Which mink is better Scandinavian or Canadian, how to choose the right fur? How to choose a high-quality and beautiful mink coat

How to choose a mink coat? Interested in women who plan to make a long-awaited new thing. In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish mink fur from a fake, what defects you should look for in a fur coat when buying, give instructions, tips, recommendations, and show a video.

In the western parts of Russia, a mink coat is a sign of wealth and exquisite taste, in the northern territories of the country it is an indispensable element in the wardrobe for harsh and hot winters. However, in any case, a mink coat is a stylish, fashionable and practical trend for all times, for every taste.

H orc coat : what is the price?

The first thing men are guided by when buying a fur coat for their ladies is the price. A woman, on the other hand, is a more sensitive nature, and the main selection criterion is the external characteristics of the model. However, in either case, it is extremely important to understand that a high-quality natural mink coat cannot be at the price of an inexpensive fox vest. You can see the prices for fur coats in Ukraine in more detail.

How the cost of a mink coat is formed:

  • Purchasing price of fur skins. Sewing a fur coat begins with the purchase of blanks for the model. The main fundamental segment, which forms the price of an already finished product, is the cost of skins at a fur auction. The most popular sites for the purchase of high quality fur skins are Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs, North American Fur Auctions, Finnish Fur Sales, which are located in Canada, America and Finland. It is from here that a fur product begins its journey - a mink coat, which will then fall into your wardrobe;
  • Fur quality. The price at which the manufacturer will purchase fur products depends on this parameter. The quality of the fur is indicated by markings or labels. Each auction has its own suppliers of fur skins (fur farms), and the manufacturer, most often, has its own specific label evaluation parameters. So, for example, KOPENHAGEN FUR furs are marked as follows:

— Kopenhagen Ivory;

— Copenhagen Platinum;

— Copenhagen Burgundy.

The manufacturer Finnish Fur Sales is labeled as SAGA FURS, which in turn consists of three subcategories:

Graphite mink coat

The skins of Scandinavian and Canadian fur farms are the most expensive and most frequently bought around the world by those fur manufacturers who value quality and do not risk their reputation;

  • Fur consumption. It is natural to assume that a long mink fur coat to the floor will be much more expensive than, say, a short fur coat to the waist. The consumption of skins is greater, and, therefore, the price of the finished product is greater;
  • Color . The price estimate differs depending on the color of the fur. So, there are three main categories of color distribution that allow you to visually set the real price of a fur product:

- brown, light amber - the cheapest skin, which is purchased for mink coats of the middle price category;

- scanblack or high-priced black Scandinavian mink;

- white mink - Blackglama, a prestigious exclusive fur, which is often even more expensive than sable;

  1. transverse- the most inexpensive option, where the skins are sewn one near the other, there is very little waste from this type of sewing, the technology does not need to use innovative sewing technologies, and therefore this option is used most often;
  2. diagonal. Medium and high price category, which is used in the tailoring of luxury-class models of mink coats. In this case, a transverse diagonal line is used for sewing, which originates from the back;
  3. curly variant. It is used extremely rarely, since it will require a large consumption of material. Figured dissolution of skins is considered the most expensive option, which is used for tailoring VIP and Premium models.

All these points should be considered when choosing and buying a mink coat. Often unscrupulous manufacturers use the method of coloring the skins in a darker saturated black color, passing off the model as expensive furs.

Important! To determine the true color of the skin, you need to look at the core and the fur itself. If the fur is dyed, then when blown on the wool, a white stripe of skin will be visible, if it is natural, the mezra will be slightly lighter than the color of the fur itself. At the same time, from the inside, the mezra, as a rule, is also painted.

How many seasons can you wear?

And now let's talk about how to choose a mink coat with high performance. Natural fur has always been highly valued due to its durability, mink is no exception. So, most fur products in the north are sewn from this fur. The average service life, subject to the rules for care, is 10-15 years. But, as practice shows, the stylish fur coats of our grandmothers still have an amazing shine, they look excellent.

The only thing is a slightly old-fashioned appearance of the model. But there are no problems with this either: many fashionistas who inherited a natural mink coat prefer to redraw the product, making it stylish, fashionable and still practical to wear. In this case, the operational period is extended by another 10-15 years.

Interesting! Even if the mink fur has faded over time, lost its luster, it can be easily restored with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add water and clean the product with a sponge soaked in the mixture.

Features in operation

Since the price of fur products is quite high, before buying such an element of the wardrobe, I would like to clarify the performance of the fur. What kind of mink is in a sock, how many seasons can it last, and what do these parameters depend on?

Mink, of course, is not the most wear-resistant fur in nature. But, if you know how to choose a mink coat correctly, then when buying, you will pay attention to the type of tailoring and the quality of the fur itself. So, finished products can last from 18 seasons or more. The main thing is to follow the rules of operation:

  • dry after getting wet;
  • take care of the flesh;
  • protect from moths in the summer, do not wrap in plastic bags for storage;
  • comb the fur of a mink coat with a gentle brush;
  • clean from dust and dirt;
  • carry out regular professional cleaning.

According to fur experts, if such rules are observed, the fur of natural high-quality mink will last more than 15-18 seasons.

Is it warm in a mink coat? How cold can it stand?

As for the thermal insulation properties, here the mink is also considered the best option between the most expensive furs from, and less practical products from and. The fur perfectly retains heat, and the happy owner of a mink fur product will not be cold even at -20 degrees. If there are more frosts, then it is enough just to put a warm sweater under the mink coat, and it will be warm as before.

How to properly store a mink coat?

A mink coat will last a long time only if it is not properly looked after. Of course, if you wear it in the rain and then hang it in a wardrobe, then more than 2-3 seasons of fur is not enough. However, if you follow the fur villi and, as necessary, remove dirt, smooth the fur as it grows, you can enjoy the perfect shine for at least 10-15 seasons.

Since fur is not worn in some regions all year round, you need to know how to properly store a mink coat the period of time when it is warm outside. Rules for storing mink fur products:

  • before you put the fur coat for safety in the wardrobe, you need to hand it over to dry cleaning. Remains of human epithelium, sweat, hairs - all this is very attractive to bacteria, moths and mold. Therefore, before putting the product for long-term storage, it is worth cleaning the fur from all possible organic accumulations;
  • you can not clog a mink coat in a plastic bag so that the moth does not eat it. It is better to place the fur coat in a special cover with a breathable membrane base and periodically air it on the balcony, dry it;
  • after wearing from the street, always dry the fur coat in a ventilated place, comb it with a special brush in the direction of the growth of the villi, and only then hang it in a wardrobe;
  • a fur coat should always hang only on a coat hanger. Otherwise, the product will lose its shape, become outwardly unattractive and worn out.

Important! You should not put products with a strong chemical odor from moths in a fur coat. The fur will absorb the aroma and will weather for a very long time. It is better to use natural soap with lavender, wormwood and walnut oils.

At what temperature to wear a mink fur coat?

Damp rainy weather is not the best option for wearing a mink fur product. The fur of any fur-bearing animal loves frost, only in this way it becomes lush, even and shines in the rare rays of the sun. The best weather conditions for wearing a mink are frost from -2 to -15. In such conditions, the fur shines beautifully, shimmers and looks luxurious.

But, if the mink coat has already fallen under wet snow, then you should not worry. You can simply dry the product in a ventilated place, comb it with a brush. You can pre-treat with a special moisture-protective spray and dry. Then even wet snow is not a problem for the perfect look of your luxurious mink coat.

Secrets of the right purchase

To know how to choose a mink coat, it is necessary not only to pay attention to a well-known brand, but also to realistically assess the quality of the fur, its density, and many other subtleties. In particular, it is also important to know how to identify a mink from a cheap fake.

Selection secrets:

  • natural fur of good quality, when moving against the growth of the villi, will return to its original place in its original shape. Inexpensive low-quality fur lies with tangled villi, you need to level and comb again;
  • pile growth is the same on any side, in any place of tailoring;
  • uneven hairs are not visible at the seam, the coat is even and neat;
  • inside all the stitches are even, without protruding threads, irregularities and remnants of matter;
  • if the manufacturer offers a non-tinted black mink, then the flesh will be a dark gray shade, but not saturated black, nature does not have this;
  • a very dense coarse mezra speaks of poor dressing of skins, and, therefore, the quality of the fur coat is low.

Interesting fact! A conscientious manufacturer leaves the hem of a mink coat unattached. This is necessary to inspect the quality of the fur when buying. Thus, it is possible to view both the color of the mezra and its thickness.

Natural fur or fake: how to distinguish a mink?

What should be the fur of a mink? The most frequent questions of those who make such a purchase for the first time. First of all, you should understand that the risk of buying a fake on the market increases significantly than in a branded store. But, if you don’t want to overpay for a brand, you should pay attention to the following important distinguishing characteristics of natural fur:

  • the natural skin of a downy animal will never be covered with a fabric layer, glued to it;
  • natural pile is more rigid than artificial, but at the same time gentle and smooth. Artificial to the touch like fluff, natural - like hair;
  • villi with a slight pinching do not come off and do not remain on the hands.

Important! Most often, mink fur is faked from cheaper furs of honorik, marmot. Other furs are distinguished by a rarer pile with a large growth of hairs.

Is it possible to buy a mink cheaper, saving on the purchase?

The desire to save money is understandable, but, most often, unreasonable. So, you can buy natural fur, but a less valuable animal, the fur of which will be pre-dyed and trimmed. But, when buying a natural mink fur coat, there are also some nuances.

In particular, it is worth knowing that the most expensive fur, which is used most often in tailoring expensive branded models, is black mink. Apart from the exclusive white mink fur, such fur is also often imitated by an unscrupulous manufacturer.

The most likely options for how to save money by buying a natural mink coat:

The taste and color ... How to choose a mink coat?

Of course, tastes differ. What is chic for one girl is bad taste for another. Therefore, when choosing an expensive mink fur coat, you should pay attention to the following points.


A mink coat can be presented in, which, when choosing, is largely determined by its configuration. So, thin, tall girls can choose short fur coats and waistcoats with a fitted cut, with a belt, and wide sleeves.

Women with beautiful and magnificent breasts should understand that fur in an unnecessary place will only add to the external image of bulkiness and massiveness. Therefore, it is worth choosing dark furs with a pattern at the waist, with a belt. The length of the model should not be above the knee. You can also play with combinations of fur: the ideal option is mink in the base and sable on the collar.


It is largely determined by financial capabilities. If it is possible to buy a fairly expensive Scandinavian black mink, then, of course, such fur will suit absolutely everyone.

As for the more optimal options in the price range, it is important to take into account such a moment as the play of color and lighting. Blondes will suit both light brown and dark uneven mink coats. For brunettes, it is better to choose a mink of a dark shade, which will contrast with the delicate white skin of the face, shade dark curls.

Is it better with a belt or without?

Before choosing a mink coat, you need to decide whether you need such an element as a belt. The fur coat can have both leather and fabric and fur belts. Combined models with a leather insert at the waist or sides, with a leather belt are popular. This model visually removes the extra 10 kilograms.

However, a one-piece fur coat with a belt looks great on any type of figure. The only point worth paying attention to is the quality of the mezdra. In this case, thin skin looks better, and the fur shimmers with every step.

With or without a hood?

Suitable for those who do not like to choose hats, wear a scarf under a fur coat. Without a collar, you can buy for those girls who like to play with accessories, combine several stylistic trends.

From male or female?

The gender of the animal also affects the cost of the finished product. So, the skin of the male is more valuable, because it is a decent 20 cm more. This allows you to use fewer patterns, respectively, and there are also fewer seams. As a rule, a male mink coat is 20% more expensive than a female mink coat, but this difference is quite justified.

In dissolution, plates or solid?

There is no one-piece fur coat, since all skins have their own length and width. The most inexpensive pattern of vertical transverse skins, the most expensive -. However, such parameters do not affect the quality and duration of wear.

Cross cut or longitudinal?

A mink coat with a longitudinal cut involves sewing the skins vertically, - horizontally. Such a factor does not affect the quality of the finished product, and in most cases it is determined by the type of model: for vests and short fur coats, the transverse sewing option is often used, for long fur coats - longitudinal.

Which fur is better: Canadian or Scandinavian?

When buying a mink fur product, the seller often asks the question, from which fur is a fur coat preferable - or? Quality is influenced not by the type of mink, but by its label. According to external signs, the Scandinavian is more fluffy, thick and shaggy, while the Canadian, on the contrary, is short, like a plush. The choice depends on individual preferences.

What could be better than a beautiful woman in expensive fur? A mink coat is the dream of every woman. Wrapped in warm shiny fur, every woman can feel like a queen. There are different styles of fur coats. If the choice of color and model depends on the taste of the owner, then the quality of the fur itself is the main criterion.

Consider in detail the criteria for the quality of a fur coat:

1. A very important indicator is the condition of the fur itself. It is necessary to independently learn how to determine the quality of mink skins. To do this, you first need to visit several fur stores and carefully listen to the advice of consultants.

Experienced specialists will gladly reveal a few secrets to you, and contemplation of your reflection in the mirror will cheer you up. Ask the price, consider a fur coat, because such a thing cannot be bought quickly and thoughtlessly. Trying on different models of fur coats, you can decide on the choice of a suitable style. Such events will allow a woman to learn how to measure the price and quality of a fur coat. In the process of trying on, you can feel the fur, its tenderness at the level of tactile sensations.

2. Run your hand over the fur. The fur should be thick and with a good sheen. Usually there is a good layer of undercoat underneath the long villi. Examine the fur coat from all sides and even under the sleeves. Sometimes manufacturers in hard-to-reach places use skins of not very good quality.

3. One of the main procedures when buying a mink coat is to determine the quality of the fur from a fake. To do this, you need to hold your hand in the opposite direction of hair growth. If after such a procedure all the hairs return to the opposite position, then the fur can be considered good. The villi should not stick out in different directions, but should form a uniform wavy surface.

4. Mezdra is the skin itself under the villi of the fur. Look at the fur, although it's not so easy to get through the thick layer of fur. Blow on the fur itself and check the color of the fur. High-quality mink skins are distinguished by light and good flesh. But those products that have lain for a long time may have a dark color of the mezdra. Sometimes a change in color indicates that the fur has been dyed or tinted.

5. Pay attention to the seams, especially in hard-to-reach places. The joints and junctions of the skins should not be translucent or somehow stand out on the front side of the fur coat. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers cover poorly made seams with a hood.

6. The age of the product itself is also an important indicator. The fur coat that was made a long time ago or has lain for a long time will be different from the new one. Shake your coat well. If hairs fly in different directions, then the product is a little outdated.

7. The lining of the fur coat must exactly match the patterns of the product itself. a good coat should not have a lining peeking out. The fabric itself should be calm in color and not distract attention from the fur.

8. In very good fur coats it is possible to see the inside of the skins. To do this, the lining is not sewn to the bottom of the fur coat. The quality of the pulp is specially demonstrated to the buyer.

9. Some fur coats are specially dyed in all sorts of colors. Check the quality of the stain. Take a white handkerchief and rub a little on the fur itself. A good coloring will not leave marks on a white surface.

10. All hairs in the fur should be the same length. Some cut the length of the villi on purpose to hide flaws.

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And it costs a lot of money, so the purchase must be treated with special care. After all, a thing will last more than a dozen years, and it is very disappointing when a fake is purchased for a high cost. To avoid this, let's figure out how to choose natural fur.

Where to buy a mink coat?

Perhaps the main question. It is better to purchase the product in specialized stores. There you will receive a warranty card, care instructions and a certificate of quality.

If the purchase is made via the Internet, the situation is much more complicated, because the fur coat cannot be touched, examined and, most importantly, tried on. It remains to rely on the integrity of the selected seller.

Where is the least likely to buy a fake?

Of course, even in the store you can buy low-quality goods, but still less likely than on the market counter. A mink coat is worth buying:

  1. In large chain stores. The seller will value his reputation, so he will not allow the sale of fakes.
  2. Factory stores. The manufacturer will not neglect the trust of customers, moreover, the products will have reasonable prices.
  3. Outside the country. Fur products purchased in Europe, China and Latin America are famous for their high quality.

The seller will provide a guarantee and So, we have decided on the place of purchase. Let's start discussing the main question: how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

The first sign of a fake

Low cost. Quality fur will not be cheap. An exception may be low-paid manual labor, but this is unlikely. But for poor quality and tailoring, the product can be discounted. Therefore, if you do not want to freeze in severe frosts and shed tears, watching how the fur coat goes apart at the seams, you will have to pay a considerable amount to buy a quality product. And yet, how to distinguish a fake mink coat?

Mink will shimmer and shine. If there is no this effect, and the villi still stick together, it means that the production technologies were not followed. We understand how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake, but first we will consider possible defects:

  • If the fur coat is unevenly colored, has scuffs and burnt spots, this indicates that it was made from old, unusable material.
  • The presence of red spots that cannot be got rid of (they are present on fur coats due to the content of minks in iron cages).
  • Irregular hairs. The picture looks like a sloppy haircut.
  • If the fur resembles parchment to the touch, it means that the fur is dry and will soon crack and spread.

If at least one of these defects is found, do not buy the product. Before proceeding to the question of how to distinguish a real mink coat from a fake, let's talk about ways to check the quality of fur.

How to do it and is it worth it?

Of course, yes, even if you did not find visible defects, this does not mean that they are absent. Unscrupulous manufacturers by any means hide defects by coloring faded spots, coating the hairs with a special varnish to add shine and gloss.

So, to the tips:

  • Raise the hairs with your hand against their growth. The villi should return to their original position without creases and depressions. And on the palms there will be no hairs and fluff.
  • Move the fur. A quality product has a light core. A dark base means that the fur has been dyed or the skins have been stored incorrectly.
  • No seams should be visible. You can determine the quality of the seams that must be made with strong threads in the area of ​​​​the shoulder line and the collar area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product by pulling the joints to the sides.
  • Pierce with a needle from the inside of the product, and pull the hole, if it does not increase, the fur is of high quality.
  • The undercoat should be soft to the touch, not spiky and thick.
  • Go over the fur with a damp piece of cloth. The remaining traces of paint indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • An uneven pile indicates that the fur has been sheared.
  • Smell the fur coat, there should be no smell of an animal and chemical impurities, an unobtrusive scent of a cleaning composition is acceptable.

To begin with, we note that mink coats are sewn from pieces no more than fifteen centimeters in length. They will be light. The fur is silky and soft and will not shimmer blue in the sun. So, we will figure out how to distinguish a natural mink coat from a fake.

Often the seller gives out a rabbit or groundhog for a natural mink. An unprepared buyer will not discern the differences, because the pile has similar characteristics, soft and fluffy. And at the same time, mink fur is thicker, while rabbit fur is sparse, has almost no down, if squeezed between fingers, it becomes intangible.

Difference Between Mink and Marmot

How to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Products have a similar appearance, but to the touch a different texture. The groundhog has hairs of various lengths, this is easily visible when stroking the fur against the growth of wool. The pile of the groundhog will not return to its original position, it will be shaggy. The difference is easy to notice: the painted marmot is characterized by a blue or purple hue.

How to distinguish honorik from mink?

The first was obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink, which is larger in size than its parents, similar to a sable. The first thing that distinguishes them is the color. The honorik has a dark coat color, and the fluff is much lighter, while the mink, as we already know, has the same fur color. And do not forget about the size of the stitched pieces, in mink it is much smaller. This is if the product is not sewn from small shreds. Let's look at the photo, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake.

You should also beware of faux fur, which looks like natural fur. And in this case, how to distinguish a mink coat from a fake? Everything is very simple here, fake fur is sewn onto a fabric base. It is enough to look at the inside of the product. And how to figure out the quality of the mink lining?

It deserves no less attention when buying than the fur itself:

  1. The lining must be of high strength and quality. As a rule, natural silk is involved.
  2. It is the “second skin” of outerwear; the fur does not bulge when moving.
  3. The bottom lining is not sewn to the fur coat itself, which gives access to the wrong side of the skins. The natural fur is white, and the yellowish tint indicates that the fur is old.
  4. The seams are smooth and high quality, well processed and durable.
  5. And the edge is finished in the form of a cord.

So, we found out what you should focus on when buying a mink coat, and now we will take a closer look at tips so as not to buy a fake.

Summing up

How to distinguish a fake from the original mink coat:

  1. The first thing to start with is to feel the product. Remember that the fur should be dry and uniform, pleasant and soft to the touch, you will no longer want to let go of it.
  2. Pull on the hair. They must sit tight.
  3. Mink fur always shines, if not dyed, white villi come across.
  4. The guard hairs should be even and equal in length.
  5. The mink has an undercoat.
  6. High-quality fur does not make any sounds when moving.
  7. Pay attention to tailoring. The fur coat must be sewn with line seams, which are checked from the back of the product. Check for any traces of glue.
  8. Mezdra should be thin and elastic.
  9. A product made of natural mink is light, but not quite.
  10. The bottom lining is never sewn to the fur coat.

And also see the marking, which indicates the full information about the manufacturer and the rules of operation. So, we figured out how to distinguish a fake mink coat. These simple guidelines will help you choose a quality product.

Jokes are told about her. She is the hero of stereotypes about the desires of every woman. They dream about her. Her appearance is condemned, but, in fact, there is no lady who would not admire the beauty of this thing.

We ask you to love and favor: the queen of women's wardrobe, the object of desire and passion is a mink coat! White or black, or maybe with a silver fox collar? How to choose a mink coat among the great variety presented in stores?

Fur coat in your closet

It has long been so customary that a fur coat in the wardrobe is a symbol of prosperity in the house. Not a sheepskin coat, not a stubby down jacket and not an inflated jacket, but a luxurious heavy fur coat. It does not go out of fashion, and if you do not spare money for quality, then you can be sure that the product will not be afraid of rain. And, of course, the fur coat obliges to look accordingly.

Here you can’t get off with a tracksuit from the market, and winter sneakers with such a thing look ridiculous. With the right approach to the formation of your wardrobe, a fur coat will become a unique touch to the overall style, the very notorious diamond cut that creates mood and makes an impression.

Animal rights activists are all over the place against the production of fur coats, and, it is worth noting, their words hurt many of us. But does the industry suffer from this? Recall the famous model Naomi Campbell, who joined the ranks of PETA and posed naked for their advertisement, but a few months later she could not deny herself the pleasure of trying on chinchilla furs at the Fendi show. Of course, the scandal hit the reputation of the top model, but the fact remains - women love furs, and there is no lady in the world who would refuse such a gift. Moreover, the purchase of one fur coat does not pacify the desire to purchase another one. Among the abundance of furs, the mink confidently holds the leader's place.

Why mink?

Which mink coat is better to choose? Sellers, casual acquaintances, friends vying with each other offer their advice. Mink is feminine, stylish and always fashionable. Mink is chic, especially if the product is of high quality. The fur shimmers, shines, lays down to the body. A mink coat will not make a clumsy snowman out of an elegant girl, over time it will not turn into a ball of fur and will not reveal dubious bald spots. These advantages also have a downside: mink is not the warmest fur, and in a harsh winter it can become chilly in such a fur coat. But does this argument outweigh the desire to show off in a shiny new thing?! And heat is a profitable business, because you can always warm the product with woolen batting.

Ideal Model

Each representative of the fair sex knows her strengths and weaknesses. It is very important to learn to hide your own flaws. How to choose the style of a mink coat to present yourself in the most favorable light? First of all, you need to adequately assess your own physical parameters. Are you tall? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are a fragile and petite woman? Pay attention to the width of the shoulders and the length of the legs. Thumbelina girls are not recommended to choose elongated or too curvaceous models. An impressive collar and a hood with a fur trim will not adorn you either. A fur coat should complement you and warm you, not outshine. Do not choose models that are too small, because such a piece of clothing should not fit you.

The eternal trend is trapezoidal models that are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur. This manufacturing method initially implies a more accurate wear and gentle cleaning. By the way, it will not be hot in such clothes, and it fulfills its decorative function completely.

What mink coat to choose in a country with a harsh climate? If in winter you do without your own transport and use public transport, then it is irrational to choose a long fur coat, as it will quickly overwrite and become unpresentable. In such conditions, it is better to prefer a short mink coat with a hood and a warm lining. Such a piece of clothing, by the way, does not always need a belt, but it is distinguished by universal mobility, that is, it is suitable for any style and image. With a classic bag and high-heeled boots, a short fur coat will be feminine, and with tight jeans, a backpack and ugg boots, you can create a dynamic youth ensemble.

Business women who have the opportunity to keep a car and go out in the evening may prefer elongated fur coats with a belt, hood and tapered sleeves. These models perfectly warm, stretch the silhouette and make the figure feminine.

Mech Rating

How to choose a good mink coat? And why is mink considered the most optimal option in this regard? It must be said that in a kind of leaderboard, the mink occupies only the fourth place, skipping ahead of the otter, beaver and sable. This is due to the relatively low wear of the fur. To flaunt in a mink coat every day would be wasteful. If you regularly drive a car, then it is better to give up long products. This is both inconvenient and unreasonable, after all, the mink crumples very quickly. But short models are ideal for a born motorist.

Taste and color

How to choose a mink coat according to the color trends of the season? This is a very important nuance. Naturally, a fur coat must be tried on to determine the combination of the color of the product and your appearance. Light shades refresh, hide age and emphasize natural blush.

But when moving along our roads, you always run the risk of spattering the spectacular mink with drops of dirt and water. In addition, light colors emphasize the figure, so if you are overweight, then do not opt ​​for such a fur coat. Dark models outline your contours more clearly, but just as accurately illuminate the cons, so you should not try on such a product, otherwise you will immediately throw yourself a couple of years.

The right approach

The fur is capricious in nature and over time can acquire a yellowish tint, and this process, unfortunately, is irreversible. Most of all, yellowing is noticeable on light fur.

How to choose a mink coat correctly so as not to get into a mess? When buying, you should especially carefully inspect the product in artificial and daylight. Remember that a new fur coat should not even have a hint of yellowness. And this is noticeable only when comparing light models, since against the background of dark ones the difference will not be so obvious. The snow-white mink is definitely beautiful. Such a model makes you a fragile and beautiful Snow Maiden, but this happiness will not last very long.

Literally in 2-3 seasons, the product will acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint. Which mink coat is better to choose in this case? Perhaps the beige version will suit you, as such fur ages imperceptibly, and it looks more noble. The mysterious and unearthly shade of blue mink is very ambiguous, as it rarely suits anyone, but it magically transforms a woman into a real queen. If this shade suits you, then at any meeting you will make a great impression.

Black fur coats are a timeless classic, so if you are looking for a versatile option, then buy this model. Remember that the mink is dyed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also in an effort to hide the defects of the skins.

Light mink, which is respectfully called white gold, often undergoes discoloration, which deprives it of wear. But dark fur coats can cost you a little more, because there is a strange stereotype regarding the price, according to which black fur is more resistant. Sellers who give advice on how to choose the right mink coat may turn out to be unscrupulous, and give out dyed walnut for black mink. The difference seems not so great, but still a deception is a deception. It is unlikely that you would like to get into such a story.

Word of mouth

Agree, it’s nice to leave the house in a luxurious fur coat on a frosty day, catch the envious admiring glances of others, feel like a real woman who deserves gifts and compliments! A long-awaited purchase will bring more joy if it collects the proper amount of feedback from your friends and acquaintances. After all, public opinion is an incredibly strong engine of trade. Not least thanks to him, the mink coat became a symbol of success.

How to choose the right mink coat? Reviews of experienced buyers can only confuse, because once at a time it’s not necessary. At one point of sale, someone came across a fur coat with a fur coming out, and someone for more than one season cannot get enough of his fluffy warm jacket. Therefore, the reviews of amateurs should be taken into account only at the final stage of the choice in order to decide between controversial options.

There will be more outlets in major cities. At your request, the store must present a certificate for sale, tell about what furs are used in production. It is best to visit the outlet with an expert who can tell you if the sellers are telling the truth and how to choose the right mink coat without fear.

It should be noted that there are no absolute advantages for any shade of fur coat. You must decide on this yourself, based on which thing will be the most to the face.

Professionals recommend storing light products in a case. In general, mink should be protected from direct sunlight and worn carefully, because this is not a jacket that can be sewn up and dry-cleaned without fear. A repaired mink coat can be flawless in appearance, but an unpleasant residue will significantly spoil your pleasure from wearing. If you can afford such a luxury, then take care of purchasing and installing a fur refrigerator. Then the product will not turn yellow for a very long time. If this is too expensive an event for you, then it does not matter - in large cities such a service is provided for a fee.

mink paradise

Who would have thought that such a small animal could become the object of desire for many millions of ladies! Over time, craftsmen learned to recognize animal furs, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Detailed tips on how to choose a mink coat will help even an amateur to decide in the world of mink diversity. It is worth noting that in many countries of the world they are engaged in breeding and selling minks.

Mink names are indicated on the labels. By right, the Russian mink is considered the warmest, which has a high awn and underfur, which explains its somewhat increased shaggyness. By the way, such fur is quite affordable and, compared with its "relatives", has a democratic cost. Tastefully made, high-quality Russian mink fur coat is not inferior to foreign models, but often on the streets there are large ladies who are full of fluffy fur.

How to choose a mink coat among overseas options? Pay attention to the Scandinavian fur, which currently occupies a leading position. Thick underfur and medium awn, coupled with a luxurious sheen, won the national title of black diamond and a leader in the Finnish auction.

For the European climate, the North American mink is suitable, which is strikingly different from others due to the low pile and the absence of a characteristic luster. Sometimes it is called velvet. Enterprising Italians could not miss such a source of income as the sale of fur coats, even though they themselves do not grow mink. Their difference is in creating a great design. At fur factories, you can buy a fur coat at a huge discount here, which attracts fashionistas from all over the world to Italy.

Defect or feature?

Speaking about the varieties of fur, one cannot ignore the wild mink. How to choose a high-quality mink coat from such fur? It is necessary to focus on the height of the pile, which should resemble sable. The wild mink has an exceptionally dark grey-brown color and light underfur. Often such fur may have external flaws, but its cost is fabulous.

And, of course, world fashionistas must have wondered how to choose a mink coat in China, where prices seem so seductive, and a fur dream is so affordable! No doubt, Chinese products are the cheapest, but low-quality fur coats are exported, and good models remain in the country. The Chinese are economical, but cunning people, so they like to use fur stretching technologies, which makes it brittle and thin. A fur coat made in this way is light and cold.

Nuances of choice

If you are thinking about the difficult question of how to choose a quality mink coat, then you are probably looking for good advice. So, it is recommended to make such an expensive purchase in large salons, and not in temporary kiosks or stalls. Market goods, as a rule, do not have guarantees and are not controlled by anyone. Think for yourself: if suddenly the fur coat turns out to be flawed, then how will you get your money back? Indeed, the next day after a major sale, the point may simply disappear.

It is not very pleasant to be left with a defective product for which you paid a lot of money. Many potential buyers will object that buying a fur coat in a large salon is fraught with significant cash costs compared to buying in small points. Well, this is a weighty argument, but you can always wait for the sales season, such as spring or summer, when really attractive discounts are provided. Although here you need to be prepared for a sharp narrowing of the range.

Please read the product carefully before purchasing. Look at the color of the underfur and the inside. Remember that it should not be unpleasant, yellowish. But the ideal color of the underfur indicates that the product has been dyed. And the mezdra should be white, without spots and holes. Yellowness is a sign of old age.

The foreign smell of fur is a reason to refuse a purchase. Iron the product with your hand. Be aware that plucked and sheared fur coats are less wearable and stain resistant. The most reliable and durable things do not get off with other fur. You are probably wondering how to choose a quality mink coat? So, the mink pile should shine and be pleasant to the touch. When twitching, good fur does not crumble and does not stick together. The material with bald spots is probably old, and if the fur coat is made of poor quality, then when stroking the fur remains in a changed position for a long time. Now take a closer look at the seams: glued fur coats are a beautiful but useless accessory for one season. It probably won't last you longer.

The main thing is that the suit sits ...

A high-quality fur coat will adorn a woman, provided that she knows her size, color and style. We have already talked about the last two characteristics, but how to choose the size of a mink coat? You will have to try on more than a dozen to find your model. In some ways, fur coats are similar to wedding dresses: at first glance, everyone is beautiful, but only one model cannot be found fault with anything. Try to choose with both your heart and your mind so that you don't regret it in the end. Ask questions to the seller, inspect the fur, put on a fur coat and walk around in it, try all the pockets, the inner lining, the hood.

Spread your arms wide and pay attention to whether your fur coat interferes with your movements. If winters are especially harsh in your area, when making a purchase, consider what clothes you will wear under a fur coat. Thick wool sweater? Then you need a thing for a size, or even two more. But the main thing - do not buy a fur coat in a gusset or smaller than the right size. This is not a swimsuit, and she should not fit you. Fur coats that are small in size look scanty, as if they were taken off someone else's shoulder, so you can do yourself a disservice.

Tricks of fur lovers

Italians are specialists not only in matters of design. They own the technology of making fur coats using computer selection. These are expensive models, but, alas, short-lived. If the question of how to choose a mink coat intersects with money, then you should look at products from pieces, and not from a whole skin. By the way, they also have certain requirements. For example, pieces of fur should be at least 15 x 15 centimeters. Otherwise, the fur coat will not last long, but it will not cost so much either. Before buying, wipe the product with a damp white handkerchief or napkin and see if there are any traces. If yes, then the fur coat is dyed, it will hardly endure dry cleaning.

Of course, you will have to pay for quality, but how to choose the right mink coat in order to spend money wisely and become the owner of a luxurious item? Maybe turn to Chinese and Russian underground manufacturers? And this option has the right to life, although you need to keep your eyes open, because often a rabbit or a marmot is given out for a mink. Even an amateur can distinguish them if he is ready for a catch. So, the marmot's fur is prickly and has different lengths, and the rabbit's fur is very soft and almost does not shine.

The mink coat is light and comfortable. Any discomfort is a signal that should alert you. If you look closely, even the wrong side of the product can tell you how to choose the right mink coat. Uneven seams, sticking out threads and traces of glue? They are trying to sell you a marriage! A high-quality fur coat smells pleasant, caresses the skin and makes you want to wrap yourself in furs.

You can save money without much damage to quality if you like a mink coat-cross. How to choose this little-known product by name? And what does he represent? It turns out that there is a great alternative to a fur coat for fabulous money. A cross made of expensive fur will be much cheaper than a classic mink, and the original layout and the corresponding pattern will please the most demanding fashionista. What is the essence of such a fur coat? Yes, just the fur is not located longitudinally, but transversely, which is clearly visible on the finished product.

Traditionally, wide stripes of fur are used, and the style can be chosen based on your own preferences. The fur coat-coat clearly demonstrates the transverse masonry - it is long and straight. A compact and convenient model for a car lady - a short coat-cross. For ultra fashionistas - the Cleopatra style in the shape of a trapezoid, and for petite girls, a fitted fur coat with a hood and a flare from the waist will suit the year. Rather, for decorative purposes, rather than for warming, the “butterfly” style is chosen, suggesting an average length and wide sleeves.

For many people, buying a mink coat abroad remains attractive, and this approach is quite justified, because the cost of fur in Turkey, Greece and Italy is much lower than in Russia. Don't want to travel outside your home country? Then online shopping is for you! A huge catalog with photos of each seam plus delivery of the selected product within the specified time.

Since a mink coat is an expensive thing, fitting is expected after delivery. Accordingly, payment is made in cash or in another convenient way. Why do online boutiques offer fur coats at below market prices? Yes, they simply can afford to reduce costs due to the lack of rented premises and staff. Here is a good option for you on how to choose a real mink coat without unnecessary moral and material costs!

The acquisition of a mink coat is a significant event in life. Such a purchase is not often afforded, it is worth preparing for it not only. There is a lot of mink used for making fur coats. It is useful to understand the features of products, the influence of the structure and origin of fur on its characteristics and cost.

General characteristics of mink fur

Mink skins are classified as furs - raw materials obtained by hunting or from fur farms. The market of fur products is dominated by fur skins of animals that are grown in special conditions. Mink fur is characterized according to the following criteria:

  • density;
  • hair length;
  • location on the body of the animal (topography);
  • skin area;
  • the ratio of its length and width;
  • spinousness.

Mink fur is considered especially thick-haired because up to 22,000 hairs can be placed per 1 cm 2. The length of the hair is relatively short. It is usually about 2.5 cm. On the belly of the animal, the fur is the thickest, on the ridge - long. The difference in length between the hairs can differ by 2 times.

Fur of different colors

Wear resistance reaches 85%. The wear resistance of all furs is determined by comparison with the fur of an otter, which is considered to be the standard. Wearability of natural otter fur is considered equal to 100%. The mink is an amphibious animal. The fur of animals that live only in water has the maximum wear resistance. Land representatives, for example, rodents, have the minimum indicators. Mink lives in water and on the surface of the earth. The wear resistance of the fur corresponds to the lifestyle of the animal.

According to the total area of ​​the skin, raw materials are divided into categories:

  • especially large,
  • just big ones
  • medium,
  • small ones.

The largest individuals have skins with an area of ​​​​more than 9.5 dm 2, small ones - 3 dm 2.

Spininess - the number of fluff hairs per covering hair, in mink fur is an average of 20,000 units.

Commodity classification of mink fur is different:

  • products from animals grown in the wild are divided into 3 varieties;
  • by the number of defects - for furs with minimal flaws, medium and large;
  • furs of free animals are distinguished by habitats;
  • raw materials from cellular minks are classified into 2 grades;
  • all mink furs are divided by color and size.
mink skins

Furs of the first grade are called full-haired. They have a shiny cover with thick spinous hairs and down. The wrong side (mezdra) is clean, uniform. Along the edges of the fur at a distance not exceeding 3 cm, a slight blue may be noticeable.

Samples of the second grade have less full-haired fur. He shines. The awns and down are not fully developed. The tail may not be too pubescent. The blue on the inside is larger than in the furs of the first grade.

Mink furs of the third grade are mined only from free animals. They have even, shiny, thick, semi-hairy fur with a blue underside. The feathering of the tail leaves much to be desired.

Interesting differences in the evaluation of defects. So, if in a cellular mink, small defects in the fur include breaks reaching 15% of the total area, then for the fur of this category obtained from free animals, the gap can reach 25%.

Important! Skins from spring animals with thinning hairs, thinning awns, yellowish fur are valued at no more than 25% of the cost of first grade fur with large sizes. The skins of animals that lived in the wild, obtained in the off-season, should not be taken into work at all.

Mink types

Now it is hard to believe that mink fur was not always so popular. For the first time, animals began to be bred on American farms at the end of the century before last. The information that in 1910 in Canada only 16 minks were kept in cages is amazing.

Animals were brought to northern Europe, the Soviet Union about 100 years ago. However, for a long time this type of activity was in a passive state. Everyone was not up to it. Demand began to grow everywhere in the mid-60s of the last century. In Western countries, marketers are seriously engaged in the promotion of products. In our country, economic opportunities for stimulating fur farms gradually began to appear. Now 3 main types of fur are universally popular.

Russian mink furs

Animals of different breeds

The Russian mink is very warm, slightly shaggy. The fur has an elongated awn and a high dense underfur. Approximately 80% of the fur has brown color options of all shades. In Russia, more than 2 million skins are produced annually. Fur of the highest quality is no more than 15%. The products are in great demand due to the affordable price. The quality largely depends on the geographical location of the farms, farming methods on them. Bred in the farms of North American representatives of the breed brought to Russia almost 100 years ago.

Scandinavian type

The Scandinavian mink is the most popular. It was brought to the northern countries of Europe at the beginning of the last century. Among all mink products obtained as a result of raising animals, this fur makes up 80% of the global volume. The smooth, beautiful awn is of medium length, the underfur is high and dense. The Finnish variety has higher fur, the Danish fur is slightly lower.

Thanks to the efforts of geneticists, it was possible to obtain a huge number of furs of natural colors and shades, each of which has a special trade name. For example, mahogany fur has a rich brown color in dark shades, pastel has a brown color with a gray tint. All fur products of the Scandinavian group have high prices.

North American group

North American mink fur is obtained from animals from farms in the USA and Canada. Due to the small guard hairs and thick high underfur, the product feels like velvet when touched. Among American mink furs, black color prevails. This segment accounts for 52% of the total North American mink. The quality of the furs of this group is significantly different from the farm that breeds animals. Therefore, prices vary greatly. The most beautiful North American fur is Blackglama. The product has a very dark black color, reminiscent of the color of oil.

In total, there are more than 200 colors of mink furs. In practice, mainly 20 shades have become stronger.

In recent years, fur farmers in China have become more active. According to unofficial data, it is known that in this country about 15 million skins of all types of mink are already produced annually. However, the climate in the country is very peculiar, the experience of specialists is just beginning to appear. Therefore, while the Chinese mink has not gained great popularity.

Types of modern fur processing

High-quality mink has a beautiful appearance of fur in its traditional production. However, designers and fashion designers in the heat of creativity continue to create new products. There are many types of modern fur processing that change its appearance:

  • perforation,
  • laser haircut,
  • regular haircut,
  • plucking,
  • dyeing,
  • toning.

Processing can be carried out differentiated with coloring of the guard hair, tinting of the underfur, clarification of the mezra. Modern computer (digital) dyeing on fur can create any patterns.

When planning the choice of a fur coat, decide on the place of purchase. Do not trust products on the market. Mink products are recommended to be purchased in special salons with professional consultants. You will be able to characterize the product comprehensively, describe all the advantages of the mink, pay attention to possible weaknesses. It is necessary to take the time to try on a fur coat, check the availability of certificates, make sure the manufacturer is credible. A mink coat will be able to warm and delight you for a long time, until the next model is purchased.

It is interesting to see how minks are bred and kept.