painting at home, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.
  5. It is extremely difficult to guess the color your hair will be dyed. You need to mix the components correctly, you only need to leave your hair for a certain amount of time. Overexposure threatens that your hair will turn a burning green color.
  6. If you color your hair often, it can dry out.

How to achieve different shades

To achieve the desired shade, you just need to dilute the henna with basma. It is this component that helps to get the desired hair color. In its pure form, henna gives a red tint to hair. If you dilute henna with basma in proportions of 1 to 1, you will get a standard brown shade, like that of brown-haired women. If you mix 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma, the color will be light brown. The composition, which will include 1 part henna and 2 parts basma, will give a rich chocolate shade. When dyeing basma in its pure form, you will end up with hair with a slightly greenish tint. All possible painting options can be viewed online in the photo.

But you need to know that not only the composition of the components affects the final result. If the curls are too thin, the color will turn out bright. Another important point is what the color was before painting. If your hair was originally very light, then after dyeing it with henna you will get a red color. If you dye dark hair only with henna, the resulting curls will have a slightly reddish tint. Of course, most often henna is diluted with basma to color it. But a number of other components can also be used.

How to get golden color

To get golden hair color, you can use the following methods:

  1. Chamomile infusion is added to henna. The infusion can moisturize hair and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Mix turmeric and saffron in equal proportions. Next, this mixture is mixed with henna, also in equal quantities. Saffron and turmeric are good antioxidants and antiseptics. Hair is strengthened due to these substances.
  3. The richness of the golden color increases with increasing acidity. Therefore, you can add kefir or sour cream to the composition. As a result, you will be pleased with the beautiful shine emanating from your hair. In the photos in beauty salons you can see approximate results.

How to get chocolate color

This beautiful shade is obtained by mixing henna with ground cinnamon, coffee or walnut shells. There are several ways to dilute henna with coffee.

  1. 1 spoon of henna should be diluted with 2 spoons of ground coffee. The entire mixture is poured with hot water.
  2. Strong coffee is often used. It is prepared like this: for 100 ml of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. l. coffee. Add 1 packet of paint to this infusion. Both the first and second methods are considered effective.

If you want to make a mixture with nut shells, you need to crush the shells. Now you need to take 2 tbsp. l. shells and add 1 glass of water. The mixture is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. After this, the mixture is removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Henna is diluted with an infusion of nut shells. As a result, after dyeing you will get chocolate hair color.

How to paint houses

Nowadays, in almost no salon or hairdresser you will find the service of dyeing hair with henna or basma. If you have long hair, it is better to ask someone to help with the dyeing process. To get the color as in the photo, you need to follow the recommendations.

  1. If the hair length is less than 10 cm, then you need to take 100 grams.
  2. To dye curls up to the collar area, you will need to take 0.2 kg.
  3. For shoulder length hair you will need 300 grams.
  4. For longer hair you need to take more than 500 grams.

How to properly carry out the painting process in its pure form or with henna and basma can be found on the Internet using the example of visual photos. You can also find step-by-step instructions with photos.

  1. First of all, prepare the paint. Henna is poured with water and stirred constantly. The result should be a porridge-like mass. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave to steep for 40 minutes.
  2. If you have dry hair, you can add cream or olive oil to the mixture.
  3. The mixture is applied to the hair on each strand separately. It is recommended to first divide your hair into 4 parts, and then each part into strands.
  4. Apply to the head. Massage and comb.
  5. Put a cap on your head and leave it on your hair for at least 30 minutes. The maximum amount of exposure on hair is 2 hours.
  6. After this, simply rinse with water, no need to use shampoo.

Do not use the henna dye mixture more than once a month. Frequent use will lead to dry and brittle hair. If you still need to paint, it is best to use special moisturizing masks.

If the result of painting is not the color you expected, you can wash it off with vegetable oil. The oil should be applied to the curls for 15 minutes, after which it should be washed off with soap. Rinse hair thoroughly.

Almost every second woman regularly dyes her hair. Some do it out of necessity, for example, to hide gray hair, others simply like to try on new looks, and still others do not want to lag behind the changing fashion. To change the color of their curls, most representatives of the fair sex use various synthetic dyes, which are presented in a huge assortment on the shelves of any specialized store. Factory-made paints have a number of advantages - they have a wide palette of shades, are easy to use and allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect, regardless of the original color of the hair. However, the chemical components included in their composition do not have the best effect on the structure of the curls, making it porous and fragile, as a result of which the hair loses its shine, begins to break and fall out.

Does this mean that you should completely stop coloring your hair? No, because you can change their natural color with the help of other, more gentle and safe means, one of which is henna - a natural dye that has long been used by oriental beauties to give dark curls a reddish tint. And although the possibilities of henna are not as limitless as those of synthetic dyes, it does not cause any harm to the strands, but, on the contrary, gives them beauty and health.

Advantages of henna over synthetic dyes

Henna is a natural powdered dye obtained from the dried leaves of Lawsonia nonprickly (a shrub from the family of loosestrife, growing in hot and dry climates). There are several types of henna, divided by purpose and origin. There is colorless henna, used primarily for medicinal purposes, as well as colored and black varieties used for tattooing and hair coloring.

If we compare natural henna and any synthetic dye, then the first wins this comparison due to the fact that it:

  • gives the brightest, most saturated shade and fills the hair with radiance;
  • has no age restrictions and almost never causes allergic reactions (it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation);
  • has antibacterial properties, which allows it to effectively fight various dermatological diseases, including dandruff;
  • restores and strengthens the hair structure, making the hair thicker and more manageable;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the hair retains a fresh appearance for a long time, does not become greasy and looks voluminous;
  • protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, preventing it from fading;
  • nourishes the scalp and follicles, which significantly accelerates hair growth and improves its overall condition;
  • goes well with various components (essential and vegetable oils, herbal decoctions), which allows you to experiment with compositions, enhancing its therapeutic effect on the hair and creating different shades.

Despite the many advantages of natural coloring powder over chemicals, it cannot be called ideal. And all because henna has a number of disadvantages: firstly, it does not cover gray hair well, secondly, its frequent use often leads to drying and dullness of the hair, thirdly, natural dye on recently colored hair can give a very unpredictable effect, Well, fourthly, such paint is quite difficult to wash off. In addition, henna can give a very intense tint on light hair, so blondes should use this product with extreme caution.

How to dye your hair with henna

The use of natural dyes provides women with many opportunities for experimentation, but in order for them to be successful, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • To dye medium-length hair, one standard packet of henna (25 g) is usually sufficient. The powder should be diluted with very hot, but not boiling water (the liquid should be poured in small portions, constantly stirring the composition to avoid the formation of lumps). The finished mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.
  • Before using the paint, let it sit for 10–15 minutes (the container with the mixture should be properly wrapped in a towel or placed in a water bath). Those with dry hair are advised to add a teaspoon of olive oil or heavy cream to the prepared mixture - this will help protect the curls from damage.
  • Before the procedure, it is advisable to wash your curls and dry them slightly with a towel. After this, you need to apply any fatty cream along the hairline that will protect the skin from staining.
  • To dye your hair evenly, divide it into partings one and a half to two centimeters wide. Next, using a brush, carefully distribute the mixture along the entire length of the curls (this must be done quickly so that the paint does not have time to cool too much, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved).
  • After all the strands are dyed, wrap your head with film and a terry towel. If the mixture leaks, place paper towels around the edges.
  • The exposure time of the natural dye depends on the thickness and density of the hair, its original color and what shade you want to achieve as a result of dyeing. For example, to give dark curls a golden or reddish tint, it may take from 40 minutes to 2 hours, while 10–15 minutes will be enough for light ones. To avoid unforeseen situations, keep the dyeing process under control, or even better, conduct a preliminary test on a separate strand before the procedure. This way you can know what shade you can get and at what exposure.
  • You need to wash off henna from your hair with warm water without shampoo. The procedure should be carried out in several stages so that no powder particles remain in the hair. During the final rinse, it is recommended to add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the water to set the shade. Remember that the true color of the hair after henna dyeing appears only on the 2-3rd day, so it is better not to wash your hair during this time.

It should also be noted that henna, despite its natural origin, has a fairly high durability, and therefore during subsequent dyeing, when the roots grow, it is better to apply the dye only to them, otherwise the hair color will become darker and richer each time.

Dyeing hair with henna in different shades: recipes for mixtures

Many people believe that using henna you can dye your hair exclusively red, but this opinion is wrong. In fact, the use of this dye allows you to achieve almost any shade except blonde. You can influence the final color of your curls by mixing henna with various components - other natural dyes, infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants, berry juices, ground coffee, etc. So, the recipes for the mixtures:

Henna for getting red shades

Recipe No. 1 (rich red color)

  • 75 g of henna;
  • 20 g ground ginger;
  • 100–150 ml hot water.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with ginger powder and add hot water.
  • Mash the mixture thoroughly until smooth and let it sit for 10–15 minutes.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to your hair, warm it and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse colored hair thoroughly with warm water.

Recipe No. 2 (copper color)

  • 125 g of henna;
  • 5 g ground cinnamon;
  • 5 g turmeric;
  • 5 g ginger powder;
  • 300 ml strong black tea (hot).

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with the rest of the ingredients and pour hot tea.
  • Mix everything and apply the finished dye to your hair.
  • After 25–30 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water with the addition of citric acid.

Recipe No. 3 (golden honey color)

  • 50 g of henna;
  • 30 ml water;
  • 5 g ground cloves;
  • 30 g liquid honey.

Preparation and use:

  • Dilute the henna with water until it becomes mushy.
  • Add honey and cloves to the mixture, mix and treat wet curls with the prepared mixture.
  • Leave for about 2 hours, and then rinse your hair with warm water.

Henna for chestnut shades

Recipe No. 1 (dark chestnut color)

  • 25 g of henna;
  • 25 g basma;
  • 200 ml of burdock root decoction;
  • 2 g ground nutmeg.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with basma, add nutmeg and pour the resulting mixture with a decoction of burdock root.
  • Mix everything and treat your hair with the prepared mixture.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water. To obtain a chestnut color with a reddish tint, instead of burdock decoction, you need to use an infusion of onion peels.

Recipe No. 2 (chestnut brown color)

  • 25 g of henna;
  • 30 g ground coffee;
  • 200 ml hot water.

Preparation and use:

  • Pour the ground coffee with water, let the mixture brew for 10-15 minutes and add henna to it.
  • Mix everything and distribute the resulting composition on damp curls.
  • After 25–30 minutes, rinse your dyed hair with warm water.

Henna for obtaining light brown shades

Recipe No. 1 (light brown color)

  • 50 g red henna;
  • 25 g basma;
  • 150 ml of hot chamomile decoction.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with basma and pour moderately hot chamomile decoction.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and treat the curls with the prepared mixture.
  • After 25 minutes, rinse the dyed strands with warm water.

Recipe No. 2 (dark brown color)

  • 50 g Iranian henna;
  • 25 g basma;
  • 5 g ground cloves;
  • 10 g cinnamon powder;
  • 5 g of dry hibiscus tea;
  • 300 ml of onion peel decoction.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna, basma, spices and tea leaves, pour in a hot decoction of onion peels and leave for about 15 minutes.
  • Apply the prepared composition to your hair and leave for about half an hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water without shampoo.

Henna for red shades

Recipe No. 1 (copper-red color)

  • 50 g Egyptian henna;
  • 50 ml vinegar;
  • 10 g madder powder;
  • 5 g amla powder;
  • 20 ml clove oil;
  • 30 ml burdock oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all ingredients until smooth and treat strands with the resulting mixture.
  • After 30–40 minutes, rinse your colored hair thoroughly with water.

Recipe No. 2 (dark red color)

  • 50 g Egyptian henna;
  • 300 ml beet juice;
  • 50 ml red wine;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;
  • 20 g madder powder;
  • 20 drops of clove essential oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with cocoa and madder, pour in beetroot juice and stir.
  • Add red wine and clove ether, grind the mixture until smooth and apply to damp strands.
  • After 20–25 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.

Henna dyeing is one of the safest and most effective ways to change your hair color and give it a bright, rich shade. Experiment, create new images, and even if at first you have any difficulties, soon you will probably get the hang of it and never want to use chemical dyes again, preferring natural products given by nature itself.