General work experience. General work experience: what is included and how to calculate it

If you are going to retire or get a job, then you must know what seniority is and how to calculate it correctly. After all, not only the amount of future social payments, but also some allowances from the state will depend on the amount of experience.

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Definition of “Work experience”

The length of service for both men and women is the number of years that a person has worked at work. In some cases, the length of service may include a period when a citizen did not work for one reason or another. All these circumstances are described in the labor code of the Russian Federation. The total length of service can be calculated using a work book, in which all periods of a citizen's labor activity are entered.

The note! The rights to social benefits of a person will depend on the number and other characteristics of the length of service.

Types of work experience

In order to calculate the length of service correctly, it is necessary to define the types of experience, as well as to know how to correctly calculate. So, there are 3 types of experience:

  1. General work experience. Total work experience is the total number of years worked. When calculating the total length of service, the position or salary is not taken into account. The total number of years when a person worked for any enterprise or firm is calculated. The amount of a citizen's pension will depend on this type of experience.

    The note! It is worth noting that the years of study of a person at an institute or university can also be taken into account in the total experience. The corresponding entry is made in the work book after graduating from a higher educational institution or after receiving a diploma.

  2. . The further amount of the pension will not depend on this type of seniority, but it may affect additional benefits for the worker. An example of such benefits can be vouchers to sanatoriums, additional bonuses and other cash payments, as well as subsidies for utilities and other services.

    The note! This type of experience includes a period when a citizen held a certain position in one of the enterprises for a certain number of years (continuously).

  3. Special experience. The type of experience in which the number of years worked in a particular profession or position is taken into account. This experience includes the professions of military personnel, work in special services and bodies, etc.

In addition to these types of experience, there is also an insurance experience, which takes into account the periods when a citizen made insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. This type of seniority is taken into account when a person retires for old age.

The work experience includes the following periods:

  • Unemployment registration.
  • Service in the army, police department, as well as institutions of the system of correction of citizens.
  • Maternity leave and raising a child up to 1.5 years.
  • Participation in public works.
  • Long-term and short-term stay in exile or prison.
  • Disabled care.

These periods are stipulated by law and will be mandatory included in the general experience of a citizen, if before that a person worked at least 1 day, while enrollments were made to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Calculation of seniority

It is quite simple to calculate the length of service, for this you need to calculate the number of years worked, which are indicated in the work book. The minimum work experience is 20 years for women and 25 for men. If the length of service in your work book is lower, the amount of the pension will be reduced accordingly.

It is worth noting that the right to a pension also depends on insurance contributions to the pension fund. As a rule, these contributions are deducted from the salary of workers in formal employment. If, for one reason or another, a citizen is not officially employed, contributions on his behalf to the pension fund may not be made. That is why the government of the country is doing everything possible to ensure that every citizen is confident in his future and is introducing new pension reforms and systems.

The note! In order to calculate not only your length of service, but also the amount of monthly income after retirement, you need to contact the accounting department at the place of work and ask for a printout confirming insurance transfers, as well as an algorithm for calculating a pension.

Rules for calculating continuous work experience

Since 2007, when calculating the pension, the amount of continuous service is not taken into account. The amount of the pension depends only on the periods of time when the citizen made insurance payments. Only in some cases may the amount of continuous experience be required, for example, when comparing it with insurance.

The insurance period also includes the following periods:

  • Time spent caring for children until they are 1.5 years old (but no more than 4.5 years in general). It is worth noting that until 2014, a total period of only 3 years was taken into account.
  • A period of temporary disability, for example, pregnancy, when payments were made from the social. insurance.
  • Army and service in the Russian Armed Forces.
  • The time of caring for the disabled, including children, while the care must be carried out by an able-bodied person.
  • The time of residence of the family of military personnel in the area where they cannot get a job. In this case, the maximum insurance period is 5 years.
  • Time of residence of spouses (wives / husbands) abroad. If one of the spouses was sent to work abroad as a diplomat or researcher, his wife or husband has the right to receive an insurance period of up to 5 years.

All the aforementioned periods are taken into account only if the citizen worked before and after any of the periods.

special experience. Calculation of the special experience and is produced in accordance with the Regulations developed in the industry, organization, enterprise. As a rule, they set out in detail the procedure for calculating such experience A.
experience(the total period of labor activity, service, social work, etc., during which insurance premiums were paid to the Social Insurance Fund, pension fund).
When calculating insurance experience and for the payment of the sheet, the periods of payment of insurance premiums to the FSS are taken into account. If you have an insurance experience and 8 years or more is 100%.
To calculate insurance experience and when assigning a labor pension, the periods of payment of contributions to the Pension Fund are taken into account. 11 Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" contains a complete list of periods that are included in the insurance experience outside of work periods.

The length of service is calculated on the basis of records in the labor worker. In the event that some periods of work, service, etc. worker not recorded in, the basis can be:
employment contract;
certificates of the established form confirming the periods of work or service;
certificates on the transfer of contributions to the pension fund and the Social Insurance Fund, etc.

In order to correctly calculate experience, you can use special programs. They lay down the basic rules for calculating insurance experience A.
And you can count manually. In order to avoid mistakes, remember that in the calculation every 30 days are considered as a month, and 12 months as a year.
Consider: the date of employment is 12/26/2006, the date of dismissal is 03/14/2009. Subtract the start date from the end date.
Start with days - subtract 26 from 14. To do this, we take 1 month (30 days). Result: 44-26=18 days.
Then count the months - from 2 (one month is gone when calculating the days), subtract 12. To do this, take 1 year (12 months). Total: 14-12=2 months
Finally, count the years: 2009-2006-1=2 years.
As a result of the calculations, it turned out that experience over a period of 2 years 2 months 18 days.

Total experience determined as above (starting from days) by adding experience her for a period.
For example, 2y 2m 18d + 4y 10m 03d + 5y 4m 21d = 12y 05m 12d.


  • Law, theory and concept of law.
  • how to calculate seniority
  • How to calculate total work experience

Currently, federal legislation is in force, according to which the length of service for an employee should be calculated in accordance with the rules for calculating seniority. The main document for this is the work book, as well as other documents that are its confirmation.

You will need

  • - work book of the employee or other document confirming the length of service;
  • - calendar;
  • - calculator.


Determine the periods of labor activity that are included in the length of service in accordance with federal law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006. In other words, write down the start and end dates of work at each enterprise on the basis of a work book, an employment contract and another document that confirms the fact that a labor function has been performed in a particular organization. If the employee, name or patronymic, he must present the document on the basis of which the change was made.

Calculate the number of calendar days for each period of work that is included in the length of service. If the supporting document does not specify the exact date of admission / dismissal, but only the year is indicated, July 1 should be taken as the actual date. When the month and year are specified, and the date is omitted for some reason, the 15th day of the month must be used for the calculation.

Calculate the total duration of the employee's insurance period in calendar days by adding together the calculated days for all periods of work.

Old age awaits all of us. And ours depends on how much and where they worked while they were young. How is the pension calculated today, and what is taken into account.

The concept of seniority includes the total duration of a person's work at all enterprises, as well as others. It also counts:

  • Service in the army, police department, fire service, penitentiary institutions and other types of service equated by law with military
  • Time for the period of incapacity for work of a citizen, included in his compulsory social insurance
  • Maternity leave
  • Time spent looking for a job if a person is officially unemployed and receiving unemployment benefits
  • Time spent on moving in the direction of government agencies
  • Caring for a child if he has an officially established disability group
  • Caring for an elderly relative and a disabled person of a certain group
  • The period of serving a sentence for a crime, if the person was subsequently rehabilitated
  • Wives and husbands whose spouses are either in the service equated to the military for the period of their joint residence in the area where there was no opportunity for them to find a job, but for a period not exceeding 5 years
  • Spouses of employees of diplomatic consulates and missions for the period of their joint residence abroad, for a period not exceeding 5 years

All these types of activities are included in the length of service only if the person worked before their occurrence and (or) after, regardless of the length of service.

Special experience

A special length of service is provided for people engaged in a certain type of activity and gives the right to apply for a pension before the specified age. These rights are granted:

  • Persons who worked in production with harmful conditions, including mines, mines and hot shops
  • Persons working in production with difficult working conditions
  • Women workers in the agricultural industry, professions defined by law
  • Employees of the textile industry in statutory jobs
  • Locomotive workers and other employees involved in the implementation of traffic safety and organization of transportation. Truck drivers in mines, mines and quarries, directly in the export of ore, slag, coal
  • Workers of geophysical, prospecting, forest management, hydrological, topographic and geodetic, field and survey sites, expeditions and detachments
  • Workers and foremen of timber rafting and logging
  • Persons who have worked in the navy or the fishing industry
  • Persons involved in civil aviation
  • Persons employed in work related to aircraft flight control
  • Persons employed in aircraft maintenance work, employees of engineering and technical departments
  • For teachers
  • Medics
  • Creative workers
  • For firefighters
  • Rescuers
  • For employees of the penitentiary system

When assigning a pension for such categories of people, not only the special length of service is taken into account, but also the length of service for the entire period of his labor activity. In addition, a pension of this kind is assigned when employees reach a certain age, which is established by law for each type of profession separately.

Continuous experience

Continuous experience means continuous service life in one enterprise, and is maintained if, when moving to another place of work or dismissal with further employment, a long period of unemployment has not passed.

  • for everyone within 1 month
  • for employees of the Far North and other areas equated to them - 2 months from the date of expiration of the contract
  • for persons working in international companies and abroad - 2 months
  • for immigrants from countries with which Russia has a social security agreement - 2 months from the date of entry into the territory of our country
  • for persons dismissed due to redundancy or in connection with the closure of enterprises - 3 months
  • for persons dismissed for health reasons - 3 months
  • for disabled persons whose health condition was the basis for dismissal - 3 months
  • for primary school teachers upon dismissal due to a reduction in the number of students in grade 4 - 3 months
  • on childcare
  • for spouses forced to quit due to the transfer of their significant other to another area
  • for people who have retired from work

In the current pension legislation, the term continuous service no longer exists. However, it is taken into account when assigning sick leave payments. If a person works part-time at several enterprises, then one of the places of his work is taken into account, which is noted on the disability sheet as the main one.

Insurance experience

The length of service in insurance means the corresponding time of work or other activities for which insurance premiums were made by the employer or by the person himself. By this time, the so-called non-insurance periods are added, which can be included in the length of service.

In the current legislation, it is the insurance period that determines the rights of citizens to pension payments. Only the time during which insurance premiums were received by the RF Fund is taken into account.

In addition, since 2015, these calculations include at least 6 years of work experience. Further, every year this period will increase until it reaches a maximum of 15 years.

In addition, the periods of absence of work for a person provided for by law, but providing for engagement in other social activities, will also be taken into account. For them, certain coefficients will be charged, which will be monetized upon retirement.

The types of activities subject to monetization are strictly regulated by law, which gives a clear list and the conditions under which they are applied.

General work experience

The total length of service determines the duration of a person's labor activity, as well as engagement in other types of activity provided for by law until 2002. The amount of payments depends on the length of service earned before 2002; for the rest of the period, the pension is calculated based on the received pension contributions transferred by the employer.

In the current legislation, this concept was not preserved, it remained only at the philistine level and was actually replaced by the “insurance record” introduced in 2002.

To calculate pensions from last year, its size is affected not only by the total length of service until 2002, but also by the amount of contributions deducted by the employer. The pension will be accrued only if you have 6 years of work experience. For each year worked, a certain coefficient is calculated, which ultimately affects the amount of the accrued pension.

The term "insurance period", introduced in 2002, and replacing such a concept as "work experience" adopted earlier, fully reflects the very essence of the reform that has taken place in the country, as well as the grounds and amounts of pension accrual, which since 2002 directly depend on the transferred employer's pension contributions.

And those adopted in 2015 make it possible to take into account not only the amount of contributions made to the accounts of the pension fund, but also the length of service worked by a person before he reaches retirement age. This approach makes it possible to take into account the category of people who do not have much time left before the onset of old age.

I am on maternity leave and I hope that nothing will change in the adopted laws and that this leave will always be taken into account in the total length of service. I remember how one of the deputies proposed not to take maternity leave into account, explaining that, in fact, women are on vacation, which means they do not work and do not have the right to be included in the total length of service.


Not so long ago work experience for pension played a decisive role, but today in 2018 the calculation process is somewhat different and has a number of features.

Legal requirements for seniority

Prior to the economic reforms (until 2002), the pension was formed based on the number of years a citizen worked. It was enough for 20 years continuously for women, and for men - 25 years. For each year over the limit, an increase of 1% of salary was due. They are limited to 55-75%.

Insurance and work experience

After 2002, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 5 years. It's already called insurance, and not labor, because Every employer pays insurance for their employees. The size of the subsequent pension depends on this indicator. After the amendments were made in 2015, the minimum experience was increased to 10 years, and the following main parameters influence the formation of the amount:

  • the number of years during which the social tax was deducted;
  • amount of deductions for insurance premiums.

Thus, the experience itself is no longer so important, because receiving a high salary, a citizen accordingly pays significant amounts, which is why he can receive a pension even higher than a person who has worked all his life, but for a small amount.

Increase in the minimum work experience

In order to somewhat equalize such injustice, starting from 2015, the minimum length of service for pensions will be consistently raised - year by year. The boundary value is 15 years by 2025. And today, the early topical concept of continuity of work in one area or at one enterprise is no longer valid.

How to calculate seniority

The length of service required for the calculation of a pension is the time of work or social activity.

There are such types:

  • Duration of carrying public service.
  • Insurance part. The time when the employee made insurance contributions.
  • Special. When employed in a certain activity, the accrual procedure and the time of retirement may differ from the established one.


The latter includes hazardous production, work in areas with special climatic conditions or when exposed to radioactive radiation, etc. At the same time, payment “for length of service” is assigned, for which it is necessary to work in a specific area for a specified number of years.

For example, 20-25 years for pilots, 25-30 years for medical personnel and teachers, 20 years for military personnel.

Features of calculations

Having determined what length of service is necessary for calculating a pension, it is worth understanding the features of its calculation. According to the law, one year of work is equal to one year of service. In some cases, citizens have circumstances that force them not to perform labor service.

Is military service included in the length of service for calculating a pension - Yes it is

Many of them are taken into account by law and equated to the labor period:

  • Being on maternity leave, providing care until the children are 1.5 years old. In total, it is not permissible to exceed 6 years.
  • Work in the bodies of the State Border Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, the army is included in the length of service for calculating pensions.
  • Illness resulting in temporary incapacity.
  • Participation in social and public works.
  • Status registered with the employment service.
  • Unjustified stay in prison for citizens unfairly prosecuted, which was confirmed later.
  • Caring for a relative: elderly, over 80 years old or disabled, incl. child.
  • The wife of a military or civil servant who is forced to stay in a foreign country or at the place of service of her husband and who is unable to get a job.

The time spent on one of these reasons is taken as the length of service for calculating a pension only if before and after that the citizen had official employment.

Individual entrepreneurs

Separately, it is worth mentioning citizens who are engaged in individual activities: entrepreneurs, lawyers, writers. They form their experience for such activities only if they are independently deducted in this period in the OPS system.

If a citizen traveled outside the country where he was employed, these years can be counted in the general piggy bank only if the legislation of the Russian Federation is observed. Namely, if he made transfers to the Pension Fund.

What is included in the pension

It is also worth clarifying what is included in the length of service for calculating a pension and how it is formed. Today, it is calculated according to two parameters: minimum work experience (number of years) and insurance coefficient (number of points).

Individual points are determined according to the insurance premiums paid for the employee. The working period after 2002 is no longer necessary for an elderly citizen to confirm. After registration of SNILS, the Pension Fund makes calculations according to the payments made from the company.

Points for leave and service

If a citizen did not perform labor service for one of the socially significant reasons, the number of individual points is awarded according to the following criteria:

  • Being on vacation to provide care for the baby: 1.8 points;
  • For the second: 3.6 points;
  • For the third: 5.4 points (similarly for the subsequent ones);
  • For a disabled person, incl. child, elderly citizen: 1.8 points;
  • Service (army): 1.8 points.

If the total employment time of a person is less than that established by law, all his contributions no longer matter, he is not entitled to a calculation, but an old-age pension without service is assigned.

The number of points awarded increases annually. Today it is equal 7,39 and with each period will increase to a maximum parameter of 10 by 2021. The cost of one point is set at the government level and adjusted annually. Today it is slightly more than 70 rubles.

No experience - no pension? old age pension

It is no secret that today many are employed unofficially or on a “black” salary, which affects the total length of service for calculating a pension and its amount. The employee will not be able to officially confirm the time he worked. But the law protects all categories of citizens and social benefits are provided for such situations.

It relies upon reaching a certain age:

  • 60 years - for women;
  • 65 years - for men.

As you can see, the age is 5 years higher than for pensioners who are entitled to an insurance pension. The length of service for calculating the old-age pension does not matter. If it is not enough, social assistance is immediately prescribed. Its size is small, but according to the law, if it is less than the minimum for living in a particular region, the size will be increased to it. The value is static and it is not affected by other characteristics at all: the total number of years worked, the presence of a work book, the absence of official employment.

Thus, even without a work experience for calculating a pension, a citizen in old age will receive the minimum amount fixed for the region.

Seniority - the total period of labor or other socially useful activity of a person. It is he who becomes the basis for the emergence of the right to leave, pensions, as well as benefits issued in case of temporary disability. A work book is the main document that confirms the length of service.

Labor law also establishes insurance (general) seniority, as well as special and continuous experience.

Insurance (general) work experience

The total work experience is defined as the total duration of work under employment contracts, as well as other socially useful activities, regardless of breaks in work. At the same time, the total work experience is a circumstance that is significant from a legal point of view, which affects not only the appointment of an old-age pension, but also the calculation of a survivor's pension and disability.

On January 1, 2002, the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions of the Russian Federation" came into effect, which replaces the general work experience with insurance.

What is work and insurance experience? The insurance work experience is the total duration of all periods of work or other activity taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension, during which contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

From January 1, 2007, continuous experience loses its legal significance. Now it is in no way connected with the appointment of a state pension and is only relevant for receiving the following benefits and additional benefits:

  • temporary disability benefits;
  • wage supplements;
  • pension supplements;
  • one-time remuneration;
  • social security benefits;
  • additional leave;
  • calculation of length of service, necessary for conferring the next special rank, as well as some other benefits.

These benefits are a kind of incentive for the fact that the employee does not change one job for a long time, for a long relationship with the employer. They increase stability in the world of work and ensure the sustainability of labor relations, although they are contrary to the commercial interests of most employers. But it is worth considering that such costs will not be useless.

Special work experience

Special work experience is a general period of labor activity, which is taken into account regardless of the duration and number of breaks in work in certain sectors of the economy, in certain positions, in certain professions and localities. It also includes certain other public benefit activities.

The new legislation eliminates the preferential procedure for calculating the length of service when calculating a superannuation pension. Legal advice will help you identify general and special work experience in your work activity. Often, this becomes difficult, especially when it comes to socially useful activities related to special seniority. The old rules for the calculation of special length of service relating to special working conditions, including those related to length of service and special social working conditions, were retained.

The pension for those whose work was associated with special working conditions is established taking into account the special length of service. The same applies to those who worked in the Far North.

Today, to receive a pension, women no longer need to work 20 years, and men - 25. The new legislation reduces the total length of service taken into account for calculating pensions to a minimum. The main thing is the number of years during which unified social taxes and insurance contributions were paid into the pension system.

Today, pensions are calculated taking into account the length of service, which should be at least 5 years. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to work during these five years. In this experience, women can also take into account two leaves for the birth of children and caring for them up to one and a half years each. And men can include a term of service in the Armed Forces.

Thus, a sufficient total length of service for each person provides guarantees for sufficient payments not only for pensions for seniority and old age, but also for temporary disability. And, despite significant legislative shortcomings, the total length of service continues to serve as the basis for ensuring the future life of a person after he has completed his active work.