How to be the perfect girlfriend. How to get the perfect look

anna base

Surely every girl at least once dreamed of seeing in the mirror a reflection of the ideal version of herself. After all, the admiring glances of men, self-confidence, close and warm relationships with parents, girlfriends and a beloved man are worth striving for the ideal and starting to work on yourself. It remains to find out how to become an ideal girl, and what should she be? It is unreasonable to focus on the accepted standards of beauty, it is important that the desire for perfection does not interfere with preserving your own individuality, because without it the girl will lose her “zest”. Therefore, each female representative has her own “directions of ideality” and you will have to work on yourself in accordance with them.

How to be the perfect girl on the outside

One phrase reads: "No one wants to know what kind of soul you have if you do not have a beautiful appearance." Therefore, every girl must strive for a toned, athletic figure, well-groomed body and face. A number of useful recommendations: how to become an ideal girl in appearance.

Skin care. To love your skin, even if it is not perfect, while constantly caring for and struggling with shortcomings. This will help regular cosmetic masks, visiting a beautician, including vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.

Figure. You should not chase the imposed and impracticable standards of female beauty, which "rushes" from the covers of glossy magazines. You need to accept your body and tirelessly work on it, give up fatty foods and fast food, and exercise regularly.
Hair. Can there be an ideal girl without luxurious hair? The length of the hair is not so important, let it be a bob or bob, the main thing is cleanliness and well-groomed appearance. A visit to a competent hair stylist will allow you to choose the right hairstyle and hair color.
Snow-white smile. Smooth and healthy teeth are a business card of a girl! This will help regular visits to the dental office and daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening.

It is worth remembering that healthy sound sleep is the key to attractiveness and a positive mood. It is important to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, fatigue and irritability will certainly affect the appearance. Proper make-up and your own style of dress will help to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws in appearance and figure.

And, of course, how can you become a perfectly beautiful girl without confidence in this? When a girl considers herself attractive, others think the same way. Complimenting yourself in front of the mirror every morning about your appearance will give you a boost of mood for the whole day.

How to be the perfect girl for your man

It is impossible to build strong mutual relationships without working on yourself. Therefore, if there is a loved one and a desire for a happy relationship, you will have to work hard and understand how to become the perfect girl for your man. To begin with, it does not hurt to carefully study his character: habits, hobbies, principles, desires. In the future, this will help to find common interests and goals. Simple tips will tell you how to become the perfect girl for a guy or a man:

Trust and respect for each other is the foundation of a strong relationship, without them the couple has no future. does not deceive a man, does not make scandals in front of strangers, and in domestic quarrels there is no place for foul language and mutual insults. Even if a man is wrong, a girl striving for perfection will not belittle his dignity and constantly recall these unpleasant moments.
Refusal of commercialism. Men are wary of those who pursue material gain. If a man is serious about a girl, he himself will make every effort so that she does not know the need for anything.
Getting rid of bad habits. It would be strange to see an ideal girl smoking "like a steam locomotive" with a glass of strong drink in her hand. It is unlikely that even one man will like her. Therefore, in order to get closer to the ideal, you will need to eradicate the habit of smoking and abusing alcohol.

Mutual support. It is not in vain that the expression was coined that behind every successful man there is a woman. Women's support and understanding energize men to overcome life's difficulties and obstacles.

How to be the perfect girl for him? Be feminine! This is a quality due to which the guy feels like a man and is ready for exploits for the sake of his beloved. You don’t need to perform masculine duties, solve difficult problems, constantly strive to surpass and take on a leadership position in relationships. This will only push him away and not make him feel needed.

You can not do without respect for hobbies, friends and relatives. Without this, the couple is doomed to constant scandals and misunderstanding. You need to know about the guy’s favorite hobbies and be sure to try to find something interesting for yourself in them. Even if this fails, the study of his hobbies will become a common topic for joint conversations. Friends for men are sacred. Under no circumstances should you criticize friends or the man himself with them. It’s also not worth forbidding them to meet, the man will still do what he needs, and the girl will “lose a few points” in his eyes. Men do not choose relatives, so you have to find a common language with them. And it’s better to keep your opinion about them to yourself and not spoil your relationship with your loved one.

It will help to become an ideal girl in a relationship, she will allow you to change yourself and him for the better and overcome difficulties.

How to be the perfect girl in everything

The desire to be perfect in everything involves not only a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, but also hard hard work on your personal qualities. But in return there will be pleasant changes. An ideal girl in everything will cause pride and admiration among relatives, friends and acquaintances, increase her self-esteem, realizing her uniqueness and significance. This will change the circle of communication, as a developed, interesting and positive person attracts his own kind. There will be new opportunities in your career and in your personal life. Feeling the desire to become the perfect girl in everything, you need to pay attention to the following:

Constant development. At any age, it is useful to learn new things, to discover unknown facets in yourself. These are courses, travel to other countries, professional and personal trainings, reading books, learning languages. What makes a girl's personality interesting and self-sufficient.

upbringing. It is important to learn to restrain yourself in the right situations, not to “lose face”, not to complain about life and not to cry in the presence of strangers. Eradicate arrogance in yourself, learn to value your time and the time of others, such people command respect. Do not scatter on unnecessary gossip and chatter, it is better to do useful things. Work on your speech, everyone is pleased to listen to a person with a competent pronunciation and without junk words.
Thrift. In the progressive 21st century, economic girls are worth their weight in gold, so the ability to maintain home comfort and cook delicious dishes will be appreciated.

Nothing attracts people like. No man can resist a sincere charming smile. The ideal girl is distinguished by the constant manifestation of attention and care for friends and family. Even if someone hesitates to ask her for help, she will show participation and offer herself. And she constantly pleases her loved ones with sincere compliments and gifts, people appreciate such attention.

The firm intention and desire to change yourself and become the perfect girl will help you overcome all obstacles along the way. When working on yourself becomes a habit, it will no longer be hard work, but pleasure. And tips on how to become the perfect girl will help with this:

You need to look good and take care of yourself both on holidays and on everyday days.
To change, to bring variety into habitual life. So, changing your hairstyle or hair color, updating your wardrobe or preparing a new culinary masterpiece will add color to gray everyday life and cheer you up.
You should reconsider your attitude towards your personality. Self-love is the main quality of an ideal girl. Even if there are a lot of claims, you need to gradually and carefully get rid of them, overcome yourself, then self-respect will appear. And a self-respecting girl will not meet a man just for the sake of a relationship and endure a negative attitude towards herself. She deserves a decent man and she knows it.

Let the advice and recommendations will allow you to see yourself from the other side, love and start self-improvement in the near future. Despite the huge number of articles and books on how to become an ideal girl, the main thing is to be yourself, not to focus on shortcomings, but to find and develop your strengths in order to become a self-sufficient person.

February 11, 2014

Hello dear ladies! If at least once in your life you have wondered “how to become an ideal girl in everything”, then my article today is for you. I suggest you discuss the topic of appearance and internal content, about how best to behave with a guy and what to do in order not to lose your real self in an effort to achieve ideality.

Well-designed image

First, let's talk about the appearance. How can one be beautiful if nature has not rewarded with sufficient data? Everything is simple - makeup, the right clothes, the right amount of accessories and delicious perfume.

The Internet allows you to find makeup tutorials for any occasion. Learn to choose the right makeup for the occasion. Just for work it is best to stick to naturalness and naturalness. But for the evening reception, you can choose a brighter option.

Do not hang yourself with chains and bracelets like a crow. Remember the golden rule of three accessories - less is better than more. And remember that they all need to be combined with each other. A hot pink clutch is clearly not suitable for a blue evening dress and classic pumps.

Study your body. After all, there are several types of female figures: an apple, a column, an hourglass, and so on. For each type, certain clothes are suitable, which emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. For example, women with broad shoulders should not wear a heavy top, which will visually make the shoulders look even larger.

In determining the clothing models that are right for me, the book “ What to wear with", highly recommend.

They are greeted by clothes ...

To be outwardly attractive, of course, is good. But besides the wrapper, you should also have a delicious filling. You must be filled internally, so as not to be an empty-headed doll, which is just nice to look at, but it’s better not to talk.

First, decide on your temperament. Each has its own characteristics and strengths. Read the article "" and you will understand how you can use your features to your advantage.

Watch old classic movies. In it you can meet interesting female characters whose behavior will tell you how to behave in a given situation.

The main advice is to be yourself. Acting and trying to be better often scare people away. And honesty, openness and friendliness attract. Be sure to be honest with yourself. This will help you not to get lost on the path of self-improvement.

In love as in war

Who is the ideal girl in a relationship? The one who tries to do everything for a guy? Or one that fulfills all the desires of her man? No. This is a one-way game. In a relationship, both of you should be comfortable and convenient. Of course, conflicts and quarrels happen to everyone.

Here your ability to meet halfway, the ability to hear your partner, and your willingness to solve the problem together are important.

In a couple, the opinion of both is important. Therefore, try not to get hung up on your desires and Wishlist. If you want to make a claim, first think about how you can solve this problem yourself. It is always much easier to blame your partner than to try to change yourself a little.

In addition, it is very important to always remain interesting for your loved one. If you sit in front of the TV in the evening and tense silence hangs in the room, then it's time to change something. To get started, read the article "". After all, if you yourself are bored with yourself, then what can you expect from a man?

Relationships only work if both partners are willing to move forward. When there is no respect and trust, there is no relationship. Everyone should have their own personal space. or work. Mind your own business during this time.

Do not adapt to the person. Ideal does not mean subordinate. Learn to listen carefully, do not shout or insult each other, trust and be honest, then you will have a warm and healthy relationship.


In any case, it is very important not to rush into everything at once. So here, if you started working in one direction, then achieve some success in this direction and then move on to another.

As the famous proverb says: if you chase two hares, you will not catch one. So here. Change gradually. Start with something smaller and move on to bigger changes. No one is pushing you, so take your time. Calmly and confidently take one step after another.

Definitely the ability to improvise will help you. Of course, it is impossible to be ready for everything and always. But in the article "" I tell you how to prepare yourself as much as possible for various conditions and circumstances.

Remember, everyone has their own ideal. Therefore, it will never work out to be perfect for everyone. Do not try to become a different person to please someone, a man, a girlfriend or a mother. You have your own “I”, take care of it, develop it, train it, and then success will definitely await you.

Develop and change first of all for yourself. Read Evgenia Belonoshchenko's book " Born with character". From it you will get a lot of useful information about why people behave the way they do. How you can change yourself and what you should strive for from an early age.

Any changes lead to certain consequences. One of my clients completely changed herself for the sake of her husband. She worked very hard on her appearance, not without the help of doctors, she changed her character and demeanor almost beyond recognition. She became exactly the way her husband wanted to see her. Only after a while he got bored with it, and he found himself another woman.

Love yourself, learn to use your strengths, find your weaknesses and work on them.

Trust your inner voice. Listen to advice, but do what is in your heart. If you have any questions, be sure to contact me for advice. I will consider your situation in detail and together we will find the most suitable solution.

What does the ideal woman look like in your eyes? And the ideal man? What will you definitely never change about yourself?

Love and appreciate yourself.
Have a nice day!

Any girl dreams of being the best for her young man, satisfying all his claims. If you know your chosen one well enough, then becoming more attractive to him is not so difficult. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to become perfect in many aspects.

Ideal figure

Many women's magazines vying with each other say that men love women with a large bust. However, think for yourself what a fragile girl of small stature with breasts of the fourth size looks like. That's right, it's inconsistent. This is where the first piece of advice comes in: be natural, but don't run your figure. Accuracy in nutrition, as well as adequate physical activity (fitness, yoga or just gymnastics at home) - this is the key to a toned and natural figure. And as for the size of the chest, in principle, you shouldn’t complex, there are a lot of men who, on the contrary, love small breasts.

One of the most problematic areas in the female figure are the hips and buttocks. Consider a few effective exercises that will help remove excess fat from the hips and tighten their shape.

  • The half bridge is a simple exercise that perfectly strengthens the buttocks and the back of the legs. Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands along the body. Then lift the pelvis, lifting the lower back, back and shoulders off the floor, until the top of the body forms one line with the legs. Lower yourself to the starting position. Perform the exercise from 20 times.
  • Squats are a great exercise for the hips and buttocks, but it's important to do them right. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, and stretch your arms forward. Slowly squat down, making sure your knees stay behind your toes and your heels off the floor, then just as slowly rise up. Perform the exercise 10-20 times.
  • Lunges will strengthen not only the hips and buttocks, but also the front surface of the legs. Stand straight, hands on your belt, step forward with your right foot and slowly sit down, the knee of your left leg at this time almost touches the floor. Then switch legs. Do the exercise 20 times on each leg

Ideal appearance

How many things do women do with themselves, trying to become more beautiful: this is harmful hair coloring, and painful hair removal, hours in beauty salons and tidy sums for procedures and operations. But, is all this work worth the end result? Many men sincerely consider a girl without makeup to be much more beautiful than with it, they are perplexed if they find out what flaws in their appearance women are struggling with, because from a male point of view this is not a flaw at all.

Therefore, advice: if you want to know how to become the perfect girl for your chosen one, ask him what he likes about your appearance and what he would like to fix. A confidential conversation will open your eyes to many things. However, a number of general rules should still be observed:

  • Monitor the condition of your skin, cleanse, moisturize and nourish it in the morning and evening.
  • Keep your body and hair clean. Not well-groomed girls are not liked by many.
  • Choose clothes that fit and fit well.
  • Know which colors suit you and which don't. And when choosing clothes and makeup, proceed from this.

Ideal character

But appearance and figure are not the most important thing. When it comes to long-term relationships, they often fade into the background, giving way to character and habits. Most men, in response to the question of which girl is ideal in their opinion, will name a lot of personal qualities, as well as habits, among which something in common can be distinguished. So, consider how to become an ideal woman in terms of character.

  • Softness. Whatever a woman says to her chosen one, it is important to do it calmly and correctly. Many men do not allow a woman to swear.
  • Do not criticize a man, they, in principle, perceive criticism very painfully, in addition, if he is bad in something, for example, he does not earn much, then most likely he himself understands this and is working to correct the situation. If you still want to convey to a man that he is wrong about something, pick up good arguments and gently state them to him.
  • Mind. Most men, even though they say they like stupid ones, actually prefer women with intelligence. It is important for them that their life partner can understand them and maintain a dialogue on various topics.
  • Loyalty. Men appreciate when a woman is infinitely faithful to them, not only physically, but also spiritually.
  • Self confidence. Men do not like the female habit of doubting and looking for confirmation of their attractiveness, intelligence and other qualities.
  • Don't gossip. Men don't like being talked about behind their backs.
  • Inspire your man to great deeds. Actually, many men would not mind if their life partner did not work, but devoted her time to providing for their life, self-care and self-development.

And finally. The way a person becomes directly depends on his thoughts about himself, so follow the example of the main character of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” and mentally repeat the phrase at least a couple of times a day: I will become perfect! And then you will certainly achieve your goal!

For a long time I thought about what the ideal girl should be. There were many thoughts on this subject, but I still tried to systematize them somehow. Here is a list of qualities that should have perfect girl in my mind. As necessary, I will decipher in more detail. So,
1. Be beautiful. Beauty is not 90\60\90. These are just your feelings. A person can be comfortable in their 65 kilograms. And it is at this weight that a girl can feel perfect. Here everyone has their own canons and rules. Of course, it is worth remembering that 1. men are not dogs, they don’t throw themselves at bones. and 2. Rubens' women are no longer in fashion. Everything in between is yours. Decide for yourself. The main thing here is personal feelings.
2. Self-confident. Beautiful posture, head held high. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise He will think that you are a pompous pretentious chicken.
3. Be active. Men love active girls, their eyes burn, they do everything quickly and well. So you have problems with the second one, slow down. And then He will say about you "every barrel plug." This happens very often.
4. Show initiative. Diversify your everyday life. Suggest something out of the ordinary. For example, a sudden trip out of town for the weekend.
5. Surprise. Let not everything in life go according to the worked out scenario. Leave room for surprises. Every little thing matters here. A new fridge magnet with a nice inscription, a sticker on the mirror with the imprint of your lips. Imagine, surprise.
6. Inspire. Teach him to appreciate your every gesture, every smile, every gentle look.
7. Support. A man loves to be told that he is the best / favorite / reliable. They are strong, but always need support.
8. Do not advise. Men rarely love and take into account women's advice. This does not mean that he does not love and appreciate you. They just look at life from a different angle.
If a woman is smart (well, I don’t consider the “be smart” rule, everything is clear with this), she will make the man’s decision be her decision. Only now the man himself does not even guess about it. But to bother and climb to him with your opinion is not worth it.
9. Create coziness. The woman is the guardian of the hearth. It creates coziness and comfort. This is order, things laid out, a deliciously cooked dinner and always a neat look. Coming home from work, a man wants to have dinner and enjoy your company. Be prepared for the fact that he may be in a bad mood. Therefore, the nest you created should distract him from all extraneous thoughts.
10. Social. You must know his friends. And accept them for who they are. You must be in the same company and on the same wavelength. Do you know how men like to introduce their girls to their friends? Yes, and pride for you, the very best, is bursting if they see that you are positive towards them.
11. Be yourself. No need for antics, embarrassment, antics. Stay true to yourself in any situation. Be natural.
12. Smile more often and don't grumble. Men do not like girls who constantly have some problems. Take everything easier and your man will decide everything for you. :)

13. Know the measure. Everything I wrote about above is undoubtedly a very necessary quality. But enumerating any of them will only cause a backlash. Do not overdo it!

I haven't been writing much about my life lately, I know. Somehow, everything is in a heap and very incomprehensible. I promise to fix it in the next few days. :)

Every man's dream is to have the perfect woman by his side. A woman to be admired and envied by everyone around. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the ideal, but there are still some common features.

What is the ideal woman like?

First of all, a woman should take care of her appearance. After the wedding, many wives turn into housewives in dressing gowns. Interest in such a woman is gradually fading away. A woman should always look 100%. And most importantly, a man should not see the process of reincarnation. How his beloved does her makeup and hair should remain a mystery.

The ideal woman is gentle, kind. Cursing, vulgar jokes should not fly from the lips of a beautiful lady. Cigarettes and alcohol are generally taboo. It is important that . A man should not feel stupider than his chosen one. Therefore, the ability to hide is very much appreciated by the male sex.

The ideal companion wears stylish, not too revealing clothes. She does not ask men about the past and does not frankly about her ex. Caring for the family, children is another important feature of an ideal woman. She cooks well, takes care of her loved ones and creates home comfort.

How to be perfect in everything

It is unlikely that it will be possible to be the standard of perfection for everyone. The main thing is to be perfect for yourself. You can strive to be like someone else, to conduct experiments on your body. But will your man like it? Perhaps right now you have that very zest for which he loves you.

Women tend to change their image. Sometimes these changes change a woman for the better. But it happens that you hear positive opinions from others, and intuition tells you the opposite. Then it is worth abandoning the new image. First of all, you should feel comfortable in your new look. Think about what you like and move in that direction.

To become perfect, you need to take care of your health. and sports will help to acquire a beautiful body. The ideal woman has beautiful long hair. Healthy shine and density can be acquired through proper balanced nutrition, as well as all kinds of masks.

It is important to take care of the condition of the skin. The face should have an even tone and a healthy glow. The eyes express the inner state. Should not be painted too brightly. Natural beauty with light makeup looks much better than a painted face.

Let there be not so many things in your wardrobe. The main thing is that they are made of good fabric, and of those colors and styles that suit you.

How to be the perfect wife

An ideal wife is not only a beautiful woman, but also a smart companion, a good housewife. To become an ideal wife, you can use some tips:

  • The ideal wife should have her own goal in life, so as not to fade against the background of her husband. All controversial issues in the family should be discussed in order to avoid family quarrels.
  • A woman should be able to listen to her husband and, if necessary, help with advice. Then the spouse will see in his half a good friend and interlocutor.
  • You should not beg for anything from a loved one. He must feel that such a gentle, kind and selfless woman should be protected and pampered.
  • In bed, you need to anticipate his desires so that every time he forgets about everything in the world. Well, if, which will please both spouses.
  • A smart wife forgives a lot, realizing that any man has negative traits. Yielding and supporting her husband, she thereby strengthens the marriage union.
  • Don't give rise to jealousy. A man loves to feel like the best and the only one. So let him feel that way.
  • In a family with children, no less attention should be paid to the spouse. Then the relationship will be strong.
  • Do not annoy your husband with your problems about relationships with girlfriends or work colleagues. Instead, ask about his affairs at work. Compliment him more often. Men love praise like children.
  • Be unpredictable so that a man is not bored around you. Surprise him, keep him in a playful mood.
  • Coming home, a man should feel that they are waiting for him, he is welcome. The smell of delicious food and a beloved woman with kisses on the doorstep will create a favorable environment for realizing all the charm of a home.

How to be the perfect girl

To become perfect for her boyfriend, a girl should remember a few simple rules:

  1. Emphasize your strengths and get rid of your weaknesses.
  2. Be confident and cheerful, charge those around you with positive energy.
  3. Speak expressively, be able to listen to others and respect their opinions.
  4. Take care of your appearance and wardrobe. Be more feminine.
  5. Do not abuse cosmetics and harsh perfumes. Choose gentle, light scents.
  6. Do not stand still, have a goal and strive for it.
  7. More walks in the fresh air, so that the skin acquires a healthy natural color.
  8. Be individual, not imitate others.
  9. Strive to walk lightly without hunching over. Look straight ahead, not down.
  10. Read books to be an interesting conversationalist.
  11. Learn to cook well.
  12. Hair should always be clean so that the guy has a desire to touch him.
  13. Don't scream or throw tantrums. The girl must be balanced.
  14. Do not build yourself into an abstruse person by quoting celebrities. Be individual.
  15. Don't talk too much about yourself. Let the guy ask questions.
  16. Try to be punctual.
  17. Appreciate your friends and don't gossip about them.
  18. Do not refuse to help people who need it.
  19. be smart