Normal body temperature in early pregnancy. Temperature in the first days of pregnancy. Can fever be a sign of pregnancy? The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages

Constancy of body temperature is a necessary condition for the normal occurrence of all physiological processes in the body. It is ensured by a balance between heat production (processes of heat formation in the body) and heat transfer (carried out through the skin, lungs and kidneys). The thermoregulation center, responsible for maintaining normal body temperature, is located in the brain - in the hypothalamus. Under unfavorable conditions, special biologically active substances - pyrogens - enter the body from the outside or are produced, which, acting on the thermoregulation center, cause an increase in body temperature - hyperthermia.

What are the dangers of fever during pregnancy?

An increase in temperature is a physiological protective reaction of the body, but high temperature during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the developing fetus.

As a rule, an increase in temperature during pregnancy of less than 38°C does not pose a risk to the course of pregnancy. If the temperature rises above 38°C and lasts for 2–3 or more days, this is considered an unfavorable factor.

An increase in temperature during pregnancy in the early stages (especially in the first 6 weeks) is especially dangerous, since at this time a very important process of the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child is underway. The first 12 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus are considered, since at this time the embryo is extremely sensitive to the effects of external damaging factors, one of which is hyperthermia. In the very early stages of pregnancy, wise nature programmed the “all or nothing” law. This means that if a damaging effect occurs on the embryo, it will die, but if it suffered a negative impact without consequences, then its growth and development will continue absolutely normally.

Why is elevated temperature during pregnancy dangerous?

High temperature during pregnancy disrupts protein synthesis, causing the formation of blood clots and blockage of placental vessels by these blood clots, which can lead to the formation of malformations (defects of the central nervous system, anterior abdominal wall, impaired development of arms and legs) and even intrauterine death. Exposure to high temperatures during pregnancy during the first four weeks can cause problems with the formation of the brain and bones of the face, such as cleft lip and palate.

In addition, hyperthermia increases the contractility of the uterine muscle, which can lead to early termination of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, expectant mothers are at increased risk of contracting an infectious disease with all the ensuing consequences, since during pregnancy the immune system is in a weakened state. A decrease in immune activity during pregnancy is necessary for successful pregnancy, since the fertilized egg is only half native to the mother, and 50% carries foreign genetic information inherited from the father. To prevent premature rejection of a half-foreign agent, immunity is suppressed during pregnancy, which makes the expectant mother’s body especially vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.

What diseases cause fever during pregnancy?

Flu and ARVI during pregnancy

Due to the above-described characteristics of immunity, the risk of developing ARVI during pregnancy, especially during seasonal epidemics, is quite high. An unfavorable point is the increased risk of developing complications due to a viral infection, as well as the possibility of a negative effect of the influenza virus on the development of the fetus, especially if a woman becomes infected in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks).

Manifestations of influenza during pregnancy do not differ from usual: the disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature to high numbers (39–40°C) and with severe symptoms of intoxication - weakness, apathy, headache, muscle aches, pale skin, drowsiness. Intoxication subsides on the 2-3rd day from the onset of the disease, and then a runny nose, sore throat, and dry cough appear.

It happens that ARVI during pregnancy is complicated by pneumonia, otitis (inflammation of the middle ear), laryngotracheitis (inflammation of the larynx and trachea), sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, most often the inflammation is localized in the maxillary sinuses), which significantly aggravates the condition of the pregnant woman. And for the fetus, ARVI during pregnancy is dangerous due to the risk of developing hypoxia (oxygen starvation); if the virus penetrates through the placenta, intrauterine infection of the baby is possible, the formation of malformations and even termination of pregnancy.

If your temperature rises during pregnancy, regardless of its magnitude, or if you experience nasal congestion, runny nose, or sore throat, you should call a general practitioner at home. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if:

  • against the background of symptoms of influenza, shortness of breath appeared (frequent difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of air);
  • after some subsidence of the flu symptoms, there is a repeated increase in body temperature and increased cough, which may be signs of a complication of the flu - pneumonia;
  • dizziness and vomiting appeared against the background of high temperature.

Acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Pyelonephritis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the kidneys; it occurs quite often during pregnancy. The fact is that pregnancy predisposes not only to exacerbation of pre-existing pyelonephritis, but also provokes the occurrence of this disease for the first time while expecting a baby. This predisposition to pyelonephritis in pregnant women is due to difficulty in the outflow of urine from the kidneys due to compression of the ureters by the enlarging uterus, as well as a decrease in the tone of the urinary tract due to the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Urine, when its outflow is disrupted, is a good breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.

With pyelonephritis, body temperature rises, which may be accompanied by chills and signs of intoxication. As the disease develops, the general symptoms are joined somewhat later by local ones - pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the upper abdomen, thigh, groin area, frequent painful urination, the appearance of cloudy or blood-stained urine. It is insidious in that local symptoms (that is, signs of kidney damage) can be very mild, which makes diagnosis much more difficult.

The occurrence of pyelonephritis during pregnancy can adversely affect its course, predisposing to the development of complications such as late gestosis (a complication of the second half of pregnancy, accompanied by the appearance of edema, increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine), the threat of miscarriage. Pyelonephritis can negatively affect the condition of the fetus - the baby can become infected in utero, it can be disrupted, which supplies it with oxygen and nutrients, which often leads to oxygen starvation and retarded fetal growth. If an increase in body temperature to any level is combined with nagging, aching pain in the lumbar region, problems with urination (cramps, frequent urges), then within the next 24 hours you should consult an obstetrician at the antenatal clinic or a therapist. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you will be prescribed blood and urine tests and an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Call an ambulance if:
- the temperature has risen above 38°C with chills (especially if hyperthermia and chills are repeated several times during the day after the temperature has independently dropped to normal values);
- sharp pain appears along the ureter (in the right or left side of the abdomen), which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
- after a certain period of temperature increase, there is a decrease in temperature to normal values, accompanied by general weakness, rapid breathing and heartbeat.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to remember that, firstly, elevated temperature during pregnancy is only a manifestation of a particular disease, therefore, without addressing the root cause, treatment is doomed to failure. Secondly, it is necessary to reduce body temperature when it rises above 38°C.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate by listening to the advice of family and friends who have been helped by a particular drug, or trust the media that recommend various medications. Do not forget that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the future baby, therefore:

  • To prescribe treatment, consult a doctor, as only he will be able to establish the cause of the disease and assess the balance between the risks of using medications and the benefits of their use, as well as prescribe a drug approved during pregnancy.
  • If possible, use for treatment. To reduce the effects of intoxication, in the absence of contraindications, drink more fluid (up to 2 liters per day) in the form of hot fruit drinks with raspberries, viburnum, linden blossom infusion, chamomile flowers, tea with lemon, milk with honey, warm chicken broth. Hot drinks, having a diaphoretic effect, help reduce overheating and speed up the removal of infection from the body.
  • If the use of medications is unavoidable, then drugs containing paracetamol are considered the safest to reduce fever during pregnancy. However, you need to remember that you can use such drugs no more than 4 times a day, 1 tablet, with intervals between doses of at least 4 hours, and only if there are indications. With continuous long-term use of the drug, cases of kidney damage (nephrotoxicity) and liver (hepatotoxicity), a decrease in hemoglobin (which leads to the development of anemia) and platelet levels in the blood (which creates a risk of bleeding) have been reported. And for the unborn child there is a risk of developing diseases of the respiratory system.

Why is the temperature rising?

Hyperthermia is an important protective mechanism in the fight against infection, since in this case the speed of biochemical reactions in the body increases, the elimination of harmful agents is accelerated by increasing sweating, increased urination, the immune system is activated and the formation of protective antibodies. In addition, elevated body temperature itself contributes to the death of microbes.

It is important to know that in addition to exogenous pyrogens (entering the body from the external environment), which are most often bacteria and viruses, endogenous pyrogens produced in the body itself can also increase body temperature. Therefore, an increase in temperature can be observed not only during infectious processes - endogenous pyrogens can be formed due to changes in hormonal levels, neurological diseases, and some types of allergic reactions.

During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which plays a primary role in the development and maintenance of pregnancy, while at the same time being an endogenous pyrogen. Due to these features, some pregnant women note an increase in body temperature in the absence of any painful manifestations. Sometimes expectant mothers feel hot flashes, when a feeling of heat periodically appears in the upper body (in the face, neck, chest), which may be accompanied by increased sweating. This is why pregnant women rarely experience a feeling of cold - as a rule, expectant mothers complain that they are hot. An increase in body temperature to 37.4°C in the first trimester of pregnancy is normal. In the second and third trimester, the temperature should normally be below 37°C.


Aspirin, used to reduce fever, is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, as there is evidence of the possibility of a teratogenic (provoking malformations) effect. There is an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities while taking this drug.

An increase in thermometer readings, as a rule, indicates the onset of the disease, but during pregnancy this is possible without any apparent reason. To figure out whether there is an unreasonable increase in temperature during pregnancy and whether it is normal, let’s look at this issue in more detail.

Increased temperature during pregnancy: what to do in the early stages?

If a woman’s basal temperature has increased, then this phenomenon is quite natural and is regarded as a variant of the norm. But its decrease should be a cause for concern, as it may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

In the vast majority of cases, an increase in this indicator in the first trimester is not pathological. This phenomenon is due to natural hormonal changes in the body.

If the temperature is elevated to 37°C and there are no other signs of the disease, then do not be afraid or worry prematurely. When anxiety does not go away, you can consult a doctor and get the tests he prescribes.

An increase in temperature is sometimes observed for a rather banal reason - as a result of overheating of the body. It is worth monitoring the microclimate in the house more closely, ventilating more often or going outside.

When should a fever during pregnancy cause concern?

Low-grade fevers (up to 38°C) can be difficult to tolerate. Then the woman experiences fatigue, weakness, weakness, and loss of strength. If low-grade fever persists for quite a long period, then there is a possibility that an inflammatory process is occurring latently in the body.

An increase in thermometer readings in the early stages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, which is a rather dangerous condition for a woman, so you need to consult a gynecologist when this indicator does not decrease. Only a doctor, based on the tests, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

In addition, many diseases are characterized by a latent course in the early stages of development, for example, pyelonephritis, herpes, tuberculosis, etc. it must also be taken into account that during pregnancy a woman can contract an infectious or viral disease, which, however, is quite dangerous for the future baby.

The severe course of various diseases in the first trimester quite often leads to miscarriage. When the infection affects various organs and systems of the developing child, developmental defects occur.

In such a situation, a thorough examination of the woman and fetus is carried out. When defects are identified, the question of terminating the pregnancy is raised.

If the thermometer exceeds 38°C during the day in the first month of pregnancy, negative consequences for the fetus may occur: pathologies of the brain and facial skeleton. Also, this phenomenon can provoke a miscarriage, so in no case should this indicator be allowed to increase.

How to quickly reduce a pregnant woman's temperature

You should not take any medications if the thermometer does not exceed 38°C. Otherwise, action must be taken. It is recommended to take paracetamol, but you should follow the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to drink aspirin, as it negatively affects the vital functions of the fetus and can cause a miscarriage. In addition, many medications are prohibited from being taken in the first trimester, so in such a situation, the best solution is to see a doctor or call an ambulance.

You can try to cope with this phenomenon yourself, for example, ventilate the room, dress more lightly. It is recommended to drink more, but if there is swelling, then drinking heavily is contraindicated. Do not wipe with vinegar or alcohol.

How to avoid fever during pregnancy

To protect yourself and your baby, you need to prevent colds and other diseases. Your doctor may recommend taking additional multivitamin supplements. In addition, it is recommended at the planning stage for a child to undergo a full examination and treat any detected diseases.

An increase in temperature is the first sign of pregnancy

As you know, the first obvious symptom of successful conception is a delay in menstruation. Second
a sign of pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature.

This is quite easy to detect if a woman kept a basal temperature chart.

As a rule, the thermometer rises to 37°C several days before the expected date of menstruation.

If there is a runny nose, mood swings, fatigue, aches in the lower back, arms and back, breasts swell, pigmentation appears on the skin and culinary preferences change, then pregnancy has occurred.

Increased temperature before menstruation or pregnancy

As you know, the menstrual cycle depends on the production of certain hormones. After ovulation, the synthesis of progesterone increases, which affects the thermoregulation center located in the brain. For this reason, particularly sensitive women experience an increase in temperature. This happens about a week before the expected date of menstruation. When menstruation arrives, the thermometer mark drops to the usual numbers, as progesterone levels drop.

However, not all women experience this phenomenon.

If there are no temperature fluctuations, this should not be perceived as a pathological phenomenon.

  1. If a woman becomes pregnant, the temperature still rises and also for a reason
    hormonal changes. It is imperative that basal temperature is measured in order to link this indicator with possible conception. You can use pregnancy tests;
  2. To confirm this fact, it is necessary to measure BT throughout the entire cycle. The latter is measured only rectally and only in the morning, while the woman has not yet gotten out of bed. If BT rose after ovulation and fell 3-4 days before the expected date of menstruation, then conception did not occur. Otherwise, when a delay occurs and BT does not decrease, but remains within 37°, it is recommended to purchase special tests at the pharmacy or immediately visit a gynecologist and take a blood test for hCG.

If the thermometer reading before menstruation exceeds 37.4°C, you can suspect something is wrong. Too high numbers indicate the presence of pathology in the body, for example, it could be inflammation of the appendages, uterus or its inner layer. It may also be associated with PMS. As a rule, all of the listed pathologies and pathological conditions are accompanied by other symptoms.

Pregnancy is a time of change and restructuring in the body of the expectant mother, and often a girl wonders what the temperature should be during pregnancy, the norm of indicators. During this happy period of bearing a child, it is very important to carefully monitor your own health and pay attention to even the slightest changes. In particular, you need to monitor your body temperature and seek help if a deviation from the norm occurs.

Normal body thermoregulation

In general, when carrying a child, body temperature indicators should not differ from those of a person in a normal state.

A slight increase in body temperature may be physiological and not indicate a problem

However, there are a number of factors that can trigger a temperature rise to 37.1°C in the first and second trimesters. Doctors consider this condition not dangerous. This is usually due to the following factors:

  • production of the hormone progesterone, which is actively produced in the woman’s body;
  • immunosuppression, a disorder of the immune system that is associated with the attachment of a fertilized egg.

These are natural changes in a woman's body that can cause changes in thermoregulation. Monitoring the condition of the expectant mother is necessary and for this you need to regularly visit your doctor.

What do increased indicators mean?

An increase in body temperature during pregnancy can signal a number of disorders. If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate danger to the fetus or the expectant mother. Speaking of increasing indicators, a temperature above 37.5°C is considered.

An increase in temperature may indicate the development of a cold, the presence of a viral infection, or poisoning. A viral disease or ARVI requires drug therapy. For appointments, you must contact your supervising doctor.

An increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman may be a symptom of ARVI or another disease

Increases in temperature may also indicate pneumonia or kidney problems. And, if a cold can be dealt with using traditional methods, in this case it will not be possible to do without medications. It is required to visit the clinic to take tests, undergo relevant studies and receive recommendations from the attending physician.

In addition, the symptom of elevated levels may accompany conditions such as:

  • increased uterine tone (in some cases leads to miscarriage);
  • pathology of the placenta (provokes painful changes in the fetus);
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (the cause is often serious intoxication of the girl’s body);
  • malformations of the baby (often manifests itself in the first trimester).

And yet, the most common causes of elevated temperatures are colds, flu, ARVI or kidney problems. For treatment, you can use traditional medicine recipes, but first consult with your supervising doctor.

What do the reduced indicators mean?

A low temperature during pregnancy may also indicate the presence of pathology. But there are cases when a temperature below 36.6°C does not indicate any disease and is considered normal. The most common reasons for low performance are:

  • specific characteristics of a woman’s body;
  • toxicosis;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • iron deficiency in a woman’s body (anemia);
  • lack of nutrients;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Prolonged maintenance of low temperatures can cause acute headaches, deterioration of health, dizziness and loss of consciousness. A clear sign of a woman’s body’s thermoregulation disorder is increased sweating.

Doctors often have to answer questions from pregnant women about whether they need to constantly monitor their temperature. In fact, there is no particular need for this. If there are no signs of illness, there is no threat to the body and the unborn child.

Increased or decreased temperature can speak about the individuality of a given woman. At the same time, such a feature can manifest itself for the first time during the period of bearing a baby. The main provocateurs of this phenomenon are considered to be changes in hormonal levels, decreased immunity, etc. If you experience various symptoms or feel unwell, you should immediately contact your supervising doctor to rule out the development of pathology.

There are no clear norms and standards for the normal body temperature of a pregnant woman

The question of what temperature during pregnancy should indicate pathology is difficult to answer unambiguously and specifically. Indicators may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. At the same time, deviations from the generally accepted norm of 36.6°C can indicate serious disorders in a woman’s body. Temperature readings need to be monitored especially carefully in the third trimester. This last stage of bearing a child does not involve changes in the woman’s body that could cause an increase or decrease in temperature.