Where do men leave the family and do they leave? Why husbands leave the family at strictly defined periods of life

The feeling of love can make a person move mountains. It is a powerful motivating factor, and a person who has fallen in love once is able to do unimaginable things. So, the desire of a woman is assessed by society as immoral. And despite this, a loving woman still reserves the right to wish and act in this direction. The reason for this is not a whim, not a bad upbringing, but an instinct that will control her mind for 2-3 years from the beginning of love. Then the feeling will fade away, and the question of how to take a man away from the family will not be so acute for her, and she will probably give up this idea.

However, there are those that can last a lifetime, retaining their vivid manifestations, regardless of the "age" of the feeling. The classics called it real, sublime love. Psychologists call this deviation. Women who are literally ill with this feeling (love has its number in - F63.9) are doomed to suffering until they get the opportunity to unite with their beloved. It is for these women that this article was created, which talks about how to take a married man out of the family.

Adequate assessment

Before you start to win back a man, especially if he has a family, evaluate several parameters of the situation:

  1. Do you really need it. The feeling of falling in love can immerse a person in an illusory perception of reality, so before you start taking specific actions, make sure that they will lead you to what you really need.
  2. Is your love strong, and is it. It is easy to get confused in feelings, sometimes a person, out of boredom or loneliness, is able to fantasize a lot of things that have nothing to do with reality. The feeling of love is best sustained over time, and if it remains after 5 years, then most likely it is worth fighting for.
  3. Keep in mind that you see a man periodically. Daily interaction at home with him may not be exactly what you need. Therefore, analyze his general behavior and suggest whether he suits you for a real life together.
  4. Recognize responsibility. Probably, your beloved has not only a wife, but also children. To deprive their father for a whim that will last no longer than 2 years is immoral.

Spy things

If you are still wondering how to take a man out of the family, then be patient and observant. Be unobtrusively interested in your beloved, how he met his wife, how she looks, what she does, what does not suit him in her. The more you know, the greater the likelihood of an adequate assessment of the situation: can he really leave his wife?

Game of contrasts

How to take a man away from the family with the help of your contrast with a rival? In fact, this is the main rule: you must reflect her "pluses" (according to a loved one) and contrast with her minuses. For example, if the wife is lazy, then you should in every possible way demonstrate to the man your diligence, diligence and active lifestyle.

Power of persuasion

How to take a man out of the family? He needs to be convinced that he needs it. It is useless to talk about how much you need it, or how much your wife does not need it. Many people are selfish, so convince him that he will be much better with you than with a formal wife.


How to take a man away from the family by using his appearance? This is a very important parameter, because most men love to have a beautiful woman next to them. Since the concept of beauty is very ephemeral and for each individual, before making changes to your appearance, ask your loved one what type of women he likes. You can openly ask what you need to change about yourself in order to look more attractive to him. However, keep in mind that there is someone who is attracted to independent and strong-willed people, and if your lover belongs to this category, you should not ask him about what you need to change in yourself.

I'll tell my story. By the end of the university, I already had a favorite job. There I met a man 10 years older than me. She immediately drew attention to him. He is on me. At first, it's more of a joke. SMS, chats, conversations in the smoking room (he smoked). He was married, had a child. In the family, he often had quarrels, at work, too, not everything was as it should be. Jokes quickly turned into betrayals. It seemed to me that everything would be different for us. I'll be a good wife, we work together. Everything has always worked out and worked out for me, which means that together we will succeed. And I definitely won't be like his wife. In the meantime, she whiled away the time as best she could (at work, in her social circle) waiting for SMS or calls from him. I already felt that something was changing in my psychology. It’s as if you were hidden in a dark bag and carried with you, and you seem to be accepting this secret and terribly offensive fate. I tried to get him to leave the family. It seemed that many divorced, many leave, it's okay, they live on. I remember how a friend told me about a relative who took her husband away from the family, and after 10 years with her, he returned to his wife. I thought this would never happen to me. Everything hidden becomes clear. He left his wife, we began to live together. I remember everything. I remember crying that I couldn't see my son. I didn’t really understand what kind of hell he was going through. It turned out to be hell for me too. For many years. I tried my best, but nothing stuck. Quarrels, insults. I didn't know how to get out. No matter how hard she tried, she wasn't good enough. I moved out of the apartment, but the relationship continued. Almost 8 years of life. Self-confidence shattered. All good luck at work crumbled. I started to get sick. The first problems - on the female part. Then the back, then the cancer center. I lost my job. It turned out that with my experience and specialty, finding something similar is almost impossible. Girls, we are strangers, but this is my story and it is real. Maybe you didn't get that far. Don't screw up your life. It happens quickly and you are not aware of what you are doing to yourself and others. Falling in love is easy, finding flaws in someone else's family is easy. Getting confused in all this is even easier. It's incredibly hard to disentangle all of this. I remember the words of my brother, when I resentfully told how bad everything is in life, - "Is it really good to take away someone else's husband?" When then the brains fall into place, I want to cut all this out of my memory like a bad dream. My father has an illegitimate son, I remember how terrible all this was for my family. But why, having experienced all this in my own skin, did I get into the same ******? She twisted her gut (anyone who has been in such a relationship knows how painful they are), brought a lot of pain to other people, broke up a family. Thank God, we did not have children together - the pain could have been even greater. If you are wondering how to take your husband away, the only answer is NO. If you are a believer, then you understand that this is a terrible sin with all the consequences. If you adhere to other views, from all points of view it is a swamp and dirt, and there is no happiness in it and there will not be. No need to look at supposedly successful examples of other people's couples from broken families. You probably know yourself that after the start of such a relationship, everything in your life became worse. Stay away from all this. There are many books on how to save yourself, how to get out of such relationships. The psychology of "beloved women" (how many times have I heard - you are not my mistress) is changing very much, it never hurts to look at it from the outside. What seems to be love can turn out to be pity, fantasies and own complexes coming from childhood. It is bitter to realize, but if everything is in order with your self-esteem and you want real happiness, you will not look for all this in the everyday life of a mistress. The book about Marilyn Monroe Syndrome was helpful to me. There is common sense and a sense of self-preservation after all. There are temples, beloved saints (Xenia of Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow). All this knocks out the dope and helps to endure when you break these ties. There are relatives who will always support. Don't waste your life on dirt. It is not easy for me to go back to those years, but let as few girls as possible go this way.

The question "How to take a married man out of the family?" from the point of view of morality and morality, it is unethical, therefore, it must certainly be followed by another: “Is it worth taking away a strange man at all?”. If he has a family, a wife, children, duties and responsibilities, isn't it immoral to do so?

But these are questions of morality. In psychology, there principle of valuelessness. If a client comes to a psychologist with the request “How to take a married man out of the family?”, He will not say: “What are you ?! It's disorganized! Ah ah ah!". It is necessary to understand the problem without judgment, and then make a decision.

And although in society the attitude towards mistresses is sharply negative (razluchnitsy, libertines, unscrupulous, villains and even worse), according to statistics one third of women at least once in their lives were in the status of "mistress". Moreover, a large proportion of these women wanted to be her, that is, becoming a mistress, they actually made a lover themselves. In addition, not all mistresses want to recapture their husband from their wife, some just want a frivolous and short relationship.

In a person there is everything: both “angels” and “demons”. No need to swear: “I would never date a married man!”. Life and love story cannot be measured and evaluated according to some single standard, anything can happen. There are women (and there are many of them) who happened to be both in the role of a mistress and in the role of a wife, and at the same time a wife for one man, and a mistress for another. The world is not black and white, it is colored.

How to be a girl if you don’t command your heart? She would be glad to fall out of love with a married man, but she cannot ... And if a man himself suffers and wants to leave his wife for a long time? Doesn't he have a right to happiness? What if the girl did not initially know that the man was married, if he told her about it only when she had already fallen in love with him?! And that's exactly what happens most of the time!

Mistress- this is not a girl for one night, this is a woman with whom a man builds a relationship, she, one way or another, is a significant person for him.

This kind of love relationship can last a very long time, tens of years, or it can end quickly. They also sometimes develop into a legal marriage. Married men go to their mistresses and marry them (of course, not always) not because “the mistress-razluchnitsa took away!”, But because!

A mistress can only try, create the necessary conditions, favor the man to leave his wife, but she cannot make a decision for him!

Responsibility for a man if he left the family - this is his choice. By and large, a mistress will not take a man out of the family if he himself does not want it!

Some women decide to take a serious but rash step and get pregnant from their married partners, in the hope that this will become a decisive incentive and the man will leave his wife. Often they are wrong. Even a child will not keep a man if he is not going to divorce his lawful wife.

To understand the question “How to take a married man out of the family and is it worth it?”, You need to turn to male psychology, namely the psychology of the type of men who have mistresses.

Most often, a permanent mistress is given men:

  1. lazy, tired of working on relationships with his wife and wanting to relieve the burden of responsibility. They say that their wife “nags” them all the time, does not understand at all, demands a lot, became angry, sex is “insipid” and the like, but in fact they continue to love their wife and children.

Men like this need a mistress comfort. They come to her for affection, passion, carelessness and lightness. The mistress does not demand anything, she will not forgive, he is visiting her, which means that she is only resting, everything is for him: clothes, food, care, the sexual energy of a woman in love.

Such relationships are a stretched “candy-bouquet period”, which means:

  • will last until a man realizes that you can bring passion into a relationship with his wife, you just have to try and eventually return to her,
  • will leave his wife, tempted by carelessness, before that he thought carefully and for a long time,
  • and will continue to live in two families.

If such a man leaves his wife for a mistress, she becomes his actual wife and the illusion of lightness disappears. If a man never learns to work on relationships, does not understand that love is not only a pleasant rest and passion, but also the ability to negotiate and share responsibilities, he will get bored again, and a lovely mistress for him will turn into a “saw” wife.

Such men are married several times, have children from different women and, unfortunately, do not know how to be faithful and devoted to one and only, they do not know how to build long-term relationships.

Another mistress for such a man - way to make up for lack of quality. He can easily and quickly leave his wife for a mistress, but most likely the new wife, who only yesterday was a mistress, will soon find out that her husband already has a new mistress.

  1. Alphonse. There are men who have rich, status, "convenient" mistresses in order to obtain personal gain. A girl does not have to be very rich or famous to attract a gigolo. Maybe she just has a separate apartment, which she rents with honestly earned money, or she has connections that a man needs to advance in his career, maybe he just lives comfortably with her (she feeds him for free, erases, irons, and so on).

Lover for such a man - means of achieving a personal goal. Such men are seductive liars, they marry easily and quickly, as they leave their ex-wives for more profitable applicants. In fact, all their marriages are fictitious and there is no main thing in them - love, which means that such relationships are unlikely to be happy.

  1. Free factually, but not legally. This happens when a man married without love or fell out of love with his wife a long time ago and does not live with her, but has not yet officially divorced. In this case, a man takes a mistress because loves her for real.

A woman for a virtually free man - darling and not a mistress.

In this case, the lover will not have to do anything to take the man away, and the very fact of the union of lovers does not will look immoral.

Such relationships are the most successful, and the resulting families are strong, unless, of course, love is mutual and there is a goal to build a happy family.

Thus, in three times out of four to take away a married man being his mistress harm yourself! Happy relationships are unlikely to be built.

Only if a man truly loves can he become a good husband for a girl who is currently only a lover. In all other cases, having entered into a new relationship and made his mistress his wife, but without changing internally, the man will behave in the old way, repeat all the same mistakes! It will turn out as in the saying "For what they fought, they ran into that."

Today, a lover, burning with passion and tormented by the inability to meet the dawn with her beloved man, tomorrow, becoming the wife of a lazy, windy or selfish man, will be horrified: “And so I took him away from my wife ?! Let him take it back!"

To prevent this from happening no need for illusions:

  • no perfect people
  • if there is no agreement in the couple, both are to blame (it cannot be that the man is the “victim” and his wife is the “snake”),
  • the candy-bouquet period cannot last forever,
  • life is not an eternal holiday,
  • cohabitation is not the same as occasional romantic encounters,
  • the social role of "beloved girl" differs significantly from the role of "wife" and "boyfriend" is not yet "husband".

Even if a girl doesn’t care what people think, what recommendations psychologists give, what her conscience says and what morality says, she should at least think about yourself!

In order not to harm yourself by taking away someone else's husband, you need to ask questions:

  • Why do I want to take my husband away from my wife? To prove to everyone that I'm the best? Get this man as a trophy? Or because I love him?
  • Do I know this man enough?
  • How do I see the further development of relations if he leaves my wife for me? Will he repeat the same mistakes? Will he cheat on me, as he is cheating on his wife now?

Entering into a relationship with a married woman, a girl dooms herself to suffering, unless she approaches this issue wisely.

A man needs observe and analyze, to judge not by words, but by deeds, to draw conclusions based on the information available. If we analyze the data that add up relationships, then how his past relationships developed (including with his wife) and understand enough why the man took a mistress, we can assume how this love story will end.

But there is a very big "pitfall". Even a smart girl can be deceived because married men often lie to lovers! Starting with the fact that they do not immediately admit that they are in official relations, do not wear a ring and try not to give themselves away in any way.

Only a very experienced and wise woman will distinguish the married from the unmarried. A man tries first to make a girl fall in love with him, and then confesses to her that he is married. And the girl herself is unlikely to ask immediately upon meeting: “Are you by chance not married?”, Therefore, she will remain in the dark until she finds out the truth by chance or the man himself does not admit.

The man is also often keeps back. He will tell his mistress what a bad wife he has, without mentioning his own mistakes. For example, he will say: “I came home from work tired, I want to rest, and she attacked me and made a scandal because I was not going to fix the crane!”, But he will never add: “Of course, and I am to blame. Our faucet has been broken for six months now, and I can’t fix it.”

So, if only the man who makes this strong-willed decision can leave his wife, since he loves his mistress with all his heart, he needs to fall in love with himself.

When a girl, having weighed all the pros and cons, nevertheless decides to speed up the process of a man leaving his lawful wife, she should be clearly aware of her responsibility for possible consequences.

When deciding to take a man away from the family, you need to not only think about your passion for him, but also try put yourself in your place his wife, children, in his own place, and also look at himself from the outside.

How will the lives of all people involved in this story in one way or another be changed? How will the mistress feel if her goal is achieved? Will her fate change for the better and where will this road lead?

To fall in love with a strange man you need become the best and irreplaceable for him:

  1. Meet his expectations and ideas about the ideal woman. To do this, you need to know what he wants, what he expects, what he dreams about, what he will be happy about. For more information on how to become the best for a man, read the article.
  2. Give him everything that he does not receive from his wife. To do this, you need to know about the problems that exist in his family, and act "on the contrary." Usually men say it themselves or make it clear indirectly.
  3. Give him everything that any man wants:
  • OK,
  • confidence,
  • accepting him for who he is
  • appreciation,
  • Delight,
  • encouragement,

Finally, it is important to remember that On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. Yes, a woman has the right to love. Fine, when she strives to be happy, sets and achieves personal goals, but not all means to achieve the goal are good. Acting selfishly, without regard for other people's feelings and their right to happiness, it is difficult to be a happy person.

Sometimes it’s better to “step on the throat of your own song” and say to your beloved, but married man: “I understand that you fell in love with me, and I fell in love with you, but your family is waiting for you at home. Children shouldn't grow up without a father."

Sometimes, listening to your heart, and doing as it tells you, it happens to experience heartache. But this is the pain and the test that develops the personality and makes a person better.

Dear readers! If you are interested in the topic “How to take a married man away from a family?”, You may have encountered the problem of a love triangle in which one of the “corners” is a married man, and the other two are a wife and a mistress, and one of them is you. Therefore, we recommend additional reading of psychological literature:

  1. N. Nabokova “#In bed with your husband. Lover's Notes. Wives must read!”
  2. Julia Varra “Honeymoon for life, or How to become the best lover for your husband”
  3. O. Krainova “The battle for the family. How to smoke a mistress out of a husband's life
  4. Natalia Tolstaya “Wife. How to be loved and unique. Mistress. How to stay desired and happy” and “Wife, mistress, beloved”
  5. Angela Kharitonova

Love is a strong feeling that sometimes makes people go to rash acts. From the point of view of morality, some actions of people are absolutely unacceptable, but people do not feel guilty for their actions. One of these actions is born from the desire to know how to take a married man away from the family. The psychology of a mistress can provide an answer.

Marriage is a union of two happy people. Before intervening in it and destroying it, disfiguring people's lives, it is worth thinking. If there is a desire to take a man away from the family, it is important to understand if he will also go to another hunter for hearts. Based on this, it can be a few factors that should be observed so as not to be in the place of the ex-wife of your lover:

Realizing that all factors are taken into account, you can begin to take action. Using the psychology of a mistress, you can tie a man very tightly to yourself and then pull the strings, controlling him like a doll. The beauty is that he won’t even understand this, thinking that he made the decision on his own.

But it is worth remembering that in order to understand how to take a man out of the family, the advice of a psychologist is not required. You just need to put pressure on the male instincts and listen to him carefully.

Three stages of the psychology of a mistress

So, some time has passed after meeting a married man. There are three steps, peculiar stages, through which one can destroy one family and create another. There are principles to be followed at each of the stages - listen and be silent when needed.

To attract attention

You need to understand that all men are the same, and you need to act with them according to the general scheme, only slightly changing it to fit some individual characteristics. First you need to draw attention to yourself, because in fact the center of attention of a man is his wife. He spends most of his time with her, solves many domestic issues with her, and consults with her. You need to draw some attention to yourself. To do this, you need to find out everything about your opponent, carefully and carefully.

It is necessary to imperceptibly insert signal phrases into a conversation with a married man. What is Lena doing? What did you do on the weekend? Where did you last go? Of course, this should not resemble an interrogation, rather it is like a show of interest. This interest will not go unnoticed, especially after the signal phrase was uttered and the answer was heard, the second part of the signal will go into action - how lucky she was, but here I am ...

The second part of the signal phrase should be in such a style that you do not judge anyone, and rejoice in the happiness of living together, or vice versa, if everything is bad there. The main thing is not to offend a man, and speak in this style: what a fine fellow you are, and you work, and you devote time to your family, where could I find such a strong and beautiful one.

The second part of the signal phrase, given in a joking manner, will switch the attention of a man, give him a certain signal to act. Observing the rule “the first part of the signal - the answer - the second part”, where each component does not carry any hint, but forces you to focus, you can proceed to the final phase of the first stage, where it remains only to consolidate the successes with physical contact.

The main thing is to remember that you need to be as open as possible, but not intrusive. Admired, but not obsessed. A man should see that you are looking at him with obvious sympathy, even some love, which should put pressure on him for the feelings that he experienced during the beginning of his marriage, stimulate them. He must see that he is wanted and loved, and after that you can actively start the process of taming.

Domestication and addiction

The attention of a married man was switched over by his mistress. There is no longer a difference between how to take a Capricorn man out of the family, and how to beat off a Cancer man. The signs of the Zodiac, the location of the galaxies - it does not matter. But the attitude is yes.

Now that the man has an affair, he has mixed feelings. You need to take him in hand so that he does not make a choice in favor of his wife. There are several ways to do this..

But for all the obedience that must be shown, it is also necessary to issue minimum requirements. He must see in you not just an object of desire, an obedient servant. He will have a natural desire to give you gifts. You need to give up expensive ones, accept small ones so that he does not have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou as a materialistic person. But then it will be necessary to give him one demand to test the waters.

If a man adequately responds to a request that was put in this way: “You know, I don’t ask you for anything, but I really need this thing now,” explain to him why you need this thing, and if he, without a doubt, will buy it , consider that it is completely in your hands. He no longer sees you as a toy, he is ready to provide for your needs. Previously, in the first weeks of your secret relationship, he would not have done much that he is already ready to do now.

You form real relationships, but they cannot open up because marriage is holding him back. In the third stage, these bonds will be finally severed.

Preparing for a conversation

So, you perform your functions better than his wife. You are a good listener, you have allowed him to become a protector, you help realize his sexual ambitions, you feed him tasty food and at the same time do not demand anything. The time has come for him to be completely in your hands. Point out to him what is suffering in his marriage, not directly, but in such a way that you put yourself in a better light compared to his wife, and the married man himself to be a victim suffering from the mistreatment of his wife.

Once you see a man doubt- this is a good sign, because it remains only to eliminate this doubt. That's when it's time to take matters into your own hands. Take an unexpected initiative - discuss your life together with genuine childish delight, while at the same time setting up a man to talk with his wife. He is in your hands.

Public opinion

From a moral point of view, this act is disgusting. Before you start trying to take a man away from a family, you need to understand that there are families in which everything is really bad, and in this case, if you think that you are doing good, this can somehow be justified. But if you are guided only by your desire, then get ready for public condemnation. In addition, sooner or later, a man can realize such an act, realizing that he was essentially just kidnapped from his family.

Everything started out so great. Amazing sex, delicious food, she didn't bother me for every little thing. I didn’t even notice how I began to consider my wife a stranger who didn’t give a damn about me, and it was all about the contrast that my mistress created.

Six months after I left the family, she left me. I was ready to kill her for ruining her life. I followed her for about a month, knew where and with whom she goes, what time she comes home. Ambushed her at the entrance, hit her on the head with a brick 15 times, turning her skull into a bloody mess. Nothing to regret.

This is an excerpt from the court record. Similar incidents are happening all over the country. It is worth considering, before taking a man out of the family, a man's opinion. The vast majority will say that they have a negative attitude to this, and it does not matter that they have problems in marriage. It doesn't matter that almost everyone has had the thought that it would be nice to get a divorce at some point in their heads.

You can't speak directly about your intention. You can't play with someone else's family if you don't want to be the victim of a crime. You need to interest a man, make him need you, solve the problems that were in his marriage, and not create new ones.

It’s not so easy, it turns out that you need to fall in love again, go through the whole path of relationships, while acting carefully and sensitively if you think about how to take a man away from his wife. The advice of a psychologist will not help you keep the situation under control if you yourself do not want it. But if everything is done correctly, you can make both yourself and the man happy. The main thing is not to accidentally stumble upon his ex-wife somewhere on the street.

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