Who gives the loaf to the young. Wedding loaf - traditions. Baking and decorating secrets

Since ancient times, the parents of the groom greeted newly-made spouses with bread and salt. After all, it was to their house that he brought his betrothed. Nowadays, this tradition has been somewhat simplified, and the loaf awaits the newlyweds in the banquet hall or other room where the wedding is celebrated.

What is needed to meet the newlyweds with a loaf?

Let's start with the fact that the loaf should be large. Its size and all kinds of decorations predict a rich and happy life for the newlyweds. Of course, you don’t have to create unnecessary trouble for yourself and just buy ready-made round bread from a bakery. However, by doing this you will deprive yourself of quite an interesting pastime. And what the wedding loaf symbolizes will lose its relevance. After all, you don’t even know who baked it and in what mood.

According to tradition, only women were allowed to do wedding ritual baking. For this purpose, one of the happiest married ladies was invited to the groom's house. She kneaded the dough, constantly singing positive love songs. And while shaping the bread, round like the sun, she read prayers. “Our Father” and “To the Virgin Mary” were considered obligatory. A man sent the loaf to bake. Also married and accomplished. Thus, the bread absorbed the positive energy of family well-being. And it was passed down from generation to generation.

Decorated wedding loaf and towel

At first, the baked goods were decorated only with viburnum branches, but a little later each decorative element became iconic:

  • ears of wheat - wealth,
  • viburnum - love,
  • braids are an inextricable bond between spouses.
  • figurines of swans - loyalty and devotion. Interestingly, it is swans that are found in many. Along with grapes, which symbolizes fertility. Both in business and in the desire for offspring.

In fact, the decoration of the loaf for the newlyweds echoed the pictures embroidered on the towel. The painted towel also contained a lot of meaning. Firstly, it had to be very beautiful, so the embroidery was entrusted to experienced craftswomen. Secondly, the towel was made double-sided: a female side and a male side. The decorations came in three rows. The first personified the continuity of generations and used plant motifs. The second is best wishes to the bride and groom. For example, red cockerels, symbolizing happiness and health, or roses for eternal love in the house. The third row served as a talisman for the newlyweds. Most often, the crown acted in this capacity. She was perceived as asking for God's blessing on the marriage.

Today the towel is given less importance. But you should still choose it very carefully. After all, you will keep this towel for many years, remembering your important day with joy. And the photo of the wedding loaf will take its rightful place in your album.

The same goes for salt shakers. You shouldn’t spoil the beautiful wedding bread with any salt shaker. It is better to buy it together with a towel set - a traditional white one with painting or a more laconic wooden one.

How to meet newlyweds with a loaf

If you follow Russian tradition, then the answer to the question of who holds the loaf at a wedding will be unambiguous. This is the mother of the groom, or an older relative who replaces her. The father or godfather should stand nearby. The guests form a semicircle, encouraging the newlyweds. Sometimes before the meeting they say special words for the wedding loaf.

The round bread is placed on a towel without a plate, and a salt shaker is placed in the middle. The towel itself should hang freely on the sides almost to the floor, but not touch it.

The one who should greet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread blesses the newly made spouses. Parents' welcoming words to the wedding may sound like this:

But it is not necessary to put your parting words in poetic form. A few sincere kind words with the conclusion “advice and love” will be enough. The main thing is that they walk with a pure heart.

Tip: You can take an icon of the Mother of God or the Savior to the newlyweds’ meeting. Or a folder in which both icons are immediately presented.

The young bow to their parents and thank them. Then, to the applause of the guests, a treat with bread and salt follows. The bride and groom are invited to bite off a piece of wedding pastry and eat it, after salting it. Traditional wedding entertainment involves the spouses holding their hands back and trying to bite off as large a piece as possible. The one who wins will be the master of the house.

If the groom's relatives greet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, glasses of champagne are served by the bride's parents. And they can also congratulate the children and wish them happiness. The champagne must be drained to the bottom in order to “drink all the love,” and the glasses must be broken without regret, imagining that with this clink all troubles, both past and future, will go away.

Note: You should definitely salt a piece of loaf. Especially the bride. According to a long-standing tradition, it is believed that this is how she eats all her tears.

Treating with wedding bread

After meeting with the loaf of bread, the newlyweds and guests go to the banquet hall. Wedding bread is cut or broken into many pieces and distributed to the guests. Carrying a piece of loaf away from a wedding is considered a good omen. Unmarried girls take bread decorations from a loaf and place them under the pillow, hoping to see their betrothed in a dream.

In ancient times, there was an unspoken set of rules on how to divide a loaf. According to Russian wedding traditions, the process was led by the groom's groomsman or best man, as he is now called. After the newlyweds, the parents received the bread, then the older relatives. And only then the loaf reached the guests. Moreover, each piece was exchanged for a gift or money. The remains of the wedding loaf were distributed to the poor who were waiting on the street. So you can only imagine how big and delicious it was.

Note: You can also take the loaf to church. This will be a sacrifice asking for peace and well-being in the family.

Traditions associated with wedding bread go back hundreds of years. Therefore, if you want to preserve the continuity of generations, then try to find out everything about the wedding loaf and carry out this ceremony as colorfully as possible. You can make your own adjustments to the meeting scenario, remember other wedding signs and create an excellent program based on them. Then your family life will begin with a beautiful and symbolic holiday.

Special words for a wedding loaf

Just as people love bread and salt, so a husband would love his wife. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a husband cannot cheat on his wife, neither with dark, nor light, nor with fat, nor with thin, nor with smart, nor with stupid, nor with any another slave. Just as people love bread and salt, so a wife would love her husband. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a wife cannot cheat on her husband, neither with a dark, nor with a light, nor with a full, nor with a thin, nor with a smart, nor with a stupid, nor with any other slave. Amen.

Parents' words

  1. Our dear children!
  2. Take this loaf,

    He is ruddy, fresh and lush,

    As hot as your hearts.

    We put happiness in the middle for you,

    Keep it until the end.

    Our dear children! We give you bread and salt,

    So that you divide everything in this world in half.

    There will be joy or sorrow - avoid unnecessary dramas,

    You need to learn to give in to each other in a dispute.

    Live by faith and law, don’t look for an easy life,

    Greet relatives and friends, respect father and mother.

    There will be children, there will be grandchildren - everything will go as usual.

    Husband, take your wife by the hand! And advice and love to you!

    We have such a custom,

    It has been familiar to us since childhood

    Greet all guests with bread and salt

    Bow low to the waist,

    At the table in Russian,

    Treat generously.

    Bread and salt for you,

    Happiness and love

    This is what people have been saying since time immemorial.

Nata Karlin

Before preparing for a wedding, newlyweds and their parents often make a list of necessary things to do and purchases so as not to lose sight of anything. Not the last place on this list is the loaf. Long tradition greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and is very relevant today.

What is a loaf?

A loaf is a ritual bread, richly decorated, baked in accordance with special rituals, symbolizing wealth, happiness and well-being. What is the significance of a loaf of bread at a wedding? It is very difficult to overestimate the role of bread in the culture and life of the Slavs - "bread is the head of everything", this parting word was left to us by our ancestors, and we observe ancient traditions and customs. Few people refuse this beautiful and very symbolic ritual - taking out bread when the newlyweds meet.

Photo of the wedding loaf

All this symbolism is embodied today in ritual bread for the young - that’s what the loaf is for. Previously, such bread was baked according to a special recipe only by married women with children. Widows were not allowed to participate in the bread baking ritual., divorced or unmarried women. Happiness in marriage, procreation - according to legend, women shared all this with the young, putting special energy into the loaf. Reading prayers, singing ritual wedding songs, special rituals for making dough and decorating bread became part of baking.

However, such bread was put into the oven by a married and happy man, thus, from those who prepared the loaf, the young people received, as it were, a particle of happiness and the ability to get along

Today, more and more often, one of the relatives buys a loaf in a specialized store or orders its production at a bakery. This approach is dictated by life itself, with its rapid pace and partial loss of some traditions. But for those who would like bake DIY bread, there are those who can help create a masterpiece of culinary and aesthetic excellence with special energy and symbolism.

Wedding loaf recipe

For the test you will need:

  • 4 kg of wheat flour;
  • milk - 2 liters;
  • dry yeast - 100 grams;
  • eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Photo of a loaf at a wedding

The process of preparing a loaf:

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in heated milk, add sugar and a few tablespoons of flour. Stir until the sour cream becomes thick, sprinkle with flour and cover with a towel.
  2. Wait for the dough to increase in volume and add the yolks, vegetable oil, the rest of the flour and salt. Knead the dough until it begins to pull away from your hands.
  3. Set aside 200 g of dough (for decoration), divide the remaining dough into four parts. Weave a braid out of three and form a ring from it; Fill the center with a quarter of the dough.
  4. For decoration, mold leaves, ears of corn, plant ornaments, and decorate the loaf with swans.

Bake the loaf on a sheet greased with vegetable oil, brushing the loaf with yolk before baking. Baking time: approximately 55 minutes at 170 degrees

Serving a loaf at a wedding: an ancient tradition

Despite the change in the attitude of modern people to bread, you can buy a fresh product in any store, bread is still used as a ritual dish. At Easter, many housewives bake Easter cakes and ears of bread, fruit bread for Christmas and loaf for a wedding - this is more than just bread. Sacred symbols of important events and great holidays, they become an obligatory part of some rituals. Such bread was always skillfully decorated, and with certain symbolism. The beautiful Russian loaf is replete with various decorations. Each detail has a certain meaning and significance; many decorative elements are designed to appease higher powers, ask for a blessing or show your respect.

Photo of wedding loaf decorations

Wedding bread was always baked in a round shape.- in honor of the sun, symbolizing happiness, life and goodness. A large wedding loaf was baked, because according to custom there were several stages of dividing the bread:

  • The newlyweds were the first to bite into bread;
  • the middle part was distributed to the guests;
  • the lower part is for musicians;
  • whatever was left was given to the poor waiting at the gate.

Thus, the young people seemed to share their happiness with those invited, whose gifts were in gratitude for this boon. Guests took pieces of the loaf home and shared it with their household, thereby sharing happiness. The newlyweds had to salt a piece of bread, thereby eating up all the salt of future tears, especially for the bride.

The bread was carried out on a towel - a beautifully embroidered towel.

The ancient Slavs called wedding bread a loaf - it was most often round, large enough bread to serve to all guests. There was a special meaning put into such a treat, since even its production was carried out by special people, the flour was ground on special millstones and all this was accompanied by prayers and special rituals. It was a symbol of a happy life, prosperity and prosperity.

The loaf has not lost its relevance today. The groom's parents meet the newlyweds at the doorstep of the house with bread and icons, thereby blessing the young family for a long, happy life. The wedding ceremony does not set strict limits in this case. Some parents are holding bread, some are holding icons. Both parents say parting words.

Photo of a beautiful loaf

Not only the symbolism of decorations is important on wedding bread. On top of the loaf it is provided place for salt shaker. This can be simply a depression in the dough where salt is poured, and there is also a place for a salt shaker, which can be either glass or wooden with painting. They bring out a loaf of salt to the young people; it is not for nothing that in Rus' from time immemorial they greeted dear guests very magnificently and offered them a taste of bread and salt.

Today, the signs and customs accompanying a wedding indicate that whoever bites off the largest piece of bread will be the head of the family. Previously, girls did not strive for dominance, the husband was the breadwinner, the breadwinner, and it was he who was assigned this role, and the wife took care of the housework and children, but times have changed. You are also allowed to break off the loaf with your hands to take a piece for yourself.

The groom's parents greet the newlyweds with bread not only on the doorstep

This could be the wedding palace, the entrance to the restaurant or the beginning of the banquet. There are no strict rules here, so everyone decides where and how the bread will be taken out.

A loaf at a wedding means the first bread shared by the newlyweds. This is the first step of two young people starting their journey together. They have to live a long life, overcome many difficulties, and raise children. But at the beginning of this interesting journey is the wedding day and the first piece of bread together.

How many loaves should there be at a wedding?

Photo of a festive loaf

If there is a wedding ceremony, then there should be four loaves:

  1. The first loaf is baked for matchmaking. With this bread, the matchmakers go to the bride's house.
  2. Next, the loaf will be needed to bless the newlyweds after the bride ransom.
  3. The third bread is needed to meet the newlyweds after registration. This loaf is held by the groom's parents.
  4. The fourth is usually presented after the wedding ceremony.

Loaf decoration

Delicious wedding loaves with decorations become one of the main wedding rituals. Breaking Bread, the deep meaning of eating the first piece together becomes the main event for the guests. Bread for a wedding must be brought out with salt. A loaf salt shaker can be purchased and inserted into a special recess on top.

Bread decoration is of particular importance. So swans symbolize fidelity, ears of corn - prosperity, grapes - abundance and numerous offspring, a pigtail - the intertwining of the destinies of the young, doves are placed on a loaf as a sign of love and fidelity and symbolize the bride and groom.

Particular attention is paid not only to the towel and decoration on the loaf, but also to the utensils for bread

A loaf tray for a wedding can be a great memorable gift for newlyweds on the day of registration or wedding. The symbolism on such a tray will remind the young people of the happiest day of their lives.

The loaf should not only be beautiful, but also tasty. Previously, it was baked for several days using rye flour. Today this is usually , rich bread made from wheat flour.

How much does a loaf cost for a wedding?

The price of a loaf for a wedding depends on whether you bake the bread yourself or buy a finished product. If you decide to order baked goods from a specialized place, the cost will vary within a thousand, everything will depend on the complexity of the decor and the weight of the product. If you decide not to give such an important point into the wrong hands, then its price will be minimal - only the amount that is needed to purchase the ingredients.

Mandatory loaf at a wedding

What to do with the loaf after the wedding?

There are several options for where to put the wedding loaf after the celebration:

  • divide among all guests;
  • take it home, dry it and use it as medicine during illness;
  • wrap it in a towel and take it to the temple;
  • take it home and give it to the groom so that he can eat it for the birth of healthy offspring.

What can replace the loaf?

Is a loaf obligatory at a wedding? This question is asked by those who do not want to observe the ritual of taking out bread. Yes, there is an alternative. You can replace the loaf with mini pies with wishes. However, watch the video of preparing a wedding loaf and think about how important such a “pie” is at a wedding:

June 20, 2018, 10:22

Loaf is a symbolic bread that can be considered an integral attribute of a wedding celebration. Bread has always been considered a generous gift from the earth, a symbol of wealth and fertility, and the holiday loaf is also a real masterpiece, the embodiment of craftsmanship. The shape of holiday bread is necessarily round, this is a symbol of the Sun. The loaf is traditionally decorated with viburnum branches, ears of wheat, and rye. There is still a belief that whoever among the young people bites off the largest piece of the loaf will be the master of the house.

photo: Traditional loaf for a wedding

The loaf was baked on the eve of the wedding in the groom's or bride's house. This was done by the imprisoned mother of the groom and young women, who were called “loafers”, from 3 to 7 people (the number should be dishonest). All women should be happily married and have children: widows and women who had been married several times were not invited. The ritual began before sunset: the loaf women were tied with a red belt, each of them brought part of the food for the loaf. When kneading the dough, it was believed that you couldn’t even talk loudly, otherwise the loaf wouldn’t rise. The loaf makers had to be professionals in their field: the dough should not be too hard or liquid, so that the life of the young would not burst, like a loaf in the oven. Such women were revered: they were presented with tablecloths, gifts, and treats. The dough was kneaded on the lid of a bowl sprinkled with flour. Often wheat flour was used for the loaf, but it was also possible to bake from rye flour. Separately, decorations from the dough were baked: these could be figurines of domestic animals, tree fruits, flowers, stars, the sun, the month and other auspicious symbols.

photo: Baking a wedding loaf also has its own signs and traditions

It was believed that the larger and more beautiful the loaf, the more prosperous and better the life of the young family would be, so in some villages it was customary to bake a table-sized loaf. 3-4 people carried out such a loaf on a special stretcher.

After the loaf was baked and cooled, it was taken to the bride “for display.” If loaves were baked in both houses, then the parents symbolically exchanged bread. In the house of the newlyweds, a loaf of bread was placed in the newlyweds’ room for the whole night, and in the morning the friend took it and brought it to the table, and then began to divide it among the relatives and guests gathered at the table. The newlyweds were the first to give a piece of loaf: it was the center, which was associated with family happiness and symbolized wealth. The rest of the loaf was divided equally among the guests.

In different regions, the loaf was called differently: holiday bread, pie, kurnik, cookies. This bread was credited with magical powers. In some regions of the country, it was a common custom to give gifts after receiving a piece of loaf.

Along with the loaf, wedding cones were also baked in the oven, which were also considered a festive attribute. Most often they were made from the same dough as holiday bread. To do this, the dough was rolled out and cut into strips 6-8 cm wide. The strips were cut with a knife and twisted so that the bottom of the cone remained smooth, and “petals” appeared on the other. Pine cones served as an “invitation” to a wedding: if we send postcards to a modern celebration, then before the bride and her friends walked around the village and invited guests: if a person was given a cone, he simply could not refuse. Sometimes, instead of pine cones, fancy figurines of birds were baked: larks, doves, ducks - they were distributed to young people.

photo: Wedding cones - used as wedding invitations

Interestingly, ritual bread was also common in Ukraine: for example, the mother of the bride was given “chobots” or “comb” baked from dough, for the groom a pair of boots made from dough, for the father-in-law the groom could bring a “harrow with oxen”, also baked in his home . The loaf was divided into pieces after the wedding dinner; this responsibility was entrusted to the headman or witness. The sole of the loaf, in which coins were often baked, was given to the musicians; part of the loaf was also left for the “Cossacks,” children and teenagers who were “beyond the threshold.”

The tradition of welcoming young people with a loaf of bread is still alive. It is customary for the groom’s mother to hold the holiday bread, however, it is possible for both mothers to simultaneously support the dish with the loaf.

Wedding cake and its history

The tradition of cutting a wedding cake has existed for several centuries. There is an ancient belief that friendship is sealed by breaking bread: in fact, this modified tradition is embodied in the process of cutting the cake and giving a piece to each guest. Even the shape or decoration of a cake can be symbolic: white or pink roses symbolized love, bright red flowers - passion, a horseshoe-shaped cake - happiness, a horn - for prosperity, a pyramid or pie - the wish to live your whole life together.

photo: Modern tradition of cutting a wedding cake

In ancient times, such a dish as “cake” did not exist; it was replaced by wedding bread. For example, in Rome, bread was baked from barley or wheat flour. It was not just divided into pieces, but broken right over the bride’s head: each guest received his own portion, and the groom collected and ate the crumbs from his beloved’s head. In England, the pie was replaced by a pile of small sweet buns, over which the newlyweds had to kiss, confirming their decision to live together in sorrow and in joy.

For the first time such a dish as “cake” appeared in the second half of the 17th century. Its author was a French pastry chef who came to London on business: he attended a wedding and was surprised at how haphazardly and unattractively the wedding cakes were piled up. As a result, the shapeless heap became an elegant cake, which was called croquembouche. The masterpiece consisted of cream balls, had a pyramid shape and was decorated with sweets. After this, the custom quickly spread throughout the world and became an integral attribute of a wedding or any other celebration.

It’s interesting, but for weddings in Ancient Rus' it was customary to bake unsweetened pies, the filling was mainly meat. But in Asian and European countries, guests were treated to sweet pies. The first figurines of the bride and groom were made from clay back in pagan times, then they began to be made edible. For a long time, the wedding cake was cut not by the newlyweds themselves, as is done now, but by a married woman with several children, an exemplary housewife from the groom’s family. It was believed that she puts positive energy into the process itself and the life of the newlyweds will also be very good.

Multi-tiered cakes, so beloved by many newlyweds, appeared only in the 19th century. It is still not clear who took the lead in making such a sweet masterpiece: some are inclined to think that they were the British, while others defend the position that they were Viennese cooks. In any case, a start has been made. In the 20th century, wedding cakes ceased to be traditionally round and pyramidal: an abundance of different shapes appeared. The most popular type of treat is when each tier is placed on a separate stand. The cake is brought out at the climax of the wedding evening: by the way, you can cheat a little and cut all the tiers, except the top, into pieces shortly before serving - and the newlyweds have less trouble, and there is no chance of smearing the wedding dress, trying to cut this creamy splendor into pieces. The best upper tier, richly decorated, can remain intact - it belongs to the bride and groom.

photo: Modern wedding cakes

As you can see, wedding cakes and loaves appeared quite a long time ago: this is not just a tradition, but rather the history of our people, which should not be forgotten.

Well, the long-awaited wedding celebration is coming soon. Not only the young people prepare thoroughly for it, but also the parents of the bride and groom have enough worries. Wedding dresses and a banquet hall have been ordered, wedding rings are waiting for the go-ahead to “ring” the happy newlyweds, almost ready to leave.

Beautiful wedding loaf with an embroidered towel

By the way, how are things going with the groom’s parents with the loaf? Have you forgotten? Caring for him traditionally falls on their shoulders. The newlyweds should always be greeted at the doorstep by the mother of the groom with a traditional signature pastry - a wedding loaf.

What did it symbolize, why was the loaf given such an honorable place in the celebration? Don't know yet? Then continue reading.

Wedding loaf - traditions are always interesting

For a long time, the ritual baking of the Slavs for weddings was a loaf, which was considered a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and good luck. The young people took a bite out of the presented loaf one piece at a time - whose was larger, according to tradition, the fate of the owner of the family awaited.

According to tradition, the newlyweds bite off a loaf

Prudent girls at that time did not strive to grab a larger piece: they did not claim leadership, and even at that time it was unrealistic, because the male half of the family should always be the breadwinner. Now, of course, some people’s priorities have changed, but it’s a pity...

Wedding loaf - signs you need to know

Previously, a loaf of bread for a wedding was baked in the groom's family. Experienced married women were involved in its baking, and the groom's godmother supervised this process. Childless people, divorced women and widows were not allowed to bake, as they could have contributed a share of their unfortunate fate to the loaf.

Beautiful wedding loaf with swans

The loaf must be protected from the envious unkind eye, so says. Therefore, he was always kept as an assistant until the wedding feast. The person entrusted with this responsibility took care of the observance of this rule, but do not take your eyes off it yourself. You never know... Dividing the loaf was entrusted to people who had a spiritual, rather than blood, relationship with the newlyweds. Godparents were considered such people.

According to signs, every guest present at the celebration was supposed to receive a piece of loaf and taste it, otherwise he was counted among those who ignored this holiday. The loaf was endowed with magical powers, the guests divided their piece of the house among all family members, they even took it on the road, as they believed that it had positive energy and would protect the traveler from adversity.

Where to order a wedding loaf for someone who doesn’t bake

The wedding loaf was usually baked in the groom's house, but now these baked goods are usually ordered from bakeries or bakeries or purchased at specialized retail outlets. You can discuss all the design details with them.

The wedding loaf is traditionally baked in the groom's family

A towel for a wedding loaf - you can’t do without it

The loaf of bread is presented to the young people on a bright towel (long towel) embroidered with roosters. It is not for nothing that a rooster was chosen as a pattern on it - it marks the beginning of a new day, and for the newlyweds - the beginning of a new life.

Traditionally, a rooster should be depicted on a wedding towel.

It is still preserved and is present at almost all weddings. What's special about it? What nuances do you need to know when organizing a loaf ritual?

According to ancient custom The groom's parents should meet the newlyweds. By treating them with bread and salt, they bless the new family and welcome the daughter-in-law into their home.

Unfortunately, there are situations when the groom's parents for some reason cannot attend the wedding. What to do in this case?

Other close relatives who took part in raising the groom can present the loaf. This can be done, for example, by his grandparents. If there are no suitable candidates on the part of the newly-made spouse, then you can ask the bride’s parents to participate.

Where to meet?

In Ancient Rus', the newlyweds met after the wedding ceremony on the threshold of the groom's house, where the newlyweds were later to settle. So the parents symbolically accepted the young mistress into their family.

Now this has changed somewhat. Most couples limit themselves only to painting in the registry office, and the celebration of a modern wedding has moved to cafes and restaurants. Therefore, in order to save time, a meeting of young people is most often organized not at home, but at the entrance to the restaurant or any other place where the celebration is celebrated.

Necessary accessories

In addition to preparing wedding bread, there are other things to take care of. For the ritual you will need the following:

  1. beautifully embroidered towel;
  2. salt shaker With salt;
  3. Icon Mother of God or St. Nicholas the Pleasant;
  4. glasses with champagne or wine.

Sample meeting scenario

  1. Everyone will help organize a bright meeting of the newlyweds guests who usually stand in two lines, letting the bride and groom pass to their parents holding a loaf and an icon.
  2. Welcome words and congratulations to the mother of the groom.
  3. Treat with a loaf of bread.
  4. Blessing icon.
  5. Response words from the young.
  6. Congratulations and applause from guests, showering with flower petals, rice, coins.
  7. Inviting everyone to the celebration to the restaurant hall.

Advice! It often happens that parents get lost out of excitement, forget words and don’t know how to behave, so it would be better to entrust the leadership of the whole action to the presenter. He will tell you the order of performance of each participant and smooth out unforeseen unpleasant situations.

How to serve a wedding loaf?

The mother-in-law plays the main role in treating the young to loaves of bread. She is the one who should hold the wedding bread and pronounce parting words and wishes.

The treat must be presented solemnly and, at the same time, sincerely, so it is better for the groom’s mother to prepare a small touching speech of congratulations in advance. The groom's father holds the icon and then blesses the newlyweds with it for a happy life.

What should I say? Parents' words

Below we have selected several texts that you can use when welcoming and blessing your new husband and wife.

Advice! The best option would be to prepare 3-4 sentences in your own words. In them you can include the most sincere wishes for your children. Don't forget to write them down on a piece of paper, as the day will be exciting not only for the newlyweds.

What should young people do?

Acceptable two options:

  1. The young break off a small piece, dip them in salt and treat each other. This means the care of the spouses in family life.
  2. The bride and groom take turns taking a bite of bread, identifying the owner of the house. The one who bites off the larger piece is considered the head of the family.

Video instruction

A detailed analysis of the scenario for the newlyweds to meet with bread and salt:

The tradition of meeting young people with a loaf of bread is preserved due to its simplicity, warmth and beauty. If your couple respects ancient Russian customs, then you should prepare in advance for the loaf ritual: decide on the choice of loaf, accessories, participants in this action and their speeches. Then everything will go great.