When the man is on top. Life in liability or management? Psychological tricks: how to subjugate a man


No matter how beautiful words are spoken about love, the relationship between a man and a woman is, as a rule, a real war of the sexes. Outwardly, relationships usually look like love, but if you look deeper, it is a real struggle for power. As for men, the desire to subjugate has a long history. This was largely facilitated by patriarchy, in which a man could easily subjugate a woman with the help of power, her material dependence, control, and, at worst, with the help of brute physical force. All these methods were aimed at making the woman experience the feeling. “If you want to subjugate a person, make him feel fear” (Paolo Coelho). This is the strategy of men to control women.

Women's strategy and tactics for managing a man are completely different. Although nature endowed man with strength, she endowed woman with cunning (“feminine wisdom”). Let's take the same story. History was made by men - kings, generals, public figures, etc. But behind almost every one of them there was a woman. By the way, the French have a well-known saying about this - “cherche la femme” (“look for a woman”). Yes, and in the language there is a proverb: “A man is a man, a woman is a neck, where the neck turns, the head looks there.” So our great-great-grandmothers knew a lot about managing a man. They were, like women, cunning (wise) enough to understand: the best management is unnoticed management. Because “the man rules, and the woman reigns.” Just remember Cleopatra, who knows, and she knew how to control men with the help of her feminine charms and cunning.

Men greatly underestimated women, considering them the “weaker sex.” And from time immemorial, women have used their “weakness” as the most effective manipulation, which is why they say: “a woman’s strength is in her weakness.” A standard example: a woman can achieve more with tears than with screams, reproaches and persuasion. The man cannot stand tears, he feels sorry for the woman - and so he did what she wanted. True, this “grandmother’s” method has at least 3 drawbacks: firstly, this method cannot be used too often, secondly, it does not work on all men, and thirdly, sooner or later he will simply get tired of it.

But there is another way to subjugate a man. It was used by favorites, courtesans, beauties and women. This method is to fall in love with yourself, but not to fall in love yourself. A man is ready for madness, but she keeps a “sober” head and uses him: for example, she marries him or “cheats” him for expensive gifts that should prove the strength of his love, in which she “does not believe.” And in order for a man’s love to last for a long time (after all, as you know, men are polygamous and fickle), the insidious woman teased her admirer. For example, today she loves him, but a few days later she is cold and unapproachable. She is a prize for a man to win. And since a man is a passionate hunter by nature, he wants to win and wins her attention again and again.

Another powerful female weapon in controlling a man is arousing interest and seduction. It’s not for nothing that in all women’s magazines they always give the opportunity to be different, to surprise a man, him. The fact is that for a man to yield to a woman, he must have an interest. Because whoever is more interested in a relationship is the one who gives in. This is why a man is most “pliable” at the very beginning of a relationship. When a man gets what he wants, his interest. That is why it is said that “a woman should be a mystery to a man.” There must always be something unsolved in her that arouses his interest again and again.

Thus, from time immemorial, women have secretly manipulated men. For example, they knew that a man would do what she wanted if he wanted it himself and thought it was his decision. To do this, you need to create motivation (remember “where your neck turns, your head looks there”).

In general, there are a lot of ways to control a man - from NLP techniques to various “sterologies”. But it must be said that managing a man (as well as a woman) is a double-edged sword. Because where you win, you lose. Are manipulations worth playing the game of “who will subjugate whom” all your life? Or maybe we should just love each other, give in to each other and take care of each other, and not play a children's game called "battle of the sexes"?

Submission to a man is a sad reality rather than a woman’s mistake. If you find yourself in submission to your man, the situation can be corrected by identifying the mechanism of submission and finding ways to overcome this unpleasant phenomenon. The only pity is that women sometimes simply do not realize how far they have gone in their desire to receive love at the expense of self-esteem. .

Don't let anyone treat you disrespectfully

You hug and kiss your man to appease him when he allows himself to curse or slander you, turn a blind eye to the fact that he is biased towards you and does not notice your successes. You are making love to a man, although an hour ago he was almost mixing you with dirt. This gradually leads to complete submission... He begins to think that you can be treated as he pleases., since you do not express your dissatisfaction and anger.

And you change your behavior: express offense or anger, if there is a reason, wait for his reaction, which will tell you that he repents of what he said/did. Discuss with him situations where he shows disrespect towards you in order to decide how to behave in the future so that this does not happen again. Don’t let him down: let the man understand that you won’t be able to twist ropes. You are a woman, you need to be cared for and cherished, and not criticized and mixed with dirt. Such times are long gone.

Make lists

Make two lists. Let one be called: “In what ways do I submit to my man?”. Name the second one: "How I play the role of a slave". Fill out both lists as openly and completely as possible so that you can realize for yourself how you are behaving. Give these two lists to your best friend and let her control you. If you practice self-control, you may not achieve what you want, but an outsider’s view of your problem will definitely help you.

What is acceptable and what is not

Think about what behavior of a man towards you is acceptable, and what is out of bounds.. You can, again, make two lists - what is acceptable and what you absolutely do not accept. Make sure that your partner's behavior does not go beyond the limits.

Maintain your dignity

Everyone should have self-esteem. Maintain your dignity. You can even write this phrase down in your diary and read it every time you feel like you’ve stopped treating yourself with enough love. However, do not try to suppress your partner - relationships should be built on trust and equality, because you are two halves of one whole.

This manual presents the System of Total Submission of Women. It is a complex of extremely effective techniques for quickly influencing the female psyche. This system will teach you, first of all, to subjugate a woman. Well, having subjugated her to yourself, you can get from her everything you want.

This is precisely the difference between this course and all other outwardly similar ones. All techniques like Ericksonian hypnosis, NLP, BEYOND, all methods of seduction and pickup are actually extremely ineffective because they do not take into account the importance of instincts.

If the above methods are used in combination with the System, then their productivity will increase many times over.

A woman must first be subdued. Subdue her Subconscious by acting through her instincts.

And then she will either seduce you herself, or make your task so easy that you just have to take her.

It doesn’t matter your age, your appearance, your social and financial status.

To master the ability to subjugate women, you must train some of the skills given in this course and accurately follow the detailed psychological algorithm.

These skills and this algorithm work flawlessly on any woman.

The system is effective regardless of not only a woman’s age and position in society, but even regardless of her character and life experience."

The secret of the System is that it teaches you, first of all, to influence a woman’s instincts. And they are absolutely the same for all women.

The basic instinct of Man is the continuation of the existence of his biological species, that is, the continuation of the race. In women, this instinct manifests itself in the desire to find a strong male, have sexual intercourse with him and conceive.

At the same time, she must be sure that this male will be able to ensure the safety of her and her offspring. This means that he must at least be stronger than herself. A woman wants to feel this power and instinctively wants to give herself over to someone who is stronger than her.

The use of this instinct is the basis of the System.

Since the System is universal for all types of women, and also for simplicity and clarity of presentation, a single designation has been adopted for the person who is affected by the rune - “Object”.

This manual, in a concise form, outlines practical methods of influence. The amount of theory is reduced to an irreducible minimum.

Exposure has the following effects:

Complete psychological submission of the Object to you.

The emergence of subconscious trust and sympathy for you in the Object.

Calling the Object of sexual arousal oriented towards you.

The pearl of the course is a technique of hypnotic influence on a woman in her sleep.

Mastering and applying this technique allows you to completely control the behavior of the Object. It becomes possible to program any actions and even desires you need.

At the same time, the woman herself will perceive all these reactions as her own. In fact, she becomes your puppet

The course does not address the question of how you can take advantage of the results obtained.

The concept of the meaning of the Subconscious.

In the first half of the twentieth century, science came to the conclusion that Man is not nearly as intelligent as previously thought. What is called consciousness and intellect is by no means the most important thing in the human psyche. Just the opposite - human behavior is determined by some mysterious, elusive forces. These forces belong to the world of the Subconscious.

One psychoanalytic aphorism expresses this position in a laconic and refined form - the formula: Consciousness reflects, Subconscious mind controls.

How does this awe-inspiring controlling force manifest itself?

The subconscious is the space of human beings:





Forbidden desires


And, most importantly, this is the space of human instincts about v.

The subconscious is what people really think and want, but are not aware of it. What people really think is hidden from them behind seven seals.

There are no accidents in human everyday life, although, at first glance, it seems quite the opposite: everyday life is full of them - chance encounters, accidental slips of the tongue, and the like. You yourself can find many such “accidents” in your life. Moreover, you should remember important points:

There are no coincidences

Everything has a strict predestination and pattern,

Look for a hidden motive behind every random behavior.

This Subconscious Mind gives the Consciousness the command to “accidentally” forget where you put your documents before you were about to leave the house. And as a result, you are late for a meeting that you really don’t want or are afraid to go to.

This Subconscious mind gives the Consciousness the command to “accidentally” dial the wrong phone number, and you end up in the wrong place, but in fact you call exactly the person you really want to hear.

A person is controlled one hundred percent by his Subconscious! What is the most important conclusion that can be drawn from this statement?

The one who can give commands to the Subconscious controls the person himself!

Put some desire into someone else's Subconscious, and it will do the rest of the work for you.

The person into whose Subconscious you have put your thought will sincerely consider this desire to be his own, and will do everything in his power to fulfill “his” desire.

But mastering someone else’s Subconscious is not as easy as many would like.

Yes, it has a very trusting character. Yes, it tends to believe everything. But human Consciousness stands on its guard. It plays the role of censor, critic, watchdog.

How can you get into someone else's house without safely avoiding a collision with an evil and distrustful guard dog:

You can treat him to something tasty and try to tame him,

You can distract his attention and try to get past him in time,

You can wait until he falls asleep and slowly walk away,

You can try to bypass the dog and enter the house through another entrance.

Of course, there are other options.

It must be admitted that people are, to a greater or lesser extent, controlled mechanisms. Once you master the keys to the control panel, you can safely operate these mechanisms.

And here it is necessary to realize the difference between a Man and a Woman.

What is the main difference between a man's mentality and a woman's? A man, as a rule, relies on logic, calculation and intelligence to make decisions.

What does a Woman rely on? On feelings, emotions, instincts.

It is they, and above all instincts, that are the very keys to the control panel of such a mechanism as Woman.

Main impact.


When you need to persuade a woman to some idea (in this case, to the idea of ​​submitting to you and having sex), it is useless to even try to use persuasion and logical arguments.

Try using logic to convince the girl you like to go to bed with you. It's funny, isn't it?

Only a prostitute can be convinced to have sex using money as an argument.

In all other cases, one should influence the feelings, emotions and primitive instincts inherent in nature itself.

Whom does a woman by nature look for all her life?

A strong male. The one who is initially stronger than her. Someone with whom she will feel “like behind a stone wall.”

Literally from the first seconds of meeting her, she instinctively feels who is in front of her: her Master, her Slave, or just her comrade.

It goes without saying that in order to achieve your goal, you simply need her to feel her Master in you, a person to whom she not only should obey, but to whom she wants to obey.

This alone will make her unconsciously want to give herself to you.

You, in turn, should only strengthen and intensify this reaction until you get from it everything you need.

Main impact.

Impact with gaze.

By what signs does a Woman sense her Master in her interlocutor?

First of all, by his look. A look that involuntarily pierces and hypnotizes her.

Just by meeting your gaze, She should already half obey you.

How to develop such a view?

In fact, there is nothing supernatural about this. A combination of three points is necessary:

The first point is that your gaze should be fixed and unblinking.

To practice, open the tool 1. Slide the work area to its lowest position and position yourself approximately one meter away from the monitor screen.

Exercise at least three times a week for 15 minutes. You should not practice completely without a break. The maximum number of workouts per week is five.

Your task is to learn to look continuously and without blinking at this point for at least fifteen minutes.

Of course, at first it will seem very difficult to you. There will be a pain in the eyes, they will water and blink involuntarily. Tip - try not to focus your attention on your eyes.

Very little time will pass, and you will be able to perform this exercise first for a minute, then two, three, etc. It makes no sense to extend the time of doing this exercise for more than fifteen minutes.

Tool 1 is a tool for developing this skill. Use it exactly. It is of great importance that the screen produces its own light.

Please note that the background is black and the circle marked on it is red.

This is no coincidence. The combination of these colors involuntarily affects you.

Your blood pressure rises and your pulse quickens. This is a consequence of the body’s production of certain hormones and, accordingly, changes in the entire hormonal background.

Just by reading this text, typed in the same color combination, you are already changing.

It is well known that, for example, the color green is calming. Red, especially in combination with black, has a completely different effect -

You become more aggressive. Your reaction speeds up and your potency increases. You become courageous. Women instinctively feel this.

The second point lies in the mystery of what is called the piercing gaze.

It will seem to the woman that you are looking right inside her, seeing right through her, reading all her thoughts, like an open book.

The secret is that you need to literally look inside it. You should focus your gaze not on the woman’s eyes, but on an imaginary point slightly behind them.

Try to see right through the back of her head. At a close distance, you can try to see your own reflection in her pupils.

Try using this elementary skill and you will immediately feel the effect.

Tool 2 is a tool for developing this skill.

As in the previous exercise, open the tool, also move the work area to the lowest position and position yourself at a distance of approximately one meter from the monitor screen.

Try to unfocus your gaze. Look behind the monitor screen. You should achieve the effect when you clearly see not two points in front of you, but three.

You should also devote 15 minutes to this exercise three to five times a week.

The third point is that you need to look into the woman’s “leading” eye. The division of people into right-handers and left-handers fully applies to the eyes. In right-handed people, the dominant eye is the right one, in left-handed people, the dominant eye is the left one.

It is through the leading eye that information reaches faster and more accurately. (For clarity, think about which eye you are aiming with).

If you cannot determine who you are dealing with, you should rely on statistics, because the vast majority of people are right-handed.

The skill of looking into the leading eye of the interlocutor must be developed regularly. Every time you talk to someone, try to look into the other person's dominant eye. Over time, you will do this completely unconsciously.

Algorithm of gaze influence.

So, the order of influencing an Object through gaze is as follows:

1. Having met the Object's gaze, you must ensure that the woman first looks away. You should look into your dominant eye.

2. Having achieved this, the intensity of the impact can be reduced. There's no point in continuing to watch. But in the first seconds of contact, you simply need to make her look away.

3. Then, in the process of communication, to increase your influence, use the third point and look inside her.


1. Keep in mind that women are psychologically better adapted to long stares. If men feel discomfort after three to four seconds, then women after ten to twelve.

2. And one more important point related to the difference between the sexes. In women, such a look involuntarily evokes a desire to obey, as well as a physiological reaction of sexual arousal.

But men perceive such a look as aggression with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, if you do not want to make enemies, do not use this technique when communicating with members of the same sex.

Main impact.

Thus, you have loaded the main channel of perception of the Object - vision. This channel is the most important, since it is well known that a person receives 80% of information from the outside world through his eyes.

The next most important channel of perception is hearing. For the female Subconscious, what you say is not so important as how you say it.

If you talk to a woman in just such a voice, then she will accordingly perceive you as a strong, smart, strong-willed, mature and sexy man.

Of course, few people are born with deep, rich bass. But with some effort, it can be developed with special exercises:

Practice pronouncing different vowel sounds as often as possible. Try to pull them as low as possible, one after the other.

Your task is to achieve a sensation of vibration first in the throat, and then in the chest.

The feeling of vibration in your chest when pronouncing vowel sounds is an indicator that your timbre is low enough to have a subjugating effect on a woman.

Keeping this feeling, talk out loud to yourself, read, sing.

It is advisable to do this constantly, but for simplicity and, perhaps, for better organization, voice training can be combined with eye training.

You must completely master your own voice. Looks and voices are your two most powerful tools for influencing the female psyche.

Main impact.

Impact by touch.

So, you have at your disposal two powerful tools for influencing the female psyche.

These skills should become your stereotype of behavior when communicating with women. Use them constantly, and you will be amazed at how much women's attitudes towards you have changed.

It is also advisable to use the third channel of perception - tactile sensations. When talking to a woman you are interested in, casually touch her from time to time.

Let your touch be light enough at first. In the future, as the contact develops, she should feel the strength in your touch.

However, try not to overdo it. You shouldn't hurt her. Strength is good when combined with softness. At this stage of exposure, it is important not to scare her away. But then you can do whatever you want with it.

It is of great importance which places on a woman’s body you touch.

The points between the fingers are meridianly connected to the genitals.

This is mild in men, but you can try stroking the finger of one hand between the fingers of the other hand where they meet. You will feel that it is pleasant for you.

In women this feature is very noticeable. She will feel as if you are stroking her between her legs.

At the same time, no one can classify this movement as any kind of sexual harassment. You can do this in public even with a stranger.

It's not hard to find a reason. This can be done even with a handshake

When stroking her between your fingers, do not do it harshly or roughly. Do it as if you were actually stroking between her legs.

Main impact.

If you carried out the influence correctly, then subconsciously the woman already wants to obey you. She already perceives you as a desirable sexual partner.

In some cases, only this will be enough for her to take all further development of the relationship into her own hands, and herself structure the situation so as to end up in the same bed with you.

If you force a woman’s Subconscious to feel her Master in you, then she will give her Consciousness the attitude of n. performing actions to get closer to you.

The woman herself will come up with a romantic image for you that will be attractive to her. She will see complete advantages in all your shortcomings.

For example, if you are not very athletic, she will think that you are very sensitive and intelligent. If you are dressed sloppily, for her it will mean that you are an extraordinary person and are not inclined to follow the crowd's fashion.

And she will like all this. The saying “Love is blind” very clearly reflects this state of the female psyche.

If you are proficient in neuro-linguistic programming or any similar technique, then using the System as the core of influence, you will greatly increase the productivity of your influence.

Immersion in trance.

The concept of trance.

In psychology there is such a concept as “trance”. Many people confuse it with hypnosis, and this may be somewhat justified. Let's talk a couple more minutes about theory.

If everything is completely simplified and no special terms are used, then hypnosis is a state when a person’s brain seems to be asleep, but there remains one awake area in it, through which the hypnotist’s commands enter it.

Since the sleeping brain cannot critically comprehend these commands, the hypnotized person carries them out, immediately forgetting about it.

Moreover, “it is virtually impossible to hypnotize a person without his conscious consent to this procedure.

By analogy with this definition of hypnosis, trance is a state when a person’s brain is awake, but some part of it, so to speak, is hyper-awake.

Commands (they can be called “suggestions”) enter the brain through this hyper-awake area.

Moreover, all this happens without immersion in hypnotic sleep. And despite this, the commands go straight to the Subconscious.

Our Consciousness, our critic and censor, is deceived. This is real hypnosis.

Now do you understand why you need a trance?

Trance is the state of your Object when you can control its Subconscious.

The trance state is the door to the Subconscious.

Immersion in trance.

To put a woman into a trance and instill something in her, you must be able to enter into a single psychophysiological rhythm with her and learn to adapt.

If you are in the same rhythm with her, she understands you better and more often agrees with you, even if you say very controversial things.

This state evokes the sympathy and trust of her Subconscious, and it is this, as you already understand, that controls all mental processes.

This especially applies to women, since their thinking, unlike men’s, is much more focused on feelings and emotions than on logic and intellect.

In order to enter into a single rhythm with the Object, you need to adapt to it accordingly, that is, create continuous feedback with it, completely adapt your behavior to the behavior of the Object.

Two people who are in the same psychophysiological rhythm with each other from the outside look like a mirror reflection.

They have the same poses, gestures, facial expressions. They even breathe in the same rhythm and speak using the same phrases.

Thus, at this moment, they are physically, intellectually and emotionally interdependent

Subconsciously they are tuned in to each other.

Immersion in trance.


When starting to adjust, follow a certain sequence of actions.

At first you may feel inconvenience, awkwardness, and some difficulties, but as you practice, your skills will become automated, and you will begin to use them easily, freely, naturally.

Adjustment procedure:

1. Try to take the same poses as the Object.

2. Study the rhythm of his movements and gestures. Act in exactly the same rhythm, repeat the same movements and gestures.

3. Examine the Subject’s speech characteristics:


Use the same in your speech:



Do not engage in obvious copying, otherwise it may backfire - the woman will think that you are imitating her, and you will lose contact with her. Stick to the spirit, not the letter.

Seeing that she is sitting with her arms crossed on her chest, you do not have to make exactly the same gesture, you just need to connect your fingers.

It is best to mirror small movements: hands, facial expressions, etc. Small movements are less conscious, and thus the Object will not notice your imitation.

This principle will be very useful to you when you encounter difficulties associated with the difference in behavior between men and women. For example, there are postures and gestures that are typically masculine, and there are postures and gestures that are typically feminine.

For example, if a woman plays with a strand of her hair, then it will be very difficult for you to copy her gesture due to the absence of this very strand as such.

In this case, you should simply depict the direction of movement of her hand by rubbing, for example, your earlobe.

It is especially convenient to select blinking from small movements for adjustment, since no one is aware of this.

Blink at the same rate as your Subject, and then you can stop blinking so that the Subject stops blinking, or you can close your eyes so that the Subject does the same. Both contribute to entry! in trance

As for speech, follow the same principles here too. Look for features and subtle nuances, but don't duplicate details.

You can practice tuning anywhere and anytime: at lectures, meetings, in any company, even in front of the TV screen. You can try to tune in to the characters in a movie or TV show.

We will define this tuning order as a first-order tuning order, since there are more subtle, and therefore more effective, connection methods. But first, master this method. Imagine it as the following diagram:

Immersion in trance.

Before mastering the following tuning techniques, you need to become familiar with the important concept of representational systems.

If we ignore the abstruse theoretical definitions that are understandable only to specialists, then systems of ideas are a person’s way of perceiving everything that happens around him, and in this regard there are no special differences between the sexes.

In the scientific world, it is generally accepted that there are three systems of ideas, three ways for a person to perceive the world around him:

Visual (perception through vision and visual images),

Auditory (perception through hearing and, accordingly, auditory ix impressions),

Kinesthetic (perception through bodily sensations, such as touch for example).

Each individual, owning all three systems, prefers to use only one with maximum load. The system that is preferred can be called the main one.

Immersion in trance.

Determining the underlying representation system of an Object is very important for complete customization. At the same time, it is quite simple. For this, verbal access keys are used, that is, the words that he uses.

Listen carefully to the woman! While tracking her speech, try to catch which nouns, verbs, and adjectives she uses most often.

Study the summary table of word correspondences characteristic of each of the perception systems.

If in the Object’s speech you hear these or similar words related to one of the groups, then you can confidently conclude that this Object has exactly this system.

Table 1.

Immersion in trance.

Determination of the leading perceptual system.

So, the main system of perception is the system whose means a certain person uses

most often.

In addition to the main one, there is a leading perception system. It reflects the activity of the brain at the moment, in the “here and now” situation.

To determine it, a method is used that involves observing eye movements.

You have probably noticed more than once that if you ask a person a question that requires thinking, then your interlocutor stops looking directly at you.

He “withdraws into himself”, he either looks “through you” (defocused gaze), or looks up, as if trying to find the answer on the ceiling, or looks to the side, as if waiting for his ear to hear the desired answer, or looks down , on your feet...

Such “withdrawal” means that a person either remembers something or invents something.

The direction of his gaze at this moment reliably shows which particular system of perception he is currently using.

To obtain certain practical skills in determining the leading perceptual system, you need to practice. Try asking a few backward-looking questions to people you know well.

Do you remember the last time you were in the forest?

Can you remember:

Your front door

The first teacher

First kiss,

First salary or fee.

At the same time, observe the eye movements of the interlocutor.

If, before answering your question, he turns his gaze up or up and to the left, this means that he saw the inner picture.

If you notice that his eyes are moving horizontally or to the lower left corner, then he first internally heard what was being said.

If his gaze turned out to be slanted to the right and down, then he apparently tried to evoke a sensation in his memory.

Remember that in this case the very first eye movement is important for you.

This first movement may take literally a split second, but you should have time to notice it.

If, for example, his eyes first darted slightly to the right horizontally, and then fixed in the upper right corner, then this means that first he heard and then saw. Accordingly, this means that in front of you is audio.

Now, having information about perceptual systems as significant information channels, you can find out one of the reasons for such frequent ineffective communication.

Often, during a conversation, people disrupt the psychophysiological rhythm by literally speaking different languages. This happens because they do not take into account each other’s individual belief systems.

For example, a man belonging to the visual type suggests to a woman with a kinesthetic orientation: “Let's look at this issue. How do you see him? And thereby puts the latter in two peaks, since she prefers not to “see”

If you want to get the most out of every conversation, use her primary and leading belief systems.

In this case, it is better to ask: “How will you approach this issue?” In this case, you will receive such a flow of productive information that you yourself will be quite surprised.

Immersion in trance.

Second order adjustment.

Now you come to the second order tuning sequence, where you:

1. define the main representation system of the Object,

2. determine the leading system of the Object,

3. use words characteristic of his main ideas,

4. repeat the eye movements after him.

X - Object, Y - You (You are a visualist).

X: I feel that our communication today will not be productive. (Eyes down to the right.)

Y: Still, let's try to overcome some stiffness and approach the problem more freely. (Eyes down to the left - as if mirroring the movements of his eyes.)

X: Do you think that one of us is being squeezed?

Y: In any case, nothing prevents us from seizing the extra opportunity to try. X: Well, let's try it. (Eyes down to the right.) Y: Let's go. (Eyes down to the left.)

This example shows how, by using tuning - words that match the interlocutor's perceptual system and eye movements - you can adjust and correct a situation that started out as unfavorable.

The same example, but without joining, may fail.

X - Object, Y - You (You are a visualist).

X: I feel that today our communication will not be productive. (Eyes down to the right.)

Y: I don't see any obstacles! (Eyes up to the right.) It seems to me that we could agree.

X: I suppose it would not be very convenient to discuss this today.

Y: But this is a very promising business. (Eyes up to the right.)

X: I don't know, I don't know. (Eyes down to the right.)

The difference between the first and second dialogue indicates a difference in results.

To fully join, pay attention to the Object’s breathing - its rhythm, depth, frequency and try to breathe exactly the same way as he does.

In this case, we should once again remember the psychophysiological difference between the sexes.

In men, the abdominal type of breathing is predominantly found; we breathe from the stomach. But women, due to their physiological characteristics, breathe predominantly through the chest.

Therefore, when trying to track the rhythm of a woman’s breathing, you should mostly observe the movement of her chest.

And one more subtlety regarding adjusting to breathing.

Let's say the woman you are influencing has very rapid breathing, or maybe she is an athlete with very rare breathing.

You can't breathe like that, but you have at least two options for adjustment.

Firstly, you can apply indirect adjustment, that is, speak at the same frequency with which she breathes, speak as she exhales.

This is a very important point - a person always speaks while exhaling, and if you speak while the Object is exhaling, he will easily perceive this as an illusion of his inner speech, as his own thought.

Secondly, if there is a very large difference in the rhythm and depth of breathing between you and the Object, you can track his breathing “every other time.” For example, when you breathe frequently, you copy the inhalation, skip the exhalation and the second inhalation.

copy the second exhalation.

Perhaps this is easier to understand through a metaphor: when you walk along frequently located sleepers, you do not step on each one - you step through one, but you still take into account the rhythm in their arrangement and adapt to it.

Finally, thirdly, you can accompany the Object’s breathing rhythm with the help of gestures.

For example, stroking your fingers on the table in rhythm with his breathing.

Although usually these skills are redundant. Most people have approximately the same breathing rate.

All of the above information regarding adjustment can be summarized in the following small adjustment algorithm.

Full adjustment algorithm:

6. Verbal access keys.

Eye movements.

8. Breathing.

Immersion in trance.

Adjustment allows you to establish a single psychophysiological rhythm with the Object and thereby increase the effectiveness of contact. But not only.

Thanks to the adjustment, you take a stronger and more advantageous position, which will give you the opportunity to completely control the situation

In this case, you are able to achieve the desired results and expected reactions from the Object that you could not even think about before."

However, such an achievement works under one condition - full accession.

Over time, along with the acquired skills, you will develop a psychological sense, and you will be able to grasp the subtle nuances in personality changes. But first, remember two signs that will help you quickly navigate a given situation.

Joining occurred if:

1. You change your position, and the Object, involuntarily adapting to you, takes the same position,

2. The object begins to imitate your own gestures and speech.

If you are convinced that both of these signs are present, then know that the Subconscious of the Object is already tuned in to you. A woman changes her behavior depending on yours. You are leading her."

Try to maintain this lead. And remember the rule: if a woman unconsciously imitates (“mirrors”) your postures, gestures, and speech patterns, then she unconsciously emphasizes her agreement with your behavior.

And by agreeing with your behavior, she will always agree with your thoughts, words, suggestions and attitudes

Without realizing it, she is now ready to accept your attitudes without any criticism or resistance. That is, you can persuade her to do almost any action that you need.

Her Subconscious is ready to accept your suggestions, ready to carry out your commands.

It is at this moment that try to fulfill your intentions that may be associated with this person.

Your task now is to carry out suggestion with an attitude of submission and sexual arousal.

Immersion in trance.

Sexy trans.

You need to bring the Object to the awareness of desire:

1. obey you,

2. have sex with you.

To do this, you need, while continuing to use all the adjustment techniques, to describe to her the state into which you want to bring her.

You must evoke bodily sensations in her.

Even if she could object to you (and this is impossible, since you are already leading her), she will not be able to object to her body.

If she feels something in her body, then for her it will be reality. And if she feels sexual desire...

Note that there is already a double trap for her! Her subconscious is drawn to you, and now her body will also want sex with you.

To make it clearer, think about how you feel when you hear the word “lemon”/ How do you feel when you hear the word “sour”/ Your mouth fills with saliva. This is a natural reaction of a healthy body to citric acid that gets into your mouth.

It doesn’t matter to your body that this lemon and this acid are just words. The reaction to them is the most real, since the ion glands began their work.

The same psychophysiological mechanisms force the female body to respond with sexual arousal to your words. And she will not be able to resist this, just as you will not be able to order your salivary glands to stop producing saliva.

So, after you are convinced that you have connected and are leading a woman, you must, during the conversation, starting a little from afar, describe to her those physiological reactions that correspond to sexual arousal, and possibly those specific actions that would be desirable for you.

The monologue could be, for example, the following:

You: “By the way, did I tell you about my friend Pete?”

She: Who is this?..

You: “Well, just interesting. You see, he had a girlfriend. And this friend noticed something unusual while she was listening to someone say something. Well, for example, she could be aware not of words, but of the sounds of a voice... and when she heard the sounds of a voice, she began to clearly hear other sounds and conversations in the room... she heard music... felt its rhythm and melody... and the more clearly she felt the melody of the music, the sooner she began to realize... how. her chest rises and falls while breathing... as if inhaling and exhaling, her head seems to nod slightly... nods in time with the voice she hears... she hears all the depth and shades of the voice... and begins to realize... all this... the feeling of the hand with which she leans on the table... the feeling of touching the back of the chair... the feeling of her feet on the floor... she sees more and more clearly the outlines of the face of the person she is listening to... her attention suddenly narrows ... Iona sees only some feature of his face... that part of the face to which her attention is caught... she looks into his eyes and the longer she looks into them, the more clearly she feels that she is falling into them.. .immerses and dissolves in them... and in this person... and she becomes more and more interested in what he will say next... she becomes completely filled with this perception of the person she is listening to... in whose eyes she looks... and she allows herself to understand all this... and she feels in herself some kind of deep, sensual understanding with this person... she feels a desire to obey this person... and this desire grows with every second... she wants to fulfill all his desires... wants to give him joy... joy and pleasure... she feels his touch... soft touches on her face... (extend your hand and the back of your hand gently touch her cheek, or pass between her fingers), and when she feels this touch... her eyes close with pleasure... her breathing becomes slow and deep... her heart beats in time with his voice... her heart fills with warmth... and it begins to radiate warmth... which spreads throughout her chest... then lower and warmth fills her stomach... even lower in the very bottom of her stomach... between her legs... and she feels how the lower abdomen becomes warm and moist... she feels a pulsation in the lower abdomen... a pleasant pulsation... a very pleasant pulsation... the emptiness is filled with a pleasant warmth... the sensations in the lower abdomen become stronger. .. and she feels all this... exciting touches on her thighs... (you can carefully run your fingertips along the woman’s thigh) his exciting touches in the lower abdomen... she understands that she must completely open up to this person... give herself to him... to give myself all... when he wants her... Now..."

It doesn't matter what exactly you talk about. You have complete freedom in choosing a topic to evoke the state you want in her.

After the usual small talk, you can begin to be interested in her experiences, feelings, memories. You can start your attack softly and elegantly by asking her an innocent question: “Have you ever had...” and then continue the topic depending on the direction in which you feel she needs to move.

You can start talking to her about the beach, about your first kiss, about the breathtaking feeling of swinging, about the pleasant sensations while relaxing, about the excitement of encountering the unknown, etc., etc.

Any opportunities for creative discoveries are open to you. For example, you can ask her to remember something from her experiences on the swing:

“Have you ever had a moment where you close your eyes and are transported somewhere where you would really like to be. For example, on a chilly autumn evening it’s so nice to find yourself swinging on a swing on a bright summer day... you can hear the creaking of this swing... and the whistle of the wind in your ears... and you feel this wind on your face as you rush forward... and feel the touch of warm, sunny rays to your face... (a convenient moment to touch her face, or stroke her between your fingers. She is already in a trance, because when you transferred her to another reality, she plunged into her sensations, which became for her, that reality that she cannot resist) and you feel in complete power of the one who rocks the swing... you feel his closeness... and your breath freezes to the beat of his desires... and every time you follow him you rush down at will, you feel pleasant sensations in the lower abdomen... and you want him to rock you harder and harder... and you know that then it will be even more pleasant for you... you want to completely surrender into his hands... you you want to obey him and enjoy it... you want it right here and right now...”

From this point, continue to guide her in the same way as in the option already described. A strong finish is important for this to actually work.

Note that such monologues perform two sequential functions:

The first part of the monologue immerses the Object in some other reality. Makes you remember or imagine something.

The Object's consciousness goes inward, into its memories or ideas. The object seems to switch off from what is happening around and enters a trance.

You will notice this by the following signs:

Pupil dilation,

Fixation of gaze

Stillness of posture,

Muscle relaxation

Slow breathing

Decreased pulse rate and heart rate,

Relaxation of facial muscles (the face is smoothed, especially the cheeks, forehead, lips),

Decreased response to external noise,

Manifestation of spontaneous motor reactions (trembling of hands, trembling of eyelids, etc.)

The manifestation of at least part of these signs means that the door to the Subconscious of the Object is open, and you can make a suggestion containing the commands you need.

Your description puts her in the state you describe (because there is no difference between real actions and a masterful verbal description).

Suggestion in a state of trance, combined with the influence of gaze and voice, bypasses any conscious resistance of a woman to submit to you and have sex.

It doesn't matter what her possible conscious resistance is based on.

Maybe you are not her type of man, or she is already in a close relationship with another person.

Maybe she is afraid to pass for an easily accessible woman if she agrees to sleep with you too quickly. Maybe she recently suffered because of a relationship with some guy and is afraid of experiencing pain again.

It doesn't matter why she resists, because at that moment you bypass any objections from her Conscious Mind and go straight to the Subconscious

But, in order to learn how to induce similar states in others, you can first try to induce some of them in yourself. You will then be able to use your own feelings as a guide to induce the desired state.

That is, in other words, the System requires that you, first of all, yourself be aware of the entire spectrum of emotional and sensory states

Write down on a piece of paper all the words you know that describe various experiences, sensations, states and make up several sentences using these words.

Just your ability to describe pleasant erotic experiences, the sensations of gentle touches will make many women surrender to you.

To arouse this desire in a woman, she must first be brought into a state suitable for this. This will happen if you correctly describe to her her own feelings. At the same time, do not forget to include an attitude of subordination in the text of the suggestion.

An equally important point is touching a woman, which must be done close to the peak of the description. This point requires a separate discussion, and will be discussed below.

Be sure that the correct use of the System - influence with your gaze, voice, adjustment, introduction into a trance and suggestion - will lead to the fact that you will subjugate this woman and have sex with her.

If at the moment of suggestion you are in a suitable environment, if you are at least alone with each other, then most likely she will rush at you.

If not, then later, under more appropriate circumstances, in the evening or at night, repeat the same touches that you made when telling the story. And don’t be confused when you see how excited she suddenly is.

You will see this in the blush on your face, the sparkle in your eyes and your breathing quickening.

All. She is yours. She sees in you a strong male, whom she is ready to obey unquestioningly, whom she completely subconsciously trusts. She wants you.

It flows when it simply looks into your eyes and hears your voice. She is ready to do anything for you. If you want, she will give you not only her body, but also money from her wallet.

She is excited and wants to have sex with you right here and right now. If she is not yet pulling you towards herself, then this means that the last thing that is stopping her is cultural attitudes.

Maybe her grandmother told her all her life that a girl should never start first. (Or that you can't have sex at a table in a crowded cafe.)

And that means the last barrier that you need to overcome is her cultural attitudes.

Take the first step. Now you are the boss here. You can do whatever you want. Just take her hand if you haven't already. Pull him towards you and kiss him.

Let the first kiss be on the cheek. It should be very light, almost a smear. If you did everything correctly, she will not move away, on the contrary.

Next kiss on the lips.

My only advice: don't linger on kisses on the lips. Of course, you can’t do without this, they are pleasant and necessary. But too long kisses on the lips reek of romance and school age.

It also talks about the subordination of women. Go down to her neck. Kiss her neck and start caressing her breasts...

Immersion in trance.

Hypnotic speech.

A few very important notes regarding your speech.

First: Don't forget that you must use words that match the perceptual system

Object. The importance of this point has already been discussed above.

If you are not sure that you have accurately identified the Object’s perception system, then use words that do not relate to any of them.

Some of these neutral words are shown in Table 1. They are very convenient precisely because of their versatility.

Look for such words and such descriptions, use them - they necessarily correspond to the Object’s perception system.

Agree, your peace and his peace are different concepts, but say the word “rest”. You still said something that the Object can understand and accept.

When inducing a trance, do not force the Object to be more flexible in communication than you yourself, do not force him to adapt to you.

Secondly: When you describe an experience when inducing or using a trance, talk about this experience (especially at the beginning) in fairly general phrases. Thus, you leave free space for the Object, which it can fill with specific details.

For example, when inducing a trance, you can make the following description: “You feel the warmth of your right hand lying on the table.”

This works all the time, it can ninety-nine percent coincide with the actual experience of the Object, but what will you do if he feels the coldness of his right hand?

To begin with, it would be better to say: “You feel the temperature of your right fart.”

"Temperature" is a more general word, a more general characteristic than heat. There is still some temperature in the hand.

Or you can do without mentioning this characteristic altogether and say: “You feel your right hand lying on the table.”

Third: When you make a suggestion, you should speak as smoothly as possible. No hesitation or sudden jolts. Let your words flow freely and softly.

A similar effect is achieved through the use of transition words: “if”, “when”, “if... then”, “and”, etc.

Use conjunctions and allied words. They will give your speech a touch of roundness and flexibility, which will quickly allow the Object to enter the state of greatest receptivity to your influence.

This fact is explained by the fact that when you do not make sharp pauses between sentences, the Object Consciousness does not have time to control your information and reduces its critical functions.

Thus, your speech itself will have a hypnotic effect.

For greater clarity, we can give an example from psychotherapeutic practice. During a hypnosis session, the doctor can use the following suggestion formulas:

“You are sitting in a chair. You are looking at me. Listen carefully to my voice. Only my voice. It has a calming effect on you. You relax. You are relaxed. You feel drowsy.”

These “formulas work in some cases, but another text is much more effective, which works flawlessly and causes a positive result regardless of any personal characteristics of the patient:

“You sit in a chair, and you hear me, and you look at me, and you can feel yourself starting to relax...”

Fourthly: and read all the negatives from your speech. Negations have an interesting property - they exist in language, but not in the Subconscious. Therefore, tell the Object what you want from it, and not what it should not do.

If you tell a child: “You are so noisy today, don’t make noise” - he will not calm down. On the contrary, he will start making even more noise.

This is a fairly general rule: if you describe to a person what you are observing in him now, it will be reinforced

When a child is told: “You are a bully, you are a rude person,” they are thereby reinforcing precisely those qualities that they would like to get rid of.

In this context, we can draw analogies with what you do when you describe the states you need to an object. You attach them to the object by describing these states in an affirmative meaning.

So, before you is the matrix of sexual subordination and the nature of your woman. With different variations depending on the circumstances, you can use it anytime and anywhere.

The bottom line is that you must:

1. With the help of your gaze and voice, let her Subconscious feel your strength. A woman at the level of instincts should feel her Master in you. Inducing this feeling in a woman in the very first seconds of contact is the cornerstone of the entire System.

2. Adapt to the woman, enter into a single psychophysiological rhythm with her.

3. After making sure that the adjustment is complete, put her into a trance.

4. Carry out suggestion, with an attitude towards complete submission and sexual arousal,

focused on you.

5. Enjoy using the results obtained.

Now let's look at several auxiliary techniques that can be used both within the framework of the presented matrix and separately from it.

More than once or twice in your life you have noticed an interesting effect. While going about your daily activities, suddenly, completely unexpectedly for yourself, you began to experience an influx of surprisingly pleasant experiences, perplexed about their appearance.

A little later you realized that there was music nearby that you had heard once, perhaps several years ago.

Memory involuntarily returns you to the situation when you felt happy. And it was at that moment that you heard exactly this melody.

Time has passed. Your feelings remained in the past, perhaps even forgotten, but in the current moments of the present you involuntarily retrieved them from the storeroom of your memory and experienced them again. A mechanism called an “anchor” was triggered.

An anchor can be defined as the ability of one of the elements of an experience to cause the entire experience as a whole.

This means that when a person has an experience, everything that happens at the moment of this experience is associated and connected with this experience, and later, some one element of the situation in which the experience occurred can cause this entire experience.

Each person has many unconscious anchors that control his states and emotions.

They can be used as a conscious technique that can have a powerful psychic effect. It's a subtle and elegant technique that requires some skill, but it's worth the time to acquire it.

You will need the ability to observe and seize the right moment.

If you learn to perceive smooth and natural changes in the state of people, and especially women, due to their psychological uniqueness, you will be able to carry out anchor imprinting, or, in other words, “put an anchor.”

This technique is often used by psychotherapists.

If at some session, when the client was especially easy and willing to make contact or relax, certain music was played, then at the next meeting with him, it is enough to turn on the same recording so that he again enters the same state.

As far as you remember, there are three systems of perception. Through vision, through hearing and through bodily sensations. Accordingly, the anchors can be kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.

How it works. Example:

You and a woman are sitting in a restaurant. Quiet music is playing and a candle is burning on the table. You act exactly in accordance with the above matrix and carry out successful sexual suggestion. It cannot be unsuccessful if you did everything correctly.

Your woman is excited, she wants you. Of course, in principle, you can have sex right there, moreover, your lady will probably not mind. But let’s say that for one reason or another, sex is impossible today and now.

Is it really possible that all the work was in vain?

In order to instantly return this woman to the previously achieved state of arousal, it is enough to use the anchor at the next meeting.

The same melody that played in the restaurant is an auditory anchor. Put on a CD with this melody.

The candle on the foot is a visual anchor. Let her stand again on the foot you are sitting behind this time.

Your gentle touches, described above, are kinesthetic anchors.

Use all of this together or separately and this woman will again feel the same as she did that evening in the restaurant. Only now you don’t have to spend so much time and effort on it.

Speech techniques.

There are several other simple but extremely effective techniques for inducing a sexual trance. All of them have one feature: your goal is to attract conscious attention not to the content of speech, not to the meaning, but to the external design

This can be achieved in different ways.

Firstly, you can tell the story in the first person, and then attention will be drawn to you, to your personality.

And, secondly, you can saturate your story with a lot of details in which the Object’s Consciousness will get bogged down.


Here, in essence, there is nothing new for you. If you want to convey to the Object the meaning of the message “y”, transmitted to you by some “x;!”, then you simply say: “X said Y

If you need to veil this meaning, then you will start like this: “I recently saw X... You probably know him? Well, he lives on M Street, drives a third model BMW... You know, he’s not tall, he also stoops a little. He's a brunette with a voluminous hairstyle. So, we met near McDonald’s, talked about the lives of our mutual friends... His younger brother is getting married and, by the way, he said Y.”

If after this you continue in the same spirit, then message Y will pass by the Object’s Consciousness into his Subconscious, and the content of the message may just be a command to enter a trance and do something.

Speech techniques. Overlapping realities.

A more complex trance induction technique is “Overlapping Realities.”

It consists in the fact that in a conversation with a woman you constantly weave one story into another, into a third, into a fourth... And into one of these stories you insert a formula for sexual submission.

This is also easier to demonstrate than to explain. Imagine that you hear the story of one of your friends:

“Last year, in winter, I attended a hypnosis seminar in New York. When the leader was working with us, we did not immediately realize that we often fell into a trance right during classes. He didn't tell us directly: “Go into trance,” he told us different stories. One of these stories was about how he himself studied at a similar seminar in California, and during the seminar the teacher told them: “Relax and calm down... I will tell you a story about how we ourselves learned hypnosis from our professor, who was a master at telling stories that put people into a trance..." In order to put a person into a trance, he could simply say: "Imagine that you are falling asleep... And as you imagine this, you you can see a dream... And in a dream you see yourself walking through the forest... and you are very tired... You want to relax and calm down... And you see a cozy lawn... and you fall asleep on it quickly and deeply ..."

Try to figure out what's going on: who is telling the story to whom""1

Your friend - to you, here and now, or the leader of his seminar - to his group last winter, or the leader’s teacher, or the professor to the teacher?

The present situation, this reality is gone, and you have left this reality.

Consciousness does not perceive the instruction (“calm down, relax, sleep”) as an instruction, because it cannot understand who is actually speaking.

All the commands you give go straight to the Subconscious, which responds to them extremely successfully.

In general, storytelling (parables, metaphors, quotes) can greatly help you in subjugating a woman. All this serves as a good help in inducing and using sexual trance.

By telling a story, you bypass the woman's possible resistance by not giving her any orders - you're just telling a story about how people go into trance."

And, even if you imagine that something will not work out, you will have nothing to blame. You are just describing some incident from life!

The story allows you to use all sorts of linguistic devices to ensure a smooth transition from the waking state to the trance state (conjunctions and phrases like “when, as, while”), because these devices are easy to include in the text of the story.

Speech techniques. Triple helix.

The following technique is phenomenal in its simplicity and effectiveness. In psychology textbooks it is sometimes found under the name “Triple Helix”.

This technique is very close in structure to the technique of overlapping realities. Here, too, history is woven into history, but according to different rules:

You begin to tell the Object a certain story No. 1, interrupt it approximately in the middle and begin to tell story No. 2, which you also interrupt in the middle. Then you complete story No. 3. Then you complete story No. 2, after which you complete story No. 1.

Stories numbered 1 and 2 are fully realized and remembered by the Object, and story No. 3 is forgotten (and very quickly) - in it you include instructions for the Subconscious of the Object. To avoid getting confused in the sequence of stories, make yourself an outline.

Table 3.

Listen to an example of a story framed in a triple helix:

“...This happened to me when I was in my last year of school. My uncle invited me to his village during the summer holidays. With new acquaintances - my peers, I often went to local parties. During one of these trips I met a stunningly beautiful girl. Her name was Helen. She was the hostess of this party and was surrounded by such fans that, in comparison with them, I felt like either a beggar, or a freak, or both at the same time.

About a year earlier, in my hometown, I was confronted in a fight with a man who had a knife in his hand. He was five years older than me and much stronger. If I could, I would try to run away, but that's it. It turned out that I had nowhere to run, all escape routes were cut off. That guy hit me with a knife, but I instinctively put my hand up and the blade tore it open, blood gushed out.

My brother had a great influence on me from early childhood. He is much older than me. By the time I had just started school, he had already entered the university. Perhaps it was he who laid in me the basic principles of life, in accordance with which I live. One of them is that you should always be ready to prove yourself. Although I am no longer a young man, my brother still gives me valuable advice, which I always listen to.

When blood gushed out from the hand I had cut with the knife, my legs weakened and I sank to one knee. And the attacker, “stood grinning above me, savoring every second of his superiority over a defenseless enemy, and preparing to strike the final blow. I felt sand under my palm, clenched it in my fist and suddenly threw it into the enemy’s eyes. For a few seconds he was blinded, and This was enough for me to kick him with all my strength in a heavy boot right in the groin. He fell, as if the earth itself had jumped out from under his feet.

And at that party, I asked one of my new friends to suggest Helen hold a quiz. I have always been strong in this and showed off my erudition and intelligence).

After that, Helen herself came up to me and expressed a desire to get to know me better. We had a great time with her the whole next day, and soon she became my first girlfriend. Sometimes even now we talk on the phone. That's the story."

Keep in mind that the perception of the triple helix “by eye”, that is, when reading a text, is very different from the perception “by ear”, and gives practically no idea of ​​​​the impression that this technique makes on the listener.

At home, you can get an idea of ​​the “triple helix” if you record an appropriately formatted story on some audio medium and listen to it about two weeks after recording.

In practice, the effectiveness of this simple-to-use method is simply amazing!

Speech techniques. Separation of Consciousness and Subconsciousness.

The separation of Consciousness and Subconsciousness is a very powerful and rarefied influence that will allow you to get in touch with the deep parts of the Object's psyche and use them as an ally to achieve your goal.

In order to effectively carry out Separation, be aware of each woman with whom you communicate as a being consisting of two subpersonalities.

One subpersonality represents the Subconscious and is disposed to closely interact with you after you have carried out the Impact.

The second subpersonality reflects Consciousness, which can subject the situation to doubt, analysis and is capable of resisting.

By your behavior, make it clear to the woman that you perceive her in these two forms and appeal primarily to the first - the one who is “already reaching out to you.

Strive to ensure that the woman herself is also aware of these two subpersonalities in herself. In this case, you will achieve much faster and more obvious reactions from her.

The separation method is especially useful in cases where you feel resistance or concern from the Object.

As a rule, this happens if she is overly puritanical upbringing or complex.

Let's consider a scheme that should be taken as a basis and applied in various variations, depending on the situation.

This technique can be represented by the following model:

Your consciousness - Transition - Your subconscious.

For example, when you have to communicate with a woman who is too tense and shows significant resistance, you can say:

“Your consciousness is most likely now tense and wary, and at the same time, your subconscious, as the most creative part of your personality, enjoys receiving new information, and this contributes to your internal relaxation.”

After some time, you will notice that this woman takes a less rigid position and soon relaxes. After this, communication is more free, relaxed and ends quite productively.

It is important to emphasize that when applying Separation, it is not at all necessary to distinguish with the words “Your consciousness” and “Your subconscious”.

The main thing here is to comply with the principle that you apply, demonstrating your understanding that you are waiting for a response from precisely that part of the Object’s personality that is capable of starting sexual interaction with you.

Speech techniques. Inserted messages.

In psychoanalysis there is a technique called “Free Association Technique”.

The client is asked to think about his problem, and then tell him everything that comes to his mind in connection with this (any memories, dreams, any side ideas that do not seem to be logically related to this problem).

It turns out that in the resulting stream of seemingly incoherent thoughts, there are words that are significant for understanding a person’s problem, and the person necessarily designates these significant words in some way (pause, change of intonation, gestures).

From the indicated words you can put together a completely coherent story about what the problem actually is

A good investigator knows that there is no need to interrupt or stop a person who is enthusiastically lying; let him continue to lie - and he himself will tell you the whole truth.

The technique of inserted messages is to use this process in reverse: to compose the text of the suggestion, and then “dissolve” it in some story of neutral content, indicating in some way the significant words (which make up the text of the suggestion).

Highlighting or underlining a message is not something supernatural. This is an ordinary, “everyday” skill.

When you want your interlocutor to pay special attention to what you are saying now, what do you do?

You can speak louder, you can pause to indicate the importance of what you said...

What else can you do?

First, you can change the characteristics of your speech (volume, intonation, pause). The auditory perception system is involved.

Secondly, you can indicate your statement with a gesture. The visual perception system is involved.

Thirdly, you can do this by touch. The kinesthetic perception system is involved.

And there can, of course, be various mixed methods...

Chu, for example, if, while pronouncing a phrase, you lean towards the Object, then this changes the acoustic

characteristics of speech and at the same time a gesture.

The same thing happens when you turn your head to the right or left during a conversation - for the Object this is both a gesture and a change in speech (at a close distance, a change in the position of the source of speech is easily perceived).

For better understanding, below are some possible ways to highlight or emphasize a message. Speech (auditory) methods:

Changing the volume of speech (louder-quieter),

Changing the pace of speech (faster-slower, pauses),

Change in intonation (rising-pushing),

Sounds associated with speech (clapping hands, snapping fingers, tapping on the table),

Changing the localization of the sound source (right-left, front-back),

Visual methods (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime):

Changing body position (tilt, turn),

Gesticulation with hands, fingers,

A characteristic sequence of gestures (pantomime),

Change in facial expressions.

Kinesthetic methods:

A simple touch


Patting on the shoulder, on the back,

Shaking hands.

Mixed methods:

Changing the distance to the interlocutor (approaching - moving away, tilting the body towards the interlocutor - away from the interlocutor),

Speech combined with turning the head

Movements combined with sounds (demonstratively tapping fingers on the table, snapping fingers while gesturing).

In principle, you can imagine many other ways to highlight messages, but the main methods will remain the same: characteristics of speech, gesture, touch.

How is it used in practice""1

For example, you need to evoke a physiological reaction of sexual arousal in a woman. What sensations accompany this reaction?

The woman feels warmth in her lower abdomen.

This feeling can be expressed in a three-word formula: “feeling warmth in the stomach.” So, when telling a story!, or reading an editorial from a newspaper, you must highlight three words in ways known to you: feeling, warmth, belly

Every time these words appear in a text or story, you will change the volume and intonation of your speech, while depicting a specific gesture.

You can use the scattering technique to insert a hidden instruction into any written or electronic message.

In this case, you can highlight the words of the instruction: with a different font size, a different color, a different font type, paragraph indentation (analogous to a pause in a conversation), a special icon...

Speech techniques.

There are certain speech techniques to facilitate influence on the Object. By themselves they are ineffective, but they are powerful accelerators of the main methods of personality suppression.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use direct commands and orders. Sometimes it is better to use more subtle techniques.

From the outside it looks as if you are either commenting on what is happening, or asking about something, or giving advice...

In this case, you get the result you need and do not receive resistance from the Object’s Consciousness.

The first of these techniques is Truisms. The word "truism" has the following meanings:

1. a statement that is in strict accordance with reality,

2. banal truth.

If, during a conversation with the Object, you tell him: “People can fall into a trance... People can get a lot in a trance state... People can feel better after leaving a trance,” you are disguising very specific instructions as reasoning. And it works"

Approximate truisms for communicating with the Object:

People can have fun.

People can meet.

People can trust each other.

Second trick - The illusion of choice

There are phrases in which the presence of some object, phenomenon or behavior is very skillfully assumed.

For example, if you hear the question: “Are Martians blue or green,” then by the very question the questioner assumes the existence of Martians.

Assumptions are constructed using figures of speech that indicate timing or sequence of actions. When a psychotherapist tells a patient: “Before going into a trance, take a deep breath.” The patient’s Consciousness focuses on inhalation, and the Subconscious mind already plunges him into a trance.

Sometimes parents tell their children: “Wash your hands before you go to bed.” This offer is hard to resist.

What can you object to""1 “I want to sleep with her”?” or: “Do I want to clean her itches?” But the sentence is whole, and the child often “swallows” it whole, following both instructions.

Typical figures of speech used in this technique are “before..., after..., during..., as..., before..., when..., in while...", etc.

“Are we going to your house or mine?” “See you tomorrow or today?” “As you get to know me, you will become more and more willing to trust me completely.”

Commands hidden in questions.

There are questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No”, but which require action or a more detailed answer.

So, if, for example, you ask your friend: “Do you know what time it is?” - in principle, he can answer either “I know” or “I don’t know,” but most likely he will say what time it is.

Words like “you know”, “you understand” are traps for consciousness.

“I wonder, do you already understand that you are very pleased to communicate with me?”

“Do you know that we are very suitable for each other?”

Technique - Binding Opposites

You connect what is happening with what you need for it to happen, using the phrase “with what...-that...”.

For example:

“The longer you sit in this chair, the deeper you go into trance,”

“The louder the sounds from outside, the more relaxed you become,”

“The longer you compare me with other men, the easier it is for you to choose in my favor,”

“The more closely you look at me, the more you like me.”

This technique can be very useful when the impact occurs under some clearly disturbing circumstances. For example, in a noisy club.

In this case, you can use the following phrase: “You notice that the louder the music, the better you understand me.”

And note that this is not a question, but a statement.

Still, questions are less preferable, since they inevitably force the Object to think,

use your intellect.

Intelligence is an instrument of Consciousness, and it is precisely this that you need to “turn off.”

Reception - Last message. This uses skills from the inserted message technique.

If in the “Illusion of Choice” technique you artificially limit the number of possible behavior options, then in this technique you list all the options, but there is a subtlety here: you do not verbally emphasize the choice that you need.

For example, the phrase: “Do you want to go into a trance slowly, quickly, or don’t want to go into a trance at all?” will sound like this:

“Do you want to go into trance slowly (with a slight smile, slow voice, very clearly and impressively)... or quickly (pattering, indistinct, neutral facial expressions)... or don’t want to go into trance at all? (facial expressions “contemptuous”, voice “through teeth”).”

According to the laws of memory, the beginning and end of a message are remembered. The middle is forgotten. And therefore, by the way, it is important to master the art of entering a conversation and the art of leaving a conversation.

You can emphasize the first or last of the choices, but not the one in the middle.

Example: You accompany a woman to the car, she gets into the car and you say: “I don’t know when you can come to me, maybe you will do it in a week or in a month, maybe you won’t do it eoounie, but probably you will You’ll do it tomorrow.”

That's it, the door slammed and the car drove away, and your last instruction stuck in the Subconscious of the Object.

To successfully use all these speech techniques, prepare in advance phrases that contain many assumptions about the desired behavior of the Object for you.

Use a combination of different techniques in one phrase. Be sure to consider and include in your speech the context of communication - and everything that is happening around.

It makes no sense to give many specific examples here, since students studying this course may belong to completely different social strata and groups that have their own culture and peculiar slang.

It is important to understand the principle. Introduce a unique behavioral stereotype into your thinking. And everything else will work out on its own, involuntarily, depending on the situation.

Psychological stroking.

When talking to a woman, do not argue with her. Even if she says something that you cannot agree with, limit yourself to some neutral phrases for now.

Argument will only make adjustment more difficult.

But then you will program this woman as you see fit. Instead of arguing, praise her.

She will silently tell you “Yes, I’m so cool.” If she, for example, tells you “Yes...” five times, then by inertia she will say “Yes” the sixth time.

What proposal to make to her this sixth time is up to you...

Using music to induce trance.

One of the "factors that causes the natural immersion of the Object into itself is rhythm.

Psychotherapists use a metronome in their work (it doesn’t matter whether it is mechanical, with a swinging pendulum, or electronic, with a light bulb flashing on and off). Its rhythm is learned by the patient.

This rhythm is superimposed on the text of the suggestion, which the patient assimilates much better than if the rhythm of the text was set by the doctor himself.

When there is an external rhythm, conscious attention is distracted from the speaker, he seems to have nothing to do with it... A text that comes against the background of any external rhythm (against the background of another speech, against the background of music) goes straight to the Subconscious.

But rhythm itself is rare in life; usually the carrier of rhythm is music. Your Object simply listens to the music, and only you know that you coordinate your speech with the rhythm of this music for your own purposes.

Of course, you must know well the pieces of music that you use to induce trance, so that any change in rhythm does not disturb you.

It would be very appropriate to have recordings of calm music at your disposal. This can greatly help you in the impacts that take place on your territory.

At home, of course, the walls also help, but it is still better to think through and organize in advance everything that will help you in inducing a trance included in the context of the conversation.

And remember that if you once put the Object into a trance against the background of a certain melody, then the next time this one piece will cause a trance state in him (remember about anchors).

Electronic music without a specific melody is very convenient for inducing a trance.

It attracts attention even more than one in which the melody is well expressed - it leaves more space for the Object to invest its content and experiences into its uncertainty...

Using information overload of Consciousness.

There is another very interesting group of techniques for quickly inducing trance. They have a bad effect on men, but with women, due to some characteristics of their intelligence, these methods can be tried.

It should just be noted right away that they will not work on highly intelligent individuals. Nevertheless, let this weapon be in your arsenal.

These techniques are associated with certain features of human perception of information.

Firstly, each person can assimilate incoming information at a certain speed; if this speed is exceeded, then the Consciousness does not have time to process new information, and it goes to the Subconscious.

Secondly, a person can consciously retain only a certain amount of information in short-term memory, and everything that exceeds this volume is also not processed by Consciousness.

Thus, you can put a woman into a trance and get in touch with her Subconscious through information overload of the Consciousness

If the speed of information processing is very individual, then the volume of short-term memory is on average the same for all people and amounts to seven units of information.

Everything that enters the Consciousness in excess of this number is sent to the Subconscious without any critical processing.

You can use accelerated submission of information. That is, make adjustments and, after the preliminary instruction “Listen to me carefully,” speed up the pace of your speech, something like this:

“Perhaps” sooner or later you will want to plunge into a hypnotic state, maybe you will do it or you won’t do it now, or you will do it a little later (here the speech becomes very fast) and you will enter into a trance at the very moment when you understand, that you cannot understand what I am telling you even faster, even faster, even faster, even faster (and further, the text of the suggestion goes on in the same patter), you -want to completely-obey-me-and-will-do-with pleasure- whatever-I-tell-you"

Double pointing.

Within the framework of the method of information overload of Consciousness, there is a technique that can be used when working together with your friends. It is called “Double Guidance”

Its essence is simple: in order to quickly overload the Object with information, two people from both sides talk to it at the same time (one in the right ear, the other in the left).

For example, two people approach him from the right and left and, approximately adjusting to the breathing, simultaneously say simple formulas for inducing a trance

“you become calmer, you are more and more focused and peaceful, you can remain relaxed, you enjoy this position for entering a trance, you enjoy this communication, you are filled with trust,” etc.

At this time, the third member of the group approaches the Object from behind and randomly touches different parts of his back.

The success of double targeting is guaranteed by the fact that you overload the Object across all three perception systems at once.

You strain his vision - he sees you, he is forced to follow your gestures (with its help you should additionally attract attention).

You overload his hearing, and you disorient his bodily sensations through touch.

Information overload in everyday life.

There are several situations where information overload occurs in everyday life, and all you have to do is use it.

For example, some kind of party with music and dancing. Here, too, all three systems of military reception of those present are already involved.

The same thing happens in a club on the dance floor.

The same thing can be observed at the concerts of most modern bands.

Watch teenagers at a concert of their favorite band, which is very noisy and blinding them with bright lights, and you will understand that their state of consciousness is clearly altered.

This can be used...

If we ignore situations related to direct communication, it is convenient to use television to induce a trance through information overload.

Try to carefully analyze your state that occurs when you see a quick change of pictures on the screen, each of which has movement, and in some there is text that you do not have time to read...

Television uses two of the three perception systems (vision and hearing), which also gives good results in inducing a trance.

Template break.

The following very powerful technique allows you to put a woman into a trance almost instantly.

Think about it, many everyday actions of each person are performed according to a certain program, repeated hundreds and thousands of times without changes: greeting, shaking hands, smoking, etc.

When you meet a friend and she asks you: “How are you?” she is not really interested in the state of your affairs - she simply follows a program called “Greeting” and which provides a template answer “Fine” to a template question.

Try the question: “How are you?” answer: “terrible, I’ll die soon,” or start talking in detail about your affairs.

This behavior of yours does not correspond to the generally accepted program and causes confusion in the woman, she “freezes”.

And you can take advantage of this situation of confusion - if a woman’s old behavior program, the old pattern is broken, then you can impose a new program on her.

When influencing women, strive to ensure that your actions evoke positive emotions

The fact is that the activity of human consciousness is very stereotypical.

When everything around is calm, Consciousness is also calm, it works in its usual mode. But it is enough for some event to happen that does not fit into the usual rhythm of life, and Consciousness simply gets lost, dives for advice into the deeper layers of the psychic apparatus, which are in charge of intuition, experience, and memory.

And while it is looking for an answer to the question of how to perceive an unexpected situation, the Object automatically enters a trance state. (Remember, trance is a state when Consciousness is immersed inside.)

This state lasts only about a second, but this time is enough for influence in the form of suggestion. If you are sufficiently trained in observation and reaction, then you will have time to put in the necessary installation.

It should be repeated once again that the female psyche, due to its characteristics, is very susceptible to such methods of influence.

There are many different behavioral maneuvers, but the more banal the technique, the more effectively it works, as a rule.

When influencing women, strive to ensure that your actions evoke positive emotions.

Let these be pleasant surprises rather than those that can cause a surge of anxiety and force the fragile female psyche to build protective barriers and choose tactics of aloofness and wariness towards you.

Use in your arsenal of tools:

Good news,

Little gifts

Changes in your appearance.

All the techniques presented actually work.

Choose and use those that suit you best. If you wish, you can combine them with each other. Don't be afraid to be flexible and creative in this matter.

Life is too multifaceted to be able to fit all possible situations into any

Language of the body.

Almost every person speaks two languages ​​from childhood, one of which is conscious and constructed as speech, while the other conveys information from the Subconscious, hidden motives and motives.

In this section, you will gain knowledge of this second language - body language - in a concentrated form and learn how to effectively use new knowledge.

Every involuntary movement of your interlocutor can be deciphered and the message of her Subconscious can be read. A woman can hide her thoughts and desires, she may not even be aware of them, but the Subconscious will still give her away.

At the same time, knowing the meaning of each gesture and consciously using it, you can signal the woman’s Subconscious about your intentions and thereby exert a hidden influence on her, which will allow you to have an extra trump card for mastering the situation and successful Influence.

Since learning any language is impossible without a dictionary, the most meaningful form of understanding sign language would be to compile something like a short reference book, where you can find certain correspondences without any difficulty.

The dictionary is based on the principle of psychophysical correspondence, which is that all mental processes are reflected in physiology and vice versa - “physiological changes entail mental movements.

Open positions.

Open positions are evidence of psychological openness, desire for communication and productive contacts. They appear in undisplaced and unclosed positions of the arms and legs.

Open palms - honesty, frankness.

The palm turned upward is a pleading gesture. With this position it is easier to get the request fulfilled, since it does not demonstrate pressure from the person asking.

Palm turned down (looking at the floor) - authority. On the part of the one who uses such a position,


The palm turned upward (palm from below - under the palm of the interlocutor) - readiness to submit, an unconscious signal to the one whose dominance is recognized.

Palm turned down (palm on top - on the palm of the interlocutor) - a desire for dominance, an attempt to take control of the situation.

Palm edge down (vertical position) - position of equality.

The toe is an indicator of interest; its direction indicates someone in whom a person is interested or finds attractive.

Widely spaced legs.

In a standing position: aggression, including sexual. Confidence. Readiness for action. Activity.

In a sitting position: confidence. Inner relaxation. Demonstration of sexuality.

Closed positions.

The fact that a person is in a closed position indicates his psychological closedness, his desire to isolate himself from the situation. Such positions appear in the form of crossed arms and legs.

Hands overheated on the chest are an attempt to hide, to isolate oneself from the situation. Negative reaction.

Possibility of psychic attack.

Crossed arms with fingers tightly clasping the forearms (clasping hands) is a negative and depressed attitude towards the situation.

One hand intercepts the other hand - running vertically along the body - at the forearm, elbow or shoulder: a lighter form of crossed arms.

The hands are freely lowered, but one seems to shake the other - an attempt to maintain emotional calm. With one hand, a person makes a gesture as if adjusting a button on the sleeve of the other hand, a watch bracelet, or a cuff. - hidden nervousness.

A person holds a bouquet of flowers, a handbag (for women), a cup of tea, etc. with both hands - an attempt to hide internal tension and nervousness.

Intertwined fingers, clasped hands - a negative attitude.

Pyramid (palms facing each other, fingertips closed) - confidence, a confident attitude towards something.

Hands behind the back: one clasps the other in the palm area - self-confidence, authority, a sense of superiority.

One hand clasps the other's wrist - an attempt at self-control.

One hand intercepts the upper forearm of the other hand - an attempt at self-control, but more pronounced than in the previous case.

The role of the thumb is to demonstrate aggressiveness (including sexual aggressiveness), strength, pressure, and a sense of superiority.

Hands in pockets, thumbs outside - confidence, conceit, attacking gesture. In women, aggression (including sexual) is of a dominant nature.

Thumbs sticking out of back pockets is a dominant character. Legs:

Crossing the legs (gesture one leg at a time) - protection, desire for isolation.

In general, a gesture is deciphered depending on the context of the situation. For example, during a long lecture, a listener in the hall can use a similar position for convenience.

Crossed legs and crossed arms - disapproval, rejection, increased protection

Crossed legs and intertwined fingers on the knees - self-concentration, isolation. Crossed ankles - protection, tension, negative attitude, nervousness, fear.

Dynamic positions.

Dynamic positions are those that cannot be classified as closed or open, since they reflect other mental states.

The chaff is held straight or slightly raised - a neutral position.

The floor is slightly raised, the eyelids are slightly closed or the corners of the eyes are narrowed, the gaze is directed downward - arrogance, disdain, superiority.

The chaff is slightly tilted to the side - a sign of interest.

The floor is slightly lowered, the glance is from under the brows - a disapproving attitude towards the situation, wariness.

Farts behind the head in combination with the position of the legs in the form of a “four” - the desire to demonstrate control of the situation, self-confidence, and a sense of superiority.

Extended - excitement, pleasure, expression of interest, including sexual. Narrowed - negative reaction, rejection.

Distributed between the eyes and mouth - a secular look. It glides from the eyes down to the chest and back - an intimate look.

Sideways glance:

Combined with a smile - interest,

In combination with lowered eyebrows - hostility.

Frequent blinking is a sign of protection and confusion. Hands and face:

Scratching the chin - reflection and evaluation.

Grabbing your nose in a pinch just below the bridge of the nose in combination with closed eyes is concentration.

Hand at the cheek - the cheek rests on the fingers folded into a fist, and the index finger is straightened towards the cheek - thinking, thoughtfulness.

The index finger touches the nose, the rest covers the mouth - suspicion, secrecy, mistrust.

Touching or rubbing the nose is deceit on the part of the person doing it.

The index finger touches the cheek, and the rest are located under the chin - a critical assessment.

A hand strokes the neck - dissatisfaction, denial, anger. Protective gesture.

Rubbing the ear - impatience, desire to interrupt. Nervousness.

The face is slightly tilted to the side and rests on the palm or fist - “telephone pose” - internal monologue. Boredom.

Sitting on a chair is a demonstration of superiority or aggression (including sexual).

One leg is raised and resting on something, the body is slightly bent and leaned forward - a gesture of the owner, the winner.

Pair interactions.

Closed education:

The bodies of the two interlocutors are located opposite each other, look! they are directed at each other - a manifestation of mutual interest. a desire to be just the two of them.

Open education:

Two interlocutors stand at some angle in relation to each other, as if forming some space into which a third can freely enter - a position that allows the participation of one or more interlocutors.

Including and excluding a partner from the conversation:

Inclusion: in the event of a third partner joining a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn their bodies at an angle in relation to each other and to him, without words inviting the latter to join the conversation.

Exception: in the event of an attempt to join a third partner to a closed position, the interlocutors in it turn only their heads in relation to him. But the direction of the bodies remains the same, which indicates that the third partner is undesirable in this conversation.

Sexual gestures.

Sexual gestures are a manifestation of sexual interest in relation to someone and an unconscious (and sometimes quite conscious) attempt to demonstrate your interest in him or her.

Men's sexy tin;

The hand adjusts the tie, collar, touches the throat or touches the hair.

Thumbs tucked into belt.

The toe is turned towards the woman who arouses sexual interest.

An intimate look.

Hands on hips.

The legs are widely spaced regardless of whether the man is sitting or standing.

Female sexual gestures:

Head toss.

Exposing the wrists.

An intimate look.

Crossed legs.

Positions at the table.

Head toss.

Smoothing or touching hair (hair is a fairly strong sexual symbol).

Exposing the wrists.

Spread your legs (standing or sitting).

Slightly open mouth and wet lips.

An intimate look.

Crossed legs.

Stroking a cylindrical object (cigarette, glass, pen, etc.)

Positions at the table.

When sitting down at the table with a woman, you don’t have to sit on opposite sides. In this case, both of you will involuntarily be in defensive positions, since your hands will be forced in front of you on the table. Defensive postures will certainly strengthen communication.

Try to sit so that you are with her either on the same side of the table or on adjacent ones.

The poses will be freer and, as a result, communication will be more relaxed. In addition, being in close proximity to a woman will allow you to touch her more naturally.

Remember, like any language, body language is made up of words, sentences and punctuation.

Each gesture is like one word, and a word can have several different meanings.

You can only fully understand the meaning of this word when you insert this word into a sentence along with other words.

Only by considering various gestures in their totality can one draw correct conclusions about the actual state of a person.

Language of the body.

Take action! I like you!

Language of the body.

Use in sexual manipulation.

Once again, it should be recalled that gestures, being a projection of unconscious movements, are capable of having the same unconscious impact

Therefore, if you want to express one or another of your desires, you can use a gesture for this, but quite consciously. The woman will perceive it properly and react accordingly.

For example, sexual gestures not only reflect sexual interest, but also serve well! a means to attract attention and arouse reciprocal interest.

If you begin to subtly and gracefully use these gestures, then they will say about you that you are “sexy!” magnetism”, unaware of the true reasons for your “thoughtful;! attractiveness.

If you begin to demonstrate sexual gestures, and see that a woman reacts to them with a similar demonstration, then this means that she is clearly sexually interested in you. And you can confidently continue to influence it.

In addition, a similar method can be used with great success at parties where many women are present.

The point is that you should start making sexual gestures.

You may be complete strangers. You don't have to say anything. But your sexual gestures silently signal to the Subconscious of each of the women present about your mood.

Those of them that react to your actions in a similar way will be extremely easy prey for you! And the Subconscious Mind received your sexual signal and sent you a positive response.

Take action! I like you!


Everything you have learned so far is very useful.

You “can already suppress a woman, psychologically break her, even if it is your boss or teacher. You can excite her without even touching her.

But still, these methods do not give you complete, absolute power over her, over her personality.

A similar effect can be achieved by hypnosis with complete loss of consciousness. Unfortunately!, in order to immerse the Object in such hypnosis, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions:

You must master the art of hypnosis, but it is not as easy to master as some authors write.

An experienced teacher is needed.

It takes a lot of time to master.

It takes practice.

A lot depends on the degree of hypnotizability of the Object.

And most importantly, the Object’s 100% conscious consent to carry out this procedure is absolutely necessary, and even his desire to plunge into a hypnotic sleep.

In a word, it is practically unrealistic.

And yet, there is a technique that allows you to completely change the Object’s life attitudes. For example, make her bisexual, or even put into her a desire to engage in prostitution for your benefit.


Now she will become even more than your slave. The master owns only the body of the slave, but not his soul. A master cannot force a slave to want anything.

You can!

You can put any desire you want into this creature. She will want what you want her to want.

For example, your wife herself may suggest that you invite a young girl to bed. And she herself will want to have sex with you and your girlfriend at the same time.

This is reality! How to do this?

It's really not difficult." Your Subject's dream is used.

In this state, a total impact directly on the Subconscious is possible. The human censor - his Consciousness - is absent from his post. It's sleeping. The subconscious never sleeps. Our dreams are evidence of this.

Let's get down to business. You must follow the following algorithm:

To a certain extent, it is simple to transform a natural sleep into a hypnotic one, because the Consciousness of the Object has already been changed, he is no longer awake.

Your task is simply to adjust. To adjust to a sleeping person, use the same techniques as for being awake - with the exception of posture and movements.

You do not have to lie down next to the Object; it is more important for you to adapt to his breathing. Wait until the woman falls asleep, sit or continue to lie next to her and make direct adjustments to her breathing for as long as necessary.

You can apply indirect adjustment to breathing by touching the sleeping person in time with the breathing movements of her chest.

After this, check if you can lead: slowly change the rhythm of your breathing. Do the check really slowly, gently, carefully - sudden changes, with good adjustment, can wake her up.

If you are leading, then start saying simple phrases in a whisper or in a low voice: “Continue to sleep... Sleep deeper... You will sleep and hear my voice...” After this, make a direct suggestion of what is required of her.

Having finished the suggestion, you will bring her out of hypnosis and give her the setting for a sound, healthy sleep: “Sleep soundly and calmly... your body and mind are resting... you will wake up full of strength and joy...”.

It goes without saying that your speech must meet all the above requirements.

Before removing the Object of their hypnotic dream, you can play it safe by giving special instructions about forgetting what you said. Although, in any case, the sleeping woman is not aware of you, and, therefore, does not consciously remember your suggestion.

So don't be afraid -""" ,:~" she may wake up. If you are not finished, wait until she falls asleep again and

P, _ ., .... .. .

Also, having established the adjustment, you can talk to the sleeping woman, but do not expect that, being in a greatly altered state of consciousness, she will give detailed answers.

The speech of people immersed in trance is very laconic, so ask questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No”.

If you insist on detailed answers, she will wake up. Before asking questions, give her the attitude of sincerity, and these will be the most honest answers in her life.

It makes sense to start mastering this technique of zombie-like sleep only when you have already firmly mastered the previous sections of the course, especially the adjustment technique.

So, using this method, you can give any commands to the Object.

The only exception is a direct kill command. The fact is that this command contradicts the basic human instinct - the preservation of the species.

It is impossible to program an Object to commit murder, suicide, or abortion. Direct commands such as “take a gun and shoot someone” or “throw yourself out of a tenth floor window” simply will not be carried out.

But the Subconscious can also be deceived. An indirect instruction may be carried out. For example, “at such and such a time press such and such a button”...

With this one exception - the direct command to “kill” - all, absolutely all of your commands will be executed.

A woman will do and desire what you tell her to do!

Mastering this method will give you power over a woman’s soul.

Will make you somewhat like a god.

Or the Devil...


So, let’s briefly review the course and summarize.

The activity of the human psyche is based on the interaction of Consciousness and Subconsciousness. At the same time, the Consciousness thinks, and the Subconscious controls.

The system teaches how to influence a woman’s instincts, the main one of which is procreation. In women, this instinct manifests itself in the desire to have sexual intercourse with a strong male and conceive from him.

At the same time, she must be sure that this male will be able to ensure the safety of her and her offspring. This means that he must at least be stronger than herself.

A woman wants to feel this power and instinctively wants to give herself over to someone who is stronger than her.

The entire System is built on this.

The suppressive effect on a woman should begin from the very first seconds of contact.

For this, a special gaze is used (look without blinking, first into the leading eye, then inward) and a low timbre of the voice.

Using the tools available in the course, regularly train your eyes and voice.

If you absolutely do not have the opportunity to train using a monitor, then you can build some kind of tools 1 and 2 from plain paper.

But it is still much preferable to work with a screen, since it provides its own rather than reflected light.

The effectiveness of classes in this case is much higher.

In any case, the result of these classes will exceed all your expectations.

You will see how easy it is for you to communicate with women. Figuratively speaking, they will “look into your mouth” and try to guess your every desire.

How you will use this mood of the female psyche is up to you.

If desired, if this is not enough for you, to further enhance your influence, use trance introduction and suggestion

The sequence of actions when entering a trance is as follows: Adjustment:

4. Basic system of representations.

5. Leading belief system.

6. Verbal access keys.

Directions of eye movements.

8. Breathing.

Correct execution of the adjustment leads to the fact that the Subject’s subconscious mind tunes in to you and accepts your commands, which are given in the form of suggestion with the obligatory use of hypnotizing speech.

Additional techniques:

Breaking the pattern

Information overload

Various speech techniques:


Overlapping realities

Triple helix,


Inserted messages.

Speech techniques:

Truisms, Illusion of choice"

Kli selection;

Teams in questions

Last message,



The use of music can be a great help in inducing trance.

The Pearl of the System is the zombification technique, or programming in a dream using the following algorithm:

1. transform the Subject’s natural sleep into hypnotic sleep.

3. convert the Subject’s hypnotic sleep into a natural one.

Remember that it makes sense to start mastering this section only when you have already completely mastered all the previous material, especially the tuning technique.

All techniques require influence with gaze and voice, as well as the use of adjustment. (For obvious reasons, the exception is the effect of looking at the sleeping woman.)

Mastering these techniques is not as easy as you might think. This requires time and effort.

But it’s no more difficult than learning to drive a car, remembering the rules of the road and getting a license.

And the more you then practice, the more mastery you will achieve.

When you have your first successful Impact, you won’t need to explain anything else.

It's like learning to swim or ride a bike. Once you do it correctly, the skill will remain for life.

Mastering the System will completely and forever change your life! I wish you success!

If you have any difficulties in mastering the Total Submission System, you can contact the consultant center for help at the address indicated in the previous section.


The concept of trance.

The concept of the meaning of a single rhythm.


The concept of perception systems.

Definition of the main perceptual system.

Definition of the leading perceptual system

Second order adjustment.

Determining the effectiveness of adjustment.

Sexy trans.

Hypnotic speech. Matrix of sexual submission-Techniques.

Speech techniques.


Overlapping realities

Triple helix.

Separation of Consciousness and Subconsciousness

Inserted messages. Speech techniques.

Using music to induce trance. Using information overload of Consciousness. Template break. Language of the body.

Use in sexual manipulation. Zombification. Conclusion.

In preparing the course, materials from S. Gorin and E. Tsvetkov were used.

We women cry so often that there are no suitable men near us. Do we know how to keep the person we dream of next to us?

We say that we need someone behind whom we will be, like behind a stone wall, whom we can rely on and trust. And then we enter into an alliance with exactly this one and begin to try to change it, break it, remake it. Thus, we deliberately deprive ourselves of the main female pleasure - to obey. But, nevertheless, it is precisely the ability to obey and the ability to be dependent on him that is inherent in us by nature.

We have ceased to recognize men's right to leadership, the right to choose. Any choice. For some reason, we want everything to be just our way. Remember, have you ever looked up at your man, or lowered your eyes, fell silent for fear that you did something wrong and he would be angry? Are you afraid of his wrath at all? No, most often you throw your chest forward and scream about how wrong he is. Haven’t you ever wanted to just relax and accept everything as he suggests?

As a result of our eternal attempts to tailor everything to ourselves, men's opinion turns into a phantom. Then we become disappointed through our own fault and separate from our men. We tell ourselves: “I will not give up, I will not submit to him.” And then, along with power over our lives, we receive such enormous responsibility that we howl. Then we come to the conclusion that we still want him to take responsibility. So maybe it’s worth finally transferring power into his hands?

If your companion is strong enough to take responsibility for you along with this power, then stop wanting to win arguments all the time, give up.

Where did this contradiction come from between reason, which chooses the obedient and docile, and instinct, which requires the strong and powerful?

It seems to us that a strong man will get the better of us and deprive us of our freedom. But as soon as we choose a meek man, prove to him our strength and subordinate him to our interests, our mind seems to fall silent - the goal is achieved, the job is done. But this won't last long. Here the subconscious awakens and begins to prove that a real man would never allow himself to be pushed around.

Calm down and back off. Let him make all decisions himself and bear responsibility for them. It's time for us to learn to say "yes" to our chosen one, to sincerely trust him, and then we will definitely get a real man - reliable, serious, adult.

And if it so happens that he makes a mistake, you need to take it for granted, and instead of immediately blaming him, it is better to say that you are with him and you will get through it together and fix everything. Feeling support, he will certainly find strength in himself, begin to value your opinion and listen to you, and not resist. And then you will definitely find harmony and be happy with each other.

Based on equality and partnership. This can only be so in theory. In real life, we all manipulate each other to a certain extent. Therefore, questions arise about how to subjugate another person.

We have all heard stories about how a seemingly plain woman, not distinguished by either beauty or intelligence, is capable of winning the heart of any knight. From the outside it always seems that there is some kind of catch in this. “Well, what did they find in her?” - neighbors and colleagues complain. Or maybe she just knows how to subjugate a man and knows how to use her talents not only in bed?

In the old days it was believed that “the husband is the head.” The wife, therefore, will turn her neck wherever she wants. This truth is the main secret of how to subjugate a man to yourself. You need to let him feel like he’s in charge, the “head.” That one and only, for whose sake you are in both fire and water. Is the maxim about “the way to the heart through the stomach” correct? Not for everyone and not always. If you know how to cook your favorite dishes, if you use aphrodisiac products wisely, it is suitable. But let's remember the many stories about how husbands leave their thrifty and excellent cooking wives for the sake of others... For which ones? In fact, it turns out that for the sake of those with whom they feel good not only at dinner or in bed. An important point for those who want to know how to subjugate a man: let him feel freedom of expression. Listen and listen again. Assent, don't criticize. Even when telling you about his feelings for another, he involuntarily becomes dependent on you: after all, no one will understand him like you.

Create and maintain an atmosphere of trust. Allow him to do things that he is not allowed to do at home. For example, throwing socks around the room or smoking in the living room. If you immediately use an orderly tone or find fault with little things, you will not get your goal - the answer to the question of how to subjugate a man. But then, when he understands that you truly support him, you can begin to carefully pursue your interests. Again, convincing him along the way that no one but him can help you. Don't make any demands. Try to express all your desires in the form of a request, or even better - a slight regret: “Oh, how nice it would be...”

If the relationship between a man and a woman is based on respect and affection, he will certainly want to fulfill your whim. And if he feels like a knight on a white horse, his ego simply will not allow him not to give you a royal gift.

The secret of how to subjugate a man is quite simple. Give him confirmation of his significance, his uniqueness. This, in general, applies to any person. There is only one “but”: even if you openly flatter him, never let him feel your insincerity. Try to believe in all the virtues that you praise. Everything else doesn't really matter. One more caveat must be made: never convince a man that you “mean nothing.” Among them there are few psychologists who are ready to increase your self-esteem. Most likely, your partner will believe you and look for someone who has a better opinion of herself.