How to use and care for a hand scythe. The main types of braids and diagrams of how to weave them If you braid two outer braids, front view

Most people involved in agricultural activities use a hand scythe. It is used for mowing grass, animal feed, leveling.

For safety and long service life, you need to know how to mow with a hand scythe and care for it.

Device and main components

A hand scythe consists of: a knife, a scythe, a handle, a wedge and a ring.

Did you know? The knife can make a sound resembling a bell ringing.

The canvas is a long blade, bent to the bottom. Made of tool steel (U8, U7). There is a classification depending on the length of the knife: 50 cm - 5, 60 cm - 6 cm and up to 9. The most common number 5. Consists of: canvas, butt, tip, spout, heel and beard.
You can distinguish a high-quality blade from a scythe by the following features:

  • lack of damage and irregularities;
  • the same blade thickness;
  • deep sound on impact;
  • good elasticity.

Knives have another name - Lithuanian or canvas.

Often gardeners and gardeners have to deal with. There is much for the mechanical removal of enemies of cultivated plants. Among them - . A flat cutter can be cut and pulled out. Note that this manual cultivator is quite capable of making it yourself.

Kosovishche, or scythe, shank, is a long wooden base of a handmade scythe. Length - 1.7 or 2 m. Should be without damage, elastic, even. A good material is a spruce trunk at a height of 2 m. For manufacturing: remove excess elements (knots, bark), give the desired shape, dry in a vertical position, grind, can be impregnated with a wax solution.
To start making a handmade grass scythe, you need to know how to put the scythe on the scythe: make an angled cut at the end and a small indentation for the spine of the heel of the blade. For mowing on uneven terrain, the cut is 35 mm, on flat terrain - 10 mm.

For more convenient mowing, there is a handle or a bow. For fastening: cut a square in the braid, hammer in the spike of the handle, wedge it, you can strengthen it with self-tapping screws or screws.
Distinguish motionless And adjustable. The first ones are stable and reliable, the second ones are more convenient if used by many people.

Wedge - a wooden device for attaching the blade to the scythe. Made from dry wood. It is important that the fastening is reliable, because integrity and safety depend on it.

Rings - the second element of fastening the knife to the handle in the form of bolts. Used with a wedge.
Allocate narrow and wide, with a key and without a key. Rings with adjustable bolts are called "clamps".

Twine is a special type of strong thread. Required for adjustable handle. When bent, they or wire connect the two ends of the beam from a flexible type of wood and fix it with the help of recesses cut into them.

Braid types

Depending on some different details, the following types of braids are distinguished: Lithuanian, pink salmon and serpan.

Litovka is the most common hand scythe for grass. It has a long, straight, straight handle, scythe, blade, wedge with rings.

Pink salmon - with a short curved handle. Designed for mowing in very uneven terrain and difficult places, such as around stumps, etc.
The disadvantage is that you need to use it in a bent state.

Serpan - with a short canvas (up to 35 cm). It is used to remove hard plant species (, thickets). It consists of a canvas, an extension cord, a handle and a lamb nut.

Important! The choice of scythe should depend on what plants you are going to mow. If used incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate, and the desired result will not be achieved.

Serpan in a complex form is safe for transportation.

Preparation for work

There are several ways to prepare a hand braid for work: sharpening, beating and finishing a loose surface, let's take a closer look at each of them.

To know how to beat off a braid at home, let's figure out what a beating is. Beating is the process of cutting off the blade with a special hammer with a sharp end to thin the knife along the entire length and the appearance of cutting serrations. Before beating, you need to leave the blade in the water to darken, so that later you can clearly see the cut-off zone. Beating is carried out in the heels of the canvas to the spout.
New ones are usually already cut off at the place of production, but you can also beat off the braid.

For convenience, use a special chair with legs of different heights. Near the high leg is a grandmother. A device for riveting braids is called a headstock - a narrow, small anvil. You can make it at home from a file or material with a hardness of 57 HRC. You can use a slant cutter - an improved headstock that is easier to use. The blows should not be strong, along the entire line of the knife.

Finishing the riveted surface

The blade is finished using a sharpening bar and a musat - a special metal rod for leveling the knife. You only need to sharpen the part of the blade that is lighter.


Sharpening is done before beating. To do this, use a fine-grained abrasive wheel. Basic rules on how to sharpen a scythe: cool the blade with water, rotate the circle slowly. Sharpening starts from the bottom side by 1.5-2 cm.

How to mow?

With the left hand, take the scythe above the handle, with the right hand - the handle, with the right foot forward, with the left a little back. In this position, make circular swings from right to left. Turn the body slightly and tilt forward. The spout should be slightly raised up so that the grass is cut evenly and it does not burrow into the ground.

Modern fashion is so incredibly fickle, it is so changeable that it is not easy to keep up with it. However, each of the girls or women just wants to look unique and unrepeatable. So what can really help young ladies stand out from the crowd and at the same time be completely different every new day and not like anyone else? Well, of course it's the hair. Imagine if this hairstyle is incredible intricate braids?

It should be said right away that today various types of braids are very popular among young fashionistas. And of course, knowing what types of braids can be in principle and, most importantly, understanding how they can be braided will allow you to create incredibly original new images. In the publication, we will briefly try to consider some (the most interesting and popular) types of braids, after which we will briefly try to set out the details explaining what is the originality and peculiarity of literally each of the specified weaves.

So let's get started:

Harnesses (or they are called side braids)

We list the necessary materials for the correct weaving of such variants of braids - these are, first of all, hairpins, and the usual covered elastic band for hair.

Here is a step-by-step implementation of such weaving:

  1. To begin with, try to make a clear parting in front, and where exactly this should be done is up to you. But you always finish such a parting strictly in the middle of the crown. After that, continue to carry out the parting already at the back of the head, still adhering to the exact middle.
  2. Such a hairstyle should be done strictly in stages, first on one side full weaving, and then on the other. Then comb all the hair to the left of the parting made earlier directly to the back of the head. At the same time, clearly separate a very small strand of type “A” in front. This strand should be about 2.5 cm thick, and also pass from the parting made directly to the temporal part of the head. Next, you should twist such a strand three times, and in the direction from the face, after which the tourniquet should be clamped as tightly as possible with your right hand.
  3. The next step is to separate with your left hand a new (second) strand of type “B”, which should be directly under the first strand clamped tightly in your right hand. It is logical that the strand in size must necessarily be equal to the strand of the previous one and, just like in the first version, go straight from the parting closer to the face, passing through your entire head.
  4. Next, the strand of type “B” clamped in your left hand should also be twisted three times, still directing it away from your face. After that, carefully cross the second strand with the "A" strand still in your right hand. After that, you will have to skip it under the agreed strand "A". Then the hands are simply swapped.
  5. The next step is to transfer both resulting strands to the right hand, try to hold them tightly with your fingers. Then cross these strands and separate them again, and of course then twist again. Be sure to press the strands, this is necessary so that they do not accidentally unwind and lose their shape. At this time, with your free hand, separate another new strand, it is more convenient to do this with your left hand, as well as the previous one. This new strand will be called type "C" it will have to be crossed and twisted again with the first strand of type "A" directly under the strand of type "B", which at the moment should be on top. Next, calmly swap hands, and, of course, connect the first strands of type “A” and type “B”, making one, denser strand out of them, and transfer these two strands to your right hand.
  6. Further it will be quite simple. You will need to repeat step 4, and step 5 inclusive up to the neck.
  7. After you get to the neck, from it you can begin to form a tourniquet-braid naturally along your entire length of hair. To do this, it will be necessary to constantly cross and again twist the resulting strands in the same direction. As a result, you should fix the end of the resulting braid with an ordinary elastic band.
  8. Everything, the same will have to be done with the second side of the hair from the parting, in the same way, step by step, clearly following the points described above, starting from the second to the seventh, but only in exactly the reverse order.
  9. At this final stage, you will have to wrap the ends of the resulting braid inward, after which, from below, directly under the chic braid, fix the hairstyle with hairpins.

Braid type - with the name "Fishtail"

This type of weaving will be ideal for owners of the thickest and preferably straight hair.

Among the necessary materials for weaving such a braid: only the usual covered elastic band.

We bring to your attention the phased implementation of this type of weaving:

  1. First, simply comb all the hair straight back. Then separate two of the thinnest strands of your hair (no more than 2.5 cm), and one directly, to the right and also to the left of the temples.
  2. Try to cross the right strand as carefully as possible, so that it is above the left strand.
  3. Be sure to hold both strands with your right hand, after which the second hand should grab a new strand on the left side. Such a strand should be the same in size as the previous two.
  4. The resulting new strand should also be crossed with the right strand. Moreover, the new left strand should again be above the right strand, be sure to press the strands to fix them with your free left hand.
  5. Next, grab a new strand, but on the right side of the head. We also cross it with a slightly enlarged left strand, this strand must be applied strictly from above. Just like the first time, we press all the strands with your right hand for greater fixation.
  6. Actually, therefore, you should constantly repeat the described steps four and five until you reach your neck.
  7. As a result, you braid a real fishtail in the same way, at the same time pulling out small strands already from the common mop of your own hair and carefully cross them in the center of the head.
  8. As a result, it follows, secure the ends of your work (a beautiful braid) with a regular elastic band.

French version of the braid

This type of braid weaving in its standard design is incredibly similar to the previously mentioned classic braid, however, in this case, you should weave in more and more separated strands each time.

A simple covered elastic band acts as the necessary materials for weaving such braids.

A detailed step-by-step implementation of such a weaving option:

  1. You should collect all the hair (this will be somewhat unusual) in front. Don't worry at the back of your head, your hair will be braided a little later.
  2. After that, try to divide all the hair into three separate, but equal parts. Then weave the most ordinary braid, in the most traditional way.
  3. However, before you start braiding a single strand on the left, just grab another extra strand that will be next to the denser main strand.
  4. Everything will also have to be done with your right strand. So actually weaving should be done, alternately performing points numbered 3 and 4, moreover, each time capturing all new individual strands.
  5. But from the neck again, you should start braiding the most ordinary braid. And of course, the ends of the hair will have to be tied with an elastic band that fixes the weave.

A little advice from modern hairdressers and stylists - in order for your braid to turn out to be as accurate as possible, and all the strands in it to be as uniform as possible, you should try to separate those in the work with the sharp edge of the comb or with your little finger nail. Moreover, in this case, your little finger nail can play the role of a kind, very peculiar comb tooth. In addition, if you want to make a slightly tighter and tightly woven braid, then of course you should choose the thinnest strands of hair, and then pull them as low as possible when braiding the braid. Well, and most importantly, always when weaving, it is necessary to strictly observe the most uniform tension of all strands, and this is so throughout all your work. And only then will your braid turn out to be as even as possible, neat and folded from the beginning to the very end.

Variant of the braid "Eight"

It should be said right away that this type of hairstyle can only be made from really very long and rather thick hair.

The required materials for weaving this version of the braid: at least two covered elastic bands, a regular decorative tape, and a few hairpins.

Description of the phased implementation of such weaving:

  1. It is necessary to collect all the available hair back and fix it tightly in the form of one ponytail directly at the neck, tie it with an elastic band.
  2. After that, you should braid the most ordinary braid, and tie its ends in the same way, fixing it with an elastic band.
  3. Then you should take a decorative ribbon that will be twice the length of your braid and carefully tie it in a bow on the top of the elastic bands. In this case, the ends of such a tape should be cut off. Note that the bow must necessarily be directly under the resulting braid.
  4. Next, grabbing the resulting braid in the middle with your right hand, simply twist it to the right, but only in half of one turn. At the same time, with your left hand, try to pull the entire upper part of such a braid up and slightly to the left. At the same time, you should feel how your braid is twisted. Further, the already formed loop should be positioned in such a way that its middle is clearly at the same level with the previously tied upper elastic band. In the end, fasten the already obtained loop with separate hairpins.
  5. Well, then just twist the second half of the braid that you had left, again by half a turn and fold it in the same way, but on the right side, also below under the original bow. As a result, you have formed the second part of the desired eight. After that, you can fix the braid directly under the previously formed bow, preferably on the right side.

I would like to say that we were not able to describe all of the types of weaving of fashionable braids that exist today, which could well be used as everyday hairstyles or holiday hairstyles.

It should be understood that the ability to braid beautiful chic braids or small intricate braids can open up an incredible limitless scope for you to let your imagination run wild for the subsequent creation of the most charming and unique images. Believe me, even the simplest and seemingly familiar classic braid, created from three combed strands, can perfectly complement your fashionable look and, of course, make it extraordinarily attractive and fashionable.

The most important thing in this business is not to be afraid, and actively, boldly experiment. It is possible that not everything will work out for you the first time, in any case, do not give up. You can practice on yourself, on your own children, or on your girlfriends. It would be quite possible even to arrange a kind of home "gatherings" with weaving braids, to each other. And who really knows, it may well be that it is you who will reveal the real talent for such experiments.

The result should be a tight French braid that holds well, does not unravel and looks spectacular. To make the hairstyle more voluminous, at the end of the strand at the braid, you need to pull your fingers a little, slightly gutting it. Very often, girls braid such a braid at night before going to bed in order to undo it in the morning and get cute and romantic curls.

reverse french braid

Another variation of the hairstyle, which is also called the "Dutch braid". The principle of weaving is the same as in the usual French braid, only you need to weave inside out.

  1. We comb the hair so that it is well braided and not tangled.
  2. We take one wide strand of hair at the forehead line and divide it into three parts.
  3. We put the left strand under the middle one, we do the same with the left strand.
  4. Next, with the index finger, we select the same bundles of hair for each extreme strand and put them UNDER the middle strand.
  5. In this way, weave the pigtail to the end and fix it with an elastic band.

As a result, you will get an unusual hairstyle that will give you a slight charm and charm. Also, such a braid can be started to weave a little from the side and braid across the head. Another option is to weave two braids. To do this, you just need to divide the hair into two parts. The technique is the same.

There are many types of hairstyles that fall under the definition of a braid. Saying - "The girl wears a braid" is the same as saying - "The girl put on makeup." It doesn't say anything, doesn't emphasize style or technique, and doesn't define her look. Therefore, we will consider in detail the main types of weaving braids and their weaving patterns.

There are tons of different types of braids, each one is unique. They are all based on the same building blocks, but each has its own twists and turns. Among fishtails, three-strand braids, French waterfall braids, there are many options to learn. The article will help you clarify the basic terms and give you useful tips.

Plain braid with three strands

This is the main line of the braid, which serves as the basis for almost every weave design. It is necessary to take three strands of hair and alternately intertwine the side strands with the central strand, outwardly it looks like juggling hair. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, we rate this braid a 2. It may seem confusing at first glance, but you'll soon find that a braid is the easiest way to get hair out of your face. You can braid a braid of three strands in a couple of minutes. Some tips for newbies? To gain more control over your hair, braid your hair the second day after washing (then it won't frizz) your hair, or dampen it with water before you start braiding. You can also try a special hair wax to give your hair more elasticity.

A three-strand braid is great for the home, if you have long voluminous hair, braid the braid loosely, let it look natural, in harmony with your home style.

This look is created by dividing the hair into two sections. The technique consists in lifting a strand from the bottom of one part of the hair and laying it on top of the other part. Repeat this continuously on both sides as shown in the picture above. Hair can be gathered into a ponytail for easier weaving, and a fishtail can be made from it. To add lightness, the braid can be slightly fluffed with a comb, making a light pile.

The scheme of weaving braids "Fishtail":

To clearly understand how to weave a fishtail, watch the video weaving technique:

Weaving a fishtail braid from a spikelet:

French braid

The French braid is the first braid you've probably tried with three strands and is very well known as the braid. Weaving it is not as difficult as it seems, based on three small strands taken from the forehead or the center of the head with the addition of more strands to the side when turning. You need to weave the strands inward. When passing the side strand over the central one, you try to capture more hair each time. Therefore, a beautiful pattern is obtained, woven from the sides, especially on miled hair or dyed in several colors.

It may not work out right away, in order to better learn what you read, consolidate a new skill by watching a video on weaving spikelets:

For those who love both braids and loose hair, we teach how to weave a “French waterfall”.

Weaving pattern - "French Falls":

Video lesson of weaving a French waterfall:

The French weaving technique is also used here, but it starts from the neck and goes up. If you are braiding yourself, it will be more convenient to lower your head down. Otherwise, you will have to hold the strands high while weaving.

The combination of loose hair and weaving braids from the bottom to the top:

Video on weaving a spikelet from the bottom to the top:

A Dutch braid is essentially a French braid, but instead of braiding a strand on top of another, you place it underneath. This allows you to weave voluminous braids that stand out above the head, creating various patterns. This type of weave can be used to create a wreath, multiple braids, or a single Dutch braid. Weaving a spikelet (Dutch braid) outward is also called a return braid.

The scheme of weaving a reverse spikelet or Dutch braid:

Spikelets can be given volume, for this, after weaving, slightly stretch the strands to the sides, they will become flat, and the braid will be voluminous.

Video lesson of weaving a Dutch braid out:

Braid in the form of a wreath "milkmaid's braid"

The easiest way to weave a milkmaid's braid is to create two braids with their interlacing and fastening at the crown in the form of a wreath. The Halo braid can be based on French braids and fastening them around the head. The milkmaid braid is the easiest approach to braiding around the head for beginners.

Video lesson - weaving a braid with a wreath:

If three-strand braids (and even adding new strands) aren't enough for you, you'll be intrigued by the four- and five-strand braid. In the case of a square braid, it is better to turn to the video to see how the master braids it without confusion, creating a beautiful smooth braid. The video will help you understand this weaving technique.

Video tutorial for weaving a braid of 4 strands:

In popularity, a 4-strand braid is compared with weaving a spiral of hair bundles. For her, divide the hair into 2 strands, wrap each one in a tourniquet and then fold it between each other. Everything is shown in detail in the video lesson.

The scheme of weaving a braid of a spiral from bundles:

Video lesson of weaving a spiral braid from bundles:

A braid is the simplest and most common type of hairstyle. Thanks to a variety types and methods of weaving, braids are very popular. Neatly braided hair is a comfortable hairstyle in everyday life, relevant in an office setting and beautiful at a celebration.

To make the hair obedient and easy to weave and style, you can use various products in the form of foam, gel, or fix uneven strands with hairpins. You also need a good haircut.

Plain braid weaving

The most common and familiar from childhood has become an ordinary pigtail, braided from three strands of hair. Dividing the hair into three parts and following the sequence, we twist the hair between each other.

First, we intertwine the third part with the first and second strands, then the first with the second and third, and the second strand with the third and first. It is important to ensure that the strands are tightly pulled together and the hair does not break out. Having finished such a hairstyle, you can use an ordinary elastic band, a beautiful hairpin or weave a ribbon.

Weaving two braids

On thick heavy hair, two braids will look great and original.

In the photo, hairstyles with weaving two braids

For such a hairstyle, the hair must be divided into two equal parts. Now each of them needs to be braided in the usual way, only it is important to check that the weaving of both braids starts from the same level.

Weaving braid Spikelet

Braiding a “spikelet” pigtail will be a little more difficult than usual, but the weaving technique is very similar, so you can do it. Weaving should be started in the same way as with a regular braid, only it is necessary to take not all the hair, but only the upper part and divide it into three equal strands. It is important to evenly distribute the strands so that in the end the braid looks even. We begin to weave the strands like a regular braid and slowly weave in new small strands of hair from the side of the remaining hair. thus, continue to weave strands into the main braid until the hairline on the head ends.

Loose hair can be collected in or braided into a regular braid.

If the “spikelet” turned out to be not voluminous enough, you can slightly fluff it with a comb. "Spikelet" will last a very long time in excellent condition if it is braided as tightly as possible.

Braiding Fishtail

We comb the hair back and divide it into two equal parts. We take each of the strands in our hands. With the index finger of the left hand, select a thin strand of hair (about 2.5 cm) from the side and transfer it to the right side, securing with the right hand. Then, with the index finger of the right hand, separate the same strand on the right and transfer it to the left, securing with the left hand.

We repeat these steps until we reach the end. We tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or decorate with a hairpin.

French braid weaving

We comb the hair and separate the part of the hair from above from the parietal zone. We divide the strand into three equal strands and begin to weave, first putting the left on the center, then the right on the center. Then put the left strand on top of the center one and add the left strand to it. Now put the right strand on the center one and add a strand of hair on the right to it.

In the photo weaving a French braid on the side

In this way, alternately add strands to the weave on the right and left. Tighten the loose tail with an elastic band or braid it into a regular braid. With the beginning of weaving a "French" braid, you can easily experiment. This french braid pattern, also suitable for two braids, side French braid and weaving from the temple.

This hairstyle is very comfortable for everyday life, having learned to braid a “French” braid, it will become your favorite.

French braid from bottom to top

Weaving this braid must begin from the back of the head, moving towards the crown. Use the pattern of weaving a regular French braid. You can complete the hairstyle by gathering the ends into a bun or ponytail.

Inverted French braid

Comb your hair. Separate a section of hair and divide it into three equal sections. Place under the center strand, first the right and then the left strand. Place the right section under the center section, adding the right section of hair to it. Now put the left one under the center one, adding to it the part of the hair on the left.

A loose ponytail can be braided into a simple braid or ponytail. By stretching the braid a little, you can make it more voluminous.

Weaving braids Waterfall

Comb your hair into a side parting and start weaving an ordinary French braid horizontally from the forehead towards the temples. Then we put the upper strand on the middle one, separate a small strand from the free ones from above and put it on the middle one, while letting go of the lower part. Near the thrown lower strand of free hair, we separate a small strand and put it on the middle one. We repeat this each time adding a free hair to the top strand, place it on the middle one and let go of the bottom strand, replacing it with a new one.

Weaving a braid of 4 and 5 strands

Braiding such a pigtail requires special skill and skill. To begin with, the hair must be combed back and divided into five equal strands. We cross the right strand with the strand closest to it.

We cross the most central strand with the strand that was on the right. Then we cross the central one with the left of it (not the extreme one). Now we cross the leftmost strand with the neighboring strand on the right. When braiding, try not to pull the braid too tight. Now braid the second row following this pattern. Such actions must be performed until the braid is woven.

Weaving a Swiss braid

The “Swiss” braid is woven in the same way as our usual three-strand pigtail, but at the same time, each strand must be twisted with a bundle. This hairstyle looks quite unusual and elegant, so it will be a godsend for both work and leisure.

Weaving braids tourniquet

First you need to collect the hair in a ponytail, then divide it into two equal parts. Then twist the right section of hair, towards the right, about 3-4 turns, and hold it firmly with your hand. Do the same with the left strand.

Now you need to carefully cross both strands, making sure that they do not unwind. Fix the ends, as usual, with a tight elastic band.

According to the scheme of twisting one braid, a tourniquet can be braided, two can be braided. To do this, comb your hair in a straight parting, following the pattern, twist one part of the hair, then the second. Loose hair can be twisted together, braided, or left loose.

Weaving braid "Wreath"

Separate a small strand of hair from the temple and divide it into two equal parts. Then wrap the bottom part around the top and connect the strands into one. Now separate a small strand from the loose hair below and wrap it around the upper double strand. Next, continue braiding in this way, adding strands of loose hair from the bottom, wrapping around the top strand and joining them together. Fix the end of the hair with an elastic band and carefully hide it under the resulting wreath.

Weaving braid "Crown"

Weaving "Linno Russo" with a ribbon

At the top of the head, we separate a small strand of hair and put a ribbon on top of it and cross it. Next, select a strand below the previous one (Fig. 3), divide it into two parts and wrap each with the ends of the tape, so that the strands are at the bottom of the hair, and the tape is on top. Next, add strands of free hair again, separating them with a horizontal parting. We fix the resulting braid by tying a ribbon, you can also give the braid additional volume by slightly stretching the strands.

Knot braid

A braid of knots is very easy to make, and it will look elegant and neat. Separate the top section of your hair and divide it into two sections. Tie these parts together from right to left or vice versa (Fig. 1) as a normal knot. Next, add strands to the remaining free edges of the hair and tie the knot again, do this until all the hair is woven. The end of the braid can be fixed with an elastic band and wrapped to the bottom.

Weaving braid "Bow"

This weaving is rather a decoration of an already woven braid, it is quite simple to make it. First you need to braid the braid, leaving a thin strand of hair parallel to it, it is from it that you will later form bows. After the braid is braided, from the free hair left for the bow, we separate a small strand and sprinkle it abundantly with hairspray, then bend it in half to form an eyelet. Gently thread the ear with a hairpin under the braid, holding it with your hand.

Weaving braid "Snake"

Separate the top strand of hair from the side and divide into three equal parts. Start with a regular French braid with just a strand added at the top. Braiding, you should lead the pigtail along an oblique path, bring the weaving to the temple and turn the braid, weave the braid further, adding a strand as before from above, ignoring the bottom. If you have long hair, you can do turns along the entire length, depending on your desire. Braiding the lowest braid, the hair pickup is done already from below and from above. The ends of the hair can be braided or left free.

Weaving braid "Basket"

On the top of your head, highlight the hair area and collect it in a high ponytail. From the weight, we begin to weave an ordinary French braid, each time adding strands of free hair on the right, and on the left from the tail, you need to take them of such a thickness that it is enough for the entire weaving. Thus weave in a circle. Having reached the place where weaving began, we begin to weave an ordinary braid. We fix the end with an elastic band and hide it under the base of the tail; for greater fixation of the hairstyle, you can also fix it with invisibility.

Weaving braid "Snail"

We separate a small strand from the middle of the head and divide it into three equal ones. Then we begin to weave the usual French braid but with one pickup on the right. At the beginning, it is important to take small strands so that there is enough hair for subsequent circles. Next, weave a braid all over the head, moving in a circle. We carefully fix the tip of the hair and mask it under the hairpin.

Weaving braid "Flower"

To create a flower out of hair, you need to braid an ordinary braid, but only you need to whip it not up, but down (an inverted braid), you need to weave it without tightening it too much.

Hairstyle weaving "Butterfly"