How to make leaves from corrugated. Large corrugated paper flowers: an impressive decor for interiors and photo zones. We make a rod, a bud and fasten the leaves

Today I want to show you the idea of ​​using large flowers in interiors, such decorations are also called full-length decorations, meaning that their size matches the height of a person. Of course, it is not necessary to make giant roses, but to decorate a large room, small buds will not look as impressive as giants.

This design can enliven the space above the bed, sofa or ordinary corner. And also it is often made for significant events - for a birthday, St. Valentine's or March 8th.

Let's start getting acquainted with this beauty and figure out how to make several popular types of flowers yourself.

We have long known the idea of ​​​​decorating with volumetric elements, most often shelves perform this function, but sometimes you really want romance and new elements.

More often, a place is allocated in the hall where there is no extra furniture, a composition of buds and leaves is created and guests are invited. After all, you already have a photo zone ready at home. Believe me, elegant guests will appreciate your idea.

But in any decor there is always an idea. For example, using monochrome shades of paper, choose different color depths and textures. And if you want to create a stylish composition, then I advise you to look at and after that decide on the color.

Compositions with buds of different sizes look beautiful. This is how completeness appears in the decoration.

Now let's get down to how we make large paper flowers. I propose to start with such a bright and iridescent composition - a ball that can easily be hung on a dining table in the living room or in the corner of the hall.

I suggest using A4 double-sided paper for the flowers. Also make some buds from velvet colored sheets, this will give more realism.

To form a circle, take a large object, you can use a dessert flat plate.

It is more convenient to bend the petals with scissors, just do not press hard, otherwise you will tear the paper.

And now flowers on a leg are very popular. They are just huge! The leg is formed by a coil of wire, but I know that some craftsmen have adapted to make it from PVC pipes.

A large composition of buds of different types of flowers will be an alternative to clocks or paintings. This is not yet a very popular phenomenon - to decorate the walls with such a bouquet, but it looks just amazingly springy and gentle.

Another example of home decor, when the screen is decorated with roses of the same shade. Here you can take a selfie and just fence yourself off from the outside world and dream.

Any craftswoman makes each type of flower in her own way. For example, peonies can be made very simply using thin corrugated paper, as shown in the master class.

And also make an interior rose that looks beautiful in floor vases.

I gave an example of small sizes, the more you need a flower, the larger number multiply each of these values. The main thing is that there is enough paper)))

The entire strip of paper must be folded with an accordion, attach a template and cut it out. Before cutting, check which part stretches best and lay the template so that the stretching side is horizontal to it.

Important! do not cut the bottom folds!

Expand and admire the resulting garland.

We take a stick or a thick wire. Lubricate the lower edge of our resulting garland with glue and start wrapping the paper around the wire.

As shown in the photo.

The bottom must be properly fixed so that the wire does not fall out of the bud and the petals themselves do not turn around. The edge can also be smeared with glue.

And I also thought that it would be more convenient for many, just print out the finished petal schemes and get creative, so I give three templates of parts of different shapes.

Maybe you will like this kind of petals more.

Or do you want to try using such an ornament.

Of course, it takes a lot of time to create huge compositions, but this will serve as an unusual replacement for boring balloons and posters.

Giant peony made of corrugated or crepe paper on the wall

Peonies, like roses, are popular. I think that this is the king of all colors, because it looks elegant and smells delicious. Craftswomen have different approaches to its creation, but the effect is always beyond praise. I think that not everyone will be able to create such a flower right away, so I picked up a short video that tells in great detail how to roll the simplest peony.

It is really done very quickly, but it looks no worse than that created using other techniques. I invite you to view.

I also liked the idea of ​​the base that is used in this video. because such a flat circle will perfectly attach to the wall even with double-sided tape.

How to make voluminous paper flowers for beginners?

Those who create giant buds go through many paid and free master classes, constantly improving their skills. But not everyone immediately becomes a professional, everyone started somewhere. I want to give you step-by-step master classes, where the photo very clearly describes the progress of work.

For example, the idea to create such a rose. No, it's not difficult, it just takes a lot of material.

We take a roll of paper, you can use design sheets, but for beginners it is better to take a corrugated roll. It is easier to work with it, it takes different forms well, and the color scheme of such paper is very diverse.

Cut out a sheet in the form of a drop, stretch it in width, so the leaf will wrap a little and take a concave shape.

If you want to make an unblown bud, then take fewer parts, a blooming one will need more of them.

From simple colored A4 sheets, make asters. This is one of the easiest flower options. Each petal will need to be folded inside, but if you want to turn them inside out, then use scissors. Passing them along the outer edge.

For this aster, you need to use layers of petals of different diameters. The top one is the smallest. I would remove about 8 mm from each subsequent row.

Here is another master class on creating a flower arrangement - a ball. Depending on the selected diameter of each template, the size of the ball will depend. If you want to use it for assembly halls, for a wedding or a birthday, then feel free to take the diameter of the plate.

I found the idea of ​​making fluffy flowers out of toilet paper interesting. This material is easy to work with because it is soft and easy to cut and roll. Modern toilet paper is now presented in different colors - from white to blue. Can you imagine what composition you can create?

The strip must be folded in half and start making a cut to the middle of the strip. Do not cut to the edge, leave at least two centimeters.

Now start spiraling this blank, periodically gluing the turns so that the flower does not fall apart.

Of course, there are so many ideas for creating these giants that I offer you one more video to watch. I really liked the simplicity and elegance of these crafts.

To make these decorations more like real ones, look for paper with a gradient, when the sheet has a smooth transition from light to dark. The dark one is usually used at the bottom of the petal, because there is a shadow, and the lighter side goes to the tops.

How are large paper flowers used for home decor or photo zone?

Oh, any fashionista dreams of capturing herself next to such a gentle photo zone. Giants are used for photo shoots at weddings, anniversaries and other important events. After all, it is important to create a beautiful background. By the way, for magazines and even clothing collections, this composition is also popular. I think that such paper florists are in brisk demand.

See how one of the online stores revived its stand. Gentle, original and very feminine, isn't it? Maybe you have your own business, then this idea can be adopted to create an image.

And so simply our compositions look in the interior of an ordinary apartment. Very unusual and bright.

An unusual idea of ​​using the origami technique to create giants. See how fabulous it is. The girl seems to be just a fairy or an inch against their background.

When there is not much time, you can create such fantasy flowers in the shape of the sun yourself. Use a regular landscape sheet for small fragments, and Whatman sheets for large ones.

You can make such a decor as follows. Along the length, fold the sheet into an accordion, bandage the middle and unfold each side. We glue the edges of one side with the edge of the other.

Cover the center beautifully with a paper circle.

Paper dandelions won me over. By the way, the top of the inflorescences can also be made using toilet paper, as I described above.

Decor idea for a children's party.

See how you can combine several types of petals. Light and pastel colors are almost all combined with each other. The main thing is to take all the tones of the same saturation so that a single whole is created, and not so that one bright element draws all the attention.

Make an imitation wisteria. It comes in such different shades that you can choose almost any color, but I would prefer pink and lilac tones. They are more natural and natural.

Try to pick up paper of the same tone but different saturation, from dark to lighter.

First we need to make blanks. To make it faster, fold the strip of paper several times.

Cut out a drop.

Wrap the base of the workpiece.

Now bend this tail inward. To keep it better, you can fix it with glue.

Here's what we got. You need at least 20 blanks of each shade.

We string the workpiece on a strong thread at the base, wrapping each subsequent one in the other direction.

Now these petal threads can be tied to the warp you decide to use. If you will have a suspension, as in the photo above, then select the hoop of the desired diameter for the base.

Master class on making a large decoration

Let's take a detailed look at how to make these huge iridescent asters. To create them, you can choose corrugated or crepe paper. The main thing is to correctly determine the shade. The entire roll will go into action.

Let's roll the paper into an accordion.

Paper clips and clips will help you hold all the workpieces in the right position.

Now we give each strip the desired size, remove two centimeters from each subsequent workpiece.

We shape the petals on all rolls.

Now we unfold the rolls and form layers, laying the blanks on top of each other from largest to smallest.

In order not to get confused, you can write its length on each roll.

We turn the accordion and fix it in the middle.

We begin to straighten each layer.

That's how easy it is to make your own decor. The main thing is to be patient and have plenty of material at hand.

Corrugated paper anemones

Anemones are also often used for decoration. They are incredibly beautiful and realistic.

I want to show you another video that gives detailed instructions on how to make them. You don’t have to make decor of incredible sizes right away, start with the usual ones in order to understand the essence of the process and fill your hand, and save on materials, because each small bud can then be reproduced in large sizes.

I really wanted you to get acquainted with this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating and decorating walls and other surfaces. Bookmark this article to quickly find when you need to decorate your room for the holidays.

Making crafts from corrugated paper with your own hands is very fun and exciting. This beautiful and supple material has gained great popularity among needlewomen. In addition, corrugated paper is inexpensive and boasts a huge variety of colors.

We bring to your attention a few simple lessons on creating crafts from corrugated paper. They will help you explore this fascinating process in detail and suggest a lot of new ideas for creativity.

We will need: corrugated paper of different colors, wooden skewers or sticks, glue and scissors.

Step one. Cut the paper into equal strips. We fold each strip into several layers and cut it into thin strips (not completely!), As shown in the photo.

Step two. We wind each strip of the resulting fringe onto a wooden skewer, which we then take out. As a result, we will get curls along the entire length of the paper tape, which we wind around the skewer to make a hyacinth inflorescence. Before that, we dip the tip of the skewer in glue. To make the inflorescence more magnificent, it is better to use two strips with curls.

Step three. We cut thin strips from green corrugated paper. We drip glue on the lower part of the inflorescence and from this place wrap the skewer with a green strip to the end of the stem, where we fix it with glue.

Step four. We cut out two green rectangles of different sizes, and from them - leaves, give them a convex shape. Next, glue the leaves to the stem.

Step five. In the same way we make the rest of the flowers. Inflorescences can be made from two multi-colored stripes. The more colors we use, the more interesting the composition will turn out.

A luxurious bouquet of hyacinths, made by yourself, is ready!

Topiary "Heart" from corrugated paper

We will need:

  • pink corrugated paper
  • trimming pencil
  • pot for a tree
  • cardboard, foam, glue and scissors
  • tree trunk - any suitable size stick
  • elements for decoration

Step one. We cut the pink corrugated paper into identical squares and cut out a big heart from the foam. Next, we make out the heart with the help of a volumetric application using the facing technique. To do this, press the pink square to the blunt tip of the pencil and crush it, as shown in the photo. We got a tube-end.

Step two. We apply glue to the tip of each trimming tube and glue the element on the heart. We continue to attach the formed pieces of paper elements until we cover the entire surface of the heart in this way. We try to place the trimming tubes very close to each other.

Step three. We cut the finished heart with scissors so that it looks even and neat. Pour any filler into a pot for a tree. Next, we cut out a circle from cardboard along the diameter of the container for the topiary with a hole for the barrel, decorate it using the technique of trimming with green corrugated paper and place it in a pot. We also glue the trunk with a green paper strip, fix it in a pot, and glue the other end to the heart.

Step four. We decorate the tree with birds and satin ribbons. We decorate at our discretion and a flower pot. Such a wonderful souvenir can be made with your own hands and presented to relatives or friends on Valentine's Day.

Easter egg stand

We will need: corrugated paper, cardboard for the base, scissors, decorative elements and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. We make the base for the stand from cardboard.
  2. We cut out a fairly wide strip of corrugated paper and glue it on a round cardboard base.
  3. We fill the inside of the stand with pieces of organza, lace or soft wire. We complement our creation with bright elements. You can use paper flowers, beads, pebbles and other decorations. The handmade egg stand is ready.

Corrugated paper pineapple

We will need: green and yellow corrugated paper, a low bottle with a low neck, gold foil, scissors, glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. From green paper we cut out leaves 2 cm wide and 8 cm long, and from yellow - pineapple scales 2-3 cm wide and 9 cm long. Then fold the scales in half and twist them in the fold.
  2. We close the bottle with a cork and wrap the top of the neck with golden foil. Next, we glue leaflets from top to bottom on the neck of the bottle, and scales on the rest of it. We arrange them in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. We make a bottom with leaves and color the pineapple with a felt-tip pen with brown strokes.

Corrugated Paper Butterflies

Such cute butterflies according to the simple scheme attached to us can be made in 15 minutes. For creativity, we need: corrugated paper, threads, scissors, glue and decorative elements.

Operating procedure:

  1. We cut out two pairs of wings of different sizes from multi-colored corrugated paper, put them on top of each other, and then tie them in the center with a thread and spread the wings. If the butterfly is to be used as a pendant, the thread does not need to be cut.
  2. Next, we make the body of a butterfly. To do this, cut out a narrow strip, bend it in half, make an incision, as shown in the diagram, and wrap it around the central part of the butterfly. We twist the antennae from the incised ends.
  3. We glue sparkles or sequins on the wings - and the fluttering beauty butterfly is ready.

More craft ideas

The most popular corrugated paper crafts are flowers. For their manufacture, there are many simple and detailed schemes. Here are just a few of them.

Corrugated paper pom-poms are a great decoration for a holiday or decor for a photo shoot.

Another interesting craft idea from this wonderful material is bright and elegant baskets.

As you can see, corrugated paper is an amazing material from which you can create real masterpieces. Create, experiment, involve your loved ones in creativity - and your life will be filled with new colors.

How to make DIY crepe paper flowers

You always want to decorate the most significant day somehow in a special way. Finished decorations are quite expensive, and if you decorate a large hall with them, it will cost a pretty penny. Today, a fairly large number of ways of needlework. Flowers can be made using quilling, beading, cold porcelain and even wool felting.

I would like to recommend you the most an exquisite Dutch rose shop wherebuy roses Almaty as easy as pie. Because it's so convenient. You can go to the site and use the clear interface of the online store. Choose and order the number of chic flowers you need and a huge selection of bouquets. We are waiting for you!

Further, continuing the topic: all these options are laborious and require certain skills in the technique. Original do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers can be made in just 30 minutes. It always looks fresh and creative, plus easy recycling can be added to this.

In such decorations there are several important advantages that knock them out to the leaders:

  • the minimum amount of cash costs for the necessary materials;
  • flowers can be made so realistic that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from living ones;
  • material can be bought at almost any stationery or needlework store;
  • extraordinary beauty can be obtained without specialized tools and the construction of complex schemes;
  • quick disposal is especially relevant when decorating large halls or rooms;
  • will be a great gift or decor element for any celebration;
  • even a child can make this kind of jewelry.

Even with all the abundance of DIY methods, corrugated paper flowers have been and will be at the peak of popularity. A wonderful way for self-expression and the embodiment of the most daring fantasies.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to the sacrament of flower production, you must first of all supply yourself with all the necessary arsenal in advance. Corrugated paper is best purchased in rolls rather than sheets. The roll has a large enough footage, which is enough for a whole heap of buds, flowers and petals.

Paper is recommended to select more natural shades, unless, of course, as planned, the final work should look natural and natural. For buds, leaves and stems, you should take several colors, in this case, you can play with the shadows. Then the flowers will look more "alive".

For the stem, you need to take a thin pliable wire, a floral sleeve or any other materials.

You will also need thick cardboard for cutting blanks, glue and sharp scissors. Not necessarily, but you can prepare a fishing line or strong silk threads and a breadboard knife.

Work best with good lighting, it can be both natural light and fluorescent incandescent lamps.

If there are small children or animals in the house, it is safer to work on a high table than on the floor.

flower making process

At the initial stage, many needlewomen are faced with the question: how to make flowers from corrugated paper and where, in fact, you need to start. Of course, each craftswoman has already developed her own technology and some little secrets. However, nothing is impossible for those who want to reach the heights of professionalism.

The most complex technologies always come down to the simplest steps:

  1. First, you need to draw the desired patterns on cardboard. For a more realistic flower, you should prepare several templates of different sizes and slightly different shapes.
  2. The more paper petals there are, the better. In this case, we can recall the beautiful rose flower, which consists of a huge variety of petals of various sizes.
  3. After the cardboard blanks are ready, you can start cutting them out of paper.
  4. Once all the petals are prepared, you can start creating the flower itself. To do this, you need to take 5-7 of the smallest petals and tie them tightly at the bottom. Thus, a tight bud is formed. For strength, you can glue the bottom part with glue.
  5. After the bud is ready, you should attach each petal separately with gentle movements, slightly stretching the upper edges. By performing these actions, the petal is given a natural wavy shape.
  6. After all the petals have been collected into a finished flower, it can be safely "planted" on the stem.

The stem, like the flower, should look like a natural one. This can be easily achieved with ordinary wire and green paper. It is necessary to measure the desired piece of wire or floral sleeve and decorate it with prepared corrugated paper, fabric, or even paint with acrylic paints. Then attach the leaves and thorns, if the flower implies their presence. The finished flower "sits down" on the stem with glue. Since the wire and floral sleeve are movable, they can be given absolutely any shape and bend.

How to make realistic peonies.Bystep instruction

Peony is a magical flower that is traditionally a symbol of purity and love. A cute bouquet can be a great gift for a wedding or for the birthday of a beloved friend. Peony flowers in nature are quite large in size. For a bouquet of flowers, you do not need to make a large number of heads, 7 pieces will be enough.

If you want to achieve a shade close to the natural color, you can take snow-white or milky paper and give a few strokes of pink, orange or peach acrylic. You can make delicate peony flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands in just 20-30 minutes.

At the first stage, the rectangles should be carefully cut out according to the template and slightly rounded, thereby giving a natural roundness to the petal.

To make one peony, you need to prepare 10 strips for small petals, 10 strips of wider paper for large petals, and several strips of different sizes of green paper for making leaves. To give a realistic shape to the peony, it is necessary to cut the petals into a slightly oval shape with a small stem, and the leaves are slightly pointed towards the top.

After all the shapes are cut out, with gentle movements, the petals need to be slightly stretched in width and height, until the petal visually approaches the natural one. Next, give the petal a bulge from the outside, thus giving it some volume.

When stretching the petals or leaves, the use of nails must be avoided, otherwise the tenderness and fragility will be spoiled by unwanted lines.

Then the process of "folding" the bud begins. To do this, take a few of the smallest petals and tightly wrap one and the other. When wrapping, make sure that each subsequent layer overlaps the seam of the previous layer.

Thus, gradually, the petals are stacked on top of each other in layers. When the flower has been collected, its base should be fixed with a thread, fishing line or glue. Since a peony is a carelessly disheveled flower, you can safely tear some of the petals of the finished product slightly and then stretch the edges again.

In total, it takes about 25 petals to make one peony. Sepals are made from green paper. It is necessary to prepare about 10 green leaves, after shaping, wrap the finished peony with them.

In order to make the flower more voluminous and lush, at the initial stage, a round candy or a formed foil ball is placed in the core.

It should be remembered that natural flowers in nature do not have perfectly smooth edges and lines, so the less accuracy in the bud, the better.

Master classfor making delicate lilies

The royal lily flower is sensuality combined with majesty. Volumetric flowers made of corrugated paper always attract attention. This is not only a good addition to the main gift, but also a great decor element for any holiday or event.

In the example below, it will be described step by step how a wonderful lily can be made from ordinary corrugated paper.

For work you will need:

  • paper of light lilac, yellow and green shades;
  • watercolor, gouache or acrylic paints;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • wire for the stem, about 30 cm;
  • brush and sharp scissors.

If the paper is in a roll, then it is necessary to cut off a strip from it, 7 centimeters wide. From the resulting segment, cut into small rectangular blanks, which should be given a rounded shape of lily petals. Then, the edges need to be stretched a little with the fingertips, for greater naturalness, and twisted a little with scissors or an ordinary pencil. Make a recess in the middle of the petal, thus giving it a natural roundness.

When the petals are completely ready, the magical process of reincarnation begins. To do this, you need to mix brown and dark lilac colors and draw natural dots at the base of the petal with the resulting tone. For more naturalness, the dots should be thicker at the base and practically disappear towards the middle.

The stem is made of wire. The desired piece of wire is cut off and decorated with a thin strip of green corrugated paper. Before wrapping the wire with paper, it is recommended to stretch it properly. This is done so that all unnecessary stripes and folds disappear.

On any edge of the finished stem we make a pestle and form a stigma with hot glue. For persuasiveness, you should paint over this place with green paint.

The stamens are made from yellow paper. A small even square is cut out of the roll. We cut strips along its entire length, but leave the base intact. Then it is necessary to twist each strip with twisting movements and treat the tip with a drop of hot melt adhesive. After all the work has been done, dip the made stigmas into semolina, paint over with acrylic or chocolate-brown gouache and let dry.

Leaves for lilies have a rather elongated shape. It is necessary to cut long rectangular strips of green crepe paper, slightly stretching and folding them. We glue the stamens to the pistil and add three petals of lilies to the finished structure, placing them slightly above the tips of the anthers.

After that, glue three more petals over the joints of the previous petals and twist the edges of the finished flower again.

The final stage is the "installation" of the finished lily on the stem, the addition of petals and fixing with drops of glue.

Corrugated flowers with candies

Each needlewoman, having reached a certain level, wants to do something extraordinary and memorable. No holiday or solemn event is complete without sweets and flowers. Modern craftswomen decided to combine these two components into one and call this direction suite design.

Corrugated paper flowers with sweets came into fashion not so long ago, but they have already managed to win a fairly large number of the public with their eccentricity and creativity. Today, through your PC, you can get acquainted with photos and videos with a huge number of master classes on making an unusual bouquet. A detailed step-by-step description will help to translate all your bold ideas into reality. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. Only in this case will you get bouquets that are worthy of decorating not only birthdays, but also weddings.

To make a bouquet, you will need chocolates, preferably round and in a wrapper. This will greatly facilitate the task during the formation of the flower bud. Paper can be taken in absolutely any color, here you can give free rein to your fantasies. Squares should be cut out of the corrugation, rounded off and petals formed by pulling and stretching the finished canvas.

The next step is to cut the squares of the baking film. A candy is wrapped around the finished square and a small tail is left at the bottom, which is then wrapped with a beautiful thread or gold-colored ribbon. The finished workpiece is gradually, layer by layer, “wrapped” with petals, immediately giving the shape of a natural flower. It is necessary to try so that the first layers completely cover the candy, but the subsequent ones may already be half-open.

A chic bouquet is carefully formed from ready-made flowers. This is done in different ways. You can “plant” each flower separately on a pre-prepared wire, you can use skewers, a foam ball, a plastic bottle or polyurethane foam.

After the bouquet has been completed, it can be decorated with satin ribbons, various laces, beads, stones or rhinestones. Such an original gift will definitely leave behind indelible pleasant memories.

To create a spectacular bouquet, you can not stop at one type of flower. It can be a wide variety of combinations of daisies, roses, daffodils, poppies, tulips, orchids and so on.

giant flowers

Large do-it-yourself corrugated paper flowers can be made for any occasion. Such decoration will always look festive and unusual. Flowers of a gentle shade can decorate a romantic party or a wedding celebration. Huge, but at the same time fragile, as if made of porcelain, can give the holiday even more atmosphere.

For a children's birthday, products of bright and flashy colors are suitable. They will become indispensable not only in decorating the festive photo zone, but also in photo shoots. Gorgeous growth flowers made of corrugated paper will be able to "greet" guests at the entrance. With such a huge bouquet, you can adequately meet your beloved wife from the hospital or give it to a girlfriend.

Step-by-step process of making a large rose:

  • on thick cardboard, draw a petal pattern in the form of a heart and a droplet;
  • cut out of paper according to the pattern 15 large hearts and 5 petals in the form of droplets;
  • each cut petal should be well stretched up and to the sides, giving it a natural and natural shape;
  • for petals in the form of droplets, it is necessary to beautifully wrap the edges with a pen or pencil;
  • at the petals in the form of a heart, we make wavy bends with a pencil only on the sides;
  • for the stem you will need a piece of ordinary soft wire, which must be decorated with floral tape or green corrugated paper;
  • the formation of a bud should begin with small petals, after gluing them to the stem with a drop of glue;
  • after the base is formed, droplets are glued to it in turn, and then hearts;
  • from a long strip of green paper, a sepal is cut out with small teeth;
  • the finished sepal is fixed around at the base of the bud, fixed with green adhesive tape or a drop of glue.

At this stage, the rose is completely ready. In order to make leaves, oblong molds should be cut out of green corrugated paper. After that, put the edge of the decorated wire in the middle of the finished sheet, after wetting it with glue. Then fold both halves of the sheet so that the wire remains hidden inside the petal, and unfold the remaining edges of the paper back.

At the final stage, the leaves are attached with adhesive tape to the stem and decorated with corrugated paper or a few strokes of acrylic paint.

Giant corrugated paper flowers can magically turn the most ordinary holiday into an enchanting celebration.

Good afternoon, today I'm finally uploading a large selection of master classes on the theme of paper flowers. Here are the most interesting ways to make paper flowers. We will make a variety of flowers - flat and voluminous - from corrugated paper and from thick colored paper. I will show each craft step by step in photos and give the most detailed instructions to each flower made in one way or another. And also ladies stencils- patterns of silhouettes of flowers. All the crafts I have collected are posted in order from simple to complex. First of all, we will take the MOST UNDERSTANDING paper flower folding techniques for study (those that are easy to understand and repeat ourselves) ... and gradually move on to MORE COMPLEX and painstaking instructions (to prefabricated detailed flowers and to the origami technique). I also uploaded a special article on different ways to make a paper rose - here is a link to it

And, for teachers (teachers and educators) I made an article with simple children's crafts FLOWERS that can be made in the classroom at school and kindergarten from paper and other materials:

I specifically decided to so big a selection of paper flowers in one place - so that you can immediately find a suitable flower assembly scheme for THE PAPER THAT YOU HAVE, and for the task that you want to solve with the help of paper flowers birthday party with voluminous flower arrangements, wedding decoration, decoration of postcards or gift bags).

The only thing that I did not include in the body of this article is ROSES FROM PAPER. I found ways to make a voluminous rose so much that I had to put these crafts in a separate article on the same site, it will be called "Paper roses - 20 ways to do it yourself."

But before proceeding to the master classes themselves, I want to make you fall in love with the very idea of ​​paper flowers. I want even random guests of this web page to itch their hands and light up their eyes. And I want to awaken in you delight and a burning desire to make a flower with your own hands. For this magic to arise ... so that your soul also spreads its petals and blooms ...

Let's see what piece of life the flower you made can decorate. Here are examples of how an ordinary table setting can become very beautiful and solemn with lush floral crafts.

Also, large paper flowers made of crepe or corrugated paper are used for decorative purposes. to decorate a celebration- a wedding hall, a children's birthday party, an incendiary party. They are mounted on the wall or on the backs of chairs, tied to window handles.

But such large flowers can be made from A4 paper (office size) or from a roll of corrugated crepe paper.

Photographers and photo studios also use voluminous large paper flowers as exclusive props for staged photos.

And you can also make such a large paper flower simply - as a gift for Mother's Day, or on March 8th. No one has ever given something like this to your mother. Will be remembered for a long time. And you can also take a picture of your mother right away with this flower - she will proudly post this photo on her page in the social network.

Ordinary plastic combs, rims and metal hairpins can also be decorated with voluminous paper flowers. So we'll get smart hair accessories for a wedding or party.

Miniature paper flowers can decorate handmade postcards, and other scrapbooking crafts (like these delicate crepe paper pansies).

Also, a handmade paper flower is the best gift box decoration. And not costly. A fluffy gift ribbon costs much more than a couple of sheets of colored or white office paper - a few scissors swipes and a paper orchid or a delicate pink wild rosehip has blossomed on your packaging.

And the flowers themselves can be great standalone gift. If you arrange your work in the form of a basket, or a decorative panel (as in the photo with poppies made of colored paper).

If you learn how to make paper flowers with your own hands, you can use this talent in many areas of life. It will become simple and easy for you to arrange a hall for any holiday, decorate a home family celebration or beautifully arrange gifts for relatives and friends, or entertain neighbor kids by organizing an interesting craft with a master class.



Flowers made in this way, I decided to call "puffs", because their construction principle is the same as that of puff pastry. Thin layers of floral silhouettes overlap each other. And each layer is given convex volume(or faceted relief), and due to this, the flower looks lush and voluminous.

Here in the photo below we see a step-by-step master class for beginners on creating such a voluminous dahlia flower. It is the dahlia - not to be confused with the aster, the aster has narrower petals and each has a face (a embossed fold like on trousers).

So ... let's look carefully at the photo of the flower craft below. Here the trick is that they are cut from paper layer outlines- each circuit has six petals, and is different from its counterparts only in size. That is, the shape of the stencil is the same - only the size is different.

Before gluing, each cut paper arch silhouette in order to give it a natural form. We start gluing and assembling the paper dahlia from small middle layers to bigger and bigger ones.

Of course, you have a QUESTION:“And how to cut such even-sized petal circles-layers.

ANSWER: Here is the most easy and fast way to make such a flower with the hands of a novice master. It does not require searching for a stencil template, but allows you to get geometrically even petal details for a paper flower without any measuring instruments (compasses and rulers).

  1. We take a sheet of paper and glasses and glasses different radius. Draw them on a sheet of paper.
  2. We cut out the resulting rounds, fold each round in four and in half again (as when cutting a snowflake). And on such a circle folded into a triangle we draw outlines of two petals (like a heart).
  3. We cut this contour with scissors (see photo below) - deepen the cutout in the middle of the heart - unfold and get a petal layer.

Because we have circles of different sizes - then we will get petal layers different in size. We set the relief, put it together, add a yellow stamen-middle (we will talk about stamens a little lower).

Such a delicate flower can be strung on a wire (make a stalk) and give a paper bouquet for Mother's Day to your mother.

ANSWER: An ordinary round stick (pencil or pen, or knitting needle) can serve as a stamp for imprinting a relief on the petals. Here's how you can do it yourself, you can clearly see it in the photo craft of the flower below.

The flower assembly scheme is the same as the previous one (see step-by-step photos).

In the technique of PAPER Puff you can make a variety of voluminous flowers (anemones, poppies, asters, dahlias, roses). Photo evidence below.

You see - the same "puff" method - but completely different flowers are obtained. And all due to the fact that silhouettes of paper petal layers DIFFERENT IN THEIR OUTLINES.

And do not forget that not only the contour (silhouette, petal shape) is important ... but the RELIEF of the petals is also important. It is the correctly set relief that turns flat outlines into living convex layers of the future flower.

For relief we need round sticks of various thicknesses (thin knitting needles, toothpicks, thick round-sided markers, felt-tip pens, spherical perfume caps, or lollipops). Any items that will help set the shape.

So that the relief fits neatly on thick paper- it may need to be slightly moistened before work (sprinkle from a pulverizer or hold on a wet towel). Try it and see how it works out better - dry or wet.

And here's to you ready-made templates paper puff flower. Flower stencils are already several sizes in size. Can right now put a sheet of paper on a luminous screen and trace with a pencil these silhouettes translucent from the screen onto your sheet of paper (this is my favorite way copy the template without any printer - not every home has a printing device).

Also, you can resize any template using a computer mouse.

Look - in the photo below I give you a template silhouette. Silhouette only ONE size. Do you want this silhouette? different sizes- to make a multi-layer paper flower craft.

To change the size of this silhouette, you press with one hand on the keyboard buttonctrl, and while holding this button down, use your other hand to roll the mouse wheel back and forth. And from this action of yours, everything that is drawn on your screen now increases or decreases, depending on where you turn the wheel - away from you or towards you.

Here try it right now- press and twist. See how the stencil image below has resized? In this way you can adjust the template to any size right on the computer screen and circle it with a pencil on a piece of paper placed on the screen of your monitor. This is the fastest way to get the outline of any flower stencil at once in any size we need.

Here are curly templates for future paper flowers - and you can already change the size of the picture yourself. And you yourself can design and create any paper flower with your own hands.

And let's take a closer look at interesting additions to such puff colors.

How to make stamen

in puff paper colors.

Here is an interesting step-by-step lesson below where we see how a stamen for a multilayer paper flower is created in stages.

How to issue

large inflorescence

on one stem.

And I would like to show here one more smart and simple trick, which allows you to do whole inflorescence of flowers on one stem. In nature, such flowers are often found, where many cups of flowers nest in one place and have common central stem.

It is such a flower craft that will now demonstrate a step-by-step master class in the photo below.

  1. We cut out from green thick paper (or cardboard) a shock of stems with a common round base. On this round base we glue double-sided tape.
  2. We twist the tube from the newspaper and wrap it with green paper. We glue the tube-stem to the round base - twisting it around the stem.
  3. We make flowers (from two red layers and one black stamen). We glue each flower on its stalk. We glue wide leaves to the central stem-leg. It turns out a very beautiful stem-bouquet of paper.

How to make a puff flower


But in the photo below we see from what layers the ORCHID paper flower is created with our own hands.

In a glass of water dilute a drop of green paint- we get light green water. We moisten the white details of the orchid with this water, they become white-green (exactly like in nature).

Further while the pale green petals are still wet, we apply lines of purple paint on them - the lines themselves are slightly blurred on wet paper - an uneven, blurry color is obtained (exactly like a real orchid).

The middle part of the orchid upper layer also make it green ... and along the very edge (right along the cut of the paper) we paint it in bright purple. Thus, when we lift this top layer up, the purple edges just stick out with their color upwards, imitating the position and color of the shaggy central orchid petals.

The same principle is used to create various asymmetric flowers-crafts. Let's remember what other flowers do not have circular symmetry in their calyx ... that's right, these are PANIES (photo below).

  1. Lower layer of blue petals (only 2 pieces with a location on the upper side).
  2. After layer of blue petals (also 2 pieces splayed to the sides).
  3. And the third top layer in the form just one white petal.
  4. Then we smear the central part of the flower with yellow, draw the central lines with a pencil. From crumpled paper we make yellow balls of stamens (or from plasticine).

A simple DIY craft that even a child can do. The main thing is to prepare in advance the templates that the child will circle on colored paper.

Volumetric puff flower

from THIN paper.

We do such techniques as “different sizes of layers” and “work on folding the relief on paper petals” only when we use ordinary THICK COLOR PAPER

But if If you are making flower crafts from CREPE, CORRUGATED MINT PAPER, then you can not set the relief there. The very texture of the paper will make it possible to make a fluffy voluminous flower.

Moreover, the corrugated structure of the paper allows you not even to bother with obtaining DIFFERENT-SIZED LAYERS. That is all layers of the flower can be the same size. Here are the master classes on paper flowers below just clearly prove this.

See? All layers of the flower are the same size. We pierce the middle of the layers folded in half with a hole punch (or with a needle and thread, or fasten with a stapler). Unfold the flower and fluff its layers into a fluffy pompom. These are very beautiful large paper flowers.

This is perhaps the easiest and lightning fast way to make a flower with your own hands. It turns out big, lush, rich and expressive.

If we choose napkins of two colors - and apply them with alternating colors, we will get a play of halftones in each layer, and our flower will look like a rose.

You see, in the method below, we make identical silhouettes from napkins of two colors (in shape and size, like twin brothers). Under the bottom we put a piece of cardboard with two holes (like a button ... however, cardboard can be replaced with a button). And we thread the threads into the holes and pierce through all the layers of the napkin. We tie a knot in the middle of the flower - and fluff all the corrugated layers of crafts with our hands.

Think for yourself how you can diversify and complement this air-napkin flower. Can you add more border color- for this, cut out the napkin silhouettes a little bit along the edges with an office marker.

Turn on your imagination ... and let it show off plenty of napkins. No one has a shortage of tea in napkins. And suddenly you will give birth to your own author's flower.

And in the same way, red carnations are made. The same rounds with a serrated edge are also cut out of the napkin - and deep cuts into the petal parts. And then they just overlap each other with a drop of glue in the center ... or instead of glue in the center we pierce them with a stick (but it will be a stalk. A beautiful do-it-yourself flower craft for dad on February 23, or on Victory Day for grandfather.

And exactly according to the same principle as carnations (in the step-by-step lesson above), Lingeri terry daffodils are made. Here they are in nature - lush and voluminous.

Spring paper flowers are a good gift for mom on March 8th. And now you will learn how easy it is to make them with your own hands.

And here's how they can be made from dyed paper napkins. We put a stack of napkins on top of each other - fold it a quarter - in a triangle - cut off the edges with a jagged semicircle. We paint the top napkins in a bright yellow color, and the middle layers of napkins in a light yellow color, leave the bottom layer white.

Now about the material. Daffodils are gorgeous, you might say, but where do you get these paper colors (pale yellow and bright yellow)? Here, I tell you, there are 2 ways at once - 1) dye white paper napkins in 2 shades of yellow ... or 2) get a pale shade of yellow from bright yellow crepe crepe paper.

INSTRUCTION №1. How to dye a white paper napkin.

ANSWER: We paint the napkin in a straightened form - tinted water. We paint in a glass of water and pour it on a straightened napkin. We are waiting for the natural drying of the napkin (about a day).

INSTRUCTION №2. How to make light yellow from bright yellow crepe paper.

ANSWER: We take crepe yellow paper - put it on a wet towel - put a dry white napkin on top. We iron it with an iron - bright crepe paper gives off its moisture to a dry napkin, and together with moisture it partially gives off color. And we get already PALE YELLOW crepe paper. Thus, we can change the shades of crepe corrugated paper.

As you can see, everything is solved - if you turn on your head and think ... and try to experiment. Knowledge often comes by experience (even if this path is a mess). One failed experience can be the source of several ideas at once. I somehow wet the crepe paper, ruined the craft - but I saw that when wetting the crepe paper loses its color. And once I spilled water for washing brushes on a paper napkin - and it turned into a delicate, even color. So out of two jambs - I got 2 color changes for delicate and thin paper textures.

Well, it was all just about the FIRST METHOD of making paper flowers with your own hands. I deliberately made this first chapter of our article so detailed and detailed so that you immediately understand a simple and important truth:

Even one single way can have MULTIPLE CONTINUES… numerous options… endless designs. And you yourself can become an author - and create your own paper flower, made all in the same way of “curly layers superimposed on each other ».

And now let's look at the next way to make flowers from colored paper with your own hands.


paper flowers


We have been familiar with this method of creating flowers since childhood. We all made classic flower crafts at school or kindergarten. by February 23 - red carnations from crumpled crepe paper. They twisted a strip of paper around a toothpick, wrapped the twist with a piece of green paper and fluffed the bunch-panicle of the flower.

And it never occurred to us that inside this primitive method there is a recipe for not only a modest carnation.

This method " twisting crepe paper into a roll» can give birth to completely different voluminous and flat flowers. It all depends on how we changed the SHAPE OF THE EDGE OF THE PAPER STRIP. Depending on its pattern, we will get paper flowers that are completely different in design.

Here is photo proof. See?

Different edge gives different flowers- disheveled aster, neat chamomile, chrysanthemums. Even roses can be made in this way (but roses will be discussed in a separate article - in detail and in detail, as befits a queen of flowers).

And not only from soft corrugated (crepe) paper you can make craft flowers using this ROLL technique.

Here you are in the photo below - an example of paper flowers in the same roll-up technique FROM ORDINARY THICK COLOR PAPER (office double-sided colored paper).

Here is a simple job and very simple instructions.

  1. A narrow strip of paper was wound onto a thin rod (or toothpick) (to make the middle of the flower).
  2. And then a winding of a wider tape, already cut along the edge into strips-petals, was added to this rolled middle.
  3. And the petals are folded to the side - like an umbrella-spread.


For example, what if... these petals are not just bent to the sides with a flat spreading chamomile, but slightly twist the tip of each petal inward (as we cover curls in the morning) - and we will get a voluminous lush ASTRA.

And what if ... make a strip for twisting with DIFFERENT WIDTH AREAS. We see the result of this plan in the photo diagram below.

  1. A narrow strip (1 cm wide) for the middle stamen (we wind it into a tight roll on a toothpick).
  2. Next, on this roll we wind an already petal strip (with an edge cut into a fringe) 2 centimeters wide.
  3. And then we wind a petal strip 2.5 cm wide ...
  4. and then a petal strip 3 cm wide.

And thanks to the different widths of the strips, we get a flower-roll in which the height of the petals increases from the center to the edges.

As you can see, in this simple roll technique, you can and should do EXPERIMENTS. Let's continue to encourage our inquisitiveness of the mind and decide on one more dashing idea ...

WHAT IF, cut the fringe not straight, but OBSOLUTE. And what if ... this oblique fringe is not cut along the edge CUT, and along the edge of the BEND (that is, bend the strip in half along the entire length, and cut this fold line obliquely into a fringe, and then twist it in this form.

We see the result in the photo below - an amazing aster with spirally twisting carved perforated petals. A beautiful flower craft looks like a difficult job, but making it with your own hands is simple and fast.

Such shaggy flowers with slanting petals can be used as a shaggy stamen for other flowers.

Here's how, for example, in this master class in the photo below. See?

There, too, a bent strip is cut along the OBLIQUE FRINGE ... and an orange shaggy stamen is formed - needed to decorate the center of the paper aster.

By the way, the paper aster itself from the photo below is made very original in its simplicity.

  1. The base of the aster is puffs (a multi-beam star with cut rays).
  2. Each beam in the puff is bent with a slate ruler into a sharp arrow (as on trousers).
  3. The layers are superimposed on each other - we get a lush flower.

And just the stamen inside this voluminous flower is made using the OBLIQUE FRINGE technique, which we just talked about.

This roll technique can be combine with a regular petal puff (Method # 1 from this article).. Yes - you can - because it occurs in nature. God Himself once came to this idea - and created the flowers of TIGAGE. And we will embody this method of combining a roll and a puff on paper. (See how it is done in the infographic below).

In roll technology the fluffy center of the flower is performed. And in the "Puff" technique»The lower petal part of the marigold flower is made of paper (patterns with five-leaf silhouettes). Photo instructions for assembling the flower below.

And here is the rosehip flower - where the middle stamen is also combined using the roll twist technique and 2 petal layers. By the way, they can also be made in large sheets of A4 format and pasted on the wall - and your living room will be transformed. Buy a pack of red office paper at the stationery and play interior designer. All the neighbors will come running to gasp with delight.

And here is a flower craft where the roll technique is also used to create a fluffy panicle-stamen, and the side petals are simply glued separately to the lower layers of the fluffy panicle-stamen.

It turns out large flowers-sunflowers from crepe paper.

In a similar technique ROLL-BUNCH + INDIVIDUAL PETALS, a do-it-yourself narcissus flower is also made.

But these flowers are WHETHER LILAC, OR SALVIIA - with a long stem of inflorescences, also made in a roll technique.

Yes, yes, this is also a common roll technique, with the only difference being that the strip of paper is not folded into a tube, but wrapped around spiral roll around a long stick.

Here is a master class of this lush paper flower in the photo below.

  1. A wide strip of crepe (corrugated) paper cut into long fringes.
  2. We wrap the fringes on a toothpick(or a knitting needle) - and we get curls along one edge of the tape.
  3. We take a long wooden skewer and wrap our paper tape with curly fringe around it - wrapping begins from the top end of the wooden skewer and spiral down.
  4. Doing under the flower green winding stalk-skewers and glue wide green leaves to this stem.

paper rose flowers

ROLLING method.

In roll technology, you can quickly roll a paper rose. We will have a separate article on paper roses. But I will give two master classes right here - because they affect the roll technique for creating flowers.

Here is the first step by step paper rose tutorial. Thick paper is used here, and in order for the petal parts to have the geometry of broken rose petals, this thick paper strip, in the process of rolling into a roll, is to be KNEWED AND TWISTED around itself.

And don't pay attention to those centimeters… just take the very essence this instruction. Cut off a strip of paper from the draft and try to twist it into a rosette, just bending the strip as God puts it on your soul - the paper itself will tell you where to bend and turn it.

You will find many other options for making a paper rose from different types of paper in the article.

And here's another way roll up the roll of paper so that it looks like a rose. For such a roll, we need a paper strip NOT STRAIGHT FORM, but to make a strip of paper IN THE FORM OF A SPIRAL.

For this it is enough draw a snail on a piece of cardboard(the curve is uneven, no matter which one). This drawn spiral will be the template for our paper flower.

Now this spiral line need to cut and then start twisting the roll NOT FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE SPIRAL ... but vice versa FROM ITS EDGE. And in our hands a paper rose will appear by itself.

My advice, do not take for such crafts - roses polished slippery glossy paper- such an elastic rose will strive to turn around or the circles of the spiral will slip out of the flower bed. It is better to choose rough paper or not very thick cardboard - this way the rose will keep its shape better.

paper flowers

Method number 3

In the POMPON technique.

And here's an even faster way to create a fluffy three-dimensional flower. It is made using the "pompom" technique - from corrugated crepe paper.

This technique is good because it allows you to make large paper flowers very quickly - as crepe paper is sold in large rolls (like wallpaper). And each roll can turn into a large flower for holiday decoration.

The master class in the photo below shows how to make such a lush paper flower with your own hands. We fold a wide (20 cm wide tape) several times to get a layering in many layers. We cut the folded ribbon into a fringe FROM TWO EDGES, leave the middle intact.

We fluff the fringe of the flower in all directions - achieving the shape of a perfect circle. And we decorate the central part of the flower with a lump of black paper - and we get the similarity of a flower with a disheveled poppy.

As you understand, the height of the petals depends on the length of the fringe. And the shape of the petals depends on the shape of the fringe.

Below (paper flower tutorial) we make anemones using exactly the same pom-pom technique. The difference is that we slightly changed the shape of the fringe - it's not even a fringe cut at all, but just a beautiful curly petal edge of the napkin.

As a result, the fluffy flower no longer becomes a poppy - but a delicate anemone made of paper.

And you can completely do not change the shape of the edge- that is, in general, do not incise or fringe it in any way. Leave it flat, as it is with a napkin. Just lightly paint over with a marker.

And in the same pompom technique we make a carnation flower with our own hands. They pinched it with wire, folded it in half - fluffed it up and got a carnation on a wire leg.

It remains to add elements from green paper - receptacle(wrap a toothed roll around the flower bowl), stalk(a long green strip for wrapping the flower stem), leaves (glue long oval to the stem).

And you can also make such a pom-pom flower two-color with a center of a different color (see photo below). To do this, we need paper strips of two colors - one wide (yellow), and the second 2 times narrower (black).

We prepare the strips - first we cut a wide strip into a double-sided fringe (or a patterned edge, also on both sides), then we make patterned edges from two on a narrow strip.

To make a patterned petal edge- you need to fold the strip into an accordion (as fans were made in childhood) and on both sides of this folded fan we make a rounding with scissors.

After unfold the strips and put a narrow black strip in the middle of the wide yellow stripe. We fold them again with an accordion (already two-color).

We tie up the twine or wire. And we turn the sides of the fan in a circle - a flower is formed. If desired, the center of the flower can be decorated with crumpled paper or threaded fringe, glued between the blades of the black center.

And here is a master class, which shows how to make a paper pom-pom flower WITH A FRINGE-STAMEN with your own hands (photo-instruction below).

The principle of creating this flower from paper of two colors is the same as in the previous master class. Only here the middle strip is shredded on both sides into a small fringe. This is another way to make large crepe paper flowers.

Method number 4

paper flowers

Twisted on a ball.

And here is another way to create flowers from crepe paper.

To make such paper flowers, you need wide short strips of crepe paper and balls of different sizes (chupa-chups, balls). We put the ball on the strip and hug the ball from both sides with the strip - we twist the tails-tips of the strip into a tight flagellum. Carefully take out the ball, trying not to crush the inflated petal pattern. We make several of these petals and collect them into a lush flower.

By the same principle, rounded crocus petals are made from corrugated paper (photo below). Here you need a paper strip already longer - it is placed on the ball with one of its halves. The other half is twisted at the top of the ball and goes back behind the back of the ball and lies on top of its first half. It turns out a rounded petal.

If you fold such petals close to each other, you get a cup of a closed crocus flower (as in the photo below). Excellent hand-made flowers for March 8 for mom.

A lot of bouquets can be made from crepe corrugated paper. Including candy bouquets.

Method number 5

FLOWERS from paper

In ORIGAMI technique.

And now we will talk about folding flowers out of paper - without any cutting with scissors. That is about the art of origami.

The first model is flowers with conical petals. That's how handsome they are. Each petal of such a flower is made from a simple square of paper. In simple origami technique.

All the finished petals are glued to each other - and in the center of the gluing we put a beautiful rhinestone-pebble.

These craft flowers are very easy and quick to make yourself - and they look very elegant on a gift box. They can even decorate a Christmas tree.

As soon as you pick up a square of paper and look at the master class below, you will immediately make the same petal. It's very simple - you start doing it and you understand everything along the way. And you are surprised that this is not taught in kindergarten - everything is so simple and accessible to an ordinary person. After the 10th module, when the whole flower scheme has already been absorbed into your subconscious, your hands are already doing everything almost blindly - on the machine.

If you take a roll of plain wallpaper as paper and cut it into large squares, you can get large-sized flowers to decorate a hall or decorate a home celebration.

And also due to the fact that these flowers have the shape of a CONE - it is convenient to collect them in one common large ball. And use it as a pendant. Or as a crown for an ornamental tree (usually used to decorate weddings).

And here is a master class of a large water lily and paper folding technique without cutting.

And here is an interesting way where the petals-modules are made separately, and then each module is not glued, but simply inserted into the grooves of the neighboring module.

These do-it-yourself paper flowers can be a great craft for any occasion. Now you can make paper flowers in different techniques and teach this to children. You can use these ideas to decorate a holiday or to practice in the Handy Hands club. Such flowers are suitable as crafts for the Spring contest at school or kindergarten. Or these flowers can be a gift for the day of March 8 for mom - a bouquet of paper flowers made by yourself.
Lots of simple ideas for children's crafts on the theme of flowers you will find in our other articles:

Good luck with your crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

This paper flower tutorial uses photos from the following sites: http://

The products that will be discussed in this article have unique characteristics. Their excellent appearance is useful for memorable gifts,. Beautiful do-it-yourself crepe paper flowers are not difficult to create without mistakes after studying the instructions below.

Experienced craftsmen hide delicious sweets in tulip petals

Creativity helps to reveal one's own talents and, at the same time, to create products with truly exclusive characteristics. But some methods are characterized by excessive complexity, excessive duration of technological processes. Sometimes the high cost of components scares away.

These and other disadvantages will be eliminated if corrugated paper is used:

  • Its cost is not great. Therefore, you can work without significant restrictions on large-scale projects. Repeated experiments and samples will not be accompanied by high costs.
  • Such materials are offered by many commercial enterprises. They are purchased in classic stores, or on specialized sites, with convenient delivery to the right address. The corresponding catalogs support a wide range of colors and textures.
  • For the correct reproduction of technology, inexpensive adhesives and simple tools will be needed.
  • If you make mistakes, you do not need to create products again. Most algorithms provide for the attachment of individual parts, so the problem is fixed quickly, without loss of time.

How to make DIY crepe paper flowers

In addition to the basic materials, in certain color options, the following products must be prepared:

  • Strong and elastic wire of the desired length. A power frame of the stems is created from it, so it must correspond to the expected loads.
  • To separate the wire into certain segments and bending, you will need wire cutters and pliers.
  • Sharp scissors (large and manicure) are useful for cutting large and small workpieces.
  • medium density create templates.
  • With a simple pencil mark the contours of the structural elements.
  • For their fastening use (type PVA). You should make sure by experience that it does not change color when it hardens.

DIY crepe paper roses: step by step instructions

This table describes a more complex method. It will require all the components listed above.

Photo Sequencing

Petals are drawn on cardboard in the form of "hearts". Several change the value to get 4-5 different patterns.

For accurate cutting of blanks, use scissors of a suitable size.

To simplify the subsequent assembly, the petals are stacked one on top of the other, taking into account the order of fastening on the stem.

Create the optimal shape. To do this, the areas with roundings are slightly pulled to the sides and the middle part is deepened.

Next, you need to prepare the stem and leaves. They can be formed in advance, like petals, or during attachment to the supporting structural elements.

To obtain gentle stiffness, connect two wires with green tape. A small upper section (1-2 cm long) is bent. For this procedure you will need pliers.

Begin the formation by attaching the smallest petal.

Further, larger elements are sequentially fixed. Instead of a ribbon, you can use a thread of a suitable color.

Small leaves are attached to the bottom of the bud.

Large leaves are glued to the stem.

After the assembly of the entire product is completed, the petals and leaves are given the final shape. The rose is then placed vertically in a vase.

Important! This technology of attaching leaves and petals is used to make various flowers from corrugated paper. It is supplemented with special techniques for creating stamens and other plant elements.

The next way is faster. In it, the bud is formed from one blank. First, cut off the tape of the required length (50-60 cm) and height (4-5 cm). One end is folded in. Further, this part, which is denser than the rest of the paper, is bent in the form of a flattened spiral. Corrugated material is fixed in position without glue or other devices. The blank is formed in the form of a bud. The lower part is attached to the stem. Leaves are attached at the bottom.

Features of creating tulips and other flowers

For manufacturing, it is necessary to prepare similar components, tools and materials. You will need paper of different colors, matching the appearance of the tulip petals. It is necessary to purchase three types of wire (with different diameters). It is used to create frame elements with different stiffness and thickness.

The sequence of actions is given in the table:

Photo Technology Description
Petals can be cut into blanks, as in the manufacture of roses. But to simplify the process, such a blank is used. It is created from a strip 5-6 cm high. After folding, a square 4-5 cm wide should be obtained.
All the petals are cut out of it at the same time (8-10 pieces). The lower part of the workpiece is made elongated.
It is rolled up in the form of a cord. The petal itself is stretched over the edges and a depression is formed in the center, as in the first method of making a rose.

The created petals are set aside and the production of stamens begins. They are made from small diameter wire. The upper parts are made of corrugated paper.

Individual elements are attached to the stem with a ribbon or thread.

The leaves are cut according to the pattern. These parts will turn out to be long, so they will need to be reinforced with a wire of medium thickness.

Do-it-yourself corrugated paper is supplemented with pearl beads, fabrics and other decorative items to create beautiful compositions. In the following examples, features of the manufacturing processes of other artificial plants are noted. In lilies, the stamens are large. They are made from thick wire wrapped in white paper. To imitate pollen, the upper curved parts are smeared with an adhesive solution. Next - dipped in semolina. To dry, such blanks are inserted vertically into a piece of plasticine.

Sunflower leaves and petals are cut out, shaped and attached using the techniques discussed.

In chamomile, you will also have to pay enough attention to the core:

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You will need thick yarn.

Such a knot is created from it and fastened with a thin yellow thread.

Having cut off from above, they get the necessary workpiece.

It is attached to a wire.

For a strong connection, use a green tape.

Making flowers from corrugated paper with candies

Delicious treats inside the buds are a nice addition to the wonderful appearance of the products. This technique can be studied using the example of making poppies:

Photo Description of actions

Petals are cut from blanks with or without application.

Poppies have many stamens. Therefore, the preparation of such a product from corrugated paper is useful.

Candy is wrapped in it.

The finished block is installed on a thick wire and secured with a strong green thread.

Candies can be hidden in partially blossomed buds.

What else can be made from corrugated paper?

They form from flowers. Such elements are used to create paintings and original design compositions. The following are the features of DIY corrugated paper:

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For a large product, you will need a sufficient amount of consumables. Rosebuds are created in the right amount using one of the above technologies.

The ball base is created from crumpled paper, which is fastened in the desired shape using a thick, strong thread. You can purchase a ready-made styrofoam ball of suitable size.

A foam cube with a rod is installed in the cache-pot. It is wrapped with corrugated paper tape, which is attached with adhesive in several places.

Roses are fixed on the ball (with PVA glue). It is advisable to pre-create a hole in it for subsequent mounting on the rod.

Corrugated paper is a lightweight material that holds a given shape well. These properties are used to implement various creative plans.

If necessary, a fantastic background with the desired parameters will be created quickly and at no extra cost. The only significant limitation is suitable weather conditions. With a strong wind, during rain, openwork compositions will not withstand destructive external influences. For this reason, they are more often used indoors.

Bright unusual products made of corrugated paper like kids. They joyfully perceive the amazing transformations of the surrounding space.

Other instructions can be used to figure out how to make crepe paper flowers. The advice of experienced craftsmen, the study of current market offers in the relevant product groups will come in handy. But in any case, the following facts and recommendations should be taken into account:

  • The cost of a standard roll of paper is from 60 to 120 rubles. From it you can make several bouquets of flowers. To save more, find direct suppliers.
  • The first experiments are carried out on relatively simple structures. Choose products with large components, the manufacture of which does not require special care. As skills are acquired, they move on to complex compositions.
  • This hobby is not just for adults. The creation of functional and beautiful objects is used for the harmonious development of children. With its help, fine motor skills of the fingers are improved, good taste is formed, and a careful attitude to things is brought up.

Corrugated paper products are unique. They will be used to solve various domestic and commercial problems with minimal time, financial resources and labor resources. The video of the master class of corrugated paper flowers is presented below: