How to make long hair voluminous at the roots. How to dry hair with volume at the roots with a hair dryer. Radical volume with forceps-corrugation

To make volume on long hair without fleece, it is not at all necessary to contact a professional hairdresser for this. Follow the tips below and watch the video:

  • First of all, you need to rinse your hair well. After shampooing, be sure to use a conditioner balm - evenly apply it along the entire length of the hair.
  • Cool water with the addition of a few drops of lemon perfectly tones the scalp. This will help lift the hair at the very roots, due to the effect of low temperature.
  • Blow dry your hair for volume. With your head tilted down, run the hair dryer from top to bottom so as not to disturb the structure of the hair.
  • When the strands are slightly dry, apply a little volumizing agent under the roots.
  • Wind each individual curl on a round brush and dry under the hottest air stream. You can fix the result with a hairdryer in cold mode (more on the video)
  • Bouffant will help to make the volume more resistant. Take one curl, divide it into two halves and comb the bottom part with a fine comb. The top strand must remain intact and smooth, otherwise you will not avoid the effect of "shaggy"
  • Fix the bouffant with hairspray. Moreover, if you plan to go to any event, then the fixation should be maximum.

If you can’t imagine styling without curlers, first let your hair dry a little, then apply foam for volume and twist curls on curlers. Dry your hair thoroughly with a hairdryer and fix with hairspray.

What funds will be needed?

Flat comb

Using a comb, you can make a bouffant to add volume at the roots. The frequency of the teeth directly depends on the density of your hair. It is best if the comb is made from natural materials, such as wood.

Round brush

With the help of a round wide comb-brush and a hair dryer, you can achieve a stable volume at the roots without bouffant, even on long hair. The bristles on the comb can be made from natural, plastic, or a combination of materials.

hair dryer

The hair dryer should have several air supply modes: hot, medium and cold to consolidate the result. Various nozzles included in the kit give you the opportunity to experiment with styling.

Hair styling products

With their help, it is possible to fix the volume of hair. You can easily style short hair with wax or gel, for medium and long hair, choose mousse, spray or foam to add volume. The main thing is not to abuse and not overdo it with the quantity, otherwise, you can do harm - the strands will stick together, the volume will disappear.

Hair fixation spray

Weak or strong fixation will depend on the hairstyle. For every day - weak, for an evening out - stronger.

Hair curler

A curling iron can add extra volume at the roots. At the same time, the hair must be dry and clean, and the use of styling products, in this case, is strictly prohibited.


Many girls use Velcro curlers or thermal curlers. Before twisting the curls, they must first be treated with a styling agent, and then fixed with varnish. To keep the volume for a longer time, you can do a perm. But it should be borne in mind that with the intervention of chemicals, the structure of the hair will be significantly disturbed.

How to create volume at the roots of the hair

First, choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Make sure that it does not include silicone and take note that shampoos containing essential oils can weigh down hair.

Replace nourishing balms with light gentle conditioners. Apply them along the entire length of the hair, bypassing the basal part.

Regularly make nourishing masks to add volume. Some of them can be prepared at home, or you can buy special products in a professional salon.

It is known that the hair rises at the roots with sufficient blood circulation. Cold rinses can improve blood circulation. Acidify the water slightly with vinegar or lemon juice.

Pay attention to the parting. Hair gets used to the same position and falls on one side or the other on its own. Do not be afraid to periodically change the parting line. This will help the hair resist naturally, which will give you more volume.

Homemade masks for hair volume

Kefir mask

Warm up the kefir, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the container (to beat off the sour smell) and apply to the hair, avoiding the root area.

Gelatin mask

Take two tablespoons of regular gelatin and pour half a glass of cold water over them. Instead of ordinary water, you can use a decoction of burdock roots or nettle infusion. This mask not only gives excellent volume at the roots, but also prevents split ends. After the gelatin swells, add 50 ml of shampoo to the mixture and place in a water bath. Without bringing to a boil, completely dissolve the gelatin and let the mass cool. Then apply to the hair along the entire length and rinse with warm water after an hour and a half. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Cognac honey mask

Take one glass of coarse rock salt and mix with the same amount of honey. After the salt has dissolved, pour in the third part of a glass of cognac. Mix the mass until smooth. Transfer the resulting mixture to a glass dish and close the lid. Place the jar in a cool dark place, but not in the refrigerator. This remedy is infused for two weeks, then apply the mixture to the hair and hold for about an hour. Hair not only gets volume at the roots, but also becomes shiny, silky and easy to comb. You can add a couple of drops of essential oil if you like.

Mayonnaise mask

To prepare this remedy for the volume of the roots, you will need: low-fat mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons, an egg - 2 pcs, olive oil - 1 tablespoon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, after which the mixture is gently rubbed into the scalp. Apply the remaining mass along the entire length of the hair and wrap your head with a towel, for a greater effect, you can also put on a plastic bag. Walk like this for two hours, then wash your hair thoroughly.

Often the success of hair health is proper care to maintain the structure of the hair. Gathering on personal matters, the fair sex spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, bringing beauty. Hair requires special attention because it takes a lot of patience. To make the hair look attractive, you need to put a lot of effort into creating the desired volume and styling.

Hair styling accessories

If you decide to do your own hair styling at home, get some useful tools and accessories. For these manipulations, you will need both simple devices and some products of the professional series. You can buy all the attributes in specialized stores. With the necessary accessories, visiting a beauty salon will be reduced to a minimum.

Classic scallop

  1. The creation of volume at the roots occurs by means of a flat comb (combing the root area). Choose a wide-toothed comb that matches the thickness of your hair.
  2. Choose an accessory made from natural ingredients. The natural composition of the product will not harm the scalp and curls. The best option is a wooden tool.
  1. When choosing a hair dryer, give preference to a professional line. The maximum power should be several times higher than conventional thermal devices.
  2. With regular use, you will appreciate all the advantages of a professional device. Hair styling time will be significantly reduced.
  3. When purchasing a high-quality hair dryer, if possible, choose one that comes with several nozzles and full adjustment of temperature and airflow power.
  4. With a large selection of accessories in the future, you can experiment with styling without much harm to the hair.

Styling products

  1. To add volume to your hair, use a professional line of products. With their help, you will be able to save the result at home.
  2. If you wear a short haircut, it is enough to apply styling gel. In the case of long hair, resort to the help of varnishes and mousses.
  3. Do not overdo it with the applied amount of funds. The abuse of stylers adversely affect the structure of the hair.

Curling iron

  1. To add volume, use a curling iron, the device will help lift the hair at the very roots.
  2. The advantage of the product is that with its help you achieve the desired effect as quickly as possible.
  3. Use the curling iron only on dried hair, without using any styling products.


  1. Most of the fair sex use the old way of styling with curlers. They are divided into 2 types: Velcro, thermal curlers).
  2. Before use, treat slightly damp hair with a styling compound. Next, wind the curlers.

To achieve the desired result of lush hair, it is not necessary to contact the services of a specialist. A similar effect remains until the first shampoo, so it is irrational to go to the hairdresser every time.

Method number 1. citrus juice

  1. Depending on the length of the hair, the washing process also varies. Apply shampoo to curls, massage thoroughly at the roots, then go down to the very ends.
  2. Rinse your hair well. Apply conditioner evenly throughout hair. After some time, wash off the composition with cool water with the addition of 7 ml. natural citrus juice.
  3. Such a move will allow you to slightly raise the hair at the roots, due to the action of low water temperature with the addition of citrus. Suitable lemon, grapefruit, pomelo, orange (you can combine them).

Method number 2. Volume boosters

  1. Blow dry your hair properly. Lean forward so that the curls hang down to the floor. Move a slightly hot stream of air from the roots of the hair to the ends.
  2. Having reached the moment when the hair remains slightly damp, use a volumizing agent (mousse, gel, wax, foam, etc.). Apply the composition on your fingers, start rubbing it into the roots.
  3. Divide your hair into strands, use a round comb with natural bristles. Under a hot stream of air, begin to dry the twisted curls on the tool. After the done manipulations, fix the effect with a cold blow.

Method number 3. Bouffant

  1. To give a more stable volume, resort to the technique of fleece. Take a strand of hair, divide it into two parts. Using a small comb, tease the bottom at the base. Keep the top strand straight and smooth.
  2. Upon completion of the manipulations, spray the hair with a fixing agent. For everyday wear of lush hair, use less hard varnishes.

Method number 4. curlers

  1. If you prefer curling your curls with curlers, opt for oversized accessories.
  2. On slightly damp hair, apply mousse to add volume, then twist the strands in curlers.
  3. After a certain time, fix the result with varnish. To maintain a long-term effect, they resort to a perm (this method is not recommended, since the hair structure suffers).

Method number 5. Round comb

  1. To give a lasting volume, use brushing with natural pile. Start winding slightly damp hair at the roots, drying with hot air with a hair dryer.
  2. This method is effective for long hair. The main aspect in the desired result is individually selected accessories according to the type of hair.

  1. Choose a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. You should not buy universal means, over time they can only harm.
  2. When buying, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain silicone additives, essential oils. These components are very dirty and weigh down the hair at the roots.
  3. You can use professional shampoos and conditioners. Due to the content of concentrated substances, the result after their application is visible almost immediately.
  4. There is one significant disadvantage of using these products. It consists in a strong addiction of the hair to the components contained in the composition.
  5. Opt for lightweight conditioners. Forget about using nutritional serums. Apply the composition to the entire length of the hair, except for the roots.
  6. Perhaps a rare application of nourishing masks from home products. This move allows you to lift the roots of the hair.
  7. Make it a habit to collect cold water in a suitable container with the addition of freshly squeezed citrus juice. Rinse your hair with the composition after detergents. The method helps to improve the blood circulation of the scalp, thereby lifting the roots.
  8. When styling your hair, use a different parting line each time. Thus, the hair will not be able to get used to one position and will be constantly raised.
  9. Use a blow dryer and brush when styling your hair. The desired result will be achieved in the shortest possible time. With frequent styling, the hair structure may be disturbed, the strands will become brittle.
  10. There is another effective way to improve blood circulation in the root region. With the help of salt scrub, you will achieve exfoliation of dead cells, increasing the volume of hair.

Folk methods for adding volume

  1. Mask based on kefir. Connect 200 ml. kefir, 3 ml. essential oil in a heat-resistant container. Heat the liquid to 35 degrees. Apply the composition to the hair, excluding the root area. Wait 35 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  2. Gelatin mask. Place 45 gr. instant gelatin in a glass with 150 ml. cool water. The liquid can be seen with any decoction of herbs. Wait for swelling, add 65 ml to the mixture. shampoo. Heat the composition to 40 degrees. Make sure that the gelatin is completely melted, if necessary, increase the temperature. Let the liquid cool, apply the composition from roots to ends. Wait about 2 hours, rinse your head with warm water. The method helps to give volume to the hair and prevent split ends.
  3. Mask with the addition of alcohol and honey. Mix 200 gr. coarse salt, 170 gr. honey. Leave for a while, stirring occasionally. Wait for the salt to dissolve, then pour in 100 ml. dark rum (whiskey, cognac). Stir the composition until smooth, transfer to a glass container, close the lid, put in a cool place for 14 days (at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees). After the specified time, use the tool: apply the composition to the hair, wait 50 minutes.
  4. Mayonnaise mask. Take 60 gr. light mayonnaise, 2 chicken eggs, 35 ml. olive oil. Stir the ingredients until smooth. Apply the composition to the scalp. Start rubbing the product with massage movements. Then spread the mixture over the entire length of the hair. For convenience, wrap your head in a towel. Wait 1.5 hours.

To add volume to your hair, it is not necessary to go to a professional salon. It is enough to purchase hairdressing equipment and accessories. Consider effective ways using curlers, bouffant, stylers, hair dryer, brushing, curling irons, or citrus juice. Follow the practical tips for creating a lush styling.

Video: how to make a root volume

Voluminous hair helps the fair sex to solve a number of problems. First: visually reduce the oval of the face. Secondly: to present a rare and thin head of hair in a favorable perspective. And thirdly: to create a beautiful stylish hairstyle for any occasion. Corrugation for basal volume, long-term curls and ordinary everyday styling - there are many ways to create a lush styling. How the most popular of them are made, we will tell in this article.

What is volume for?

The volume from the roots allows you to make the hairstyle more spectacular. In addition, it is simply necessary when it comes to situations such as:

  • the presence of thin / hard / sparse strands, as a result of which the hairstyle is difficult to style and does not retain its shape without basal hair volume;
  • when you want to make facial features a little softer;
  • owners of an oily type of hair will be able to keep the visual freshness of the hairstyle longer;
  • when lush curls are fashionable.

What you need to know

  1. Volumetric hair styling is created only after the head is thoroughly washed. The ideal solution would be to use shampoo for volume at the roots. Such products contain substances that envelop the hair and lift it.
  2. Before you make your hair voluminous, apply special styling products to wet curls: foam (great for volume), mousse (fixes styling, has a drying effect, not suitable for heavy and long hair) or gel (holds its shape perfectly, suitable for all types of hair). Carefully spread the styling around the roots.
  3. For additional fixation of the finished hairstyle, use varnish. Spray it at a distance of about 20 cm from the head. If the curls do not hold their shape well, then use the tool in the process of creating hair volume at the roots.
  4. Special volume sprays will also help to achieve the desired effect. Available for strands with different textures. Their advantage is that they perfectly fix the hair for a long time. You can use it both at the stages of styling, and during the day when you need to touch up your hair.

Advice. For volume at the roots, make the right haircut. Depending on the structure of your hair, the stylist will select the best option for you.

Dependence on hair length

  1. Short haircuts. Volumetric styling for short hair is not a complicated procedure. It is good to use a hair dryer, curlers, corrugation, bouffants for such purposes.
  2. Laying long and medium length curls. The longer the strand, the more it is pulled down and the volume may disappear. Therefore, voluminous styling for long hair requires special care. The longer the curl, the better the fixation should be. Be sure to use styling tools for this.

How to create root volume

With the help of curlers

When choosing curlers for raising the roots, remember that basal volume for short hair is best created with stylers with a small diameter.

But the volume for long hair is preferably done using large bobbins. Most often, Velcro or thermal curlers are used for such purposes.

How to lay:

  1. Apply the styler to clean hair.
  2. If you use Velcro-curlers for basal volume, then the curls should be slightly damp, and if the thermal stylers are dry and treated with thermal protection. Make a wrap by dividing the hair into zones: temporal and central. It is better to wind the curlers in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Fix the stylers well so that they do not hang out, otherwise it will not work to raise the roots. Using Velcro curlers, secure them with clips from below.
  3. Wait until the hair on your head is completely dry (you can use a hair dryer). If using hot rollers, make sure they cool down well before removing them.
  4. Remove the stylers and fluff up your hair with your hands.
  5. Spray with varnish if necessary.

With the help of ironing corrugation

Basal volume with the help of corrugation has clear advantages over other types - the effect lasts a long time. And for hair that lends itself well to styling, it is not even necessary to use styling products. To raise hair using this method, you need to know which corrugation is most suitable for these purposes.

Attention! For thin and fragile curls, take a fine corrugation, but if you have thick or coarse hair, it is better to choose a medium one.

How to use a corrugated iron to create a basal volume:

  1. Apply thermal protection to clean and dry strands.
  2. Lift the top layer of hair and secure with clips. You will cover the corrugated areas with it so that they are not visible.
  3. Create a root corrugation. To do this, grab part of the curls under the clamps and place it between the plates of the heated iron. Please note that it should not be thick, otherwise the desired bends will not work.
  4. Warm up the strand for 5-15 seconds. The time depends on the condition of the hair - keep thin, weak curls up to 5 seconds, thick and hard - up to 15 seconds.
  5. If the hair is long, heat the same strand a little lower; for medium and short lengths, it is enough to create a mini corrugation once on each processed strand.
  6. Make the hair volume with a flat iron and on other curls under the clips.
  7. Cover the corrugated areas with the top layer of hair.
  8. Comb the curls and, if necessary, fix with varnish.

To prevent creases from being noticeable, use the iron only on the side and back of the hair. Leave the face area uncurled.

If you corrugate only one layer with a styler, you will get a low volume, and if you want to make your hair especially lush, you can make corrugations in the lower sections of the hair.

Owners of hard strands should treat them with varnish before curling. In other cases, the corrugation will hold well without additional styling products.

Using a curling iron

With the help of a curling iron, you can also lift the hair near the roots. For this:

  1. Apply heat protection to clean curls.
  2. Warm up the curling iron and press the first strand at the roots with it. And place it close to the skin so as to get the desired volume and not get burned. Hold the styler with the strand for about 5 seconds.
  3. Do the same with the rest of your hair.

Blow dry

Perhaps, the most popular and fastest way to get basal volume at home.

How to make root volume with a hair dryer at home:

  1. Apply thermal protection to washed curls.
  2. Take a round brush (the longer the curls, the wider the diameter of the comb) and grab a strand with it.
  3. Start to dry the taken bundle of hair right on the comb, constantly turning it, twisting the curls. Blow-dry the area especially well at the roots, lifting them up with brushing.
  4. Walk through the entire hair like this, and then comb it, making twisting movements at the ends of the hair.
  5. When the styling is formed, try to sit still for a couple of minutes while the curls cool down. This will secure them in the correct position.

To speed up blow-drying, you can tilt your head down at the very beginning of the procedure and in this position dry your hair near the root area. Once the selected area is well dried, raise your head and start curling the ends with brushing. Such a basal volume of hair is created especially effectively for short hair.


The method tested for decades does not lose its relevance today. With the help of a pile, you can get the most diverse hairstyles. Moreover, it is often combined with other methods of obtaining volume.

How to do:

  1. Take a thin strand and a comb with frequent teeth.
  2. Move the comb up and down to create the desired bouffant. Work the area only at the roots, do not touch the tips. For additional fixation, sprinkle the finished pile with varnish.
  3. Do the same with the other strands.
  4. To complete the styling, go through the top of the hair with a wide-toothed comb, smoothing out the bouffant. Fix the finished hairstyle with varnish.

If you need to do a voluminous styling on long hair, then it is better to comb only the occipital and side zones in the very top part of the hair.

For short strands, bouffant must be done all over the head to maintain the shape of the haircut.

Important! Do not get carried away in this way of achieving volume too often. Bouffant injures curls.

Salon procedures


Boost-up is a perm designed to get long-term volume at the roots.

The essence of the procedure is to wind part of the hair - the top layer is not touched, curled strands are covered with it on special hairpins in the root area.

The treated area is about 10 mm from the scalp. After the curled area is treated with a special compound that retains curls for a long time - up to 6 months.

So that the procedure does not become a sad experiment, it is worth choosing a qualified master and a high-quality composition. The most sparing are products based on cysteamine. And do not neglect the special care for the hair after curling. Otherwise, the hair will become brittle, begin to fall out and so on.


As in the previous case, this procedure allows you to get a root volume for a long time using a special composition. Most of these products are gentle and cause minimal damage to the hair.

Such a basal biowave is done with the help of a pile, which is processed with a composition, and a plastic cap is put on top for a while. After that, the bouffant is neatly combed, and the hair is voluminous.


Ecovolum (aka Ecovolium, EcoVolume) - this is a root biowave, which consists in the following steps: special stylers in the form of corrugated clips are put on the hair in the root area, a pile is made below so that they do not slip down.

Areas with clamps are treated with the composition and aged for some time. The effect of lush hair lasts up to 4 months.

Radical volume is so in demand that modern stylists have come up with many ways to achieve it. Which one to choose is up to you. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you want the most gentle way, use curlers, but you need the fastest one - a hair dryer or bouffant. Well, if you don’t want to mess with styling every day, then use salon procedures. In this case, make sure that a quality composition is used in the work. And be prepared for the fact that it is not cheap.

Try, draw conclusions and be irresistible, creating a high-quality basal volume for any occasion.

Useful videos

Secrets of basal volume.

How to make voluminous hair.

Long hair For several years now, the “multi-level” haircut has firmly become fashionable. Hairstyle allows you to create volume due to different lengths of hair. As a rule, voluminous styling is easier, because the upper hair is made shorter than the rest. If you use a special styling foam, you can achieve a wonderful near-root volume. After applying the foam in the process of drying the hair, it is necessary to lift the strands at the roots and bring the hair dryer close enough to them, which will help to achieve the maximum effect. But do not overdo it with a hair dryer (do not overdry your hair), because. they subsequently become brittle and split.

Highlighting and coloringAn amazing fact: hair of different shades can create a visual volume for your long hair. hair, while monochromatic hair, even with thick hair, looks less voluminous. Use no more than 4 shades, and of course, before doing this, consult with a master colorist.

A bouffant is not good for your hair, but for a special occasion, a bouffant is perfect.

Curlers Winding the top layer of your hair on curlers of different diameters can create not only additional volume, but also a stylish, feminine hairstyle.


  • how to add volume to long hair

Modern women want to always look beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, a considerable proportion of time is given to the hairstyle, because it often completes the image. Most of the fair sex would like to have voluminous hair. But what if they are brittle, do not hold volume well or do not have it at all? It turns out that there are several ways to create a magnificent and such a desired volume in the hair.


Always use special shampoos that create your hair additional volume. As a rule, they include polymers that envelop the hair either in the root zone or along the entire length. Hair thickened in this way becomes thicker, which creates the effect of a more voluminous hairstyle, and styling is easier. Do not worry about the appearance of oily sheen on your curls - modern polymers practically do not create such an effect.

Hair styling products also choose with a volume effect. Apply to slightly damp, clean hair at the root zone. These styling products are quite light in texture, so they do not weigh down the hair. And for the effect of volume to last all day, choose a strong hold level.

If we talk about the styling methods themselves, then when drying your hair, use a hair dryer and a round brush to get a more voluminous result. You can also blow dry your hair by tilting your head down. Large curlers also give a good effect of volume.

The visual effect of more voluminous hair can be created with some haircuts. The master can advise you on a multi-layered haircut, “torn” ends, and a ladder haircut. In any case, a good hairdresser will be able to choose the right option for you.

Some stylists may advise you to special in several shades. Thanks to this method, the effect of mobility and visual is created. If you have dark hair, the hairdresser can use up to five shades of paint, but if you have, then ammonia