How to paint at home with professional paint. Coloring

Is it really possible to dye your hair yourself no worse than in an expensive salon? Yes, it is quite! But first you have to master the technique of staining and take into account several important nuances. It is necessary to be very careful in choosing a coloring agent and choose the right shade. We present to your attention several new products from leading cosmetic companies, and you will be able to navigate the color scheme if you decide on your color type. Each new season brings new fashion trends. However, if you want to look really beautiful, you can't chase the changeable fashion - it's important to find your own unique style. And in its creation, hair color, along with the choice of haircut, plays a decisive role. A new shade can completely change the image - both for the better and for the worse. Therefore, we advise you to think carefully about this step before you start coloring. But, if everything is done correctly, the effort and time spent will pay off in full - admiring glances will be guaranteed to you.

Choosing a shade and medium

First of all, remember: paint, like any other cosmetics, should be bought only in well-established specialized stores. There are still a lot of fakes in Ukraine!

It is desirable that the paint does not contain ammonia - today there are ammonia-free products that act no less effectively, but gently for professional hair coloring at home. Decide, paint, what degree of durability you need. Are you painting for the first time? Not quite sure which shade suits you? Do you just want to refresh and brighten up your natural hair color? Then you should not buy resistant paint. Choose a first or second level remedy. If you have a lot of gray hair, and you want to feel confident for a long time, your choice is the colors of the third level, in other words, persistent.

Farbkart Wisdom

It is necessary to accurately determine the original, i.e. natural, shade of hair in order to correctly select the color of the paint. Compare a strand of your hair to the image on the package or to the curl on the farbkart. If you want to radically recolor your hair, it is unlikely to be done in one procedure, you simply risk the health of your hair. Professionals advise such cardinal changes to be made in several successive stages. Better not risk it!

At the level!

To make it easier to understand among the many brands and products, determine the paint of what degree of durability you need.

The first level is tint. The paint is washed off after 6-8 shampoos. The second level is semi-permanent paints. Wash off after about 24 washes. The third level is permanent paints. Such products provide lasting hair color and are washed off.

gradually over a long period of time. To change the resulting shade, you will have to recolor your hair. Regardless of the level of durability, the dye should not damage the hair. Choose products that contain plant extracts and oils - take care of the health of your curls.

Today, fast-acting permanent paints have appeared on the market. But how can the staining process happen so quickly? Does this mean the new color won't last long? Or maybe the composition of such a tool contains aggressive components that speed up the process? Fear in vain! The secret of new products is that active substances are introduced into their composition - amino acids, which accelerate the penetration of pigments into the hair, while acting sparingly. If you're short on time, take advantage of this revolutionary discovery. You won't be disappointed!

Follow the instructions exactly if you want to get a good result. Don't forget to do an allergy test 48 hours before your procedure!

Before proceeding with the procedure, carefully read the instructions. Act quickly and carefully. Before applying paint to the hair, they should be divided by two perpendicular partings passing through the top of the head into four equal zones.

The paint is applied first along the partings, then on the occipital zone - since it is colder and the dyeing process is less intensive there - and then the remaining strands are processed. The edge of the hair at the forehead and temples is the last thing, since the curls here are the thinnest and stain very quickly. Do not wear a plastic cap - this is a mistake! In order for the chemical reaction to proceed correctly, the hair needs access to oxygen.

minute to minute

Keep the dye on your hair for the time specified in the instructions. Do not try to correct the shade by washing off the composition earlier or keeping it longer than it should be - this way the color can turn out to be unpredictable. Keep in mind that the result may differ from the planned one if your curls have already been dyed (including vegetable dyes). After emulsifying, thoroughly rinse the hair from the coloring agent. Remember: the water flowing from the strands must become absolutely clean and transparent. After staining, you must use a caring balm, which is most often sold complete with paint.

Mix the oxidizer with the paint according to the instructions until smooth. You don't need to wash your hair before coloring. Comb dry hair thoroughly to color evenly. Divide them into small strands and pin them.

It is convenient to apply paint on hair using an applicator bottle, and if it is not available, using a special brush. Start at the roots, and then spread the coloring composition along the entire length of the hair. Wait for the time indicated on the package.

Emulsify. Rinse off the paint until the dripping water is completely clear. To consolidate the result and restore the acid-base balance, use a balm for colored hair.

What is emulsification?

Emulsification is a technique that makes it easy to remove paint residue from the scalp and make hair more shiny. It's very simple: before you start washing off the dye, apply a little warm water to the hair, lightly lather and gently massage the skin with your fingertips, paying particular attention to the hairline. Then rinse thoroughly.

It is important!

In order for the intensity of the color to be uniform throughout the mass of the hair, the coloring agent must be applied quickly enough for 10-15 minutes. Moreover, immediately after preparation, because the oxidation process begins immediately after mixing the components and ends after 30-45 minutes. »If you paint regularly, then you need to start applying the product from the roots. Let them dye, and 5-10 minutes before the end of the paint, spread the mixture over the entire length of the curls. Keep the composition on the hair exactly as long as recommended in the instructions.

To look attractive, to be well-groomed, to please yourself and others is the natural desire of any woman. For this, efforts are made, considerable funds are spent. Clothes, shoes, cosmetics and, of course, hair care - that's what creates the desired image.

Hair coloring, among other things, is included in the mandatory list for the care of female beauty. Going to the salon for the purpose of transformation becomes a monthly ritual of any self-respecting woman. Revive hair color, give it a new shade, paint over gray hair, radically change the color or make, in the end, creative coloring.
And if you managed to find an excellent master stylist who is knowledgeable, understanding, sensible, then consider yourself lucky. Then you go to the salon with easy confidence, and this trip is not overshadowed by anything. Everything is as it should be: the naturalness of hair color, their shine, restored structure and approving, and sometimes admiring glances.

But it happens the other way around when visiting beauty salons.

Reading the reviews of clients of beauty salons on the forums, you are convinced that visiting such establishments does not give an absolute guarantee that the procedure itself and its result will be satisfactory.
One of the clients writes that when she tried to dye her hair in a light blond with a cold shade, she received unwanted yellowness. Another indignantly describes her story about how blond hair, if the girl wanted to add a little golden tint, was dyed bright copper. We also read one sad story of “turning into Malvina” if you want to get an ashy tone.

A spoiled mood for a long time, money thrown to the wind ....
And the search for a new master or an alternative to salon coloring.

Professionally color your hair at home

It is probably already clear why professional hair pigmentation at home is becoming more and more popular.
“Is it even possible to talk about professional painting at home? - involuntarily a question arises from inexperienced readers. Maybe it's not worth the risk?
However, professional painting at home is a reality.

Gain knowledge before dyeing your hair

  1. Get to know the techniques of doing work in printed publications.
  2. Learn the basic rules that experienced professionals openly share on the Internet.
  3. Watch some video tutorials or instruction videos. For example, here's a video:

Now we will conduct a short educational program.

How to dye your hair at home

Hair coloring products

Hair dye can be more or less aggressive.
  • Ammonia dyes are considered the most harmful to the hair structure. They are recommended by experts to choose for dyeing gray hair or lightening natural ones.
  • Semi-permanent ones contain a lower percentage of ammonia. You can use it once a month and a half.
  • Tinting agents are the most gentle. The depth of penetration is small. You can use it once every 2-3 weeks.
  • Color lamination of hair. In addition to coloring, the laminating agent gives an extraordinary shine to your hair. In addition, in most products (almost any lamination except for the Lebel brand, which is also intended for gray hair), the paint is slowly and imperceptibly washed out, allowing you to avoid ugly regrown roots.

The beauty industry offers a lot of products for the care of dyed hair. These are special shampoos, balms, masks. Dyed hair has changed structure and requires the use of products containing vitamins and oils.

On the site you will find shampoos for colored hair. Experts recommend shampoo brands:

How often is it possible and desirable to dye your hair

  • It is desirable to paint no more than 1 time in 2 months.
  • To dye less often, you need to take care of your hair between dyeings.
  • Dye your hair in a tone close to natural. The difference between colored and regrown will not be very noticeable.
  • Sick, lifeless hair must first be treated (for example, a hair keroplasty procedure) and then exposed to chemicals.

10 common hair dye mistakes

  1. Wrong shade choice. Do not be guided by the photo on the package or the name of the shade. More complete information will be given by the digital color designation and palette. A qualified store consultant will give you comprehensive advice.
  2. Ignoring an allergy test.
  3. Failure to comply with the time interval for exposure to the coloring composition on the hair.
  4. Refusal to prepare hair for upcoming coloring (healing and moisturizing hair mask, refusal 1-2 days before shampooing, rinsing with balm, using curling irons, tongs and a hairdryer).
  5. Applying a coloring composition to tangled or varnished hair.
  6. Applying one paint to another. Such an "experiment" can give the most unpredictable effect: unwanted green, red or purple shades)
  7. Using a hair product for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes.
  8. Refusal to use cream to protect the skin from spots on the forehead and temples.
  9. Using dandruff shampoo on color-treated hair.
  10. Ignoring the use of gloves and a protective coating in the form of a towel on the shoulders or a polyethylene cape during work.
For a long time, there has been an opinion among the people that it is impossible for a pregnant woman to dye her hair. Gynecologists also take this position: it harms the health of the expectant mother and her unborn child. Main reasons:
an allergic reaction to the ingredients that make up the dyes, the harmfulness of ammonia vapor, which are part of many paints.

Let's dispel your doubts. You can dye your hair while pregnant. For this, there are special preparations without oxides.
On the site you will find such products from
These are laminating agents that do not require oxides. Manufacturers assure the safety of using such products for pregnant and lactating women.

How to choose the right hair color

With a huge range of professional products, the choice of the drug should be strictly individual. This means there are a few key things to keep in mind:
  1. natural hair color
  2. the number of gray hairs as a percentage of healthy ones
  3. length of hair grown from the roots
  4. scalp reaction to the drug
  5. shade compatibility "before" and "after"
  6. face skin color

How to get rid of gray hair and dye gray hair

Gray hair is not for all women. Most often, a woman with gray hair on her head or regrown gray roots gives the impression of unkemptness or simply looks older than her years.

Of course, getting rid of gray hair is difficult, but possible.
When we talk about gray hair, we mean the structure of a hair devoid of pigment. To saturate such hair with a dye, to “hold” the color for as long as possible is a difficult task. Difficult but doable.

Follow the instructions for dyeing gray hair:

  1. Determine the degree of graying (25%, 50% or 100%) Depending on the amount of gray hair, the formula of the dye is determined.
  2. Prepigmentation before coloring. This is the treatment of gray hair with a dye of a natural shade to saturate it with pigment. Carried out before the main staining.
  3. Get to know the recommendations of an experienced colorist by watching the video:

Many people know that hair dyes can be divided into two types:

1. Hair dyes for dyeing at home (for the mass market);

2. Paints for professional use, which are intended for salon hair dyeing by the hands of a professional master of a beauty salon. Mass market paints are sold in bright boxes with an oxidizer inside, a container in which the paint will be mixed.

Paints for professional use have a more accurate shade, mix well and dilute with the rest of the shades in the palette. If you know some of the rules and features of paints for professional use, taking into account the peculiarities of the paint application technology, you will be able to color your hair correctly.

Meanings of hair dye numbers

The numbers that are used to indicate tone tell more than the color on a mass-market paint box.

We will give the numbering using the paint palette. Dye palette numbers consist of three or two digits. Always the first number on the package indicates how deep the tone of the paint is. World practice uses a scale from one to ten. Usually, the larger the number, the lighter the tone.

1 - black color

2 - dark brown

3 - brown

4 - chestnut

5 - light chestnut

6 - dark blond shade

7 - light brown

8 - light blond color

9 - light light blond color

10 - platinum blonde

The second number near the first, after the dot, is the main shade. And the third number is an additional shade.

0 - natural tones

1 - ashy shade

2 - purple hue

3 - golden shade

4 - shades of copper

5 - shade of mahogany

6 - red shades

7 - cold shades

8 - chocolate

Choosing the color of professional hair dye

Before you start coloring your hair yourself, we recommend using special tools that will help you choose the perfect hair color that will suit all parameters - skin color, eyes, hair type, face.

The main helpers for us are the color wheel and the color chart. These things should be on hand when choosing a color, as we will be taking it from point A to point B (recoloring from one color to another). They will help you understand how your chosen shade will look when applied to an existing one.

Here is the color wheel:

Simplified scheme:

Distribution table of shades of natural colors:

1. It is necessary to determine what level of tone suits your hair color at the roots and along the length of the hair. If you have a natural hair color, choose the same or a little lighter. If there is already paint on your hair, also determine the color of the length, but using other tabs. If there is gray hair, determine its amount on the crown, temples and the entire head of hair.

2. After you have chosen 2 colors, determine what is the difference between the tones. If you have dark blond hair, you need to lift one tone higher to get a caramel color. Based on the difference, we choose the correct oxidizing agent, consisting of hydrogen peroxide.

1.5% - suitable for bleached hair that needs to be tinted. With the help of toning, you can get rid of the yellow tint, close the scales, make the hair shiny.

3% - suitable if you want to dye your hair a little darker to add shine to your hair.

6% - if coloring is necessary without changing the tone, lightening by one level, dyeing gray hair.

9% - to dye hair two to three levels lighter. Much depends on the thickness of the hair.

12% - four levels of lightening when applying special shades of blond.

To clearly explain to you how to understand the final color of the paint by its number, we follow the natural diagram (it is higher) and the same example 8.3 - 8 is the main color, we look above, we understand that we have light blond, 3 is dark chestnut, respectively, the general the color is light brown with a hint of chocolate. Usually natural shades are numbered the same for all manufacturers, but be careful.

It will look something like this, why we will analyze it below:

Darkening light hair. How to dye your hair from blonde to brunette

First: get rid of the idea that you just need to buy paint and dye your hair!

A small exam, test yourself

Having already learned the color wheel, answer the question: What happens if you take a level 3 dark brown color and apply it to a level 12 blond hair?

We look at the wheel and understand that our hair color will be gray-green-brown, to put it simply - terrible.

We gave this example for those who think that you can “just buy paint” in the color you want and paint it - you can, of course, but such actions will lead to the fact that you will be surprised at the result, not for the better.

Remember coloring is filling the hair with pigment, so the intended result will not always be achieved the first time, especially when the color is completely etched and the hair is completely empty, as is the case with blondes.

For example, the transition from light hair that has never been bleached to dark hair occurs in two stages. The first stage is the initial filling. Filling the hair means replacing the pigment, first we will fill the hair a few levels below what we want to get (a lighter shade from what we want to get in the end).

If blond hair is dyed immediately in a dark color, without primary filling, then it will turn out dull and disappoint you. After we have nourished the blond hair, we can dye it in the selected dark tone. Between the first and second staining, pause for 1-2 days.

How to apply paint

Paint is applied in a variety of ways. But we will talk about coloring the root zone: a cream is applied along the hairline, the hair is divided into 4 zones: from the forehead to the back of the head, from one ear to the other;

Many girls dye their hair at home.
But are you doing it right?
I found a useful article, I share it, the author is an expert technologist of international class with 40 years of experience

Hair coloring at home with professional dyes according to the recipe of Vartan Bolotov, an expert technologist in the field of hairdressing. Clear instructions for implementation.

Unfortunately, dyeing your own hair at home with professional dyes, while trying to make complex hair coloring, is guaranteed to fail, since professional dyes are professional, so that professionals work with them, not amateurs. For lovers in stores, special household paints for home use. But dyeing your hair a tone on tone or a tone lower than the tone of your native hair is not difficult, you just need to strictly follow the recommendations, do not violate the rules and laws of color.
The law of color - paint does not lighten paint.
The higher the% cream oxide, the more yellow the background of lightening the hair sheet.
If, for example, the native tone of the hair corresponds to the 6th level of the natural tone, then you should take the paint of the 6th level of the natural tone, the number “6” is written on the tube. If you take, for example, paint of level 7 of a natural tone and try to dye your hair of level 6 of a natural tone using a high oxide cream, you won’t get high-quality hair coloring, since a lighter 7th tone will not be able to interrupt 6th tone, which is one tone darker. Burnt hair will remain on the head, which will not play with the shine of living hair. If we take, for example, a paint of the 5th level of a natural tone and dye the hair with a 6th level of a natural tone, we can say with confidence that the hair sheet will be well dyed at home on 3% cream oxide, minimally damaging the hair structure, while if you follow the instructions, the scaly layer will remain. hair.
As an example, let's take the Spanish brand Capus, the dye corresponds to the world level of quality and is available to any woman in the price range. It would be possible to take Estelle, the dye is good, but Estelle's care leaves much to be desired, and the cost is prohibitively high compared to foreign counterparts, and the cost of the paint is in the same price range as Spanish paint. In principle, any Spanish brand will do.
Attention! If you stir paint with oxide on your eye, without resorting to weights, the hair will, of course, be dyed, but the paint will begin to wash off almost immediately after the first hair wash at home. Therefore, if we want the paint to stay firmly on the hair, it is necessary to follow the recipe gram to gram + - 1g. No more!

In salons and hairdressing salons, it is advantageous to mix paint with oxide by eye and dye at high 6% oxides, or even 9% -12%, since such a recipe burns the hair, destroying the scaly layer, and the paint begins to quickly wash off the hair. This forces clients to come to the salon more often than necessary and an excuse to "treat" clients for money, offering all sorts of fashionable procedures and hair care products. In other words, get the client hooked on the salon, masters, fashion procedures, the purchase of care and styling, so that the client comes to the salon more often and brings more money.
The Kapus dye is concentrated, so the paint with cream oxide is diluted 1: 1.5. We take 100 gr. Paints + 140g 3% oxide cream + 10g natural Argan oil and stir with a brush, in fact, beat the composition, as we beat eggnog with a fork, until a homogeneous consistency.
Attention! If you economically stretch the paint through the hair, the composition will not have enough moisture, and it will take it from healthy hair, as a result you will get dry and brittle hair. HAIR SHOULD BE BATHED IN THE PAINT, then the composition will have enough moisture, and it will not draw moisture from healthy hair. Why from healthy? So in dry and dead hair there is no moisture.
Attention! If you stretch the dye with a comb, you will actually shave off the scaly layer of hair. As a result, artificial and natural light will not be reflected from anything, the hair will lose its luster of living and healthy hair. The scaly layer of the hair is a mirror from which light is reflected, it is he who gives the hair shine and the strength of healthy hair. It is advantageous to destroy it when coloring in salons and hairdressing salons, so that in the future it will be easier to untwist clients for money, offering expensive procedures and chemical surrogates that give hair shine.
It is necessary to apply the dye to the hair as soon as possible, the uniformity of color will depend on this. The control time according to the technical dossier is 45 minutes.
Does the dye burn your hair? Forgive me, this is a myth from amateur hairdressers who have not gone through three paid seminars with professional color technologists, only free introductory seminars, and then hung a certificate on the wall that says that the master is familiar with the brand. Dye, by definition, cannot burn hair, hair burns a high% oxide cream, and to be very precise, ammonia, which is formed after the combustion of atomic oxygen, burns hair. This also applies without ammonia dyes, where ammonia was replaced by monoethanolamine. When atomic oxygen is burned, ammonia is released instead of it in ammonia-free dyes. A hint is written on the cans of cream oxides, for example, 12% 40Vol. 40Vol. means that for 1 gk. Oxide cream accounts for 40 liters of oxygen, respectively, at 12%, 40 liters of oxygen will burn out exactly in 20 minutes, at 21 minutes ammonia is formed instead, which was not present in dyes until that moment. Law of conservation of matter still nobody

did not cancel.
9% - oxygen will burn out in 30 minutes.
6% - oxygen will burn out in 40 minutes.
3% - oxygen will burn out after 80 minutes and only then ammonia is formed.
Therefore, we have 80 minutes when we can not be afraid of ammonia. It is already present in paints in safe proportions, it is quite enough for hair coloring to be successful.
Further, having sustained the prescribed reaction time, we use a thin stream of water, the temperature of which should be STRICTLY within 36-38 ° C, to wash off the dye from the hair, while emulsifying the hair very carefully so as not to damage the scaly layer, otherwise we will have to waste time and money to purchase chemical substitutes for hair shine.
Next, take a shampoo for colored hair and use it to wash off the dye. We take the shampoo a second time and rinse the hair again, only this time you need to stand for 5-7 minutes without massaging the hair with your hands and only then wash it off. However, shampoo for colored hair will not stop the oxidation process. If you do not stop the oxidation process with special shampoos, it will continue for months, as a result, it will dry out and break the hair. Which, by the way, we observe in 98% of all women. If we do not have a shampoo that stops the oxidative process, we use improvised means like 1st. spoon of 9% vinegar per liter of boiled water, or 1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of water. With this solution, we stopped the oxidation process.
Attention! You don't have to believe hairdressers who insist that shampoo for color-treated hair stops the oxidation process, these are amateur hairdressers who have not taken paid seminars with advanced color technologists.
Next, take a balm for colored hair and prepare the composition, 90g. Balm + 10g. natural Argan oil. On towel-dried hair, apply the composition, trying not to get on the scalp, otherwise with oily scalp, the hair at the roots will be greasy. The exposure time is individual, Argan oil is well absorbed both into the skin and into the hair without leaving any traces. We wait until the hair passes easily through the fingers. If the hair is porous and has absorbed the composition like a sponge, apply more composition to dry areas, and so on until the fingers pass freely through the hair. Rinse hair thoroughly with running water. Dry with a towel and apply serum before combing.
Attention, the key is in the serum! If you regularly use serum before each hair combing, the physiological need to wash your hair occurs on the 6-9th day. Even for those who, due to oily scalp, had to wash their hair daily.
ATTENTION. It is strictly forbidden to use hair styling products for the first 72 hours, as well as always use the same brand, since brands are antagonists to each other, the formula of one brand neutralizes the formula of another brand. This is especially true of expensive, elite brands, as they spare no expense for these purposes. In cheaper brands, the formulas may be the same, but you need to know what tools can be used, so it’s better not to risk it, it will be more expensive for yourself.

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Is an oxidant necessary? (I want about 2 tones lighter) and how much is needed for 1 paint?) well, or how is it in terms of quantity .. and what paint is better (+ approximate cost =))


oxide is necessary, clarification with paint is possible only on previously undyed hair, paint can be any (professional) that suits the cost and color (150-1200 rubles) for one tube of 60 ml you need 60 ml of oxide, unless the annotation says otherwise (when lightening it is possible). Beware of unwanted shades, to neutralize which you will need a mixton .... and in order not to have a headache, go to the hairdresser with your paint and oxide, they will do everything for you and in which case it is possible to correct the unwanted result)))

Vladislav Semenov

My advice to you - do not bother with professional paint, buy the usual one, with an aunt on the box. Professional paint is a thin thing, if you choose the wrong shade (you need to choose not by the strands in the card, but by number), it is wrong to evaluate the natural tone of the hair, choose the wrong oxygen, very unpleasant surprises can result.

Estel Essex paint

Some lyrics

So, the advantages of Estel:

Of the minuses.

For example,

3% oxidant.

6% oxidizer

9% oxidant.

12% oxidant. Don't even go near him! =)

These are very general rules.

For comparison,

!!General rules!!

  • 1-2 shades lighter - 6%
  • 1-4 shades darker - 3%
  • Coloring natural hair

If change the color of already dyed hair.

  • difficult!

We color the roots.

Regarding the choice of shades.

How to paint.

Apply paint tightly

We paint over the edge well

If paint hit

We hold the paint according to the instructions

Wash off. Very carefully!

Overall result:

level No need

Be beautiful! =)

My prof. hair dryer Moser Ventus

My prof. iron Babyliss Pro

Shampoo and balm from Agafya

Review on how to dye your hair yourself at home using Estel Essex as an example. How to choose the percentage of an oxidizing agent, how to dye your hair correctly, paint application patterns, step-by-step instructions and a lot of PHOTOS !!!

Many women dye their hair at home. For various reasons - someone does not have enough money, someone does not trust the hairdresser, someone craves their own experiments =), but nevertheless, there are a lot of us. Often all such experiences end sadly and you have to go to the salon to fix everything. I hope that my review, based on many years of experiments and experiences, will help you get closer to the desired result =) Since I have been painting for many years, it is Estel Essex paint, then the example of painting in my review will be exactly the paint of this brand.

Some lyrics (this paragraph can be skipped)

My experiences began at about 15 years old, that is, more than 16 years ago. Only at school I managed to try out a variety of shades of red, red, tried to highlight and lighten up =) All this not on my own, but with the help of my wonderful mother, who was always ready to help me in my search for beauty =)) However, these experiments ended often unsuccessful, because neither my mother nor I had any idea in this area (and there was almost no Internet then), and everything was learned through experiments with cut hair. Then there was a short rest period for my hair (I cut my hair short and grew my color), but we continued to experiment on my mother, since she wore a short haircut and professed the principle "grow back, not teeth" =)) Of course, sometimes I visited salons to to fix a completely ruined hair color, or just in the hope that the pros will do something like “AH!” to me. Well, then I went to study as a hairdresser and found out what was what =) Naturally, now I paint only myself, but already using decent experience and knowledge, and having an excellent result.

My first "salon" experience was with Estelle paint (then I still don’t think Essex, but it doesn’t matter) and this experience was definitely successful, my long love for this paint began with it =)

Later, when I started working as a hairdresser, to my pleasure, Estelle was one of those with whom our salon worked, and I was able to study all the colors and nuances of use up and down =))

During this time, of course, I also tried other paints (mostly on myself), such as Schwarckopf Igora Royal, Wunderbar, L "oreal Professionnel. Of all those listed, I really liked Wunderbar, but it costs almost twice as much. Schwarzkopf me why I wasn’t impressed, although the paint is also not bad, but it didn’t grow together with the flowers.

So, the advantages of Estel:

  1. Low price. Cheaper paint I have not seen, professional, of course =)
  2. A large number of shades (not to mention special ones), unlike the same Igora, the shades are very appetizing, I could always choose the right one for myself and the client.
  3. Colors when mixed always give a predictable result, the only paint with which I risk mixing everything "by eye" (although I do not recommend it to anyone)

Of the minuses.

  1. Doesn't cover gray hair very well. On thin hair with gray hair of 30% it will be normal, on coarse hair with more than 50% gray hair it will not be very good. Not that it does not paint over, but gray hairs are highlighted. Washes out quickly. That is, if you have problems with staining gray hair, then it is better to choose a different paint (but it is better to try and draw conclusions). Although my mother still wears makeup, and she has just the second option, maybe I'm too demanding =)
  2. Some hairdressers believe that Estelle dries out her hair. My opinion - depends on the hair. Personally, it doesn’t dry out for me (I use it without interruption for 5 years, and periodically before that), given the constant hair dryers and irons. But there is hair that this paint is not suitable for. Again, you have to try.
  3. I am not very satisfied with the smell, which lasts another day after staining. Wunderbar, for example, is not as strong.

Paint composition and packaging information:

I won’t comment too much, because the paint is not a useful thing by default, which means there’s nothing to look for in the composition of usefulness =))

What you need to know before you decide on home painting?

There are cases that should definitely be left to the professionals. For example, complex clarification, ash blondes, highlighting, a cardinal change in color in any direction(for some reason, it is believed that it is very easy to repaint from light to dark). All these actions require at least basic knowledge of the process, practical experience and knowledge of the nuances (if the first two points are often present, then the latter is usually available only to professionals =)

Of course, if you are more interested in the process than the result, then you can take a chance and try, but be prepared for a negative result.

How to choose the right percentage of oxidizing agent in order to minimize damage to the hair and achieve the desired result?

1.5% oxidizing agent activator (as far as I remember, only Estelle has this). Used for toning on previously bleached hair. That is, first you lighten your hair with powder, and then tint it with regular paint using 1.5% oxide. The only difference from standard painting is that the oxide is taken in a ratio of 2: 1, that is, there is 2 times more oxide than paint. Toning with this oxidizing agent is the most gentle for bleached hair. Naturally, gray hair does not paint over.

1.5% oxidizing agent (simple, not an activator). If not Estelle, then everything, as in the previous paragraph, + can be used to tint natural hair (not dyed), it turns out a very gentle coloring, but you need to choose the shades of your tone level (that is, not lighter and not darker). Does not cover gray hair.

3% oxidant. When painting tone on tone, 1-2 tones darker, or 1 tone lighter (and that is unlikely, unless completely dyed hair), gray hair will not be painted over.

6% oxidizer. For painting tone on tone with gray hair, or 1-2 tones lighter. You can also use it to lighten strands (I won’t even write for highlighting, because highlighting at home is nonsense =)

9% oxidant. For painting 2-3 tones lighter, it will cover gray hair. But I do not recommend using 9% at home!

12% oxidant. Don't even go near him! =)

These are very general rules., it is absolutely impossible to describe all the cases when and what should be used. As you noticed, I did not mention the cases of painting 3-4 tones lighter or darker. There are always nuances, and I repeat, leave the complex painting to the hairdressers =)

For comparison, in most ready-made paints in light colors, 9-12% oxidizer is used =)

!!General rules!!

If we dye completely natural hair.

  • Tone on tone (meaning the lightness of the hair, not the shade) - try 1.5%, if there is no result or you need a bright shade, then 3%.
  • 1-2 shades lighter - 6%
  • 3-4 tones lighter - 9% (or even better, think about it, do you really need it? =))
  • 1-4 shades darker - 3%
  • Coloring natural hair first the length and only then the roots! This is a must, because the roots have a higher temperature and if they are dyed first, they will be much different in color. For long hair, this is quite difficult to do, so I advise you to go to the salon =))

If change the color of already dyed hair.

  • 1-4 shades lighter. You need to lighten up first. Necessarily! I know that some people manage to lighten with paint right away, but for this you need to take a 9-12% oxidizing agent, and believe me, this will have a very sad effect on the quality of the hair, and the very result of dyeing. I also do not recommend clarifying on your own, this difficult! If you take it, do not take more than 6% oxidizer, and then be sure to tint with 1.5%.
  • 1-2 shades darker. We use 3% dye.
  • 3-4 shades darker. If the hair has been bleached, then I do not advise you to dye it yourself, because. you need to do some pre-pigmentation. Lightened hair absorbs a lot of pigment, moreover, unevenly, the color will turn out faded, plus the layering of shades can give a green or other undesirable tint.
  • If your roots have grown by more than 1 cm, then for them you need to select your own shade and oxidizing agent, it’s better not to get involved, because. it is unrealistic to dye natural hair and dyed hair the same way and you can get a big difference in shades.

We color the roots.

  • With gray hair. We take a 6% oxidizing agent.
  • No gray hair coverage. We take a 3% oxidizing agent.
  • I hope it will never occur to anyone to paint the roots separately by 2-3 tones lighter or darker =))

Regarding the choice of shades.

All ash shades are tricky (unless you're dyeing your natural hair), the lighter the more difficult it is to achieve the desired result, so if you don't want to go with a green or blue head, it's best to leave them to the professionals.

For home use, red and red shades are good (because these are the colors of the natural pigment of the hair and do not need to be interrupted). It is also easy to achieve results with golden and purple hues. Naturally, blondes with beautiful toning do not belong here =)

Ideally, of course, for home coloring, shades that are within +/- 1-2 tones from your native color are suitable.

How to paint.

I only dye the roots, this is how they look BEFORE dyeing (the hair, sorry, is not too clean, I don’t dye it on clean ones, so the skin is less injured) My natural hair color is 7/0, that is, I will dye the roots 1 tone lighter.

We divide the hair into 4 zones (best seen in the lower figure) - the parietal zone, temples and the back of the head.
We divide the parietal part with partings into plates (as shown in the figures), we divide the temples with vertical partings, and the back of the head with horizontal parts (if difficult, the back of the head can be divided into 2 parts). We start painting from the 1st zone, then whiskey, then the back of the head.

Here I dye my hair according to the 2nd scheme ( True, I have horizontal partings at the temples, it is more convenient for medium-length hair)

Apply paint tightly, driving it into the hair, spare no effort =) Do not save paint, it should be visible on the hair, this is an important component of a good result!

We paint over the edge well, if you wear a tail, regardless of the application scheme, it is better to immediately paint over the edge around the entire perimeter. Here we are not afraid to get on the skin, then rub harder =)

If paint hit on the skin (in any other place) - rinse immediately and thoroughly. If it gets on clothes, we immediately spray it with hairspray and send it to the laundry (everything is washed off for me)

We hold the paint according to the instructions, I keep Estelle 35 minutes, lighter shades can be 40 minutes. If overexposed, the color may be darker. With a painted head, you can’t be near heating appliances, in direct sun, in a draft (or go outside to smoke), in general, no climatic influences!

Wash off. Very carefully! We pay special attention to the edge (I think no one likes smeared skin). First with just water, then with shampoo, and again with shampoo. Be sure to balm and preferably a mask.

Here's how I washed the edge

Overall result:

This time, my roots came out a little darker than the length, because. the length managed to burn out (and plus there are clarified strands). I dyed the shade 8/74 Estelle Essex (I have been dyed with it for a long time and only paint the roots).

Yes, and about mixing colors.

Probably not recommended =) A sufficient number of colors of various shades are sold so that you can choose the right one for yourself. If not satisfied level tones, then you can take 2 different levels with one shade and go to the middle one, it is better not to mix the shades with each other (well, or in extreme cases, those that are nearby - red + golden, red + brown, etc., and No need golden + ashy for example =)). Remember the basic rules for mixing colors: yellow + blue = green, etc. =)

I hope my review was useful to you, if you have questions, suggestions, corrections, I will be glad to see them in the comments =)

Be beautiful! =)

My other hair care reviews:

Great and detailed hair care review

My prof. hair dryer Moser Ventus

My prof. iron Babyliss Pro

Prof. thermal protection OSIS + Schwarckopf

Schwarzkopf Professional Silhouette Styling Mousse

Ceramic brush Olivia Garden

Shampoo and balm from Agafya

Hair oil ORGANIC SHOP Jojoba

People, where is it better to dye your hair at home or in a salon with professional paints?

Is professional paint better than the one sold in the store?

In the salon - color selection is a very delicate matter, there is no doubt that almost any hairdresser will do it better than you, and here it doesn’t even depend on the paint, but on the knowledge of the master. And if you're lucky, you can get to a painting professional, then in general everything will always be perfect.

Karina solovyova

I always paint in the salon. Firstly, I'm too lazy to try and dye all my hair so that the color turns out to be uniform, and secondly ... secondly, probably too lazy =)
And in general, it seems to me that the master will paint better and at the same time no labor costs will be required from you.
and then wash the bathroom from this paint, wash the towels ....


It is better to paint at home if the shade of the paint is close to natural, the hair is not very long, there is no ashy shade in the paint. In other cases, it is better in the salon, at least the first couple of times, then, when a radical change in image has occurred, it is possible at home, using the same paint (preferably).


Julia, it’s better to dye your hair in the Beauty Salon with professional paints, and buy shampoos and balms of the same series for dyed hair there, so that the paint on your hair lasts longer and is brighter.
With professional hair coloring, it is less injured.
You can save money - come to the Beauty Salon with your own paint (bought in a store, on the market, etc.), but in this case, the masters of the Salon are not responsible for the quality of the coloring.
You can save even more - dyeing yourself at home, but your hair will be different, in the worst case, your home dyeing will have to be corrected in the Salon by masters, it may cost more.
....My Salon works on Dutch paints KEUNE.

★ ☆ A professional paint that has shown itself in two ways, it all depends on the shade. Shades 6/0 Dark Blonde and 6/71 Dark Blonde Ash Brown. Detailed photo report BEFORE and AFTER, as well as TWO WEEKS and a MONTH after staining ☆ ★

Good day!

About a year ago, I made a promise to myself not to dye my hair and grow my natural color, but a year later I still broke down, having grown 10 centimeters of my native color. And all because I did not like this terrible rusty shade of my dyed hair. Well, I can’t stand the redhead in my hair, and even more so their red color!

The roots and length were noticeably different, I doubted for a long time, but still decided to dye my hair. Girls, such girls.

I didn’t want to paint with paints from the mass market anymore, since the result is not always predictable, although I learned to look not at the shade in the picture, but at the paint number(You can read more about how to choose paint by number here). But I decided to buy professional paint this time, albeit from the budget professional section. The choice fell on hair dye Estel Profesiona Essex Color Cream.

Price: about 100 rubles.

Volume: 60 ml.

Place of purchase: Hitek store.

I want to note right away that in professional paints everything is bought separately, so you will need to buy hair dye, an oxidizing agent and gloves.

I took the oxidizing agent 3%. Its price was about 50 rubles for a volume of 60 ml. I had gloves at home.

● Packaging ●

The packaging of hair dye resembles the packaging of toothpaste or cream. A small elongated box containing There is a tube of paint and instructions.

I really like the design of the box in the form of a gradient, and the colors are pleasing to my eye.

The tube is standard for hair dye, the neck is sealed with protective foil, which is easily removed by the reverse end of the cap.

The oxidizer is in a small bottle, with the same design. Its neck is wide and there are no protective devices. You just need to unscrew the lid and pour out the contents.

● Fragrance ●

Ahem, if you can call it a scent.

The paint smells very strongly of ammonia, during staining my eyes even watered, which was not the case with other paints, so I strongly recommend painting in a well-ventilated area.

● Consistency and color ●

The paint is pretty thick., even when mixed with an oxidizing agent it is applied and distributed through the hair quite hard, so I slightly diluted the finished mixture with boiled water. Then things go much better.

The color of the paint depends on the selected shade, but in all of them there is a huge amount of mother-of-pearl particles of unknown purpose, because they do nothing but pretty-magical kind of paint. During the dyeing process, the mixture darkens depending on the shade.

● Composition ●

I don’t understand the compositions of the paint, so for those who need it and need it, I just attach a photo.

The composition of the oxygen is not indicated on the bottle, so I do not have it.

● Instruction ●

Roll your mouse wheel to zoom in on the photo.

● About my hair ●

My hair is medium length, normal at the roots and dry at the ends. The ends are fluffy and often split, although I often cut them and use leave-in. The hair itself is porous and wavy, dyed several times, but the color is close to my natural. When wet, they begin to fluff. Their thickness and density are average.

● Warnings ●

● My impression ●


I wanted to get a cool and dark brown color on my reddish-rusty horror. I chose the paint number, reviewed the entire palette on the Internet, re-read a bunch of reviews and settled on shade 6/71.

Oxidizer I decided to take 3%, since, for my reasons, it harms the hair less, in addition, the instructions say:

Coloring tone on tone, lightening by one tone (in the root part) or darker by one tone

This is exactly what I needed, as a higher oxidizer number gives a higher hair lightening number.

On the one hand, a stronger lightening should give a darker shade, and on the other hand, then, as the paint is washed off, the hair will be much lighter than the original shade.

Those in the know, please correct me if I'm wrong.

So, I covered the "battlefield" with newspaper so as not to mess up the table, mixed paint and oxidizer in a ratio of 1: 1, put on gloves and began to apply paint. At first I tried to apply the mixture with a coloring brush, but then I spat on it, because it was terribly uncomfortable and just scooped up the paint with my fingers, distributing it through my hair. Sometimes I combed them with a Chinese Tangle Teaser for better paint distribution.

First, I dyed the ends of the hair, gradually moving towards the head., as I read that due to the heat of the scalp, the paint in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair is “taken” faster.

As the paint was exposed to air for a long time, it acquired a purple-eggplant hue., so that at some point I was afraid that I might turn purple?

However, I honestly lasted 35 minutes, as written in the instructions and went to wash off the paint. In the shower, I wet my hair a little and “chewed” it, waiting another five minutes, and then began to rinse the mixture from the hair.

At first I just rinsed my hair, then washed my hair with shampoo twice, and then applied a mask. The water flowed purple like ink, so I began to seriously worry about the shade of my hair.

However, after drying them, I was unspeakably glad, It turned out exactly what I wanted! Delight knew no bounds! A the hair itself was soft and very shiny. Even the tips were not too hard.

The color lay evenly, but the roots were slightly colder in hue than the rest of the length. But it was noticeable only in good lighting.

At the university, I heard a bunch of compliments about the new hair color, and the words that this color is much better for me than the previous one. Do I have to say how happy I was?


There was only one thing that made me sad, the color just flew away from my hair, instantly washing away all into the same red. After two weeks, he washed off almost half. And I only wash my hair twice a week, that is, and 4 washes, the paint was half washed off. Ugliness! It is worth noting that and I haven't used any hair care or color protection products.

This is what my hair looked like two weeks later:

The tips after the first dyeing felt more or less, the hair was also in good condition.

I waited another two weeks to now dye my hair in a colder and darker color.

This is what my hair looked like a month after dyeing (I washed my hair 8 times in total):

Everything is back to almost the same as it started. But this time I decided to experiment even more and bought shade 6/0.

I will also show a collage for clarity - BEFORE → AFTER → IN A MONTH


I hoped that it would be darker and colder, as it contains only one base shade "Dark Blonde". Almost like my natural, just a little darker.

I also took 3% oxidizer and one box of paint.

I always dye my hair with one box, it’s enough for me, even though I have long hair.

I did everything according to the diagram above.. I also thinned this paint a little with water, as it turned out to be thick. As it was exposed to air, the mixture darkened, turning into a dark brown, so I was even afraid that the shade would turn out darker than I wanted.

After 35 minutes, I went to wash the dye from my hair.. I also wet my hair, poofed it and waited 5 minutes before washing it off. I washed it twice with shampoo and applied a mask.

After drying my hair, I was disappointed. The color hasn't changed much. It became only slightly more uniform and added shine. It was terrible. I just threw away the money and "poisoned" my hair once again. My frustration knew no bounds, but I had to go through this for a whole month, then to paint over my hair again, but with a different paint and shade.

Perhaps we should go to the result: ❖​

There was nowhere for this paint to wash off, but it washed off anyway.

Here's what awaited me a month later:

And a collage for clarity (if you can see the difference at all) - BEFORE → AFTER → IN A MONTH

● Advantages ●

☆ Inexpensive;

☆ Easy to use;

☆ Rich palette of shades;

☆ Affordable;

☆ Does not spoil the hair (although dry tips still suffer);

☆ Gives a strong shine to the hair;

☆ Uniform staining.

● Disadvantages ●

★ You need to have knowledge in order to correctly select a shade and an oxidizing agent (or ask a consultant about it);

★ Washes off quickly;

★ Pretty thick.

● Total ●

In general, I am satisfied with the paint for 4 points. I understand that perhaps it was my fault in some way, but the paint itself is good, it harms the hair to a minimum, the shades are almost the same as in the palette, but I advise you to consult with specialists when using professional hair dye.

Personally, I still like professional paints more than mass-market ones, since they have a richer choice of shades, it is possible to choose the desired percentage of oxidizing agent. And the budget professional costs the same as the masses.


More about my experiments with hair:

  • Horror movie with blood in the shower or Irida tint shampoo.
  • Ketchup on hair or Tonic.
  • Paint that was washed off for almost a year, with a detailed photo report.
  • And the paint was washed off almost instantly.
  • A cheap analogue of expensive paints or how to choose the right hair dye.

Thank you for stopping by!

You can get away from redness with yellowness, with the right approach. Tone 9.16

This review should not be considered as a universal recipe for an unwanted shade on the hair. Each case is different, but yours may be similar to mine)

Everyone who dyed a natural dark blond, or even more so came out of an acquired black, knows what a redhead is in their hair.

In general, I am not against the redhead, and after a thorough washing out of the dark hair, I did not even begin to fight it. But I wanted to radically change the image and go out in my own color.

As is known, color "as on a pack" is an indicator Togo, what is the pigment in it, and how it looks on a neutral base. no more (although not everyone knows this, and I want to shout about it under every review “I don’t have it like in the catalog”)

And for that to get the desired color you need not choose the color in the catalog as you want, and on the color wheel to pick up shades as opposed to undesirable and purchase them. If you decide to make your own color the way you dream, then I beg you, PLEASE! take advantage of this simple but practical advice! Color circle!!! Simply choose the colors that are opposite your "hostile" color!

Next is numbering. The first number to the point is the color depth, in gradation 1 is the darkest, 10 is the lightest. The second and subsequent ones are just the shade we need. Which is called upon to fight what we do not want to see in ourselves. The first after the dot is the main color accent, the second is the secondary one. About the meaning of numbers

1-ash (blue-violet)

2-green pigment

3-golden (yellow-orange)



6 purple


In the case of getting rid of red-yellow (rarely it is clearly one or the other), I decided to choose a color a little lighter, I needed 7-8, and opted for 9, since blue and purple undertones darken. In the fight against the redhead, the subtone 1-blue appears. You can also add special mix tones. But I decided to limit myself to a simple choice. Against yellow-violet-6. There was less yellow in my hair than red. This was due to the choice of shade-9.16. Oxide-6%, time-35 minutes.

I have no complaints about the quality of the paint. If all the colors are correctly selected specifically for your hair, then everything will be completely expected. The smell is ordinary, like any other paint, where fragrances do not overshadow the smell of chemistry. No paint ever really burned my skin, or I don’t remember that. It does not flow through the hair and from the brush, it stains the strand even with a certain thickness, I do not rub it into the hair. Type of tube and oxygen - attached)

The exposure time is 35 minutes, I washed off the end of the strand at about 20 minutes to see if I could wash it off earlier. If you think that the result can go further in the wrong direction, wash it off.

Here's what it was before



The story of what was at the very beginning, and how I washed the color out of the dark here

I definitely recommend this paint. But my main advice is, if you don’t know what and for what result you want to take on the counter with dyes, then go to a professional. So that later you do not grieve about the beauty of your hair looking in the mirror, and do not weed out a high-quality cosmetic product that you used incorrectly.

Be beautiful, and protect your hair from rash manipulations!)