Construction from waste material in a dow abstract. "Fairytale City" Synopsis of GCD on construction from waste material in the senior group. The teacher invites the children to solve the riddle

Target: The development of creativity in children by means of non-traditional construction techniques from waste material.

Tasks: To improve the skill of making a collage, to express in work with the help of material (junk), an associative connection with the character. Develop creative imagination, aesthetic perception. Cultivate sympathy and kindness towards game characters.

Material: Tinted cardboard, house stencil, napkins, thread, sticks, sawdust, buttons, multi-colored paper, additional details, glue, brushes, simple pencil, toy characters. Sample train "Seasons".

Stroke: Showing a presentation on the topic: "What are the houses."

We each have a home

We feel good, comfortable in it,

We put things in order in the house,

We find peace and joy in it.

Game motivation: Guys, that's why I started talking about the house. I learned that an unusual train is traveling, which is called "Seasons". Interesting passengers travel on it, but they have no houses, nowhere to go.

How can you help them? (Children's answers: build a house ...)

Are you willing to help them? (Children answer: yes!)

We meet friends! (Showing a train with characters)

Guys, the house must be made from the material from which the character is made. (Meet the passengers)

The first car is winter, the passenger in it is “Kulek” (Made from paper. A house can be made from napkins and paper)

The second car is spring, passenger “Klubok” (Made from threads. A house can be made from threads)

The third car is summer, passenger “Pencil” (Made of wood. The house can be made from sticks, sawdust and pencil shavings)

The fourth car is autumn "Button" (Made of plastic. A house can be made of buttons)

So we figured out the task, before proceeding to work, let's remember who builds houses? (Children answer: builders)

And who thinks about what kind of houses will be, in what place to build them? (Children's answers: Architect)

Let's be architects and builders with you today! Before starting work, you need to do a warm-up.

The house turns out quickly if the fingers meet

We raise it higher, we got a roof

1,2,3,4,5 - we will create a wall

To make two walls, I need to work

It will blow out from behind, it is necessary to quickly close

The only thing left is the door, we'll open it for friends

1,2,3,4,5 - we will start construction.

Now you will find out who will build a house for whom! (The lottery is being held)

Sit quietly in your seats, look at what material you have prepared.

Work sequence: circle the stencil of the house, paste over the line of the pencil with the necessary material and decorate it. Start building houses!

In the course of work, then make sure that the children work carefully, correctly perform the skills of working with brushes, glue, etc. Individual help.

Upon completion of the work, the game "Housewarming" was held, during which there was a discussion of the results.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Program content: Introduce children to the profession of a clown. Learn to beautifully arrange a figure on a sheet of paper in a format corresponding to the proportions of the objects depicted. Strengthen the ability of children to make ...

Construction from waste material "friends for a turtle"

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Summary of educational activities for the construction of waste material in the age group "Merry Clown".

Purpose: To create conditions for children to get acquainted with the profession of a clown. Tasks: - to consolidate the knowledge of color and shape - to develop an idea - to teach how to cut the corners of a rectangle correctly - to learn to position the image ...

Abstract of the game-lesson with building material of an early age

Subject: "Tower"

Target: Learn to build a tower of cubes, put a cube on a cube.


Encourage design.

To attach to the creation of the simplest buildings.

Develop fine motor skills.

Learn to keep your attention.

Activate the passive and active vocabulary of children (take, do, put a house, put a cat on a house.

Cultivate accuracy (learn to put cubes in a box).

Game motivation: The cat came to visit.

Material: Blocks of the same size for each child, a toy - a cat.

  1. Organizational stage:

Surprise moment. A cat comes to visit and tells the children the story of how she got lost and lost her home. The teacher invites the children to build her a house - a tower.

Kitty song (the teacher encourages children to design).

“A gray cat, sat down on the window,

She waved her tail, sang a song.

Meow meow meow"

Let's build a cat house.

2.Main stage:

In front of the baby, the teacher builds a house in slow motion, while commenting on his actions:

“Tili-bom, tili-bom.

Here we built a house

The teacher will put a cat on top of the house.

He will read the rhyme: “Who is sitting on the house,

And looks at you and me

Who is squeaking

Meow meow says.

3.Demo stage:

parallel building.

The teacher stands, and the child imitates you, builds next to you.

Take a cube, invite the child to take the same:

“I have a cube and you have a cube. Put the cube on the table. Take another cube. Put a cube on a cube." Important: If the child does not succeed, use the measure of assistance "Hand in hand"

Put your palm on the baby's hand, helping him to grab the cube from the top and put the cube where it is required by the task. Play the building.

Execution of the order:

Inviting the child to build a house, the educator can help a little.

4.Final stage:

Performing two consecutive actions: "Build a house and put a cat on the house."

Synopsis of GCD "Cactus" from waste material

Author: Zakirova Marina Grigorievna, educator of the MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 176, Perm.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities on the topic "Cactus" from waste material for children of the younger group (3-4 years old). This material will be useful for educators of younger groups and for parents. This summary will help give a second life to already used materials.
Target: to promote the formation of the ability to work with waste material.
1. Continue to teach how to work with waste material;
2. Cultivate accuracy when doing work;
3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Material: plasticine, toothpicks, plastic cups, paper napkins (all according to the number of children), a cactus houseplant, a hedgehog toy.
Motivational activity:
A hedgehog comes to visit, carries a cactus in a basket.
Hedgehog: Hello guys,
Children: hello hedgehog.
Hedgehog: I brought a friend with me. It's hidden in my basket. To find out what kind of friend, you need to guess the riddle.
We have a green hedgehog
On the window you will find it:
On my window
Settled in a bowl.
Teacher: What is this friend?
children: cactus
Hedgehog: here I have it, look at it.
Educator: guys, what color is the cactus?
Children: green.
Teacher: what shape is it?
Children: oval.
Educator: what else does a cactus have?
Children: needles.
Educator: guys, let's also try to make a cactus now?
Children: let's go.
Educator: Now I will show and tell you how we will do it. The guys in front of you on the tables is plasticine. We will make balls out of it and put them in our cups. And from toothpicks we will make needles. Then we stick the toothpicks into the plasticine ball, and we get a cactus. (You need to be careful and warn about caution in working with the material, explaining that they can prick).

Physical education minute
"Hedgehog" (children perform movements in accordance with the words of the poem)
The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried a mushroom on his back.
The hedgehog stomped slowly
Quiet rustle of leaves.
And a bunny jumps to a meeting,
Long-eared jumper.
In someone's garden deftly
I got a scythe carrot.
Independent activity.
Children do their own crafts. The teacher provides them with the necessary help with advice, showing.
Final part
Educator: hedgehog, see if our cacti look like your friend?
Hedgehog: Yes, very similar. Just like my friend, just as prickly.

Do you think the hedgehog liked your cactus? (Yes)
Children, did you enjoy making cactus? (Yes)
At home, teach your parents how to make such a cactus? (Yes)

Davydova Ludmila Petrovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Malvina"
Locality: city ​​of Noyabrsk, YNAO
Material name: summary of GCD on construction from waste material for children of the older group
Subject:"Water transport"
Publication date: 17.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of the GCD on the design of waste material for children

senior group "Water transport"



make your own boat.

Tasks. To teach children from natural material to make simple crafts,

sequentially, carefully connect the finished parts; beat them.

To consolidate knowledge of the shape of a triangle.

To cultivate the ability and desire to politely address others, to help them.

Material: toys (raft, boat, boat, ship), 2 basins with water;

for each child, a walnut shell, a wooden stick, a sail (carved from

colored paper triangle), plasticine, board, napkin, plate, small stickers.

Move. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the table where the toys are: a raft, a boat,



transport, in case of difficulty, the teacher helps). Summarizes the children's answers "Raft, boat,

a boat, a ship is all water transport. The very first raft was invented (reads

poem), then a boat, people began to build ships to transport people, cargo, for

fishing, warships to guard our border.

If you take a lot of logs,

Tie them very tightly

The raft will turn out reliable,

And you can swim on it!

Sailing, sailing boat

golden ship,

Lucky, lucky gifts,

Gifts for you and me.

Consideration of the boat, what parts it consists of (side, bow, bottom, sail).



sail?" (Triangle, there are three corners, three sides).

Educator. “Guys, do you want to play with the boat? (Yes.) Just like us

we will play, there are many of you, and he is one. (Children's answers.) I suggest that everyone do this




let's swim


Game "Ship" Coordination of speech with movement.

The ship pushed off from the green pier. (Step forward, hands down.)

One, two -

He stepped back first. (Two steps back.)

And then he stepped forward - (Two steps forward.)

One, two -

And he swam, swam along the river, gaining full speed. (Hands extended forward and closed -

this is the bow of the ship; movement in a circle in small steps. Children pronounce the sound s-s-s-)

The teacher then asks the children

sit down at the tables, shows and explains

sequence of connecting parts. Children work independently.

Evaluation of children's work.

Game "Captains" The development of a strong smooth exhalation. Activation of the muscles of the lips.

Children sit in a large semicircle in the center of two small tables, on each stands

basin with water. The teacher invites the children to ride on a boat from one city to

the other, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis. For the boat to move, you need to

blow slowly, stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. The ship is moving

The summoned child blows while sitting on a chair pulled up to the table. On repeat

game captains change. Each child plays with his own boat. Whose boat

swam to the appointed place, receives a sticker.

Target: To acquaint children with the concepts of "city" and "village" through the integration of educational areas "Cognition", "Artistic creativity", "Communication".

Educational tasks:
-To teach children to find differences: in the city there are high-rise buildings built of brick and concrete; in the village - low one-story houses built of logs, wood, little transport; the houses are surrounded by a fence, near the houses there is a garden, outbuildings, pets.
-To teach children to design houses from waste material (boxes).

Development tasks:
-Develop the ability to create a model of rural and urban streets
-Develop the ability to beat buildings using additional items.
- Strengthen the skills of accurate gluing
-Develop memory, attention when choosing photos depicting the city and the village
-Activate the words "village", "rural street" in speech

Educational tasks:
-To cultivate a desire to help (Pinocchio)
- Develop love for your hometown

GCD progress
Knock on the door, Pinocchio comes.
Pinocchio: Hello guys. I see that you are studying, but I came to you to find out about a new word that I heard. "Village". And what it is - I do not know.
caregiver: Guys, tell Pinocchio, what is a village? (Answers of children).

Sit down Pinocchio, listen. But before telling Pinocchio, let's figure it out for ourselves, which building is called a village, and which city. Where do we live? (in the city of Novosibirsk).
Pinocchio, the guys and I live in the city. Look at this picture. What do you think is a city or a village depicted here? (children's answers)

And how did you guess? Let's look at this picture. What do you see on it?
Tell me about the houses in the city. (They are high, multi-storey).
What are the houses made of? (made of brick, concrete)

What else do you see in the picture? (Houses stand along the street, it is paved, wide, cars, buses, trolleybuses, a lot of transport drive along the street. There are many streets in the city, they are long, various vehicles travel along them.)
Now look at this picture. This city? (No, what is it? (village)

And how did you guess that the village is depicted here? (Low one-story houses, they are built of wood, logs (wooden), the street is not paved, there are few cars, tractors and horse-drawn carts drive along the streets. The houses are fenced. Near the houses there is a garden, a garden, outbuildings in which pets live (horses, cows, ducks, geese, etc.)

Pinocchio, have you listened carefully to how a village differs from a city?
Pinocchio: Yes.
Educator: And now we will check. On the table are photographs depicting the city and the village. Choose a photo and show us the photo of the village.
Pinocchio is wrong.
caregiver: guys, correctly said Pinocchio. (No)
What is shown in this photo? (city)
Sit down, Pinocchio, listen carefully and learn.

Children choose photographs, show and name what is shown on them. City or village.

Educator: I see that Pinocchio has stayed too long with us, he wants to move forward already.
Pinocchio: I know a game called "Builders"
Educator: Pinocchio, if you want, the guys and I will teach you how to design a city and a village.

Come to our creative workshop. There are boxes on the table, low and high. Choose. Who likes what. Come on in. Have a seat. Now we will design houses from these boxes.
Will there be rural or urban houses from low boxes? (rural houses.)
What about tall boxes? (city houses)

To turn the boxes into houses, we will glue windows on them - blue squares and doors - black rectangles. In rural houses, low boxes, windows are located on those sides of the box, and in urban high houses, they are located on one side one above the other (so that it can be seen that there are many floors in the house; how many windows - so many floors)

In the plates you have the details.
I remind you that the glue must be applied from the middle of the part to the edges, smearing all the corners. Glue carefully, blotting excess glue with a napkin.
Our houses are ready.

Pinocchio: And how to understand where is the city and where is the village?
caregiver: and now we will create models of the city and country streets.
I remind you that the houses are located on both sides of the street.
In the city, the street is covered with asphalt.
In the village on the street is ordinary land.
We have additional materials that can be added to our models.
Pinocchio: I know! (takes a tractor and puts it on a city street)
Educator: Pinocchio right? (no, Pinocchio, you made a mistake, the tractor drives along a rural street).
Children complete the models.

Educator: we have created two street models. What is the name of this street model? What is the name of this street? Is this a city street model? How shall we call it? (city Novosibirsk)
This is a village street model. What is the name of this street? (rural - choral and individual answers) What shall we call the village? (Children options)

Pinocchio: Guys, thank you, I understood what a village is, that in the village there are low one-story houses, few houses, there is little transport on the roads, the street is called rural. I also learned how to make houses out of boxes and construct a country street. Thank you for your help! Play, and I'll go and tell everything to Papa Carlo. Goodbye!

Title: Construction from waste material in the middle group of kindergarten. Synopsis of the GCD on the topic "City-village".
Nomination: Kindergarten, middle group, Lesson notes, GCD, design and manual labor from waste material

Position: teacher of the highest category
Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type "Search", Novosibirsk
Location: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region