Nagiyev about a forty-year-old woman

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible was born on August 25, 1530 in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow. The son of Grand Duke Vasily III (Rurikovich) and Princess Elena Glinskaya (Lithuanian princess).

In 1533 he lost his father, and in 1538 his mother died.

After the death of Vasily III, the state under the infant tsar was ruled by Princess Elena, Prince Ivan Ovchina-Obolensky-Telepnev, Belsky, Shuisky, Vorontsov, Glinsky. Ivan IV grew up in a struggle for power between warring boyar factions, accompanied by murders and violence, which contributed to the development of suspicion, revenge and cruelty in him.

This act was of great international importance, since it expressed the right of the Russian state to one of the first places among the states of Europe.

In 1562, the royal dignity was approved for the Russian Tsar by the Patriarch of Constantinople on behalf of himself and the Council of Constantinople.

The active participation of Ivan the Terrible in state activities began with the creation of a kind of council from among his like-minded people, the so-called Chosen Rada - the actual government of the Russian state.

In 1549-1560, he carried out reforms in the field of central and local government (the most important orders are being issued, the system of "feeding" is being eliminated), law (a national code is being drawn up - Sudebnik), the army (parochialism is limited, the foundations of the streltsy army are being created, guard service is being established at the borders of the Russian state, artillery is allocated as an independent branch of the armed forces, the first military charter appears - "Boyar verdict on the village and guard service"), etc. After the fall of the Chosen Rada (1560), he single-handedly pursued a line to strengthen autocratic power.

Struggling with the power and influence of the boyars, as well as with the remnants of feudal fragmentation in the country, Ivan IV in 1565 introduced a special form of government - the oprichnina - a system of repressive measures against the boyars, aimed at strengthening the sole power of the tsar. The main methods of dealing with political opponents were executions, exile, and confiscation of land.

A major event of the oprichnina was the Novgorod pogrom in January-February 1570, the reason for which was the suspicion of Novgorod's desire to go over to Lithuania. The tsar personally led the campaign, during which all the cities on the road from Moscow to Novgorod were plundered.

From the massacres and mass repressions of Ivan IV, both his political opponents and tens of thousands of peasants, serfs, and townspeople perished. During one of the outbursts of anger in 1582, he inflicted mortal beatings on his son Ivan. Among the people, Ivan IV received the nickname "The Terrible", reflecting the idea of ​​​​him as a tyrant king.

A characteristic feature of the social policy of Ivan IV was the strengthening of serfdom (the abolition of St. George's Day and the introduction of reserved years).

In foreign policy, he pursued a course of bringing to an end the struggle against the successors of the Golden Horde, expanding the territory of the state to the east and mastering the shores of the Baltic Sea to the west. As a result of the military campaigns of Ivan IV in 1547-1552, the Kazan Khanate was annexed, in 1556 - the Astrakhan Khanate; the Siberian khan Edigei (1555) and the Great Nogai Horde (1557) became dependent on the Russian tsar. However, the Livonian War (1558-1583) ended with the loss of part of the Russian lands and did not solve the main problem - access to the Baltic Sea. With varying success, the tsar fought against the invasions of the Crimean Khanate.

As a commander, Ivan IV was distinguished by bold strategic plans and decisiveness, he personally led the troops in the Kazan campaigns, the campaign against Polotsk (1563), the Livonian campaigns (1572 and 1577). In the struggle for fortresses, he widely used artillery and engineering (mine-blasting) means.

Ivan IV developed political and trade relations with England, the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Kakheti, the Khanate of Bukhara, Kabarda and others.

The king was one of the most educated people of his time, had a phenomenal memory, theological erudition. He is the author of numerous messages (including to Prince Andrei Kurbsky), music and the text of the service of the feast of Our Lady of Vladimir, the canon to the Archangel Michael. Ivan the Terrible contributed to the organization of book printing in Moscow and the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square. Supported chronicle writing.

Ivan IV the Terrible died in Moscow on March 18, 1584. He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Ivan the Terrible was married several times. Apart from the children who died in infancy, he had three sons. From the first marriage with Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva, two sons were born, Ivan and Fedor. According to one version, the tsar accidentally killed the eldest son and heir of Ivan, hitting his temple with a staff with an iron tip. The second son, Fedor, who was distinguished by morbidity, weakness and mental disability, became king after the death of Ivan the Terrible. The third son of the tsar, Dmitry Ivanovich, born in his last marriage to Maria Naga, died in 1591 in Uglich. Since Fedor died childless, the reign of the Rurik dynasty ended with his death.

(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing. Moscow. In 8 volumes - 2004)

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

In 1533, Vasily 3 dies, passing the throne to his eldest son Ivan. Ivan Vasilievich at that time was 3 years old. Until he came of age, he could not rule on his own, so the first years of his reign are characterized by the power of his mother (Elena Glinskaya) and the boyars.

Regency of Elena Glinskaya (1533-1538)

Elena Glinskaya was 25 years old in 1533. To govern the country, Vasily 3 left the boyar council, but the actual power was in the hands of Elena Glinskaya, who ruthlessly fought against everyone who could claim power. Her favorite, Prince Ovchin-Obolensky, massacred some of the boyars of the council, and the rest did not oppose the will of Glinskaya.

Realizing that a three-year-old child on the throne is not what the country needs, and that the reign of her son Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible could be interrupted without actually starting, Elena decided to eliminate the brothers of Vasily 3 so that there would be no pretenders to the throne. Yuri Dmitrovsky was arrested and killed in prison. Andrei Staritsky was accused of treason and executed.

The reign of Elena Glinskaya, as regent of Ivan 4, was quite productive. The country has not lost its power and influence in the international arena, and an important reform has been carried out within the country. In 1535, a monetary reform took place, according to which only the king could mint coins. In total there were 3 types of money at face value:

  • A penny (it depicted a rider with a spear, hence the name).
  • Money - was equal to 0.5 kopecks.
  • Polushka - equal to 0.25 kopecks.

In 1538 Elena Glinskaya dies. Guess. That it was a natural death is naive. A young and healthy woman dies at 30! Apparently, she was poisoned by the boyars who wanted power. This opinion is shared by most historians studying the era of Ivan the Terrible.

Boyar rule (1538-1547)

At the age of 8, Prince Ivan Vasilyevich was left an orphan. Since 1538, Rus' passed under the rule of the boyars, who acted as guardians over the infant tsar. Here it is important to understand that the boyars were interested in personal gain, and not the country and not the young king. In 1835-1547, this was the time of a brutal massacre for the throne, where the main opposing sides were 3 clans: Shuisky, Belsky, Glinsky. The struggle for power was bloody, and all this happened in front of the child. At the same time, there was a complete decay of the foundations of statehood and insane eating of the budget: the boyars, having received all the power in their hands, and realizing that this was for 1013 years, began to line their pockets as best they could. In the best way they can demonstrate what was happening in Rus' at that time, 2 sayings: “The treasury is not a miserable widow, you won’t get it” and “The pocket is dry, so the judge is deaf.”

Ivan 4 was strongly impressed by elements of boyar cruelty and permissiveness, as well as a sense of his own weakness and limited power. Of course, when the young king received the throne, there was a 180-degree turn of consciousness, and then he tried everything to prove that he was the main person in the country.

Education of Ivan the Terrible

The following factors influenced the upbringing of Ivan the Terrible:

  • Early loss of parents. There were also practically no close relatives. Therefore, there really were no people who would strive to give the child the right upbringing.
  • The power of the boyars. From the earliest years, Ivan Vasilyevich saw the strength of the boyars, saw their antics, rudeness, drunkenness, the struggle for power, and so on. Everything that a child cannot see, he not only saw, but also took part in it.
  • Church Literature. The archbishop, and later the metropolitan, Macarius had a great influence on the future king. Thanks to this man, Ivan 4 studied church literature, being carried away by moments about the fullness of royal power.

In the upbringing of Ivan, the contradictions between word and deed played a big role. For example, in all the books and speeches of Macarius, they talked about the fullness of royal power, about its divine origin, but in reality, every day the child had to deal with the arbitrariness of the boyars, who did not even feed him dinner every evening. Or another example. Ivan 4, as a virgin king, was always taken to meetings, meetings with ambassadors and other state affairs. There he was treated like a king. The child was seated on the throne, everyone bowed at his feet, talked about admiration for his power. But everything changed as soon as the official part ended and the king returned to his chambers. Here there were no more bows, but there was the boyars' harshness, their rudeness, sometimes even insulting the child. And such contradictions were everywhere. When a child grows up in an atmosphere, when one thing is said and another is done, it breaks all patterns and affects the psyche. This eventually happened, because in such an atmosphere, how can an orphan know what is good and what is bad?

Ivan loved to read and by the age of 10 he could quote many passages from it. He took part in church services, sometimes even participated in them as a chorister. He played chess quite well, composed music, knew how to write beautifully, and often used folk sayings in his speech. That is, the child was absolutely talented, and with parental upbringing and love, he could become a full-fledged personality. But in the absence of the latter, and with constant contradictions, the reverse side began to appear in it. Historians write that at the age of 12, the king threw cats and dogs from the roofs of the towers. At the age of 13, Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible ordered the dogs to tear Andrei Shuisky, who, drunk and in dirty clothes, lay down on the bed of the late Vasily 3.

Independent government

Crowning the kingdom

On January 16, 1547, the independent reign of Ivan the Terrible began. The 17-year-old youth was crowned king by Metropolitan Macarius. For the first time, the Grand Duke of Rus' was named tsar. Therefore, we can say without exaggeration that Ivan 4 is the first Russian tsar. The coronation took place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The cap of Monomakh was placed on the head of Ivan 4 Vasilyevich. Monomakh's Cap and the Title of "Tsar" Russia became the successor to the Byzantine Empire, and the tsar thus towered over the rest of his subjects, including the governors. The population perceived the new title as a symbol of unlimited power, since not only the rulers of Byzantium, but also the rulers of the Golden Horde were called kings.

The official title of Ivan the Terrible after the coronation - Tsar and Grand Duke of All Rus'.

Immediately after the beginning of independent rule, the king married. On February 3, 1947, Ivan the Terrible married Anastasia Zakharyina (Romanova). This is an important event, since soon the Romanovs will form a new ruling dynasty, and the marriage of Anastasia to Ivan on February 3 will be the basis for this.

The first shock of the autocrat

Having received power, without a regency council, Ivan 4 decided that this was the end of his torment, and now he is really the main person in the country with absolute power over others. The reality was different, and soon the young man realized this. The summer of 1547 turned out to be dry, and on June 21 a strong storm broke out. One of the churches caught fire, and because of the strong wind, the fire quickly spread throughout wooden Moscow. The fires continued on June 21-29.

As a result, 80,000 people in the capital were left homeless. Popular indignation was directed at the Glinskys, who were accused of witchcraft and kindling a fire. When the mad crowd raised an uprising in Moscow in 1547 and came to the tsar in the village of Vorobyevo, where the tsar and the metropolitan were hiding from fires, Ivan the Terrible for the first time saw the uprising and the power of the mad crowd.

Fear has entered into my soul, and trembling into my bones, and my spirit has humbled itself.

Ivan 4 Vasilyevich

Once again, a contradiction happened - the king was sure of the limitlessness of his power, but he saw the power of nature that caused the fire, the power of people who raised an uprising.

Government system

The system of government in Russia under the reign of Ivan the Terrible must be divided into 2 stages:

  • The period after the reforms of the Chosen Rada.
  • Oprichnina period.

After the reforms, the management system can be graphically depicted as follows.

During the Oprichnina period, the system was different.

A unique precedent was created when there were 2 systems of government in the state at the same time. At the same time, Ivan 4 retained the title of king in each of these branches of government.

Domestic politics

The reign of Ivan the Terrible in terms of internal government of the country is divided into the stage of reforms of the Chosen Rada and the oprichnina. Moreover, these systems of government were fundamentally different from each other. All the work of the Rada was reduced to the fact that the power should be with the tsar, but in its implementation he should rely on the boyars. The oprichnina concentrated all power in the hands of the tsar and his system of government, and relegated the boyars to the background.

During the time of Ivan the Terrible, great changes took place in Russia. The following areas have been reformed:

  • Ordering the law. The Sudebnik of 1550 was adopted.
  • Local government. The feeding system was finally abolished, when the boyars lined their pockets locally, and did not solve the problems of the region. As a result, the local nobility got more power in their hands, and Moscow got a more successful tax collection system.
  • Central administration. A system of "Orders" has been implemented, which streamlined power. In total, more than 10 orders were created, which covered all areas of the state's domestic policy.
  • Army. A regular army was created, which was based on archers, gunners and Cossacks.

The desire to strengthen his power, as well as failures in the Livonian War, led to the fact that Ivan the Terrible creates Oprichnina (1565-1572). You can read more about this topic on our website, but for a general understanding, it is important to note that as a result of it, the state actually went bankrupt. An increase in taxes and the development of Siberia began, as steps that could attract additional money to the treasury.

Foreign policy

By the beginning of the independent reign of Ivan 4, Russia had significantly lost its political status, since 11 years of boyar rule, when they cared not about the country, but about their own wallet, had an effect. The table below shows the main directions of Ivan the Terrible's foreign policy and the key tasks in each direction.

East direction

Here the maximum successes were achieved, although everything did not start in the best way. In 1547 and 1549 military campaigns against Kazan were organized. Both of these campaigns ended in failure. But in 1552 the city managed to take. In 1556, the Astrakhan Khanate was annexed, and in 1581 Yermak's campaign to Siberia began.

South direction

Campaigns to the Crimea were undertaken, but they were unsuccessful. The largest campaign took place in 1559. The proof that the campaigns were unsuccessful is in 1771 and in 1572 the Crimean Khanate carried out raids on the young territories of Russia.

Western direction

To solve problems on the western borders of Russia in 1558, Ivan the Terrible begins the Livonian War. Until a certain time, it seemed that they could end in success, but the first local failures in the war broke the Russian tsar. Blaming everyone around for the defeats, he started the Oprichnina, which actually ruined the country and made it incompetent. As a result of the war:

  • In 1582, peace was signed with Poland. Russia lost Livonia and Polotsk.
  • In 1583 peace was signed with Sweden. Russia lost cities: Narva, Yam, Ivangorod and Koporye.

The results of the reign of Ivan 4

The results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible can be characterized as contradictory. On the one hand, there are indisputable signs of greatness - Russia has expanded to enormous proportions, gaining access to the Baltic and Caspian Seas. On the other hand, the country was economically in a deplorable position, and this despite the addition of new territories.


Map of Russia towards the end of the 16th century

Comparison of Ivan 4 and Peter 1

Russian history is amazing - Ivan the Terrible is portrayed as a tyrant, usurper and just a sick person, and Peter 1 is a great reformer, the founder of "modern Russia". In fact, these two rulers are very similar to each other.

Upbringing . Ivan the Terrible lost his parents early, and his upbringing went by itself - he did what he wanted. Peter 1 did not like to study, but he liked to study the army. The child was not touched - he did what he wanted.

Boyars. Both rulers grew up during a period of fierce boyar strife for the throne, when a lot of blood was shed. Hence the hatred of both for the nobility, and hence the approach of people without a family!

Habits. Today they are trying to denigrate Ivan 4, saying that he was almost an alcoholic, but the truth is that this fully suits Peter. Let me remind you that it was Peter who created “the most joking and most drunken cathedral.”

The murder of a son. Ivan is accused of killing his son (although it has already been proven that there was no murder, and his son was poisoned), but Peter 1 also pronounced a death sentence on his son. Moreover, he tortured him and Alexei died from torture in prison.

Expansion of territories. During the reign of both Russia significantly expanded territorially.

Economy . Both rulers brought the country to a complete decline, when the economy was in a terrible state. By the way, both rulers loved taxes and actively used them to fill the budget.

Atrocities. With Ivan the Terrible, everything is clear - a tyrant and a murderer - that's what official history calls him, accusing the tsar of atrocities against ordinary citizens. But Peter 1 was of a similar stock - he beat people with sticks, personally tortured and killed archers for rebellion. Suffice it to say that during the reign of Peter the population of Russia decreased by more than 20%. And this is taking into account the capture of new territories.

There are many similarities between these two people. Therefore, if you praise one and demonize the other, it may make sense to reconsider your views on history.

As I get older, I appreciate women over forty more and more. There are many reasons for this. For example, a 40-year-old woman would never wake you up in the middle of the night to ask "What are you thinking about?"

She don't care what you think! If a 40-year-old woman is allowed to watch sports with you on TV, she will not sit and whine about it. She will go and do what she wants to do - usually something much more interesting! Very few women of that age are interested in your opinion of her or what she does. 40-year-old women have a sense of dignity and absolute self-confidence! They're not likely to throw a temper tantrum at you in a public place.

BUT!!! If you deserve it, they will calmly shoot you if they think they can get away with it.))) Adult women are generous with praise, often undeserved ... 40-year-old women are confident enough to introduce you to their girlfriends. A younger woman may avoid even her best friends because she doesn't trust her partner(!), and an older woman doesn't care if you find her friends attractive. She knows that her friends will never betray her.

40-year-old women have an oracle's intuition - You don't have to admit anything to them - they already know everything about you! If you learn to ignore a couple of wrinkles here and there, you will find that women over forty are much sexier ... than younger ones! 40-year-old women are frank and honest. They will tell you straight on if you are a beast or behave like a beast.

You never have to guess how she feels about you. So yes, there are plenty of reasons to admire women in their forties. For all the men who like to say "why buy a whole cow when you can get milk for free", I have news, today 80% of women are not interested in marriage! Why?! Because they understand "that it makes no sense to buy a whole pig for the sake of a sausage!"

A lot of women are very worried because of their age. Some may even become depressed. But is it worth it to be sad for such trifles? Most women are sure that men like young girls and certainly not “ripe berries”. All these wrinkles that appear over time, as it seems to many ladies, do not paint at all, but vice versa. Women simply began to forget that every age is beautiful in its own way. And in fact there is no more charming and charming creature than our ladies. More recently, the Internet was blown up by one masterpiece statement, the authorship of which is attributed to the popular Russian showman and brawler Dmitry Nagiyev, who, as you know, does not climb into his pocket for a word. Who is the true author of these lines, it is difficult to answer now. However, it is said simply in the bull's-eye! I subscribe to every word! “I have to admit, with age, I appreciate more and more women who are over forty. They are like fine wine - they only get better with age. Now I'll try to break it down. For example, a 40-year-old woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with the question “What are you thinking about?”. Do you know why? She doesn't care what you think! If a 40-year-old woman is too lazy to watch football with you on TV, she will not sit and whine about it. She will simply leave and start doing something more interesting for her. Ladies over forty have self-esteem and self-confidence. Believe me, such a woman is unlikely to throw you a tantrum, these women can even calmly shoot you if you deserve it. Well, if they get away with it ... a 40-year-old woman will not play cat and mouse with you, she is not afraid to show you to her friends, because she is 100% confident in herself. Unlike young inexperienced girls, she just doesn’t care if her girlfriends find you attractive. She boldly trusts both you and them, not being afraid to lose anything. In 40-year-old women, intuition works more abruptly than any psychic. Believe me. They do not need to find out where and with whom you were: they already know everything about you! My friend, once you learn to ignore wrinkles, you will notice that women over forty are much sexier than young women. And they are always honest: if you are a beast and behave like the last scoundrel, they will say it directly. You never have to guess how she feels about you. As you can see, there are many reasons to admire women over forty. For all the men who like to say: “Why buy a whole cow when you can get milk for free? ”, I have amazing news: today 80% of women are not interested in marriage! Why? Because they understand that “it makes no sense to buy a whole pig for a sausage!” It is not completely known whether this statement really belongs to the popular Russian showman Dmitry Nagiyev. However, whoever happens to be the author of these lines is simply a genius. It is possible that the famous Russian actor fully shares the opinion of the one who wrote these truthful words about women over forty. As you can see, if your age starts with a four, this is not a reason to despair - many men admire older ladies.