The baby wakes up and cries. What to do if the baby wakes up and cries. The main pathological causes of crying

The baby cries when he wakes up

The crying of a newborn is a kind of communication with the outside world. After all, a small child still does not know how to speak, therefore, by crying, he informs us of any needs that have arisen: you want to eat, a wet diaper, it is uncomfortable to lie down, something hurts. And even - the baby will simply express the desire to communicate with his mother with the help of crying or screaming. If the child does not need anything, he is unlikely to cry just like that.

Therefore, the main task of a young mother is to understand by the nature of crying what is required in order to perform all the necessary actions as accurately as possible. It often happens that the baby, as soon as he wakes up, immediately starts crying. And not every newborn does this. So what's the problem?

Why does a newborn cry immediately after waking up?

The reasons for this behavior can be many. Among them, the most common will be ordinary hunger. If a child, after waking up, whimpers or screams, and even turns his head, in search of a breast or a bottle, this means that he simply did not eat before going to bed. And now he just needs a good portion of milk.

The second most common reason for crying after waking up is wet diapers. No one likes to lie in a puddle of cooled liquid, so the baby just demands to be changed.

Sometimes the child is just lonely. After all, he fell asleep in the company of his mother, and then he wakes up - all alone, and it may even be dark in the room, cold (or hot), so he calls his mother to cry so that she solves all problems with temperature, air and society. Such crying can also be easily discerned. Waking up, the baby will scream several times, and then fall silent for a couple of seconds, waiting for a reaction to his cries. If after a few minutes no one comes, the crying and screams become continuous.

If the baby cries because something hurts, these sounds cannot be confused with anything either. He will cry pitifully and thinly, with a hint of suffering. At the same time, his whole body will be tense, his hands clenched into fists, his legs bent at the knees and pressed to his stomach. Pain in young children can be very different. Most often it is colic or a sore ear, throat or erupting teeth. Parents should definitely find out what is bothering the baby in order to take action.

If the child is sick, he will not sleep normally. Every few minutes the baby wakes up crying and whining. So it is simply impossible to confuse this cry with anything else.

What to do?

If the baby is crying from hunger, wet diapers or longing for mom, everything is very simple: you need to fulfill the baby’s requests and the child will immediately calm down. But crying in pain is much more difficult. Many people think that the period of teething or other infantile ailments should just be waited out. After some time, the health of the newborn will be strengthened, immunity will increase and all pain will disappear.

But such an opinion is fundamentally wrong. After all, the child suffers from colic or teething and can get a neurosis on this basis, which will negatively affect the future. Therefore, pain in an infant needs to be alleviated with something.

Be sure to look up information on how to relieve pain from colic or other childhood ailments and always have them on hand in case they are most needed. Talk to your pediatrician about this and always keep dill seeds, chamomile, calendula, or some kind of potion for bloating in your first aid kit. Use herbal baths, massages and other aids to relieve pain. You can't leave your baby alone in pain.

This is for very young children. For older children, things are much more complicated. Often children cry not from pain or hunger, but simply out of habit, so that the mother does not go far and is always there when she wakes up. In this case, the usual childish manipulation of adults takes place. From such crying, of course, the child needs to be weaned.

But older children can also cry from the fact that they had a terrible dream. Such a child begins to cry even in a dream. Therefore, if you see that the child is still sleeping, but already crying, try to still be there at the moment of awakening in order to calm and prevent the child from being even more scared of loneliness.

So if you can figure out what causes baby crying after waking up and can quickly eliminate it, your baby will wake up cheerful and cheerful. And he will quickly calm down if something bothers him.

Many parents have experienced a situation where a child wakes up and cries a lot in his crib for no apparent reason. Naturally, this behavior causes concern for many parents, but almost everyone faces it. It is not necessary to scold the child for this crying, and it is also impossible to perceive such a reaction as whims.

Why does the baby cry when he wakes up?

There may be, in fact, several reasons, and in most of them, parents should not worry too much. Possible explanations for why a baby wakes up and cries abruptly after sleep:

  • imperfection of the nervous system - the child unexpectedly switches from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness, and this can frighten him;
  • the baby dreamed that he had lost his mother, and if he also woke up alone, this could aggravate the bad mood (sometimes when the mother comes into the room, the baby has a real resentment on his face, but this passes after 5-10 minutes, when he begins to understand that mom didn't go anywhere);
  • the child may wake up from hunger or the desire to go to the toilet, such a sudden awakening is uncomfortable;
  • as in an adult’s dream, a child could have a numb handle or a sore neck after an uncomfortable position;
  • when crying and restless sleep can be frequent companions of the baby;
  • neurological problems, diseases.

If a child wakes up crying all the time, then parents should definitely contact a neurologist and a cardiologist. It is possible that they will not reveal any deviations, but it does not hurt to play it safe. If the child then cries after a daytime sleep, then opens his eyes with a smile, then this is one of the options for the norm. Up to 2-3 years, this can happen, and parents just need to come to terms with it.

To eliminate some possible causes for concern, try adjusting your baby's daily routine:

It is worth understanding that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the child cries when he wakes up, this is one of the inevitable stages in the formation of the child's psyche and nervous system.

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In a healthy baby, all reflex abilities must be developed at the proper level. The most important innate reflex is the sucking reflex. It allows the child to develop properly, receiving along with nutrition all the most important things in order to grow up big and healthy.

Any mother is worried when she hears her child crying, there are no babies who do not cry at night. The cry of a child is the only way to communicate with the adult world. In the first months, it is difficult for a young mother to understand the reason for the restless behavior of the baby. How to figure out what hurts or interferes with the child? A little time will pass, and she will learn to recognize any shade of her child's crying.

Why does the baby wake up and cry?

Often the child cries as soon as he wakes up. It happens that it becomes a habit and worries young parents very much. You should not worry too much, the main reason for the cry and tears of the baby is ordinary hunger. The infant is awake and declares his desire to eat immediately, beginning with the usual whimpering, progressing to a violent cry. The baby smacks his lips and turns his head in the hope of finding his mother's breast. Wet diapers or an overfilled diaper are the second most important cause of anxiety for the baby. A baby needs the constant presence of his mother, even in a dream he can feel his loneliness. The baby wakes up and cries because it calls for mom. The kid starts crying for a short time and calms down to repeat his call again. A sharp cry with tears, clenching tiny hands into fists, indicates that the child is in pain. Bloating, intestinal colic, or the appearance of a milk tooth can cause a baby to cry.

The baby often wakes up at night and cries

The kid quietly went to sleep and after half an hour wakes up with a loud cry. The situation is not rare. Not a single pediatrician will be able to give an exact answer to the question: why does a baby often wake up at night and cry? He can guess some reason based on the characteristics of the crying and the age of the baby, but the main responsibility to understand and eliminate the origins of the baby's anxiety lies with the mother. Babies are sensitive to any changes in weather conditions, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. The child may have a headache, vomiting and indigestion. The most disturbing is the cry of pain, waking up, the child shudders and literally starts crying. An infant may cry from pain in the ear, the cry is piercing and sudden, it hurts to swallow. A common ailment that causes the baby to cry at night, intestinal colic and skin irritation caused by diaper rash.

The baby cries in a dream and wakes up

Experienced parents know that babies sleep differently than adults. Waking up for a short period and refreshing, the baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day. Sleep in an adult is passive, dreams of a baby are an active process. Doctors believe that if a baby cries in a dream and wakes up, this is the norm, called physiological night crying. For babies, maintaining a sleep-wake schedule is an important factor. During the first 3 - 5 weeks of life, the child's biorhythms are streamlined, his internal clock is being adjusted. Sometimes failures occur, the baby sleeps well during the day and often wakes up at night. Until an individual sleep pattern is established, the baby will often cry in a dream. If a child cries a lot every night without waking up, you need to think about other, hidden reasons.

Why does a baby cry in a dream and wakes up

Well-nourished and healthy babies don't cry without a good reason. What does the child mean by crying? Look at him carefully and look into his eyes, they are wide open - the baby is scared or angry. Eyes closed - he is in pain or discomfort. The baby may cry in a dream and wake up for physiological reasons: the handle is numb or the back is sweaty. Due to too dry air in the room, the mucous membrane in the nose can dry out and it is difficult for the baby to breathe. If a baby is worried about a dirty diaper, he will actively kick his legs. Often, caring mothers and fathers literally exhaust the baby with active wakefulness before going to bed, walk for a long time in the fresh air, in the hope that he will sleep long and soundly. The effect is the opposite, the child quickly falls asleep and quickly wakes up crying.

The baby falls asleep and wakes up crying

A small child, without causing any concern in his state of health, fell asleep. After a while, he begins to sob and whimper in his sleep. Young parents often worry, but it is very difficult to understand the reason. You need to observe and remember when the baby starts to worry and be around at that moment. Give the lost nipple, shake, do not let the baby wake up completely. A baby scans the space, it is very important for him to know that his mother is nearby, not finding confirmation, he begins to sob out loud. At the beginning of life, an avalanche of information falls on the baby, he “digests” the impressions of the first days in a dream. Baby sleep is an active process. Startling, throwing legs and arms to the sides are actions with which he himself can wake himself up.

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It is interesting that most parents, at the first sign of a child's crying or anxiety, try to find salvation in ... feeding. Although in reality, hunger is far from the very first and obvious reason why the baby begins to cry and yell.

Top Reasons Why Babies Cry

Pediatricians around the world have long been researching and trying to systematize the reasons why nursing babies plague their household with screams and roars. And in this area, experts have already accumulated a fair amount of experience and knowledge. So, by and large, all the causes of children's crying and displeasure can be placed in three global groups:

  • Instinct
  • Physiological Needs
  • Pain or discomfort

Let's take a closer look:

  • 1 Instinct. It is so arranged by nature that at the age of up to a year or two, human cubs cannot physically do without outside help. At first, they can’t even roll over on their own, not to mention scratching their stiff heels or driving an annoying fly away from their faces. Therefore, often, left alone (for example, the mother went to the kitchen or another room), the baby begins to express his displeasure by whimpering or crying. Simply because instinctively he is afraid to be alone with himself. But one has only to approach the child, smile at him, talk to him in an affectionate voice, or take him in his arms - he immediately calms down.
  • 2 physiological needs. All people in the world, including babies, have a set of physiological needs that we deal with daily. It includes: the need to eat and drink, the need to sleep and the need to relieve themselves. Failure to satisfy any of these needs, naturally, leads to the fact that the child begins to publicly declare it to the whole wide world - screaming and crying.
  • 3 Pain or discomfort. If you have taken the baby in your arms, and you are sure that he cannot be hungry (physiologically, a nursing baby cannot get hungry if less than 3 hours have passed since the last feeding), and he also fills the diaper regularly, he has a soft stomach, and he still does not subside - it means that the most likely reason for his crying is pain or discomfort: something itches or itches somewhere, the baby is hot or he is sick.

Why does a child cry in his sleep or when he wakes up?

There are many reasons why a baby can cry in a dream, or wake up and immediately cry. In fact, they are no different from those that we have already listed above. At night, the baby may have dry mouth or nose (for example, due to the dry and warm climate in the room).

It is wise to act in this situation in the same way as usual. It is easiest to understand why the baby cried and roars with "crocodile" tears, by experimenting and analyzing after what your actions he calmed down. They picked him up, kissed him, shook him - and the baby fell asleep, which means that crying was instinctive. They fed - and the baby sniffed rather, which means he woke up hungry. They changed a wet diaper or stroked a tense tummy, helping to “endure” intestinal colic - and the baby gradually calmed down, which means that the reason for crying was clearly in pain and discomfort.

But to sin on any nightmares that make your little one wake up in the middle of the night and scream heart-rendingly - it's still too early. Night terrors can indeed be the cause of children's crying, but already at a much older age - about 4-6 years.

To understand why a child is crying, analyze what calms him.

Any loving and observant parent, if desired, and with some simple knowledge, sooner or later comprehends the science of recognizing baby crying. For example, instinctive crying always stops as soon as a loved one takes the baby in his arms. And if this did not happen, look for the reason in physiological needs or discomfort. In other words, check the baby's diaper, remember the last time he was fed, check if he is hot, etc.

By the way, if you took a crying baby in your arms, and in your arms he began to yell harder than before, then most likely the reason for the “scandal” is that the child is hot.

Infants endure stuffiness and a too warm microclimate especially badly, because at this tender age the sweating system has not yet been established, and the only way to restore thermal exchange available to the baby is his breathing. At the same time, the nasal mucosa of the baby dries up and clogs very quickly, which causes severe discomfort. And when you take such a baby in your arms, it becomes even warmer because of your size - that's why it screams even louder. Just undress the baby, air out the nursery and clean the baby's nose.

It often happens that an outwardly healthy, active, moderately cheerful and not whiny child begins to scream and cry,. In this case, the most likely reasons for dissatisfaction are the too bright light of the lamp (which, of course, hurts the kids in the eyes, because they are usually always bathed in the position facing the ceiling), or the uncomfortable temperature of the water during the dive. And with that, and with the other, you can experiment so that the baby no longer scandals while swimming.

2 good reasons to let your child yell a little

In fact, in infant crying one can see not only negative aspects, but also positive, useful ones. And these advantages of baby crying are sometimes worth refraining from instantly responding to an infant's roar, and staying away and letting the baby scream a little. These reasons are as follows:

  • 1 Cry is the most favorable circumstance for the development of the lungs. Indeed, in no other situation do the lungs of an infant develop and strengthen as effectively as during crying and ora.
  • 2 Lacrimal fluid, which is formed during crying, through the lacrimal-nasal canal enters the nasal cavity. Due to the presence of the protein lysozyme in the lacrimal fluid, which has a very powerful antibacterial property, all bacteria in the nasal cavity simply die. Thus, we can say that crying (with profuse lacrimation) is an excellent antimicrobial therapy.

In most cases, baby crying is not scary. And in almost all cases, he can find a logical explanation, and therefore - and solve the problem of the child. To do this, you just need to follow simple steps:

  • Take the baby in your arms (if it does not calm down and continues to yell, it means that the reason for crying is not instinctive);
  • Satisfy needs - feed, create conditions for sleep, change a diaper, give a pacifier, etc. (if in this case it does not calm down, then, probably, the culprits of the children's ora are pain and discomfort);
  • Check if the baby is comfortable, if he has irritation on his skin (which usually itches and itches sharply), if he is hot, etc. And only in the last version, when all other reasons have already been swept aside, it can be assumed that the baby is crying because of pain.
  • Most often, pain in infants is caused by such a disease as. Or intestinal colic. Just don't despair! And in fact, and in another case, the baby can be helped. And how to do it most quickly - an experienced pediatrician will tell you.

If a child wakes up at night and cries, then the causes of the condition may be different. When the baby does not sleep well, and leaving the state of sleep, screams in hysterics, then it is necessary to understand the provoking states.

Why does the baby wake up and cry

To say with certain accuracy why a baby-baby up to a year old or at an older age wakes up and sheds tears, not a single doctor can do without an examination. But there are several possible reasons.

The problem is most often faced by parents of children whose age does not exceed 5-6 years. A child of 2 years old can wake up at night, and babies cry in their sleep very often.

Children may wake up after/during sleep and cry for physiological and pathological reasons.

Causes associated with the intestines

If a very small child screams at night, then he may be disturbed by intestinal colic. The condition is typical for children of the first year of life and especially recently born.

The baby's intestines are actively populated by various microorganisms, and not always useful. Therefore, the development of dysbacteriosis cannot be ruled out.

There are several signs that help determine that the baby has a stomachache.

  1. The baby wakes up and cries a lot. From tension, the skin of the face becomes red (due to the rush of blood).
  2. He twists his legs, constantly pulling them up to his tummy. This is a characteristic sign of intestinal colic.
  3. His hands are clenched into a fist, which also indicates that he is in pain.

To prevent the development of colic, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of a nursing mother. All gas-producing foods should be completely excluded from the menu, since when they enter breast milk, they cause bloating in the baby.

If the baby wakes up at night every hour and cries loudly, in this case, one can suspect that he does not have enough milk or it is not nutritious enough.

A child at 6 months is able to get up for both reasons: due to hunger and intestinal colic.

Other physiological causes

The child cries in a dream and wakes up for other physiological reasons.

Doctors believe that night crying in children of the first year of life is an acceptable condition. A common cause of an infant waking up every hour is accidental awakening during the transition from one sleep phase to another. The baby, moving his arms and legs, accidentally wakes himself up.

If we talk about why a child cries at night, then cutting teeth may be the cause. The process is quite difficult, and a one-year-old baby will react to it with tears. If the appearance of the first teeth that grow in children under 1 year old was painless, then the incisors and chewing teeth can cause a lot of trouble.

A sign of the appearance of new teeth is a strong salivation. The kid constantly pulls something into his mouth to “scratch” his gums. When visually inspecting the oral cavity, swelling is noted in the area where the tooth should appear.

A strong nervous and emotional overexcitation is capable of provoking night crying. If in the evening the baby - this applies to children of all ages - was very excited, then at night he may wake up with a tantrum. At the same time, in the morning, he will not even remember about it.

In addition, small children are very sensitive to the change of lunar phases, changes in atmospheric pressure, and weather changes. It can also affect the quality of sleep.

Pathological causes

If a child wakes up crying, and this happens constantly every night, then the presence of neurological disorders cannot be ruled out. The reason that the baby cries in a dream may be intracranial pressure.

At an older age, children's fears become relevant. The child abruptly begins to sob if he has a nightmare. The baby shudders in a dream for the same reason.

How to behave to parents

If a baby wakes up with a tantrum in the middle of the night at 4 years old or older, then you need to calm him down and put him down again. Sometimes it pays to break the rules and let him spend part of the night in his bed. Feeling that the mother is near, the child will fall asleep again.

If a newborn baby cries, then it is necessary to establish the cause. The provocative factor at 8 months and the baby of the first months of life will be different. A newborn may cry in his sleep because of intestinal colic, and closer to a year - because of cutting teeth.

To avoid night crying, it is necessary to strictly observe the daily regimen. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. If the baby cries every time he wakes up, then this moment should be made as comfortable as possible. For example, wake him up a little early by stroking his hair. This will help to understand that mom is nearby and there is no reason for tears.

In the evenings, it is desirable to create a calm atmosphere. Any active games and other activities that can cause overexcitation are completely prohibited. Bathing in a warm bath, reading fairy tales, light massage will calm the nervous system.

As a rule, spontaneous night tantrums completely disappear by the fourth or fifth year of life. But if the problem occurs constantly, and aggression is noted during the day, then this is a dangerous symptom. This type of behavior may indicate the presence of a neurological pathology, in particular, increased intracranial pressure, which is accompanied by severe headaches. The child must be shown to a specialist and, if necessary, a course of medical treatment should be carried out.