How to make your partner feel good. How to make a guy pleasant, effective recommendations for action

Every man loves to have sex every day or even several times a day. Unfortunately, many women cannot satisfy their men as often as they would like. The transition from laundry and cooking to sex is not as quick for a woman as a man would like.

How to be in this case? Let the man go? This method is not suitable for every woman. Having sex with a partner without desire? This will not suit every man, since in this case the woman will be unnatural, and not every loving man likes this. Then how to be?

We must look for a way out of this situation, and many couples find it. Loving spouses see the solution to the problem in the form of oral gratification or the use of hands, which is practiced more often than other types of caresses. How to bring a man to the highest ecstasy with his hands is the main issue of this article.

But this art must be learned in order to please a man in this way. It only seems that there is nothing complicated here, move and move your hand - and everything will happen by itself.

On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, once or twice such pleasure - and the man will no longer want to do this. Therefore, in order for a partner to want to have pleasure in this way more often than once or twice, it is necessary to learn how to make a man pleasant with his hands.

When was the last time you gave pleasure to a man only with your hands? Some believe it "doesn't count as sex." Others are simply at a loss, claiming they don't know how to do it. Or you might think that a person can do it to himself, so why bother?

The above opinions are far from the truth. In order to deliver real satisfaction to a man, it is necessary to use all available methods and means.

It's never too late to learn

Are your hands sensitive, dexterous and able to give your partner intense pleasure and a powerful orgasm? But you do not have enough skill and skill to completely satisfy your man with this method and leave him with a sense of pleasure achieved?

Today's challenge is to add this skill to your sexual repertoire, and then pay particular attention to the benefits of bringing manual man satisfaction back into your bedroom.

We're going to help you by showing that touching a man goes beyond the one-stroke wonder you could use, and we're going to give you tips to help you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

First, forget everything you think about manual methods of satisfaction. Forget the simple and crazy up and down movement. This norm does not give complete satisfaction to any man.

Touch your man with creativity and curiosity and use your hands to create the widest range of sensations for a man.

Here are some basic tips to help you get started.

Use lubricant

If you think that just moving your hand up and down your man's penis is all you need to know, you're wrong. Lubrication is an absolute must. It prevents cracking of the skin and makes the process more enjoyable.

Lubricants allow your hands to glide over his sensitive skin, avoiding painful friction. The oil reduces friction and increases the pleasant feeling. Only with the help of lubrication can you learn how to make a man feel good with your hands.

Use strong pressure

Many women are afraid of hurting their penis and use light, gentle pressure. Try to use a strong hand, it is the use of your strong hand that can create a tight grip along the entire length of his penis, which will increase the degree of pleasure in a man. Then alternately apply the full range of pressure, from mild to very firm.

The easiest way to get an idea of ​​how much pressure you can use is to wrap your hand around your guy's penis and begin to slowly increase the pressure. Ask him to let you know when he starts to feel uncomfortable. You will probably be surprised at how hard you can squeeze his cock.

Change your hand speed

Play with the rhythm and speed of your hands to create variety. Compare the process of making a man feel good with your hands with music: a steady rhythm with variety and unexpected colors creates more pleasure than a monotonous and monotonous melody.

Don't rush to finish

Take your time to find a rhythm that will bring your man to orgasm. Each man accepts his own rhythm, and you can learn how to quickly bring a man to ecstasy with your hands only by developing your own specific pace.

Bring him to the limit of arousal, and then loosen your grip. Thus, tease him. Create peaks and valleys in his world of pleasure. This will make his orgasm stronger and more memorable.

When you begin to learn how to make a man very pleased with your hand, notice his reaction to certain of your touches and movements of your hands. In this case, you will soon be able to develop your own tactics in which your man will experience maximum satisfaction.

Pay attention to how he reacts to your touch on the head of the penis. How does he feel about the fast and slow movements of your hands? Can you predict when he is on the verge of orgasm? What happens to his breath? Does he make sounds to let you know when he's pleased?

Paying attention to all this information, you will be able to study your man in more detail and give him maximum pleasure.

Use both hands

This may require a little extra dexterity on your part, but if you have two hands, why not use them, right? Only with experience can you learn how to please a man with the help of both hands.

No matter how small or large your man's penis is, use both hands to caress. Every guy wants to believe that he has a large organ, so help him in this opinion.

If both of your hands can't fit on his penis, just put your hands on top of each other when they're in top cock position and place one hand on his testicles, caressing them as they go down.

Gently twist the penis with your hands, while paying attention to his reaction, if it gives him pleasure, then you can take this technique into service and make it more rough. If he does not like this technique, then stop at a softer position.

Don't forget the testicles

The testicles of a man in this matter also play an important role. Without their stimulation, it is impossible to know how to bring a man to ecstasy with his hands. For more fun, place them in the palm of your hand while holding his cock with one hand and play with them a little, then gently drop them.

Repeat this procedure several times, while watching the partner's reaction, if it gives him pleasure, you can do it more often.

When a man approaches orgasm, take his testicles in your hand and pull them back a little, just as you pick grapes from a vine, gently and gently.

As for the penis itself, at this time try to caress it in the place where the head meets the shaft, in such a way as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.

This will give him a lot of pleasure, because, in addition to the glans penis, the ridge (the area where the loose skin connects to the head of the penis) is also an extremely sensitive place.

Focus on the head of the penis

The head of the penis is the best place for a woman to focus her attention. This area is extremely sensitive and full of nerve endings, touching and caressing it can make your boyfriend moan with pleasure.

But it's best to be gentle in this area, as too much pressure can harm your loved one's organ. A good way to gauge if you're doing it right is to understand the signals your partner is giving you.


And so, with a little skill and a lot of passion for the process, using only your hands for pleasure, your man will be able to experience a whole new sensation in his sex life.

Many women find this an exciting and sexy addition as they take control of the process and enjoy their partner in a whole new way.

Too often we forget about our hands as amazing erotic tools. After you gain confidence and learn how to please a guy with your hand, then you can think about how to enjoy yourself with these caresses.

Work together to notice when he's nearing ejaculation and play with the retreat and build up as many times as you can before he wants to reach his climax.

  1. Preparation. Make sure you have warm hands. You can support them under a tap or warm them up on a radiator. And your palms should not be dry: they should slide. Therefore, use a lubricant (or at least saliva).
  2. Soft glide. No, this is not the name of a new razor for women. This is what it is worth starting a session of manual sex. Lightly move your palm up and down on his "joystick" to bring him into a state of tone.
  3. Pianist. Lightly drum with your fingertips on the underside of the penis, moving up and down, like the keys of a piano. So you will wake up his nerve endings and cause a rush of blood - read: excitement.
  4. squeezing. Gently squeeze the base and middle of the penis in a pulsating motion, gently pressing the skin against the lower part of the penis.
  5. Love Conveyor. By this time, your lover is probably already aroused as it should, so you can squeeze his dignity a little more. Use both hands, one after the other: the right hand is already sliding along the penis to the base, and the left is just starting to move down, passing the head. Do not stop, and he will have the feeling that he is being caressed at the same time not by two, but by a dozen hands.
  6. Sausage in dough. The classic version: grasp the penis with all your fingers and move it up and down. And then change the technique: turn your hand. If your thumb was facing the head, now turn your hand so that it is closer to the base. These are completely different feelings.
  7. Bagel. Grasp his penis with a ring, folded from the thumb and forefinger (as if showing: OK!) And move them with the already familiar movement, touching the penis with only these two fingers.
  8. "Janitors". This technique is similar to "Sausage in the dough", but with one amendment. Each time you reach the head, turn your hand so that the thumb is on the other side of the penis: then you run it along the frenulum, then the other four fingers. It’s like your hand is a windshield wiper that brushes raindrops from one side to the other.
  9. Homemade "erection ring". Grasp the base of the penis tightly with two fingers and hold. With the other hand, continue normal stimulation.
  10. Lid. Since the head is the most sensitive part, pay special attention to it. Rotate your hand, sliding over the head, as if unscrewing the cap from a bottle.
  11. Twist and rock and roll. Alternate normal hand movements back and forth and rotational.
  12. Male G-spot. The perineum (the area between the scrotum and anus) is a strong erogenous zone. Rhythmically press this point like a button.
  13. An apple on a plate. Caressing his penis with one hand, gently roll the testicles in the palm of the other. Some guys like it when a partner slightly pulls the skin of the scrotum.
  14. Look wider. Do not fixate only on his intimate parts. The inner thighs, lower abdomen, buttocks are also full of nerve endings. Stroke them, knead them, massage them with your fingertips - this will enhance the sensations.
  15. Knob. Cover your head with your open hand. Stroke the head with your fingers, twist them as if polishing the ball of a doorknob.
  16. From service entrance. If your partner does not mind, then try to caress his anus with the finger of your free hand.
  17. Running in a circle. The nuances of his sensations depend on the position in which you caress a man with your hand. Therefore, try to diversify the positions: either sit in front of him, then come from behind and hug him from behind.
  18. Partner. Take his hand and put it on top of yours. He will be able to feel everything that you do, even so - and this will additionally excite him. Or he can guide you, showing how much power and speed he likes. And vice versa: put his hand on his penis and cover with your palm. Let him show you how he does it himself, and you look and remember.
  19. No language barriers. Good handwork is not complete without at least a drop of oral sex. Squeeze his cock by rolling your tongue over the head, or use your mouth as an extension of your hand and move them in unison.
  20. Without getting tired. To keep your hand from getting tired, use this trick. Perform several movements, keeping the wrist motionless and moving only the fist. Then begin to move your hand, keeping your wrist straight.
  21. Happy end. When you feel that he is close to orgasm, keep the same pace and squeeze the cock with the same force. Don't change anything! And don't quit your job as soon as he starts to cum. Orgasm lasts a few seconds, and in these seconds you don't need to stop. Continue until you see that he has experienced pleasure to the end.

Men, just like women, like to be touched very gently. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to please a man is to give him a massage. If you want him to give you pleasure later, then instead of putting him to sleep, awaken desire in him.

This does not require anything special, just use aromatic and essential oils, ylang-ylang essential oil is especially effective, it has a very strong effect on the sexual desire of men. Therefore, when massaging any part of your man's body and using these oils, make sure that it is completely absorbed.

Try to understand and accept as true that all men remain children in their souls, and at least sometimes let your man feel like a child next to you, to whom everything is possible. Do not forbid him childish pranks, because they are harmless.

You should not constantly demand seriousness from him, this will make the man feel constantly constrained, and if you do not allow him to relax, he will look for other ways or even another woman to do this.

If a man does not require compliments, this does not mean that he does not need them at all. By complimenting your loved one, you thereby demonstrate your attention to him and stimulate his work on himself, he will want to be even better in order to please you even more.

You should not avoid this, thinking that you still won’t be able to say beautifully what you think, simple and even banal compliments are enough to please your loved one - this will help increase his self-esteem and affection for you. If you don’t see each other all day long, this doesn’t mean at all that you should forget about your loved one, and if you don’t have the opportunity to call him, you can send a message saying how much you miss and constantly think about him and even those words that are sometimes hard to say in person.

Even if it’s not quite a woman’s job to bring breakfast to bed, you have no idea what pleasure this unexpected gesture on your part can bring, and you can very well count on a pleasant enough continuation of the whole day for you.

You should not always look for a reason for a kiss or a special setting, let your kisses be unexpected at least sometimes and at the same time it is very important to pretend that this is quite normal. This behavior of yours will say a lot, especially about your attitude towards your man, and from this he will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Usually in many couples it is accepted that the guy and only he is the support and support for his half. This, of course, is correct, because a man is a strong half of your couple, but sometimes and even often they need support and understanding.

And from whom do they expect it? Of course, from you, not from a neighbor. And your task is to provide him with such an opportunity, to listen to him, to support him in difficult times. Let him talk, listen carefully.

While in bed with your loved one, do not be constrained and give vent to feelings, move, try to release more and transfer your energy to your partner, even though you are very modest in life. By doing this, you will show your passion for him, and he will be very impressed with you and, of course, pleased.

Being his girlfriend, don't be afraid to ask what he really wants. And if suddenly this seems surprising or funny to you, then in no case should you show it to him, you risk that he will hide his desires from you and try to fulfill them on the side. Therefore, it will be better if you try to fulfill his desire, then you will definitely not leave him indifferent.

The chest of a man, as well as a woman's, is very sensitive to caresses. A man will be very pleased if you move your hand or kiss his chest, and the more energetically you do this, the more you excite him.

During intercourse, a man wants first of all to please his partner, and feeling that she gets great pleasure, he himself enjoys it. If you remain silent during sex, then you will not be able to demonstrate the pleasure you receive, so do not hesitate to express your feelings through sound, scream, moan, whisper something, the main thing is that your man knows that you feel good with him.

Read more about pleasing men

Over time, romance becomes less pronounced, passion disappears, absorbed by everyday life. Is it possible to somehow revive the relationship, give them a new course, no less expressive than at the beginning of a life together? Of course, if a girl knows how to please her beloved guy.

First of all, it is worth remembering that obsession is not the best way out. If you flicker daily in front of your spouse in erotic underwear, soon this image will become a routine for him. It is advisable to resort to such chips not too often, when the intensity of passion clearly begins to wane.

In an effort to please a guy, a girl can unwittingly behave loosely. It can really make an impact. But if such a situation is repeated constantly, the guy will begin to wonder where does his chosen one get the experience and pressure?

You should not directly express dissatisfaction with the lack of sex, its short duration or inefficiency. This topic is extremely painful for a man. He may suspect that the woman he loves considers him impotent. Such thoughts will not inspire a guy to sexual exploits, but, on the contrary, can cause problems with potency. It is better to talk not about the lack of sex, but about how pleasant the night is in the arms of a loved one.

At the same time, you should not charge the development of relationships only on your partner. It is necessary to think for yourself how to please your husband at night, so that he feels a rush of passion and proves himself in bed like a real alpha male.

By the way, it is not necessary to study a mountain of literature for this. It is enough to know a few simple tricks.

Do you want to drive a man crazy? You will have to master the science of temptation:

Using all the above tips, you need to learn that it is impossible to please your husband using an established scheme, since each man is individual. Someone likes to be a leader in sex, someone prefers the position of a follower. One man loves slow caresses, and the second burns at a frantic pace. Only a loving woman knows exactly what her man wants and can give him fabulous pleasure.


Man, it's wonderful. After all, it becomes so joyful from the smile of a lover. Therefore, we will now talk about how to please your loved one, and also consider some interesting surprises for men.

Let's start with the simplest - with a smile. With it, you give not only positive emotions, but also make you smile back. Don't skimp on this nice little thing.

The second is delicious food. As you know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, always try to cook with love and do not forget to please your loved one with new dishes.

Another way to please your loved one is to wear jewelry given to them. He will be doubly pleased with the fact that you have his gift, which suits you so much.

Be sure to wear the jewelry that your loved one gave, even if it is jewelry, because the man surprised you sincerely and free of charge.

If you did not like his gift, then in no case do not tell him about it, be sure to at least once, but put on a gift.

The third way to please your loved one is to spend time together. Spending time together strengthens the union. It can be a trip to the cinema, to the casino and even to hockey. If you don’t like football, and your man is crazy about him, then be sure to go to the match with your loved one, because he also does with you what he doesn’t really like (for example, shopping).

Be sure to talk to your lover about what he is interested in. To keep the conversation going, read about the topic in advance. Do not forget to say pleasant words to your beloved, because they warm the soul and heart.

The most common gifts:

  • If your boyfriend is a fisherman, then give a fishing rod. He will definitely appreciate your contribution to his hobby.
  • Unusual mug with your joint photo.
  • The book is a great gift. If your man has been dreaming of a book for a long time, then it will certainly please him.
  • A tie is an indispensable element of a male image at a celebration. So a new tie never hurts.
  • A lighter is a great gift for a man who smokes. Although it is also useful for a non-smoker.
  • Nice scarf or warm sweater. With these gifts, you can show your loved one that you care.

You can think of many more ways to please your loved one. Do not be afraid to experiment and surprise a loved one!