The boy rescued 2 children from the water. Omsk student who saved two children from the water was on his way to the exam

Heroes live among us. Young heroes. Their courage would be the envy of every adult. Life had time to test them for strength, and they courageously passed this test. We have selected for you stories about children who, risking themselves, saved other people's lives.

Nikita Antonov from Primorye only 10 years old. In December of this year, risking his life, he saved a girl who had fallen through the ice. On the Astrakhanka river, Nikita went skating with a friend and two girlfriends. When the children returned home, the thin ice cracked, and the girls ended up in icy water. The young hero pulled out one and then jumped into the water after another. Unfortunately, Nikita could not save the second girl. The boy himself barely got out of the ice captivity.

As Nikita admits, at that moment he did not hesitate and certainly was not afraid for his life.

The hero gave free rein to his feelings only when it was all over: having reached the shore, the boy began to cry...

Alexandra Ershova from Tver I was in the second grade when I made a real feat. In 2004, during a terrible disaster in the Moscow water park "Transvaal", Sasha saved a three-year-old girl completely unfamiliar to her from death. When the vaults of the water park collapsed, the children were trapped between concrete slabs.

Being neck-deep in water, Sasha held the child in her arms until rescuers arrived.

For about an hour and a half, the schoolgirl consoled the girl, not noticing that her arm was broken.

In 2013 Vladislav Filippov from Krymsk rescued his grandmother from a flooded house. During the night, the boy woke up because water was dripping on his face. I had to get out of the house. Vladik woke up his grandmother, Lyubov Shershneva, and together with her tried to open the door. Due to the strong water pressure, this was not possible.

Then a 9-year-old boy broke a window with his bare hands, and so that his grandmother could get out of the trap, he broke

On the stairs, Lyubov Shershneva and her grandson climbed onto the roof and waited for help until morning. In the morning, a neighbor helped Vladik and his grandmother to move to a safe place, from where the hero was taken to the hospital with cut and bleeding wounds.

Summer 2012 Ksenia Perfilieva from the Kostroma region saved the life of a drowning boy. Two six-year-old neighbor boys were splashing in the river, when suddenly one of them began to drown. There was no one to call for help - there were no adults nearby.

The sixth-grader Ksyusha rushed into the water, in a matter of seconds she swam to the floundering boy and pulled him ashore in her arms.

The child was not breathing, and Ksyusha, remembering the lessons of life safety, began to give him artificial respiration. The boy came to his senses, and an hour later he was taken to the hospital. Ksyusha says that everyone in her place would do the same, and if a similar situation happens again, she will rush to help without hesitation.

Anton Chusov from Gus-Khrustalny was 11 years old when in the summer of 2011 he saved two drowning girls. The boy had just learned to swim, and under the supervision of his grandmother, he swam in the river. Girls were swimming next to him on a car tire. One of them slipped and began to sink. Grandmother on the shore began to call for help, and Anton rushed to save the drowning woman. The hero, diving, pushed her to the shore and handed her over to her grandmother. At this time, out of fear, the second girl slipped into the water and began to drown. And Anton again came to the rescue. This time he helped the drowning woman to climb onto a car tire and swim to the shore.

Anton does not consider that he has accomplished a feat: “I am not a hero, I am not even the best swimmer in the class.”

First grader Ekaterina Michurova in the winter of 2013, she saved a classmate who fell through the ice. Children skated on the ice channels near the house. Suddenly, the boy fell through the ice. Katya, without hesitation, came to the rescue. Several times the girl tried to pull her classmate by the sleeve, but the boy again slipped into the icy water. The ice cracked, it was very dangerous to be near. Katya grabbed the boy by the hand and pulled him out of the water.

When asked if it was scary, the heroine replied: “Yes. I just thought - if Amir drowned, then his mother would cry very much, and I would lose a friend.

Seven-year-old Vlad Morozov from the city of Navashino in the summer of 2011, he brought his grandmother, Lydia Ivanovna, out of the burning hut. A schoolboy came to visit her for the summer. At night, during a thunderstorm, ball lightning flew into the village hut. A fire started, and the blind grandmother could not get out of the house. At that moment, Vladik ran up to her and said: "Bab, give me your hand, I'll take you out."

While the grandson and grandmother were getting out of the burning hut, molten plastic was dripping onto his back, but the boy did not cry.

Immediately after Lidia Ivanovna and Vladik left the house, there was an explosion - it was a gas cylinder that exploded. Fortunately, the grandmother and grandson were at a safe distance by then.

In Omsk, new details of the story of the rescue of two drowning girls who fell from the embankment into the Irtysh became known - a 16-year-old schoolboy was going to take an exam at the time of the emergency.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Omsk Region, 16-year-old Alexander Yergin is finishing the 9th grade and now lives in the Nadezhda Center for Social Adaptation of Minors in the Omsk Region. Recall that Alexander Yergin helped pull two drowning girls out of the water, who fell into the river from the steps of a flooded observation deck on the embankment on May 31 around 14:00.

As it turned out, at the time of the emergency, Alexander Yergin was driving along with Alexander Sergeev, a specialist from the center for social work, in a car for an exam. Hearing cries for help, the escorts got out of the car, and Sasha rushed to the water.

“I didn’t have time to look back, as Sasha had already taken off his clothes and jumped into the water. Rustam and I also wanted to rush after him, but then we decided that we would be more useful on the shore. They ran after the car cables to pull everyone out of the Irtysh, ”the Ministry of Emergencies quotes Alexander Sergeev, an employee of the Nadezhda center, who, together with the driver Rustam Nurdinov, threw off the car cables to get his father and girls out of the river.

In the water, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 16-year-old Sasha grabbed the youngest daughter of Vyacheslav Karpyuk, 5-year-old Milana. “By clinging to the wall, he kept it afloat. At that moment, a car cable was thrown off him. He tied the child with it and, together with the girl, got out of the water. The rope was then thrown to the man. He was powerless to do anything. Then Sasha jumped into the water again and helped the head of the family, together with his daughter, get out of the water. There were a lot of people around, the men helped the driver and the teacher of the Nadezhda center to hold and pull the cable,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

[Updated at 14:10]“When I jumped, I thought if only the girl would not choke. Then [after it was over] I was really shocked by what happened,” the 16-year-old student admitted. He added that if he feels like a hero, then very little. “But I am more glad that everyone is alive and well,” Alexander Yergin believes.

[Updated at 14:55] The 43-year-old father of the teenager, Andrey Yergin, said that his son called him yesterday and told him about what had happened.

“I know his character, and I just realized that he would not have acted differently. You can see a person right away. Of course, I praised him, ”the man said and admitted that he was raising his sons in severity. Omich said that he divorced his wife a few years ago, now he has a different family. Sons - Sergey and Alexander - live separately, in a house with their grandmother. Sasha does not live with his new family. His father admitted that due to being exposed to bad influences and constantly leaving home, he turned to the Nadezhda social adaptation center. Therefore, his son Sasha is now there.

“He is a smart guy, he understands everything, but my educational conversations are enough for 2 days. Now he is at such a turning point, so it is very important that he choose the right path, ”admitted the boy’s father.

Recall that on June 1, in a conversation with NGS.OMSK, the father of his daughters recalled the events of that day and admitted that if 16-year-old Sasha had not arrived on time, he would not have coped. The head of a large family is grateful to the schoolboy and all the caring people who at that moment on the embankment helped save him and the children.

Artem Sivskovsky lives with her mother in Kondratovo, but spends the summer with her grandmother in the village of Bolshaya Usa. There he has friends with whom on that sunny July day he rested on the shore of the pond. The steep bank is clad in concrete, near the water there is a pipe, on which vacationers sometimes climb to jump into the pond with splashes.

“I was walking along the pipe and saw a boy in the water,” says Artyom. — It was nailed by the current to the grate, which prevents the garbage from the pond from falling into the drain. At first I thought that the boy was holding his breath, then he turned over a little, and I saw that his lips were blue and foam was coming out of his mouth. I decided to jump."

Artyom did not yet understand what had happened to the boy, but it was clear that the child urgently needed help. There were no adults on the beach.

Artyom is friends with sports, he used to swim, go to the pool. It was not difficult for him to swim to the boy, dive after him and start moving towards the shore.

“The boy is heavy, I can’t get him, and the surface on the shore is slippery,” Artyom continues the story. - Everyone is standing, watching, but I can’t pull it out. I started screaming for help. In the end, they pulled it out, they didn’t carry it to the clearing, they put it right there on the concrete. We weren’t up to it, we had to do something.”

The child was not breathing. Artyom's mind raced through the thought: "What to do?". He was very afraid that the boy would not wake up. The right decision came quickly: the young man began to put pressure on the boy's chest, pumping water out of his lungs. It didn't take long, just a few seconds. Artyom says that life safety lessons at school did not help him as much as the pictures on how to help a drowning man that he saw on the Internet.

“I hear the water is rising. I understand what is going to happen now. And so it happened,” says Artyom. “He spat out the water, woke up, came to his senses.”

Artyom's friend called an ambulance, but at that time there was no car in the village, it was on a call in another locality.

The ambulance never arrived in Bolshaya Usa. A local paramedic, who was not on duty that day, was called to the scene. By this time the child had recovered. Later, the paramedic told Artyom's grandmother that if the young man had not rushed to help, then 10-year-old Sasha (his name has been changed) would not have been saved.

The child's parents were at work when they were informed of the incident. The injured boy was taken home by neighbors and family friends. About how he ended up in the water, and what exactly happened, Sasha did not tell Artyom. They did not know each other before, and after the July events they did not become friends, although they saw each other several times. Sasha and his mother thanked Artyom for saving them.

“Sasha can't swim. He walked or sat on a pipe, and then he slipped, apparently, and fell unsuccessfully, ”suggests Artyom’s mother Svetlana.

"Humble Guy"

Neither Artyom nor his grandmother began to tell their mother about what happened on the shore of the pond. In July, while her son was visiting Bolshoi Mustache, she went on vacation. Svetlana was told about the feat by the mother of the saved child.

Artyom's mother learned about the incident from the mother of the injured child. Photo: / Ulyana Treskova

“I came from the south, I just came home after the train and then Sasha’s mother calls me. She began to thank me for my son. At first I was in shock. And I still think why Artyom and his grandmother don’t call me, don’t ask how I got there? ”, Svetlana admits.

She assumes that Artyom did not call so as not to worry her, but wanted to tell her when her mother would arrive in Bolshaya Usa. The wait was not so long: the incident at the pond was on the eve of her arrival.

“I was confused, it wasn’t before,” Artyom says embarrassedly.

“He is a very modest guy, he doesn’t like to talk a lot about himself,” smiles Artyom's class teacher Nina Pastukhova.

Having already arrived in the village, Svetlana began to ask her son about what had happened. Artyom was laconic, but his grandmother, who was the first in the family to learn about the feat of her grandson, recounted the events, trying not to miss the details.

“My mother even cried when she told me. And then I cried too. I was so surprised, and then proud that my child did this, ”admits Svetlana.

The day after the incident at the pond, Artyom was invited to the village administration, where he was presented with a letter of thanks. At the end of August, the mother of the saved Sasha called the Kondratov school, where Artyom studies and told about his feat. If not for this call, then no one would have known about the act. She also reported to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Perm Territory.

“It was such a feeling, goosebumps went straight down,” recalls how Nina Pastukhova found out about the feat of her student. - Tears. Moreover, the mother of the rescued boy called.

And now, talking about Artyom, Nina Pastukhova is visibly excited.

“What could we do from school? We wrote a letter of thanks to Artyom's mother. And then I got a call from the administration of Kondratovo. It turned out that the Ministry of Emergency Situations requested all the information on him for the award. But it will not be soon, all documents are made through Moscow.”

The graduates of the Kondratov school learned about Artyom's act. They invited Nina Pastukhova to send an application for the Peace Prize (Youth - Initiative - Development). The application has reached the final and in November Artyom and Nina Pastukhova will go to the award ceremony in St. Petersburg.

In the Kondratov school, where Artyom studies, they held a line and talked about his feat. Photo: / Ulyana Treskova

“There was a vote on the website,” the class teacher explains. - We held a line to tell schoolchildren about Artyom and ask them to vote for him. There was silence on the line. The 6th-7th grades, the most receptive age, listened most attentively.”

"That's what everyone should do"

“Artyom likes to play sports,” Svetlana says about her son. - He has been involved in fire-applied sports for the fourth year. Now I'm into wrestling. He wants to build muscle."

“I'm trying to build a sports career,” says Artyom. - I like mixed martial arts, I have been doing judo since childhood. He is a very good coach in applied fire sports, he likes to do it, but he changed his mind about going to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is a rather dangerous job.”

Artyom is not thinking about career plans yet. This year he has to take the OGE, he chose physics and social studies, because they are needed for admission to many colleges. Artyom's favorite subject is social science.

“I like to talk, learn about politics, but I don’t want to become a politician. I am not active in school. Only study and sports,” says Artyom.

“He is everywhere! In relay races, events. A very sympathetic guy, ”his class teacher Nina Petukhova characterizes Artem.

“From childhood, my mother pushed me to do good deeds, helped me, brought up the best qualities in me so that I would be decent, responsible, brave and kind. I believe that every honest citizen of our Motherland should do what I did, ”the award website quotes Artyom.

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This is one case where the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Protecting the psyche of the child from guilt, you do not give him the opportunity to repent. Only a feeling of remorse, a feeling of regret for one's bad deeds, keeps one from repeating them. Instead of experiencing with the child both guilt and loss, you lied to him, you inspired him: "You are not to blame for anything, you are not to blame for anything." This is how egoists are raised. Now, every time he does something bad, your son will repeat to himself: "I'm not guilty of anything!" But your son has a conscience - he KNEW and UNDERSTAND that the animal died, and that it was he who caused it. But he had no one to share his experiences with. You have lied to your son - don't be surprised when he lies to you. You once saved him from guilt - do not be surprised when your grown-up, adult son refuses to admit his guilt at least in some way and take responsibility for his actions