Relationship lines are important love relationships. Where is the line of love on the hand: self-knowledge by palmistry

Line of influence of loved ones

She is also: the line of the Guardian Angel, the line of support, the line of Venus.

I have been studying this line for a long time and devoted a lot of time to its correct knowledge. Very little is written about this line. It is immediately clear that many authors, and even well-known chirologists, do not seek to study something new, but focus their attention only on known facts, or completely ignore its existence and do not notice that it is of great importance in understanding the processes of relationships between close people.

Now for the line itself:

These lines arise when the influence of close people makes a strong impression on this person.

The length of this line indicates the duration of this influence in a person's life.

Basically, these lines of influence indicate the personal relationship of this spouse to his other half. The longer and deeper the line of influence, the longer and stronger the feelings for a spouse or loved one. A person with such a clear line sincerely loves his spouse, empathizes, lives for him. Here it is necessary to note the main thing: the influence of the second half on the owner of this line is huge.

If this line is absent or very weakly expressed, then this spouse does not experience real feelings for his other half. He lives with him because of duty, children, compassion, self-interest, out of principle: it is better with him than with no one, etc. Often, a weak line or its absence indicates that marriage in the life of a given person was an insignificant event and did not particularly affect his life. Such people often think more about their lives, about their careers, than about their spouse.

But there is one subtlety in explaining this line: one must clearly understand when this line speaks of feelings for a spouse or relative, and when this line indicates the nature of the influence of this spouse or relatives on the life of this person. Since in the second case it is not love for a spouse or relatives, but a certain dependence on their actions, opinions and desires.

To say what is more in the line of influence: the love of a given person for a spouse or his influence (positive or negative), you need to carefully consider other lines or signs in the palm of your hand (lines of influence to the line of Fate, the nature of the line of the Heart, lines of affection on Mercury, etc.).

The time interval of the line of influence is calculated in relation to the scale of the life line.

If the beginning of the line of influence on the scale of the line of life corresponds to marriage, then this line, almost 100%, speaks of feelings for the spouse, of his influence in the life of this person. In other cases, this line may indicate the influence of other close relatives: mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother.

From practice, I can say that the lines of relatives begin, as a rule, from the line of life and at the very beginning. And the farther from the beginning of the line of life the line of influence begins, the less is the relationship from mother and father to sister or brother, or to grandparents, etc. And to determine: who still influences: a spouse or another relative - you need to look at other lines and signs on the hand, project time intervals onto the life line and calculate the time of influence, and by the time of influence and the location of the line on the hill of Venus, relative to the distance from the line of Life, you can understand: who influences? Spouse or relative.

Lines of influence of close relatives:

1. A long line of influence, starting from the line of life in the early period, indicates the strong influence of one of the parents (mother or father) of this person.

2. If the line of parents is long and deep, and the line of the spouse is thin, then the influence of the parents on this person is much stronger than the spouse (for example: the influence of the mother on the son is much greater than that of the wife, the mother simply suppresses the daughter-in-law with her authority).

Consider the lines of influence:

1. The line is long, deep - the influence of the spouse is huge (feelings for the spouse are strong, real).

2. The line is thin, uneven, intermittent - the influence is weak (feelings for the spouse are not even, weak).

3. The line is deep at the beginning, and then becomes barely noticeable - the influence was strong, but then weakened (feelings for the spouse were strong and real, but gradually began to dull).

4. The line at the beginning was thin and barely noticeable, and then it becomes deep and clear - the influence is gaining strength, becoming stronger and stronger (feelings for the spouse were superficial, but love came over time).

5. The line is strong and long, at the end, it begins to move farther and farther from the line of life - the influence gradually disappears (feelings for the spouse become dull and disappear altogether).

6. The line is strong and long, at the end, it begins to approach the line of life - the influence gradually intensifies (feelings for the spouse intensify, become bright, crazy and passionate).

Aphorism: Love your neighbor at any distance, and it will begin to shrink.

7. The line is strong and long, at the end, rests on a long line running from the base of the thumb to the line of life - a break in relations, due to the fault of relatives.

8. The line is strong and long, at the end, approaches the line of life and crosses it - fanatical love has grown into destructive jealousy and, as a result: a break in relations.

9. The line is strong and long and has a gap - the partners do not diverge for a long time or the influence of the partner is interrupted for a while.

10. The line is long and strong, ending with a star - the death of a spouse or loved one who had a great influence on the life of this person. But I would not consider here death in the literal sense. Often, this is an unexpected and very painful separation from a spouse, which, in fact, is equal to the loss of a loved one.

11. The first line ends, then, with a shift in parallel, the second line begins - the influence of one close person is replaced by another (feelings for the first close person (spouse) died, and for the second person (spouse) flared up with renewed vigor). By the position of the second line, one can say about the quality of influence: the closer the second line is to the line of life, the stronger the feelings for the second person, the greater its influence, and vice versa.

12. The line goes in a dotted line, breaks off and after a short interval starts again - the influence begins and disappears, starts again and disappears again (feelings flare up and die, then again flare up brightly and after a while die again = the effect of constant love).Aphorism: The hero-lover often repeated: Nothing venereal is alien to me.

13. Two lines run parallel close to each other - this person is torn in feelings between two close people (classic love triangle = husband and lover or wife and lover).Aphorism: How many families from love triangles have square heads!

14. A clear and small line departs from the line of life, in the interval of a long line of influence - in the process of marriage, this person has a short, but stormy romance with a lover (lover).Aphorism: How faceless the husband is, the image of the lover is so clearer.

15. A clear line running from the line of influence through the line of life - the spouse (close person) has a strong negative impact on the life of this person (in some cases, if there are other signs, it can also indicate a break in relations, a divorce). Such a trait also has a negative impact when other main lines cross: the lines of the head, heart, fate, etc. Such a feature is called the feature of an obstacle to something.

Lines on the hill of Venus represent relationships based on mutual assistance. Horizontal lines mean hostile interference from people with opposite attitudes. Vertical lines mean relationships based on mutual assistance.

The more vertical lines, the more friends a person has, close contacts with close people, relatives, but also this person has a greater dependence on them.

If such lines are absent, then this person does not seek to start a serious relationship, does not attach strongly to a partner, does not have a strong connection with relatives, but he is also independent in his actions and thoughts.

The line of influence should not be confused with the inner line of life, which is often called line of Mars. In many books, the lines of influence are often called the line of Mars, and this is not entirely correct. Although these lines have a lot in common: location and some properties.

And what are the common properties? - you ask.

And such: the line of influence, like the line of Mars, is a kind of support in the life of this person.

The line of Mars indicates the strengthening of the line of life, human health, the internal supply of vitality. It helps in difficult periods of life, saves from dangers and hardships.

Similarly, clear lines of influence indicate that a person at a certain period of life has a close person with a strong character who can be relied upon, who will help in everyday matters, help solve many problems, including health problems.

This is how the line of influence and the line of Mars are similar. It's not for nothing that they are often called lines. guardian angel or support lines. They are often confused, but, in fact, they have a lot in common.


From the day of birth in the cradle
The angel guarded the baby
And the bright dome of white wings
He stretched over the child.

The child was captivated by beauty,
With a smile as clear as spring
And the angel with a simple song
Gave the child the sweetness of sleep.

When they tried to get close
To the baby pain, misfortune, evil,
They ingloriously crashed
O snow-white wing.

(Vadim Zhmud)

Information about the line of Mars:

The line of Mars starts from the hill of Mars and goes down along the line of life. The classical line of Mars starts from the base of the palm between the base of the life line and the thumb. The line of Mars is always strong, deep, and, as a rule, is either not inferior in strength to the line of life, or much stronger than it. And the lines of influence are much thinner and less deep than the lines of life. Don't confuse them.....

Abarin Yuri (2006)

In addition to the 4 main lines in the palm of your hand (“heart”, “life”, “head” and “fate”), there are secondary, but no less important. These 4 main lines are necessarily present in the palm of your hand, and the secondary ones, including the line of love (marriage), are not always there.

As a rule, the number of secondary lines on a person’s hand is strictly individual. There are examples when they are not in the palm of your hand at all. This suggests that the owner of such an “empty” palm is a person who does not expect anything extraordinary from life and accepts all events as they are.

Surprisingly, the main reason for the appearance in the palm of a person of many of the minor lines is stress and daily anxiety.

The more balanced and calmer a person is, the less lines of “secondary” importance on his hand.

The more vulnerable and impulsive a person is, even if he does not show it outwardly, the more such lines will be on his hand. So it turns out that the number of secondary lines on the hand depends on the nature of the person.

General characteristics of the line of love (marriage)

No matter how you call this line - love, marriage, marriage, serious relationships - its meaning is always unidirectional. On this line, you can always determine how real the feelings, emotions and experiences of its owner in relation to another person are. At the same time, she also points to imaginary relationships, dreams of “love” that have not been realized in life.

There can be several lines of love on the hand. It can be read in different ways.

Firstly, as a prediction about the number of official marriages and serious hobbies (civil marriage).

Secondly, as a sign of the deepest affection.

The stronger and longer the line, the more reliable relationships are possible, of course, if there are no locking and blocking signs on it.

Along the same line, one can “see” that power of “libido concentration” in the owner of the hand throughout life.

By the way the line ends, it is possible to reflect with great certainty the reason for the possible end of the relationship.

By the way the line begins, it is possible to conclude with great certainty about the beginning of these relationships.

It can be concluded that, in general, the line will reflect not only the specific relationships themselves, but also the program for their development.

Possible main meaning of the secondary line of love in the palm of your hand and its location

The line of love (marriage) is located on the edge of the hand between the strong line of the "Heart" and the base of the little finger, "on the hill of Mercury." It is a small line directed from the outside of the palm inward.

The line itself is clearly visible when the hand (both left and right) is tightly clenched into a strong fist. In this case, it will appear on the side, on a convex edge from the palm. If it is there, then between the little finger and one of the main lines of the "heart", one or more dashes-lines of "love-marriage" will appear.

Unfortunately, quite often people who imagine themselves as being able to predict life by their hand confuse one of the main lines - the "heart" with the line of "love".

It is impossible to ignore the fact that this auxiliary line of the hand tells about a serious close relationship. This means the optional legitimization of long-term relationships (a stamp in the passport, after the registry office and mandatory wedding rings).

In the figure below, this line is circled in red.

In order to correctly decipher the information about a person that a line can tell, you should carefully examine it.

  1. If this line is clearly defined, absolutely straight and without “growths”, then we can tell the person in whose palm it is located that he knows how to love passionately and be faithful to his chosen fate, never betraying the object of his passion.
  2. If the line of love (marriage) is absent on the hand (this often happens), then this is a sign that its owner is proud and selfish.
  3. If the line of love has breaks or clearly visible lines, then we can say with confidence about the fragility of feelings, constant strife with a loved one and a painful separation from him.
  4. If the line of love is visible on both hands, then they should be compared by carefully examining. Provided that the line of the left hand is an even, thick and clear line, and on the right hand it is short and completely inexpressive, then it can be assumed with great certainty that the beginning of a relationship with a dear person was ideal, but then an event occurred that changed life dramatically. If this is a marriage, then there was a betrayal, and if this is love, then another girl (man) met, who interrupted the frivolity of the first relationship.
  5. With the location of several lines of love on the hand, you can even approximately determine the age of its owner, when close long-term relationships are possible.

There is no person who does not want to know “for sure” the answers to questions from their future.

Among them: when to get married (marry)? How many children will there be, who, will they be born in marriage? How many serious relationships will be over the course of life?

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the rule: "Nothing should ever be said in the affirmative, in a tone that does not tolerate objections." All information seen, especially on auxiliary lines, should be advisory in nature.
  2. Both palms should be considered. The left palm will tell about the "karma of love", and the right will tell about the attitude of the partners.
  3. If there are more than one line of love, for example, three, then we can say that fate has prepared three serious meetings, but only one of them will be worthy of the owner of this hand. And this man is monogamous.
  4. If the line of marriage (love) is directed downward, then this will mean that separation and divorce are possible.
  5. If the lines of life and love are in contact, then this shows that its owner will be able to survive his half, destined for him by fate, even if they are not married.
  6. If one line connects both hands, then this can mean loyalty and devotion in a single marriage. This person is "not a walker", monogamous and an excellent family man. More often this type of love line (marriage) is found in men.

  1. If there are 2 lines on the left (right) palm, and one line on the right (left), then this alignment may indicate that the owner of the hands can get a divorce and enter into a second marriage, which, by definition, will be successful. This decision must be made by the individual. When changing relationships (families), no more than 3 months should pass. Otherwise, a return to the first family will follow, where everything will be very bad, or the person will forever remain alone.
  2. The number of lines on both palms will indicate the number of love stories. Despite the fact that there may be much more affection-romances in life, there will be exactly as many real ones as there are lines on the hands.
  3. The line of love (marriage) is straight, even and long. From this follows a happy long life.
  4. Line of love with breaks. The number of interruptions indicates how many breakups, including divorces, a person will have during his life. Provided that a little further after the break there is an overlay of lines, then a reunion after parting is possible, for example, a remarriage with the same person.

Interpretation of signs and geometric shapes found on the line of love

In order to tell everything that can be read along the line of love (marriage) in the hands of an interested person, it is necessary to decipher the meaning of those signs and geometric shapes that can be found on a particular line of love (marriage).

  1. The lines of love (marriage) are strongly curved upwards, heading towards the base of the little finger. This is her appearance in a person who fundamentally does not want to become a family man. At the same time, he is not going to give a vow of celibacy, but he is also not going to sacrifice his freedom from any obligations.
  2. The line of love (marriage) ends with a clear clear branching "fork". A divorce (break) is possible at the initiative of the owner of the hand.
  3. The line of love (marriage) is curved down. This sign clearly indicates that the partner of the owner of the hand will pass away much earlier, leaving him inconsolable.
  4. "Cross" on the line of love (marriage). This is a serious sign, indicating possible difficulties with the difficulties that a person may encounter in their personal relationships. Interference (externally / internally directed) on a strong passionate feeling of two, which will surely destroy them.
  5. A “star” on the line of love (marriage) indicates that love is only a means to achieve material well-being or career advancement.
  6. An “island” on the line of love (marriage) indicates that love is only an unhappy attachment, and not a strong feeling. The owner of such a hand will constantly experience contention with problems in any serious relationship.
  7. A "dot" or "specks" on the line of love (marriage) indicates that a person will become a widow due to an accident - a car accident or an accidental attempted murder with a fatal outcome for the individual's partner.

Determination of the time of changing one's status to "not free" using the line of love

In order to determine the time of possible marriage along the line of love (marriage), provided that it is on the hand, one should consider a tight fist and the space formed on its bend (between the fold of the little finger and the line of the heart). Visually divide it into equal parts. The middle corresponds to the age from 25 to 28 years.

The closer the line of love passes to the “Heart” line, the less years will be for a person who decides to create his own family by “playing a wedding”.

By the clarity of the outline of the line and its depth, one can confidently tell about the strength and duration of this amazing feeling.

In order to most correctly "see" the time of the onset of such an important life event. as the time of entering into legal marriage, and to predict its well-being or fragility, one should carefully examine three of the main lines of the palm - these are "Heart", "Happiness" and "Fate".

Only after a thorough analysis can a person be told about the most fateful event in his life. And yet, along this line, one can tell not a reflection of the relationship, but to suggest what is the program for developing the interaction of an individual with a representative of the opposite sex that they like. Understand how long such relationships will be in life.

Firstly, some palms have a huge number of auxiliary lines, among which one of the central places is occupied by the “love / marriage” line. Often it, always horizontally directed, is crossed by a certain number of lines of the vertical vector. The strongest (brightest) of them will indicate the number of children, both born in marriage and not.

Secondly, all information obtained as a result of its analysis can be confirmed or refuted after a thorough examination and decoding of all other signs offered by the individual's hand.

Thirdly, information so important for a person should be told only benevolently, as sincerely and penetratingly as possible. The individual must understand that before him is a specialist who can be entrusted with the most secret, hidden dreams and be sure that the information he receives will be strictly confidential.

Fourthly, if when reading and deciphering the meanings along the line of love (marriage / children), a person conducting fortune-telling has a doubt on any aspect, then this topic should be carefully “bypassed” and not focus on it.

Fifth, with the complete absence of a line on the hands, one should not frighten a person. He needs to explain that today he is not in a feeling, but the auxiliary lines periodically disappear / appear on the palms and invite the person to repeat the “fortune-telling for love” attempt.

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Palmistry for those who wish. The concept and simple explanations of its tricks. The meaning of lines and bracelets on the wrist according to palmistry

According to palmistry, the science of the hand, one can learn from the lines and palms about human relationships, about marriage, about love.

There are several lines in the palm of each person, by which you can find out about all the relationships of this person.
The most popular and famous lines are the marriage line and the love line. Palmistry and relationships are very closely intertwined. A person who decides to find out some information about himself, when he turns to palmistry, almost always first of all asks about relationships - existing and future.

For example, all girls want to know about their future husband, about marriage, about children.

The relationship line in palmistry is the marriage line. You need to remember and know that the line of relationships itself does not affect relationships. As you know, on the left hand there is information that is laid down from birth, that is, the future that awaits a person. And on the right is the real person. And it is also known that during life all lines change, and some even disappear.

The number of lines of marriage and relationships shows us those partners who have passed through the heart. It does not necessarily show the official marriages of a person who is guessing. In the palm of your hand, these lines can display information about those people with whom a person met, lived for a long time, who somehow influenced his life.

Return to past relationships

In palmistry, you can also see past relationships.
The closer the line of marriage and relationship to the line of life, then the earlier these relationships were. And also on them you can see the branches - children. That is, from what relationship there are children.

By the size and color of the relationship line, you can see and read important information. For example, if the line is clear, long, straight, then this will indicate a serious relationship in terms of any person. Or vice versa. A fuzzy, blurry, broken line indicates the opposite - inconstancy, the possibility of betrayal and departure.

It is important to look at the small marks that may occur on the line itself. For example, an asterisk that tells about a person who can use this relationship for social success.

Relationships at a distance

Relationships at a distance can also be viewed in palmistry in the palm of your hand. Here there is more information about the character of a person, whether he is capable of serious changes in life, of moving to another city or even a country.

According to the line of marriage or relationship, you can clarify what the relationship was. For example, the line is fuzzy and unclear, which means that the relationship is not fully implemented.

If the line of fate does not intersect with the lines of relationships, or intersects, but not immediately - then this is in palmistry - relationships at a distance. And further, already by this very line one can judge whether they had a continuation or not.

The line of life may have some kind of thin second line - which means that a person can move, which is also associated with long-distance relationships. And here is just the time to compare both hands - what is destined by fate, and how it really happened. You can also see missed opportunities by comparing both palms.

Relationship with a married man

In palmistry about relationships, such a question also slips - whether or not a relationship with a married man is shown.

Also, in the palm of your hand and along the lines of relationships and marriage, you can see if there are betrayals, if there are lovers on both sides.
There are small lines that indicate that the partner has a lover after marriage, but there is during marriage. And by the size and clarity of these small dashes, you can find out what format they were and ended or not.

When the line of relationships leans more towards the line of the Heart, this means that one partner will outlive the other.

It is also very important to see what end the marriage line has. If there is a fork, it means that the relationship, according to palmistry, ended unsuccessfully, perhaps there were quarrels, scandals, even courts. Along the same lines, you can see what the relationship was like - in love or, for example, in cruelty.

Thus, palmistry and relationships are closely intertwined. In one case, you can see what fate awaits a person, what kind of relationship will be. You can also check your partner, whether he is deceiving you or not, what kind of relationship he had before you.

But before drawing quick conclusions, you need to carefully study all the lines, small details, look and compare all the lines, as well as both palms. For example, in no case should you confuse the line of the heart and the line of love.

These are absolutely two different lines that carry different information about different kinds of relationships. It is imperative to compare the sizes of all lines, their length or width, how they end and where they begin, all branches, their number, line depth, direction angles, ratio to the other and main lines in the palm of your hand, for example, the lines of Fate, and so on. All these details, individually and together, will give an idea of ​​​​the relationship of a person, according to palmistry.


In palmistry, in the palm of your hand, you can learn about various relationships - about marriage, about civil relations, about first love, there will be or were divorces, how many children from each lived relationship. You can also see what format these or those relationships were.

Marriage lines reflect relationships, both real and strong feelings, emotions, experiences, suffering for another person that have not reached real relationships. Marriage lines are also called - marriage lines, relationship lines, love lines. Consider the various options for marriage lines.

Lines of Marriage, types

Marriage lines are of various types. For example, under the letter "A" the figure shows a line rising up, such a line indicates the impossibility of marriage. Appears in widows (widowers), as well as people who fundamentally do not want to lead a family life (in certain cases, legalize marriage). One of the variants of this line is the ring of Mercury or, as it is also called, the widower's ring.

If the marriage line, on the contrary, goes down, as under the letter "C", then you should pay attention to other indicators on the hand, since such a line indicates that its owner will outlive his relationship partner.

Marriage line ending with a fork, as in the figure under the letter "B" indicates a break or divorce, the relationship is terminated through the fault of the owner of the mark.

Lines of Marriage, types

There can be various signs on the marriage line: an island, a cross, a star or a dot. Each of these signs refers only to those relationships on the line of which it is located.

For example, cross (D) indicates serious obstacles in love, difficulties and difficulties that a person faces in relationships.

Star (C) indicates that love is used for the purpose of exploitation, it is not real, but only a cover.

Island (B) means unhappy attachment, difficult relationships, constant problems and strife. Marriage is short lived.

Point (A) indicates widowhood. The difference between an upward-curving line and a point is that with an upward-curving line, a person experiences a relationship, but does not marry. With a downward-curving line, the situation is predetermined from the very beginning. And in a situation with a point - this is a random event.

If to the line of Marriage adjacent triangular formation- according to Indian tradition, one triangle on the line of Marriage is enough for family life to fail. This sign is interpreted briefly: a difficult family life, full of adversity.

If the line of Marriage starts with a fork, then the initiative for divorce will come from the partner and against the will of the owner of such a sign.

A line with a rectangular or square formation that rises above the surface of the skin and therefore takes on a dark appearance in the print. The main meaning of the picture is that the owner is likely to be subjected to psychological or physical violence in a marriage or relationship equal to him. Physical violence is possible only if the owner of the line has any signs of a violation of the self-preservation system on his hands.

If the Marriage Line ends with a "fork"- the owner of this sign will initiate the termination of the relationship. The line of Marriage in the form of a “fork” speaks of differences in the characters of the partners and, possibly, of their unstable connection. It doesn't have to be a divorce. Maybe just a scandalous, difficult life together.

Usually, in such a situation, there is no one to blame. The conflict is provoked by a partner with a “fork” on the Marriage line. Correction in such a case is almost impossible. If a person does not want to show tolerance, the most reasonable thing is to leave.

Marriage Line Variations

1. - Perfect happy line.

2. - A sign of a second marriage: two clear and straight lines. The first marriage for some reason is not successful, the second promises to be happy.

3.- A good time to get married: an ascending sloping line. The line from the ring finger to the marriage line indicates that the time has come for marriage. If there is redness in this place, then the time for marriage has probably already come.

4.- Disappointment in feeling: the pointed tip of the line droops. Excessive faith in a partner and high expectations, disappointment. The story of a fading, unfulfilling family life.

5. - Struggle for existence: sloping lines of decline in activity. Illness, some other hardships of life. The main line is now straight, then turns to the ring finger.

6. - Divorce and separation: branching lines. Of course, how much this potential becomes possible depends on the individual. Before deciding on a divorce, it is advisable to discuss this with the elders. In the event of a decline in activity (b), a divorce should be considered.

7. - Romantic marriage: first a fork, then a connection. At first, we encountered opposition (parental disagreement or something else), but, in the end, everything worked out. If the line of Marriage begins with a fork, then the initiative for divorce will come from the partner and against the will of the owner of such a sign.

8. - Divorced people get back together: deep feelings. Case (a): once separated people are together again. A hopeless farewell at the beginning and a revival of feelings later. Case (b): there were thoughts of divorce.

9. - Cooling of family relations as a result of a serious mistake of a partner.

10. - Unexpected separation: suddenly the spouses disperse ...

11. - Difficult marriage: does not burden himself with family ties, does not enter into marriage. People with such a line love freedom very much, and they cannot stand any restrictions.

12. - Uncertainty of feeling: fan-shaped line. Attitude towards spouse (children and other interests) is uncertain.

13. - A sad parting: a line that cuts off the head of the line of the heart. Forces dry up, sad thoughts come. However, if there is a line above, then happiness will come through a second marriage.

14. - Business woman: the line turns to the little finger. Ideals are too high, marriage fails. Perhaps the feeling was in my youth.

15. - Many friends of the opposite sex. Numerous lines of marriage. Numerous novels. However, if there is one strong line, having entered into marriage, everything will be done for this person. If the line of the heart is disordered, this indicates a misunderstanding of feelings.

16. - A palanquin studded with precious stones or an ideal marriage - lines reaching the line of the Sun or Mercury. Marriage with this person portends well-being. However, the lack of gratitude towards the partner will lead to the disappearance of the line.

17. - Grace from children: shoots upward from the line. Deep branch - boy. Not a deep branch - a girl.

18. - Unusual love: this triangle is a sign of reconciliation with a lost person. Asking for forgiveness from a loved one.

19. - Revival of feelings: another line from the fork. If there is a risk of divorce, appropriate measures are taken.

20. - Marriage is still ahead: the line has unclear outlines. It is observed in parents raising a ten-year-old child. The family environment is not very good and is not conducive to thoughts of a happy marriage or feeling. Over time, after the meetings, there will be rapid changes. It is very important to have good friends.

21. - Inconstancy, windiness: thin lines above and below. Below - flirting was before marriage, if above - after marriage.

22.- Problems with the spouse's mother: a thin line of obstacles. Option (b): interference from acquaintances.

23. - Secret marriage life: the contradiction of two lines. Talking about immorality. There must be problems. Marriage is not sustainable.

24. - Late marriage and divorce due to long journeys.

tagPlaceholder Tags: divination, palmistry, divorce, hands, lines, marriage

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The nature of the relationship line

The nature of the Relationship line reflects the strength of the manifestation of feelings in a relationship with a partner, as well as the importance and depth of close relationships. In this regard, the depth of these lines determines a person’s feelings for those people with whom he wants to establish close relationships, and their length may indicate not the duration of these relationships, but the stability of a person’s feelings, which can persist even after breaking the connection. By their nature, Marriage lines are divided into deep (Figure 1.6), thin (Figure 1.7), wavy (Figure 1.8) and heterogeneous (Figure 1.9).

Deep, strong and clear relationship line indicates an emotionally deep, stormy and rich relationship that will leave a big mark on a person’s life and affect all aspects of his life. Such people love passionately and passionately, and in relationships they are faithful and ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their loved ones. If such a deep and strong line runs without breaks and defects to the very end, then a person throughout his life will be a devoted, reliable and constant companion of life. If the initially deep line gradually thins out (Figure 1.6), this means that a person will eventually lose the strength of his affection and the depth of feelings in relation to his partner. If the line is thin at first, but gradually becomes stronger and more distinct, then the person’s feelings will get stronger over time, which will give hope for a long relationship with the spouse.

Relationship thin line speaks of an indifferent and cold person who does not know how to show his love. Such a person, even being married, does not experience a strong emotional and sensual attachment to his partner. These people do not know how to truly love, therefore, being selfish, cold and cruel natures, in a relationship they are able to cause a lot of trouble to their partner. If the line is thin and short, then it may not be so much a relationship as a desire for them with a specific person.

Wavy Relationship Line is an indicator of a difficult relationship with a partner, in which there are frequent quarrels, mood swings, transitions from one extreme to another, jealousy, selfishness and mutual claims. With a short wavy line of Marriage, such behavior will eventually bother both spouses and will inevitably lead to divorce. A long wavy line gives hope for the salvation of relationships in marriage, provided that there are no other Relationship lines above this line.

Heterogeneous Relationship Line represents a symbiosis of all the listed lines. It will be difficult to call relations with this type of line calm and stable, since mutual quarrels and reproaches against each other will be replaced by insane love and all-consuming passion, which will alternate with cooling relations interspersed with hatred, calculation and selfishness.

Relationship Line Direction

The direction of the Relationship line shows the perspective of marriage. Basically, the Marriage line is a straight, even line that does not have a tendency to bend to either side, which indicates a good, strong and mutual feeling that partners try to carry through all the troubles of family life that arise. In rare cases, there are lines of Relationships smoothly curving down to the line of the Heart or arching towards the little finger. Such bends of the lines indicate difficulties in maintaining close relationships, making marriage unlikely, but still possible. At first glance, it may seem that such a relationship will bring nothing but quarrels, strife, clashes of interests and characters. But at the same time, there are many couples who have this kind of Marriage line, who have already raised children and lived together for more than a dozen years, but at the same time are accustomed to constantly “heating up” their relationship with sparks of clashes. People often say about such people: "They are bored together, but apart - it's hard." Probably, this is how life teaches us, constantly confronting a person who has a different point of view or criticizes the existing way of life of a partner, humility and the ability to smooth out all life problems that arise in their path, forcing them to work out heavy family karma, thereby unraveling the complex karmic knots of previous problems.

In palmistry, there are three main directions of Relationship lines: straight lines, without bends, and lines directed towards the base of the finger of Mercury or leaning towards the line of the Heart.

Direct short line Relationships, presented in Figure 1.10 under No. 1, with a sufficiently deep and strong line, indicates a short but happy family life, with strong attachment of partners to each other. If the line of Relationships is not deep and superficial, then this sign will indicate a short but very stormy romance. As a rule, the end of such a line will always become thinner towards its end, which indicates feelings that cool over time, in which former partners do not make mutual claims against each other, but simply diverge, because for a number of reasons they could not build a successful and lasting relationship.

Straight long line Relationships, towards the Mount of Mercury, shown in Figures 1.10 and 1.11 under No. 2, is a sign of a long and happy family life, while the deeper and longer this line is expressed, the stronger will be the intensity and duration of feelings for a partner. When analyzing such a line, one should not forget that the lines of Marriage do not always indicate legalized relationships and stamping in the passport, which many girls especially dream of, but may indicate a civil marriage with a fairly strong, long-lasting emotional attachment to their partner.

The Line of Relationships curves upward towards the base of the Mercury finger., as shown in Figures 1.12, 1.13 and 1.13-1 under No. 3, is a sign of a desire for independence and unwillingness to bind oneself with any restrictions in relations with a partner. The general interpretation of the sign suggests that the line curving towards the base of the finger of Mercury indicates the impossibility of marriage due to any circumstances or the unwillingness to do so due to some internal reasons. For example, a person cannot marry because of illness, physical injury or moral injury, as well as beliefs, including religious ones, for example, because of the desire for chastity. Indian practitioners emphasize that such drawings are found on the hands of ascetics who have renounced the world and devoted themselves to serving God.

Rice. 1.13–1

Modern palmists, as a result of their research, have expanded this interpretation and given it additional meanings. According to a number of researchers, although a person with such a line is married, the intimate life between the spouses has ceased due to a number of reasons outlined above. Other researchers have found that if a line with a bend occurs on an empty female hand, that is, on which only the main lines are present, then marriage is possible, but the partner will have a closed, unsociable character and a tendency to violence, which will eventually lead to the destruction of marriage. In the opposite situation, when, along with the line curving upwards, the hand is dotted with many chaotic small lines, the partner will have an emotionally unstable character and a penchant for extramarital affairs, which will also not contribute to a long-term relationship. Regardless of the situation, because of the suffering suffered, it will be very difficult for a person with such a line of Relationships to dare to enter into a new relationship.

There are several more interpretations that apply to this line of marriage. One of them indicates that the owners of such a pattern have a successful and strong partner who occupies a high social position, has a good financial status, but is not inclined to pay due attention to his partner, which ultimately also leads to divorce. Another interpretation indicates that relationships are possible with a partner who is more mature, wise, experienced and older than the owner of the sign.

The Line of Relationships curves down towards the line of the Heart., as shown in figures 1.12 and 1.14 under number 4, indicates a complex and problematic family life in which spouses will gradually move away from each other. In palmistry, this line is usually called the falling line of Relationships or Marriage, the meaning of which is always negative, indicating a break in relations, divorce, a long departure of a spouse or a cooling of feelings in marriage.

If the falling line of Relationships cuts the line of the Heart and joins the line of the Head, then such a combination indicates the destruction of the connection or marriage due to differences in views, worldview or religious affiliation. It should also be taken into account that this sign can extend its effect not to one life episode, but to influence in one form or another all the relationships that this person will enter into in the future.

The main combinations of relationship lines

This topic will consider the most common combinations of relationship lines on the hands of a person, according to which it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the marriage itself, about its duration, prospects, strength of feelings, and about the interference of strangers in family relationships or obstacles in marriage. In the previously discussed topics of this section, we have already studied how the ideal line of Relationships should look in the palm of your hand, what character it should have and how it is interpreted depending on its direction. Therefore, the most common deviations from the normal course of the Marriage line will be shown below, and their main interpretations will be given depending on their unique pattern in the palm of your hand. Each defect on the line of Marriage, any intersection of random lines or its deviation from the norm will indicate the main course of marriage or reflect some important event in the life of this person. At the same time, I repeat that any defect on the line of Relationships must be confirmed by the lines of Influence in the corresponding zones of the hand, which will be considered by us later.

1. Branches that separate from the line of Relationships and go down(Figures 1.15 and 1.16), testify to the collapse of the hopes that a person had for this relationship, as a result of which this combination is an indicator of a problem marriage, associated with the carelessness or illness of the spouse. Since all branches are directed to the line of the Heart, disappointments in marriage will be associated with the sensual-emotional sphere of relations.

Rice. 1.16–1

2. Branches that separate from the Relationship line and go up(figure 1.15) indicate a successful partner who is busy with his career or all-consuming hobby, which will undoubtedly negatively affect the marriage. Unlike the Marriage line, which has a direction towards the base of the finger of Mercury, branches from the main line in this direction are not so categorical and will have softer interpretations inherent in such a combination of lines. Divorce due to the constant employment and inattention of the partner will no longer exist, and disagreements in the relationship will arise in the desire for financial and emotional independence from the partner.

3. Relationship line ending with a tassel(figure 1.15), is the most likely sign of divorce, with no hope of a subsequent restoration of relations. Warm emotional relationships to each other in such a union dry up over time and the spouses who previously loved each other become strangers, not wanting to deal with the problems that arise.

4. Fork at the beginning of the Relationship line(Figure 1.17) indicates an unsuccessful start to family relationships, as well as the fact that the desire to marry ran into opposition from parents or the unwillingness of a partner. According to Indian observations, this combination indicates the difference of partners in social, cultural or religious origin. These differences give rise to conflicts at the initial stage of the relationship, but since the fork in the future disappears, connecting into one line, this indicates overcoming the initial problems with the partner and finding family happiness.

5. Line of Relationships ending with a fork(Figures 1.17 and 1.18) indicates a break in family relations associated with a difference in character or the betrayal of one of the spouses. Also, this unfavorable sign carries information that a person is dissatisfied with the existing relationship in marriage. At the same time, the final break in relations can be transferred from month to month, from year to year, since such people are no longer united by passion and a desire to be together, but by material goods, for example, a roof over their heads or jointly acquired property. Such a sign appears long before the official break, warning that the time has come to reconsider relations with a spouse. When the fork on the Marriage line is directed to the palm (Figure 1.17, line No. 5), then the owner of this sign will initiate the termination of relations with a partner. If the fork is at the beginning of the line (Figure 1.17, line No. 4), then the divorce initiative will come from the partner and against the will of the owner of this sign.

6. Line of Relationships ending with a triple fork(Figures 1.17 and 1.19) or a fork with a “tongue”, exacerbates the effect of the previously described case and speaks of serious disagreements with a partner in all spheres of life. The presence of a “tongue” in the fork indicates an inability to accept the point of view of your partner and smooth out the contradictions that arise in order to save the marriage. With a strong and deep fork, such an alliance is doomed to divorce, without the possibility of further reunification and continuation of relations.

Rice. 1.21–1

7. After the fork, the relationship line continues(Figure 1.20) - this combination indicates a new round in the development of relations, as the couple overcame the danger of divorce, revised their relationship to each other and decided to continue the relationship. This combination is favorable, due to the fact that by changing their attitude towards each other, the couple has the opportunity to continue working out heavy family karma and the opportunity to correct their mistakes in this incarnation without transferring them to the next reincarnations.

8. Open break of the Relationship line(Figure 1.20) is interpreted literally: a sharp termination, and then a rapid resumption of relations with a former partner. Sometimes this sign indicates events that radically change the nature of previously established relationships in marriage. When analyzing this combination, it must be remembered that the number of line breaks does not necessarily correlate with the number of real quarrels and departures, since one break in the Marriage line may indicate several breaks in the relationship, and vice versa, multiple line breaks may indicate only one break.

9. After a fork, the Relationship line begins again with a fork(Figures 1.20 and 1.21) such a sign indicates a divorce due to the infidelity of the spouse, in which, after some time of awareness and clarification of the relationship, the previously divorced couple is reunited in marriage. In this combination, the size of the fork proportionally indicates the disagreements of the spouses when the relationship breaks up, as well as the emotional load, which can be traced by the width of the angle of the fork itself. It should also be noted that the owner of the hand on which this sign is located will be the initiator of the divorce.

Rice. 1.23–1

10. Line of Relations crossed by comets(Figures 1.22 and 1.23), indicates external circumstances or periods of circumstances that can damage or interfere with the harmonious development of relations.

The study of comets crossing the main line of Marriage will clarify some of the circumstances and nuances inherent in future relationship problems. If the comet, cutting the line of Relationships, goes up to the base of the little finger, or a larger section of the comet is above the line of Marriage, then such a pattern indicates that the gap will occur due to the financial situation or condition of the partner, and more generally, due to financial problems and a specific attitude to these problems. If the comet is lowered to the line of the Heart, then the reason for such a quarrel will lie in the sphere of sensual relations with the partner.

11. Relationship line stopped by a comet(Figures 1.22 and 1.23-1) indicates a sudden, most often consensual, termination of a relationship. The interpretation of the sign is contradictory and radically differs between the Eastern and Western schools of palmistry. According to the interpretations of Indian palmists, this sign indicates that a person will not be able to marry. If the sign is on one hand, then the prospect of overcoming external circumstances and getting married will be quite high. The presence of the same signs on both hands significantly reduces these chances. Locking comets may also appear after a person has already entered into marriage, in which case the owner of the sign will no longer be able to terminate it and leave the relationship. In simple terms, if there is no marriage, then it is difficult to conclude it, and if it exists, then it is very difficult to get rid of it.

12. Above the falling line of Relationships at the point of inflection is a cross(Figure 1.22), indicates that the partner will leave this world much earlier than the owner of the sign. This combination should find its confirmation on the Influence line of the spouse on the hill of Venus, while it should have signs of a violation of the conservation system, which we will dwell on in the corresponding topic.

Rice. 1.25–1

Rice. 1.25–2

13. A thin line runs parallel to the top of a deep and clear line of relationships.(Figure 1.24), this combination indicates relationships other than the spouse that arose after marriage. As a rule, a thin line expresses the presence of a lover or mistress in marriage, or the desire for a relationship with a certain person. When considering such a combination, it is necessary to remember that the passive hand expresses the inner desires and aspirations of a person, and the active hand expresses the real building of relationships with a partner. Therefore, real lovers will be reflected only if there are signs on the active hand, or on both hands. The thin line of Relationships reflects only temporary, but at the same time emotionally strong, sensual or sexual ties, for the sake of which such a person will never terminate an official marriage.

14. A thin line runs from below, under the main line of Relationships(Figures 1.24 and 1.25) indicates that courtship, flirting and relationships took place before marriage. As a rule, after entering into a new emotional deep and stable relationship, a person with this sign completely ceases to pay attention to premarital relationships and focuses entirely on family responsibilities in marriage.

15–16. A thin line crosses or comes into contact with the main relationship line.(Figures 1.24 and 1.25-1 and 1.25-2), which is interpreted as periodic interference of a lover or mistress in family relationships. In order to assess the degree and strength of interference in relationships, it is necessary to analyze the main line of Marriage, after crossing it with a thin line. If the deep line of Marriage shifts, breaks, breaks, or negative signs form on it, then third-party interference affected the marriage and caused internal heart suffering and strong emotional experiences, as a result of which it destroyed the marriage, and vice versa.

Rice. 1.26–1

17. Long line of Relationships, crossing the line of Apollo, is a harbinger of difficult family relationships and indicates a problematic family life, an unequal marriage, or the owner of a sign that associates too many hopes with these relationships.

If the line of Relationships does not cross the line of Apollo, but flows into it (Figures 1.26 and 1.26-1), then the interpretation of the sign changes to the opposite, giving a person happiness in marriage and a happy family life. Such a person will associate all his well-being with a partner and maintain a warm and trusting relationship that will bring joy to both spouses.

18. The falling line of Relationships, crossing the lines of the Heart, Head and line of Life(Figures 1.26 and 1.26–1), is a variation of sign No. 12 and indicates the physiological death of a marriage partner. The end of the falling line of Marriage on the line of Life will be a marker of the age at which the partner will leave this world, when applying dating to the line of Life.

19. Falling line of Relationships coming into contact with the line of Mercury(Figures 1.26 and 1.26–1), indicates a partner in poor health. When analyzing this combination, it is necessary to pay attention to the Relationship line itself, which will tell you some of the nuances of the course of marriage. So, for example, with a defective line of Marriage on the female hand, the wife will not be able to leave her husband and terminate the relationship due to the fact that her material status is completely dependent on her husband. On a man's hand, such a sign will tell that he does not leave his wife because of career, professional or material interests. Also, regardless of the gender of the owner of the sign, the partner can cause or serve as an impetus for the onset of any diseases in the owner of the sign, or the passion for the partner will be so great that he can get sick from love.

20. Long line of Relationships, crossing the entire palm(figure 1.27), creating the presence of the second line of the Heart, or if the line of Relationships reaches the subdigital hillock of the middle finger - this indicates a person who regards his partner as fate. In part, this is true, since this partner will be called by karma to work off joint karmic debts, but the problem in the development of these relationships will lie in the fact that the owner of the sign must develop himself, not relying on a partner and avoid complete mental, psychological and material dependence on his spouse. Otherwise, there is a risk of annoying the partner and destroying the previously stable bonds of marriage, as a result of which the person will undergo great mental and mental suffering.

21. A long line of Relationships crossing the belt of Venus, is a sign of excessive idealism, which can deprive both partners of a sense of satisfaction. Women and men with these signs are endowed with special spiritual sensitivity, impressionability and vulnerability, and are also subject to a feeling of jealousy that oppresses them, because of which there will be no complete trust in the partner, which will not affect the relationship in the best way. Also, this combination can talk about sexual incompatibility, which will make you look for "happiness" on the side.