Is it possible to consecrate willow at home? What to do with willow from last year

Every time before Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians have a question: what to do with last year’s willow, which they kept all year? And when should you get rid of it? On the eve of the holiday or on Palm Sunday itself?

A consecrated willow is no longer just tree branches, but a real shrine. You can't just throw it in the trash. It is believed that willow retains its magical properties until next spring.

You can perform a small ritual on Palm Sunday itself, before it, or immediately after Palm Sunday.

There are several options for getting rid of willow:

  1. Throw old willows along flowing water into any body of water.
  2. Burn dried willow branches. In this case, the ashes need to be poured out in a place where they will not trample on them. You can pour the ashes into the river.
  3. If willows sprouted in water, it is best to plant them in a forest or near a river.
  4. Willows can be stored for several years. But at the same time, celebrate the holiday with fresh branches every year.
  5. If someone dies in the coming days, then the willow is placed in the coffin.
  6. Some older people collect willows to take to their graves.
  7. With a lit willow branch you can cleanse the house and sanctify it by walking around the house with this branch and prayer.
  8. Take them to the Church, where they are burned with prayer.
  9. Take it to the forest and leave it there between the willow bushes.
  10. If you have a stove in the house, you can use last year’s dried willow to light it for baking Easter cakes.

They symbolically sweep the corners of the house with old willow and then burn it, thanking them for their service.


  • Coming home from church, they lightly beat all household members with a blessed willow so that they are healthy. They don’t forget about all the cattle. All living things absorb the power of spring and renewal.
  • Willow protects the house from evil forces and spirits.
  • Willow is planted in the garden if there is a bride of marriageable age or a young guy in the house. As soon as the willow takes root, there will be a wedding.
  • On St. George's Day, willow is used to drive livestock out to the fields. Then he will be healthy and fruitful.
  • It is believed that willow can be used to ward off thunder, hail and clouds by tilting it towards the clouds.
  • Willow reduced the destructive power of fire by throwing it into the fire.
  • Willow buds were swallowed to get rid of fever, sore throat, and infertility.
  • Willows were used to line wells to prevent evil forces from getting into the water.


To this day, there are many signs and traditions associated with Palm Sunday. They are passed down from older to younger family members.

  • On the night of Palm Sunday, you can make spells for headaches. To do this, the hair from the comb was dipped into water and the willow was watered with this water. The water will go into the ground along with the headache.
  • On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on a willow tree. When casting a spell, the willow was placed behind the icons. You cannot throw away charmed branches.
  • You can only “hit” with a willow on the back, wishing for health. If you are hit on the butt, this person wishes you illness and evil, and it may come true.
  • Willow branches could only be cut from young trees. It is important that the trunks are free of damage and mossy bark.
  • You cannot pluck branches from a willow tree if there is a hollow in it. You also cannot tear branches from a cemetery willow.
  • You cannot tear branches bending over the river. It is believed that mermaids sit on them at night.


  • If it was frosty enough on Palm Sunday, then a fairly good harvest of spring grain was expected.
  • If there were frosts on the night of Verbnoye, there will be a good harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.
  • If there is a strong wind on Verbnoye, then the whole summer will be quite windy, there will be hurricanes and storms. And if the day is warm and quiet, it will be summer.
  • Whatever the wind is in Verbnoye, it will be like that all summer.
  • If the sun shines in Verbnoye, there will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.
  • Tap the willow on your body on Palm Sunday and you will be healthy all year.
  • Willow is the most durable tree. Stick a branch into the ground and a tree will grow. The tree gives the same vitality to humans.
  • If you eat a bud of a consecrated willow, any matter will be easily solved. Of course, you can use the “magical” properties of willow only in extreme cases.
  • Think about your loved one on Verbnoye, he will come to you.
  • If you plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday, you will be rich. But if the flower withers, you will live in poverty all your life.
  • The energy of Palm Sunday helps make all your desires come true.


How to collect willow?

Tear several branches from small young trees. Don't cut off all the branches from one bush. But you need enough branches to put several in each room, and in the livestock quarters too.

There must be order in the temple!

IN THE MORNING I take minibus No. 27 to the village. GRES. Since I've been working for KSK, long-distance travel doesn't scare me. I sat down in Sosnovoye at 8:00 and at 8:47 I was already at the temple. At the entrance I met Father Dimitri-2 (a former priest from Nerchinsk), greeted him, and congratulated each other on the holiday.
There are a lot of people in the temple, more than yesterday. Everyone is holding large bouquets of willow (hegumen Dimitri will talk about them later). The willow gives off a bitter smell, mixing with the aromas of incense. Apart from Oleg Yakushev, there were no other acquaintances; later S.G. arrived. Bobrov and his wife, in civilian clothes and also with a long panicle of willow.
(Yesterday I was preparing for communion. I read, or rather “listened” to, the canons and rules. I found this method, with the help of a player and headphones, quite acceptable for myself. For some reason, reading dispels the thought, some Church Slavonic words seem incomprehensible, the accents in the sentences are not placed where needed, besides, you also need to cross yourself, bow, look at the icons - in my opinion, reading takes more time (2 and a half hours). Rules read in a clear, beautiful voice are much easier to perceive, you can concentrate on the meaning, look continuously at the iconostasis, you don’t need to hold a prayer book in your hands. Moreover, the situation is very conducive to prayer, when the lights are turned off and only the lamp is burning...)
Of course, Father Dimitri’s love of order is felt in everything. So he commands everyone to take a step forward, and there is more space in the temple. Here he explains the order of approach to the Chalice - first children, then men, then women... To the Cross - first to the icons, then to the Cross. I understand that it is useful to remind parishioners every time about the rules (or traditions?) of behavior in church. Then they will apply the sign of the cross correctly and bow as expected (I have already written about the differences that exist). By the way, the new chieftain Chupin, having crossed himself, for some reason presses his fist to his chest and so, with his fist pressed, bows (maybe this is something like boxing?). Many people believe that for faith in God, adherence to some external attributes is not at all important. I believe that form directly affects the content and its meaning. I don’t understand why some women pull hoods over their heads and stand in church like some kind of Catholic Capuchins - uncomfortable, hot and ugly. I don’t understand when others frantically wave their hands, trying to depict a cross on themselves for every “Lord, have mercy.” Now, if you film it on camera and watch it later in slow motion, what do you get there instead of a cross? It’s not for nothing that some priests come up with such sayings: “Don’t wave your hand as if you’re swatting away demons” or “Don’t break the cross” (this is when a person, without having time to mark the cross on himself, already bows - “breaks the cross”, etc. Of course, this is like - makes people think...

What to do with last year's willow?

NOW about the willow.
At the end of the service (there was, of course, a sermon about the Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem, I’m omitting that), Father Dimitri came out to the pulpit and asked:
- Why did you bring such large bouquets of willow?
- Last year, apparently, the bouquets were no less?
A stirring in the crowd.
- What will you do with last year’s willow? - Father Dimitri continued.
Silence. Replica:
- I’ll remove it for the icon!
Father Dimitri takes a lush bouquet of willow from one of the parishioners:
- Here's a bouquet for an icon?
- I’ll put it in another room! - someone shouts.
- Your apartment is big! - Father Dimitri notes. - And yet, what to do with last year’s consecrated willow?
Finally, the following offers began pouring in from the “experienced”:
- Burn it! Set it on the water! Bury in an untrampled place!
It seems that Father Dimitri was not very happy with these options, although he agreed with all of them. To the latter he answered: “Where can we find such a place that neither man nor animal will be dug up or desecrated?”
“There is another way, a traditional one,” Father Dimitri revealed the secret. - Separate the willow flowers from the branches, burn the branches, and put the flowers in a bag...
Everyone turned their attention to the priest.
- Do you know why? - continued Fr. Dimitri. - For a pillow in the coffin of the deceased. To, as the ancients said, always remember death...
There was silence in the temple, everyone looked at their bouquet or whisk. It is clear that from a large bouquet you will fill such a pillow “on your last journey” sooner, or even more than one. Therefore, isn’t it better to make do with three branches? It will take many, many years of life to fill such a pillow.
At the end of the service, the deacon distributed willow to the parishioners. I didn't take it. One bouquet I received yesterday is enough for me.

Since time immemorial, willow has had a special relationship. For its miraculous properties, it was named after the main pagan god - “Perunova Vine”. It is the willow that first foreshadows the coming spring, and its fluffy branches are used during spring ceremonies. Our ancestors used a decoction of tree branches to bathe newborns. They believed that in this way they strengthened the health of their children. The tree also protected livestock, protected the home from lightning, and the crop from rodents and bad weather.
With the adoption of Christianity, the veneration of the willow did not cease, but became even more significant. According to the Bible, the Jews greeted Jesus with palm branches. Today, the willow is considered the main spring ritual tree, and even Sunday itself bears its name - Palm.

The awakening of spring is symbolized by the blossoming willow branches. The tree begins to wake up at the end of January, so with the first warmth its buds bloom before anyone else.

Fluffy lumps of willow eventually become dotted with yellowish pollen, which becomes a real salvation for bees and bumblebees.

Why do you dream about willow?

The meaning of a dream in which a willow is present depends on what it is and what a person does with it.

  • In general, seeing a willow in a dream is a good dream, talking about good luck and success in all endeavors.
  • A palm branch in the hands foreshadows encouragement and a quick reward for the work done.
  • A tree bent over water promises trouble and difficult days. Seeing a willow whose branches touch the ground foreshadows imminent family grief.
  • If a willow blossoms in a dream, it means that bad days will pass and good luck will return.
  • A broken branch signals problems in family relationships.
  • Marriage is foreshadowed by a dream in which the willow is in the church.
  • The destruction of a tree speaks of a deep feeling of guilt towards loved ones.
  • Irritation due to lack of time is signaled by a vision in which a person lowers a branch into water. It is necessary to analyze your actions and highlight the main thing, and throw everything unimportant aside.
  • To receive a willow from someone means that someone close to you requires your help.
  • Selling willow on the street foreshadows a difficult situation in which one of your friends will find himself. It is worth reconsidering your relationships with friends and finding a person who requires the help of a neighbor.

Is it possible to plant willow near the house, signs

They say that such a tree grows on any soil, especially near water. Grief and misfortune can come to a family from a willow planted near the house. Despite its magic and sacredness, such a tree negatively affects a person’s aura and even worsens his health.

A well-known proverb says: “The willow tree outside the window is preparing a spade for a funeral.”

According to legend, when the branches on a tree grow to the size of a shovel handle, a person will die. Whoever plants a tree in the yard will shorten his life.
Willow is a unique tree that combines two types of plants: donor and vampire. A young willow gives a person vital energy, and an old trunk literally drains all the strength from living beings. Such trees should grow near water and feed on its power.

Consecrated willow at home omens

What kind of powers has not been given by man to the miraculous plant? Our ancestors were convinced that a willow twig thrown against the wind could calm a storm and prevent hail. The consecrated plant was always kept in the house behind the images and protected the home from evil spirits and misfortunes. They even fought fires with them and threw them into the fire. If you hit the legs of a sick person with a consecrated twig, he could recover. They beat the children with a branch, saying that the Mother of God herself was beating them, giving them health and luck. They also put a twig under a scarf or pillow to relieve headaches.
Blessed twigs were also used to protect animals from disease and thieves. They were fed willow pies, a twig was placed under the roof, and the cattle were driven out into the fields.

There is a beautiful legend according to which the willow was previously the mother of many children. She decided to prove her fertility to Mother Earth, for which she turned the woman into a tree. Therefore, in order to be cured of infertility, women and men ate palm buds and wore special amulets with them. At first, the twigs were blessed in the church, there was a service, and at home they were “treated” with the kidneys. In the old days, it was customary to shower newlyweds with buds and lash them with branches for the birth of healthy children. Sometimes willow was even placed under the feather bed of newlyweds.

Last year's willow was burned on the eve of the holiday, and if a woman entered the house and asked for fire, they believed that she was a witch.
Willow also gave strength and courage. To do this, part of the twig was hammered into the wall.
Before a long journey, they ate three buds from a twig and washed it down with holy water, believing that this would bring good luck.
It was believed that the consecrated willow helps everyone fulfill their desires. They put it in a vase, and the water was changed daily, and they talked to the branches: they asked, they complained. If the twig has dried up, it means that it has absorbed all the troubles. They thanked him and lowered him down the river or buried him far from home. The blossoming branch was planted with the confidence that the tree would definitely fulfill the request.

The willow gave roots to the omen

If, out of ignorance, a person puts a consecrated willow in water and it takes root, this indicates quick success. The twig should be planted away from the house.

Palm Sunday history briefly

Palm Sunday does not have an exact date. It is celebrated 6 days before the crucifixion of Jesus. Christianity began to adhere to the holiday around the 4th century, but it came to Rus' only in the 10th century. The news of the victory and the meeting of the victors in ancient times were carried out with the help of a palm branch. People greeted revered people with shouts and waves of branches.

Palm Resurrection was foreshadowed by the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, which marked the beginning of his voluntary suffering in the name of people. The resurrection of Lazarus became significant for the people, and they perceived Jesus as the King-Messiah. It was no coincidence that he chose a humble donkey to enter the city instead of a warlike horse, showing his love and goodwill. Residents solemnly greeted their Savior, waving palm branches. Jesus' path was strewn with branches, flowers and people's clothes.

This holiday also has a tragic note, because it was on this day that the priests decided to kill Jesus, and the people supported them. The Savior knew about his imminent death and accepted it in the name of saving people.

Artificial willow branches are not subject to consecration.

The willow became an analogue of the Jerusalem palm tree in Rus'. Other trees had not yet blossomed at this time, and conifers were used for funeral rites. Because of the unusual inflorescences of the bush, the holiday got its name - palm tree. A bunch of willow with a tied figurine of an angel (cherub) could be bought at a special bazaar. The people stocked up on it long before the holiday, cut it and put it in water for buds to open. In pre-revolutionary Russia, on Sunday a “parade of brides” was held, in which girls of marriageable age rode through Red Square in elegant carriages.

In the temple, during the service, the priest sprinkles the branches with holy water. After this, she is considered sanctified.

Blessed willow, what is possible and what is not

The palm branch is considered to be a symbol of Jesus' victory over the devil and sin. It carries miraculous power and magical qualities. Twigs heal, protect homes and save livestock. You need to know how to use consecrated willow so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones.
The twigs are prepared in advance, but they are taken only from a young bush that is far from the water. The twigs are carried into the house, placed in a vase (without water) or tied and stored under the icon. Branches can also be hung in the corners of the home.

With the onset of field work, a twig can be stuck into the furrow. To obtain a good fruit harvest, willow is also attached near the trunk of the fruit tree.
Dried willow should not be thrown into the trash or burned in a crowded place. In this way, people express their disdain for the shrine. It is not advisable to plant a sprouted willow near the house; it is better to take it to the river.

Willow cut for oneself is not distributed to other people, either in church or at home. For those who cannot perform the ceremony on their own, a separate bouquet is made and blessed. Last year's consecrated willow is under no circumstances thrown into the trash. Even its small leaf cannot be trampled, so the branch is burned or thrown into the water. It is also prohibited for the ritual to cut off twigs on a tree that has hollows and nests or grows near a cemetery.

What to do with consecrated willow

After the consecration ceremony, a couple of twigs are carried to the cemetery, some of the branches are hidden in the stable, and the remaining willow is stored in the corners of the house or left in front of the icon. Visiting the cemetery on Palm Sunday is not forbidden by the church, only after the liturgy. They place the willow on the grave and pray for the deceased, emphasizing their connection with him. Traditionally, upon arrival home from the temple, all household members are lightly patted with a blessed rod. Willow is used as a medicine when the buds are ground into powder and applied to wounds or eaten for fever. The crushed leaves are infused with vodka and drunk a tablespoon on an empty stomach for intestinal disorders. To give courage, guys are recommended to carry amulets filled with buds. Before starting an important task or on a long journey, they eat a couple of kidneys at random.
Throughout the year, the power of the miraculous tree fills the home, bringing prosperity and prosperity to the house.

The consecrated willow has taken root

It doesn’t matter if the consecrated twigs take root in the water. They should not be thrown away, but should be planted somewhere near the river. Let her delight people with her fluffy branches, and they may be re-consecrated in the church.

Is it possible to plant consecrated willow?

Although, according to religious canons, willows are burned after a year, the sprouted branches can be planted. They are first lowered into a pot of soil, where the plant grows stronger, and only then planted in the ground. The main maintenance requirement is abundant watering. The plant is left in the pot for up to a year. Using this technology, the tree will definitely take root in the open air. Moist soils are suitable for willow. The branch can be planted in the spring before active growth or in the fall after the leaves fall.
With enough water, for example, near a pond, it is possible to grow a full-fledged tree.

What to do with last year's consecrated willow

Last year's unused willow branches should not be thrown away.

One of the following rituals must be performed:

  • All branches in the house are collected and necessarily burned. The ashes are scattered over the river or taken to a secluded place. It would not be a mistake to bury the remains in the garden near the fruit tree.
  • The twigs are thrown into a stream with running water, but a lake or pond is excluded.
  • Sprouted branches are planted away from the house.
  • The spent branches are taken to church and left there. A special prayer will be read in the temple and they will be burned.
  • It is allowed to feed willow to animals.
  • Sometimes in villages, willow is burned in a stove, and the heat is used to bake Easter cakes.
  • Last year's willow is placed in the grave of the deceased.
  • The twig is set on fire and walked around the house with prayer, cleansing the home of negative energy.

It is not particularly important on what day to free the tree. This could be on the eve of the holiday, on Sunday or after it. The main thing is to get rid of the willow, which has lost its powers over the year, and stock up on new magical twigs.

The willow symbol has lived for many centuries, giving people stability, inspiring hope and delighting with healing.

Palm Sunday is one of the major Christian holidays. On this day, people go to church and bless the willow, which is kept in the house for a whole year and protects against many troubles and diseases. But every year, before going to church and re-blessing the willow, many Christians wonder what to do with the willow that was blessed last year. After all, there is a belief that you should never throw it away.

Palm Sunday: a little history about the holiday

The holiday of Palm Sunday commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This event is considered to be the last thing Jesus did before his crucifixion. And this happened a week before Easter - the holiday when he was resurrected three days after the crucifixion. But why was this Sunday called Palm Sunday? When Jesus entered, people greeted him by strewing his path with fresh palm branches. This tradition has long been accepted in the east; they covered the road with such a living carpet when they met very important people. But in Russia, in the absence of palm trees, they use willow.

But on Palm Sunday, not only willow and palm trees are blessed in the church, but also other fresh branches of olive, boxwood and laurel. There is a very ancient tradition, which is hardly observed these days - to decorate large willow branches with multi-colored ribbons and sweets. Twigs consecrated in the church were placed at the head of the bed, near icons, fireplaces, hearths, and animal stalls. They can be placed in water or simply without it. Willow branches protect the house from quarrels, diseases and other misfortunes.

But now a year has passed and very soon Palm Sunday will come again and again you need to go to church and consecrate new branches, but what to do with last year’s ones? There is a belief that you shouldn’t throw them away, so what can you do?

What to do with last year's willow?

A willow consecrated in a church is a shrine, and not an ordinary twig. Therefore, you can’t just throw it in the trash, but what can you do with it? There are many options for getting rid of last year's willow:

  • You can float the twigs on the water, but you just need to choose a river with a strong current so that they float away from the place where they were floated as far as possible.
  • You can burn the twigs, but you cannot leave the ashes; they must be collected and buried in a place where people do not walk. You can simply pour the ashes into a river or any other body of water.
  • If the willow stood in the water and took root, then it should be planted in the forest or near the river, away from the house.
  • The twigs can be kept in the house for several years as a talisman, but at the same time you can bring new ones every year on holiday.
  • Last year's blessed willow can be placed in a coffin if someone dies before Palm Sunday.
  • There are elderly people who specially save dry willow branches so that they can be placed with them in a coffin when they pass into another world.
  • You can consecrate a house with a lit willow twig; you need to walk around the house with it and at the same time read a prayer.
  • You can take it to church, where they burn all the branches with prayer.
  • Take it to the forest and place it between the growing willow bushes.
  • If there is a stove in the house, then you can light it with willow to bake bread or Easter cakes.
  • They sweep all the corners of the house with last year's willow and then burn it, thanking it for its service.

Why is the consecrated willow so miraculous?

Many signs and customs are associated with Palm Sunday and the willow blessed on this day. The miraculous properties of consecrated willow have been known for a long time:

  • Each family member is lightly beaten with willow brought from the church so that they are healthy and do not get sick.
  • A willow in the house protects him from evil eyes, squabbles and bad words.
  • Willow is planted in the garden of a house where there is a young girl of marriageable age or a guy; if she is accepted, it means there will be a wedding soon.
  • On St. George's Day, the blessed willow is used to drive cattle out to the field so that they are healthy and fertile.
  • There is also a sign that a willow in a house can ward off thunder, hail and clouds from it.
  • There is also a legend that in the old days they tamed the fire with willow, threw it into the fire and the fire subsided.
  • Willow buds were eaten to relieve sore throats, infertility and fever.
  • Wells were lined with branches of consecrated willow, thus protecting the water from evil forces.

There are many traditions that are associated with Palm Sunday and willow.

Palm Sunday: traditions

Many old people often talk about traditions that were accepted many centuries ago, but these days not everyone knows about them.

  • On the night of Palm Sunday, spells are made that protect against headaches. To do this, the hair taken from the comb is dipped into water and the willow is watered with it. The water will go into the ground, and with it the pain.
  • Many girls charmed the willow and left it behind the icon, thus attracting the interest of the opposite sex to themselves.
  • You need to “hit” with a consecrated willow on the back, but if a person is hit on the backside, then in this way he wished for evil and illness.
  • The willow branches that are going to be blessed must be cut from a young tree and it is very important that there is no damage to the trunk.
  • You cannot tear branches from a willow if there is a hollow in it, and you should also not touch the willow in a cemetery.
  • You should not pick a willow on a tree growing near a river, as there is a belief that mermaids rest on these branches at night.

The holiday of Palm Sunday, which we will celebrate this year on April 1, 2018, is as well known as Easter, celebrated exactly a week later.

Of course, the main symbol of this event is the willow. But how to properly consecrate a willow on Palm Sunday, where and how many willow branches should be taken and where to place them in the house - not everyone can answer these questions. And why are willows needed on Palm Sunday anyway? Let's talk about everything in order.

  • Where to put willow in the house
  • Signs associated with willow

Why willows: the history of the holiday

We can start with where the holiday came from, and why is it called that way? Almost 2000 years ago, the Savior triumphantly entered Jerusalem. He came in peace, and the symbol of this was the donkey on which Christ sat (after all, the conquerors of the city always entered on horseback). A huge number of people, imbued with the belief that he was the Son of God, enthusiastically rejoiced and rejoiced as never before in their lives.

They brought a huge number of palm branches and laid them all over Christ’s path. The result was a whole path covered with branches. Of course, it was a special, solemn moment. Although exactly a week later the Savior will be executed, he will also be resurrected, which will finally prove his divine nature. That's why we celebrate Palm Sunday first, and exactly a week later, Easter.

Of course, there are no palm branches in our area yet, so we buy willows and decorate the house with them. They begin to swell in March. That is why, no matter what the date of celebration is in a given year, the willows always ripen.

This tradition appeared in Rus' a long time ago - so long ago that it is impossible to name even the approximate year when it began. After all, for a long time our ancestors, whole families, went to willow groves, to the shores of reservoirs, to forests and tore these branches. Of course, they still tear them today, but most of us tend to simply buy willow branches, bring them home and put them in water so that they herald the arrival of spring to the whole family.

How to properly consecrate a willow and how many branches you need

You've probably noticed that the willow buds are not the same in color and shape:

  1. There are whitish ones, with gray shades. They are like lumps, quite soft to the touch. These are male kidneys, which are also called “seals”.
  2. And there are also female ones - they are elongated, less fluffy, and closer in color to gray-green.

Of course, you can take both, because the essence of the holiday is not what kind of willows you bring. But the number of branches matters. As with flowers, it is best to take an unpaired number of branches. At the same time, the total quantity is not so important - but you shouldn’t be greedy either. Try to take exactly as much as you need: for yourself, family, friends, neighbors.


On the eve of Palm Sunday, willow groves are subject to a real invasion - because people try to collect as many branches as possible. Sometimes they leave the tree bare, and of course, this harms nature. Therefore, you should take this ritual more calmly: try to take a small amount of willow branches and not be excessively greedy.

But as for how to properly consecrate a willow, the answer is clear: you should definitely bring the branches to church. Many people do this on Sunday morning, directly on the day of the holiday (by the way, you can buy pussy willow branches then). And it would be more correct to come to church on Saturday evening, when the All-Night Vigil begins. According to tradition, the consecration of the willow occurs on this day. But of course, if you didn’t make it on Saturday, this is not a reason to give up the tradition. Then the willow is blessed on Sunday and brought into the house.

Where to put willow in the house

So, the branches are already at home, and of course we strive to put them in the water in the most visible place. How to decorate a bouquet correctly? And where is it placed according to tradition? No special decorations are required - after all, this is not a bouquet of flowers, but a symbol of the holiday. Therefore, several willow branches are tied into a simple bundle and placed in a vase on the table.

If there is a kind of red corner in the house - a quiet place where you are used to relaxing, being alone with your thoughts or praying, you can put the willow there. Usually believers place an icon on a small shelf and place church candles. You can also place a small vase with an odd number of branches there. By the way, believers keep them throughout the year - exactly until next spring.


In any case, it is important to understand that the willow is simply a symbol of the holiday, just as colored eggs and Easter cake symbolize Easter. You may have only one branch in the house, or it may turn out that there is none. But the main thing is a person’s sincere faith and benevolent, festive mood. After all, faith is not for a symbol, but a symbol for faith.

Signs associated with willow

Of course, first the branches are blessed in the church - after all, what are the branches for? That’s right, it’s a symbol of the holiday, uplifting and allowing you to feel and get in touch with an ancient tradition. Here are some interesting beliefs that have come to us from time immemorial:

  1. With the help of willow, treatment and general improvement of the body were carried out. They took several kidneys and filled them with water. And then they drank the whole glass. You can just eat the kidneys.
  2. A twig was used to lightly hit a loved one - it is believed that this gives health and strength for the whole year.
  3. After the holiday, they took some of the twigs, boiled them, and then bathed the children in this water, and the adults themselves were not forbidden to add a little palm decoction to the bath.
  4. And if someone in the house is sick, you can put lighted branches at the head of the bed - the person will feel better.

And in general, willow branches protect the house itself from troubles, invasions of unnecessary people and other unforeseen events.

First-hand: Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers

So, with the purpose of the willow for Palm Sunday, the position of the church is clear. This is a good symbol of the holiday, which reminds us of the Savior and his feat. And sometimes believers wonder not only why willows are needed on Palm Sunday or how to consecrate them. People often wonder: if a willow branch has taken root, can it be planted on their property?

This is what Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko thinks:

Thus, of course, it is better for us to consecrate the willow and choose the right place in the house where to put it. But the most important thing is a person’s faith, his sincere mood for the holiday. After all, any material object is a symbol that allows you to come into contact with a good tradition. And of course, the symbol exists for faith, but not vice versa.

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