How to seduce a colleague on a business trip. Office romance or how to attract the attention of a male colleague. How to get the attention of a male boss

You should always start any office rent with a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat will happen after you part. And if, at the thought of such a future (and parting is inevitable in the vast majority of cases), an unpleasant feeling of disgust or anxiety seizes you, then it is best to refuse such a novel.

After all, women are arranged in such a way that they perceive any breakup, even one that occurred on their initiative, as an occasion for personal revenge and disrespect for you. If you abandoned her, she will consider you an evil and selfish bastard. If she left you, then you are a “rag” and a “weakling” who failed to meet her expectations. In any case, you get an enemy who will take revenge on you, interfering with your career, and if you are not going to work all your life in the position you currently occupy, or your plans do not include moving to another company, then it is better to insure yourself from this initially by finding own hobby on the side.

But this does not mean that you should refuse to invent a way to seduce a female colleague. You can simply decide on it only under the following conditions:

  • she is not your direct competitor in building a career;
  • she gets less than you;
  • you have enough strength to step over any negativity addressed to you with a smile after parting;
  • you decided to quit, and therefore you can afford to have a little fun and fool around at the end. We will not even consider the last point, since everything is clear with it and so.

As for the inner strength, if it is present in you, then any outside observer of the conflict that inevitably arose after your separation will always be on your side. Why? People love smart and strong people, so be smart and strong. She says about you: “This is a nonentity! Scoundrel! Scoundrel! Impotent! ”, And you smile with kind sympathy and say:“ She is a wonderful, kind and sweet woman, and I sincerely regret that nothing worked out for us. And if she considers me such that ... I'm really guilty, since I hurt her. Ta-dammm!!! You have won!!!

But we want to immediately warn you against the mistake that ruined the careers of thousands of men who decided on office romances - never consider a mistress-colleague as your friend so never trust her. After all, any word you say can turn into compromising evidence after parting: your opinion about the employee of the company, your opinion about the boss, your positive feedback about competitors, your assessment of the style of the company. Stay away from these topics in the first place and forever.

Remember, being honest with a colleague, even if she still loves you, is like walking into your boss's office and telling him everything you really think about him. Love will pass, but your words will remain. You need it? No? Then learn to be silent.

Speaking about the difference in salaries, we have to say only one thing - a woman who receives more than you will never agree to consider you the main one in your relationship with her. You will always be on the sidelines, and therefore, if you do not want to be in a similar position, then wait until the moment when you receive more than she.

And now about the affair with your direct competitor. And this article is probably the most interesting! In office wars, all methods are good, and women are well aware of this. Therefore, if you are fighting for one salary, position or project, then you must be prepared for the fact that sooner or later your competitor will decide to sleep with you.

And she will do this in order to:

  • turn you into his friend;
  • make you feel guilty
  • find out from you compromising evidence on you (read above);
  • discredit you - you are good for nothing in bed;
  • or start blackmailing - you took possession of her by force.

An interesting prospect?

But in war it’s really like in war, and therefore we can use office flirting for almost exactly the same purposes:

Having inspired her with the idea that we are in love with her, make the competitor our mistress, and thereby remove her from our path;

If she refuses to have an affair with us, then she will still have a subconscious feeling of guilt that will deprive her of her former determination and pressure; - we can get dirt on her;

But the most important weapon can be (but only if machismo flourishes in your company - the dominance of men over women) that you said with a grin - "what do you want from the woman I blew?".

All this is rather cynical, but without cynicism in our cruel time, alas, nowhere. Therefore, let's leave this information somewhere in a hidden corner of our memory - suddenly it will come in handy, who knows?

Well, now about how to seduce a colleague - a woman. Professionals - pick-up artists conduct office rent according to one single scheme, called "Very Big Love". But before we talk about it, let us clarify: a quick “hookup” during a drunken corporate party has nothing to do with a pickup truck, and almost never ends with anything. And besides, the woman whose insane state you took advantage of, even if she sympathized with you before, will automatically turn from your friend into your secret or overt enemy.

Also, an initiative on her part is not considered a pickup. Here we are dealing either with competitive wars or with an acute desire to get married, which is so strong that a woman is ready to flirt with everyone who falls into her field of vision.

Therefore, the definition of a pickup truck will be as follows: you choose a victim, you seduce her, you turn her into your constant passion. To do this, professionals are eating according to a simple scheme.

1. Without changing your usual behavior, you begin to LOOK AT HER. Pickup artists have been learning this particular look for many years. After all, suddenly feeling it on herself, a woman should look around and see in your eyes: “You are amazing! You are the woman of my dreams! I love you madly with the brightest and greatest love! I'm ready to die for you! But I understand that you will never pay attention to me. But I'm sorry, I'm not able to get rid of this feeling for you! When she notices your gaze, turn away.

2. At first, such a look follows the scheme once every 2 days. When a woman notices him, she will look for him on purpose, because this is the ROMANTICITY that she always dreamed of.

3. As soon as this happens, stand exactly 10-12 days, still demonstrating to her the full strength of your love. During this time, she will have time not only to present you as her sex partner, but also to build your future life to the end - from marriage and the birth of children to death in old age and burial in one grave. Consider that she (MENTALLY, at least) GIVEN TO YOU.

4. The first step is best done outside of work, but not at lunchtime, as you must remember that a woman needs a night in order to accept the changed state of affairs. Walk out of the office with her, and, “Would you like the subway?”, “Yes,” “Me too,” get your chance to just talk. If you've done everything right before, then most likely she will be glad of this opportunity to chat with you in order to GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER. And again, a caveat - a pickup truck is only allowed in relation to unfamiliar women. If you have known the victim for a thousand years, then such eating is equivalent to seducing a close friend. And picking up close friends is somehow not entirely correct, since it’s not good.

5. The next day, she WILL WAIT for you to go out with her - don't disappoint her.

6. Remember that the next 3-4 evenings she will need only one thing from you - the opportunity to communicate in order to GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER.

7. But do not delay, in exactly 3 or 4 days, invite her to a cafe. And if she agrees, it means that you can walk her home, and there ... In order not to translate this article into the “+18” format, we will say this: from parting at her entrance to an invitation “for coffee” is just one step. Have we already written "ta-dam"? Then once again - TAAA-DAMMM !!!

The workplace can be bravely called a minefield, where sexual tension literally reigns. Agree that you will not find yourself forcibly closed anywhere with representatives of the powerful sex for 8-9 hours in a row? Moreover, during this period it is allowed to bravely communicate with each other, but not to flirt in any way, that is, an unpleasant rule applies: “look with your eyes, but do not touch with your hands.”

And this is despite the fact that falling in love in the office is hefty primitive and even reasonable. Countless employees and "well-wishers" will unequivocally call the work romance a taboo and condemn it in various ways.

But it is difficult to prevent a brave, confident and independent woman, tea lust and passion are the most powerful aspects of human nature, which are difficult to fight, and do not want to, sincerely speaking.

Employee Seduction Rules

Imagine the situation: the newest colleague has become the object of your intimate fantasies, the one who appeared in the department not so long ago, but has already gained general attention. Moreover, the idea to seduce a man came precisely to your clear head, in which thoughts are swarming about a potential first date, spontaneous sex or a passionate kiss in a service smoking room.

Of particular poignancy are fresh data from the personnel department, which confirm the complete will of the opponent from marital duties. The situation is complicated by the fact that the young man sees in you an extraordinary colleague, but not a woman who is disposed to a more serious relationship.

No need to despair, primitively skillfully translate into reality the following rules on how to seduce a colleague:

  • Rule #1: Flirt bravely with words. Remember that men are bad at understanding non-verbal messages, only if they are at work, and not at a party or in a cafe. A friendly version of a smile can absolutely be mistaken for a call to sex, and vice versa;
  • Rule number 2: At the slightest sign of interest, start doing energetically. If the object of your dreams shows enthusiasm for your person, start more energetic seduction of the employee, and do it in such a way that it is you who conquers.

After all, it is inherent in a man to associate himself with a hunter, and therefore to deprive him of the pleasure of getting “prey” by his own labor is a real offense. Every advanced part of society is famous for the fact that relationships are not considered serious unless they started with the original "hunting season". According to inexorable statistics, only 3% of couples who made love on the first date later marry and live happily together;

  • Rule #3: No first steps unless you're the same age. Scientists at the California Institute conducted a study according to which a man 1st seduces a female colleague if she is somewhat younger than him. In fact, he becomes her mentor, gradually establishing not only partnerships, but also more romantic relationships. If the woman and the object of her desire are people of the same age, both of them can take the first steps towards rapprochement.

Seduction lessons for a determined and brave girl

So, if you are faced with the task of how to seduce your colleague working on a difficult plan, and nature has managed to reward you with determination and the ability to resist public judgment, then everything is much easier and faster.

So, let's say, you need to find in yourself a mysterious "zest", a riddle or a secret that will attract the opponent's hunting instinct. Let him be exhausted by thoughts about how he attracted a girl like you, and want to explore all the ways of how to seduce a determined and courageous female colleague.

By all means, get rid of the temptation to keep secrets with your employee, and part-time girlfriend. It is absolutely obvious that she is also in love with the man of your desire, or is a freelance journalist for word of mouth. Without significant grounds, a similar PR move will not bring the expected benefits, but, on the contrary, will complicate the situation and even make it irreparable.

Employee seduction - employees strictly provide for the comprehension of his tastes and preferences, hobbies and passions. To start a relationship, try inviting a man to an event that will bring pleasure to both of you. In this case, you should not organize a trip to a restaurant, cinema or theater, because your hint will be very “thick” and unambiguous.

Surprisingly, almost all men are afraid of an open initiative coming from a woman. But if, after a collectively spent evening, there is an unconstrained chance to invite a colleague home for a cup of tea, take advantage of it, and then be guided by the circumstances and mood.

What if there is a horror to take the initiative?

In this case, the rules of how to seduce a male colleague who has taken a liking are made with caution and delicacy. Try as much as possible to unobtrusively find out about his addictions outside of work and, for example, start visiting the same fitness club. Even if nothing “burns out”, then a good figure and acquaintance with new candidates are guaranteed.

Actively take advantage of all the possibilities of social networks. Add a man as a friend on VK or Odnoklassniki, bravely put likes under the photo and comment on them witty. At the same time, it is allowed to try to find out what exactly attracts him in women, what genre of clothing should be chosen, and what he means by the concepts of “well-groomed” and “attractive”. It is absolutely obvious that it is enough to go to the hairdresser and change the length of the skirt.

A rare man is not puzzled by how to quickly seduce a female colleague who is building a successful career. Take note of this and become more successful in terms of work and self-development. Sign up for foreign language courses, get a second education and show interest in modern trends in business, art, social life and so on.

If even after this the genre of communication between you has not changed in any way, and your close communication is reduced only to dancing at a corporate party, you should think about whether you need this man, and whether he is “the one”. No one argues that it makes sense to try all the ways to gain attention, but occasionally it is easy not to spend a lot of precious time for the sake of a “dummy”.

Do not overdo it with temptation methods, tea can have the most negative impact on your career and the atmosphere within the team. If after, say, three months of effort, you are not tracking any correct shifts, take a deep breath and look to a more exciting candidate.

According to statistics, it is inherent in a person to change the field of work activity once every 18 months, therefore, if you did not find your soul mate in one job, bravely move on to the next tier. Successful and safe novels to you!

A modern woman spends most of her time at work. Every day we communicate with colleagues and clients for 8 hours, so there is often a situation when a nice colleague seems to us the most successful candidate for developing relationships. After all, for sure every woman at least once in her life thought about how to seduce a man at work.

Romance with a colleague seems to many to be a very good idea. After all, you have common interests with him, there is always a topic for conversation, you spend a lot of time together and know each other well. No need to look for an excuse to meet or make inquiries about an attractive stranger. But office romances also have a negative side. Not only are they discouraged in many firms, to the point of firing lovable employees, but they themselves are fraught with a lot of embarrassment. Think about what it's like to be together 24/7, about the inevitable gossip of colleagues, about how you would behave at work if you had a fight, about the impact it would have on your career.

But if you are firmly convinced that a colleague is the man of your dreams, then let's act. To seduce a man at work, you do not need to use any special tricks and complex combinations.

How to seduce a man at work

For starters, contact him more often on work issues. Ask for his help, consult, ask for advice. Thank for the expressed ideas and, of course, praise his experience and wisdom in every possible way. Men love praise.

How to seduce a man at work

And there you can already move on to more informal topics - even in correspondence, even in personal communication. After all, if you work together, this is a great excuse to go to lunch together. And at lunch you can already discuss your hobbies, plans for the weekend or something else. And if you're having lunch at your workplace, why not treat the handsome bachelor to something delicious, home-cooked.

Do not miss the opportunity to attend some trainings, business trips or seminars together, offer joint projects to seduce a man at work. These things are very close. And it’s easy to find a reason for such a joint pastime, but you are interested in improving your skills.

How to seduce a man at work video

In modern companies, corporate parties or team buildings are often held. And now is the time to prove yourself. There is a relaxed atmosphere at such events, so you can have fun together, dance, showing him your flexibility and grace. And, of course, for the holidays it is customary, instead of a strict office dress code, to wear more seductive cocktail dresses. So boldly show your beauty and sexuality, but, of course, within the bounds of decency.

Do you still think that a well-bred girl should not take the initiative and wait for the first steps from a man? Unfortunately, the time of brave knights is long gone. Men are tired of being in the first roles, and women's initiative only pleases them. There is nothing wrong with getting the man you want on your own. Can you? Of course, if you take into service the following 8 tips for seducing men.


Play with pronounced sexuality. Highlighted eyes or bright lips will certainly attract the attention of a partner. And the unbuttoned top buttons on the blouse will excite his imagination. Remember that men are afraid of sexual provocations, you will arouse interest in him, but not everyone dares to approach. Therefore, act yourself.

Eye contact

Do not take your eyes off the man you like. "Shoot" them. Play lookouts. Show with your eyes that you do not mind being alone, as if by chance looking at the door of the room and back.

Flirting has not been canceled


Unfortunately, seduction does not require complete sincerity. Something to embellish, flatter, praise you will only be at hand. If the desired object is a busy man, then you will have to use all your strength. To look like the most profitable candidate for him is your goal.

Cats and mice

Be both interested and slightly inaccessible, then let the man come to you, then slightly push him away. A woman who plays a double game inflames the interest of a man more and more, the instinct of a conqueror wakes up in him. This is a game of passion and cold. A man, as a winner and a predator by nature, will not calm down until the representative of the weaker sex surrenders to his mercy.

Watch your body

Impeccable posture, gait "from the hip" and a man at least look at you, and maybe follow you. The ability to control your own body, to dance beautifully will kindle the fire of passion faster than anything else.


Men are subconsciously drawn to those women with whom they feel happier. Smiling coquettes are much more attractive than dull ladies. Just do not overdo it, too fake a smile is not difficult to recognize.

Create embarrassment

Reach for something over his shoulder, squeeze into a crowded elevator with him, and "accidentally" touch. If you hug him, try to let him feel the most piquant parts of your body. Create pleasant awkward situations.

We have a lot of power over men, but we increasingly forget about it. The ability to be a woman is a real talent that any woman can develop in herself if she wishes. Seduction skills are useful both for choosing a partner and for increasing self-esteem. And even a married woman should use techniques for.