Natural hair color and other interesting facts about Elvis Presley. Elvis Aaron Presley and his famous style

Elvis Presley, who would have turned 75 today, has become a symbol of American music and an exemplary embodiment of the very spirit of rock and roll. He died when he was only 42 years old. However, for a third of Americans, the "king of rock and roll" Elvis Presley is still alive - in the literal sense of the word.

10 facts about Elvis' youth

Presley had a twin brother, but he died during childbirth.

The full name of the "king of rock and roll" is Elvis Aron Presley, but the musician preferred the biblical pronunciation of the name - Aaron. He even planned to officially change his name.

By nature, Elvis Presley was blond. It was repainted black only in 1957. In addition, in the 50s he dyed his hair red.

Elvis attended church from childhood and sang in the church choir.

Elvis got his first guitar for his birthday from his uncle. Shortly before this, the future "king" received a prize at the fair for the performance of the folk song Old Shep.

After high school, Elvis Presley first worked as a scavenger, then as a driver - for $45 a week.

At the age of 18, Elvis decided to give his mother a record with his records for her birthday. For $4, he recorded the songs My Happiness and That's When Your Heartaches Begin.

The sound engineer showed the recording to Sun records owner Sam Philips.

Before that, Phillips had repeatedly told his friends: "If I found a white man who would sing like a black man, I would have made a million." When he saw Presley's performance, he realized: this is the one he was looking for.

10 Facts About Elvis' Early Career

Elvis Presley's first release on Sun Records was a slightly sped up version of Arthur Crudup's rhythm and blues That's All Right, Mama in 1954.

Two years after this recording, Presley poached the RCA label by paying Sun Records an unheard-of compensation at that time - $ 35,000.

The musician was supervised by "The Colonel" Tom Parker, who by this time was the manager of seven country performers.

In January 1956, 21-year-old Elvis Presley began recording his first single for RCA, Heartbreak Hotel. It soared to the top of the American charts, stayed there for eight weeks and became Elvis' first million copies.

In just 1956, Presley received six "gold discs", and the songs I Want You, I Need You, I Love You, rock and roll Don "t Be Cruel and Hound Dog and the ballad Love Me Tender rose to the top of the charts.

Elvis' first album held the lead on the album list for ten weeks.

In October 1956, Presley made her film premiere in Hal Wallis' western Love Me Tender.

Over the next year and a half, the musician starred in three more films.

In just 15 years - from 1956 to 1969 - he starred in 33 tapes.

Tom Parker, who received 50% of all Elvis' fees, demanded at least a million for a film with participation. Because of this, for example, the singer did not get a role in West Side Story.

10 Facts About Elvis' Military Service

The news caused protests in the country, the youth demanded to cancel the service for the singer.

Accompanied by an escort of flashlights, Presley departed for Fort Hood. There, at the demonstration performances of jiu-jitsu masters, the singer became interested in martial arts.

At the end of 1958, Presley was sent to West Germany, where he practiced karate, a style of setokai.

After returning to Memphis, he switched to American kenpo karate.

Then Presley became one of 100-150 Americans - owners of a black belt.

He even taught the martial arts to his bodyguards, the West brothers, who later opened a school where Chuck Norris also looked.

The "King of Rock and Roll" served in a tank division.

Presley served in the army for two years.

On the wave of "demobilization" Presley released a disc called "Elvis is back."

10 Facts About Elvis' Return

The albums released after the army were mostly soundtracks for films with Elvis Presley.

Presley's position was strongly pressed by the appearance of the Liverpool Four, although the Beatles themselves have always recognized its importance and influence.

In 1968, Elvis Presley again ascended to the top of the world musical Olympus, began to give concerts in Las Vegas.

In February 1970, the singer appeared in a dazzling white jumpsuit designed by his personal fashion designer.

Then, for each season or concert, Presley prepared many costumes of various colors and styles, often decorated with rhinestones and embroidered with gold.

It is this image of Elvis Presley that is still the most recognizable.

Another detail of the image of the "king of rock and roll" - dark glasses. Elvis had to wear them due to glaucoma in his left eye, which doctors discovered in 1970.

At the end of his career, Presley developed a persecution mania: when he went on stage, he always pulled another bulletproof vest under a luxurious white vest.

Since 1971, all Elvis Presley concerts have opened with an overture by Richard Strauss to the musical poem "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". The concerts ended with the performance of the song Can't Help Falling In Love from the movie "Blue Hawaii". Having finished singing the composition to the end, the "king" left the stage to the drumming. After a while, the entertainer announced: "Elvis has just left the building."

The last disc Presley recorded in 1976, after that he only performed with concerts.

10 Facts About Elvis' "Kingdom"

Elvis Presley is called the "King of Rock and Roll" or simply "The King" (The King), often just by his first name - Elvis.

The title "King of Rock and Roll" Elvis Presley was awarded by the American magazine "Variety" back in October 1956.

Presley is ranked third among the greatest musicians of all time by Rolling Stone magazine.

America's most prestigious music award "Grammy" was awarded to the singer three times - for religious music.

Elvis set a music record that no one has yet broken. 149 songs of the "king" fell into the "hot hundred" of the Billboard hit parade. 18 of them took first place.

Over a billion Elvis Presley CDs have been sold worldwide.

In total, the artist has more than 300 million lifetime musical recordings.

From 1969 to 1977, Presley gave about 1,100 concerts in the USA.

Presley concerts often turned into fan pogroms. For the first time, Elvis encountered "girlish passions" in Florida. Several girls rushed onto the stage in ecstasy and tore the jacket to shreds while Elvis rescued the guitar. One girl managed to pull off his shoe, the other tore the trouser leg with her teeth.

Elvis Presley has repeatedly met with the first persons of the United States. In February 1966, President Lyndon Johnson visited the "King" during the filming of Spinout. In 1970, Elvis met Richard Nixon at the White House. Presley also spoke on the phone with President Jimmy Carter.

10 facts about Elvis "in life"

Ellis Presley was actively involved in charity work and was very fond of giving gifts.

The "King" bought his friends houses and paid for their weddings. Once I bought 14 limousines at once and presented one of them to an unfamiliar car dealership visitor.

At one of the concerts, Elvis gave a ring worth $7,000 to his fanEven as a child, Presley promised his mother to buy a Cadillac. In 1955, he gave her a pink Cadillac Fleetwood 60 Special.

Since the musician's mother did not know how to drive, he drove this car himself.

In 1958, Elvis Presley met his future wife, Priscilla Boilier, the daughter of an Air Force captain. She was 14 at the time.

He married in 1967, was married for five years.

As a result of his only marriage, a daughter, Lisa Marie, was born.

Singer Lisa Marie Presley's husbands included King of Pop Michael Jackson and actor Nicolas Cage.

Elvis Presley was an honorary FBI narcotics officer.

10 facts about the death of the "king"

The "King of Rock and Roll" was only 42 years old.

Another girlfriend found Elvis Presley on the bathroom floor of his Graceland estate in Memphis.

Toxicologists found 14 different drugs in the musician's blood.

Later, the musician's personal doctor admitted in court that over the past three years he had prescribed 19 thousand doses of sleeping pills, sedatives and stimulants to the "king of rock and roll".

Presley became addicted to these drugs in the early 70s.

Elvis also took hormonal drugs against obesity. He could not get rid of the passion for food.

By the end of his life, the singer weighed over 200 kg, could hardly move, slept on a specially reinforced bed and hardly left the house. But the disease did not affect the voice of Elvis.

It is believed that the cause of death was an overdose of medicines - they led to cardiac arrest.

Presley's funeral was followed by millions of people. Behind the hearse with a coffin in the mourning column were moving not only friends and relatives, but also dozens of "orphaned" "Cadillacs" - Elvis' favorite cars.

10 Facts About Elvis' Life After Death

Many fans of the artist's work then did not believe in his death.

Some Elvises even managed to become famous. So, Elvis Stoyko became a three-time winner of the World Figure Skating Championship. British singer and composer Elvis Costello took the name of Elvis in the first part of the pseudonym, in fact his name is Diclan Patrick McManus.

Presley's current popularity varies from country to country, but let's say he has 18 number one hits in the UK, more than the Beatles.

Elvis Presley is the richest dead man of our time. In 2008, he earned, according to Forbes, $ 52 million. Live Madonna earned $ 12 million less over the same period.

3 chose

Elvis Presley, perhaps - the main idol of the XX century. 62 years ago a film with his participation was released "Love me Tender" who brought the king of rock and roll to a new round of popularity . John Lennon said: "There was nothing before Presley!", Bob Dylan agreed: "Listen to Presley for the first time - how to break out of prison." He has hundreds of thousands of imitators around the world, but as he was, and remains inimitable. Let's try to unravel the secrets of his charm today.

Actor, musician, idol and definitely a sex symbol. They said about Elvis that all women wanted to be with him, and all men wanted to be him. Although his image (shiny tight-fitting suits, smooth and even feminine movements) is far from the ideal of masculinity. But this did not stop girls from all over America from crowding at the entrance to Graceland in the hope that the singer would invite them inside. Even today, the videos of his speeches are breathtaking.


They say that children from mixed marriages are born beautiful and talented. Elvis Presley became an unwitting confirmation of this theory. A crazy cocktail raged in his veins: among his ancestors were Jews, French, Irish, Scots and even Cherokee Indians.

But it's not just about genes. Elvis was always attentive to his appearance. He dyed his hair (in fact, the king of rock and roll was blond), eyebrows and eyelashes black, it even led to vision problems. An intricate hairstyle was one of the singer's "fads": according to the memoirs of contemporaries, he always carried a comb in his pocket to straighten his hair combed up. It all came together in a single memorable image: jet-black hair, penetrating blue eyes and a hooligan hairstyle with a naughty out-of-control curl. And no one could resist this image.


But at school, the music teacher told little Elvis that he did not have the ability to sing. He was told the same thing at the auditions. Presley never studied singing or music, no one gave him a voice and he practically did not know the notes. Until now, professionals call his singing "non-technical". But the lack of technology is more than covered by incredible emotionality. Elvis did not just sing songs, but seemed to live each of them. Therefore, even today, 40 years after the death of the "king", the world listens with delight to his recordings.


Performance of the song hound dog on the TV show Milton Burghley in June 1956 caused a scandal. Elvis Presley moved and rotated his hips so freely that the performance was considered obscene. A real information persecution began against the singer. Journalists wrote that he had no talent and he was corrupting the youth. But this only added to the popularity of Elvis, and uninhibited plastic became his hallmark.

Probably it all started with the first recording arranged by Sam Phillips. He decided to record Presley with two professional musicians, Winfield Moore and Bill Black. Those were not enthusiastic about cooperation with an unknown amateur. The work didn't stick. But during a break, Presley suddenly started singing the blues That's All Right, deliberately fooling around, changing the rhythm, jumping and wiggling their hips. The musicians got involved, and it was this creative hooliganism that the producer liked and soon became a hit.

Maybe then Elvis realized that the main thing on the stage is not to portray something, but to sincerely have fun, have fun and even fool around? After all, despite the thousands of doubles and imitators, only Elvis could naturally move like Elvis.

When in 1956 Elvis Presley appeared on television, the audience was shocked. She had never seen anything like it before. The new singer was strikingly different from all previous performers, standing out against their background with new crazy music, original style of performance and hypnotic voice, obscene body movements, colorful clothes, sideburns and of course an extremely funny hairstyle. This article is dedicated to her.
However, the hairstyle itself appeared long before the world knew Elvis. Its history began in 1940. in Philadelphia, in a barbershop. A certain Joe Cirello worked there. He loved his job and always looked good. Naturally, the radiant appearance of the hairdresser attracted clients. A regular visitor to this barbershop was a blind boy. Joe constantly practiced on it. He carefully combed the boy's hair at the sides, pulling it together at the back of his head. The blind boy didn't care what hairstyle he had. He paid Joe and left. Everything would have continued like this if not for one visitor. Waiting his turn, he sat and read the newspaper while Joe Cirello combed the blind boy. The visitor looked at the boy over the top of the newspaper and said that the hairstyle "looks like feathers on a duck's butt". Joe just smiled in response.
Soon, however, several teenagers from a nearby college came to the barbershop and asked to have their hair cut like a blind boy. This was the beginning of the popularity of a new hairstyle.
Soon a hairstyle called "Duck ass" (Duck arse or D.A) became the property of the hipsters of that time. Hipsters were fashionably dressed youth, a kind of dudes and dudes, who stood out from the general mass with their outfit. The first to start dressing like this since the mid-30s were guys from Harlem. In 1940, white and Mexican teenagers joined them. Like their black predecessors, they began to dress in long jackets with padded shoulders and trousers with wide legs, narrowed to the bottom. Now their style included not only the manner of dressing, but also the hairstyle - heavily frizzled hair, fluffed up at the top, and smoothly pulled together in D.A. on the sides. The hipster crowd grew exponentially. Most of them did nothing, wandering around idle all day.
The outbreak of World War II changed the attitude of American society towards hipsters. If earlier they were treated with silent contempt, now society began to annoy their idleness. In 1943 Los Angeles has become the scene of clashes with hipsters. Within 2 nights, a real hunt for them unfolded in the city. Hipsters were caught, their heads were forcibly shaved and their trousers were torn. American newspapers of the time were full of pictures of hipsters changing their D.A. to "army hedgehogs" (G.I's crewcuts). By the end of the 40s, the hairstyle had practically disappeared, and as it seemed to many, forever.
However, along with the birth of rock and roll in the early 50s, she reappeared, but began to be called a little differently - Ducktail (duck tail). A new generation of teenagers listened to rock 'n' roll, many of them combing their ducktails. America was in a panic. Rock and roll fever swept the country. Whoever was not blamed for this - the Martians, the Communists, although it was just life. Impressed by everything that is happening, law-abiding Americans have deduced the formula rock and roll + ducktail = juvenile delinquent.
The ducktail itself, for all its standardity, had a lot of hair styling options on the crown - these were the classic Chicago Box or Tony Curtis, named after the hairstyle of a famous film actor and showman. Such hairstyles were a classic hedgehog, with densely brined hair pulled back to the back of the head. Another option for hairstyles was hair styled like an elephant's tail. The Marcel wave styling was also popular, and the well-known band the Marcels took this name in honor of this hairstyle.
Moreover, a whole song was dedicated to the hairstyle. It was written and then performed by Rudy Greisel, but the most popular cover was performed by one of the rockabilly classics Joe Clay. The cover was recorded on April 25, 1956. at Starday Studios in Houston, Texas. The release of two singles: "Ducktail" and "Sixteen chicks" provided Clay with a contract with RCA and an invitation to the Ed Sullivan Show. There he performed Only you and Ducktail. If the performance was limited only to the performance of the first song, then everything would have gone fine. However, the second caused panic among the producers. As a result, the contract with RCA was terminated and the singer left the world of show business.
Undoubtedly, the most important bearer of such a hairstyle was the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley. He brought into fashion styling, called Boston and Silver Dollar. Thanks to Elvis, rock and roll gained wild popularity in many countries of the world, and along with music, Elvis' pompadour also became popular. Along with Elvis, other rock and roll and rockabilly stars also wore this hairstyle. Among them are Roy Orbison, Eddie Cochran, the Burnett brothers, Johnny Cash. All this served as an impetus for mass copying of the hairstyle, making it the most popular in the rock and roll environment.
However, since the early 60s, following the end of the era of classic rock and roll, the popularity of hairstyles has declined. Gradually, this haircut became the property of a narrow layer of rock and roll and rockabilly lovers. By this time, the creator of the hairstyle, Joe Cirello, had secured a comfortable existence for himself, working in Hollywood and combing movie stars. It is said that he is still alive.

The article was compiled by Dima (Eddie).

At the peak of popularity retro style. This applies not only to the style of clothing, but also to hairstyles. The hairstyle of Elvis, the king of rock and roll, looks attractive: voluminous hair on top, styled in a spinner.

Presley on the side of a dude
elvis boys mens

The name of the styling is cook. Style is rockabilly. In the 50s, it was worn by rock and roll musicians and their many fans. Young people bouffanted, braided and styled their hair. Everyone tried to make the cook so that it would stand longer and withstand rhythmic movements.

Style Features

The classic version of Presley's hairstyle is 5 cm hair on top, styled high and oiled sides. Stylists delight with variations of the famous cook. Strands can be curled, made a mohawk, bring freshness thanks to bright highlights or add asymmetry.

An important detail: the hairstyle should be perfectly styled - curl to curl.

Laying a la Elvis is suitable for even, smooth and thick hair. Men with curly locks can afford a stylish haircut, but they will have to put in the effort of styling it.

Suitable for young people, as it suggests extravagance and audacity of the image. Guys who want to experiment will be popular with girls. Kok stands out from the mass of monotonous short haircuts.

Combine Elvis Presley-style styling with certain clothes. The best option is the style of the 50s:

  • combined with rockabilly red, white, black colors;
  • leather jackets, plaid fabrics, stripes, vintage shirts, slacks, jeans and boots with rubber soles are in harmony;
  • a good choice - blouses, shirts with buttons and thin lacing, sunglasses, leather jackets.

Suitable Options

Rockabilly styling is suitable for medium length haircuts.

Ideal options are a semi-box with an elongated bang and an undercut. All haircuts are suitable, where long curls are meant on the crown and crown, short ones on the back of the head. Guys, shortening the curls on the sides, leave sideburns. Keep in mind they won't suit everyone.

If you want a fashionable and stylish hairstyle, show the master a photo of Elvis. He will do the rest himself.

Execution technique

To get a smooth and beautiful haircut, contact a professional. He will help determine the parameters in accordance with the shape of the face and tell you how to create stylish images.

For work, you will need ordinary and thinning scissors, a comb and a machine.

Decide on the length of the strands on the crown and crown: it depends on how the hairstyle will look on the type and the complexity of styling.

  1. Wash and dry your hair with a towel.
  2. Make a horizontal parting through the back of the head from temple to temple.
  3. Cut the hair at the back of the head and at the temples short. Depending on the type of haircut, use a clipper or scissors. Remove the temples first, then the back of the head. If you cut with a machine, use nozzle No. 1 for the temples, No. 2 for the back of the head.
  4. Form bangs and crown.

See how the professionals do it.

Laying methods

Getting a stylish haircut is half the battle. Many are interested in how to properly style a haircut so that it turns out like Elvis's - let's figure it out.

Styling has become easier as stylists have invented strong hold products.

Gather the curls at the crown into a cocoon and fasten them with varnish. To make the hairstyle spectacular, follow the recommendations:

  1. Elvis Presley's classic rockabilly hairstyle combines long strands on top of the head, very short strands at the back of the head. This allows you to separate the strands for styling.
  2. Before styling, wash and dry your hair with a towel. Apply fondant to your fingers and rub into your head.
  3. Comb your hair and divide it into a parting. Comb back.
  4. Gather the upper strands into a cocoon, build a roller, vortex or wave. To lay a few curls and secure them, use wax.
  5. If you want to make a hairstyle with a roller - use more wax and less lipstick.
  6. Use a hair dryer to dry your strands. Lift the hair at the roots with a brush.
  7. With a comb and fingers, give the final touch and add volume.

To create a high roller on the head, apply the gel to wet roots and dry with a hair dryer. Using a comb, pull the strands up, bend slightly. To fix the hairstyle, take a strong hold varnish or gel.

We will find out how much it costs to do styling like Elvis in the salons of Russia.

Also see and .

When in 1956 Elvis Presley appeared on television, the audience was shocked. She had never seen anything like it before. The new singer was strikingly different from all previous performers, standing out against their background with new crazy music, original style of performance and hypnotic voice, obscene body movements, colorful clothes

In a short time, Elvis Presley became the king of rock and roll, the epitome of classic male style and the favorite of millions of women around the world. He distinguished himself not only by the beautiful music created by his own labor, but also by his individual style, which no one but his imitators dared to try on afterwards. An integral part of his style was his hair. This article is dedicated to her.

In order to be a star, Elvis had to first look like a star. lipstick, Elvis popularized the Pompadour. Along with Elvis, other rock and roll and rockabilly stars also wore this hairstyle. Among them are Roy Orbison, Eddie Cochran, the Burnett brothers, Johnny Cash. All this served as an impetus for mass copying of the hairstyle, making it the most popular in the rock and roll environment.

However, since the early 60s, following the end of the era of classic rock and roll, the popularity of hairstyles has declined. Gradually, this haircut became the property of a narrow layer of rock and roll and rockabilly lovers.

The rapid development of fashion for this hairstyle since 2014 has hardly changed the hairstyle, leaving the main elements unchanged. In our time, the pompadour can be divided into two types: it is classical(which was directly at Elvis himself) and modern.

If you like classic style hairstyles, you should definitely take into account a number of important points:

  • The hair on the sides and back should be cut, but not so short that the scalp can show through. Ideally, the edges of the hair should be cut so that the characteristic length of the haircut as a whole is preserved.
  • A pompadour haircut for men at the edges gives the hair a visual thickness, which is very suitable for men with a beard.
  • An option for the most daring: strands laid with a slight upward effect and neatly combed back.

To give modern "Pompadour"more brutal look, stylists focus on very short-cut sides and high hair length at the top. The main thing in the modern Pompadour is to choose the right balance for your face shape: if the face is round, then a hairstyle with a high top is good, and if it is narrow, then it is better to lengthen the sides.

To do this setup, you will need:

Basic hair styling product (In p Numerous options are presented to help you recreate the famous pompadour. The most popular of them are the famous, as well as ). And although American Crew recommends lipstick for creating a pompadour, it will not work in all cases, because. has a medium hold, unlike Molding Clay and Grooming Cream, which have a strong hold and, accordingly, a medium and strong shine. (Here you can already choose based on personal preferences by watching the video review of these products, which are located immediately after the product description).

Light to medium hold with medium to high sheen (Necessary if the main styling product does not give the desired effect of wet hair)

. (can be used with sparse or frequent teeth, depending on your preference).

Apply a generous amount of styling product to the hair, use a comb for a final hold and, if necessary, spray the finished hairstyle with a light to medium hold spray. Ready.

This is everything you need to know and have in order to make a pompadour at home, except that you can familiarize yourself with the history of creating a pompadour hairstyle.

The pompadour men's hairstyle is one of the classics and owes its name to the mistress of the French king Louis XV, the Marquise Pompadour. This style of combing was very soon adopted by European fashionistas of the 18th century, and until the First World War it was considered feminine.

The male version of the hairstyle appeared long before the world knew Elvis. Its history began in 1940. in Philadelphia, in a barbershop. A certain Joe Cirello worked there. He loved his job and always looked good. Naturally, the radiant appearance of the hairdresser attracted clients. A regular visitor to this barbershop was a blind boy. Joe constantly practiced on it. He carefully combed the boy's hair at the sides, pulling it together at the back of his head. The blind boy didn't care what hairstyle he had. He paid Joe and left. Everything would have continued like this if not for one visitor. Waiting his turn, he sat and read the newspaper while Joe Cirello combed the blind boy. The visitor looked at the boy over the top of the newspaper and said that the hairstyle "looks like feathers on a duck's butt". Joe just smiled in response.Soon, however, several teenagers from a nearby college came to the barbershop and asked to have their hair cut like a blind boy. This was the beginning of the popularity of a new hairstyle.

Soon a hairstyle called "Duck ass" (Duck arse or D.A) became the property of the hipsters of that time. Hipsters were fashionably dressed youth, a kind of dudes and dudes, who stood out from the general mass with their outfit. The first to start dressing like this since the mid-30s were guys from Harlem. In 1940, white and Mexican teenagers joined them. Like their black predecessors, they began to dress in long jackets with padded shoulders and trousers with wide legs, narrowed to the bottom. Now their style included not only the manner of dressing, but also the hairstyle - heavily frizzled hair, fluffed up at the top, and smoothly pulled together in D.A. on the sides. The hipster crowd grew exponentially. Most of them did nothing, loitering around all day long.
The outbreak of World War II changed the attitude of American society towards hipsters. If earlier they were treated with silent contempt, now society began to annoy their idleness. In 1943, Los Angeles became the scene of clashes with hipsters. Within 2 nights, a real hunt for them unfolded in the city. Hipsters were caught, their heads were forcibly shaved and their trousers were torn. American newspapers of the time were full of pictures of hipsters changing their D.A. to "army hedgehogs" (G.I's crewcuts). By the end of the 40s, the hairstyle had practically disappeared, and as it seemed to many, forever.
However, along with the birth of rock and roll in the early 50s, she reappeared, but began to be called a little differently - Ducktail (duck tail). A new generation of teenagers listened to rock 'n' roll, many of them combing their ducktails. America was in a panic. Rock and roll fever swept the country. Impressed by everything that is happening, law-abiding Americans have deduced the formula rock and roll + ducktail = juvenile delinquent.
The ducktail itself, for all its standardity, had a lot of hair styling options on the crown - these were the classic Chicago Box or Tony Curtis, named after the hairstyle of a famous film actor and showman. Such hairstyles were a classic hedgehog, with densely brined hair pulled back to the back of the head. Another option for hairstyles was hair styled like an elephant's tail. The Marcel wave styling was also popular, and the well-known band the Marcels took this name in honor of this hairstyle.